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Grammar & vocabulary

of the language
of Bearn

alu 1890, la Grammaire

barnaise de Vastin Lespy
ques arrvirada ent langls
dab dus lexics angls-biarns
e biarns-angls. E ques editada en medix temps a Pau
e a Londras ! En ua version

R. G.

abracada, solide, ms que si

ved la volentat de balhar aus
dAnglatrra e dAmerica un
liberet ent poder aprner
mots e sintaxi, e perqu pas ?
devisar en biarns.
Lidia qura agradiva d
internacionalisar atau la
question lingistica gascona,
ms ails ! los Angl-Saxons
ne tornerann pas mei aprs
la prumra gurra mondiau.
E lo liberet aqueste quens
har oblidar pendent mei
dun sgle. Aqu donc la reedicion (gramatica e lexics)
dun prtz-hit a lencp pro
interessent e pro esmavent.

grammar and vocabulary


I believe that a short grammar in the English language

will be useful and acceptable
to the many English and American visitors to the South of
France who are anxious to hold
intercourse with the kindly
and cheerful peasantry of this
sunny land... (to the reader,
R. G. Molyneux)


& Vocabulary


abridged & translated
from the works of VASTIN LESPY

PRTZ : 14,95

Editions PyrMonde
Princi Negue


CubGrammarVocabLangBearn.indd 1

ISBN 2.84618.095.4




20/08/2007 11:38:20

hie gasconne classique
misee en grap
& corrections de la partie barnais-anglais : Eric Chaplain
suivant les recommandations

Tous droits de traduction

de reproduction et dadaptation
rservs pour tous les pays.
La loi du 11 Mars 1957 nautorisant, aux termes des alinas 2 et 3 de larticle 41, dune part, que les copies
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ve et, dautre part, que les analyses et les courtes citations dans un but dexemple et dillustrations, toute
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ISBN 2.84618.095.4 (Ed. des Rgionalismes)

ISBN 2.915152.02.0 (Institut Barnais & Gascon)

Editou r

La traduction anglaise
de la Grammaire de Vastin Lespy

n 1888 fut publi, la fois Pau et Londres, un livre en anglais

de Roger Gordon Molyneux, intitul Grammar and vocabulary of
the language of Bearn, destin aux dbutants, abrg et traduit. Deux
adresses de publication se trouvaient runies sur la page de titre :
Lon Ribaut, rue Saint-Louis, Pau, et Henry Prowde, Amen Corner,
London. Amen Corner est situ entre la Cour dassises (the Old Bailey)
et la Cathdrale Saint-Paul, en plein cur de Londres, dans la City.
Dtail amusant, Amen Corner voisine avec la rue Ave Maria et la place
Pater Noster. Le livre a t ralis par limprimerie-strotypie Garet,
11, rue des Cordeliers Pau.
Il ma paru que cette double domiciliation voulue par lauteur est
significative. Elle me semble exprimer que Pau en Barn tait plac
sur un pied dgalit avec la capitale du monde britannique. La reine
Victoria invitait Henri IV ou linverse. Autour dune tasse de th,
ou dun verre de Juranon, on parlerait ncessairement barnais,
the language of Bearn , ni un patois ni mme un dialecte. Ainsi
lexistence de ce livre me parat tre la rponse tout indique la
question si souvent pose : le barnais, cest une langue ? Of course
it is !
Touchant lobjectif vis par ce livre, il nous faut lire en partie lAvertissement au Lecteur de Roger Gordon Molyneux, que je traduis :
Je crois quun abrg en anglais de cet ouvrage sur la langue barnaise sera utile et acceptable pour les nombreux visiteurs anglais et
amricains venus dans le sud de la France et dsireux de communiquer avec la paysannerie, si pleine de gentillesse et de bonne humeur, de ce pays ensoleill .
Nous allons voir ce que lesdits visiteurs allaient trouver dans ce
livre, qui, je le rappelle, est une grammaire suivie dun vocabulaire
essentiellement les mots cits dans la Grammaire. Cest une rduction : nous navons que cent quarante-cinq pages, alors que le livre
de Lespy en compte plus de cinq cents. Mais tandis que dans loriginal le Vocabulaire ne reprsente quun huitime du volume, dans la
traduction il en fait tout prs de la moiti. Cest que le vocabulaire
na pas t abrg (sans doute le traducteur anglais a senti que cette
partie-l tait vitale). En fait, il a t doubl puisque, au vocabulaire
barnais-anglais, Molyneux adjoint une partie anglais-barnais entirement originale, Lespy nayant donn que la partie barnais-franais.
Cest ce dsquilibre entre la grammaire et le vocabulaire qui me
parat laspect le plus intressant. Je ne sais pas si louvrage ainsi
conu a permis beaucoup danglophones de communiquer avec le
Barn profond celui des paysans ou sil leur a donn seulement
loccasion, auprs de llite cultive des Palois, de placer quelques

mots de notre belle langue ainsi dsigne surtout par ceux qui la
connaissent peu. Je crois que les choses nont pas chang depuis
cent ans. Ce que je sais de lapprentissage dune langue trangre
me fait dire que ce que lamateur de langues souhaite, cest de savoir des mots, surtout des noms, et parmi ceux-ci, des noms de choses concrtes. Donc, prfrence donne au vocabulaire, alors que savoir
une langue, cest matriser sa syntaxe. Par parenthse, ce qui distingue aujourdhui encore les vrais Barnais , des autres qui nont
pas assimil la langue la mamelle, cest que la langue quils parlent est aise et franche dallure, mme si le lexique se rapportant
certains domaines est pauvre et encombr de gallicismes.
Il faut dire ici que Molyneux fait du vocabulaire barnais une observation pertinente et fine. Les quivalents anglais quil donne sont
honntes et prcis ; ils montrent souvent de loriginalit et une comprhension en profondeur. Le pittoresque de nos tournures ne lui a
pas chapp. La partie anglais-barnais en fait parfois une utilisation savoureuse et pleine de pittoresque. Pour moi, angliciste dont la
langue maternelle est le barnais, la lecture du Vocabulaire de
Molyneux est une promenade linguistique instructive et fort agrable, amusante et parfois attendrissante. Certes, on a loccasion, de
temps en temps, dy sourire dune bourde bien excusable dans un
ensemble intelligent. Ce sont presque toujours des erreurs de manipulation, fausses lectures, confusions, lorsque langlais ne recouvre
pas exactement le barnais ou le franais de la traduction quen
donne Lespy. Je citerai en exemple le mot barnais ter, bien connu
des leveurs : en franais vairon , parasite des bovins dont la larve
provoque une tumeur et une perforation de la peau. Lespy dit dans
sa dfinition : le ver qui troue les cuirs . Molyneux a cru quil sagissait
du cuir des livres, do la traduction quil en donne : bookworm, littralement ver des livres et au sens figur rat de bibliothque .
Autre exemple : le patronyme Darrenougu, mot mot derrire-lenoyer , est devenu la dernire Noix (the last nut). Ailleurs cest
la bime qui devient chvre (she-goat). On peut citer aussi pi de
mas confondu avec balle des crales (lou cabelh de milhoc e
lou poub). Il est vrai que, pour un Anglais, le mas est une plante
exotique ! II arrive parfois que le typographe lise mal les notes manuscrites. Ainsi langlais b-o-i-l (furoncle) est traduit par boucherie . En fait, il sagissait de bouchorle (ampoule) mot dans lequel
le o et le l avaient t pris pour e et i ! Quelques accents sont oublis,
ce qui fait quon ne distingue plus bouhade (souffle) de bouhad (soufflet).
Je maperois que je traite de plus en plus la traduction du livre de
Lespy comme un vocabulaire et non comme une grammaire. Sans doute
parce que le vocabulaire permet de passer facilement dune langue
lautre. Ce qui me fait penser que cest ce ct qui a d intresser au
premier chef les anglophones. la lecture de ce livre qumaillent
ces expressions idiomatiques qui pour lapprenti linguiste reprsentent un idal difficilement atteint, je nai pas pu mempcher de songer quil est bien dommage que Molyneux nait pas entrepris une vraie
mthode dapprentissage, la rfrence ici tant la Mthode Assimil avec lAnglais sans peine qui a permis des gnrations
daborder la langue de Shakespeare par la phrase lgendaire : My
tailor is rich . Cette phrase fait toujours rire, mais la mthode mar-

che ! Les tudiants de gascon qui ont utilis Lo Gascon lu e plan de

Michel Grosclaude peuvent en tmoigner.
Dans sa traduction de la Grammaire proprement dite, Molyneux,
tout en sefforant dtre concis, a le souci de rester clair. Son texte
est calqu point par point sur le texte franais de Lespy (et la numrotation est la mme, ce qui est une bonne chose). Il en a les qualits
et les dfauts. Il en a la dmarche patiente qui procde pas pas,
tenant le lecteur par la main. Il en a aussi, hlas ! le caractre excessivement scolaire qui inflige au lecteur une surdose de termes abstraits. Ctait sans doute invitable, tant donn lapproche purement
grammaticale, sappuyant presque exclusivement sur la langue crite.
On aura remarqu que les indications de Lespy sur la manire de
prononcer sont minutieuses. Il ne se lasse pas de rpter, par exemple, la description du son e final sonnant comme un o doux, distinguer du e final doucement ferm. Molyneux est, par la prcision et la
patience pdagogique, la hauteur de Lespy.
Habituellement, Molyneux dcrit les sons par rapport au systme
franais avec servilit, dirais-je. Il sen libre rarement pour faire
appel la phontique anglaise. Il signale le son de y dans minya,
rapproche la prononciation de beroy de celle de boy, note que n en fin
de mot a le son anglais. Il me semble quon aurait pu, sadressant
des anglophones, tenter plus souvent une explication par les sons de
langlais. Il ne dit jamais que le h barnais ressemble au h anglais.
Il ne semble pas avoir remarqu que le barnophone a plus de facilit pour prononcer langlais que le francophone !
On peut se demander aujourdhui si faire un livre pour que des Anglais apprennent le barnais ntait pas une gageure. Pourtant ceux
qui lont tent ntaient pas fous. Il devait exister un rel besoin. Si je
me reporte un peu plus dun sicle en arrire, je suis peu prs sr
qu cette poque-l la masse des paysans barnais ne comprenait
pas bien le franais. Mon grand-pre, n en 1871, avait donc dix-sept
ans lorsque parut le livre de Molyneux. Il savait parler le franais,
quil avait appris lcole du village, mais beaucoup moins couramment que le barnais, qui tait sa vraie langue, sa rfrence de tous
les instants. Jai connu personnellement, il y a moins de dix ans, une
vieille femme qui il fallait traduire le franais de la vie courante en
barnais !
Cependant, sil sagissait de permettre aux Anglais de communiquer avec les barnophones, je ne crois pas que la chose tait ralisable. Le succs du livre a d tre un succs de curiosit. crire une
grammaire descriptive du barnais nallait pas apprendre aux Anglais parler notre langue. Cela ne pouvait tre au mieux quun divertissement. Cependant, Molyneux, en dpit de sa finesse dans lanalyse, ne semble pas avoir os se lancer franchement dans ce qui aurait
pu convenir son public : une sorte de causerie familire autour du
barnais. Au contraire, dans sa traduction de la Grammaire proprement dite, il sen tient aux notions purement grammaticales. Dans le
souci de ne pas faire trop long, sans doute, il a laiss dlibrment
de ct les parties les moins techniques, qui auraient t plus accessibles. Ainsi les cinquante-deux pages du Recueil de textes au
moyen duquel Lespy illustre lvolution de la langue sont cartes.
On aurait pu en donner une traduction anglaise. Il en est de mme
des aperus historiques, philologiques et anecdotiques parfois
polmiques dont Lespy aime entrelarder son cours. Molyneux rend

en quatre lignes les onze pages de Lespy sur Quelques noms de

lieux en Barn tels que Abidos, Siros, Glos. Refusant la polmique, il dclare prudemment que personne nest jamais parvenu une
conclusion satisfaisante sur ce sujet (quoique nombreux sont ceux
qui ont essay dtablir une relation entre la Grce et le Barn). Ailleurs,
traitant des Noms juxtaposs , Lespy se laisse aller son got
pour les questions lexicales. Il explique longuement des expressions
telle que bouhe-brac (essouffl), bernat-pudent (punaise des
bois) ou camaligue (jarretire). Son traducteur essaie de suivre en
condensant et tout en faisant un tri. Il note los binat (la pomme
dAdam), mais il saute berret de boeu , symbole du mari tromp.
Le refus du dtail anecdotique lui fait gagner de la place, mais au
prix dune impression assez pnible de scheresse.
Pour terminer, je dirai que lentreprise de Molyneux a ceci de paradoxal quelle se situe dans une atmosphre danglomanie. Lors de
lexposition Pau ville anglaise en 1978, le professeur Tucoo-Chala
pouvait souligner limpact britannique sur le commerce palois. Il cite
lhumoriste Bertall qui crivait en 1875 :
Pau nest pas une ville franaise. Pau appartient videmment et
clairement lAngleterre. Nos amis Anglais, qui jadis ont occup la
Guyenne et la Gascogne, ont conserv une invincible attraction pour
le Barn et ils ont conserv Pau comme leur dernier boulevard. Ils y
ont transplant leurs murs, leurs coutumes et leurs plaisirs... Ce
ne sont partout que family htels, boarding houses, cottages et english
houses. Les Anglais sont chez eux Pau .
Ils se sentaient tellement chez eux quils ont pu tre agacs par la
servilit des commerants palois soucieux surtout de traire, si je puis
dire, la poule aux ufs dor. Ainsi lintrt port par eux la langue
barnaise serait une recherche utopique sans doute de la puret originelle en pays de Barn...
Albert Peyroutet
(extrait des actes
du colloque Vastin Lespy)






















































































A, an, u, ue.
Abbacy, abadie.
Able, poude.
Abortion, ourtou, hart-de-bade.
About (near), birou.
Above, lassus.
Absinthe, eschen.
Abundant, aboundous.
Abuse (to), maladise.
Accomodating, prous.
Accomplished, coumplit.
Accord, arcord.
Account, counte.
Accuse (to), impausa.
Accused, reu.
Accustomed to be, soule.
Acknowledgment, quitatiou.
Acorns to gather, esglana.
Acquit, quita.
Action (at law), pleyt, pleytesie.
Action, actiou.
Action (bad), hyte.
Adieu, adiu, adichatz.
Adjust, junte.
Administration, gouberne.
Adore (to), cole.
Adorn, houndra.
Adversary, adbersari.
Adversities, trechagues.
Advice, counselh.
Advocate, aboucat.
Adze, doulad, douladere.
Affair, coenthe.
Affairs, negoci.
Affectionate, amistous.
Aftermath, arreganh.
Again, encore, engore.
Age, atye.
Agree (to), coumbenta, abiene-s.
Agreeable, agradable.
Agreements, tractis.
Agreement to make a verbal, emparaula.
Aid, jupitri.
Alarm (to), espanta.
Alder, brn.
Alert, goeyt.

All Saints, marterou.

Alone, soul, soulet.
Already, ja.
Altar, auta.
Although, ouya.
Ambush, argoeyt.
Ambush to lie in, argoeyta.
Amelioration, mielhurament.
Amiable, amigable, aymable,
Amorous, amourous.
Ancestor, ayo.
Ancestors, debancs.
Anciently, antiquementz.
Andirons, landrs.
Angel, anye, anyou.
Anger, ire.
Angle protruding, cant, cante.
Angry, mau.
Annoy (to), abria.
Ant, arroumigue.
Antique, antic.
Appeal, apu.
Appear (to), parexe, pare.
Appeased, apagat.
Appetite, talent.
Applaud, plaudi.
Apple, poume.
Apple orchard, poumarede.
Apple tree, poum.
Apply oneself (to), presa-s.
Approach (to), apressa-s.
April, abriu.
Apron, debantau.
Arable land. labouradisse.
Ardent, abambant.
Armpit, eschre.
Army, armade.
Arrival, arribade.
Ash tree, rexou.
Ass, azou, ayne (m. & f.).
Little ~ : saumet, saumete ; she
~ : saume.
Assemble (to), amassa-s.
Assembly, reculhide.
Association, pariadge.
Assurance, assegur.


Astonish (to), estarramousi.

Astray, hore-bjat.
At length, a la perfii.
At once, detire.
Attack (to), estaca.
Attack (illness), tacat.
Attentive, atentiu.
Attractive, gayhasent.
Audacious, ausart.
Audaciously, ausardamentz.
Auditor, audidou.
Auger, taret, taraut, tarabre.
August, aoust, agoust.
Aunt, siaa.
Authority, autoritat.
Avalanche, glout.
Awl, lesi, lisi.
Awning, debantau.
Axe, destrau, piole.

Bath, banh.
Bathe (to), banha.
Bat, charrisclaute.
Baubles, ferlingures.
Bawl (to), cridasseya.
Be (to), esta.
Be off ! houy ! a-hute !
Beam, trau, piterau, piturau.
Bean, habe.
Bean-field, habaa.
Bean-sowers, habos.
Bear children (to), maynada.
Bear, ours, ous.
Bearish, ours.
Bear-hunter, oussat.
Beast, besti.
Beat (to), truca.
Beautiful, bt, yens, yense.
Becca-fico, pele-higue, petouy.
Bed, lheyt.
Bed-clothes, pelhe de lheyt.
Bed-cover, aprigue.
Bedhead, suberc.
Back, ree, reye, rie, dors.
Bee, abelhe.
Back door, rebirri.
Beech, hac, hau.
Backwards, a larrebouhi.
~ grove : hayet, haget, faget.
Bad, mau, aule.
~ mast : haye, hayete.
Bad flavour, sapte.
Befoul (to), pipauteya.
Bad flavoured, saptat.
Beggar, quistayre.
Badger, taxou
Begin (to), ourdia.
~ earth : taxore.
Behind, darr.
Bag, sac.
Behindhand, tardiu.
Baker, paacoqu.
to be ~ : triga.
Bakehouse, hournre.
Believe (to), crede, creye, creze.
Ball of yarn, gusmet.
Bell, campane, senh ;
Band, rebat.
little ~ : esquire.
Banish (to), hore-bandi.
Bellows, bouhade.
Bank, tuco.
Beloved, grasit.
Baptism, baties, batio.
Belly, bente.
Barefoot, descaus, pees-descaus. big ~ : bentourre !
Bare-headed, cabirou.
Bellyful, mate-hami.
Bargain (to), marcadeya.
Below, debat.
Bargainer, marcadeyayre.
Belt, cinte.
Bark (to), hourra, ugla, layra.
Bench, banc, banque.
Bark, layret, ham, hama.
Bend (to), simpleya
Barking, clapiteye.
to ~ a bow : encourda.
Barley, hoerdi.
Benefit, benefici.
Barn, borde.
Best (the), mielhou.
Basement, chay.
Betray (to), tradi.
Basil (herb), basile.
Better, mielhe.
Basket, tistt.
Bilious man, isanh.
open ~ : tiste, tistre.
Billet, bigue.
~ maker : tisterayre.
Bill hook, haussilhe, haussot,
Basketful, tisterade.
bedoulh, pique-plix, marrassa.


Bind (to), liga.

Binder, ligadere.
Binding, ligadure.
Bindweed, liete.
Bird, auzt.
Bird-lime, besc.
Birth, naxence, nexence.
Bishop, abesque.
Bite, gnac, dentade.
Bite (to), mousseca.
Bitter, ama.
Bitterness, amarou.
Black, negre, ner.
Blacksmith, haure, hau.
Blade, brigue.
Blanket, bayo.
Blasphemer, blasphemadou.
Blear-eyed, laganhous.
Blind, orb, abugle.
Blistered, sabatat.
Bloated, farcimous.
Blond, blound.
Blood, sang.
Blot, plap.
Blot (to), plapa.
Blow, patac, truc, tiflat.
~ in the face : maxera.
~ with horns : tume.
Blow (to), bouha.
Blow fly, ternitre.
Blow out , hartre.
Blow pipe, clari.
Boat, nau.
~ ful : naulade.
Body, cors.
Boil, boucherie, joufle, roungou.
Boil (to), bouri.
Boiler, caud, caut.
Bold, goalhard.
Bolster, cats.
Bolt, bourroulh.
Bolt (to), harlapa.
~ flour : cerne.
Bond, liam.
Bone, os.
Book, libe.
Bookworm, tr.
Bore (to), trauca, hourada.
Born (to be ~), bade, baye, naxe.
Borrow (to), malheba.
Bottle, boutelhe.
Bottom, houndz, foundz.
Boundary, cantre.
Bouquet, floc.

little ~ : flouquetot.
Box, arque.
~ on the ear : couhat, gautade.
Box (to), couhateya.
Box tree, bouix.
Boy, gouyat, maynat, maynatye.
little ~ : gouyatet.
Bracken, heus, soustre.
Brain, cerbt.
Brake, segassaa.
Bran, bren.
~ meal : pese.
Branch, branque, arram.
Branches, ramadge.
Bread, paa.
~ and milk : miussat.
Breadth, laryou, lez.
Break (to), esbrigalha, crouxi,
trenca, roumpe.
Break of day, esguit deu die.
Break faith (to), desemparaula-s.
Breath, halet, let.
Breast, see, poupe.
Breed, petanhe, petranhe.
Brickbat, sourroulhe.
Bridge, pount.
Brief, breu.
Broken, rout.
Broken-winded, bouhe-brac.
Brood, petanhe, petranhe.
Brook, arriu, riu.
Broom, escoube.
Brother, ray, fray.
Bucket (Iron Handled), herrat.
Bud, bourou.
Build (to), basti.
Building, puble
Bull, tau, taure.
Bullfinch, poude-brout.
Bullock (Young), brau.
Bullock driver, bo.
Bundle, hardulhe.
Burdock, caulet dazou, lapasse.
Burial, sepulture, solpulture.
Burn (to), arde.
Burr, gahous, gahetz, rebou, regou.
Bury (to), ahouna, sepeli, sopeli.
Bush, broucaa.
Business, obs, eps, negoci, mesti,
But, mas, mes, mey.
Butcher, maser.
~ s calf : betet tau pic.


Butterfly, parpalhole, parpalho.

Buy (to), croumpa.
~ back : redeme.
Buyer, croumpadou.
Buzzard, toure.

Certainly, biss, bahide, de segu.

Chaffinch, pinsaa.
Chain, cadene.
Chair, cadire.
Change, cambiament.
Change (to), muda, cambia.
Change of sides, rebirri.
Changeable, mutatiu.
Chap (Crack), halhassous.
Cabbage, caulet.
Charge (to), carga, encarga ; (of
~ soup : garbure.
cattle) hula.
~ stalk : trouix.
Characteristic (s), tryt.
Cage, cuyole.
Charcoal, carbou.
Cake, garfou, coque.
waste ~ : tise.
~ seller : coucass.
~ burner : carboayre, carboo.
Call, apu.
Chasm, galihorce.
Call, (to), apera, uca.
Chatter, parloutis.
Calf, bett.
Chatterbox, lengassut, lengoasCamomile, matrounire.
Canary, chariscle.
Chatter (to), parlouteya.
Candidate, noumiadou, noumi- Cheek, maxre.
Cheese, roumatve.
Cantharides, cantet.
Chestnut, castanhe.
Cantle, cantet.
to gather ~ : castanha.
Caper, capihoune.
~ flowers : charlites, cherlites.
Captive, caytiu.
horse ~ : castanhe dama.
Car, carr.
boiled ~ : sabate.
Carbuncle, eslourounc.
roast ~ : irole.
Care, saa, soenh.
Cherry, guindoulh.
Caresses, gausialhes.
little black ~ : flourete.
Carnage, mourtalhe.
Chevron, cabirou.
Carrier, pourtadou, pourtayre.
Chew (to), gnaspa.
Carry off, tore.
Chick, pouric.
Carry (to), pourta.
Child (little), hilhete.
Cart, toumbaro.
Chill (to), marfandi.
Cart (to), carreya.
Chilly, redoulic.
Cartage, carrey.
Chine, esquie.
Cart (Two-Wheeled), bros.
Chip, talhuc.
Carter, toumbaroul, arroud.
Chirp (to), gritchaula.
Carve (to), pouda.
Choice, lheyte.
Carving, entalhadure.
Choose (to), causi.
Cash, din.
Christmas, nadau.
~ due : lhebade.
Chums , lays.
Castigation, castig.
Chunk, cantet.
Castle, castt.
~ of bread : quillou de paa.
Cat, gat, arnaud.
~ of wood : hust, huste.
wild ~ : gat-pitoch.
Church, glyse, glisi.
Cattle, bestia, mayram.
Cider, poumade.
~ driver : toucadou.
Cinder, brase.
Cavalcade, cabaucade.
Claws, urpes.
Cave, tute, cobe, quebe.
Claws (to), urpa.
Cauldron, caudre, cautre.
clean, nete, propi.
Cellar, chay.
Clean (to), neteya.
Cemetery, cemitri.
Clear, cla.
Century, segle.


