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Box 15692 ~ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87592-15692 (505) 424-6100

President Carol Johnson Secretary Cynthia Geder
1st V. President Wanda Ross Padilla Treasurer Christine Johnson
2nd V. President Agnes Moses

Spring 2010
President’s Letter- Carol Johnson

February, Black History Month, began with an unfortunate article in the Santa Fe New Mexican. At
the request of the membership, I submitted the following letter to the editor which was published on
February 20, 2010. As acknowledged in your February 9, 2010 Corrections, A column Sunday in Home:
Santa Fe’s Real Estate Guide, … erred in using a racially charged word in the text and the headline.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) buried the word at its 1999
national convention. You resurrected it. The Santa Fe NAACP, which invites people of all races and cultures
to work on behalf of justice in Northern New Mexico, was appalled by the use of the word by Ed Crocker
in your publication. Recognition of George Mc Junkins’ accomplishments and discovery of Folsom man in
1908 in February (Black History Month) is appropriate but the choice of the word and its prominence in
the headline and repeated use without explanation of historical context or italics was inappropriate and
hurtful. As Santa Fe celebrates our diversity and Black History Month, please remember words can hurt.

The struggle continues. We must be vigilant and continue to work together to ensure equality for all while
celebrating our diversity. Thank you for your dedication to mission of the NAACP. Check the webpage,
HTTP:///NAACPSFNM.BLOGSPOT.COM, for meeting topics and activities. I hope to see you soon.

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration 2010

On Monday, January 18, 2010, the Santa Fe County Branch of the NAACP held its annual commemoration
of the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The commemoration, which has been held annually
for approximately 20 years, took place in the Rotunda of the New Mexico State Capitol. The venue was
filled with people from many cultural backgrounds and from various parts of the nation and the world. In
addition to people from Santa Fe and surrounding areas, attendees included visitors from Michigan, New
York, Australia, England, and Mexico.

The ages included elders to babes in strollers and arms. The event was respectful as it was called to open
by the traditional African call of the drums by AGALU with Akeem Ayanniyi. Also, we all came together at
the beginning by singing, “Lift Ev-ry Voice and Sing/The Black National Anthem,” led by young Tanecia
Warren, and at the end by singing “We Shall Overcome,” led by Christine Johnson.

This year, our event was double-pronged. First, we sponsored an essay contest focusing on Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr’s life. We invited students from three Santa Fe schools to participate. The schools
were Piñon Elementary, Salazar Elementary, and Wood Gormley Elementary Schools. Students wrote
essays about the life of Dr. King, using the theme “Big Dreams, Bold Victories.” We received entries from
grades 4-6 only, and none from grades K-3. Five volunteers reviewed the essays on the following criteria:
composition, content, format, organization, and spelling.

Students submitted many strong essays, and the competition was fierce. The strong essays resulted in
a tie for third place award and in the development of additional scholarship categories. In addition to
first, second, and third places, the judges created scholarships for “Honorable Mention” and “Special
Recognition for Inspiration and Passion.”

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

We presented scholarships to seven students for “Honorable Mention,” and to seven students
for “Inspiration and Passion.” In addition to the scholarships, the Santa Fe County Branch of NAACP
presented each submitting student a folder that included their own essay, the MLK, Jr. “Six Principles of
Non-violence,” pamphlets about the Martin Luther King, Jr. New Mexico State Commission, and other

The second focus of the day was the keynote by the renowned genealogist, historian, and “History
Detective” personality, Santa Fe’s own George Geder. Mr. Geder has researched Rev. Dr. King’s ancestry
and family history. The title of his talk was “Dr. King’s Roots and the Importance of Family History.”
Mr. Geder also shared some of his own family history and the impact of knowing his history has had on
him, that the knowing has made him a stronger person. Further, he talked about the overall importance
of ancestry, family connections, and gaining knowledge of family and community history in our efforts to
make our world a better place.

