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Article Summaries and Critiques/FRIT 7235

Will Foster
Cargile, L., & Harkness, S. (2015). Flip or Flop: Are Math Teachers Using Khan Academy as Envisioned
by Sal Khan?. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 59(6), 21-28.
Type: Research
Summary and Critique:
This study was centered on the Khan Academy mathematics program and its use in mathematics
classrooms. Sal Khan, the creator of Khan Academy, designed his program to allow students to be able to
master the content more quickly. He envisioned that this more efficient acquisition of the content would
allow students more time for other learning that involved more hands-on activities and applied problems.
The research conducted in this research study sought to see whether this was how the program was
actually being used in mathematics classrooms. The researcher chose five students in varying school
systems who were using Khan Academy in their math classes to answer questions about their use of Khan
Academy. From the interviews it was observed that the teachers of these students were using Khan
Academy extensively, but they were not using in as it was designed to be used. In most cases it was used
to supplement lecture style learning in the classroom. Specifically it was observed that Khan Academy
was not being used in order to facilitate more collaborative learning. It was also not being used so that
students could master content faster in order to open more time for other types of learning to occur.
Overall the article was successful in communicating and supporting the point that Khan Academy
was not being used as it was designed in the school systems involved in the study. The author noted that
no other research had been done on this subject so there was no data to in which to compare the results of
this research. This article was successful in allowing the reader to better understand the idea behind Khan
Academy. It gave insight into why the Khan Academy program makes videos and problem sets.
The problems in the paper related were based around the weaknesses of the research. There were
only five interviews conducted. There were no in class observations and all the results from this study
hinge upon the answers given in the interviews of the students. It would have been useful to also get the
teacher perspectives and thoughts behind their use of Khan Academy in their classrooms. I would have
liked to hear their reasoning behind their use and why they thought what they were doing in their
classrooms was their best practices. While I did not think the results of the study were especially
impactful, the insight the study gave on Khan Academy and the idea behind it was informative and will
influence how I use it in my own classroom.

Article Summaries and Critiques/FRIT 7235

Will Foster
Rico, R., & Ertmer, P. (2015). Examining the Role of the Instructor in Problem-centered
Instruction. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning,59(4), 96-103.
Type: Theory In Practice
Summary and Critique
This article focused on the role of the instructor in a situation where problem-based instruction is
being used. The article presented problem-based instruction as instruction that focuses on learning
through solving an ill-structured problem. In this type of instruction the role of the instructor is not
necessarily being the content expert who is responsible for disseminating all knowledge. The article says
that in problem-based instruction the instructor serves a role as more of a facilitator. The article goes on to
describe the planning, implantation, and evaluation phases of problem-based instruction, and specifically
the role of the instructor in these phases. The article continues by going more in depth into the discussion
facilitation aspect of problem-based instruction. The author says that this is a very important aspect of
effective instruction. Next the article discusses the implication for practice and for further research the
information presented in this article may call for. The authors say that additional training will be needed
for instructors to gain experience with this type of instructional practice, and that further research should
focus on the long-term effects problem-based instruction can have in the workplace.
This article gives a good overview as to what problem-based instruction is and its intended
purpose. It follows this up by providing a very clear breakdown of what has been acknowledged by other
research studies as the different aspects of the role an instructor plays in problem-based instruction. It is
very clear to the reader what an instructor should focus on in the different phases of problem-based
instruction. The article also provides a strong point in its description of the discussion facilitation process
and how it can be beneficial for the instructor to transfer some of the facilitation responsibilities to the
students in term of managing discussion.
I think the article would be stronger if the authors had included a section that dealt with common
problems experienced by instructors when implementing problem-based instruction and how these
problems were overcome. The article also provides a somewhat weak description of the evaluation
process of problem-based instruction. Not much is given in terms of what role the instructor should play
when evaluating students. Overall I think this article is very strong and gives a clear overview of what an
instructor is responsible for during problem-based instruction. It gives some good tips that I will be able
to take into my classroom regarding facilitating discussion and structuring good problems that lend
themselves to this type of instruction.

Article Summaries and Critiques/FRIT 7235

Will Foster
Rowe, M., Bozalek, V., & Frantz, J. (2013). Using Google Drive to facilitate a blended approach to
authentic learning. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 44(4), 594-606.
Type: Professional Practice
Summary and Critique
In this article the author describes a change in how modules were taught in a physiology
department in which he is a staff member. Formers student commented that their experience in the
program did not adequately prepare them for the problem solving required in their professions in the
medical field. In response to this the author and his colleagues created modules based around case studies
where students would engage in real-world problem solving and collaboration with their classrooms using
Google Drive as a tool to facilitate the collaborative nature of this approach. The author comments that
technology has brought an era of change for the better where enhance communication can lead to more
impactful learning experiences. To improve their curriculum, the faculty worked to create a class that used
an authentic learning approach. The students commented that they were initially hesitant, but they began
to see how the authentic learning approach and collaboration through Google Drive was allowing them to
engage in deep learning experiences. The author comments that while the program was designed by
himself and the other staff, it was the students who used it effectively and engaged in the learning
required to warrant it a success. The author adds that through this approach the power dynamic was
changed, and the students were empowered more to take control of their own learning.
The author was successful in sharing his experiences in creating and observing authentic learning
using technology as a tool for more effective learning. The author very clearly explains his approach
when choosing authentic learning as a means to better prepare students for real world problem solving
after graduation. One of the strengths of the article was in the students excerpts given that showed actual
student reactions to the new program. Another strength of the article was how the author gave the reader
insight into how the design of the program to incorporate collaborative technology changed the dynamics
of the learning experience. This is very impactful to my own practice and gives me insights into how I can
structure my classroom using the technology I have to give the students more empowerment in regards to
their own learning experiences. A weakness of the article is the lack of negative student comments. It
would have been helpful to know what struggles the author, the students, or the other faculty had during
this transition between instructional strategies. This article how shown a good example of how technology
can be used to allow students more authentic learning opportunities. It has challenged my own
understanding of how powerful of a tool technology can be in changing the dynamics of a classroom.

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