Clearing, treyture.
Clearness, lustrou.
Cleave (to), hene.
Clod, tarroc.
Clog, esclop.
Clog (to), traba.
Clogger, escloup.
Cloister, claustre.
Close (to), barra.
~ the eyes : cluca.
Cloth, tele.
Cloud, brum, nuble.
Clove, clabet.
~ of garlic : perne dalh.
Clover, higaudre.
red ~ : ferrou.
Clumsy, estros.
Cluster, gaspe.
Cob of corn, poub.
Cobweb, taralaque.
Cock, galhou, hasaa.
Cockchafer, escarbalh.
Cockroach, cuque.
Cockscomb, cleque, halhe.
Codfish, moulue.
Cold, red.
Colour, coulou.
Colt, pourii.
Comb, pienti.
Combat (to), coumbate.
Come (to), bi, biene.
~ out : yexe.
Come up ! harri !
Comforts, prouseys, agane.
Comforted, aganat.
Commence (to), ourdia.
Commencement, lintrant.
Common, coumu.
Community, unibersitat.
Companion, coumpanhou.
Company, coumpanhe.
Complain (to), dole-s, rencura-s,
Complaint, querelhe.
Complete, coumplit.
Complexion, tint.
Confection, arrasimat, coudounhat.
Confidence, ahide, hide.
Confound (to), couhoune.
Consider, coussira.
Consign (to), counsigna.
Consolation, counsoul, recounfort.

Console (to), counsoul, acounourta.

Contained in (to be ~), cabe.
Contemptible fellow, pelhot.
Contemptuously, mesprezibamentz.
Convention, pariadge.
Cook (to), cose.
Coopers knife, trengue, trenque.
Cordial, courau.
Corn bread, mesture.
Corner, corn.
Corn shucks, peroque.
Corpse, mourt.
Council, counselh.
Count, coumte.
Count (to), noumbra.
Country, pays, pys.
Couple, par, paa, parelh.
Courage to want, flaca.
Court of justice, parlatori.
Courtyard, casalaa, masoau.
Course, courrude.
Cousin, cousii ; (f.) saurie.
little ~ : cousiot.
Cover (to), coubri, apriga.
Covert, barte.
Covertly, coubertamentz.
Coward, flouch.
Cowhouse, boerie.
Cowman, baqu, baquer.
Crack, cletre, henude.
Crack (to), crouxi.
Cradle, dindo ; bres.
Craftsman, mestierau.
Cram (to), arregoula.
Crammed with food and drink,
hart y pitart.
Crazy, insensat, sere-birat.
Creak (to), carrinca.
Crease, plec.
Creeper, mate-seube.
Cress, grexous.
Cresset, cruso.
Crevasse, halhasse.
Crippled, arranc.
Crisp (to), perbouca.
Crooked, de tort.
Crop (to), couya.
Cross, croutz.
Cross (to), croutza
~ oneself : senha-s.
Crossbow, balestre.
Cross-eyed, lustre.


Cross-grained, rebouhic.
Cross-roads, crouzat-de-bie.
Crosswise, de guingoy, de trubs.
Crow, courbas, courbais.
Crowbar, hausseprim.
Crowd, aro.
Crown (money), escut.
Crucible, hournet.
Cruel, crudeu.
Crumb, medout, brigalhre, esbrigalh.
Crush (to), esglaxa.
Crupper bone, os-bertrand.
Cry, crit.
sharp ~ : chisclet
~ off distress : biahore.
Cry (to), ugla;
~ out : ilha, crida.
Cry-baby, plourass.
Crystal, cristau.
Cudgel, bigue.
Cultivate (to), laura.
Cultivated land, bareyt.
Cup, iap, hiap.
Cure (to), sana.
Currant, coulindre.
Current (of water), briu.
Custom, usatye.
Cut (to), talha.
~ a throat : escana.
Cutting, osque, probanhe.
to set ~s : probanha.

the next ~ : lendedie lendoumaa.

~ s work : journade, jour nau.
working ~ : die oubr.
Dazzle (to), enlugarna, enluzerna.
Dead, mourt.
Deaf, sourd, chourd.
Deafen (to), eschourda.
Dear, ca.
Death rale, rangoulh.
Debt, deute.
Deceive (to), engana.
Deceiver, sousmaqu.
Deception, nazade.
Deed off violence, fyt de sang.
Deep, pregoun.
Defamation, infametat.
Defame (to), infama.
Defile, hourreda.
Deffled, hourr.
Deglutition, passe-cot.
Delay (to), tarda.
Delicious, delicious.
Deliver (to), liura.
Deluge, delubi.
Denial, negament.
Denier, negadou.
Deny (to), denega, nega.
Depart (to), parti.
Departure, partiment.
Dependant, lous sousmes.
Deprive oneself (to), payra-s.
Deprived off, ryt.
Deposit, coumane.
Descend (to), debara.
~ from : gessi.
Descent, debanade.
Daisy, ulhet, margaude.
Desirous, hamoulent.
Damp, moudacous.
Despise (to), mespresa.
~ weather : moud.
Determine firmly, acounourta-s.
Damper , pastet.
Devastate (to), tala.
Dandle (to), hapa, flicouteya, Devastation, tale.
yumpa, anina.
Dew, haudrec.
Danger of incurring, incourre- Dexterity, habillesse.
Die (to), mouri.
Dangle (to), pendouleya.
Difficulty, perhoc, embatch, hic,
Dare (to), ausa, gausa.
Dark, escu.
Dig (to), houtya, hode.
Darken (to), negreya.
Digest (to), deberse.
Dart (to), abourri-s.
Diligent, atrebit.
Daughter-in-law, nore.
Dinner, dinna.
Dawdle over (to), loungayneya. Direct (to), adega.
Dawdler, loungayn.
Direct oneself towards (to), tira.
Dawn, aube.
Dirt, pipaut, pipautis, horre.
Day, die.
Dirty, pipaut.
before yesterday : delahie, dela je.


Dirty (to), hourreda, empipauti.

Discharge, quitament.
Discord, maganhe.
Discouraged, estramoulit.
Disgust, hasti.
Disgusting, hastiau.
Dislike (to), espudi.
Displease (to), desagrada.
Disposition, talent.
Dispute, riote, peley, peleye.
Dissimulation, sousmac.
Distaff, filouse.
Distress, reyture.
District, parsaa.
Ditch, hosse, barat, paxre.
Ditcher, barad.
Diverse, dibers.
Do (to), ha.
Doctor, medici, metge.
Dog, caa.
Dog grass, agrament.
Dog-wood, hust-du.
Doll, ninole, mounaque, fofone.
Dollar, escut.
Done, hyt.
Door, uchet.
Doorway, pourtau.
Double chin, subermentou.
Double handful, junte.
Down-hearted, estremoulit, estabanit.
Downpour, chourroute.
Drag (to), arroussega.
Drake, guit.
Draw (to), tira, trege, treye.
Drawbridge, pount-lhebadis.
Drawer, tirete.
Drawers (chest of), armari.
Dream (to), sauneya.
Dress, raube.
short ~ : raubete.
Dress (to), besti, aparia.
Drink (to), bebe.
Drive in (to), ahouna.
Drap (to), gouteya.
Drop, goute.
little ~ : goutete.
Droppings, hemse.
Drown (to), nega.
Drowsiness, droumilhou.
Drum, tabard.
Drunk, choup, briac.
Drunkard, ibrounhe.
Drying ground, tened.

Dryness, sequre.
Drizzle (to), plabusqueya.
Duck, guite.
Due (the), dretatge.
Dumb, mud.
Dumpling, mique.
Dung heap, hem.
Dust, proube.
~ from wormed wood : quere.
Dusty (with cinders), brasouqu.
Dwarf, nan.
Dwell (to), esta.
Dwelling, estadge.
Dye, tinte.
Dye (to), tinta.
Dyer, tintur.

Each, each one, cade, cadu.
Ear, aurelhe.
~ of corn : cabelh, poub.
Early, de-d-hore.
Earthen pot, toupi.
Ear thquake, terre-trem, terretremble.
Earthworm, talos.
Ease, aysat.
Easily, ad-ayse.
Easter, pascoe, pasques.
Easy, prous, aysit.
Eat (to), minya.
Echo, arreboum.
Economize (to), estaubia.
Edefice, edifici.
Edge, estrem.
Edge (cutting), talh.
Education, escouliatye.
Eel, anyle.
Egg, oeu.
white of ~ : larme, larmade.
Eight, oeyt.
eeghth part : oeytal, oeytau.
Elder, eschu.
Elder, sahuc.
Elder, aynat.
Elect (to), eslye.
Eleven, ounze.
Eleventh, ounzal, ounzau.
Elf, hadete.
Elm sapling, 0um.
Ember week, tempoures, trempes.
Emolument, emoulumentz.


Empty, badaloc, boeyt, bouharoc.

Enclose (to), recapta, recatta.
Enclosure, sarralh.
End, cap, fii.
~ of year : cap dan.
Endure (to), passa.
Enjoy (to), gaudi.
Enliven (to), abita.
Enough ! ia !
Entire, sanc.
Entirely, planementz, cap-e-tout.
Entrap (to), trebuca.
Entry, entrade, lintrant.
Ennui, tesic, debev.
Envious, embious.
Envy, embeye.
Equal shares, perne.
Equity, equitat.
Escape (to), escapa-s.
Escape, escap.
Establishment, establiment.
Esteem (to), presa.
Evening, see.
Ewe, anesque.
~ lamb : bouregue, anesquete.
Excentric, nesci.
Except, saub.
Except (to), sauba.
Excepting, saubant.
Exchange, cambi, cambies.
Excommunication, escouminye.
Excrescence, escreix.
Exempt, eschenye.
Exit, salhide.
Expedition, anade.
Extremity, estrem.
Eye, oelh, uelh.
Eyelid, perpere, perpet.

Face to face, care a care.
Factory, oubrad.
Faded, esblasit.
Faggot, engoalh.
Fair (adj.), blound.
Fair (annual), heste ennau.
Fairy, hade
~ ridden : hadat.
little ~ : hadete.
Faith, fee, ahide.
Faithful, fidel, fideu.
Faithless, infideu.
Fall (to), cade, caye.


Fall of water, eschalagas.

Fall into (to), esbouni-s.
False, faus.
Family, cazade.
Famine, harnen.
Far, loenh.
Farmer, bourdal.
~s boy : liquet.
Farmyard, parguie, pati.
Farthing, ardit.
Fast (to), desjua, deyoa.
Fasting, dejuu, deyuu.
Fatality, hat.
Fate, hat.
Father, pay.
~ in-law : soer.
Fatigue duty, obre mane.
Fatuity, fad.
Fault, pecque, coupe.
Favourable occasion, aysine.
Fear, met, po.
Fear (to), teme.
Fearful, pauruc, poruc.
Fear-stricken, esglas, esglasi.
Feasible, hased.
Feast, hste.
February, heur.
Feed with oats (to), acibada.
Fell (to), talha.
Female, femle, fumle, himi.
Fence, paxre, plix.
Ferocious, heroutye.
Ferret (to), houruca, huruca.
Ferry dues, naulatye.
Ferryman, naul.
Fervent, abambant.
Fetter (to), traba.
Fever, frbe.
Feverish, febrous.
Few, chic.
Field, camp, prat.
Fifteenth, quinzal, quinzau.
Fifth, quint, quinte.
Fig, higue, tantarilhe.
Fill (to), emplea, abelha.
Filth, houredesse, grehe, grepe,
pipaut, pipatis.
Filthy, greherous.
Final, finau.
Finance (to), fina.
Fine (subs.), ley.
Finger, digt.
little ~ : digt-menin.
ring ~ : digt-aner.

~ nail : ungle.
~ joints : unhetz, unhous.
Fir, abet.
Fire, hoec.
to set on ~ : ahoega.
Fish, peix, pesque.
little ~ : pesquit.
~ monger : peixoun, peixo.
~ pond : pesque.
Fist, punh.
Fit (to be), praba.
Fixed idea, tine.
Flabbiness, flaque.
Flaccid, flac.
Flageolet, flayoulet.
Flagon, flascou.
Flail, eslayet.
Flame, eslam, eslame, halhe.
Flank, malh.
Flash, relambre.
~ of lightning : eslambrec.
Flatterer, flaunhac, lauzenqu.
Flavour, saubrou.
Flax, lii.
to scotch ~ : barga.
~ scotching mill : bargue.
strand of ~ : bete.
Flesh, carn.
Flexible pole, halha.
Flexible, tilhous.
Flick, fliscade.
Flick (to), flisca.
Flies swarm of, mouscalhe.
Flight, hoeyte, ahoalh.
to put to ~ : ahoeyta.
Flinch (to), floucha.
Flitch of bacon, perne de lard.
Flock, troupet, grey, ahoalh.
care of a ~ : pastouris.
Flog (to), hueta, mousqueya.
Flood, aygat.
Floor, soul.
Flour, harie.
Floury, harious.
Flower, flou.
Fluff, flue, peluse.
Flute, flabute.
Fly, mousque.
~ catcher : fenoulhet.
~ flap : mouscalh.
Foal (to), ohoeye, pouria.
Foam, grame.
Foaming, moustous.
Fog, brume.

Fold, plec.
Fold (to), plega.
Folks, yent.
Follow (to), segui.
Folly, houlie ; peguesse.
Fool, pepi, pimpim.
to play the ~ : droullateya, houleya, pegueya.
Foolish, besti, nesci.
~ fellow : guiroulh.
Foot, pe.
~ print : pezadure, peade.
~ sore : espederat.
Fop (to play the), fadeya.
For, enta.
Forage (to), fourrasta.
Forbid, betat.
Ford, goa.
Forehead, frount.
Forest, seube, bos, bosc.
Forge, horgue, hargoe.
Forgery, haus.
Forget (to), oublida, desbroumba-s.
Forgotten, oublit.
Fork (3 pronged), hourcat.
Form (to), adega.
Former, sanrer, saenrer.
Fort, pourtalet.
Fortress, hourtalesse.
Foster brother, frayrou.
Foundations, seti.
Fountain, hount, hountaa.
Four, quoate.
Fourth, quoart, quoarte.
Fowls, pouralhe.
~ house : pouralh.
Fox, boup.
Fraternize (to), frayreya.
Freckle, lendie.
Freckled, lendious.
Freed, soutz.
Fresh, fresc.
Freshness, frescou.
Freeze (to), yela, tourra.
Friday, dibees.
Friend, amic.
Friendship, amistat.
to make ~ : amigalha.
Fright, heresse, herou.
Frighten, esglassia, espauri, esbarya.
Frizzle (to), perbouca.
Frog, graulhe, griaulhe.


Frontier, termire.
Frost, tourrade.
Fruit, fruut.
~ tree : frut.
~ seller : frutre.
soft ~ : fruut.
Fugitive, hoeytiu.
Full, plee, plaa, plane, har t.
Funnel, hounilh.
Furious, arrouyous.
Furrow, souc, arregue.
Future, abenid.

Goad, agulhade.
Goad (to), saca, chaca.
Goat crabe.
of ~s : crabii.
God, Diu.
~ daughter : hilhole.
~ father : payrii.
~ mother : mayrie.
~ son : hilhou.
Gold, aur.
Goldfinch, hilhou, cardinat, cardine.
Gorge (to), sadoura, harta-s.
Gorse, brane.
~ covert : brana.
Gossip, debis, trachamand.
Gadfly, tabaa, tauque.
Good, bou.
Gain (to), goadanha.
Goodness, bountat.
Gall, heu.
Goose, auque.
Gambol, garimbet.
Gourd, cuyou.
Game, joc.
Gracious, gracious.
to make ~ of : trufa-s.
Graft, empeuta.
Gander, aucat, guirot.
Grain, graa.
Gap in hedge, passad.
Granary, gra.
Garden, berdure, hort, casau. Grandiose, grandous.
Garland, garlande.
Grand-dad, pay-bou, papou.
Garlic soup, ouliat.
Grand-mother, mayrastre.
Garment, pelh, pelhe.
Grapes, arrasim.
light ~ : pelhot, harpilhot.
Grass, herbe, gerbe, yerbe.
coarse ~ : hatou.
Grasshopper, grit, gritchaule.
Garter, camaligue.
Gratis, franquementz, de grat.
Gateway, pourtau.
Grave, hosse, clot, barat.
Gather (to), coelhe.
~ digger : barad.
Gay, gay.
Gravel, glre, glar.
General, generau.
Graze (to), pexe, herbadya ; rega.
Gentle, suau, soau, choau.
Grazier, neuridou.
Giant, gegoant, gigant.
Greediness, ahami.
Gift, doun.
Greedy, goulut, aganit.
Gillie-flower, clabetine.
Grease, grix.
Gimlet, gambilet.
Greasy, lurdous.
Gipsey, tatay.
Green, berd.
Gird (to), cinta.
Greenfinch, berdou.
Girl, maynade, gouyate.
Great, gran, grane.
little ~ : gouyatine.
Greater, maye.
Give (to), balha, da.
Greyhound, caa leberau, lebr.
Gizzard, guise.
Grief, hel, goey.
Glance, oelhade.
Groan, gemit.
Glanders, mouquire.
Groomsman, thalam.
Glandered, mouquirous.
Gross, macou.
Glass (tumbler), beyre.
Ground shoots, hilhetes, gourGlory, glori.
Glut (to), enguisera.
Grout to (Pigs), houdica, houdiGlutinous, moustous.
lha, hournilha.
Glutton, galapia, hartan.
Grow (to), crexe.
Go (to), ana, tira, i.


Growl (to), brouni.

Grubbing Axe, houss.
Grudge, rancou.
Grumble (to), brouni.
Guarantees, fermances.
Gudgeon, trauguen.
Gut, budt.
Gutter, goutre.


Habitation, caze.
Hail, crabamasse.
to ~ : peyrebate.
Hair, peu.
Hairy, pelut.
Half, miey, mieytat, (adv.) a mieyes.
Halve (to), esmieya.
by halves : miey-per-miey.
Halfcaste, mouret, mourete.
Halfpenny, soo.
Half a moment, pausote.
Halo, barau.
Halter, cahestre.
Halting Place, estanguet.
Ham, ham, cambalhou.
Hamlet, hourdalat.
Hammer, martt.
Hand, maa.
by ~ fuls : a punhatz.
Hand over (to), balha.
Hand barrow, pourtadere.
Handkerchief, moucadou.
Handsome, bet, fir, fire.
Handy, atrebit.
Hang (to), pene.
Happiness, bounhur.
Happy, hurous.
Harangue, predicole.
Hardly at all, tant per tant.
Hardly ever, goayre.
Hardworker, mourdent.
Hare, lb, lbe.
Harm (to), nuise, nose.
Haricot bean, mounyete, habole.
Harrow, arpegue, arrascle.
to ~ : embobe.
Hartshorn fern, lengue-de-baque.
Harvest (to), garbeya.
Harvester, garbeyadou, espigadou.
Hasten (to), esdebura-s, coenhta-s, amaneya-s.
Have (to), hab.
Hawk, esparb.

Hay, hee.
to make ~ : heya.
~ maker : heyadou.
Head, teste, cap.
~ dress : cohe.
Heap, sarrot, pile, mete, mede.
to ~ up : assoumera, apiela.
Hear (to), entene, audi.
Heart, coo.
~ of oak : courau.
Hearth, lar.
Heat, calou.
great ~ : gaumas, gauhe, gauhou.
to ~ : cauha.
Heath, gabarre.
~ land : gabaraa, touyaa.
Hedge, sgue.
Hedgehog, harissou.
Hedge warbier, passe-sgue.
Heffer, yote.
Height, poutye, poudye, hautou,
Heir, heret.
Hell, ihr.
Help, secous, ayude.
to ~ : ayda, ayuda.
Hen, garie ; (with chickens), clouque.
Hen-harrier, escane-clouque.
Herd, grey.
Here, asso.
Heretic, hiregge.
Heritage, heretat, heretatye.
Hide (to), estuya, escoune.
Hide and seek to play, ha a lestuyasso.
Hiding place, escounadere, buyau, retiranse, estuyasso, estuyo.
Highway, camii-nau.
Hill, serre.
Hillside, coustalat, poutye, poudge,
Hip, malh.
Hire, lougatye, lougu.
Hire (to), louga.
History, histori.
Hoarse, arrauc.
Hogshead, tounet.
Hold (to), tie, tiene.
~ fast : estrenhe.
Hole, trauc, hourat, clot.
Hollow, bouharoc.
Holly, agreu.


~ clump : agreulaa.
Homage, houmatye.
Home (to go), ayassa-s.
Honest, hauneste.
Honey, mu.
~ comb : brescou.
Honour, haunou.
funeral ~s, las haunous.
Honour (to), cole, houndra, haunoura.
Hood, capulet.
Hook, ham.
Hooked, unglous.
Hope, esperanse.
Hope (to), espera.
Hopper, tremouge.
Horn, corn, corne.
Hornet, boussalou.
~s nest, boussaloure.
Horse, chibau.
Horse radish, arrafen, arrafou.
Hospital, espitau.
Hot, caud.
Hour, hore.
House, houstau, maysou.
little ~ : houstalet.
~hold : menatye.
How, quin, quinh, quinhement,
How many, quoant, quoantes.
Howl (to), gnaula.
Hubbub, haroulis.
Huguenot, huganaut, higanaut.
Hum (to), canteya.
Human, humaa.
Humble, humiu.
Hundredweight, quintau.
Hunger, hami.
Hungry, hamoulent, ahamiat.
Hunter, cassadou, cassayre.
Hurdle, paxeraa, clede.
Hurly-burly, calhabari, tourroumbourroum, hourbari.

I, jou, you.
Idle, peressous.
If not, ouya.
Ignore (to), ignoura.
Ill, malau.
Illness, malaudie.
Ill-dressed person, massacanac.
Ill-will, maubestat.


Image, imatye.
Immediately, autalu, tantican,
Impediment, impediment.
Improve (to), adouba.
Imputation, encarg.
Impute (to), encarga.
In, hens, dens.
In truth, ya.
Inclined (to), encarat.
Increase, crexement.
Increase (to), praba.
Indictment, libu.
Indignant, coulerat.
Indignation, indignatiou.
Infamous, infami.
Infection, pudou.
Iniquity, maubestat, malesse.
Injure (to), maca.
Injury, macadure, injuri.
Instance, instance.
Instigate, instiga.
Instrument, instrument, estrument.
Inter (to), sousterra.
Intestine, tripe, tripou, tripet.
Intimacy, ligami.
Invade (to), embadi.
Invasion, embadiment.
Inventor, imbentou.
Inventory, inbentari.
Invigorate (to), rabiscoula.
Irate, irat.
Ire, ire.
Iris, sesque.
Iron, hr, he.
old ~ : herralhe, herrulhe.
Iron pot, metau.
Ironwork, hrre.
Irritate (to), emmali, esmali.
Isard, sarri.
Issue, escap.
Issue (to), gessi.
Itch, itching, prudanhe, prudre.
Itch (to), prude, prudi, gratre.
Ivory, eboli.
Ivy, hiyre, gyre.


James, Yaques.
January, jener.
Jasmin, jansemi.
Jaw, maxeraa.
Jay, gay.

Jealous, jelou, yelous, yalou.

Jew, judiu, jusiu.
Jewels, joyas, joyeus.
John, Yan.
Join (to), junhe.
Joseph, Jusep, Josep, Jausep.
Joy, gay, yoye.
Joyous, gauyous.
Judge, judge, yutye.
Judge (to), yutya.
Judgement, judici, yutyament.
Jug, tarras, pega.
July, julhet.
Jump (to), sauta, mauta.
June, jun.
Just, juste ; (adv.) bit.
so~ : bit-atau.
~ thus : bit-atau.
~ in front : bit-debant.
Justice, justici.
Justly, justamentz.

Kick (to), culhebeta.
Kicking, culhebet.
Keep (to), estruca, sauba, goarda.
Key, clau.
Kid, betre, crabot, cabiro, cabirole.
Kill (to), aucide.
Kindle (to), abita ; gatoa.
Kindlings, abitalhes.
King, rey.
Kingdom, reau, reaume, reyaume.
Kiss, pot, poutou.
Knee, joulh.
Kneeding trough, myt.
Kneel down (to), ajulhoa-s.
Knife, coutt, nabe, ganibete.
~ grinder : remoulayre.
Knock down (to), trenca.
Knock-kneed, truque -youlhs.
Knot, noud.
porters ~ : cabad.
Know (to), counexe, sabe.
Knowingly, sabiamentz.
Knowledge, sabense, counexence.

Labour (to), laura.

Labourer, lauradou, labouradou,

Lace, las, lasso.
Ladder, escale.
Lady, daune.
~ s man : fringayre.
Lamb, anhet.
of ~: anheri.
Lame, tort.
Land (cultivated), bareyt.
Landmark, mounyoye.
Landslip, eslurres.
Languish (to), langui.
Languor, langou, calanqu.
Lap, haute.
Larceny, layrounici.
Lard say or, sahi de porc.
Large, gran, larye.
Large-headed, caboussut.
Lark, laudete, calendrete.
Lark (to), pinneteya.
Last, darr.
Lastly, darrerie.
Latch, flisquet.
Lately, naberamentz.
Latrines, segretes.
Laugh (to), arride.
Laurel, laur.
Law, ley.
~ breaker : roumpedou.
Lazarus (St.), Sent Laze.
Lead (to), mia.
Leaf, hoelh.
League, lgue.
Leap, pinnet, garimbet.
Least, mendre.
Leather, tanal.
~ on clog, gansole, ganso.
Leave (to), lexa, dexa.
Leaven, lhebadure, bourid.
Lees, drusc.
Left side, sinestre, senestre.
Leg, came.
Legal, leyau.
Leisure, les.
Lend (to), presti.
Length, loungou, cous.
Lentil, lendie.
Lessen, achica.
Let (to), lauda, louga.
Letter, letre.
Lettuce, leytugue.
Level, plan, de ploumb.
Levers, hausse-prim.


