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Airborne, 10
American Mountain Ash, 9–10
Appert, Nicolas, 120–121
Appertization, 121–122
apples, 10, 86–87, 104, 139, 146
Chinese, 43
Macoun, 6
wood for smoking, 222
apricots, 10, 104, 139, 146
artichokes, 14–15, 16, 106, 107, 264
arugula, 162–163
asparagus, 15–17, 106, 149

bacon, 214, 215–217
Ball (canning jars), 122, 133
bananas, 104
Barred Silver meat birds, 203
basil, 17, 94–95
bush, 18, 149
dilly, 18–19
dried, 17, 89, 110–111
dry, 106, 149
fava, 17, 149
field-type peas, 149
filet, 18, 149
lima, 149
pole, 17–18
shell, 106
snap, 18, 106, 149
soybeans, 106–108, 157
beef, 90
beets, 19, 75, 108, 149–150, 152–153
blackberries, 19, 104, 139–140
blanching, 94–96
blueberries, 19, 104, 139–140
meats, 219–221
vegetables, 171–173
broccoli, 20, 108, 172–173
Brussels sprouts, 21, 74, 75, 109
butter, 89, 234–235
cabbage, 68, 109
Chinese, 22, 75
green, 21–22
red, 20–22
storage, 75
Campylobacter infection, 223–225
altitude and, 133
fruit, 139–145
fruit juices, 145–148
headspace and, 136
history of, 119–123
hot-packing, 136–137
hot-water baths, 130–133
jar types, 122–129, 125, 128
preservation by, 125–126
pressure, 130–133
raw-packing, 136–137
safety and, 137
sterilization and, 136
storage of, 124–125
syrups, 141
tomatoes, 159–162
tools, 127, 129–130
vegetables, 148–158
cardoons, 14–15, 109
carrots, 22, 75, 109, 150, 151
cauliflower, 109
Cheddar, 22
Graffiti, 22
celeriac, 23, 76
mashed potatoes with, 79
celery, 23, 54, 77, 78, 109
chard, Bright Lights Swiss, 49, 114, 174
cheese, 89
cherries, 24, 52, 104, 140, 146–148
chives, 24
cilantro, 24
Clostridium botulinum, 130, 160, 224–225
Clostridium perfringens, 223–224
Coalition Provisional Authority, 11
cod, 229
cold spaces, 56–57, 86
collards, 25
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), 114, 155, 199, 252
construction of root cellars, 61–72
containers, 69–71
coriander, 24
corn, 25, 27, 109, 186
cream-style, 150–151
whole kernel, 151
crabapples, 25, 87, 146–147
cranberries, 25, 87, 104, 140–141, 148
cucumbers, 26
curing meats, 219–225
currants, 26, 104
black, 146–148, 177
black jam, 118

dehydrators, 100–101
dill, 26, 28–29, 94–95
Donkin, Byron, 122
dough-pickles, 170
dried fruit, 90
dry rubs, 219
dehydrator, 99–101
food choices for, 100
food uses, 102–103
fruits, 103–105
hanging, 98–99
herbs, 106
how to, 93–100
meats, 229–230
oven, 97
storage and, 101–102
sun and wind, 96–97
vegetables, 106–115
vitamin content and, 94
Durand, Peter, 122

eggplants, 109
eggs, 90
organic, 240–241
pickled, 232, 238
preserving, 238–241
elderberries, 94–95, 139–140
electricity, loss of, 176
Emergen-C, 10
endive, 20, 30
escarole, 30
Escherichia coli, 225

Fat Rooster Farm
cat, 179
rototiller, 168–169
fennel bulbs, 30
figs, 141
Fleischmann, Charles L., 115
freeze-drying, 97
benefits of, 183
equipment for, 184
how to, 183–184
meats, 230–231
organization of, 186–196
refreezing and, 196–197

Garden Seed Inventory, The (Whealy and Thuente), 9, 27
garlic, 31, 32, 92, 108, 109, 157
hard-necked, 30–31, 78–79, 99
soft-necked, 78–79
Genetic Use Restriction Technology, 11
Geza Megyesi (Megyesi), 201
gooseberries, 31, 104, 139–140
grains, 90
grapefruits, 33, 87, 104, 144
grapes, 31, 104, 144, 148
greens, 151
ground meats, 228–229
guavas, 33, 105

Hall, John, 122
ham, 220
heirloom, definition of, 8
hongos silvestres en escabeche, 36
horseradish, 33, 109
House Keeping in Old Virginia (Tyree), 215, 220
huff paste, 120–121
humidity, 65–68, 69

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