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With exposition on death…

1 - Death is a natural law, in essence we are all spirits. (The Spirits’ Book, Q. 68-70)
2 - The spiritual life is the natural life of the Spirit (habitat). The incarnated life (in the rude body) is not except
3 - The environment of the Spirit is in agreement with his spiritual degree.

4 - The freedom of the Spirits in the Universe is in agreement with the degree that they themselves have reached (they
5 - The Spirit is attracted or steep for an environment in agreement with their likeness (tastes and displeasures), Jesus
explained that when He said: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also". (Matthew, 6: 21)
6 - An incarnated Spirit (soul) is not completely arrested in the earth. When the body sleeps, he can visit the spiritual
world or vice-versa, the Spirits of the spiritual world can pay a visit to somebody, being that somebody or not in wakefulness. (II
Corinthians, 12: 2-4 - The Spirits’ Book, Q., 402)

7 - We attract or we repulse Spirits by the power of our thoughts or likeness.

8 - Ours who left us need understanding from us to let them have some freedom to seek out their destinies.!
9 - Our constant thinking and worrying on them, makes them unhappy and unable of following easier their destiny,
because they are drawn back to be besides us, through the power of our thoughts and concerns, they can be confused as for the
state of spiritual life in which they are.

10 - The best one can do for one of our loved ones who left us, is to pray (to ask) to God, a prayer or request after this
"Dear God, please, receive to your care, my dear being, and help me to support his/her departure
until when we are met again, when You, dear Lord, call us for your company and of our dearly ones". (But even so
without us noticing we can be in constant contact, some with the other ones in spirit).
11 - Nobody is the owner of anybody, we are all subject to the Will of God, and at His disposal...
12 - It is good that we should have faith in God and confident in His will, because, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him". (I Corinthians, 2: 9)

13-Our ignorance is what causes us fear; in the old times the sailors did not dare to navigate far, because they thought
they would fall down in fear the abysmal edge of the end of the world!
14 - The priests in power to there about 300 years ago threw a great man into prison - Galileu Galilei, for affirming that
the Earth was round and that it gyrated around the Sun, in other words, that the Sun was the Center of the planetary system and not
the Earth as it was supposed to be until then. Many feared the priests and Science was perplexed and it entered in the Dark Age
(dark act) perplexed and pathetic.
15 - Jesus said: “Be not afraid" (Matthew, 14: 27 - 17: 7), but men put fear and terror preconceituous in their fellow
creatures' hearts that causes them to be with a horrible feeling against God or uncertainly about His kindness.
They take us most of the times to confusion on God, and sometimes in certain way they possess us, in their
teachings, however God is a God of Love and Jesus said and he still says: “God is our Father" (John, 20: 17).
16 - God is infinite in all His attributes, be it of kindness, mercy, Justice, omnipresence, omniscience, eternity, truth,
tolerance, indulgence, love, power, etc... As well as also immaterial and unique... (The Spirits’ Book, 1st. chapter)
17 - As an immigrant when he comes back to his country finds the people who he was acquainted waiting for him and
giving their welcome on his return arrival; the beyond is not different!

Extrato do meu livro ‘CONVITE AO ESPIRITISMO’ com Jesus e Kardec, António Martinho Fernandes - registrado
na Fundação BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL, no Rio de Janeiro, sob o número: 416.202 livro: 777 folha: 362 a 19 de
Novembro de 2007.

18 - When a baby is born, he is not alone, the doctor, the nurse, the mother, the father, the family in general, they are
whole there, possibly together, giving to their way welcome on his arrival and contributions; the world of the beyond is not different!
(The Spirits’ Book, Q. 160)
19 - The men make a horrible skeleton of the death with a scythe, to put fear, and to protract the arrival of death, but it
is not anything of that; when we are dying, in general, we see an angel of brilliant and bright light, with a smile, and a compassion
glance, and an understanding mind, communicating in thought with us, as that asking: “are you ready to go away with me" (Life after
Life, by Raymond A. Moody), and waits compassionately a little more time if the person so wishes; and even sometimes God also
allows for some relatives and friends to come to receive the recently arrived, together with the good angel to give their welcoming to
the new arrival in the spiritual world.