Leveret, lebraut, lebrautou.

Liberated, sautz.
Liberation, franquesse.
Lick (to), leca.
Licking, lecadure.
Lie down (to), ayaca-s.
Life for, bite-bitante.
Lifelike, natre.
Lift (to), lheba.
Light, lutz.
Light (not heavy), leuy.
Light (to), ahoega.
Lights, courade.
Lighten (to), eslambregueya.
Lightning, troos.
Like, coum.
Lily, liri.
Lime, causee.
~burner : cauhadou.
Lime tree, tilh.
~grove : tilhab.
Limit, termire.
Limit (to), termia.
Limp (to), tourteya.
Linseed, liuse.
Lip, pot.
Live (to), bibe.
Lively, biu.
Liver, hitye.
Livestock, gasalhe.
Listen (to), escouta.
Litter, palhat.
litter (to ~ down) : soustratye.
Little, chin, drin, pauc, pauque.
Loach, lauquete.
~ fisher : lauquet.
Load, hix, saumade.
Lock, sarralhe.
Lock (to), sarra, claba.
to ~ up : estrussa.
Lodge (to), arrecatta.
Log, lenhe.
Long, loung.
Look at (to), espia.
Loom, tele.
Lose (to), perde.
~ oneself : esbarri-s.
Loss, damn.
Lot, hardu.
Louse, pedoulh.
Lout great, paysanas.
Love, amou.
to make ~ : amoureya.
Love (to), ayma.


Lover, aymadou.
Low brute, macou.
Low Sunday, pasquetes.
Lower (to), baxa, hacha.
Loyal, leyau.
Luminary, luminari.
Lunatic, luec.
Lunch, bresp.
Lustre, lustrou.

Mad, rauyous, ho.
Made, hyt.
Madness, rauye, houlie.
Magistracy, juradie.
Magistrate, jurat.
Magistrates (bench of), jurade.
Maggot, ternitz.
Magpie, pigue.
Maize, milhoc.
~ porridge : broye.
Make (to), ha.
Male, mascle.
Malice, desaguis, malici.
Malicious, malicious.
Maliciously, maliciousamentz.
Mallet, malhoque.
Man, homi.
little ~ : houmiot.
Manger, minyadere.
Marl, azerou.
Manner, manerie.
Manoeuvre, obre mane.
Mantle, mante, mantet, mantou.
Manure, hemse
liquid ~ : licher.
Manure (to), hema.
Many, hres.
Marble, marme.
March, martz.
of ~ : martsesc.
Mare, egue, ygue, cabale.
little ~ : haque.
owner of ~ : egoass.
Marjoram, mayourane.
Mark (to), merca.
Market, marcat.
~ place : marcadet
~ salesman : marcad.
Marl, marle.
~ pit : marlre.
Marriage, maridatye.
Married man, moulherat.

Marry (to), amoulhera-s, acasa-s.

Marshal, marescaut, manescaut.
Marvel (to), merbelha-s.
Mason, massoayre, masso, peyr.
Mass (the), misse.
Master, maste, mste.
~ carpenter : maste de fuste.
~ mason : maste de pyre.
Mastiff, moustii.
Match (wooden ~), luquet.
Matrimony, matrimoni.
May, may.
of ~ : mayesc.
Meadow, prade, hiaa.
~ land : praderie.
Means, mieyan.
Measies, sarrampic.
Measure, payre.
Measure (to), percha, payera.
Medicine, poutingue.
Meddle (to), toucasseya.
Mediar, mespl.
Meet to go (to), arcoelhe.
Melt (to), houne.
Memory, memori.
Menace (to), miassa.
Mention, mentabe.
Merciful, pietadous.
Metal, metau.
Mew (to), gnaula.
Midst (in the ~), mieytan, au mitan.
Midwife, may deu so ; marlre.
Mignonette, arresera.
Milk, lyt.
Mill, moulii.
~ clappe : petouy.
~ dues : punhre.
~ race : gau, agau, passelis.
~ stone : pyre moulire.
~ wheel : arroudet.
Mildew, eslou.
Miller, mouli.
Millet, milh.
Mimic, escarni.
Mint (wild ~), mentras.
Mirror, miralh.
Miscarry, ourta, abourta.
Misdeed, mauhyt.
Miserly, aganit.
Misery, malhur.
Misfortune, malhur.
Mishap, miscap.

Missing (to be ~), maca, falhi.

Mistaken (to be ~), peca-s.
Mite, anc.
Mock (to), jangla.
Mocker, trufand, trufc, janglayre.
Mockeries, trufes, trufandises,
Moisten (to), mulha.
Molar tooth, caxau.
Mole, bouhou, taupat.
Moment, moument.
at this very ~ : bitare.
Monday, dilhuus, diluus.
Money, aryent.
~ box : dinerole.
~grubber : sarre-lardit.
Monk, mounye.
~ hood : mounyerie.
Monsignore, moussen.
Month, mees.
Monument, mouniment.
Moon, lue.
Moor, mulatto, mourou.
More, mes, mey.
Morning, matiade, matiau.
the next ~ : lendemati.
Mortality, mourtalre.
Mortal (lethal), mourtau.
Mosquito, mouscalhou, mousquilh, mousquit.
Mother, may.
~ in law : sore.
Mould, eslou.
Mould, moulle.
Mould (to), moule.
Mound, turou.
Mouth, bouque, gaute.
Mouthful, bouci, hurrup, hourrup.
Move (to), mauta, mabe.
Mow (to), dalha, sega.
Mower, dalhe.
Much, hre.
Mud, grabe.
~ hut : tapie.
Muddy, moudacous.
~ ground : grabassaa.
Muff , maset.
Mulberry, amoure.
~tree : amour.
~ bird : moure.
Mule, mulet.
Muletier, mulat, mulet.
Murder (to), maca


Murderer, murte.
Mutilate, aleba.
Mutilated limb, alep.
Mutton, moutou.
Muzzle, mus.

Ninth, nabal.
Nit, leni.
No, nani, nou.
No one, nat.
Noble, gentiu.
Nocturnal, noeytiu.
Nominee, nouminadou, noumiaN.
None, negu.
Nail, clau.
Nones, nabenes.
finger ~ : oungle.
Nonsense, repipiatye, ripipiatye.
Nail (to), clabera.
Nook, rincou.
Naked, nud.
Noose (snare), escript.
Name, noum, noumi.
Northern, jusaa, jusou.
Name (to), noumenta.
Nose, naz.
Nap (to take a ~), ha u cluquet. Nostril, naditz, naritz.
Napkin, bayo, panet.
Notable, noutable.
Narrow, estret.
Notary, noutari.
Native, natiu, nadiu.
Nothing, ropi, arr, sounque.
Natural, naturau.
Notorially, assebudementz.
Navel, melic.
Nourish (to), neurii.
Near, birou, coste, juste de.
Nourishment, neuritut.
Necessary, necessari.
Nubile, maridad.
to be ~ : falhe, cale.
Numb, amourrit.
Neck, cot, cog, coch, coyt.
Number, noumbre.
Need, obs, ops, besounh.
Nun, menourette.
Needle, agulhe.
Nuptial, noubiau, nuptiau.
Needleful, baste.
~ chamber : espousau.
Needy, reyterous.
Nurse (to), yumpa.
Negation, negatiou.
Nurture, neurissalhes.
Negligence, negligence.
Nut, notz, aberaa.
Negligent, negliyent.
~ shell : nogue.
Neigh, hi-hi.
Nux vomica, habe de caa.
Neigh (to), pinna.
Neighbour, besii.
Nephew, nebout.
Nervous, poruc, pauruc.
Nest, nidade.
Oak, cassou.
to build a ~ : nida.
~ grove : cassourraa.
~ egg : nidau.
~ sapling : cassourre.
Nestle (to), nida.
Oath, segrament.
Net, hialat.
Oats, cibade.
field ~ : paloumre, pandles.
wild ~ : uraa.
batfowling ~ : iranhou.
Obey (to), aubedi.
flishing ~ : arroussec.
Obligation, oubligance.
sweep ~ : rapatout.
Oblige (to), oubliga.
Nettle, ourtigue.
Obstacle, perhoc.
to be ~d : ourtiga-s.
Offence, auffense.
Never at all, au james.
Offer (to), auffri, auheri.
Nevertheless, entertant
Offering, auffrande, auherende.
New, nau, nabt, nabe.
Office, auffici.
News, nabe, noubles, noles.
Often, soubendet.
Night, noeyt.
Oil, oli.
Nine, nau.
~maker (or seller) : ouli.
Ninety, nabante.


Old, bielh.
~ age : bielh, bielhumi.
Olive, oulibe.
On, sus, suus.
One, u, ue.
One behind the other, ribounribyne.
One by one, sengles.
Onion, cebe.
Open, ubert.
Open (to), aubri.
Opposite side, rembs.
Orange, iranye.
Orator, oratori.
Order, ourdi.
Orderly, ordenamentz.
Ordinarily, ourdinarementz.
Ordinary, ourdinari.
Orphan, orphalii, orphe.
Other, aute, autre, aut.
Otter, louyre.
Outside, hore.
Ovary, oeoerre.
Oven, boum.
Overflow, trabats.
Owe (to), debe.
Owl, cabque, chot.
Ox, boeu.

partition, partatye.
partridge, perdigalh, (hen) perditz.
pascal, pascoau.
pass (to), passa.
passage, pas.
pasturage, pexence, pastenc, herbadiu.
Pasture, pasture, herbaa.
Pasture (to), pastenga.
Patch, pedas.
Patch (to), pedassa.
Path, send.
Pause, pause.
Pay (to), sobe, paga.
Payable, pagad.
Payer, pagadou.
Peace, patz.
to make ~ : ha las patz.
Peach, prexec, presque, roussane, pessegue.
Pear, pere.
~ tree : per.
Pearce (to), trauca.
Peas, ceze, pees.
Peasant, pages, paysaa.
Pebble, calhau.
Peck (to), peruca.
Peep (to), tita.
Penny, galabi.
Pensive, pensat.
People, poble, gentz, las gentz.
Pepper, pipr, pebe ; (red) pebePack animal, saum.
Packman, saumat.
Perch, pour ; (measure) perge,
Paddock, hiarot.
Pagan, pagaa.
Perfectly, planementz, plaa.
Pain, hel, doulou, greye.
Performer, hasedou.
Painful, greu.
Perhaps, lhu, dilhu.
Palate, palat.
Permit (to), agrada.
Palm Sunday, rams.
Pickaxe, pic.
Pamphlet, liberot.
Pie, pastis.
Pant (to), pantacha.
Pie (melon ~), meloau.
Papist, papaut.
Piece, tros.
Paper, pap.
Pig, bitou.
little ~ : paperot, paperou.
Pig-headed, cabourrut.
Parapet, paret.
Pig ring, nazede, naye.
Parcel of land, trens, trentz.
Pig seller, pourcat.
Parchment, pergam, pergami, Pigsty, sout.
Pigeon, couloumb.
Parents, payrous.
Pile, pau.
Parish, parropi.
Pilgrim, roumiu, sentour, pelegri.
Parishioner, parroquian.
Pilgrimage, sentouraye.
Parsley, peyrassilh.
Pillage, piala.
part, rolle.
Pimpernel, pimpanle.
particular, bernic.


Pincers, estenalhes.
Pine, pii.
Pinch, pexic.
Pinch (to), pexica.
Pint, pintou.
Pitch, pegue, pegunte.
~ plaster : peguet.
Pitcher, tarras, pich.
Pitchfork, hourque.
Pitiful, pietadous.
Pitiless, impietadous.
Pity, pietat.
Place, loc.
Place (to), hica, mete, bouta
to ~ oneself : recatta-s.
Plain, arribre.
Planet (Venus), lugraa.
Plant in rows (to), arreca.
Play (to), jouga.
Player, jougadou.
Plead (to), pleyteya.
Pleader, pleyteyadou, pleyteyayre.
Please, plase, fringa.
Pleasure, plas.
Pledge, empenha.
Plougshare, boume.
Plum, prue.
Plumb (Level), de ploumb.
Pockmarked, pigoutous.
Point, punte.
Point out (to), noumenta.
Poison (to), emberea.
Poisoned, endrougat.
Pole, paxt.
Polecat, hayine.
Polished, limpre.
Pollard, rese.
Pommegranate, miugrane.
Poor, praube, paubre.
Porch, porge, pourct.
Porker, bitou, porque.
Pork-butcher, pourcat.
Porter, pourtadou, pourtayre.
Possession, gaudence.
Pot, oule.
earthen ~ : tarrisse.
Pot-Hook, crimalh.
Pottled, poumerat.
Poultryman, pouralhe.
Pound, liure.
Pour out (to), barreya.
Poverty, paubresse, praubetat.
Powder, proube.
~ horn : flasquete.


Powerful, pouderous, puxant.

Praise, laudou.
Pray (to), prega.
Prayer, pregari, pregarie.
Preach (to), predica.
Preacher, predicadou, predicayre.
Precipice, galihorce.
Precious, presiu.
Precocious, dourec.
Pregnant, prenhe.
Prepare (to), aparia.
Presently, en lhore.
Preserve, cabau.
Press (to), preme, houra.
Pretty, beroy.
Prick (to), saca, chaca, pica.
Prickle, pinchou, chiscle, arroumetz.
Prickley, harrissat.
Pride, ourgulh.
Priest, caperaa.
Prim-faced, mus-prim.
Primogeniture, primesse.
Principles, mayouraus.
Principally, mayouramentz, mayementz.
Prison, carce.
Privet, hust-biu.
Process (action), pleyt, pleytesie.
Profit by (to), praba.
Profound, pregoun.
Promenade (to), passeya.
Proof, probe, prabe.
Property, cabau.
Prostrate, prostat, prostrat.
Prove (to), prouba.
Proverb, arrepo.
Provision, osque.
Proud, ourgulhous.
Prunes, aranhous.
Puddle, laget.
Puff (of wind), bouharlade.
Puffs, bouhatz.
Pull the hair (to), chira.
Pulpit, cadire predicadere.
Pumice, espunhe.
Pumpkin, cuye.
~ patch : cuy.
Pupil (of the eye), fine.
Purchase, croumpe.
Pure, sanc, blous.
Purge (to), pourga.
Pursue (to), segui.
Pursuit, persute.

Pus, pousteme.
Push, pous.
Put (to), hica, mete.
~ down : desapita.
~ out or the way : hore-bia.

Ravisher, arraubadou.
Ravings, repipeatye, ripipiatye.
Raw, crud.
Ray, ray, array.
Read (to), leye.
Really, ya.
Reap (to), sega.
Reapers, segadous.
Reason, rasou.
Quadrille, tringlet.
Rebound, arreboum.
Quail young, callat.
Receipt, quitement, quitatiou.
Quantity, quantitat.
Receive (to), recebe, reculhi, arQuality, qualitat.
Quantity great, hardu, arramat. Recently, ads.
Quarrel, bregue, maganhe.
Recess, rincou.
Quart, lot.
Recollect, moumbra-s.
Quarter, quoarte.
Recover, cruba.
~ of grain : quoartaa.
Red, bermelh.
~ or a pound : quoarterou.
Redeem (to), sobe, redeme.
Queen, regine, ryne.
Reed, junc, canabre.
Quick, lu.
Reedy ground, juncaa, junqu.
Quiet, quiet.
Refrain, refri.
Quietly, quietementz.
Refuge (to take~), jase, jasilhe.
Quill, canet.
Rejoice (to), gaudi-s, esgaudi.
Quilt, cousne.
Relationship, parentest.
Quince, coudounhe.
Religion, reliyou.
~ jam : coudounhat.
Reliquary, reliquari.
Quit (to), quita.
Remain (to), soubra, esta-s, esta.
Quits, quite, quitis, a tanti-tant Remains, relhu, soubralhes, sou(at cards), rampu.
Remedy, remdi.
Remember (to), recourda-s,
Remembrance, remoumbrance.
Rabbit, counilh.
Rag, perrec, guinsalh, bourleque, Remove (to), estrema.
Render (to), rende.
Rent, lougatye, lougu.
Rage, rauye.
Rent (to), arrenda.
Ragamuffin, coucarrou.
Repent (to), pendis, peyti-s.
Raging, rauyous.
Repair (to), adouba.
Rain, plouye.
Reply, resposte.
Rain (to), plabe.
Report, fame.
Raise (to), susmabe, lheba.
Repose (to), pausa-s.
Rake, arrestt.
Reproach, castig.
Ram, marre, marrou.
Research, ressrc.
Rancour, rancou, rencou.
Residue, hounsiralh.
Range, bentrade.
Resist (to), reguinna.
Rapid, bribent.
Respite, respieyt.
Rare, riale.
Response, resposte.
Raspberries, aligardous.
Rest, pans.
Rat, arrat, arrate.
Restive, repropri.
to catch ~ : arrata.
Retire (to), apoutya-s.
Rate, tri, cous.
Retirement, retiranse.
Rattle, carrascle.
Return (to), rende, tourna.
Ravenous, ahamiat.


Revolt (to), rependi-s.

Rheum, laganhe.
Rib, coste.
Rich, ric, riche.
Ricochet, arricouquet.
Ride (to), cabauga.
Ridiculous, dessensat.
Right, dret, dreyture.
on the ~ : dextre.
Ring (to), souna, soa.
to ~ a pig : nazeda, naza.
Ringer, sounadou, soadou.
Ring-dove, paloume.
Riot, riote.
Ripe, madu.
Ripen, madura.
Rising, susmaute.
River, arriu, riu.
Road, bie, carrre, camii.
to put on the ~ : abia.
Roan, roan.
Roast (to), tousta.
Robes (judges), raubiole.
Robin, golitz.
Rock, pene.
Rock (to), dindouleya.
Rock pigeon (blue rock), rouquet.
Rods, huetes.
Role, roue.
Roll (to), bara.
Roof, teyt, tet.
~ tree : soumre.
Room, crampe.
little ~ : crampet.
Roost (to), apitera.
Root, arraditz, raditz.
small ~ : souquete.
to ~ up : desarriga.
Rosary, cound, count.
Rot (to), pouyri, poeyri.
Rotten stone, peyre-mourte.
Round, ardoun.
to ~ up : arroumera.
Roundly, ad-arround.
Row, linhatye.
Row (noise), arroet.
Royal, reyau.
Rude, ourse.
Rule (to), senhoureya.
Rumbling noise, brounitre.
Ruminate (to), armuga.
Run (to), gourni, courre.


Rust, rounhe.
Rut, souc, arroudade.

Sack, sac.
Sacred, sagrat, segrat.
Sacristy, segrastanie.
Saddle, sre.
Safe, segu.
to make ~ : recapta, recatta.
~ conduct : saubetat.
Sage, sabi.
Sage (herb), sabie.
Saint, sant, sent.
Salary, salari.
Saliva, escoupit.
Sally forth (to), salhi.
Salt, sau ;
~ pan : sal, sali.
Salute (to), saluda.
Same, medix.
Sanctity, santetat, sentetat.
Sanctuary, sanctori.
Sandals, abarcalhs.
Sap, sap, sape.
to rise ~ : sapa.
Sapless, eschuc.
Satiated, sadout, sasi.
Satisfy (to), arregoulat.
Saturday, dissapte, dissatte.
Sausage, pus.
Save (to), sauba.
Saviour, saubadou.
Savoury, sabrous, saubrous, goustous.
Saw, arressgue.
Saw (to), arressega, sega.
Sawyer, aressegayre.
Say (to), dise.
Scapegoat, patiras.
Scarce, riale.
Scatter, esparriscla.
Scatter-brains, escarbalhre.
Scissors, estalhans.
Scold (to), crida.
Scolopendrium, lengue-de-baque.
Scorch (to), iroula.
~ oneself : irouleyas.
Scorching, iroulade.
Scourge, flu.
Scrap, drin, talhuquet.
Scratch, pic, segassade.

Scratch (to), esgarraupia, pica.

Screw (to), torse.
Scurf, moudesse.
Scythe, dalh.
Seal, saget, sayet, sayget.
Seal (to), sagera.
Season, sasou, sesou.
Seat, sede ; banc, banque.
Secret, segret.
Secretly, a lescounut, escostementz, a sousmac.
Secure, segu.
Security, fidance.
See (to), bede, beze.
Seed, semense.
Seem (to), cerca, querre.
Seize (to), arrapa, gaha, penhera.
Sell (to), bene.
Selvage, bourle, temble.
Send (to), embia, tremete.
Senseless, dessens.
Separate (to), dessepara.
September, septeme, seteme.
Serf, questau, questabe.
Serfdom, queste, questalitat.
Sermon, predic.
Serpent, serp.
Servant, baylet.
~ maid : gouye ,gouyote.
Serviceable, serbiciau.
Settle down (to), acasa-s.
Sew (to), couse.
Shad, coula, coulac.
Shade, oumbre.
Shadow, oumbre.
Shady, oumbriu.
Shaggy, pelut.
Shake (to), segouti.
Shameful, bergounhous.
Shameless, desbergounhat.
Share, partatye, partilhe.
Share (to), parti.
Sharp, agut.
Shaving, estere.
Sheaf, garbe.
Sheep, aulhe, olhe, moutou.
flock of ~ : aulhade
Sheepfold, cledat.
Sheepish, aulhii.
Sheet, linso.
Shell (of egg or nut), clesc, crex.
Sheltered, au soubac.
Shelter, yas, yasse.
Shepherd, pastou, aulh.

~s hut : cuyalaa.
Shield, pabs, targue.
Shine, lusi.
Shingle, arrebot.
Ship, nabiu.
Shoe (old ~), sabat.
Shoot, serment, cherment, broustet.
Short, bren.
~man : trounhoc.
Shorten, abraca.
Shoulder, espalle, humi, muscle,
Shovel, pale.
Show (to), amustra, amuxa, mustra, muxa.
Shower, hounide, brume.
heavy ~ : chalabastade.
Shrew, truche.
Shrine, capse.
Shrivelled, chimourrit.
Shroud, linso.
Shut Up (to), embarra.
Sickly, malaudis, malaudous.
Side, quoayre, coustat.
Sieve, tembou, sedas, segoun,
Sign, senhau, sinne.
Signal, senhau.
Signature, sinnet.
Silence, silenci.
Silent, mud.
to be ~ : cara-s.
Silk, sede.
Silly, pc.
a great ~ : pegas.
Silver, aryent.
Simplicity, simplesse.
Sin, pecat.
Sin (to), peca.
Since, despuixs.
Sing (to), canta.
~ badly : cantasseya.
Singe (to), uscla.
Singer, cantadou, cantayre.
Sink, aygue, herrade, tannas.
Sinner, pecadou.
Sip (to), hurrupa, hourrupa.
Sir, senhou.
Sister, sor, serou.
little ~ : sourine.
Sit (to), sede-s, assede-s, assetia-s.
Skilful, adret.


Skill, astruguesse.
Skim (to), esgrama.
Skin, pt.
Skittle pin, quilhe.
to set up ~ : quilhou.
~ player : quilh.
Sky, cu.
Slack, flac.
Slanderer, lauzenqu.
Slattern, gaholh.
Slap, tinglat.
Slash, lansade.
Slate, loze.
~ quarry : louzre.
Sleep, saum, soum.
Sleep (to), droumi.
to go to ~ : assoumelha, adroumi-s.
to put to ~ : anina.
Sleepiness, droumilh.
Sleeping place, yas, yasse.
Sleet, cezeriques.
Sleet (to), cezerica.
Sleeve, manye, manche.
Sleigh bell, esquirou.
Slice (to), trenca.
Sling, houne.
Slip, trebucade.
Slip (to), eslurra-s.
Slippery, eslenc.
Slow-coach, loungarc, lampoeyn.
Sluice, coumporte.
Sly, limasourd.
Smack, tiflat, tinglat.
Small, menut.
Small change, medalhe.
Small pox, pigote, picote.
Smart, limpre.
Smell good (to), auloureya.
~ of fire : senti lusclat.
Smile, arrisoulet.
Smoke, hum.
Smoky, humous.
Smooth, plane, lis.
Smut in wheat, orb.
Snail, limac.
to kill ~ : eslimaca.
Snake, srp, quiraule.
Snare, poude-pe, pe-lhebe,
Snore (to), arrouncla.
Snout, mouffle.
Snow, nu.


Snow (to), neba.

