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Delegation: Jess Alberto Pineda Barrientos jesusp2013@gmail.

Committee: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Topic: Combating Organized Crime in Central America
Country: United Kingdom
School: Centro Escolar Aldebarn
Advisor: Mr. Michael Day

Organized crime is an enduring conflict that is threatening not only our fellow
brothers from Central America but also most countries around the world that is
impeding the development in human society. Organized crime brings to the
world nothing but misery and despair to people who are being strongly affected
by this problem, destroying lives, leading to other crimes and transmit terror.
Drug addicts, victims of burglary, immigrants are also victims of organized
These groups or organizations are involved in many business activities that
are the media of achieving their objectives such as money laundering, drug
trafficking, human trafficking, smuggling of migrants among others and are
these activities that need to stop. Drug trafficking being one of the most
prevalent and commonly employed, affecting places such as the Andean and
Central American regions due to the production and route they have to traffic
drugs, but also as a profitable option of business.

Countrys Position.
Since organized crime has reached globalization, these criminal organizations
have also been doing business in the United Kingdom places such as London,
Manchester, Glasgow and Belfast have all been affected by numerous cases of
drug trade, human trafficking and violence and therefore United Kingdom is
willing to provide both support and services to stop this global conflict.
Only in the UK it is estimated, as in David Blunketts the White Paper One Step
Ahead a 21st Century Strategy to Defeat Organized Crime published by the
Home Office and by command of her Majesty, that the economic cost of
organized crime could go around 40 billion a year in health losses and crime
harms caused by these criminal organizations. Also key factors that these

groups use include operations, technology, the purchase of Class A drugs

among other things; an approximate cost can be found in manifests in the
Northern Triangle and affects the economy of these countries and many of the
citizens. It is our duty as enforcers of the law and of democracy to fight for the
common weal, the safety and security that should reign among the citizens
from United Kingdom, Central America, and from all countries around the
world. We need to decrease the amount of crimes in this area, to transform this
region in order that the drug cartels and maras (gangs) can stop operating and
therefore make a progress in this fight against organized crime.
The Kingdom suggests that in order to fight organized crime we need to secure
US border, since people are being smuggled into this lands, and in order to
tackle human trafficking since it is a horrible crime. We are also willing to
cooperate in any action that can abolish any attempt of gun and drug
trafficking, by installing a Gun Control Program that we will later introduce. As
for the prominent issue with the presence of los Zetas, the United Kingdom
would suggest to adopt Colombias ideals of fighting against violence given
that Colombia has been dealing with similar criminal organization: FARC.

We would like to offer, if we may, a number of possible actions for the Central
American countries and primarily to the delegations here present to consider:
1. Depuration of the police and in the Criminal Justice System. It has been
proven that with corrupt and bad influences in governments criminal
justice systems is harmful for the country and stops the prosecution
against criminals such a crime organizations. With the depuration of the
criminal justice systems we are fully committed to instituting a strong
and effective enforcement in response against those who commit these
crimes that have been mentioned before.
2. Installing a Gun control program that with national and international
organizations as with also help from the United Kingdom and other
countries that are willing to cooperate and have efforts to curtail illegal
gun trafficking in Central America. The program will provide assistance
to enforce the gun security. Also the UK recommends the banning of all
firearms with the exception of handguns, shotguns and hunting rifles
that will only be purchased with a license permit from each countrys
government and with requirements to acquire it such as a background
check, psychometrical tests among others; also that can only be used in
activities such as shooting ranges or hunting competitions. Other
weaponry will only be used by military and police forces after the
depurations we previously suggested. Also the implementation of a
registration program of gun purchases.


United Kingdom urges to build capacity in source and transit countries

to deal with organized immigration crime such as human trafficking by
seeking chances to provide assistance and cooperate with the
appropriate authorities and enforcement of law to tackle migration
4. The United Kingdom also suggests to Central American countries to
support any projects or institutions that are willing to prevent trafficking
in countries of origin and transit so that they can also prevent recruiting
by criminal organizations. Also supporting countries in Central America
would like to consider providing support and services to intelligence
activity for forced labor.
5. Securing borders in order to stop any attempt on any type of trafficking.
Also securing borders between Mexico and United States of America so
that smuggling of people can cease.
6. Adopting Plan Colombias ideald with the total support of the United
Kingdom so that special armed operatives can work in order to tackle
drug cartels and other type of criminal organizations like Los Zetas

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