20 - There is however, no two similar deaths, due to the inequalities of spiritual degrees and vibrations of the spirit.
21 - Usually the Spirits ascend to better worlds in groups, and certainly it suits them to influence us for the good of all,
so that the ascension is completed.
Rarely Spirits ascend individually, unless in the exceptions of high Spirits. Allan Kardec referring indirectly said that
the Spirits influence us much more than we can imagine. (The Spirits’ Book, Q. 459)
22 - Death is a point of decision, a good disincarnatiopn helps the vibrations in favor of the Spirits newly freed from the
domains of the flesh, favoring the help of the superior Spirits, on behalf of their ascensions towards God.

23-prayers, prayer-appeal or short-prayer, are sentimental expressions or emotional, from those who love and they are
always favorable, and accepted in the beyond by God and by the persons in need, not taking notice in the form, but in the hearts of
the devoted ones.
24 - The panic, the shouting, the cries, the feelings egoistical of keeping the disincarnated in screams and afflictions as
such: what will it be of me, how am I to live now", they are lacks of faith in God and it will harm the disincarnated, and right is that it
will not help him anything at all, we should conform, yes, and to understand that the true person that occupied that inanimate body,
continues to live in another dimension, and when our hour comes we will find her! According to the purposes of God!
25 -God, is not of two weights and of two measures, (Proverbs, 20: 10) death obeys the Laws of Causes and Effects, be
them materials, be them spiritual ones, according to the will and the purposes of God.

26 - “Death is just apparent, it is an apprenticeship among two lives, in other words, a sleep that completes itself giving
opportunity to a new life full of energy, of joyfulness and of happiness, where the immortal spirit continues his experiences, without
the physical body, but with the spiritual body, which has the human form. (...)” (Life pieces, Djalma Santos, Continuation of life, 2°
paragraph, Publisher CELD)
27 - “(...) the whole Universe develops. As the worlds, the spirits continue their eternal journey, dragged towards a
superior state, given to several occupations. Progresses to accomplish, science to acquire, pain to mitigate, remorse’s to calm, love
for the humans, atonement, devotement, sacrifice, all those forces, all those moving about stimulate them, they goad them, they
precipitate them in their paths. In that immensity they reign, unceasingly, the movement and the life. Everything transforms itself, it
grows, it elevates itself. The immobility, the inaction, is the retreat, it is death. Under the pulse of the great law, beings and worlds,
souls and suns, everything gravitates and moves in the gigantic orbit drawn by the divine will.” (Léon Denis, "Depois da Morte,” (After
Death), chap. XXXIV, Erraticity, last paragraph, Publisher, CELD)
28 - “(...) the soul returning to the spiritual life, recovers the fullness of its faculties. Begins then, for her an exam period,
of rest, of withdrawal, during which she judges itself and evaluates the traveled road. He receives the warnings, the pieces of advice
of the more advanced Spirits. Guided by them, it will take virile resolutions, and...” (Léon Denis" after Death" chap. XIV Objections, next to
the last paragraph, Publisher CELD).

29 - “(...) The farewell of the dear beings should be faced naturally, as being just a transitory separation, in order to give
opportunity to a definitive encounter, valuing the idea that the blood ties which are untied through death, when supported with
resignation, respect, faith and religiosity, they can lead us to the encounter of the true "divine bows." Concentrate the thoughts in
Jesus, the creatures' Divine Friend, in the certainty that, he will always be beside those that followed his footprints here in the planet
Earth.” (Djalma Santos," Pieces of Life" before Death, last paragraphs, Publisher CELD)
30 - Jesus said: I ascend unto my Father; and Your Father; and to my God, and your God... (John, chap. XX: 17).
31 - “(...) A thing will seem strange to you, but nor for that it stops being rigorous true, it is that the world of the Spirits,
that surrounds you, suffers the counterblow of all the commotions that agitate the world of the incarnated population. I would say that
in them it takes party plaintiff. This has nothing of surprising for those who know that: the Spirits and the Humanity form only one
thing. From it they get out and to it they return.”
(A Gênese, XVIII: 9. - ‘Allan’s Kardec Book’)