Snuff of candle, mouc.
Soak (to), choups.
Soaked, choup.
Soap, sablou.
~ suds : labadures.
Soil, so.
Solace, soulas.
Soldier, sourdat.
Some, quauque, quoauque.
Somersault, biroulet.
Son, hilh.
~ in-law : yendre.
Song, cansou, cante.
Soot, souye.
Soothe (to), dousseya.
Sore, endrac.
Sorcerer, pouso.
Sorceress, pousore.
Sorrel, binete.
Soul, amne, anime.
Soup (to eat ~), soupa.
Southwards, soubiraa.
Souvenir, remoumbrance.
Sovereign, soubiraa.
Sow (to), semia, samia.
Sow, trouye.
~ with young : guihe, galese.
Space, espaci.
~ of time : tempourade.
Spade, pale-hr.
Span, paum, pain.
Spare (to), estaubia.
Spark, purne.
Sparrow, passerou, passre, parrat.
Speech, paraule, palaure.
Speckled, pingourlat.
Spell, malefici.
Spider, aranhe.
Spigot, brouquet.
Spike of lavender, espic.
Spill, barreya.
Spin (to), hiala.
~ round : birouleya, cibouteya.
Spifle, esquiau.
Spindle, hus.
~ wood : senglumi.
Spinster, hialadoure.
Spit (to), escoupi.
Spite, despieyt.
Spiritual, spiritau, espirituau.
Spleen, musse.
Splinter, chiscle.

Spoil (to), goasta.

Spoiled (child), besiat.
Sport (to), harouleya.
Sportive, haroul.
Spot, plap.
Spotted, pigalhat, poumerat.
Spouse, nobi, nobie.
Spout, canete, goutero, tutou.
Spring, chourrot.
~ of year : prime, primebre.
Spy (to), arbeca.
Squirrel, esquiro.
Stable, borde.
Stage, soul.
Stalk, perou.
Stallion, garanh.
Stammer (to), mequeya.
Stammerer, mec.
Stamp (to), trepa.
Star, estele.
Stare, espire.
Starling, estournet, esturnugalh.
Starvling, ploure-miques.
Statue, imagine.
Stave, dole.
Stay (to), esta-s.
Steal (to), pana, boula.
Step, pas.
Stepmother, mayrastre.
~ son : hilhastre.
Steppe, plan.
Sterile, mane.
Stick, bastou.
Sticky, gahent.
Sting, hissade.
Sting (to), hissa, pica.
Stink (to), pude, pudi.
Stir (to), mauta, muda.
Stirrup, estriu.
Stocking, baig, baix.
Stomach of ruminants, herb.
Stone, peyre.
~ of fruit : os
Stone (to), acalhaba.
~ fence : petarroc.
~ quarry : peyrre.
~ heap : calhabari.
squared ~ : quoayre.
Stop (to), estanga-s.
Stout (very), furious.
Stormy weather, males.
Straight, dret.
Strand, gler, glar.
Stranger, hore-biengut.

Strainer, sarries.
Straw, palhe.
~ stack : palh.
Strawberry, arrague.
Street, carrre.
Strength, hourtalesse.
Strengthen (to), acounourta.
Stretch (to), tene.
~ oneself : estenilha-s.
Stride, camade.
Strife, susmaute.
Strike, gler ,glar.
Strike (to), heri, truca, plaga.
Stroke, truc.
Strong, hort.
Struggle, lutes.
Strut (to), dindouleya-s.
Stump of tree, souque.
Stupid, pc.
Stye, urzou.
Subject, subyect, sutyect.
Subtility, subtilesse.
Successor, successou.
Suck (to), poupa.
Suckle (to), neuri, aleyta, apoupera.
Sudden, soupte, supte.
Suffer (to), tribalha.
Summer, estiu.
to pass the ~ : estiba.
indian ~ : estibet.
Summit, soum.
Sun, sou, sourelh.
Sunset, sou-couc.
Sunday, dimenge, dimenche.
Sup (to), soupa.
Superior, susoo, susaa.
Supplication, cridou.
Surround (to), amiroa.
Susceptible, brisquet.
Suspicious, souspieytous.
Swagger (to), braga.
Swallow, hirounglete.
Swallow (to), engoula.
Swathe (to), bayoula.
Swear (to), arnega.
Sweat (to), tressuda.
Sweet, dous.
Sweetness, doussou.
Sweep, escouba.
~ down cobwebs : estaralaca.
Sweepings, escoubasso.
Swell (to), isla, esla.
Swim (to), nada.


Swing, yumpadere.
Switch, flisque.
Sword, espade.

from ~ to ~ : de quoand en quoand.

Timid, metoulic.
Tin, estanh.
Tingle (to), tingla.
Tipple (to), pinta.
Tiptoe (to stand on ~), ha puntetes.
Table, taule.
Titlark, coutourliu.
~ cloth : lounganeyre.
Thank (to), regracia.
Tail, coude.
That, aco, aquero, acero.
Tailor, sartou, sastre.
Thatch, rastoure.
Take (to), gaha.
Theft, panatori, bol.
~ in : arrecatta.
Then, labetz, lasbetz.
~ off, out : ousta.
Therein, lahens.
Tallow, seu.
Thick, espes.
Talons, urpes.
Thicket, segassaa.
Tame (to), maseda.
Thief, layrou.
Tap lightly (to), tusta.
Thigh, coexe.
Tardive, tardiu.
Thinible, didau.
Tares, irague.
Thin, prim.
Tartlet, tourtt.
Thing, re, res.
Taste, grat.
Thirst, set, deleret.
Taste (to), saboura ; (have fla- This, so.
vour), sape, sabe.
Thorn, broc.
Tasty, sabrous.
~ hedge : sgue.
Tatterdemalion, pelhe-cadut.
Thrash (to), esmatuca.
Tavern, tebrne, tabrne.
Thread, heu, hiu.
Tear, plou.
Thread (to), abasta.
Tear (rent), esquis.
Threshold, pourtal.
Tear (to), esquissa.
Throat, ganurre.
~ in pieces : esmicouta.
Throne, sede.
~ out : trege, treye.
Throstle, merlat.
~ to rags : esperreca.
Throw, lans.
Tease, trachamand.
Throw (to), yeta.
Teasing, perpitz.
Thrush, tourd, tride; (disease),
Teeth (to show the ~), ensenha passerie.
la hrra.
Thrust, pous.
Tempest, periglre.
Thumb, digt-pos, pougaa.
Temporal, temporau.
Thunder, perigle, rugle.
Temptation, tentament.
Thunder (to), perigla.
Tender, tendre.
Thursday, dityaus.
Territory, terradou, terratori, ter- Thyme, pimbou.
wild ~ : sarpoulet, serpoulet.
Term, termi.
Toad, sapou, tutaa.
Testament, ebanyly.
Toast (to), tousta.
New ~ : lou Noubu.
Toast, reste.
Tick, lagas.
Today, hoey.
Tickle (to), gratilha.
Together, ensemps, amasse.
Ticklings, cacaliques.
Tools, hrre.
Tile, teule.
Tomorrow, doumaa.
~ works : teulre.
Tomtit, parre.
Time, temps.
Tongue, lengoe, lengue.
short ~ : tempsot.
~ of bell : batalh.
time (first & c.) : begade.
Tool, utis, urdelhes.
to have ~ : baga.


Tooth, dent.
canine ~ : aberore.
~of harrow : hrri.
~ of comb or rake : pue.
Top, soum ; (spinning), cibot.
Tor ment (to), tourmenta, turmenda.
Torrent, gabe, arristoat.
Toot a horn (to), tuta.
Torture, turment.
Touch, toc.
Touch (to), touca, rega.
Touchy, mousquilhous.
Tournament, tourneyament.
Tow, capit.
Towards, de-cap-a.
Towel, tahalhe.
Toys, jigis, jis.
Track, tralh.
Trade, mesti.
Tradesman, mestierau.
Trail, tralh.
Train, trii.
Traitor, traydou, traydoure.
Tranquil, suau, soau, choau.
Transmit (to), tremete.
Trap, pe-lhbe, trebuc.
Treason, traydorici, traytiou.
Treasure, thesau.
Treaties, tractis.
Tremble (to), tremoula.
Trembling, tremoulre.
Tress, trene.
Tribulation, tribulossi.
Trip (to), trebuca.
Tripe, tripe, tripet, tripou.
Trout, troeyte.
Trouble, tribailh.
True, beray, bray.
Trumpet, clarou.
Trunk, caus.
Trust in (to), hida-s.
Trustworthy, hidable.
Truth, bertat.
Tuesday, dimartz.
Tub, semau.
Tumbler, beyre.
Tumor, bounhe.
Tumulus, puyoo, puyo.
Tunic, gounde.
Turkey, pouloy.
Turf, tasque, tusque.
Turn, birade.
Turn (to), bira.

~ aside : bira.
~ over and over : tourneya.
~ topsy-turvy : estrembira.
Turnip, arrabe.
Turtle dove, pourrute.
Twig, arrame.
Twin, mieyou, mieyine.
Twins, yumus.
Twine, liguete.
Twist (to), torse.
Two, dus.

Udder, bragu.
Ugly, ld, le.
Unbandage the eyes (to), descluca.
Unbind (to), destraba.
Uncle, ouncle, ouncou.
Unclean, mascarous.
Uncomfortable (to be generally
~), malandr.
Uncover (to), desapriga.
Unction, untami.
Under, jus, juus.
That which is ~ : jusaa, jusou.
Uneasiness, inquiet.
Unfortunate, infourtunat.
Unguent, engoent
Unhealthy, mauhasc.
Unheard of, maudit.
Unite (to), arroumera, amassa-s.
United, lis.
Universal, unibersau.
Unlock (to), desclaha.
Unmother (to), desmayra.
Unquilting, batre.
Until, dinque, entro.
Up (to set ~), quilha.
Upset (to), cap-bira.
Usage, usatye.
use (to), usa.
Useful, utile.

Vacant, laus.
Vacancy, laussetat.
Vagabondism, gourrin, gourrinis.
Vagabondize, gourrineya.
Vain (in), en baganau.
Valet, baylet.


Valiant, balent.
Valley, bag.
Value (to), presa.
Valuable, presiu.
Vat, semau, nau
Vatful, naulade.
Vegetables, saburatye, sabure,
Venom, beree.
Verdure, berdure.
Veritable, bertad.
Vermillon, bermelh.
Vermin, minyance.
Vert-de-gris, berdet.
Vessel, baxre.
Vespers, brespade.
Vestry, obre.
Vetch, roumatyot.
Vicar, bicari.
Vice, bici.
Victuals, repix, mascadure.
Village, bilatye.
Vine, binhe.
wild ~ : lambrusque.
~ dresser : berenhadou.
~ stump : bit.
Vinyard, binhe, bitatye.
Vintage, berenhe.
ready for ~ : berenhad.
Violate (to), roumpe.
Violently, iradementz.
Violet, briulette.
Violin, briulou.
Virgin, birye.
Voice, boutz.
Volley, boulade.
Voyage, anade, biatye.
Vulture, butre.

Warble (to), gourgouleya.

Warbler, parret, parrete.
Warbling, gourgueya.
Warm up (to), escalouri.
~ oneself in the sun : arraya-s.
Warp, ourdimi.
Warp (to), ourdi.
Warm, jaubet.
Warren, houratre.
Wart, bourrugue, hic.
Wash (to), laba.
Washing, bugade.
~ board : labad.
~ trough : parau.
~ water : lexiu.
Washerwoman, labadoure.
Wasp, brspe.
Waste land, herm.
Watch, goeyt.
Watch (to), arbeca, goeyta.
Watcher, goeyt.
Water, aygue.
~ carrier : aygassre.
Water (to), adayga.
W. C. : labatori.
~ meadows : ribre.
~root : tangue.
Weak, malaudis, malaudous.
Wean (to), desbesa.
Weary (to), abeya.
to be ~ : debeya-s.
Weasle, paquese.
Weather cock, bire-bare.
Weave (to), ourdi, texe.
Weaver, tisn, tixn.
~s beam : quxe.
Wedding, nouce, nupties.
~ presents : espousalicis.
Wednesday, dimrcxs.
Wee, minin, menin.
Week, semmane, oeytene.
Weevil, cussou.
Wag the head (to), cabousseya; Welcome (to), reculhi.
~the tail : coudeya.
Well (adv.), plaa.
Wagtail, coudehalhou.
~ enough : playnotes.
water ~ : coudyte.
Well, putz.
Wages, soutade.
Wen, guite.
Waiter, macip.
one who has ~ : guiterous.
Waitress, macipe.
Wet (to get), choupa-s.
Walnut, esquilhot.
Wetnurse, may de poupe, neuWant, ryte.
Wanting (to be), falhi.
What, quin, quinh, quenh.
Wanton, haroul.
Wheat, blat, roument.
Wanton (to), harouleya.
~ field : roumentaa, roumendaa.


Wheedle (to), engalina.

Wheel, arrode, rode.
When, quoand.
Where, Oun, aoun.
Whey, leytou.
Which, quau, quoau.
Whine (to), piula.
Whip lash, petou.
Whiskers thick, matole.
Whistle, siulot, chiulot.
Whistle (to), siula, chiula.
White, blanc.
~ ash : lahuse.
Whitlow, batadigtz.
Whole, sanc.
Wholesome, salutari.
Wide, lat.
~ awake : escarrabelhat, esberit.
Widow, beude.
Widower, beudou.
to become a ~ : abeuda-s.
Wife, moulh.
Wild beast, herum.
Wild boar, sangla.
Will, talent, boulountat.
Will-othe-wisp, halhre.
Willow-bed, saligue.
Willow baud, bencilh.
Willow branch, bimi.
Willow wand, sabiu.
Wind (to), gusmera.
Winder, baru, cousseye.
Window, frineste.
dormer ~ : frinestou.
Wine, bii, oli de serment.
new ~ : bourret.
~ jug : pingot.
~ lees : hetz.
~ seller : binat.
~ press : troulh.
Wing, ale.
Wingless, desalatat.
Winnow (to), pourga.
Winter, hibr.
Wipe (to), eschuga, bouixa.
Wise, saye, sabi.
Wish (to), boul.
Witch, brouxe, hitilhre.
Witchcraft, malefici.
With, ab, dab.
Wither (to), eslassi-s.
Within, dehens.
Without, dehore, reyt, hore.
Without, sens, chens, chetz.

Wizzard, hitilh.
Wolf, loup.
~ cub : loubat.
~ hunter : loubat.
Woman, hemne.
Wood, boy ; (forest), bos, bosc,
fire ~ : lenhe.
~ cutter : bouscass.
~ knot : brounc.
~ buse : bernat-pudent.
~ pecker : picaranh.
~ pile : hustatye.
~ yard : lenhre.
Wool, laa.
~ dealers : trafiqus.
~ washer : lare.
Woolly, laaut.
Work, obre, oubrerie, oubratye,
Work (to), tribalha, oubra.
Workman, oubr.
Workroom, oubrad.
Working day, die oubr.
Worm, bermi.
~ eaten : querat, tersut.
Worse, worst, sourdeix.
Worth (to be), bale.
Wound, plague.
Wound (to), plaga, nafra.
Wren, rey-petit, mariechourre.
Wretched, caytiu.
very ~ : mendrot, mendroutin.
Wrinkled, arrouncilhat.
Write (to), escribe.
Writer, escribaa.
~ of songs : cansoayre, canso.
Writing, escriture.

Yarn, hiu, hieu.
Year, an.
this ~ : haugan.
Yellow, yaune.
~ hammer : berdause.
Yes, o.
~ indeed : obeo, obio.
~ perfectly : o plaa.
Yesterday, je, hi, ge.
Yoke, juu.
little ~ : yuete.
Yolk, muyo.


Young, joen.
Youngest, estrle, caddet.


Youth, joentut.
to assume ~ : joeneja.


Ab[], dab [], with.
Abadie [abadia], abbacy.
Abanbant [abambant], ardent,
Abarcalhs [], a kind of sandals.
Abasta [abastar], to thread a
Abelha [abelhar], to fill.
Abelhe [abelha], bee.
Abenid [avenider], future, to
Aberaa [averan], nut.
Aberore [averora], canine tooth
(nut cracker).
Abesque [abesque], bishop.
Abet [avet], fir.
Abeuda-s [aveuds], to become a
Abeurad [abeurader], to slake.
Abeya [avejar], to annoy, weary.
Abia [aviar], to put on the road.
Abiene-s [avienes], to agree.
Abita [avitar], to kindle, enliven.
Abitalhes [avitalhas], kindlings.
Aboucat [avocat], advocate.
Aboundous [abonds], abundant.
Abourri-s [aborrs], to dart, throw
Abraca [abracar], to shorten.
Abriu [], April.
Abugle [avugle], blind.
Acasa-s [acass], to settle down,
Acalhaba [acalhavar], to stone.
Achica [achicar], to lessen, diminish.
Acibada [acivadar], to feed with
Aco [ac], aquero [aquer], acero
[acer], that.
Acounour ta [aconortar], to
strengthen, console.

Acounourta-s [aconorts], to determine firmly.

Actiou [accion], action.
Ad-arround [adarrond], roundly.
Adayga [adaigar], to water.
Ad-ayse [adaise], easily.
Adbersari [adversari], adversary.
Adega [adegar], to direct, form.
Ads [], recently.
Adiu [], adichatz [adixatz],
Adouba [adobar], to repair, improve.
Adounat [adonat], a stranger settled down in a family.
Adret [], skilful.
Adroumi-s [adroms], to go to
Aganat [], comforted.
Agan [aganr], that which comforts,
Aganit [], miserly, greedy.
Agrada [agradar], to permit.
Agradable [], agreeable,
Agrament [], dog grass.
Agreu [], holly.
Agreulaa [agreular], holly clump.
Agulhade [agulhada], goad.
Agulhe [agulha], needle.
Agut [], sharp.
Ahamiat [], hungry, ravenous.
Ahami [ahamir], greediness.
Ahide [ahida], confidence.
Ahoalh [], flock, flight.
Ahoega [ahoegar], to set on fire,
Ahoeyta [ahoeitar], to put to flight.
Ahouna [ahonar], to bury, to drive
Ajulhoa-s [ajulhos], to kneel
Ale [ala], wing.
Aleba [alebar], to mutilate.
Alep [], mutilated limb.
Aleyta [aleitar], to suckle.


Aligardous [aligardons], wild

Aloula [alolar], to caress.
Ama [amar], bitter.
Amarou [amaror], bitterness.
Amaneya-s [amanejs], to hasten.
Amassa-s [amasss], to assemble, unite.
Amasse [amassa], together.
Amaynadat [amainadat], who has
Amic [], friend.
Amigable [], amiable.
Amigalha [amigalhar], to make
Amiroa [amiroar], to surround.
Amistat [], friendship.
Amistous [amists, osa], amiable,
Amne [amna], anime, soul.
Amou [amor], love.
Amoulhera-s [amolhers], to marry.
Amoure [amora], mulberry.
Amour [amorr], mulberry tree.
Amoureya [amorejar], to make
Amourous [amors, osa], amorous.
Amourrit [amorrit], numb.
Amustra [amustrar], amuxa
[amuixar], to show.
Ana [anar], to go.
Anade [anada], voyage, expedition.
Anesque [anesca], ewe.
Anesquete [anesqueta], little ewe,
ewe lamb.
Anherii [anherin], of lamb.
Anht [anhth], lamb.
Anina [aninar], to put to sleep, to
Antic [], antique.
Antiquementz [anticamentz],
Anye [ange], anyou [njou], angel.
Anyle [angla], eel.
Aoust [aost], agoust, August.
Apagat [], appeased.
Aparia [apariar], to prepare, dress.
Apera [aperar], to call.
Apu [], call, appeal.
Apiela [apielar], to heap up.
Apitera [apiterar], to roost.


Apoupera [apoperar], to suckle.

Apoutya-s [apodjs], to prepare
to depart, to retire.
Aprada [apradar], to lay down a
field in pasture.
Apressa-s [apresss], to approach.
Apriga [aprigar], to cover.
Aprigue [apriga], a bed cover.
Aranhe [aranha], a spider.
Aranhous [aranhons], prunes.
Arbeca [arbecar], to watch, to spy.
Arcad [arcardr], secondhand
Arcoelhe [arcolher], to receive, go
to meet.
Arcord [arcrd], accord.
Arde [rder], to hum.
Ardit [], farthing.
Arditeya [arditejar], to gain little.
Ardoun [ardond], round.
Argoeyt [argoeit], an ambush.
Argoeyta [argoeitar], to lie in ambush.
Arle [arla], mite.
Armade [armada], army.
Armari [], chest of drawers.
Armre [armra], ring of twisted
wood to hold a fence ; willow
Armuga [armugar], to ruminate.
Arnaut [], cat.
Arnega [arnegar], to swear, blaspheme.
Aro [aru], group, great number,
Arpateya [arpatejar], to wave the
hands or feet.
Arpegue [arpga], a kind of harrow.
Arque [arca], box.
Arquet de la Brespade [arquet de
la vrespada], evening rainbow.
Arrabass [arrabassr], one who
eats or cultivates turnips.
Arrabe [arraba], turnip.
Arraditz [], root.
Arrafen [arrfen], arrafou [arrfou], horse radish.
Arrague [ahraga], strawberry.
Arralhe [arralha], piece of frewood.
Arram [], branch.

Arrama [arramar], to support with

Arramat [], great quantity.
Arrame [arrama], twig.
Arranc [], crippled.
Arrapa [arrapar], to seize.
Arrascle [arrascla], harrow.
Arras [arrasr], a measure for
Arrasera [arraserar], to dig round
Arrasre [arrasra], instrument
to do it with.
Arrasim [], grapes.
Arristoat [], torrent.
Arrat [], arrate [arrata], rat (m.
& f.)
Arrata [arratar], to catch rats.
Arraubadou [arraubador], ravisher.
Arrauc [], hoarse.
Arrauyous [arraujs, osa], furious.
Array [arrai], ray.
Arraya-s [arrajs], to warm oneself in the sun.
Arrebot [arrebt], river shingle for
Arrebouhi (A l) [a larrbohi],
Arreboum [arrebomb], rebound,
Arreca [arrecar], to plant in rows.
Arrecatta [arrecaptar], to take in,
Arredalh [], aftermath, second
Arregoula [arregolar], to satisfy,
Arrenda [arrendar], to rent a farm.
Arrepo [arrepor], proverb,
Arreque [arreca], furrow ready for
Arresera [arreserar], mignonette.
Arressega [arressegar], to saw.
Arressegayre [arressegaire], sawer.
Arressgue [arressga], saw.
Arrestt [arrestth], rake
Arribade [arribada], arrival.
Arribre [arribra], a plain.
Arricouquet [arricoquet], ricochet.
Arride [arrder], to laugh.

Arrisoulet [arrisolet], charming

little smile.
Arriu [], brook, river.
Arrode [arrda], wheel.
Arroet [], confused sound of
voices, row.
Arroud [arrodr], carter.
Arroudet [arrodet], mill wheel.
Arroudade [arrodada], rut.
Arroumera [arromerar], to unite,
round up.
Arroumetz [arromcs], prickles.
Arroumigue [ahromiga], ant.
Arrouncilhat [ahroncilhat], wrinkled.
Arrouncla [arronclar], to snore.
Arroussec [arrossc], fishing net.
Arrousega [arrosegar], to drag.
Aryent [argent], silver, money.
Ascle dalh [ascla dalh], clove of
Asclet de lii [asclet de lin], lock
of fax ready for spinning.
Assabudementz [assabudamentz],
Assde-s [assdes], assetia-s
[assetis], to sit down.
Assegur [assegur], assurance.
Asso [a], here.
Assoumelha [assomelhar], to go
to sleep.
Assoumera [assomerar], to heap
Astruguesse [astruguessa], skill.
Atentiu [], attentive.
Atrebit [atrevit], handy, diligent.
Attryt [atrit], attraction.
Atye [adge], age.
Aubarde [aubarda], pack-saddle.
Aube [auba], dawn.
Aubedi [aubedir], to obey.
Aubine [aubina], strawberry cow.
Aubiscou [aubisco], a kind of
grass from which brooms are
Aubri [aubrir], to open.
Aubriste [aubrista], reward for
good news.
Aucat [], gander.
Aucide [aucder], to kill.
Audi [audir], to hear.
Audide [audida], heard.
Audidou [audidor], auditor.
Auffense [aufena], offence.


Auffici [aufici], office.

Auffrande , auherende [auherenda], offering.
Auffri [aufrir], auheri [auherir], to
Aule [], bad.
Aulhade [aulhada], flock of sheep,
Aulhe [aulha], aolhe [aolha], ewe,
Aulh [aulhr], shepherd.
Aulhii [aulhin], sheepish, of sheep.
Auloureya [aulorejar], to smell
Auque [auca], goose.
Aur [], gold.
Aurelhat [], having long ears.
Aurelhe [aurelha], ear.
Ausa [ausar], gausa [gausar], to
Ausardamentz [], audaciously.
Ausart [ausard], audacious.
Auta [autar], aitar.
Autalu [], immediately.
Aute [], autre, aut [], other.
Autouritat [autoritat], authority.
Auzeralhe [auseralha], birds,
Auzt [austh], auzre [ausra],
bird (m. & f.).
Ayaca-s [ajacs], to lie down.
Ayassa-s [ajas], to go home.
Ayda [aidar], ayuda [ajudar], to
Aygasse [aigassa], that which
lives in the water.
Aygassre [aigassra], water-carrier (f.).
Aygassre [aigassra], kind of
Aygat [aigat], flood.
Aygue [aiga], water.
Aygu [aigur], sink.
Ayma [aimar], to love.
Aymable [aimable], amiable.
Aymadou [aimador], lover, amateur.
Aynat [ainat], eldest.
Ayo [aju], ancestor.
Ayse [aise], ease.
Aysine [aisina], favorable occasion.
Aysit [aisit], easy.
Ayude [ajuda], help.
Azerou [aseron], maple.
Azoade [asoada], is the action of


carrying round a husband on an

ass who has been thrashed at
Azou [sou], ayne [aine], ass.

