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Aghata Paint

20 Kg
1. lumer sehingga flow nya menjadi bagus
2. pilihan warna beragam yaitu std colour, RAL, dan munshell
3. customer dapat meminta warna tertentu (permintaan khusus)
4. kemasan packing yang simple yaitu can@5kg dan pail@20kg
5. dilengkapi UV sehingga awet dan tahan lama terhadap cuaca

6. tidak mudah tergores, pudar dan terkelupas

7. cepat kering dan hasil akhir yang sangat kilap.
8. daya sebar yang cukup luas (hemat/rekah)
9. dapat diaplikasikan dengan kuas, roll ataupun semprot
10. harga yang cukup reasonable / wajar dan pantas

How to use enamel plastic paint

1. Prepare the object for painting. This is the most important step in painting plastic because it
determines whether the paint will adhere to the item. There are a few ways to do this, and the
method you pick depends upon the type of painting you choose.
2. Clean an old plastic item with ordinary dish soap and warm water. Any grease residue on the
plastic object will reduce paint adherence. Drop a small item into a sink full of soapy water, or
wash a large item with a soft brush and a bucket of soapy water on a clean driveway or sidewalk.
Scrub well, spray the soapy water off and allow the item to dry completely.
3. Remove the shine on the surface of the plastic object. The shinier the surface is, the less likely
the paint is to stick. If youre painting an entire item, such as a plastic chair, use fine-grit
sandpaper, rubbing lightly over the entire surface to knock off the shine. Be careful not to push
too hard and scratch the surface. Sand thoroughly, even a small surface with shine remaining
may repel paint.
4. Treat small areas for detail painting by removing the shine only from the portion of the plastic
that you will paint. This technique is useful if you will be drawing and painting freehand artistic
details on plastic. The idea is to remove the shine where the paint will be while leaving the shine
on unpainted surfaces.
5. Sketch lightly on the plastic item with a pencil where your design will be. Only an outline is
necessary. For instance, if youre going to paint a flower on a plastic lunchbox, sketch the outline
of the flower, stem and leaves directly on the box.
6. Use a small artist brush, and dip it into liquid sander. Lightly paint the sander inside the border
of your sketched design. Dont worry about making it exact; just keep the liquid sander inside the
border of your sketch. Allow the sander to remain on the plastic surface for a few minutes before
wiping it off with a clean soft rag. Wipe it quickly and completely to avoid smearing it on
adjacent surfaces.
7. Paint your design over the original sketched area with craft paint.
8. Prime large objects with primer designed specifically for plastic. Even after removing the
shine, the new paint needs help adhering. Plastic primer bonds to the plastic and provides a
porous surface for the new paint.
9. Add plastic flex agent to your paint if the plastic object is flexible. The mistake many people
make is assuming a plastic lawn chair is hard, so it must not be flexible. To test for flexibility,
grab any part of the object and see if you can bend or twist it, even slightly. If you can, you must

add a flex agent to your paint. Follow the manufacturers directions when combining the two.
10. Roll, brush or spray on the new paint, taking care to watch for runs. For a nice finish, its
usually better to apply multiple thin coats as opposed to one thick coat.




100ml Rp.21.500
Rp. 65.000
250ml Rp.46.500


380 gram Rp. 55.000


1000 gram


4. Rust Bullet (Cat pengganti Galvanize)

Rp 495.000, +62-8119 202 383

Uji coba alamiah secara menyeluruh terhadap merk-merk papan atas membuktikan
bahwa Rust Bullet tidak tertandingi dalam hal perlindungan karat dan korosi.

Ramah lingkungan tidak mengandungi timah (lead), zinc, kromat (chromate), asem
(acid) dan logam berat (heavy metals)

Memenuhi syarat VOC

Dapat digunakan langsung diatas permukaan karat dan permukaan bersih

Melindungi baja, besi, aluminum, logam lain, beton, kayu, kaca fiber

Dapat diaplikasikan denga sikat, rol, atau alat penyemprot seperti cat biasa

Mempunyai daya rekat yang sangat baik

Tahan kimia, goresan, keropos, tahan dingin, tahan api, tahan panas, tahan air

Tahan sinar matahari (UV) tidak perlu lapisan pelindung

Tahan di segala cuaca, di atas dan di bawah permukaan laut

Telah diuji dan terbukti mencegah penjamuran dengan baik

Bekerja lebih baik dari sebagian besar pelapis tahan api sesuai ASTM E84-04 (tes
karakteristik daya bakar permukaan untuk bahan bangunan)

Pada uji coba air tampungan membuktikan bahawa pelapis Rust Bullet memenuhi standar
utama dan sekunder air minum menurut Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dari
Amerika Syarikat.

Medapatkan kontrak jangka panjang dengan General Services Adminstration (GSA)

Amerika Syarikat, salah satu penyalur barang2 berkualitas terbesar di dunia untuk
Pemerintah Pusat Ameriak SErikat.

5. Pirolix Chemical

Drum 50 L, 100 L, 200 L

Email :
Harga 60.000-68.000/ Liter (dan tersedia yang spray)

6. Spray Solvest 0,9 kg (Online)

7. Rust Penetrant

0,9 kg (Online)Rp.55000

Harga 60.000-68.000/ Liter


2 : water-based oil-based

: 50 L, 100 L, 200 L.
: 60.000-68.000/ Liter
: oil-based

2. :


: water-based

2. :



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