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

South African Tour Update

There is still time to join friends and colleagues for our Branch tour to South Africa. We will visit dynamic
Johannesburg and beautiful Cape Town, a world famous game reserve, and a craft market in remote
Mpumalanga. We will learn about the role of the Truth and Reconcilliation Commission in the peaceful
transition from apartheid to democracy and the stories of the heroes of the struggle. We will depart
Washington D.C. on August 29, 2011 for two glorious weeks in South Africa. Cost is $4,400 for flight from
Washington DC, transportation and accommodation in South Africa, and many other in-country expenses.
For information, contact Victoria at (505) 986-9143 or

New Mexico Health Security Act

On Saturday, March 6, 2010, three members from the Santa Fe County Branch, Agnes Moses, Bob Moses,
and Branch and State Health Chair, Doris Fields, attended the annual meeting of the New Mexico Health
Security Act. This meeting was the largest in the campaign’s history. Thus, the campaign is gaining
momentum and increasing support. The Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign (HSNMC) is a
broad, grassroots, statewide, non-partisan coalition of over 145 organizations. Established in 1992, the
HSNMC’s mission is to create a publicly accountable health care system in New Mexico that guarantees
comprehensive medical and mental health care coverage to all residents, allows for freedom of choice of
providers and controls costs.

Public and private dollars will be efficiently pooled into one fund. Funding sources include current federal
and state monies spent on health care (Medicaid and Medicare, for example) plus individual premiums
and employer contributions (with caps). Employers may cover all or part of an employee’s premium

HSNMC-Cost Effective: A 1994 New Mexico study by the independent think tank, The Lewin Group,

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

estimated that $4.6 billion could have been saved by 2004 had all New Mexicans been under one plan
by 1997. While not all are covered by the Health Security Plan, even if half that amount is saved, that is
significant for our state. Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. concluded in 2007 that the Health Security
Act is the only proposal that significantly reduces health care costs, even in its first year of operation.
Other state studies also have concluded that including all or most state residents under one insurance plan
controls rising health care costs.

The Health Security Act has been introduced in the New Mexico State legislature over the past few
years and is gaining momentum and increasing support. It will be introduced in the 2011 New Mexico
State Legislative session, and community members are asked to track the legislation and contact their
legislators. To learn more about the Health Security Act, call (505) 897-1803 or go to their web site:

Respectfully submitted by Doris Fields, PhD, Health Chair

Santa Fe County Branch NAACP; State Conference of Branches of NAACP

The 2010 U.S. Census- How It Affects the Nation

We Can't Move Forward Until You Mail It Back

That's why it's so important that you fill in the form and promptly mail it back. Census information affects
the numbers of seats your state occupies in the U.S. House of Representatives. And people from many
walks of life use census data to advocate for causes, rescue disaster victims, prevent diseases, research
markets, locate pools of skilled workers and more.

When you do the math, it's easy to see what an accurate count of residents can do for your community.
Better infrastructure. More services. A brighter tomorrow for everyone. In fact, the information the census
collects helps to determine how more than $400 billion dollars of federal funding each year is spent on
infrastructure and services like:

Job training centers
Senior centers
Bridges, tunnels and other-public works projects
Emergency services

Participation isn't just important—it's mandatory.

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

Confessions Of A Tea Party Crasher

The Rev. Dr. Wanda Ross Padilla; Posted in the Santa Fe New Mexican: Saturday, April 24, 2010
[Note: The following doesn’t necessarily reflect the opinions of the national or local NAACP]

Five members of the Santa Fe branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People "crashed" the April 15 Tea Party held on the historic Santa Fe Plaza. The "Fearless Five" included
Wanda Ross Padilla, Vikki Scott, Agnes Moses, Bob Moses and Brad Gómez. We went as individuals.

I want to share with you an experience I had while attending the tea party. I have to admit that I was the
instigator of this action after being fed up with this seemingly fringe group dominating the news on radio,
TV and the print media every single day!