Badaloc [badalc], empty.
Bade [vder], baye [vger], to be
born, to become.
Bag [vath], valley.
Baga [vagar], to have time to.
Baganau (en) [en vaganaut], in
Bahide [bahida], certainly.
Baig, baix [], stocking.
Balagure [balagura], south
Bale [vler], to be worth.
Balent [valent], valiant.
Balestre [balstra], crossbow.
Balha [balhar], to give, to hand
Banc [], banque [banca], seat,
Banh [], bath.
Banha [banhar], to bathe.
Baqu [vaqur], baquera [vaquerar], cowman.
Bara [varar], to roll.
Baran [varand], halo.
Barad [varadr], a ditcher, grave
Barat [varat], ditch, grave.
Baru [], winder.
Bareyt [vareit], cultivated land.
Barga [bargar], to beat flax.
Bargue [barga], instrument to
scotch flax.
Bargure [bargura], scotching
Barra [barrar], to close.
Barralh [], closing, that which
Barreya [barrejar], to spill, pour
Bartabre [bartavra], band of
iron which keeps the door on the
hinge, gudgeon .
Barte [barta], wood, covert.
Basile [basila], the herb basil.
Baste [basta], needleful of thread.
Bastou [baston], stick.

Basti [bastir], to build.

Batadigtz [batedit], whitlow.
Batalh [], tongue of a bell.
Batalhe [batalha], battle.
Batre [batra], unquilting.
Baties [batias], batio [batiu],
Baxa [baixar], to lower.
Baxre [vaixra], a vessel.
Baylet [vailet], servant, valet.
Bayo [baju], napkin, blanket.
Bayoula [bajolar], to swathe.
Bebe [bver], to drink.
Bedat [vedat], forbid.
Bede [vder], beze [vser], to see.
Bedoulh [bedolh], long handled
Bee [b], well.
Begade [vegada], time (three times,
Bencilh [vencilh], willow band.
Bene [vner], to sell.
Benefici [benefici], benefit.
Bente [vente], belly.
Bentourre [ventorra], big belly.
Bentrade [ventrada], range.
Br [vr], alder.
Beray [verai], bray [vrai], truc.
Berd [verd], green.
Berdet [verdet], vert-de-gris.
Berdause [verdausa], yellow-hammer.
Berdou [verdon], greenfinch.
Berdure [verdura], verdure.
Berdur [verdurr], garden.
Bere [verea], venom.
Berenhad [verenhader], ready for
the vintage.
Berenhadou [verenhador], vine
Berenhe [verenha], vintage.
Bergounhous [vergonhs, osa],
Bermelh [vermelh], vermilion, red.
Brmi [vrmi], worm.
Bernat-pudent [], wood buse.
Bernic [], particular, cranky.
Beroy [beri], pretty.
Bertad [vertadr], veritable.
Bertat [vertat], truth.
Brte [brta], store sheep.
Besc [vesc], bird-lime.
Besiat [vesiat], spoiled (child).
Besiau [vesiau], commune.

Besii [vesin, ia], neighbour.

Besounh [besonh], need.
Besti [vestir], to dress.
Bsti [bstia], beast, foolish.
Bestia [bestiar], cattle.
Bt [bth, bra], beautiful, handsome.
Bete [veta], strand of flax.
Betre [vetra], kid.
Bett [vetth], calf.
Beude [veuda], widow.
Beudou [veudo], widower.
Beyre [veire], glass, tumbler.
Biahore ! [viahra], cry of distress.
Biatye [viadge], voyage, journey.
Bibe [vver], biure, to live.
Bicari [vicari], vicar.
Bici [vici], vice.
Bie [vier], biene [viner], to come.
Bielh [vielh], old.
Bielh [vielhr], bielhumi [vielhumi], old age.
Bierye [vierge], virgin.
Bigaudre [bigaudra], clover.
Bigue [biga], billet, cudgel.
Bii [vin], wine.
Bilatye [viladge], village.
Bime [bima], two-year-old cow.
Bimi [vimi], wilbow branch.
Binat [vinat], piquette, thin wine.
Binat [vinatr], wine-seller.
Binete [vineta], sorrel.
Binhe [vinha], vine, vineyard.
Bira [virar], to turn, turn aside.
Birade [virada], turn in a road.
Bire-bare [vira-vara], weather-cock
Birou [viron], about, near.
Biroulet [virolet], a spin round,
Birouleya [virolejar], to spin round.
Biss [], certainly.
Bit [], just (adv.) ; only used with
another word.
Bit-are [bitara], at this very moment.
Bit-atau [bitatau], just thus, just
Bit-debant [bit-devant], just in
Bit [vit], vine stump.
Bitatye [vitadge], vineyard, vine
Bitau [vitau], likely to live.


Bitaube [bitauba], a kind of wild

Bite-bitante [vita-vitanta], for life.
Bitou [biton], porker, pig, high liver.
Biu [viu], quick, lively.
Blanc [], white.
Blasphemadou [blasfemador],
Blat [], wheat.
Blound [blond], blonde, fair.
Blous [blos], pure, unmixed.
Bo [bor], bullock driver or keeper.
Boerie [boeria], cow house, byre.
Boeu [], ox.
Boeyt [voeit], empty,
Borde [brda], barn, stable.
Bos, bosc [bsc], wood, forest.
Bou [bon], good.
Bouca [bocar], (of corn) to be laid
by the wind or rain, hence to
Bouchorle [boixrla], blister.
Bouci [bocin], mouthful.
Bouha [bohar], to blow.
Bouhade [bohada], bellows.
Bouharlade [boharlada], pull of
Bouhar oc [boharc ], hollow,
Bouhatz [bohats], pulls.
Bouhe-brac [boha-brac], broken
Bouhou [bohon], mole.
Bouix [boix], box tree.
Bouixa [boixar], to wipe.
Boula [volar], to fly.
Boulade [volar], flight, brood.
Boul [voler], to be willing, to wish.
Boulountat [volontat], will.
Boume [vome], plough-share.
Bounhe [bonha], tumor.
Bounhur [bonurr], happiness.
Bountat [bontat], goodness.
Boup [vop], fox.
Bouque [boca], mouth.
Bourdalat [bordalat], hamlet.
Bourdal [bordalr], farmer.
Bouri [borir], to boil.
Bourid [borider], leaven.
Bourle [borla], selvage.
Bourleque [borleca], bourlingue
[borlinga], rags.
Bourou [boron], bud.
Bourregue [borrega], young ewe.


Bourret [borret], new wine.

Bourroulh [borrolh], bolt.
Bourrugue [borruga], wart.
Bouscass [boscassr], woodcutter.
Bousqu [bosqur], one who lives
in the woods.
Boussalou [bossalon], hornet.
Boussalore [bossalora], hornets nest.
Bouta [botar], to place.
Boutelha [botelhar], to pour out
Boutelhe [botelha], bottle.
Boutz [votz], voice.
Boy [bi], wood, timber.
Braca [bracar], to swagger.
Bragu [bragur], cows udder.
Branaa [branar], gorse patch.
Branass [branassr], one who
lives amid gorse.
Brane [brana], gorse, heath.
Branque [branca], branch.
Brase [brasa], cinder.
Brasouqu [brasoqur], dusty with
Brau [], young bullock.
Bregue [brega], quarrel.
Bren [], bran.
Brs [br], cradle.
Brescou [bresco], honeycomb.
Brespade [vrespada], vespers.
Bresparo [vresparu], a kind of
grapes the wasps take to.
Brspe [vrspe], wasp.
Bresp [vrespr], lunch.
Bru [], short, brief.
Bribent [brivent], rapid.
Brigalhres [brigalhras], crumbs.
Brigue [briga], blade, staple.
Brisquet [], susceptible.
Briu [], current (of water).
Briulette [vriuleta], violet.
Briulou [vriulon], violin.
Broc [brc], thorn, white thorn.
Bros [brs], two-wheeled cart.
Broucaa [brocar], bush.
Broumba-s [brombs], to remember.
Brounc [bronc], wood knot.
Brouni [bronir], to growl, grumhle.
Brounitre [bronitra], rumbling
Brounside [bronsida], sound of
ball in the air.

Brouquet [broquet], spigot.

Brouste [brosta], shoot of a tree.
Broustet [brostet], shoot covered
with smaller shoots.
Brouxe [broixa], witch.
Brouyass [brojassr], one who loves maize meal.
Broye [brja], maize porridge.
Brum [], cloud.
Brume [bruma], fog.
Brumes [brumas], showers.
Budt [budth], bowel, gut.
Bugade [bugada], linen for the
Butre [vutre], vulture.
Buyau [bujau], hiding place.

Ca [car], dear.
Caa [can], dog.
Caar [carr], car.
Cabad [cabader], porters knot.
Cabale [cavala], mare.
Cabal [cavalr], horseman.
Cabau [], property, preserve.
Cabaucade [cavaucada], cavalcade.
Cabauga [cavaugar], to ride.
Cabe [cber], to be contained in.
Cabelh [], ear of cern.
Cabelha [cabelhar], cern in the
Cabelhut [], with large ears.
Cabque [cavca], owl.
Cabestre [], halter, head collar.
Cabirou [cabiron], chevron.
Cabiro [cabiru], cabirole [cabirla], kid (m. & f.)
Cabiro [cabiru], bare-headed.
Cabourrut [caborrut], pig-headed.
Caboussut [cabout], large-headed.
Cabousseya [cabocejar], to wag
the head.
Cacaliques [cacalicas], ticklings.
Caddet [caddt], cadet, youngest.
Cade [cder], caye [cger], to fall.
Cade [cada], cadu [cadun], each,
each one.
Cadene [cadena], chain.
Cadire [cadira], chair, pulpit.
Calanqu [calanqur], languor.

Cal [caler], to be necessary.

Calendrete [calendreta], a kind of
Calhabari [calhavari], hurly-burly.
Calhabre [calhavra], stone-heap.
Calhau [], pebble.
Callat [], young quail.
Calou [calor], heat.
Camaligue [camaliga], garter.
Cambalhou [cambalhon], ham.
Cambi [], cambies [cambias],
Cambia [cambiar], to change.
Cambiament [], change.
Camade [camada], stride.
Came [cama], leg.
Camii [camin], road.
Camii-nau [caminau], highway.
Camp [], field.
Campane [campana], bell.
Campanete [campaneta], hyacinth.
Canabre [canavra], reed.
Canaule [canaula], wooden collar
with bell for cattle.
Canet [], quill of a pen.
Canete [caneta], spout.
Cansoayre [canoaire], canso
[canor], writer of songs.
Cansou [canon], cante [canta],
Canta [cantar], to sing.
Cantadou [cantador], cantayre
[cantaire], singer.
cantasseya [cantassejar], to sing
Cant [cant], cante [canta], a protruding angle.
Cantre [cantra], side of a field,
Cantet [cantet], chunk, cantle.
Canteya [cantejar], to hum.
Cap [], head, end.
Cap-bira [cap-virar], to turn the
head, upset.
Cap dan [cap-dann], end of the
Cap-e-tout [cap e tot], head and
all, entirely.
Caperaa [caperan], priest, chaplain.
Capre [capra], chapel.
Capihoune [capihona], caper.
Capit [], coarse tow.


Capse [capsa], shrine.

Capulet [], womans hood.
Carassou (care a sou) [carassu], face to the sun, exposed to
the sun.
Carboayre [carboaire], carbo
[carbor], charcoal humer.
Carbore [carbora], charcoal kiln.
Carbou [carbon], charcoal.
Carce [crcer], prison.
Cardinat [], cardine [cardina],
goldfinch (m. & f.)
Care a care [cara a cara], face to
Carga [cargar], to charge.
Carn [], flesh.
Carnass [carnassr], one who
eats much meat.
Carrascle [carrascla], rattle.
Carrre [carrra], road, street.
Carrey [carrei], cartage.
Carreya [carrejar], to cart.
Carribe [carriva], small hollow
road, boreen .
Carrinca [carrincar], to creak,
Casalaa [casalar], enclosure
round a house.
Casau [], garden.
Cassadou [caador], cassayre
[caaire], hunter.
Cassou [cssou], oak.
Cassourre [cassorra], oak sapling.
Cassourraa [cassorrar], oak grove.
Castanha [castanhar], to gather
Castanhe [castanha], chestnut.
Castanhe dama [castanha
damar], horse chestnut.
Castereya [casterejar], to go from
castle to castle.
Castt [castth], castle.
Castig [], reproach, chastisement.
Catsau [], large log.
Catsau de Nadau [], yule log.
Cats [catsr], bolster.
Cats [capcr], catserou [capceron], pillow on which a child is
Catx [cath], catch, induration,
Caud [], hot.


Caud [caudr], caut [cautr],

Caudre, cautre [cautra], cauldron, copper.
Cauha [cauhar], to heat.
Cauhadou [cauhador], lime humer.
Caulet dazou [caulet dsou],
(ass cabbage), burdock.
Caulet [cauletr], one who
cultivates or eats cabbages.
Caus [cau], trunk.
Cause [causea], lime.
Causi [causir], to choose.
Caussa [cauar], to put on boots
or shoes.
Caxau [caixau], molar tooth.
Caytiu [caitiu], captive, wretched.
Cazade [casada], house, family.
Caze [casa], habitation.
Cebe [ceba], onion.
Cebass [cebassr], one who cultivates or eats onions.
Cemitri [], cemitery.
Cerbt [cervth], brain.
Cerca [cercar], to seek.
Cerne [crner], to bolt (flour).
Cu [], sky.
Ceze [cese], peas.
Cezerica [cesericar], to sleet.
Cezeriques [cesericas], sleet.
Chalabastade [xalabastada], heavy shower.
Charlites [xarlitas], cherlites
[xerlitas], chestnut flowers.
Charriscle [xarriscla], kind of
Charrisclaute [xarrisclauta], bat.
Chay [chai], basement, cellar.
Chibau [xibau], horse.
Chic [], few.
Chimourrit [ximorrit], shrivelled.
Chin [xinn], little.
Chira [xirar], to pull the hair.
Chiret [xiret], action of pulling the
Chiscle [], splinter, prickle.
Chisclet [], sharp cry.
Chot [cht], owl.
Choup [chop], soaked, drunk.
Choupa [chopar], to soak in water.
Choupa-s [chops], to get wet.
Chourrot [chorrt], running

Chourroute [chorrota], sounding

Cibade [civada], oats.
Cibot [cibt], spinning top.
Cibouteya [cibotejar], to spin
Cinta [cintar], to gird.
Cinte [cinta], a belt.
Cla [clar], clear.
Claba [clavar], to lock.
Clabera [claverar], to nail.
Clabet [clavet], clove.
Clabetine [clavetina], gillie-flower.
Clapiteye [clapiteja], a barking.
Clan [clann], blow-pipe.
Clarou [claror], trumpet, clarion.
Clau [], key.
Clau [], nail.
Claustre [], cloister.
Clausure [clausura], the closing.
Cledat [], sheepfold.
Clede [cleda], hurdle.
Cleque [cleca], cockscomb.
Cletre [cletra], crack in wall or
Clot [clt], hole, grave.
Clouque [cloca], hen with chickens.
Cluca [clucar], to close the eyes.
Cluquet (ha u) [har un cluquet],
to take a nap.
Coarrou [coarro], coward.
Coelhe [colher], to pluck, gather.
Coenhte [coenhta], affair, business.
Coenhta-s [coenhts], to hasten.
Coexe [coeixa], thigh.
Cohe [cha], head-dress.
Cole [cler], to honour, adore.
Corn [crn], corne, horn.
Corn [crn], corner.
Cors [crs], body.
Coque [cca], cake.
Cose [cser], to cook.
Coste [csta], rib.
Coste [csta], near.
Cot [cth], cog, coch, coyt, neck.
Coubertamentz [cobrtamentz],
Couberti-s [coberts], cover.
Coucaralhe [cocaralha], lot of
Coucarrou [cocarro], ragamuffin.

Coucarrumi [cocarrumi], bad habits.

Coucass [cocassr], cake seller.
Coude [coda], tail.
Coudehalhou [coda-halhon], kind
of wag-tail.
Coudeya [codejar], to wag the tail.
Coudyte [codita], water-wagtail.
Coudounhat [codonhat], quince
Coudounhe [codonha], quince.
Couhat [cohat], blow, box on the
Couhateya [cohatejar], to box the
Couhoune [cohner], to confound.
Coula [colar], coulac [colac], shad.
Coulerat [colerat], indignant.
Coulindre [colindre], currant.
Coulou [color], colour.
Coulou-muda [color-mudar], to
change color (grain when it turns
Couloumb [colomb], pigeon.
Coum [com], how, like.
Coumane [comana], thing entrusted, deposit.
Coumbate [combter], to combat.
Coumbenta [conventar], to make
a convention, to agree.
Coumensa [comenar], to commence.
Coumpanhe [compnhia], company, troop.
Coumpanhou [companhon], companion.
Coumplit [complit], complete, accomplished.
Coumporte [comprta], flood-gate,
Coumte [comte], count.
Counde [conde], coumpte [compte], account.
Coumu [comun], common.
Cound [condr], count [contr],
rosary, chaplet.
Counexe [conixer], to know.
Counexence [coneixena], knowledge, cognisance.
Counilh [conilh], coney, rabbit.
Counselh [conselh], council,
Counsigna [consignar], to consign.


Counsoula [consolar], to console.

Counsoul [consolr], consolation.
Coupe [copa], fault.
Coura [corar], courebe [coreva],
wooden collar to fasten cattle in
Courade [corada], lights.
Courau [corau], cordial.
Courau [corau], heart of oak.
Courbas [corbs], courbaix [corbaix], crow.
Courre [crrer], to run.
Courrude [corruda], course.
Cous [cors], length, rate.
Couse [cser], to sew.
Cousii [cosin], cousin.
Cousiot [cosit], little cousin.
Cousne [cosna], quilt.
Cousseya [cossejar], to make up
yarn in hanks.
Cousseye [cosseja], winder.
Coussira [cossirar], to pick up in
Coussira [cossirar], to consider.
Coustalat [costalat], hillside.
Coutt [cotth], knife.
Coutourliu [cotorliu], tit-lark.
Couya [cojar], to cut the hair short,
Crabamasse [crabamassa], bail.
Crabe [craba], goat.
Crab [crabr], goatherd.
Crabii [crabin], of goats.
Crabot [crabt], kid.
Crampe [crampa], room, chamber.
Crampot [crampt], little room.
Crede [crder], creye [crger], creze
[crser], to believe.
Credense [credena], belief.
Crsc [], Crx [crix], shell (of
egg or nut).
Crexe [crixer], to grow.
Crexement [creixement], increase.
Crida [cridar], to cry, scold.
Cridou [cridor], supplication.
Cridass [cridassr], a noisy, fellow.
Cridasseya [cridassejar], to bawl.
Crimalh [], pot-hook.
Crit [], cry.
Cristau [], cristal.
Croumpa [crompar], to buy.
Croumpadou [crompador], buyer.
Croumpe [crompa], purchase.


Croutz [crotz], a cross.

Croutza [crodzat], to cross.
Croutzat-de-bie [crodzat-de-via],
Crouxi [croixir], to crack, break.
Cruba [crubar], to recover.
Crud [], raw.
Crudu [], cruel.
Cruso [crusu], cresset, small
Culhebet [culhevet], a kicking.
Culhebeta [culhevetar], to kick.
Culit [], one who has lost all at
play, is cleaned out.
Cuque [cuca], cockroach.
Cussou [cusson], wevil.
Cuyalaa [cujalar], shepherds hut.
Cuye [cuja], pumpkin.
Cuy [cugr], ground sown with
pumpkin seed.
Cuyole [cujla], cage.
Cuyou [cujon], gourd.
mouque-~ [moca-cujon] (wipe
gourd), a drinker.

Da [dar], to give.
Dalh [], scythe.
Dalha [dalhar], to mow.
Dalh [dalhr], mower.
Damn [], damage, loss.
Darr [darrr], last.
Darr [darrr], behind.
Darrerau [], behind the house.
Darreraus [], land far from the
house, back lots.
Darrerie (en) [en darrerias], as a
last resource, lastly.
Darriga [darrigar], desarriga [desarrigar], to root up.
Daune [dauna], lady of the house.
Debancs [devancrs], forebears,
Debantau [devantau], apron, awning.
Debanteya [devantejar], to go before a team to guide it.
Debara [devarar], to descend.
Debarade [devarada], descent.
Debat [devath], below.
Debe [dever], to owe.
Deberse [devrser], to digest.

Debeyas [devejs], to be weary,

Debey [devegr], ennui.
Debis [devisr], gossip.
De-d-hore [de-dra], in good time,
De cap-a [de cap a], towards.
Dehens [dehentz], within.
Dehore [dehra], witbout.
Dejuu [dejun], deyuu, fasting on
an empty stomach.
Dejua [dejuar], deyoa, to fast.
Dela-hi [del-ger], dela-j, day
before yesterday.
Deleret [], thirst, desire.
Delicious [delicis, osa], delicious.
Deloungueya [delonguejar], to put
Denega [denegar], to deny.
Dens [dentz], in.
Dent [], tooth.
Dentade [dentada], a bite.
Desagrada [desagradar], to displease.
Desaguis [desagus], malice, evil
Desalatat [], wingless.
Desalouga [desalogar], dislocate,
put out.
Desapita [desapitar], to put down.
Desapriga [desaprigar], to uncover.
Desbergounhat [desvergonhat],
Desbesa [desvesar], to wean.
Desbroumba [desbrombar], to forget.
Descaus [descau], unbooted.
Desclaba [desclavar], to unlock.
Descluca [desclucar], to unbandage tke eyes.
Desemparaula-s [desemparauls], to withdraw the given word.
Desencuse [desencusa], excuse.
Desestruc [], clumsy, awkward.
Desestrugu [desetrugur], clumsiness, awkwardness.
Desglara [desglarar], to pick, shell.
Desjunhe [desjnher], to unyoke.
Desjunta [desjuntar], to uncouple.
Desmassouna [desmaonar], to
Desmayra [desmairar], to unmother.
Despieyt [despieit], spite.

Despuixs [despuix], since.

Dessens [dessensr], senseless,
Dessensat [], rediculous.
Dessepara [desseparar], to separate.
Destarrouca [destarrocar], to
break up clods.
Destraba [destravar], to unbind.
Destrau [], axe.
Detire [detira], at once.
Deute [], debt.
Dextre [dstre], on the right.
Dibees [divs], Friday.
Dibrs [divrrs], diverse.
Didau [], thimble.
Die [dia], day.
Digt [dit], finger.
Digt-aner [dit anerr], ring finger.
Digt-minin [dit mininn], little finger.
Digt-pos [dit pos], thumb.
Dilhu [], perhaps.
Dilhuus, diluus [diluns], Monday.
Dilubi [diluvi], deluge.
Dimartz [], Tuesday.
Dimenye [dimenge], dimenche,
Dimrcxs [dimrcs], Wednesday.
Dindo [dindu], dandling, cradle.
Dindouleya [dindolejar], to dandle,
Dindouleya-s [dindolejs], to
swagger, strut.
Din [dinr], cash.
Dinerole [dinerla], money-box.
Dinque [dinca], until.
Dise [dser], to say.
Disna [disnar], dinner.
Disapte [dissabte], Disatte, Saturday.
Dityaus [didjaus], Thursday.
Diu [], God.
Diu bous ayde [Diu vos aide], (God
help you), Good day.
Dole [dola], a stave.
Dole-s [dles], to suffer, to complain.
Dors [drs], back.
Do [du], mourning.
Doula [dolar], to work with an
Doulad [doladr], dauladre
[dauladra], adze.


Doulou [dolor], pain.

Doumaa [doman], tomorrow.
Doun [donn], gift.
Dourc [dorc], precocious.
Dous [do], sweet.
Dousseya [docejar], to treat kindly,
to soothe.
Doussou [door], sweetness.
Dret [], right, straight.
Dretatge [dretadge], the due.
Dreytur [dreiturr], right, equitable.
Drin [drinn], little, scrap.
Droullateya [drollatejar], to play
the fool.
droumi [dromir], to sleep.
Droumilh [dromilhr], sleepiness.
Droumilhou [dromilhon], drowsiness.
Drusc [], lees.
Du [dur], hard.
Dus [], two.

