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Volume 2, Number 1 Simpsonville, South Carolina May 2010

Greetings from the Writer-in-Chief..............................................................................................1
Racial Profiling: Prerogative of the State Machine......................................................................1

Racial Profiling: Prerogative of the Greetings from the Writer-in-Chief

State Machine This is the third all-time issue of The Cerebral
I get email from a Ron Paul group. It's very interesting. Freedom. Right now, oppressive, domestic forces are
Some views are completely ungrounded, but that's as true mapping an actual battle field onto the social fabric of
everywhere else, even in the wet stream media. Getting a America, that is onto Americans. They feign racial
more complete complex of data is the important thing. impartiality and decry racism. Ditto with sexism. It
This article is derived from the email reply I made to distracts you from the fact that white American men
that group. It's moderated, and after two days of waiting I were and less ably are the bulwark of great American
don't expect it will be posted. Makes a great idea for a culture, of American greatness. If blacks are oppressed
newsletter. in America, they are oppressed even more everywhere
I was disturbed to find that among the people of this else they live in societal groups. Black slaves in the
group, and by implication the Tea Party Movement as a sugar fields of the Dominican Republic are wrapping
whole, the charge of racism through racial profiling was up another harvest season. Few of the self-described
working. The big picture is that the American victims of slavery in the United States have the
Establishment is dumbing down the electorate into decency to enjoy their coffee, soda, or tea with the
something more manageable for tyranny. That essentially slightest qualm, as far as I can tell. What was that
means making America less Traditional White than it was. nominee of the 39th NAACP Image Awards for
The lesser white culture is socialism. Further below in Outstanding Documentary?
ability are the cultures of the Third World. They ain't very It may distress you to consider that slavery is natural
white in those places, if at all. All crimes are hateful, but because people naturally want more than they earn.
‘hate crimes’ are special. They are political crimes Before the Industrial Revolution, labor was necessarily
against the state. The state wants a dumbed down a bottleneck to wealth creation. Slavery has advanced
population. Denuding white American men of their gluttony and held humanity down, but it has also
heritage is essential in their statist schemes. The new advanced humanity. Aristotle the field hand doesn't
Arizona law regarding the arrest of illegals is an merit remembrance by posterity. Slavery is all too
important cultural battle. The central issue is not with natural to civilization. Roughly since the Industrial
illegals: they are mere pawns. The central issue is with Revolution, we in the Western world have had the
our leaders: they are betrayers who entice foreign pawns luxury to choose for ourselves slavery or responsibility.
to reduce us pawns. My indignation is bipartisan. We have chosen slavery economics for at least a
Instead of taking someone else's word for how racist quarter century. Paul Grignon made, with assistance, a
Arizona State law SB 1070 is, you could navigate a video called Money as Debt (2006). I implore you to
browser to and watch it. It's available online for free. If you don't
see for yourself. In court people are expected to use their understand the basic problem laid out by that video,
judgment as to ‘reasonable doubt’. The key judgment you are not good enough for my freedom, and I do not
phrase in the text of SB 1070 is ‘reasonable suspicion’, as willingly share a political covenant with you.
in: —Douglas Morris

© 2010 Douglas Morris All rights reserved.

‘Crapportunity’ and ‘Crapportunity Threatre’ are unregistered trademarks of Douglas Morris.
Page 2 The Cerebral Freedom Volume 2, Number 1

LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL...WHERE side to be the correct discrimination here in the United
REASONABLE SUSPICION EXISTS THAT THE States, and the left side in other places. Discrimination is
PERSON IS AN ALIEN WHO IS UNLAWFULLY absolutely necessary to survive, and more is needed to
PRESENT IN THE UNITED STATES, A thrive. American greatness requires discrimination,
REASONABLE ATTEMPT SHALL BE MADE, requires judgment, because by natural law life requires it
WHEN PRACTICABLE, TO DETERMINE THE and generally rewards it only if done and done well.
IMMIGRATION STATUS OF THE PERSON.... Certainly it is so on the scale of civilizations.
I have something I'd like to say on the argued Shall we become homogenized impotence afraid to
unconstitutionality of Arizona's law vis-a-vis the Fourth answer life's tests before the moment is gone? To
Amendment: discriminate well requires wisdom. For a people to
discriminate well requires a great culture. The path to
THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE wisdom is: ignorance->data->knowledge->wisdom. Have
[which people?, I think that would be we the people we such little expectations of ourselves and our police in
who actually ordain and establish this constitution, application of law and politics? Do we give red lights and
and who by our (political) forebears abolished the stop signs our allegiance and human discretion no
original U.S. constitution and federal government] quarter?
TO BE SECURE IN THEIR PERSONS, HOUSES, Glenn Beck, and I love Glenn Beck's work for the most
PAPERS, AND EFFECTS, part, like many makes a night-and-day distinction
between democracy and republicanism, as if monolithic
[can we be secure under a flood of illegals and third- republicanism is some salvation. There is value in
world culture?] democracy. It is a free market of politics where no one
AGAINST UNREASONABLE SEARCHES AND person has dictatorial power. It is an important principle
SEIZURES, that only scales politically (as opposed to economically)
[what is unreasonable? statutory law presumes to with the strategic impurity of representation, of
predict the future. common law for and of the centralized control. Enough virtue for freedom does not
common people uses hindsight to judge not only a exist if the majority is incapable of self-government.
defendant relative to the law but also the law relative Shifting responsibility into the design of government, to
to the defendant, or why have trial by jury? is a jury keep us, is not actually possible. Furthermore, there is no
unfettered to decide? is it a safeguard of the people? exit strategy in a monolithic republic, or monolithic
what are we without judgment?] anything. In a democracy or an actually representative
republic the majority rules. Even to dictatorship. Another
SHALL NOT BE VIOLATED, AND NO strategic impurity of democracy is called for.
WARRANTS SHALL ISSUE, BUT UPON First, let's address the virtue of being in the majority. I
PROBABLE CAUSE, SUPPORTED BY OATH OR believe Keynesian economics worked during the Great
AFFIRMATION, AND PARTICULARLY Depression because the majority of people were economic
DESCRIBING THE PLACE TO BE SEARCHED, misfits. Helping the majority at the expense of the
AND THE PERSONS OR THINGS TO BE minority of virtuous savers got the economy moving, I
SEIZED. suspect. Savers lost purchasing power temporarily by
[a stunted Mexican-looking guy poorly dressed and competition with dollars of corrupt credit and
not able to speak English is not in flagrante delicto? permanently with FDR's looting of gold and the gold
are you blind? or have you not ever seen an illegal? if standard.
we are invaded the thing to do is wait for the state's Republicanism, the one Alexander Hamilton longed for,
due process. there's no illegal looting your personal the one Abraham Lincoln started, destroyed our
home anyway. if there were, you'd first ask for appreciation of federalism. Federalism is self-
permission by warrant to have the matter considered, government with adequate conviction to convince real
like a good American. don't risk being smug with life. Only federalism over republicanism can stop the
your judgments!] monolithic advance of Big Government, the government
We have this feminized conditioning to believe that all for a worthily inferior people.
discrimination is wrong. It is as effective to drive on the We have been so rich as a nation for so long, opinions
left side of the double yellow lines as it is the right, if no are not tethered by consequences, and so not tethered by
context applies that is. Correctness as judged by life in reality, but only for this anomalous short run. The
context and sentenced by the occurrence or sentence by life will be a decree of social justice, not
nonoccurrence of head-on collisions requires the right individual justice. Oh, how neo-American. The
‘diversity’ is suffocating us. We do not have a culture: we
May 2010 The Cerebral Freedom Page 3

