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Developing The Entrepreneurial MINDSET

Did you know:

80% of Businesses will fail within the first year of operation,

Of the remaining businesses 80% will fail within the next 5 years

ONLY 4 % of Businesses make it

Why is this:

A. Survival vs. Success

As human beings we are not wired for success, we are wired to fail.

I: Our animal instincts that were developed through evolution contradict the actions that lead to success
II: Survival was key, you ate what you killed and if you didn’t kill anything for the day you ate nothing.
III: Through evolution being successful meant: there had to be a winner and there had to be a loser. So over time
the human brain decided success was a “zero game”, better alive than dead and decided that survival was more
important. And it makes sense because in those days resources were scarce, but not anymore this survival mode
has been embedded within us.

Point to take away: Most Entrepreneurs have the mindset that “Competition creates a sense of Scarcity instead
of abundance” They always worry about the competition and what they are going to lose and this prevents them
from ever pursuing what they really want to achieve.

[to learn more about this concept of the human mind development sign up for PJ Ebby’s newsletter he’ll send you
7 free chapters of his book, you will be blown away!]

B. Break out of that Survival mindset into a Success Mindset or “A Natural Mindset”

Rule #1: What you Focus on Expands

Napoleon Hill author of “Think and Grow Rich” said that “thoughts are things” and
Earl Nightingale in his gold record recording “The Strangest Secret” said “ we become what we think about”
You must understand that there is a direct correlation between your thoughts and your reality.
In life and in business, if you keep your focus on thoughts of worry about the competition and who is taking
from you, you are continually creating that scarcity for yourself.

“The highest leverage you can get from life, is thoughts.” Eben Pagan, wake up productive

Imagine this, how much energy does it take to build a house, a car, to build the Empire State Building; it takes an
immense amount of energy. But someone had the thought that birthed all these things which took a very small spark of
energy. Everything you see around you today was generated from a thought someone had. From the Stone ages to
today all it took were thoughts that were then into results.

We all want to be successful in our lives in one way or another. But we are caught in middle of things we want and what
we don’t want. Inevitably, as Humans we are more driven by what we don’t want and we spend a lot of Focus trying to
avoid what we don’t want, but this only leads us more towards what we don’t want. Shifting that Focus on the outcomes
you desire will lead you to towards achieving what you want and what you don’t want will just fade out and take care of
its self.

In order to do this “you must go from the competitive mindset to the creative mindset”

Success comes from creating and providing Value

As an Entrepreneur practice Abundance Thinking or having an expectation Mindset.

To change that Focus of your thoughts you must become aware of what you focus on most

Ask yourself this: Are your thoughts majority negative or are they positive?

It’s impossible to really be aware of all the thoughts that are going through your head but you can learn to listen and
catch yourself, once you learn to do this you can manage the inner battle between your ears.

Your thoughts will define your results

C. Become An Engaged Entrepreneur

“You are either engaged therefore 100% Committed otherwise you are just interested, the choice is yours!”
Garrett B. Gunderson

1. Understand what your market really wants and it’s probably now what you think it is
What are the benefits of your service and product.
Always ask yourself, “What pain am I solving for my customers?”
Ex. As an accountant you provide safety and comfort to your clients about their money!
2. Reposition your Business so that you have no competition
Clearly define what it is that you do that no one else does, figure this out and you differentiate yourself from
your competition.
Ex: “We provide our clients Freedom without Compromise” Gregg Habsbritt
3. Focus on delivering value to your Market instead of “making sales”

D. How to uncover the “Real Desires” of your customers

Complete this sentence

1. The greatest thing about money is __________________________________

There is a great chance that, the answer you had for this question had to do with money providing you with
We all want freedom, no one wants to be a multi-millionaire for the sake of being a multi-millionaire we desire
so because of the freedom it will provide us. Would you love to do what you wanted, whenever you wanted
with whom you wanted?

So find discover what drives, inspires your clients and show them how to get it

2. The thing I worry the most about money is _________________________________.

This question will uncover people’s fears about money and their fear of losing it or even getting it. It has to do
scarcity of money!

E. What causes Fear?

Fear is a Lack of Confidence

Fear and Confidence cannot co-exist

The greatest fear of all is ………

The Fear of Failure!
This fear is enough to stop most people with great ideas from ever taking action

“If you aren’t failing every now and then, It’s a sign you’ve not been doing anything very innovative.” Woody

Shift your mindset about fear and fail forward as John Maxwell teaches.
Failures will help you to persevere and achieve your desires

“ 7 Things Fear isn’t” Failing Forward By John Maxwell

1. People thing Failure is Avoidable-it’s not
2. People think Failure is an event-it’s not
3. People think Failure is Objective-it’s not
4. People think Failure is the enemy-it’s not
5. People think Failure is irreversible-it’s not
6. People think Failure is a Stigma-it’s not
7. People think Failure is Final-it’s not

“[our] mistakes become failures when we continually respond to them incorrectly.” John Maxwell

Think about Thomas Edison, he tried 10,000 different ways before he found a way to get the light bulb to work. Each
time he wasn’t successful, he tried something new he didn’t keep trying the same thing over and over again..

The fastest to eliminate the Fear of Failure, is to increase your confidence by Immersion!

F. 4 Steps to Creating Confidence

1. Educate yourself, by investing in yourself
Reduce the knowledge gap by getting educated and get information that will give you traction

2. Create New Success habits

 Develop a morning ritual, a sort of on ramp to your day.
Eben Pagan has the best program for this check out Wake up Productive, but start small
and build up. Start with 5 minutes every morning and increase 5 minutes every week.
 Get into a mastermind group, a group of people who encourage you and empower you
A group of champions that will give you feed back on things that you do.

3. Removing the “Unknown”

Lack of clarity and certainty can induce a lot fear if not managed correctly.
The best way to face these fears is to turn the light on them by identifying them

Ask yourself this: The biggest fear I have about my business are__________________

Consider this the three most important words you can ever to say to yourself “I Can Learn”
Never allow the details of a task within your business scare you from even learning.

4. Gaining Experience
The only way to get experience is by taking action.
You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to start in order to become great.”

Remember, every master once started as a novice.

1. We are not automatically wired from success, but we can Re-program ourselves and it starts with focus on
2. Success comes from an abundance thinking and avoiding scarcity thinking
3. Results we create are direct results of the thoughts we hold
4. Fear is the absence of confidence, take action on the 4 steps and eliminate fear that is holding you back

Resources to Learn more about this Information

Greg Habstritt-
Eben Pagan
PJ Ebby

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