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Davenport University MGMT 645

Complete Course
Get help for Davenport University MGMT 645 complete course. We provide
assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subject Davenport
University for Session 2015-2016.

MGMT 645 Week 1 Case Analysis

Download and review the attached guidelines and rubric for Case Analysis.

Complete a Case Analysis of Case Study 3.1: HY DAIRIES, INC found on page
90 of your text (note: follow the criteria outlined in the assignment guide and rubric.
Answering the questions at the end of the case does not constitute a thorough case

This is a detailed assignment and will require time to complete. Don't wait
until day 7 to begin composing your analysis.

MGMT 645 Week 1 Discussion 1

A friend suggests that organizational behavior courses are useful only to people who
will enter management careers. Discuss the accuracy of your friends statement by
utilizing research that you have gathered from at least 2 sources other than your

MGMT 645 Week 1 Discussion 2

Chapter 2 discusses the concept of values congruence in the context of an
employees personal values with the organizations values. But values congruence
also relates to the juxtaposition of other pairs of value systems. Using the text and
research current articles about the topic, explain how values congruence is relevant
with respect to organizational versus professional values.

MGMT 645 Week 1 Assignment

Project Topic Selection Paper
One of the most critical steps in this class is selecting an organization. You will use
this topic for each weekly project and the Project Recommendations. An
organization must be submitted for approval before you can proceed to the next
elements of the assignment. Failure to submit your topic selection by the due date
will preclude you from completing the upcoming project assignments.
When selecting an organization for purposes of these assignments, its best to
select a mid-size organization where you will be able to access the information
needed to complete these assignments. Selecting an organization that is too large,
like Wal-Mart or GE, will be too significant a scope for these assignments. Selecting
a small organization of under 20 employees wont provide the needed dynamic to
complete these assignments. When considering what organization to select, you
may select an organization where you work or have worked. You might also select
an organization that is of interest to you but it should be an organization where you
have access to resources to complete the required assignments. There are many
scholarly sources available within the Davenport University Library. Additionally,
other great resources could be leaders within the organization who you can
interview. One word of caution, its important to maintain objectivity. This will be
demonstrated by your scholarly research.

For the Project Topic Selection, you will submit a 2 page APA formatted paper that
will include the following:

Name of organization

Reason why you selected this organization

Description of organization that will include type of industry, number of

employees, basic history, any other pertinent information as to why this is a great
selection for your topic.

A minimum of 3 specific APA formatted scholarly resources that you plan to

use in your upcoming research.

MGMT 645 Week 2 Case Analysis

Complete a case analysis of Case 11.2: Car Wars at Wolfsburg found on pages 341
of your text. Make sure you open & read the guidelines and rubric that you will find
under the Syllabus link of the class. Please note that the rubric follows the criteria
outlined in the assignment guide and rubric. Answering the questions at the end of
the case does not constitute a thorough case analysis. If youre confused, open up
the Individual Case rubric to ensure you are doing the assignment correctly.
Include a title slide that lists each participating team members name and a
reference slide that indicates the outside resources used to prepare your
presentation. One team member should upload your final PowerPoint through the
Written Assignment link under the Group PowerPoint Case link for grading. All
participating team members will receive the same grade if submitted before the
published deadline.
Present your project via the Collaborate Live Classroom. Click on "Collborate" under
the Learning Hub to the left. Scroll down to see your group session once the
Collaborate page opens. Make sure you record your presentation so the instructor is
able to view it. Ideally each team member should present his/her own portion of the
analysis, but there are times when this is simply not possible. So as a team, decide
how you want the presentation done. You may have one person present or multiple
presenters the choice is yours. The final presentation should be uploaded and
presented in your teams live classroom.ONLY ONEpresentation should be submitted
for your group, but all members must submit a copy to their Blackboard folder.
Note: There are two steps to submitting your group project. Both steps must be
completed in order to earn credit for this assignment.
1) Submit your PowerPoint to the grade book via the Group PowerPoint Case link
that youll find under the Written Assignment area of the course.
2) Present and record your presentation in your groups Collaborate classroom. You
will need a microphone and speakers or a headset with a microphone to record the
presentation. The USB headset eliminates that annoying feedback.

MGMT 645 Week 2 Discussion 1

A recent study reported that instructors at colleges and universities are frequently
required to engage in emotional labor. Identify the situations in which emotional
labor is required for this job. In your opinion, is emotional labor more troublesome
for college instructors or for telephone operators working at an emergency service?

MGMT 645 Week 2 Discussion 2

Describe a time when you practiced self-leadership to successfully perform a task.
With reference to each step in the self-leadership process, describe what you did to
achieve this success.

MGMT 645 Week 2 Assignment

Part A: Reward and Performance Practices

Conduct and present research that evaluates the current reward structure in
your selected organization.

Be sure to examine both monetary and non-monetary rewards.

Evaluate the effectiveness of these rewards on performance.

Additionally, assess how this reward system motivates (or fails to motivate)
employees at this organization.

