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The collapse of civilised existence and the present polarity of state tyranny and
psychosis have placed the human condition in jeopardy . Political rhetoric about
the threat of
nuclear war veils from ordinary people that the danger to the species lies not in
any future crisis but in the current social nexus where the purpose of existence
has been so bound to irrational and magical goals that almost all linguistic
analysis may be considered already too late. It is our contention that the
current barbarism, being so -complete in its concept and performance has
actually achieved a deep magical and hypnotic power over the human creature
who lives within this now almost total systemic patterning . Concepts, however
radical, do not impinge on the holistic conditioning, by which the modern
human creature is manipulated from birth to death .
Since this cultural imprinting is both deep and social, as opposed to personalwe must look urgently at what may break the spell of the current zombified
species before it is too late, which, of course, it could well be . Part of the
current delusive doctrine of society puts
forward the picture of 'primitive societies' as
being dependent on religion, worship and
magic. The inverted commas are theirs, not
ours, for part of the deception is that they do not
view, primitives as pri mitive but rather empathetically
absorb that original freshness for life
into their advanced and 'civilised' patterning,
thus removing the risk of a dialetical swingback
. These religious elements of course have
been replaced with rational, developmental,
and evolutionary goals whose evidences are the
proof of their validity . We will in the course of
this short work, if Allah wills it, examine that
mythology in its place. In stating our theme,
however, we emerge onto the battleground
itself . We intend to demonstrate here that the
current dominant culture is primitive, magical,
irrational, anti-populist, and fetishist . The
methods and processes of thought and
behaviour which this society has built to
protect itself are certainly effective . A society
which has designed revolution as a means of

sustaining the status quo, which has constructed

a political system which makes
absolutist elitism appear as populist choice
deserves our admiration if only on a theoretical
level . A society which can allow social and
political studies to make a radical critique of
mind-control through state agencies as if the
issue were within an arena of public social
concern and decision, whereas the reality of
that society renders that specific choice
basically irrelevant since there is a prior deep
programme of mind control over the whole
society, including those 'aware' citizens who
debate the issue of the minority at risk by mind
manipulation, as well as the agencies of
manipulation and the people in charge of them
in turn-that society has evolved an extreme
power situation .
The 'conspiracy theory' which is another
protective method to deflect criticism from the
social structure by means of *a logical double
bind is not even worth considering . How could
one call it a conspiracy if one were to come
upon a heroin-addicted community where not
only the addict schemed to turn on the nonaddict,
but the pusher, the supplier, the manufacturer
and the farmer were all themselves
addicts . How can you call an open norm a conspiracy? We have right away
admitted that these issues
to be examined in this work may not be
received by the modern literate member of the
society . The blocking system has been so
effectively worked out, the objectification
magic, the distancing, the alienation-effect, all
contribute to rendering the human being
unable to move into the condition where he or
she becomes a transformative element in
society and not a passive one . Logically
therefore it will be asked what is the point of
presenting the field analysis at all? There is,
inevitably one flaw in the magical process, and
that flaw is, ironically an essential part of the
present total system that controls the dominant
culture . Since the current power system has
made literacy, criticism, and experiment all
elements which it deludes its followers into
imagining give it free access to self-expression,
it is possible to put forward this critique
along with its remedy . Since game has been
elevated to a mystical sacrament-'actionwithoutsocial-effect'-it could be that some
small group within the programmed society

will attempt this strategy as a game, for the

society despite its total effectiveness can never
assuage the biologically built-in restlessness
of the human creature and its inability to be
satisfied with the world of forms . Thus, the
society's agreed scheme to offer to the restless
human an endless chain of changing and
diverting game-forms and role-forms, allows
us to 'slip in' to this poor programmed creature
the deeply subversive programme of original
knowledge, a method which we can date back
thousands of years, and which we can both
explain and provide in-back data for, showing
its continuity and consistency . Just as the
urban guerilla leaves an explosive device in the
centre of a public place where it will eventually
cause havoc, so we place this work, so inwardly
explosive, in the public arena among the other
consumer objects, deceptively, without disturbing
the horrible calm of the shopping Mall .
Yet if this device is activated by a social group
then the one element that the current society
most dreads and has most superbly prevented
from happening-social transformation-must
inevitably take place .
This small book is about social magic in the
modern state . If you wish a definition it is
equivalent to a book of antidotes to known
poisons. Only these poisons are not sensory
poisons but meaning poisons . It is an antitalisman
against the talismanic magic of the
dominant culture, and a talisman of protection
which will free the user from the all-effective
control of their magic . It is not, as we will
demonstrate, a magic pitted against another
magic. But rather it is the relentless submission
of this fantasy magic to the light of reality .
'And when the Real comes the lie must
disappear .'

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