32 - “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he
shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” (I John, III: 2.)
33 - “But as it is written, E hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which
God hath prepared for them that love him.” (I Corinthians, II: 9.)
34 - “In the world of the Spirits, does the soul find relatives and friends that preceded her? She does not just review to
these but to many others that she knew in previous existences. In general those who more love have towards him/her do come in
his/her encounter, receiving her when it arrives to the spiritual world and helping her/it to free herself of the terrestrial ties. However,

the privation of the encounter with the dearest souls is a punishment, sometimes, for guilty souls.” (What is Spiritism, Item 153.
‘Allan’s Kardec Book, O que é o Espiritismo’)

35 - “After death the soul does progress, intellectual and morally? They progress more or less, in agreement with the
will that they have, there are those who do great progresses. However, it is necessary to put in practice, in the corporal life, that
which they acquired in culture and morality. Those that are stationary return to live an experience similar to the one that they had left.
Those who progressed deserve, for right, an incarnation of higher order. (...)” (What is Spiritism, Item, 156.)

36 - “It stays irrevocably determed, after death, the man's luck in the future life? No, because it would be this the total
denial of the Justice and of the kindness of God, because many exist who could not be instructed enough; besides those, the idiots,
the cretin ones and the savages, the countless children who died before seeing the light of the day. And even among cultured
people, many will be those who can believe to be sufficiently perfect, to be exempted of greater progress? And the permission that
God gives to man of continuing the following day that which he could not have finished in the previous day, does it not constitute, by
chance, the proof more patent of His infinite kindness? Being the luck irrevocably determed, why do men die in such several ages
and what a motive God, so essentially just, does not allow time to all to practice the most welfare possible or for them to correct
themselves of all the bad they may have committed? Who does know if the criminal who dies to the thirty years of age would not be
penitent and turned himself a man of welfare, if he had lived up to the sixty? Why does God remove from him the means of obtaining
it, when He allows it to others?” (...), (What is Spiritism, Item 157.)

37 - Nothing is lost, everything transforms itself, the nothingness does not exist!
The Spirits’ Book, Question, 23 - What is Spirit? “The intelligent principle of the universe.”
- What is the essential nature of spirit?
“It is not possible to explain the nature of spirit in your language, for you it is not a thing, because it is not palpable; but
for us it is a thing.” (The Spirits’ Book, Q. 23)

38 - …The Spiritual life is not interrupted by Death; one has lived before and one will live again and one will not lose
anything of what one has acquired in his perfecting himself through his work. He finds in his previous lives the reason of what he is
today, and of what man does of himself today, he will be able to deduce what he will be some day.
(Allan’s Kardec’ Book - A Gênese, XVIII: 15)

39 - FUTURE LIFE AND ANNIHILATION - 1. It is certain that we live, think, and act; it is no less certain that we shall
die. But, on quitting the earth, whither shall we go? What will become of us? Shall we be better off, or shall we be worse off? Shall we
continue to exist, or shall we cease to exist? “To be, or not to be,” is the alternative presented to us; it will be for always, or not at all;
it will be everything, or nothing; we shall live on eternally, or we shall cease to live, once and for ever. The alternative is well worth the
Every one feels the need of living, of loving, of being happy. Announce, to one who believes himself to be at the
point of death, that this life is to be prolonged, that the hour of death is delayed - announce to him, moreover, that he is going to be
happier than he has ever been - and his heart will beat high with joy and hope. But to what end does the human heart thus
instinctively aspire after happiness, if a breath suffices to scatter its aspirations?
Can anything be more agonizing than the idea that we are doomed to utter and absolute destruction, that our
dearest affections, our intelligence, our knowledge so laboriously acquired, are all to be dissolved, thrown away, and lost forever?
Why should we strive to become wiser or better? Why should we lay any restraint on our passions? Why should we weary ourselves
with effort and study, if our exertions are to bear no fruit? If, erelong, perhaps tomorrow, all that we have done is to be of no further
use to us? Were such really our doom, the lot of mankind would be a thousand times worse than that of the brutes; for the brute lives
thoroughly in the present, in the gratification of its body appetites, with no torturing anxiety, no tormenting aspiration, to impair its
enjoyment of the passing hour. But a secret and invincible intuition tells us that such cannot be our destiny.
(Allan Kardec’s Book, ‘Heaven and Hell’ chapter, I: 1)

