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JfllV 2 8 1983

Chfisl ^




Santa Isidra Ext.2


Avenida Sur 210

For The


Fajardo, P.R. 00648


906 H. Sterling Blvd.

Sterling, Va. 22170

'Hear the Word of the Lord, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off..

Jeremiah 32:10
Winter 1983


Knowing that when the Lord calls He also provides, as we trust in Him and step
out in obedience to His call, the Betetas are taking that step of faith and making

plans to move to Puerto Rico in February/Mareh.

While more support commitments and

relocation funds are still needed, they are standing on His promises, knowing that
we serve a faithful, all-powerful God and trusting Him to supply. These are exciting
times for all of us as we watch the Lord at work blessing our endeavors, answering

prayers and then beautifully providing what is needed by ways and means that only He
can bring about.

Lord willing, the Betetas plan to pack and ship their household goods during the
second week in February, and then begin the drive south to Miami, Fl. for the flight
to Puerto Rico, They plan to stop along the way to speak to a number of interested
and supporting churches and to meet with their forwarding agents. Chuck and Pat Jones.
Then, at last - OFF TO PUERTO RICO!!

Charles flew down to Fajardo the week of January 15 through the 23rd to make the
initial preparations for the move; to check out the schools for his daughters, look

for a house to rent, compare the costs of buying versus shipping on household items
and the car, etc.

While we still have the prospect of receiving support pledges from a number of
churches and individuals who have been contacted and indicated that they would con

sider support, at this time we still need pledges for $500. of the Betetas monthly
LVlng es^'Snsw~("e~ST'nna'te~d~at~$1700.)"" and additional' contributions toward their
relocation expenses.
The Betetas would appreciate the opportu
nity to present the mission work to your church
group or mission committee on their trip south,

if you are in the general area of their travels.


Joy reigns in the Beteta Household as they

watch their newest family member grow and begin
to take an interest in the world around him.

Little Charles Andrew was born on October 12th,

weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs. 1% oz. Charles

and Inez are deeply thankful for the Lord*s
blessing in giving them the son they have always
wanted but had given up hope of ever having. A
healthy, happy baby, he is pictured at right at
both one day and eight weeks of age. Lorna and
Janine adore their little brother and are willing
helpers with his care.



P.O. Box 598

Palm Bay, Florida





Melbourne, Florida


Fajardo, P.R.


Forwarding Agents:
Chuck and Pat Jones

616 South Lupine Ct.

Melbourne, Florida 32901

tin TORIhL office
P.O. BOK 242?



The Fajardo congregation is presently averaging 27 in attendance in morning

worship services (had 30 at recent services). Ray recently finished a four part
series on the Holy Spirit and is now leading a series of studies on prayer. There
has been a notable increase in the participation and enthusiasm of the congregation

especially since there are now three Bible |School classes with regular teachers.
Two of the young women in the congregation are teaching the younger classes, while
Ray continues to teach the older teens and adults. One of the ladies, Gladys
Berrios, is a real blessing to Ray as she is helping to translate youth teaching
materials from English into Spanish.

The Wednesday evening Bible study/prayer meeting is averaging 9 in attendance.

While growth in numbers is slow, signs of spiritual growth are evident, as those
attending are beginning to have a lot more self-initiated group discussion and seem
to be more confident in their understanding of the Bible and in expressing their

Seven members of the congregation have been busy helping Ray to distribute
several hundred Bible correspondence course enrollment tracts in the Fajardo area
to"ehllst new students. "Some of"the cults"1rave"i3nen-makingconcentrated ef-f-o^r-ta-t-o

reach and win converts in Puerto Rico and this has made people much more cautious

and slower to respond as they are wary of anyone who approaches them. Please pray
that the Lord will open their hearts to the true and living Word.
It is with sadness that we note the passing of Carlota Peterson, who died at

the age of 82. Ray officiated at her funeral, which was held at the Fajardo church
on November 21st. Many of our readers will recognize her name, and others who have
visited Fajardo have met her and enjoyed her hospitality. Her friendship and many
acts of kindness and generosity over the years will long be remembered and appre


Membe/L poAXlcXpcuUon has tak&n an enca^LULagZng up-6uilng hzAe, and I jjeed muck
cnaouAagzd, W^k the Oi^btUkmcnt oi iutt tanz Kiblz School tzackvUi and a gA,
amAznc&^ oij Bible knoujlcdgc and
6piAiXual mexi6, qua congAcgation Xa dAouxlng
into a dzzpzA ActatioyUihip uilth the ioAd and moAz and moAc Acalizing the uliill-

mznt o{ an&u)zAcd pAayzfU,

a^^uAcdly \^od i& ^aitk^ul in Hid pAomidzd. We oAz

pzApetually dudtatnzd in ouA zvzAyday livzi by tkz iAuLtd oi thz SpiAit [lovz, joy,
peace...). 0^ couAdz we zxpzAlzncz thz usual dldappointmzntd and dzt backs ojj zvzAy
day liiz; but we oaz chXZdAzn o^ thz King, hziAd oi thz kingdom, and moAz than
conquzAOAd thAough Him who lovzd ud,
thzn, id thz stand and conviction o^

thz congAzgation hzAZ at VajoAdo, and t(iat conviction gAowd stAongzA all thz timz
as wz IzaAn to Izan on thz EvzAlasting ifJoAd thAough pAayzA and (aith that thz LoAd
is ^oA us and nonz can pAzvail against us.
I pzAdonally wish to zxpAzss my gAatitudz to thosz who havz committzd thorn

szlvos to a ministAy unto thz LoAd though thotA suppoAt, both pAayzA^ully and
financially, of this mission zffoAt in PuzAto Pico, which will continue to go foAwoAd in thz name of ouA LoAd and SavioA, J^sus CfiAist, because of such selfless

giving. Thank you foA youA suppoAt, It i^ my pAayzA that youA new yzoA will be
abundantly blessed by oua gAacious LoAd,

Evza since my gAaduation fAom Johnson Bible College, thzAz has been a buAning
desiAZ in oua hzoAts to AetuAn to PuzAto Pico to teach and win souls foA ChAist,
We OAZ filled with excitement and anticipation as wz pAzpoAz to move to PajaAdo to
Azalizz that dAzam. Oua family thanks you^ foA youA suppoAt, pAayzAS and deep
conczAn which aAz making it possible. We know that God is answzAing oua pAayzAS
thAough you and youA gznzAoud suppoAt. May God bless each one of you, as you
Azjoicz with us in His pAzcioud gift - thz Gift of Life.

Thanksgiving for; The Lord's love, care and blessings.

Faithful mission supporters and new supporters who are pledging

and giving to make the ^etetas' ministry possible.

God's blessing on Ray's health.
Petition for:

Beteta family - additional support, relocation expenses, safe

travels and relocation.

Ray - God's power and direction in his life and ministry, health
and strength, and fluency in the Spanish language.
The Fajardo congregation, those struggling with the decision to
give their lives to Christ, mission outreach to the unsaved, and
open doors for the correspondence courses.

To request information, arrange speaking engagements, or send support, write

or call: CHRIST FOR THE CARIBBEAN, Chuck & Pat Jones, 616 S. Lupine Ct., Melbourne,
Florida 32901. Phone (305) 723-6361.

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