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Canadians For Peace and Socialism Weekly Election Analysis Election Bulletin #5

E LECTION F OCUS - 2008 September 29, 2008

Canadians for Peace and Socialism New Democratic Party Election Appeal
Our cause is our class, peace and Moves Left – Electoral Support is Building
socialism. Focus On Socialism is the Don Currie - Editor, FOS
political journal of CPS. In it we ad-
Under pressure from organized labour and the realities of a
dress current national and interna-
capitalist economy in the grip of a US war induced crisis, the
tional issues. We strive to bring a
New Democratic Party has moved left in the campaign
Marxist-Leninist viewpoint to the strug-
gle of Canadians for peace, progress
strengthened its attack on the Harper Conservatives and their
and socialism. big business war agenda.
Read More on the FOS Website...
FOS is produced by workers, about
workers and for workers. FOS is made
possible through volunteer labour
The Working Class: A Class for Capitalism or
and the generosity of our readers, a Class for Itself?
subscribers and members with the Don Currie-Chair, CPS
help of their donations.
Canadian capitalism is a system in development and its
Email: greatest achievement has been to create the class that will
ultimately replace it. Herewith a brief sketch of that class.

FOS Articles & Analysis The Working Class

⇒ CPS Labour Day Statement - 2008 The spread of finance capitalism to all provinces, regions and
territories of Canada is a historical process resulting in the
⇒ The Way I See It! - An October Elec-
tion? creation of productive industries everywhere and with it, the
spread and growth of the working class everywhere. The
⇒ State, Government and the Work-
dominant socio-economic reality arising from the growth of
ing Class
the Canadian capitalist economy is the creation and re-
⇒ The AFL Challenges Big Oil - FOS
creation of the Canadian working class.
Special Bulletin March 2007
Read More on the FOS Website...
⇒ The Way I See It! - Autoworkers and
the De-Industrialization of Canada
Bamboozled Part II: Fighting a Carbon Neu-
⇒ Viewpoint - Labour & Peace: Al-
berta and the Attack on Organ-
tral Clean Fuel War
ized Labour William O’Casey

⇒ Labour & the Nation: The Changes Prime Minster Harper announced on September 26, 2008 that a Con-
in the Composition of the Working servative government would halt raw bitumen exports to countries
Class with weaker greenhouse gas emission reduction standards than
Canada. Harper said that it may affect exports to Asia where coun-
⇒ FOS Special Bulletin - Left Turn Can-
tries “like China” have not adopted as stringent standard. The Prime
Minster said that it is unlikely that the US will be affected because
both Obama and McCain have “pledged” to reduce CO2 emis-
sions and toughen standards. Harper’s announcement has sent rip-
ples of confusion through Al-
“A Harper Majority Gov- berta.
ernment Would Pass Anti Read More on the FOS Website...

-Abortion Restrictions”
The Way I See It!
Abortion Rights Coalition Guarantee Full Security for
of Canada Family Incomes – Not Bank
From the Labour Press Losses!

⇒ CLC - Canadian Electoral Lesson

Harper’s Plans for a Non Canadian Press (CP) re-
of the American Financial Bailout -Election Derailed ported on September 15th
that Prime Minister Harper,
⇒ CLC - Atlantic Region Making The Conservative Party brain
responding to questions
Waves Newsletter trust planned a snap federal
about the effects of the US
election without the people.
⇒ CAW - Members Rally Against Public opinion in particular the economic crisis said, “…this is
Conservatives in Oshawa fight back of organized labour a situation we’ve been
⇒ PSAC - Outraged at Harper’s Rac- has prevented that from hap- watching very closely for the
ist Attack On First Nations pening. Issues will be discussed. past year…”
Read More on the FOS Website... Read More on the FOS Website...
⇒ CEP - Coles Nationalize Oil

What Was Said...

44 years ago Tim Buck wrote the following: “To the individual worker it may
seem to make no immediate difference whether the corporation which ex-
ploits him is owned in Canada or in the U.S.A. Alienation of the worker from
the dignity of labour, security of employment and control of conditions, are
not less bitter because the employer who inflicts it is Canadian. Canadian
corporations are no less rapacious than others.
But for the working class and for Canada as a whole, United States domina-
tion of our economy is disastrous. The distortion of the economy it causes has
become so pronounced that even with large-scale expansion of the produc-
tion of some raw materials the over-all picture of production is one of eco-
nomic stagnation. “ - Put Monopoly Under Control - The Price of Integration
with the USA
Read More on the FOS Website...

Poison food crisis shows Harper’s contempt for government

“Each passing week since the Listeriosis, Ritz and a
deadly outbreak of listeriosis at a Letter from Sas-
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. plant in To- katchewan
ronto brings more evidence of the Focus on Socialism
Harper government's ineptitude in regularly receives a
responding to public health emer- newsletter from a Sas-
gencies.” katchewan farmer with
trenchant and biting
James Clancy, National Union of Public commentary on prob-
and General Employees (NUPGE) lems confronting Ca-
nadian farmers with
Read More on the NUPGE Website... CMA wants full inquiry into Canada's
special emphasis on
Saskatchewan. His last tainted meat scandal

The Canadian Peace posting deserves wide "The current government's policies
circulation. We should have contributed to the unravelling
put in our pocket, pull
of public health safeguards, with the
it out and read before
move to self-inspection by industry
we head for the polling
booth on the 14th of and the lack of an independent pub-
October. lic health officer.

Read More on the FOS Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ)

P e o p l e ’ s V o i c e Website...
Read More on the NUPGE Website... September 29, 2008 Election Bulletin #5

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