40 - ANGELS ACCORDING TO SPIRITISM - That there are beings endowed with all the qualities commonly attributed
to angels cannot be, for those who admit the existence and progressibility of the soul, a matter of doubt. The spiritist revelation
confirms on this point the belief of all peoples; but it also shows us the nature and origin of those beings.
Souls, or Spirits, are created simple and ignorant, that is to say, without knowledge and without the consciousness
of good and evil, but with the aptitude of acquiring, in knowledge and in morality, all that they lack, and which they will acquire
through effort and labor. The aim of their creation - which is the attainment of perfection - is the same for all; but they attain this aim
more or less quickly, in virtue of their free will and in proportion to the amount of their personal effort. All souls have the same
degrees to pass through, the same task to accomplish. God does not grant larger means or an easier task to some than to others,
because all of them are His children, and because, being just, He has no preference for any of them. He says to them all: - “I have
established a law that is to be your rule of action; it, alone, can lead you to the aim of your being. Whatever is in conformity with this
law is good; whatever is contrary to this law is evil. You are free to obey this law or to violate it; and you will thus be the arbiters of
your own fate. “It is not God who has created evil; all His laws tend to ensure the happiness of His creatures: it is man, himself, who
creates evil by infringing the laws of God; if he scrupulously obeyed those laws, he would never deviate from the path of rectitude and
of happiness.

But the soul, in the early phases of its existence, is like a child, lacking experience; it is, therefore, subject to error.
God does not give the soul experience, but He gives it the means of acquiring experience; every false step taken by the soul on the
road of evil, keeps it back; it undergoes the consequences of this delay, but it thus learns, at its own expense, what it must avoid. It is
thus that, little by little, the soul acquires development, effects its own improvement, and advances in the spiritual hierarchy, until it
has reached the state of fully purified Spirit or Angel. The angels, then, are the souls of men who have reached the highest degree of
perfection attainable by created existences, and who have entered upon the full enjoyment of the felicity for which they were created.
Before attaining to the supreme degree, they enjoy degrees of happiness proportioned to the degree of advancement, but their
happiness is never that of idleness, it consists in the functions to which they are called by the Almighty and which they rejoice to
discharge, because the occupations of spirits are, for them, a means of progressing. (Heaven and Hell, 8: 12-13)

41 - THE NEED FOR INCARNATION - Is incarnation a punishment and are guilty spirits bound to suffer them? - The
passing of Spirits through corporeal life is necessary in order that they may fulfill by means of a material action the purpose to which
God assigned them. This is necessary for their own good, as the activity which they are obliged to perform will help the development
of their intelligence. Being just, God must distribute everything in equal parts to all His children; so it is established that everyone
starts from the same point, with the same aptitudes, the same obligations to fulfill and having the same liberty to proceed. Any type of
privilege would be an injustice. But for all Spirits incarnation is a transitory state. It is a task imposed by God at the beginning of life,
as a primary experiment in the use of free-will. Those who discharge this task with zeal pass over the first steps of their initiation
quickly, less painfully, and so are able to reap the fruits of their labour at an earlier date. Those who, on the contrary, make bad use
of the liberty that God has granted them, delay their progress and according to the degree of obstinacy demonstrated, may prolong
the need for reincarnating indefinitely, in which case it becomes a punishment. -
(Saint Louis, Paris, 1859 - The Gospel according to Spiritism, 4: 25)

42 - JUSTICE OF REINCARNATION - What foundation is there for the doctrine of reincarnation?

“The justice of God, and revelation; for, as we have already remarked, an affectionate father always leaves a door
of repentance open for his erring children. Does not reason itself tell you that it would be unjust to inflict an eternal privation of
happiness on those who have not had the opportunity of improving themselves? Are not all men God’s children? It is only among
selfish human beings that injustice, implacable hatred, and irremissibly punishments are to be found.” (The Spirits’ Book, question, 171)


“19 - The men make a horrible skeleton of the death with a

To put fear and to draw out the arrival of death, but it is
not anything of that sort;
When we are dying, in general, we see an angel of brilliant
and bright light, with a smile,
And a compassionate glance, and an understanding mind,
communicating in thought with us,
As that of asking: “are you ready to go away with me" (Life
after Life, by Raymond A. Moody),
And waits compassionately a little more time if the person
so wishes;
And even sometimes God also allows for some relatives
and friends to come to receive the recently arrived,

Together with the good angel to give their welcoming to
the new arrival in the spiritual world.”

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