Ebanyli [evangli], testament
(new or old).
Eboli [evli], ivory.
Edifici [], edifice.
Egoass [egoassr], owner or keeper of mares.
Egue [ga], ygue [iga], mare.
Embadi [envadir], to invade.
Embadiment [envadiment], invasion.
Embarra [embarrar], to shut up.
Emberea [enverear], to poison,
Embeye [enveja], envy.
Embeyous [envejs, osa], envious.
Embia [enviar], to send.
Embobe [embver], to harrow in
Emmali [enmalir], esmali [esmalir], to irritate.
Emoulumentz [emoluments],
emolument, produce of the soil.
Emparaula [emparaular], to make
a verbal agreement.
Empatch [empach], difficulty,
Empenha [empenhar], to pledge.
Empeuta [empeutar], to graft.
Empipauti [empipautir], to dirty.


Emplea [emplear], to ful.

Encarat [], inclined to.
Encarg [], imputation.
Encarga [encargar], to charge, impute.
Encore [encora], engore,
Encourda [encordar], to bind,
bend a bow.
Endrac [], evil, sore.
Endrougat (peix) [peix endrogat],
poisoned fish.
Engalina [engalinar], to wheedle,
Engana [enganar], to deceive.
Engoalh [], faggot of sticks.
Engoent [], unguent.
Engoula [engolar], to swallow up.
Enguisera [enguiserar], to glut,
En lhore [enlra], presently.
Enlugarna [enlugarnar], enluserna [enlusernar], to dazzle.
Ensemps [ensems], together.
Enta [ent], for.
Entalhadure [entalhadura], cut,
Entene [entner], to hear.
Entertant [], yet, nevertheless.
Entrade [entrada], entry.
Entro [entr], until.
Entutat [], in a cave, at earth.
Equitat [], equity.
Esbarri-s [esbarrs], to lose oneself.
Esbarya [esvarjar], to frighten.
Esbeca [esbecar], to top maize.
Esberit [], wide awake.
Esblasit [], faded, withered.
Esbouni-s [esbons], to fall into,
Esbrigalha [esbrigalhar], to break.
Esbrigalhs [esbrigalhs], crumbs,
Escale [escala], ladder.
Escalouri [escalorir], to warm up.
Escana [escanar], to cut a throat.
Escane-clouque [escana-cloca],
Escanoulhe [escanolha], onion
which has shot.
Escap [], issue, escape.
Escapa-s [escaps], to escape.
Escarbalh [], cockchafer.

Escarbalhre [escarbalhra], scatter-brains.

Escarni [escarnir], to counterfeit,
Escarrabelhat [], wide awake.
Escabanit [], down-hearted.
Eschalagas [eixalags], fail of
Eschen [eixent], absinthe.
Eschenye [eixenge], exempt.
Eschre [eixra], armpit.
Eschu [eixu], elder.
Eschourda [eixordar], to deafen.
Eschuc [eixuc], sapless, dry.
Eschuga [eixugar], to wipe.
Esclop [esclp], clog.
Escloup [esclopr], clogger.
Escostementz [escstamentz],
Escouba [escobar], to sweep.
Escoubasso [escobassu], sweepings.
Escoube [escoba], broom.
Escoubet [escobet], little broom.
Escouliatye [escoliadge], schooling, education.
Escouminye [escominge], excommunication.
Escoune [escner], to bide.
Escounedere [esconedra], hiding
Escounut (a l) [a lesconut], secretly.
Escoupi [escopir], to spit.
Escoupit [escopit], saliva.
Escouta [escotar], to listen.
Escreix [], excressence, extension of a house, outbuilding.
Escribaa [escrivan], writer.
Escribe [escrver], to write.
Escript [escripth], noose for
snaring birds.
Escritoli [escritli], writing desk.
Escriture [escritura], writing.
Escu [escur], dark.
Escudle [escudla], howl.
Escurade [escurada], nightfall.
Escut [], crown, dollar.
Esdebura-s [esdeburs], to hasten.
Esfruta [esfrutar], to enjoy possession of.
Esganurra-s [esganurrs], to
shout oneself hoarse.

Esgargalhat [], loosely dressed,

Esgarp (paa) [pan esgarp], wellmade bread.
Esgarraupia [esgarraupiar], to
Esgaudi [esgaudir], to rejoice.
Esglana [esglanar], to gather
Esglas [esgls], esglasi [], fearstricken.
Esglasia [esglasiar], to frighten.
Esglaxa [esglachar], to crush.
Esgrama [esgramar], to skim a pot.
Esguit deu die [esguit deu dia],
break of day.
Eslam [], eslame [eslama], flame.
Eslambrec [], flash of lightning.
Eslambregueya [eslambreguejar],
to lighten.
Eslassi-s [eslasss], to wither.
Eslayet [eslaget], flail.
Eslayute [eslajuta], flute.
Eslenc [], slippery.
Esleye [eslger], to elect.
Eslimaca [eslimacar], to kill snails.
Eslou [eslor], mildew, mould.
Eslou-higue [eslor-higa], early fig.
Eslouri [eslorir], to blossom.
Eslouri-s [eslors], to grow mouldy.
Eslourounc [esloronc], carbuncle,
Eslurra-s [eslurrs], to slip, fall.
Eslurres [eslurras], land-slip.
Esmatuca [esmatucar], to thrash,
overwhelm with blows.
Esmicouta [esmicotar], to tear up
in little pieces.
Esmieya [esmiejar], to cut in halves.
Esmousta [esmostar], to crush
Espaci [], space, term.
Espade [espada], sword.
Espalle [espalla], shoulder.
Espallut [], broad-shouldered.
Espanta [espantar], to alarm.
Esparb [esparvr], hawk.
Esparriscla [esparrisclar], to scatter.
Espauri [espaurir], to frighten.
Espederat [], footsore.
Espera [esperar], to hope.
Esperance [esperana], hope.


Esperou [esperon], spur.

Esperouca [esperocar], to husk
Esperouqure [esperoqura], corn
Esperreca [esperrecar], to tear to
Espes [esps], thick.
Espia [espiar], to look at.
Espic [], spike of lavender.
Espire [espira], stare.
Espigadou [espigador], one who
gathers sheaves, harvester.
Espitau [], hospital.
Espousalicis [esposalicis], wedding presents.
Espousau [esposau], nuptial
Espudi [espudir], to dislike.
Espunhe [espunha], pumice.
Esquiau [], spine.
Esquie [esquia], chine.
Esquilhot [esquilht], walnut.
Esquilhoutre [esquilhotra],
abundance of walnuts.
Esquire [esquira], little bell.
Esquir [esquirr], bell maker.
Esquire-batalhade [esquira batalhada], one who blows his own
Esquirole [esquirla], the animal
that bears the bell.
Esquirou [esquiron], sleigh bell.
Esquiro [esquiru], squirrel.
Esquis [esqus], a tear.
Esta [estar], to be, remain, dwell.
Establiment [], establishment.
Estaca [estacar], to attach.
Estadge [], dwelling.
Estalhans [estalhants], scissors.
Estalhanta [estalhantar], to scissor out.
Estalhuca [estalhucar], to cut to
Estanga-s [estangs], to stop.
Estanguet [], halting place.
Estanh [estanh], tin.
Estaralaca [estaralacar], to sweep
down cobwebs.
Estarramousi [estarramosir], to
Esta-s [ests], to remain, stay.
Estaubia [estaubiar], to spare, to


Estele [estela], star.

Estenalhes [estenalhas], pincers.
Estenilha-s [estenilhs], to stretch
Estre [estra], shaving.
Estrle [], youngest.
Estiba [estivar], to pass the summer.
Estibet [estivet], Indian summer.
Estigglat [estiglat], sparkling.
Estiu [], summer.
Estournet [estornet], estournugalh [estornugalh], starling.
Estrem [], extremity, edge.
Estrema [estremar], to remove.
Estrembira [estremvirar], to turn
Estremoulit [estremolit], discouraged, down-hearted.
Estrenha [estrenhar], to hold fast.
Estret [], narrow.
Estriu [], stirrup.
Estros [estr], clumsy.
Estrussa [estrussar], to lock up,
to keep.
Estuya [estujar], to bide.
Estuyasso [estujassu], estuyo [estuju], hiding place.
Estuyasso (ha a l) [har a lestujassu], to play hide and seek.
Exaurelha [eixaurelhar], to cut the

Fad [fadr], fatuity.
Fadeya [fadejar], to play the fop.
Fale [faler], to be necessary.
Falhi [falhir], to miss, to be wanting.
Fame [fama], report, reputation.
Farcimous [farcims, osa], puffed
up, bloated.
Faus [], false.
Febrous [febrs, osa], feverish.
Fee [fe], faith.
Femle [femla], fumle [fumla],
Fenoulhet [fenolhet], fly-catcher.
Ferlingures [ferlinguras], baubles, fallals.
Fermances [fermanas], guarantees.
Ferrou [ferron], red clover.

Fidance [fidana], security.

Fidl, fidu [], faithful.
Fire femle [fira femla], handsome woman.
Fir homi [firr mi], fine man.
Fii [fin], end.
Filouse [filosa], distaff.
Fina [finar], to finance.
Finau [], final.
Flabute [flavuta], flute.
Flac [], flaccid, slack.
Flaca [flacar], to want courage,
Flaqu [flaqur], flabbiness.
Flascou [flasco], flagon.
Flasquette [flasqueta], powder
Flaunhac [], flatterer, humbug.
Flayoulet [flajolet], flageolet.
Flu [], scourge, misfortune.
Flicouteya [flicotejar], to dandle.
Fligoutat [fligotat], fligouteix
[fligoteix], the roar of a breaking
Flisca [fliscar], to flick.
Fliscade [fliscada], a flick.
Fliscou-flascou [flisco-flasco], flipflop.
Flisque [flisca], switch.
Flisquet [flisquet], latch.
Flisqueta [flisquetar], to latch.
Flisqueteya [flisquetejar], to rattle the latch.
Floc [flc], bouquet, nosegay.
Flou [flor], flower.
Flouca [flocar], to adorn with a
Flouch [floix], coward, wanting in
Floucha [floixar], to flinch.
Flouquetot [floquett], little bouquet.
Floureya [florejar], to blossom.
Fofone [fofna], doll.
Foundz [fonds], bottom.
Fourrasta [forrastar], to forage.
Foursous [fors, osa], one who
holds tight.
Franciman [francimand], one who
speaks bad French.
Francimandeya [francimandejar],
to speak bad French.
Franquesse [franquessa], liberation.

Franquementz [francamentz],
Fray [frair], brother.
Frayreya [frairejar], to fraternize.
Frayrou [frairor], foster brother.
Frbe [frber], fever.
Fresc [], fresh.
Frescou [frescor], freshness.
Fringa [fringar], to seek to please.
Fringayre [fringaire], ladys man.
Frineste [frinsta], window.
Frount [front], forehead.
Frutass [frutassr], one who loves fruit.
Frut [frutr], fruit tree.
Frutre [frutra], fruit seller.
Fruut [frut], fruit.
Furious [furis, osa], very stout.

Gabarraa [gavarrar], heath.
Gabarre [gavarra], heath (the
Gabe [gave], torrent.
Gaha [gahar], to take, seize.
Gahe [gaha], ladle.
Gahent [], sticky.
Gaholh [], slattern.
Gahous [gahons], gahetz [gahets], burr.
Galabi [galabin], two sous piece.
Galapia [galapian], glutton.
Galet (bebe de ~) [bver de galet], to take free drinks.
Galhat [], black and white ox.
Galhou [galhon], cock, rooster.
Galihorce [galihra], precipice,
Galipaut [], greedy guts.
Gambilet [], gimlet.
Ganibete [ganiveta], long bladed
Gansole [gansla], ganso [gansu], leather on clog.
Ganurre [ganurra], throat.
Garanh [], stallion.
Garanhayre [garanhaire], stallion
Garbe [garba], sheaf.
Garb [garbr], pile of sheaves on
a stake, stook.
Garbes (mees de) [mes de garbas],


Garbeya [garbejar], to harvest.

Garbeyadou [garbejador], harvester.
Garbure [garbura], cabbage soup.
Garfou [garfo], a cake.
Garie [garia], hen.
Garimbet [garimbet], leap, gambol.
Garlande [garlanda], garland.
Gaspe [gaspa], cluster.
Gasalhe [gasalha], live stock,
lease of cattle.
Gat [], cat.
Gatoa [gatoar], to kindle.
Gat-pitoch [gat-pitix], wild cat.
Gau [], agau [], mill race.
Gaudence [gaudena], possession.
Gaudi [gaudir], to enjoy.
Gaudi-s [gauds], to rejoice.
Gaumas [gaums], unbearable
Gausialhes [gausialhas], caresses.
Gaute [gauta], mouth, cheek.
Gautade [gautada], box on the ear,
Gauyous [gaujs, osa], joyous.
Gay [gai], joy.
Gay [gai], gay.
Gay [gai], jay.
Gayhasent [gaihasent], attractive,
Gegoant [], gigant [], giant.
Gemit [], groan.
Gemitri [], long groan.
Generau [], general.
Gentiu [], noble.
Gentz [gents], people.
Gessi [gessir], to issue, to descend
Glre [glra], glar [glarr], a
strike, strand, gravel.
Glyse [glisa], glise [glisa], church.
Glori [glria], glory.
Glout [glot], avalanche.
Gnac [nhac], bite.
Gnaspa [nhaspar], to chew.
Gnaula [nhaular], to mew, howl.
Goa [goad], ford.
Goadanha [goadanhar], to gain.
Goalhard [], bold.
Goarda [goardar], to keep.
Goari [goarir], to cure.
Goasta [goastar], to spoil.


Goayre [goaire], hardly ever.

Goey [goei], trouble, grief.
Goeyt [goeit], watch, alert.
Goeyta [goeitar], to watch.
Goeyt [goeitr], watcher.
Golitz [glitz], robin.
Gouberne [govrna], administration.
Goudale [godala], mixture of soup
and wine.
Gouhe [goha], gouhou [gohon],
suffocating heat.
Gouhit [gohit], confection.
Goula [golar], the fat round a pigs
Goulut [golut], greedy.
Gounde [gonda], tunic.
Gourgueya [gorguejar], warbling.
Gourgueyet [ gorgueget], the
sound of warbling.
Gourgouleya [gorgolejar], to warble softly.
Gourlups [gorlups], lumps in badly made porridge.
Gourmandz [gormands], ground
Gourri [gorrir], to run, vagabondize.
Gourrin [gorrinr], gourrinis
[gorrins], vagabondism.
Gourrineya [gorrinejar], to live a
vagabond life.
Goustous [gosts, osa], savory,
Goutre [gotra], spout, gutter.
Goutete [goteta], little drop.
Gouteya [gotejar], to drop.
Gouyat [gojat], boy.
Gouyate [gojata], girl.
Gouyatet [gojatet], little boy.
Gouyatine [gojatina], little girl.
Gouye [goja], servant girl.
Gouyote [gojta], little servant
Graa [gran], grain.
Gra [grar], granary.
Grabassaa [gravassar], muddy
Grabass [gravassr], muddy.
Grabe [grava], mud.
Gracious [gracis, osa], gracious.
Grame [grama], foam.
Gran [grand, grana], large.
Granadges [], grain of all sorts.

Grandous [grands, osa], grandiose.

Grat [], taste.
Grasit [], beloved.
Grat (de) [], gratis.
Gratre [gratra], itch.
Gratilha [gratilhar], to tickle by
Graulhe [graulha], griaulhe, frog.
Graynot [graint], small grain of
poor quality.
Grhe [grha], grpe [grpa], filth.
Greherous [grehers, osa], filthy.
Grix [], grease.
Gru [], painful.
Gruye [gruja], difficulty, pain.
Grexous [greixs, osa], cress.
Gry [gri], flock, herd.
Grit [grith], gritchaule [grichaula], grasshopper.
Gritchaula [grichaular], to chirp.
Gritchaul [grichaulr], grasshopper catcher.
Gurle [], cross-eyed man.
Guihe [guiha], galese, sow with
young ones.
Guindoulh [guindolh], cherry.
Guingoy (de) [de guingi], crosswise.
Guinsalh [], rag.
Guirot [guirt], gander.
Guiroulh [guirolh], foolish fellow.
Guis [guisr], gizzard.
Guit [], guite [guita], drake and
Guitade [guitada], the game of
duck (cutting down a suspended
duck blindfold).
Guit [guitr], wen.
Guiterous [guiters, osa], one who
has a wen.
Gusmera [gusmerar], to wind
Gusmt [gusmth], ball of yarn.

Habos [havors], bean sowers.

Habole [havla], harricot bean (in
some districts).
Hac [], hau [], beech.
Hadat [], fairy ridden.
Hade [hada], fairy.
Hadete [hadeta], little fairy, elf.
Halet [], breath.
Halha [halhar], flexible pole.
Halhasse [halhassa], crevasse.
Halhassous [halhasss, osa],
chap, crack.
Halhe [halha], cocks comb.
Halhe [halha], flame.
Halhre [halhra], conflagration,
Ham [], hook.
Hamen [hame], famine.
Hama [hamar], to bark.
Ham-ham [], bark.
Hami [], hunger.
Hamoulent [hamolent], hungry,
Hangas [hangs], slough.
Hangue [hanga], mud.
Hapa [hapar], to dandle.
Haque [haca], little mare.
Hardu [], large quantity, lot.
Hardulhe [hardulha], bundle of
Hargoa [hargoar], to forge.
Hargou [hargon], forgerers hammer.
Harie [haria], flour.
Harious [haris, osa], floury.
Harissat [ahriat], spikey, prickley.
Harissou [ahrion], hedge hog.
Harlapa [harlapar], to swallow
greedily, bolt.
Haroul [harolr], sportive, wanton.
Haroulis [harols], hubbub.
Harpilhot [harpilht], light garment.
Harri ! [] come up !
Hart [], full, crammed.
Hartan [hartanr], glutton.
Harta-s [harts], to gorge.
Ha [har], to do, make.
Har t-de-bade [hart-de-vder],
Habaa [havar], bean field.
Hab [aver], to have.
Hartre [hartra], a blow out.
Habe [hava], bean.
Hart y pitart [hart i pitarr], cramHabe-de-ca [hava de can], nux med with food and drink.
Hasaa [hasan], cock, rooster.
Habillesse [abillessa], dexterity.


Hasalhou [hasalhon], hasanhet

de Sent Martii [hasanhet de SentMartin], hoopoo.
Hased [haseder], feasable.
Hasedou [hasedor], performer.
Hasend [hasendr], good workman.
Hasti [], disgust.
Hastiau [], disgusting.
Hat [], fate, fatality.
Hatou [htou], coarse garment.
Haudrec [], dew.
Haudrequeya [haudrequejar], to
walk through the dew.
Haugan [augann], this year.
Hauneste [aunste], honest.
Haunou [aunor], honour.
Haunoura [aunorar], to honour.
Haunous (las) [las aunors], funeral
Haure [], hau [haur], blacksmith.
Haurilhou [haurilhon], bad black
Hauroungle [aurongla], hirounglete [irongleta], swallow.
Haus [hau], forgery, coining.
Hausse-prim [haua-prim], lever,
Haussilhe [haucilha], haussot
[haut], long handled billhook.
Haute [hauta], lap.
Hautou [hautor], haudou, height.
Haye [haja], hayete [hageta],
beech mast.
Hayet [haget], haget, faget, beech
Hayine [hagina], pole-cat.
Hayin [haginr], pole-cat hunter.
Hede [heda], woman after childbirth.
Hee [hen], hay.
Hix [], load.
Hel [helr], pain, grief.
Helre [helra], continued bad
Hema [hemar], to manure.
Hem [hemr], dung heap.
Hemne [hemna], woman.
Hems [], dung, manure.
Hemse [hemsa], droppings.
Henalhat [], cracked.
Hene [hner], to cleave.
Henrcle [henrcla], wide crack.


Hens [hentz], in.

Henude [henuda], crack.
Hr [hrr], h [hr], iron.
Herbaa [erbar], pasture.
Herbadiu [erbadiu], pasturage.
Herbadya [erbadjar], to graze.
Herbe [rba], gerbe, yerbe [irba],
Herb [erbr], stomach of ruminants.
Here [hera], fair.
Hre [hra], much.
Hres [hras], many.
Heresse [heressa], herou [heror],
Heretat [eretat], heretatye [eretadge], heritage.
Heret [eretr], heir.
Heri [herir], to strike.
Herm [rm], waste land, fallow.
Heroutye [herodge], ferocious.
Herrade [herrada], wooden vessel
bound with copper, measure of 10
Herrad [herrader], sink.
Herralhe [herralha], herrulhe
[herrulha], old iron.
Herrat [herrat], iron hooped bucket.
Herre [hrra], iron work, tools.
Herre (ensenha la) [ensenhar la
hrra], to show the teeth.
Herri [hrri], tooth of harrow.
Herum [herum], wild beast.
Hste [hsta], feast.
Hste-annau [hsta annau], annual fair.
Htz [htz], wine lees.
Hu [], gall.
Heugaa [heugar], heugure [heugura], bank of ferns.
Heur [heurr], February.
Heureya [heurejar], to be like February.
Heureyade [heurejada], February
Heus [heu], bracken.
Heya [hejar], to make hay.
Heyadou [hejador], haymaker.
Hyt [hit], done, made.
Hyte [hita], action, especially a
bad one.
Hiaa [hiar], meadow.
Hiala [hialar], to spin.

Hialadoure [hialadora], spinster.

Hialat [hialat], net.
Hialre [hialra], iron end of spindle.
Hialerou [hialeron], the same with
a hook to twist the yarn.
Hiarot [hiart], paddock.
Hibr [ivrn], winter.
Hic [], wart, difficulty.
Hica [hicar], to put, place.
Hidable [], trustworthy.
Hida-s [hids], to trust in.
Hide [hida], confidence.
Hi [ger], g, yesterday.
Hire [hira], ring in pigs snout.
Hieu [], hiu [], thread, yarn.
Hiyre [gira], gyre, ivy.
Higue [higa], fig.
Hi-hi [], neigh.
Hilh [], son.
Hilhastre [], step son.
Hilhete [hilheta], little child.
Hilhetes [hilhetas], ground shoots.
Hilhole [hilhla], god daughter.
Hilho [hilhu], god son.
Hilhou [hilhon], goldfinch.
Himi [hmia], female.
Hiregge [irdge], heretic.
Hissa [hiar], to sting.
Hissade [hiada], venomous bite,
Hissou [hion], sting.
Histori [istria], history.
Hitilh [hitilhr], hitilhre [hitilhra], wizzard, witch.
Hitye [hidge], liver.
Hoec [], fire.
Hoelh [], leaflet.
Hoelhe [hoelha], leaf.
Hoerdi [oerdir], barley.
Hoey [oei], today.
Hoeye [hoger], to fly.
Hoeyte [hoita], flight.
Hoeytiu [hoeitiu], fugitive.
Homi [mi], man.
Hore [ra], hour.
Hore [hra], without, outside.
Hore-bandi [hra-bandir], to expel, exile, banish.
Hore-bia [hra-viar], to put out
ofthe way.
Hore-biat [hra-viat], gone-astray,
Hore-biengut [hra-viengut], corne

from without, stranger.

Horgue [hrga], hargoe [hrgoa],
Horre [rre], dirty, deffled.
Hort [hrt], strong.
Hort [rt], garden.
Hosse [hssa], ditch, grave.
Ho [hu], mad.
Ho (caa) [can hu], mad dog.
Houdica [hodicar], houdilha [hodilhar], hournilha [hornilhar], to
grout (pigs).
Houleya [holejar], to play the fool.
Houlie [holia], folly, madness.
Houmatye [omadge], bornage.
Houmiot [omit], little man.
Houndra [ondrar], to adorn, honour.
Houndz [honds], bottom.
Houne [hona], sling.
Houne [hner], to melt.
Hounide [honida], shower.
Hounilh [honilh], funnel.
Hounsiralh [honsiralh], residue.
Hount [hont], hountaa [hontan],
Houra [horar], to press.
Hourada [horadar], to make holes
Hourat [horat], hole.
Houratre [horatra], full of holes,
Hourateya [horatejar], to hunt in
holes and corners.
Hourbari [horvari], confused
sound, hurly-burly.
Hourcat [horcat], three-pronged
Hourn [horn], oven.
Hournre [hornra], bakehouse.
Hournet [hornet], crucible.
Hournilhadures [hornilhaduras],
ground broken up by pigs.
Hourque [horca], pichfork
Hourra [horrar], to bark.
Hourreda [horredar], to dirty, defile.
Hourredesse [horredessa], defilement, filth.
Hourtalesse [hortalessa], fortress,
Hourtalicis [ortalicis], vegetables.
Houruca [horucar], huruca, to


Houss [hossr], grubbing axe.