I couldn't help but wonder where these voices were when George W. Bush created 75 percent of our
debt? Then I remembered: We have an African American, yes, a black man, as our president. He is
certainly "uppity," smart and courageous, all the traits deeply hated by a certain segment of the white
population (especially those from the South where I was raised and actually experienced prejudice, so I
know what I am talking about).

Former President Jimmy Carter was right when he said that the root of President Obama's difficulties was
his race. Carter, a native of Georgia, would know.

This "movement" defies all logic, except that of racism, an illogical sickness according to former
ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young, who, while waiting for a valet to return his car, was
assumed to be the valet by a white woman and handed the keys to her car!

Mr. Young was asked "how do you put up with these little indignities on a daily basis?" His answer was one
that I keep in mind each time I am confronted with similar indignities. He said: "Racism is a sickness and
I refuse to get angry with sick people." That says it all. Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King had similar
responses to indignities.

Racism has always been a way to get a segment of our population, like the tea baggers, away from their
couches and TV sets to move to action and to donate to the cause.

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

At the Tea Party event, I was standing between two white women holding up a sign that read, "Get Money
out of Politics! Campaign Finance Reform Now!"

A neatly dressed white man walked up to me and asked, "Are you being paid to be down here?"

I was stunned. I took a deep breath and remembered that we were the ones promoting "civility"
and "common ground." I answered him by saying "No, I am not being paid."

He then asked me "Do you have a job?"

Again with great restraint to his obviously racist overtones, I answered "Yes, not only do I have a job, I
am a small-business owner."

I asked him, "What do you do?"

He answered: "I own a small business also."

I responded by saying "It seems you and I have something in common." Then Vikki Scott, a dedicated
member of the NAACP who happens to be white, chimed in by saying, "She also has a Ph.D. and is a

The man looked at us sheepishly and walked off.

I was proud of my response to his obviously racist questions. I really wanted to "go off on him," but I
remembered the great ones who came before me and knew that "losing it" in anger would have been the
worst thing I could have done.

What we really wanted to do by our presence was to educate these misguided people that they are being
used, bamboozled by big-money corporations that want to maintain control over our government and
to retain the power they have had in our banking system and on Wall Street since the unregulated Bush

We were there because we must stand up to this fringe, but potentially dangerous, group because of who
is backing them. Their Web site lists a few: The Santa Fe Federated Republican Women, The Republican
Party of Santa Fe, The Heritage Foundation, etc. Need I say more?

We must push and keep Obama's feet to the fire. We must support him to do what he knows is the right
thing to do by showing up, writing letters and exercising the power of our votes. We can do this! Sí se

The Rev. Dr. Wanda Ross Padilla is first vice-president of the Santa Fe Branch of the NAACP and a life

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

NEW Chairman of the Board for the NAACP

Roslyn M. Brock

I am pleased to introduce myself to you as the new Chairman of the Board for the NAACP. As the NAACP
begins its second century of advocacy, I feel the deep responsibility to put forward a civil and human
rights agenda for the years ahead. I'm proud to be a part of a younger generation, along with President
and CEO Benjamin Jealous, that is taking on the leadership responsibilities of the NAACP. I'm also proud
that I've been a part of the NAACP for 25 years, as a youth board member, Youth and College State
Conference President, board member, and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors.

The NAACP is, and always has been, a multiracial, multi-ethnic organization. When we talk about people
of color, we are speaking of those people who have fallen through the cracks — those who have been left
out of prosperous society. The agenda of the Association is to eliminate the disparities that prevent all
Americans from achieving the "American Dream." The NAACP will continue to champion civil and human
rights issues that affect all Americans and, in particular, those which disproportionately affect communities
of color.

Education: The future of our families and our country demands that we invest in an educational system in which every
American has access to safe, accountable and effective schools.

