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By Donald Hosford ( With a

lot of help from Edward Golupski.
<Description>----------------------Contains rules to generate sectors, simple planets, and
trade routes. Also includes the latest version of the
Toronto Sector.
<Needed Materials>-----------------A copy of SinglePage Adventures. Sector map
sheets, dice, writing tools.

Written: Nov-09-2006 Finished: 07-17-2009

<Sector Generation>-----------------------Start with a blank sector sheet. Or you could just mark out an 8 x
8 square on a piece of graph paper. Roll 2d6 for the number of
stars. For each star, roll two different colored dice. The 1st is the
vertical axis, the 2nd is the horizontal axis. Always count away
from the corner. For the 1st star, start at the upper left corner. For
the 2nd star, start at the upper right corner, etc. Keep going
around clock-wise until all stars have been placed. If any rolled
position is already filled, that system has a second star. No more
than three stars per system. Roll up each planet. Name them.
Name the sector after the most important one. Setup the trade
<Sector key>------------------------------Star = Star ID code on sector map. Name = Name of the planet.
S = Number of stars in system.
T = Type of planet.
M = Number of moons.
E = Planetary environment.
W = Water level.
P = Population level.
I = Industrial level.
F = Location of main port facilities.
Q = Quality of the main port facilities.
Notes = General notes about the planet.
<Planets>---------------------------------These rules use some very broad categories. Referee's can feel
free to expand/modify the results. Or use it as a guideline for
their own ideas. Each system has a single important world. Roll
1d6 for planet type. Then roll on each column on the Planet
Small, Medium, Large Planets: Generally Earth type
worlds. Roll 1d6 each, for Environment, Water, and Ports. Roll
1d6+modifier for Moons, Population, and Industry.
Asteroids: A system of asteroid belts. No moons, no
Enviroment., no water, all ports are Ground.
Planet Type:

Roll Type
1 Asteroid
Asteroids/Small worlds: -1
2 Small
Normal: +0
3-5 Medium
Large: +1
6 Large
Planet Table:
Roll Moons Env. Water Pop.
0 None ----Tiny
--1 None Ice
Vrydry Tiny
2 One
Cold Dry
3-4 One
Norm.Normal Medium Medium Ground
5 One
Medium Medium Both
6 Two
Ocean High
7 Three ----High
--Starports: (This is the quality of the ports.)
Roll Quality
Minimum Port type: The lowest port
1 Tower Only
quality allowed by Population.
2-3 Basic
Tiny/Low: Any
4-5 Good
Medium: Basic
6 Luxury
High: Good
Industrial: Med/High is Basic
Extras Table:
Roll 1d6.
Roll Extra
Roll Extra
1 Mining (Pick a mineral, or range.)
1-3 Typical
2 Shipyards
3 Luxury resorts.
4-6 Extra.
4 Trade center
Extras may be
5 Farming(animal/crop/pick a type.)
picked or rolled. 6 Ancient ruins. (advanced or poor.)
<Trade routes>----------------------------Setup the trade routes. Connecting only the most important
worlds. This is where most of the sectors trade flows. List them
under the map. Or just draw on the map.
+-----<Map>-----+-------------------<Toronto Sector>------------------------------------|. . E . . . . .|Location: The Hinterlands region.
|. . . . . . F .|Star Name
|. D . . . . . .| A Toronto 1 M2NW HHBG Sector capital, Trade center.
|. . . . A . . .| B1 Benton
2 S1HD HMBG Main star. Typical world.
|H . . . . . . .| B2 Marlo
1 S-IO THGB Second star. Icy factory world.
|. . . . . . . B| C Karolos 1 M-CD MLGG Typical world.
|. . . C . . . .| D Atlas FB 1 S1NV T-GB Fleet base. 14 fleet ships are here.
|. . . . . G . .| E Poverty 1 S-ID M-GT Animal Farming.
+---------------+ F Standish 1 M2NW LMOB Shipyards.
1 square = 1 LY | G Clor
1 A--- MLGG Domed habitats. Mining.
Trade Routes:
| H Tempus
1 M1HN MLBB Typical world.
A-B, A-C, A-H, |
B-C, C-H.

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