have multiculturalism. We have representation that blind to such facts. The living document that is our
virtually reflects none of us because no middle ground is Constitution tells us so.
close to virtually any of us. We can no longer reap as we But do not the students of Christianity know that the
sow even if we wanted to, and who wants to really? letter of the law killeth, and the spirit of the law giveth
Americans have tuned out of politics in the past, thinking life? (See 2 Cor. 3:6.) Saul D. Alinsky in his Rules for
things would just go on like they had always for as long Radicals tells us on page 128 the Fourth Rule of Power
as living memory remembers. A saeculum takes a Tactics: “Make the enemy live up to their own book of
lifetime for that reason. (The Fourth Turning by Strauss rules.” Rules for Radicals is the bible of the community
and Howe explains the saeculum.) organizer, and the greatest community organizer in the
Freedom requires discrimination, but the effective kind. world is Barack Obama. If you correctly interpret
We should be getting better at it, not worse. As Alinski's work, you will find that a community organizer
technology gives a people more power, the discrimination is a euphemism for community subjugator. Being
of the majority becomes more and more critical. I am so economically poor as a consumer is a wrong to be righted
sick of hearing that we are a nation of laws. We were a regardless of who is poor as a producer.
nation of revolutionaries. We were a nation of popular Alinsky's Ninth Rule of the Ethics of Means and Ends
sovereignty. We had the stones to be offensive a is: “Any effective means is automatically judged by the
generation or two ago. Now we retreat before people's opposition as being unethical.” Racial profiling is not
precious feelings and nurture the aggrandizement of inherently wrong, but you have been conditioned to think
mental and cultural infirmity. It can't last despite anyone's it is. Why? Because it is a critical, effective means. We
feelings to the contrary. Those precious feelings are our are not properly defending ourselves against terrorism due
bane. We can't unite with illegals any higher than the to a nearly identical psychological manipulation. If white
lowest common denominator we share. Inferiors will be Americans are not willing to affirm that white culture has
lifted a bit until the collapse, but for them it is a good been the best culture of the past 500 years, that the
move. Mexico has never had the Mexican Dream or a melting pot was a British-American framework that
decent government, and Mexico ranks high in the elevated people of all colors by sharing the same elevated
Hispanic Americas. Look at a map and divvy up the standards, then why should anyone else? No race has a
world by race/ethnicity, or by top-level cultural history free of human subjugation. What people have
persuasion if you prefer. Which ‘equal’ results do you built real freedom and real prosperity with the cultural
wish for this country? values to go with it? Still you beat me upside the head
A horse content with his blinder is content with his bit with the Fourth Amendment and racism. I repeat: if I
and rider. I am not foolish enough to esteem cannot set myself apart from this orgy of subjugation,
domesticated horses as compatriots, nor have I yet been which would you have me do? Maybe Obama has an
corrupted enough to ride them. If I cannot set myself opening for me as Constitutional Czar. Our inalienable
apart from this orgy of subjugation, which would you rights come from God through the instrument of Federal
have me do? In the name of political correctness, I swear Reserve Notes. The Constitution is a living, breathing
I shall never judge a horse by its color but only by how it document. You are not the living, breathing certificate of
rides. White horses are riding better all the time, and so is one iota of popular sovereignty. Be the tool. I'll be the
Western culture. The facts of Western decline coincident czar.
with coloration are not to be seen because social justice is Cherchez la femme.

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