Criminal Justice: The crisis of over-incarceration in this country is not only deeply unjust — it has been deeply
unsuccessful. We must develop smarter strategies to keep our communities safe.

Health Care: Health care is a human right, and the NAACP will continue to fight for meaningful health care reform that
benefits all Americans.

Economic Empowerment: We must help President Obama steer our nation back into economic health, and ensure that all
Americans enjoy the benefits of living in a prosperous nation.

Civic Engagement: Engaged communities are safe and prosperous communities. Only an informed, empowered citizenry
can bring stability and prosperity back to our communities.

As we advance these goals, we must also ensure that our policies, programs and politics remain relevant
for a new generation of civil rights and human rights advocates. President Benjamin Jealous and I will
prioritize the work of expanding our youth networks.

At the same time, we can never forget those who came before us. Chairman Emeritus Julian Bond and
Myrlie Evers-Williams remain beacons in our struggle. Without the Bonds, the Evers, the Kings, and the
Parks of the world, we would not be here, Barack Obama would not be president, and there would be no
NAACP. The future is calling and the NAACP is in a unique position to answer that call. With your help, we
can build a better America together. -Roslyn M. Brock
Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010
It is commonly known that, good food is the glue that holds a successful event together.

Having a company party, a business meeting, an intimate dinner with friends and family, people tends to
socialize around food. There's something about sharing a meal that brings people closer. It can add to the
feeling of camaraderie, create a mood of celebration or smooth over a socially awkward situation.

Have Span Afric cater your next special event. We will work closely with you to create that special menu,
a memorable atmosphere, and a meal to remember for a long time.

We specialize in traditional and nuveau West African cuisine.

Review our menu online at and we will be glad to tailor the menus to your
liking and specifications, to make the occasion uniquely yours.
-Ceci Tchakaunte, owner.

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

Join Us!

Adult: Annual membership $30.00

(includes subscription to “The Crisis”
Or Life Membership $750.00
(payable in 10 annual installments of $75.00 or more)

Child < 13 years: Annual rate $15.00 with Crisis subscription or $10.00 without Crisis
Jr. Life (duration until age 13) $100.00 (payable in four annual installments of $25.00 or more)

Youth 14-17 years: Annual rate $15.00 with Crisis subscription or $10.00 without Crisis
Teen Life (duration age 14-17) $250.00 payable in five annual installments of $50.00 or more)

Extra Donation $ ______________

Please identify youth / adult status:


MAILING ADDRESS:___________________

Email: _______________________________

I am interested in participating on the following committee(s):

( ) Civic Engagement ( ) Political Action
( ) Armed Services and Veterans Affair
( ) Legal Redress ( )Criminal Justice
( ) International Affairs/Immigration
( ) Economic Empowerment ( ) Housing
( ) Economic Development
( ) Labor & Industry ( ) Education
( ) Health ( ) Membership ( ) Youth Work
( ) Press & Publicity ( ) Religious Affairs
( ) MLK Day ( ) Juneteenth
( ) Soul Food Event
( ) Newsletter ( )Webpage
(… )Other (specify)

Help Wanted! The Santa Fe Branch NAACP is looking for a Newsletter & Website editor.

Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

Santa Fe Branch NAACP Celebrates

Saturday, June 19th
5pm – 8pm
Barbecue Picnic
St.Bede’s Episcopal Church
Located on SE corner of San Mateo and St. Francis

Celebrate Our Youth:

Past, Present and Future!
A Time to unwind, share good food and fellowship

BRING: Something to cook on the grill & a side dish or dessert

PROVIDED: Drinks, plates, cups, & barbecue sauce

Juneteenth is a day on which honor and respect is paid for the sufferings of slavery and
emancipation from slavery. From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of
June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States
and beyond. Former slaves in Galveston rejoiced in the streets with jubilant celebrations.

In case of rain we can meet indoors!

More Info? (505) 438 4368
Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

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