MGMT 645 Week 3 Discussion 1

You have been assigned to a class project with three or four other students, none of
whom you've met before (online course situation). To what extent would team
cohesiveness improve your team's performance? What actions would you
recommend to build team cohesiveness among student team members in this

situation? How might a team contract help establish goals? What should be included
in a contract?

MGMT 645 Week 3 Discussion 2

You have been hired as a consultant to improve communication between
engineering and marketing employees in a large high-technology company. Use the
communication model and the four ways to improve that process to devise
strategies to improve communication effectiveness among employees in these two
work units.

MGMT 645 Week 3 Assignment

Part B: Decision-Making

Conduct and present research that evaluates the decision making process
within the organization you have selected.

Be sure to provide specific examples of complex decisions that have been


Discuss and describe who is involved in the decision-making and who is

impacted by the decision-making.

Evaluate the effectiveness of this process, without making recommendations.

MGMT 645 Week 4 Discussion 1

How does networking increase a person's power? What networking strategies could
you initiate now to potentially enhance your future career success?

MGMT 645 Week 4 Discussion 2

Jane has just been appointed as purchasing manager of Tacoma Technologies Corp.
The previous purchasing manager, who recently retired, was known for his winnertake-all approach to suppliers. He continually fought for more discounts and was
skeptical about any special deals that suppliers would propose. A few suppliers
refused to do business with Tacoma, but senior management was confident that the
former purchasing managers approach minimized the companys costs. Jane wants
to try a more collaborative approach to working with suppliers. Will her approach
work? How should she adopt a more collaborative approach in future negotiations
with suppliers?

MGMT 645 Week 4 Assignment

Part C: Conflict

Conduct and present research that evaluates how conflict manifests itself
within the organization.

Discuss both positive and negative conflict.

Be sure to provide specific examples.

Examine what stressors cause conflict and what approaches are used to
manage conflict and apply to your research of this organization.

MGMT 645 Week 5 Discussion 1

Find two newspaper or online ads for management or executive positions. What
leadership competencies are mentioned in these ads? If you were on the selection
panel, what methods would you use to identify these competencies in job

MGMT 645 Week 5 Discussion 2

Your employees are skilled and experienced customer service representatives who
perform non-routine tasks, such as solving unique customer problems or meeting
special needs with the companys equipment. Use path-goal theory to identify the
most appropriate leadership style(s) you should use in this situation. Be sure to fully
explain your answer, and discuss why other styles are inappropriate.

MGMT 645 Week 5 Assignment

Part D: Leadership and Organizational Structure

Conduct and present research that evaluates the leadership style fostered in
this organization.

Provide examples of both its effectiveness and ineffectiveness.

Describe how leaders are (or are not) nurtured and developed in this

Analyze the organizational structure and its impact on leadership

MGMT 645 Week 6 Discussion 1

Suppose you are asked by senior officers of a city government to identify ways to
reinforce a new culture of teamwork and collaboration. The senior executive group
clearly supports these values, but it wants everyone in the organization to embrace
them. Identify and evaluate four types of activities that would strengthen these
cultural values.

MGMT 645 Week 6 Discussion 2

Senior management of a large multinational corporation is planning to restructure
the organization. Currently, the organization is decentralized around geographic
areas so that the executive responsible for each area has considerable autonomy
over manufacturing and sales. The new structure will transfer power to the
executives responsible for different product groups; the executives responsible for
each geographic area will no longer be responsible for manufacturing in their area
but will retain control over sales activities. Describe and evaluate two types of
resistance senior management might encounter from this organizational change.
Also consider what management response should be.

MGMT 645 Week 6 Assignment

Part E: Organizational Culture and Change

Conduct and present research that evaluates the current culture of the

Provide examples of how environmental forces have impacted the


Identify how the organization accepts or embraces change from these forces.

MGMT 645 Week 7 Discussion 1

Employee resistance to organizational change initiatives is a symptom, not a
problem. What are some of the real problems that may underlie employee
resistance to change? How do organizations create an atmosphere whereby
employee resistance is reduced and/or eliminated?

MGMT 645 Week 7 Discussion 2

Research has shown that organizations are more likely to succeed when they have
an adaptive culture. What can an organization do to foster an adaptive culture?

MGMT 645 Week 7 Assignment

Your group has been meeting regularly throughout the course. Online group work
can be challenging so here is your chance to put your newfound managerial skills to
work. Critique your team members honestly and fairly.

Think about your team as a whole and each individual team member

Review the evaluation criteria on the team evaluation form provided above

Each member of the team should submit their completed team evaluation form to
the appropriate link under the Written Assignment by Day 5.
Your submission is individual and confidential. No fellow learner will see your
individual submission.
Course Name: MGMT645
Evaluator Name (your name)_________________________
Instructions: Please score your team partner(s) on the following skills.
Student Name
Name Student

Student Name

Student Name


High Low
Communication Did your partner(s) communicate with you on a regular basis and
respond to questions in a timely manner?
Preparation Did your partner prepare his/her materials in a thorough and timely
Teamwork Did you find your partner(s) cooperative, open to suggestion and
respectful of your ideas?

Participation Did your partner participate in the project on an equal basis?

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