Houstalet [ostalet], little house.
Houstau [ostau], house.
Houtya [hodjar], hode, to dig.
Houtyica [hodgicar], to dig lightly.
Houy ! [hoi !] Be off !
Hueta [hoetar], to flog.
Huetes [hoetas], rods.
Huganaut [], higanaut [], huguenot.
Hula [hular], to charge (of cattle).
Hum [], smoke.
Huma [humar], to produce smoke.
Humaa [uman], human.
Humble (fruut) [frut umble], soft
Humre [humra], great smoke.
Humi [umi], shoulder.
Humiu [umiu], humble.
Humous [hums, osa], smoky.
Hurou [huron], ferret.
Hurous [urs, osa], happy.
Hurrup [hurrup], hourrup [horrup], mouthful.
Hurrupa [hurrupar], hourrupa
[horrupar], to sip.
Hus [], spindle.
Hust [], huste [husta], chunk of
Hustatye [hustadge], wood pile.
Hust-biu [hust-viu], privet.
Hust-du [hust-dur], dog-wood
Hute (A ~) ! [a huta !] Be off !

I [ir], to go.
Iap [], hiap, cup.
Ibrounhe [ibronhe], drunkard.
Ignoura [ignorar], to ignore.
Ihr [ihrn], hell.
Ilha [ilhar], to cry out.
Ilhetz [ilhets], cries of joy (also a
cry in the mountains which corresponds to the Australian: cou-ee !).
Imagine [imagina], statue.
Imatye [imadge], image.
Imatyou [imadjon], pretty little
Imbentari [inventari], inventory.
Imbentou [inventor], inventor.
Impausa [impausar], to charge, accuse.


Impediment [], impediment.

Impiedatous [impietads], pitiless,
Inaudit [], unheard of.
Incourrement [incorrement], danger of incurring.
Infama [infamar], to defame.
Infametat [], defamation.
Infami [], infamous.
Infidu [], faithless.
Infourtunat [infortunat], unfortunate.
Injuri [], injury.
Inquiet [inquietr], uneasiness.
Insensat [], crazy.
Instance [instana], instance.
Instiga [instigar], to instigate.
Instrument [], estrument [],
Intrant (L) [], entry, commencement.
Ioye [jia], joy.
Iradementz [iradamentz], violently.
Irague [iraga], tares.
Iranhou [iranhon], bat-fowling
Iranye [irange], orange.
Irat [], irate.
Ire [ira], ire, anger.
Irole [irla], roast chestnut.
Iroula [irolar], to scorch.
Iroulade [irolada], scorching.
Irouleya-s [irolejs], to scorch oneself.
Isanh [], a bilious man.
Isla [islar], to swell.

Ja [], already.
Ja ! Ja ! [], enough ! enough !
James (au) [au jams], never at all.
Jangla [janglar], to mock.
Janglarie [janglaria], mockery.
Janglayre [janglaire], mocker.
Jansemi [jansemin], jasmin.
Jase [jser], jasilha [jasilhar], to
take refuge.
Jassie [jacia], although.
Jaubet [], warm.
Je (g [ger], hi), yesterday.
Jelou [gelor], jealous.
Jener [genr], January.

Jigis [gigs], gis [], toys, fallals.

Joc [jc], game.
Joen [joenn, joena], young.
Joeneya [joenejar], to assume
Joentut [joentut], youth.
Jou [jo], I.
Joufle [jofla], a boil.
Jouga [jogar], to play.
Jougadou [jogador], jougayre [jogaire], player.
Joulh [jolh], knee.
Journade [jornada], journau [jornau], day s work.
Joyas [jias], joyeus [joius], jewels.
Judici [], judgment.
Judiu [], jusiu [], jew.
Julhe [julha], strap of bullock yoke.
Julhet [julhet], July.
Jun [junh], June.
Junc [], reed.
Juncaa [juncar], junqu [junqur], reedy ground.
Junhe [jnher], to join.
Juni [juni], young.
Junta [juntar], to join, adjust.
Junte [junta], double handful.
Jupitri [], help, assistance.
Jurade [jurada], bench of magistrates.
Juradie [juradia], magistracy.
Jurat [], magistrate.
Jus [], juus, under.
Jusaa [jusan], jusou [juson], that
which is under, towards the north.
Jusp [], Josp [], Jausp [],
Justamentz [], justly.
Juste [], just.
Juste de [], near to.
Justici [justcia], justice.
Juu [jun], yoke.

Labatori [lavatri], w. c.
Labetz [lavetz], lasbetz [lasvetz],
Labouradisses (terres) [trras
laboradissas], arable land.
Lare [lara], wool washer.
Laganhe [laganha], rheum.
Laganhous [laganhs, osa], bleareyed.
Lagas [lagast], tick.
Lagot [lagt], puddle.
Lahens [lahentz], therein.
Lahuse [lasa], white ash.
Lambrusque [lambrusca], wild
Lampoeyn [lampoeinr], slowcoach.
Lampoeyneya [lampoeinejar], to
be fearfully slow.
Landrs [landrrs], andirons.
Langou [langor], languor.
Langui [languir], to languish.
Lans [lan], a throw.
Lansade [lanada], a slash.
Lapasse [lapassa], burdock.
Lard [], bacon.
Lar [larr], hearth.
Larmade [larmada], white of egg
beaten up.
Larme [], white of egg.
Larye [large], large.
Laryou [larjor], breadth
Las [la], lasso [lau], shoe ties,
Lassus [lasss], above.
Lat [], wide, extended.
Lauda [laudar], to let, hire.
Laudete [laudeta], lark.
Laudou [laudor], praise.
Lauquete [lauqueta], loach, slug.
Lauquet [lauquetr], loach fisher.
Laura [laurar], to labor, cultivate.
Laurad [laurader], fit for cultivation.
Lauradou [laurador], labouraL.
dou, labouredou [laboredor], labourer.
Laa [lan], wool.
Laur [laurr], laurel.
Laaut [lat], woolly.
Lauret [lauret], red ox.
Laba [lavar], to wash.
Laus [laus], abandoned, vacant.
Labad [lavader], lavatory, wa- Laussetat [], emptiness, vashing board or stone.
cancy (of house or land).
Labadoure [lavadora], washer- Lauzenqu [lausenqur], slandewoman.
rer, flatterer.
Labadures [lavaduras], soapsuds.


Layra [lairar], to hark.

Layret [lairet], bark.
Layrou [lairon], thief.
Layrounici [laironici], larceny.
Lays [lais], chums.
Laze (sent) [Sent Lase], St-Lazarus.
Leberau (Caa) [can leberau], greyhound.
Lebraut [lebraut], lebrautou [lebrauton], leveret.
Lebr [lebrr], greyhound.
Ld [ld], le, ugly.
Leca [lecar], to lick.
Lecadure [lecadura], licking.
Lgue [lga], league.
Lendedie [lendedia], lendoumaa
[lendoman], the next day.
Lendematii [lendematin], the
next morning.
Lendie [lendia], lentil, freckle.
Lendious [lendis, osa], freckled.
Lengassut [], lengoassut [],
Lengoe [lngoa], lengue [lenga],
Lengue-de-baque [lenga-de-vaca],
scolopendriurn, harts tongue fern.
Lenhe [lenha], fire wood.
Lenh [lenhr], four loads of wood.
Lenhre [lenhra], wood yard.
Lni [lnia], nit.
Lp [lb], lbe [lber], hare (m. &
Lis [], united, smooth.
Les [lesr], leisure.
Lsi [lsia], lisi [lsia], awl.
Let [], breath.
Letre [letra], letter.
Lu [], quick.
Leuy [leugr], light.
Lexa [leixar], dexa [deixar], to
Lexiu [leixiu], washing water.
Ley [lei], law, fine.
Ley [lei], quality.
Leyau [leiau], loyal, legal.
Leye [lger], to read.
Lyt [lit], milk.
Leytou [leiton], skim milk.
Leytugue [leituga], lettuce.
Lez [les], breadth.
Lheba [lhevar], to raise, lift.
Lhebad [lhevadr], that which is


to be lifted, cash due.

Lhebadure [lhevadura], leaven,
Lhu [], perhaps.
Lheyt [lheit], bed.
Lheyte [lheita], choice.
Liam [], bond.
Libe [lber], book.
Liberot [libert], booklet, pamphlet.
Libu [], indictment.
Lichr [lixrr], liquid manure.
Liete [lieta], bind-weed.
Liga [ligar], to bind.
Ligadere [ligadera], binder.
Ligadure [ligadura], action or
manner of binding.
Ligami [], liaison, intimacy.
Liguete [ligueta], fine line, twine.
Lii [lin], flax.
Limac [], snail.
Limaqure [limaqura], place
where there are many snails.
Limassourd [limassord], sly, deep.
Limpre [], polished, smart.
Linhatye [linhadge], row.
Linso [linu], shroud, sheet.
Liquet [], farmers boy.
Liri [], lily.
Liura [liurar], to deliver.
Liure [liura], pound.
Liuse [], linseed.
Loc [lc], place.
Loenh [], far.
Lot [lt], measure of quantity, pot,
Loubat [lobat], young wolf.
Loubat [lobatr], wolf-hunter.
Loubet [lobet], gangrenous tumor.
Louga [logar], to let, hire.
Lougatye [logadge], lougu [logur], rent, hire.
Loung [long], long.
Loungarc [longarc], slow-coach.
Loungayn [longainr], dawdler.
Loungayneya [longainejar], to
dawdle over.
Loungyre [longira], table cloth.
Loungou [longor], length.
Loup [lop], wolf.
Louyre []loira], otter.
Louzre [losra], slate quarry.
Loze [lsa], slate.
Lue [lua], moon.

Luc [], lunatic.

Lugraa [lugran], planet Venus.
Luminani [], luminary.
Luquet [], wooden match.
Lurdous [lurds, osa], shining with
Lusi [lusir], to shine.
Lustre [], cross-eyed.
Lustrou [lustror], lustre, clearness.
Lutes [lutas], struggle.
Lutz [], light.
Luzrp [lusrp], crack.

Maa [man], hand.
Mabe [mver], to move.
Maca [macar], to injure, murder.
Macadure [macadura], injury.
Macip [], waiter.
Macipe [macipa], waitress.
Macou [maco], gross, a low brute.
Madu [madur], ripe.
Madura [madurar], to ripen.
Maste, mste [], master.
Maste de fuste [mste de husta],
master carpenter.
Maste de pyre [mste de pira],
master mason.
Maganhe [maganha], discord,
Magre [], thin.
Maladise [maladser], to abuse.
Malandr [malandrr], to be generally uncomfortable.
Malau [malaud], ill.
Malaudeya [malaudejar], to be ill
a long time.
Malaudie [malaudia], illness.
Malaudis [malauds], malaudous
[malauds, osa], weak, sickly.
Malefici [], wichcraft, spell.
Mals [], indignation, stormy
Malesse [malessa], iniquity.
Malh [], flank, hip.
Malheba [malhevar], to borrow.
Malhoque [malhca], malhuque
[malhuca], long handled mallet.
Malhur [malurr], misery, misfortune.
Malhurau [malurau], unlucky day
or unlucky forecast.

Malici [malcia], malice.

Malicious [malicis], malicious.
Maliciousamentz [maliciosamentz], maliciously.
Manca [mancar], to miss, be
Mane [mana], sterile.
Manerie [maneria], manner.
Manescaut [], marescaut [],
Manestrau [], workman.
Manestr [manestrr], fiddler.
Mante [], mantt [mantth],
mantou [mntou], mantle.
Manye [manja], manchou [manxo], sleeve.
Marcad [marcadr], market salesman.
Marcadt [marcadet], market place.
Marcadeya [marcadejar], to bargain.
Marcadeyayre [marcadejaire], bargainer.
Marcat [], market
Marfandi [marfandir], to chill.
Margalide [margalida], daisy.
Maridad [maridader], nubile.
Maridatye [maridadge], marriage.
Mariechourre [maria-chorra],
Marire [marira], mayroulre
[mairolra], midwife.
Marine [marina], young ewe fatted for market.
Marle [marla], marl.
Marlre [marlra], marl pit.
Marme [], marble.
Marrassaa [marrassan], bill-hook.
Marre [], marrou [marro], ram.
Marterou [Marteron], All Saints.
Martt [martth], hammer.
Martesc [martsc], of March.
Martz [], March.
Mas [], mes [], mey [mei], but.
Mascadure [mascadura], victuals.
Mascarous [mascars], unclean.
Mascle [], male.
Maseda [masedar], to tame, to
Maser [maserr], butcher.
Maset [], muff, bat, a thoroughly trained animal.
Masoau [], courtyard.


Massacanac [], partition, an illdressed person.

Massoayre [maoaire], masso
[maor], mason.
Mate [mata], tuft of ground shoots.
Mate-hami [mata-hami], a bellyful.
Mate-seube [mata-suva], creeper.
Matiade [matiada], matiau [],
Mati [matir], early.
Matii [matin], morning.
Matole [matla], tuft of sticks in
which a bird snare is hidden.
Matoles [matlas], thick whiskers.
Matrimoni [matrimni], matrimony.
Matrounire [matronira], camomile.
Mau [], bad.
Mau [], angry.
Mauhasc [], unhealthy, deleterious.
Mauhyt [mauhit], misdeed.
Mauta [mautar], to stir, move,
Maxeraa [maixerar], jaw.
Maxerade [maixerada], blow in
the face.
Maxre [maixra], cheek, jaw.
May [mai], May.
May [mair], mother.
May de poupe [mair de popa], wet
May deu so [mair deu su], midwife.
Maye [mage], greater.
Mayesc [maisc], of May.
Maynada [mainada], to bear children.
Maynade [mainada], house, family.
Maynade [mainada], child, young
Maynat [mainat], maynatye [mainadge], boy.
Mayouramentz [majoramentz],
mayementz [magementz], principally.
Mayourau [majorau], marjoram.
Mayouraus [majoraus], the principals.
Mayram [mairam], cattle.
Mayrane [mairana], grandmother.


Mayrastre [mairastra], step-mother.

Mayrie [mairia], God-mother.
Maysou [maison], house.
Mc [], stammerer.
Medalhe [medalha], small change.
Medici [], mtge [mdge], physician, doctor.
Medix [], same.
Medout [medoth], crumb.
Mees [mes], month.
Melic [], navel.
Meloau [], pie melon.
Memori [memria], memory.
Menatye [menadge], household.
Mendras [mendrast], wild mint.
Mendre [], least.
Mendrot [mendrt], mendroutin
[mendrotinn], very wretched.
Menourete [menoreta], nun.
Mentabe [mentver], to mention.
Menut [], small, slender.
Mequeya [mequejar], to stammer.
Merbelha-s [mervelhs], to marvel.
Merca [mercar], to mark.
Merlat [], throstle.
Mes [], mey [mei], more.
Msche [mtxe], trained fruit trees.
Mesclanhe [mesclanha], muddle,
hopeless mess.
Meset [], mean fellow.
Mesple [mspla], mediar.
Mespl [mesplr], mediar tree.
Mespresa [mespresar], to despise.
Mespresibamentz [mespresivamentz], with contempt.
Mesti [mestir], trade, business.
Mestierau [], tradesman, craftsman.
Mesture [mestura], corn bread.
Mesturt [mesturth], small corn
Met [], fear.
Metau [], metal, iron pot.
Mete [mter], to put, place.
Mete [meta], mede [meda], pile,
Metoulic [metolic], timid.
Mu [], honey.
Musse [mussa], spleen.
Myt [mit], kneading-trough.
Mia [miar], to lead.

Miassa [miaar], to menace.

Mielhou [mielhor], the best.
Mielhurament [], amelioration.
Miey [miei], half.
Miey (au) [au miei], in the middle.
Mieyan [miejann], means.
Mieyes (a) [a miejas], half (adv.).
Mieyou [miejon], mieyine [miegina], twin (m. & f.).
Miey-per-miey [miei per miei], by
Mieytad [mieitadr], that is to be
Mieytan [mieitann], mitan (au)
[au mitann], in the midst.
Mieytat [mieitat], mitat, half.
Milh [milh], millet.
Milhassaa [milhassan], millet field,
Milhoc [milhc], maize.
Milhoque [milhca], stored maize.
Milhoucaa [milhocar], maize field.
Minin [mininn], menin [meninn],
very small, wee.
Minya [minjar], to eat.
Minyadere [minjadera], manger,
eating place.
Minyadou [minjador], eater
Minyance [minjana], vermin.
Mique [mica], dumplin, doughboy.
Miralh [], mirror.
Miralha-s [miralhs], to gaze at
oneself in the glass.
Miscap [], mishap, misfortune.
Misse [missa], the mass.
Misse de haut die [missa de haut
dia], high mass.
Miugrane [miugrana], pommegranate.
Miussat [], bread and milk.
Mouc [moc], candle snuff.
Mouc [moc], moisture from the
Moucadou [mocador], handkerchief.
Moucasseya-s [mocassejs], to
keep on blowing ones nose.
Moudacous [modacs, osa], damp,
Moud [modr], damp weather.
Moudesse [modessa], scurf.
Moufle [mofle], muzzle, snout.
Moule [mler], to mould.

Moulh [molhr], wife, married

Moulherat [molherat], married
man, benedict.
Mouli [molir], miller.
Moulire (peyre) [pira molira],
mill stone, hearth-stone.
Moulii [molin], mill.
Moulle [molle], mould.
letres de moulle [letras de molle],
printed letters.
Moulue [molua], codfish.
Moumbra-s [mombrs], to recollect.
Moument [moment], moment.
Mounaque [monaca], doll.
Mounard [monard], great ape.
Moune [mona], she monkey.
Mounument [monument], monument.
Mounye [monge], monk.
Mounyerie [mongeria], monkhood.
Mounyete [mongeta], haricot
Mounyou [monjon], little round
Mounyoye [monjia], pile of stones, mile stone, land mark.
Mouquire [moquira], glanders.
Mouquirous [moquirs, osa], glandered.
Mourdent [mordent], a hard-worker, a sharp tool.
Mour [morr], mulberry bird.
Mour-cap-negre [morr-capnegre], black headed becca-fico.
Mouret [moret], mourete [moreta], (m. & f.) a person with a lick
off the tar brush.
Mouret [moret], dark chestnut horse.
Mourete [moreta], little dark cherry.
Mouri [morir], to die.
Mourou [moro], moor, mulatto.
Mourt [mort], dead, corpse.
Mourtalre [mortalra], mortality.
Mourtalhe [mortalha], carnage.
Mourtau [mortau], mortal, lethal.
Mouscalh [moscalh], fly flap.
Mouscalhe [moscalha], swarm off
Mouscalhou [moscalhon], mous-


quilh [mosquilh], mousquit [mosquit], mosquito.

Mousque [mosca], fly.
Mousqueya [mosquejar], to catch
fies, to flog (fig.).
Mousquilhous [mosquilhs, osa],
Mousquitre [mosquitra], flight
of flies.
Mousseca [mossecar], to bite.
Moussen [mossenh], Monsignore.
Moustii [mostin], mastiff.
Moustous [mosts, osa], foaming,
Moutou [moton], sheep, mutton.
Moy [moi], hogshead.
Mud [], silent, dumb.
Muda [mudar], to change, stir up.
Mulat [mulatr], mulet, muletier.
Mulha [mulhar], to moisten.
Murt [murtr], murderer.
Mus [], muzzle, mug.
Mus de lbe (poume de) [poma de
mus de lber], a kind of long shaped apple.
Mus-prim [], prim-faced.
Mus-sec [], dry faced, a disagreeable man.
Muscle [], shoulder.
Musquete [musqueta], Ayrshire
Mustra [mustrar], muxa [muixar], to show.
Mutatiu [mutatiu], changeable,
Muyo [muju], nave, yolk of egg.

Nabal [navau], ninth.
Nabante [navanta], ninety.
Nabanteya [navantejar], to be over
Nabe [nava] (subs.), news.
Nabene [navena], prayers for fine
Naberaa [naverar], newly tilled
Naberamentz [navramentz],
newly, lately.
Nabes [navas], knife.
Nabt [navth], new.


Nabiu [naviu], ship, vessel.

Nada [nadar], to swim.
Nadau [], Christmas.
Naditz [], naritz [], nostril.
Nafra [nafrar], to wound.
Nan [nann], dwarf.
Nani [], respectful negative, no.
Nat [], no one (natus nemo).
Natiu [], nadiu [], native.
Natre [], lifelike.
Naturau [], natural.
Nau [], nabe [nava], new (m. &
Nau [], nine.
Nau [], vat.
Naulatye [nauladge], ferry dues.
Naul [naulr], ferryman.
Naxe [nixer], to be born.
Naxence [naixena], nexence
[neixena], birth.
Nays de hee [nais de hen], swarth,
cut hay.
Naz [nas], nose.
Nazade [nasada], one on the nose,
Nazeda [nasedar], naya [najar],
to ring a pig.
Nazede [naseda], naye [naja], pig
Nazin [nasinn], nazou [nason],
pretty little nose.
Neba [nevar], to snow.
Nebade [nevada], layer off snow.
Nebalha [nevalhar], to snow intermittently.
Nebalhe [nevalha], intermittent
Neboudalhe [nebodalha], unpleasant nephews and nieces.
Nebout [nebot], nephew.
Necessari [], necessary.
Nega [negar], to drown.
Nega [negar], to deny.
Negadou [negador], one who denies.
Negament [], denial.
Negatiou [negacion], negation.
Negliyent [negligent], negligent.
Negliyence [negligena], negligence.
Negoci [negci], affair, business.
Negre [], ner [], black.
Negreya [negrejar], to darken,
grow dark.

Negrilhous [negrilhs, osa], which

is growing dark.
Negrous [negrs, osa], which is
Negu [negun], none.
Negue-ho [nega-hu] (drown
fool), a light boat.
Nen [nenr], a pretty infant in
arms, (and by derision) an ugly
Nsci [nci], foolish, excentric.
Nete [], clean.
Neteya [netejar], to clean.
Nu [], snow.
Neuri [neurir], to nourish, suckle.
Neuridou [neuridor], cattle raiser.
Neurigat [], nurseling.
Neurissalhe [neurissalha], nurture.
Neurisse [neurissa], wet nurse.
Neuritut [], nourishment.
Nida [nidar], to nestle, build a nest.
Nidade [nidada], nest, nestling
Nidau [], nesting place, nest egg,
the smallest chicken of a brood.
Nine [nina], pupil of the eye, stump
off a plant.
Ninole [ninla], doll.
Nobi [nvi], nobie [nvia], spouse
(m. & f.).
Nobis [nvis], newly married people.
Noeyt [noeit], night.
Noeytiu [noeitiu], nocturnal.
Nogue [nga], nut in its shell, nut
shell, husk.
Nogue (aygue de) [aiga de nga],
nut liquor.
None (hore) [nona], ninth hour.
Nore [nra], daughter-in-law.
Notori [notri], notorious.
Notz [], nut.
Noubles [novlas], noules,
Noubu (lou) [lo Novu], the new
Noubiau [noviau], nuptiau [nupciau], nuptial.
Nouce [noa], nupties, wedding.
Noud [nod], knot.
Nougu [nogur], to drown.
Noum [nom], noumi [nomi], name.
Noumbra [nombrar], to count.

Noumbre [nombre], number.

Noumenta [nomentar], to name,
point out.
Noumiadou [nomiador], nouminadou [nominador], candidate.
Nouste (a) [a noste], at our house.
Noutable [notable], notable.
Noutari [notari], notary.
Nuble [nubla], cloud.
Nud [], naked.
Nuise [nuser], nose [nser], to
Nustemps [], at no time.

O [], yes.
Oaratz [], oeratz [], see (pl.
of ore).
Obee [-b], obio [-bi], yes indeed.
Obre [bra], work, vestry.
Obre mane [bra mana], manoeuvre, fatigue duty.
Oelh [oelh], uelh, eye.
Oelhade [oelhada], glance, look.
Oeu [], egg.
Oeoerre [oeverra], ovary.
Oeoerre [oeverra], prolific hen.
Oeyt [oeit], eight.
Oeytal, oeytau [oeitau], eighth
Oeytene [oeitena], eight days.
Oli [li], oil.
Oli de cherment [li de xerment]
(stick juice), wine.
O plaa [-plan], yes perfectly.
Ops [bs], obs, need, business.
Oratori [oratri], orator.
Orb [rb], blind.
Orb [rb], smut in wheat.
Ordenadementz [ordenadamentz], in order, orderly.
Orphalii [orfalin], orphe, orphan.
Os [s], bone, fruit stone.
Os-Bertran [s bertrand], coccyx,
crupper bone.
Osque [sca], cutting, provision.
Oublida [oblidar], to forget.
Oubliga [obligar], to oblige.
Oubligance [obligana], obligation.
Oublit [oblit], forgotten, forgetfulness.


Oubra [obrar], to work.

