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(in your own words)

How could you use

this strategy in the

UDL Connection
(Which guideline is
most applicable?)

(real life example)


Activates prior
Engage students
in the lesson
Provides selfmonitoring
What do you
know, what do
you want to know,
what have you

I would give the

students a KWL chart
at the beginning of a
new unit. For
example, if we were
starting to work on
point of view, I would
have them fill out the
chart to see what they
already know or want
to know. I can also
assess how much they
learned upon
completing the lesson.


Organizes content
into smaller
pieces or

Throughout a lesson I
could have the
students complete a
guide that structures
what they are learning
into important and
meaningful ways. The
students will have
something that will be
easy for them to look
back when needed.



Words and their

definitions that
relate to a subject
or topic
Clarifies difficult

If students are reading

a text and see a word
that they dont
recognize, chances
are the word will be in
the glossary with its
definition. I could also
have a word wall with
words and their
definitions in the


Use different
forms (bold print,
color, pictures, to

When working with a

new or challenging
topic, I can highlight




Call Sticks


make big ideas

stand out

key information for

the students to
quickly see and
remember. It also
helps the students
know where to look to
find information that
they may need.

Allow the teacher

to show the
students an
example of what
they will be doing
Can show a
product of activity

I will create a model

or example of what I
expect from the
students. This will
allow them to clearly
see expectations as
well as help if they
need it.

Action &

Determine when
each student will
have a turn
Equal opportunity
for all students to
have a

When working as a
whole class or small
group, to be fair, I can
use call sticks, or
equity sticks to call
on the students. This
is a good way for
teachers to randomly
call on students to
answer. It makes all
students alert and pay
attention just in case
it is their turn to


Students create
their own goals
prior to lesson
Teacher creates
goals for the class
prior to the lesson
Teacher and
students are able
to check progress
at the end of the

At the beginning of
each lesson, the
teacher must create
specific goals to
achieve. This allows
the teacher, as well as
the students, to
understand exactly
what needs to get
done. When the
students create their
own goals it allows
them to really think
about what the lesson
entails, and it helps
them to self-monitor

Action &


and self-assess
throughout the lesson.


between students
Allows wait time
for each student
to determine
Allows students to
collaborate ideas
and see different
points of view

When having a wholeclass discussion, the

teacher may ask
questions about the
lesson or opinions
about a topic. Thinkpair-share is a good
opportunity for the
students to come up
with their own
idea/answer and share
it with a partner
before sharing with
the class. This may
take away anxiety the
students may have
about being called on
and having a wrong


Students are able

to determine how
they want to
complete the
activity (with
certain guidelines)

I may allow the

students a few
different options for
how they would like to
complete an activity.
For example, if we
were learning about
pandas and I assigned
each student to
research a specific
aspect of a pandas
life, I would allow
him/her to present the
information in a way
of his/her choosing.
This may be through a
Powerpoint, a poster,
a Wixie, or record
him/her-self on a
video. This type of
choice will engage the
students and make
the lesson/activity
more fun!


Gallery Walk

Students are able

to present their
own ideas and
way of learning to
the class
Class is able to
see other ways of
completing the
same activity

Upon completing an
the students will
display their own work
for the rest of the
class to see. The class
will have an
opportunity to look at
their classmates work
to get new ideas or
learn new information.

Action &

Video reflection: Please describe the difference between video 1 and video 2.
Which video helped you to complete this assignment? Why? Please describe.
The first video described more of a general idea of the information. It talked about the
principles of UDL more so than talking about the individual strategies. The second video
clearly defined the ten individual strategies and allowed time to pause and reflect
throughout. The second video, as opposed to the first, provides more of a visual
experience by writing out each strategy and giving an addition reference on the left-hand
side. When you have finished learning or reviewing the information, you can continue on
to the next strategy.
The second video helped me to complete this assignment because it specifically named
and gave examples of the 10 strategies. I was able to clearly follow and understand the
video the whole time.

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