Oubrad [obrader], work room,
Oubratye [obradge], work.
Oubr [obrr], workman.
Oubr (die) [dia obrr], day s
work, working day.
Oubrerie [obreria], work.
Oule [ola], pot, marmite.
Olhe, aulhe [aulha], sheep.
Ouliat [oliat], garlic soup.
Ouliat [oliat], oily.
Ouliat briagau [oliat briagau],
drunkards soup.
Oulibe [oliva], olive.
Ouli [olir], maker, seller of oil.
Oum [om], one (on).
Oum [om], young elm.
Oumbre [ombra], shadow, shade.
Oumbreya-s [ombrejs], to keep
in the shade.
Oumprres [omprras], shady places.
Oumbriu [ombriu], shady.
Oun [ond], aoun [aond], where.
Ouncle [oncle], ouncou [oncon],
Ounzal, ounzau [onzau], eleventh.
Ouptat [optat], object of desire.
Ourdi [ordi], order.
Ourdi [ordir], to warp, weave.
Ourdia [ordiar], to commence,
Ourdid [ordider], machine in
which the yarn is arranged for
Ourdimi [ordimi], the warp.
Ourdinari [ordinari], ordinary.
Ourdinarementz [ordinriamentz], ordinarily.
Ourgulh [orgulh], pride, violence,
illegal oppression.
Ourgulhous [orgulhs, osa], proud.
Ours [orrs], ous [ors], bear.
Ours [orsr], bearish, rude.
Ourta [ortar], to miscarry.
Ourtiga-s [ortigs], to be stung
by nettles.
Ourtigue [ortiga], nettle.
Ourtou [orton], abortion.
Oussat [ossatr], bear-hunter.
Ousta [ostar], to take off, out.
Ouya [oj], if not, although


Paa [pan], bread.
Paacoque [pan-cca], baker.
Paa [par], par, parelh [parelh],
pair, couple, equal.
Pabes [pavs], shield.
Padre [padra], oven for frying.
Paga [pagar], to pay.
Pagaa [pagan], pagan.
Pagad [pagader], payable.
Pagadou [pagador], payer.
Pags [], peasant.
Palat [], palate.
Palatori [palatri], court of justice.
Pale [pala], shovel.
Pale-coupe [pala-copa], grain shovel.
Pale-hr [pala-hrr], spade.
Palhat [], heap of sraw, litter.
Palhe [palha], straw.
Palh [palhr], straw stack.
Palhole [palhla], short wild hay.
Paloume [paloma], ring-dove.
Paloumre [palomra], pandles
[pandlas], draw net for birds, field
Pana [panar], to steal.
Panat (au) [au panat], secretly.
Panatori [panatri], theft, larceny.
Pant [panth], napkin.
Pantacha [pantaixar], to pant.
Papaut [], papist.
Pap [papr], paper.
Paperole [paperla], sheet of pictures.
Paperot [papert], paperou [paperon], little paper.
Papou [papon], grand-dad.
Paquese [paquesa], weasle.
Parau [], washing trough.
Paraule [paraula], palaure [palaura], word, speech.
Pare [prer], to appear.
Parentest [], relationship.
Paret [], parapet.
Parexe [parixer], to appear.
Pargam [], pergami [], pargami [], parchment.
Parguie [parguia], farm yard, back
Pariadge [], convention, agreement, association.
Parlouteya [parlotejar], to chatter.

Parloutis [parlots], chatter.

Parpalhole [parpalhla], parpalho [parpalhu], butterfly.
Parrat [], sparrow.
Parre [parra], tomtit.
Parret [], parrete [parreta], warbler.
Parropi [parrpia], parish.
Parroquiau [parroquiau], parishioner.
Parsaa [paran], quarter, district.
Partatye [partadge], share, partition.
Parti [partir], to share.
Parti [partir], to depart.
Partilhes [partilhas], share.
Partiment [], departure.
Pas [], step, passage.
Pascoe [pscoa], pasques [pascas], Easter.
Pascoau [], pascal.
Pasquetes [pasquetas], Low Sunday.
Passa [passar], to pass, suffer, endure.
Passade [passada], gap in a
Passe-carrre [passa-carrra],
dance and song through the
streets (game of the Ossau valley).
Passe-cot [passa-cth], deglutition.
Passelis [passels], mill-race, waste weir.
Passerie [passeria], thrush in children.
Passer ou [passeron], passre
[passra], sparrow (m. & f.).
Passete [passeta], front nail.
Passe-segue [passa-sga], hedge
Passeya [passejar], to promenade.
Pasteng [], pasturage.
Pastenga [pastengar], to pasture.
Pastt [pastth], pasttch, cake
cooked on the coals, damper .
Pasters [pasterrs], damper eaters.
Pastis [pasts], pie.
Pastisseya [pastissejar], to make
a muddle of a job.
Pastou [pastor], shepherd.
Pastoureya [pastorejar], to tend

Pastouris [pastors], a flock, the

care of a flock.
Pasturatye [pasturadge], pasturage.
Pasture [pastura], pasture.
Patac [], a blow.
Patacass [patacassr], patacayre [patacaire], a quarrelsome fellow.
Paternes ( cade de ~) [cder de
patrnas], to fall on the lower and
hinder portion of the body.
Pati [], farmyard.
Pati [patir], to suffer, endure.
Patiras [patirs], scape-goat,
Patz [], peace.
Patz (ha las) [har las patz], to
make peace.
Pau [], pau, pile, palissade.
Paubre, praube [], poor.
Paubresse, praubetat [], poverty.
Pauc [], pauque [pauca], little
in quan-tity.
Paum [], pam [], span.
Paus [], rest, pause.
Pausa [pausar], to pause, put
down, take shelter.
Pausa-s [pauss], to repose.
Pause [pausa], pause, moment.
Pause-ly-tout-dous [pausa-li-totdo], hypocrite.
Pausote [pausta], half a moment.
Paxre [paixra], fence, ditch.
Paxeraa [paixeran], hurdle-fence.
Paxt [paixth], a pole.
Pay [pair], father.
Pay-bou [paibon], grand-dad.
Payera [pagerar], to measure.
Payre [pagra], measure.
Payra-s [pairs], to go without,
deprive oneself.
Payrii [pairin], god-father.
Payrous [pairons], parents.
Pays [pas], pys [pis], country.
Paysaa [paisan], peasant.
Paysanas [paisans], great lout.
Paysaneya [paisanejar], to play the
Paysanot [paisant], little peasant, country lad.
Pebe [pber], pepper.


Peberines [peberinas], red peppers.

Pc [], silly, stupid.
Peca [pecar], to sin.
Pecadou [pecador], sinner.
Peca-s [pecs], to be mistaken.
Pecat [], sin.
Pecque [peca], fault.
Pedas [peda], patches.
Pedassa [pedaar], to patch.
Pedoulh [pedolh], buse.
Pe [pd], foot.
Pe-descaus [pd-descau], barefoot.
Pe-descausse (la) [la pd-descaua], the hare.
Pe-lhbe [pd-lhva], snare, trap.
Pees [pes], peas.
Pega [pegar], jug.
Pega-s [pegs], great silly.
Pegue [pega], pegunte [pegunta],
Peguesse [peguessa], silliness,
Peguet [], pitch plaster.
Pegueya [peguejar], to play the
Peix [], fish.
Peixou [peixon], little fish.
Peixoun [peixonr], peixo [peixor], fishmonger.
Pelam [], quick lime used in tanning.
Pelat [], pelade [pelada], action
of pulling the hair.
Pelats (ha aus ~) [har aus pelats],
to pull each others hair.
Pelegrii [pelegrin], pilgrim.
Pele-higue [pela-higa], becca-fico.
Peley [pelei], peleye [peleja], dispute.
Pelh [], pelhe [pelha], garment.
Pelhe-cadut [pelha-cadut], tatterdemalion.
Pelhe-de-lheyt [pelha-de-lheit],
bed clothes.
Pelhot [pelht], light garment.
Pelhoustre [pelhostre], contemptible fellow.
Peluse [pelusa], fluff from yarn.
Peluset [], weaver who is covered with fluff.
Pelut [], shaggy, hairy.


Penderilhes [penderilhas], anything that hangs.

Pendi-s [pends], peyti-s [peits],
to do penance, repent.
Pendouleya [pendolejar], to dangle.
Pene [pner], to hang.
Pene [pena], rock.
Penhera [penherar], to seize.
Pensat [], pensive.
Ppi [], fool.
Perbouca [perbocar], to crisp,
Percha [perxar], to measure, survey.
Perde [prder], to lose.
Perdigalh [], partridge.
Perdigalhres [perdigalhras],
place where the coveys hide.
Perdigu [perdigur], partridge
Perditz [], partridge (hen).
Pere [pera], pear.
Per [perr], pear tree.
Peressous [peresss, osa], idle.
Perfii (a la) [a la perfin], at length.
Perge [prja], perche [prxa], perch,
measure of area.
Perhoc [perhc], difficulty, obstacle.
Perigla [periglar], to thunder.
Perigle [], thunder.
Periglre [periglra], tempest.
Per-ma ! [perm !], oath,contracted
from per ma fe ! [per ma fe]
Permaylet ! [permailet], same as
Prne [prna], equal share.
Prne dalh [prna dalh], clove
of garlic.
Prne desquilhot [prna desquilht], quarter of nut.
Prne de lards [prna de lards],
flitch of bacon.
Prne de linso [prna de linu],
breadth of sheeting.
Prnes (las) [las prnas], the
Peroque [perca], corn shucks.
Perou [peron], stalk of apple or
Perpere [perpera], perpet [perpeth], eyelid.
Perpitz [perpits], teasing.

Perrec [], rag.

Perrema [pd-hremar], to stand
fast in fighting position.
Persute [persuta], pursuit.
Peruca [perucar], to peck.
Perulhe [perulha], small wild pear.
Pesca [pescar], to fish.
Pescadou [pescador], pescayre
[pescaire], fisherman.
Pesque [pesca], fish.
Pesqu [pesqur], fish-pond, stew.
Pesquit [], little fish.
Pessegue [pessga], peach.
Pt [pth], skin.
Petanhe [petanha], petranhe
[petranha], breed, brood.
Petarroc [petarrc], stone fonce.
Petou [peton], whip lash.
Petouy [petogr], mill clapper,
small hird of the becca-fico tribe.
Peu [], hair.
Pxe [pixer], to feed, graze.
Pexense [peixena], pasturage.
Pexic [peixic], a pinch.
Pexica [peixicar], to pinch.
Peyrassilh [peirassilh], parsley.
Peyrades [peiradas], blows of hail.
Pyre [pira], stone, hail.
Peyr [peirr], mason, stone cutter.
Peyrebate [pira-bter], to hail.
Pyre-mourte [pira morta], rotten
Peyrre [peirra], stone quarry,
Pezadure [pesadura], peade [peada], footprint.
Piala [pialar], to pillage.
Pic [], pickaxe.
Pic [], scratch.
Pic (bett tau ~) [vetth tau pic],
butchers calf.
Pica [picar], to scratch, prick,
Picaranh [], woodpecker.
Picat [], wood where they are
Pich [pichr], wine jug, measure
of two litres.
Pile [pila], heap.
Pienti [], comb.
Pietadous [pietads, osa], merciful,
Pigalhat [], spotted.

Pigote [pigta], picoye [picia],

small pox.
Pigoutous [pigots, osa], pock
Pigue [piga], magpie.
Pii [pin], pine.
Pimbou [pimbo], thyme.
Pimpanele [pimpanla], pimpernel.
Pimpim [], a precious fool, an
affected woman.
Pim-pim [], a smack on the
softest and most susceptible portion of the body.
pimpim-charabay [pimpim-xarabai], words used in the game of
the pigeon flics.
Pinchou [pinxon], prickle.
Pingot [pingt], wine jug.
Pingourlat [pingorlat], speckled.
Pinhe [pinha], fir cone.
Pinna [pinnar], to neigh, to gambol.
Pinnet [pinnet], leap, gambade.
Pinneteya [pinnetejar], to lark.
Pinsaa [pinsan], chaffinch.
Pinsanu [pinsanu], is said of a
bird which has been taught a note.
Pinta [pintar], to tipple, empty
Pintou [pinton], pint, half a litre.
Pintra [pintrar], pinta [pintar], to
Piole [pila], axe.
Pipaut [], dirty.
Pipauteya [pipautejar], to dirty,
Pipaut [pipautr], pipautis [pipauts], filth, dirt.
Pipr [piprr], pepper.
Pique-plix [pica-plix], billhook.
Piquepout [pica-poth], small white
wine, the grape which produces it.
Piterau [], piturau [], large
Piula [piular], to whine.
Plaa [plan], plane [plana], full.
Plaa [plan], steppe, high-lying
Plaa (adv.) [plan], well, perfectly.
Plabe [plver], to rain.
Plabusqueya [plavusquejar], to
Plaga [plagar], to strike, wound.
Plague [plaga], wound.


Plan [planr], level, smooth.

Planeramentz [planramentz],
entirely, perfectly.
Plap [], spot, blot.
Plapa [plapar], to blot, spot.
Plas [plaser], pleasure.
Plase [plser], to please.
Plaudi [plaudir], to applaud.
Playnotes [plaintas], well enough.
Plec [], fold, crease.
Plee [plen], pley [plein], full.
Plega [plegar], to fold.
Plix [], fence.
Pleyt [pleit], pleytesie [pleitesia],
process, action.
Pleyteya [pleitejar], to plead.
Pleyteyadou [pleitejador], pleyteyayre [pleitejaire], picador.
Plou [plor], tear.
Ploumb (de) [de plomb], level,
Plourass [plorassr], cry-baby.
Ploure-miques [plora-micas],
Plouye [ploja], ram.
Poble [pble], people.
Porc (ha pele-~) [har pela-prc],
to kill a pig, to join the feast held
on that occasion.
Porge [prge], porche [prxe],
Pot [pt], lip.
Pot [pt], kiss.
Po [pur], fear.
Poub [pob], ear, cob.
Pouble [pobla], building.
Pouda [podar], to cut, carve.
Poude [poder], to be able.
Poud [poder], power.
Poude-brout [poda-brot], bullfinch.
Poude-pe [poda-pd], snare.
Pouderous [poders, osa], powerful.
Pougaa [pogar], thumb.
Pouloy [poli], turkey.
Poumade [pomada], cider.
Poumarede [pomareda], poumataa [pomatar], apple orchard.
Poume [poma], apple.
Poum [pomr], apple tree.
Poumerat [pomerat], pottled,
Pount [pont], bridge.


Pount-lhebadis [pont-lhevads],
Poupa [popar], to suck.
Poupe [popa], breast.
Pouralhe [poralha], fowls, poultry.
Pouralh [poralhr], fowl-bouse.
Pouralh [poralhr], poultryman.
Pourcat [porcatr], pig seller,
pork butcher.
Pour [porr], perch.
Pourga [porgar], to winnow, purge.
Pourgad [porgadr], a field that
wants weeding.
Pouria [poriar], to drop a foal.
Pouric [poric], little chick.
Pourii [porin], colt, foal.
Pouriot [porit], little foal.
Pourqu [porqur], porker.
Pourta [portar], to carry.
Pourtaderes [portaderas], hand
barrow for manure.
Pourtadou [portador], pourtayre
[portaire], porter, carrier.
Pourtal [portalr], threshold.
Pourtalet [portalet], name of a fort
built on a mountain.
Pourtau [portau], doorway, gateway, front door.
Poruc, pauruc [], fearful, nervous.
Pourrute [porruta], turtledove.
Pous [pos], thrust, push.
Pouso [posor], pousore [posora], sorcerer, sorceress.
Pousteme [postema], pus.
Poutingue [potinga], medicine.
Poutou [poton], kiss.
Poutye, poudge [podge], height,
Pouyri [poirir], poeyri [poeirir], to
Praba [pravar], to be fit, increase
Prade [prada], meadow.
Praderie [praderia], meadow land.
Prat [], field.
Predic [], sermon.
Predica [predicar], to preach.
Predicadere [predicadera], pulpit.
Predicadou [predicador], predicayre [predicaire], preacher.
Predicole [predicla], bad sermon,

Prega [pregar], to pray.

Pregari, pregarie [pregria],
Pregoun [pregond], profound,
Preme [prmer], to press.
Premude [premuda], action of
pressing, hug.
Premut (u) [un premut], docked
Premse [premsa], oppression.
Prene [prner], to take.
Prenhe [prenha], pregnant.
Presa [presar], to esteem, value.
Presa-s [press], to apply oneself.
Presiu [presiu], precious, valuable.
Presque [presca], peach.
Presti [prestir], to lend.
Prexec [preixec], peach (with hard
Prim [], thin.
Prim [], heir.
Prime [prima], primebre [primavra], spring.
Primesse [primessa], law of
Probe [prva], prabe [prava], proof.
Propi [prpi], clean.
Prostat [], prostrat [], stretched out, prostrate.
Prouba [provar], to prove.
Proubanha [provanhar], to set
Probanhe [provanha], a cutting.
Proube [proba], powder, dust.
Prous [pros], easy, accommodating.
Prouseya-s [prosejs], to be fond
of ones ease.
Prouseys [proseis], comforts.
Prude [prder], prudi [prudir], to
Prudanhe [prudanha], prudre
[prudra], itching, itch.
Prue [prua], plum.
Pude [pder], pudi [pudir], to stink.
Pudent [pudentr], Pudentis
[pudents], stinking.
Pudou [pudor], infection.
Pue [pua], tooth of a rake or comb.
Punh [], fist.
Punhatz (a) [a punhats], by handfuls.

Punhera [punherar], to take grinding.

Punhre [punhra], mill dues.
Punte [punta], point, stop.
Puntetes (ha) [har puntetas], to
stand on tip toe.
Purne [purna], spark.
Pus [pu], sausage.
Putz [putz], a well.
Puxant [puixant], powerful.
Puya [pujar], to mount.
Puyoo [puju], puyou [pujon], tumulus, heap of earth.

Qualitat [], quality.
Quant-e-quant [], immediately.
Quantitat [], quantity.
Quau [], quoau [qau], which.
Quauque [], quoauque [qauque], some.
Qube [quva], cave, hollow in a
Qube de Barelhole [quva de
Barelhla], name of a dolmen in
the commune of Arudy.
Quxe [quixa], weavers heam.
Quera-s [quers], to be wormed.
Querat [], worm-eaten.
Qure [qura], dust from wormed
Querelha-s [querelhs], to complain, reclaim.
Querlhe [querlha], complaint,
Querre [qurre], to seek.
Queste [qusta], serfdom.
Questalitat [], serfdom.
Questau [], questabe [questava], serf (m. & f.).
Questayre [questaire], Quistayre
[quistaire], beggar, collector.
Quiet [], quiet.
Quietementz [], quietly.
Quilha [quilhar], to set up.
Qulihe [quilha], skittle pin.
Quilh [quilhr], skittle player.
Quilhou [quilhon], skittle pin set
Quilhou de paa [quilhon de pan],
chunk of bread.
Quin [ quinn], quinh [ quinh],
quenh [quenh], what.


Quin [quinn], quinh [quinh], quinhement [quinhament], how.

Quint [], quinte [quinta], fifth.
Quintau [], hundredweight, ewt.
Quinte [quinta], corner of a hill.
Quinzal, quinzau [], fifteenth.
Quiraule [quiraula], snake.
Quiraule (lengue de) [lenga de
quiraula], snakes tongue, a weed.
Quita [quitar], to quit, to hold
Quitament [], discharge, receipt.
Quitatiou [quitacion], receipt.
Quite [], quitis [], quits.
Quoand [qand], when.
Quoand en guoand (de) [de
qand en qand], from time to time.
Quoant [qant], Quoantes [qantes], how many.
Quoart [qart], quoarte [qarta],
Quoartaa [qartan], old measure
of grain of about 10 litres.
Quoartau [qartau], measure of
50 litres.
Quoart [qartr], quarter.
Quoartre [qartra], 25 litres.
Quoarterou [qarteron], quarter
of a pound.
Quoayre [qaire], side.
Quoayrie [qairia], squared stone.

Rabiscoula [raviscolar], to invigorate, set up.
Ramadge [], branches, foliage.
Rampu [], gambling, term
meaning to be quits on the second
Rams [], Palm Sunday.
Rancale [rancala], tax on the huguenots consisting in a piece of
bread for the collectors dog.
Rancou [rancor], rancour, grudge.
Rande [randa], a line drawn.
Rangoulh [rangolh], death rale.
Rapatout [rapatot], sweep net.
Rasete [raseta], a kind of common
woollen stuff.
Rasou [rason], reason.
Rastoure [rastora], thatch.


Raube [rauba], dress.

Raubete [raubeta], short dress.
Raubiole [raubila], judges robes.
Rauye [rauja], rage, madness.
Rauyous [raujs, osa], raging,
Ray [hrair], ray.
Re [], res [], thing.
Reau [], Reaume [], reyaume
[reiaume], kingdom.
Rebat [], band.
Rebendi-s [rebends], to revolt.
Rebirri [revirri], a change of
sides, back door.
Rebou [rebu], Regou [regu], burr.
Rebouhiec [rebohic], cross-grained.
Rebouix (au) [au reboix], see arrebouhi (a l~).
Recapta [recaptar], recatta [recattar], to make safe, enclose.
Recatta-s [recatts], to place
Recebe [recber], to receive.
Recounfort [reconfrt], help, consolation, comfort.
Recourda-s [records], to remember.
Recouti [recotir], to return to ones
usual place.
Reculhi [reculhir], to receive, welcome.
Reculhide [reculhida], assembly.
Red [hred], cold.
Redeme [redmer], to redeem, buy
Redoulic [hredolic], chilly.
Re [rea], reye [reia], rie [ria], back.
Refri [refrin], refrain.
Rega [hregar], to graze, touch.
Regade [hregada], regue [hrega],
a touch or graze.
Regalet [], crust of bread rubbed with garlic, chapon.
Regardu [], exstatic gaze.
Regaus [], red autumn apples.
Regine [regina], reyne [rina],
Regracia [regraciar], to thank.
Reguinna [reguinnar], to kick
against, resist.
Relambre [], flash.
Relhu [], relief, remains.
Reliquari [], reliquary.

Reliyou [religion], religion.

Rem [hrem], firm behind.
Rembs [renvrs], opposite side.
Remdi [], remedy.
Remeya-s [hremejs], to stand in
fighting attitude.
Remoulayre [remolaire], knife
Remoumbrance [remombrana],
remembrance, souvenir.
Rencure [rencura], rancour, complaint.
Rencuras [rencurs], to complain.
Rende [rnder], to render, return.
Repix [], victuals.
Repipiatye [repipiadge], pipiatye
[pipiadge], raving, non-sense.
Repropi [reprpi], restive.
Rese [resa], pollard, bran meal.
Resilhou [resilhon], second pollard.
Respieyt [respieit], respite.
Resposte [respsta], response
[responsa], reply.
Respoune [respner], to respond,
Ressec [ressc], rescarch.
Retiranse [retirana], retirement,
hiding place.
Reu [], accused.
Rxou [hrixo], ash tree.
Rey [rei], king.
Reyau [reiau], royal.
Rey-petit [rei-petit], wren.
Reyt [hrit], deprived of, without.
Ryte [hrita], want.
Reyterous [hreiters, osa], needy,
Reyture [hreitura], need, distress.
Riale [], scarce, rare.
Ribanes [ribanas], thin suces of
Ribre [ribra], links, water meadows.
Riboun-ribeyne [ribon-ribina],
one behind the other.
Ric [], Riche [rixe], rich.
Rincou [rincon], nook, recess.
Riote [rita], riot, dispute.
Ristou [risto], condition in cattle.
Riu [], brook.
Roam [], roan.
Rode [rda], wheel.

Rolle [rlle], role, part.

Ropi [rpi], nothing.
Rosalie de hau [rosalia de hau],
a kind of cricket found under the
bark of old beeches.
Roste [rsta], toast.
Roste (pourta la ~) [portar la
rsta], to carry spiced wine to a
newly married couple on their
wedding night.
Roumajot [romajt], wild vetch.
Roumatye [hromadge], cheese.
Roumatyot [hromadjt], little pot
of curds.
Roument [hroment], wheat.
Roumentaa [hromentar], roumendaa [hromendar], wheat field.
Roumiu [romiu], pilgrim.
Roumpe [rmper], to break, violate.
Roumpedou [rompedor], law-breaker.
Roungou [hrongon], boil.
Rounhe [ronha], rust.
Rouquet [roquet], rock pigeon.
Rousquilhe [rosquilha], large dry
cake made at Oloron.
Roussane [rossana], kind of
Rout [rot], broken.
Rugle [hrugle], thunder.

Saa [san], care.
Sabatat [], blistered.
Sabate [sabata], boiled chestnut.
Sabarcau [], old shoe, French
Sabe [saber], to know.
Sabense [sabena], knowledge.
Sage [], wise.
Sabiamentz [sviamentz], knowingly.
Sabie [svia], sage (herb).
Sablou [sablon], willow branch,
flexible rod, wand.
Sablou [sablon], soap.
Saboura [saborar], to taste.
Sabourous [sabors, osa], sabrous
[sabrs, osa], saubrous [saubrs,
osa], savory, tasty.
Saburatye [saburadge], sabure
[sabura], vegetables.
Sac [], sack, bag.


Saca [sacar], chaca [chacar], to

prick ,goad.
Sadoura [sadorar], to satiate,
Sadout [sadoth, ora], satiated.
Sagera [sagerar], to seal.
Saget [sagth], sayet, sayget, seal.
Sagrat [], sacred.
Sahuc [sac], elder.
Salari [], salary.
Sal [salr], sali [salir], salt pan.
Salhi [salhir], to go forth, dash out,
Salhide [salhida], issue, exit.
Saligaa [saligar], saligue [saliga],
Saluda [saludar], to salute.
Salutari [], wholesome.
Salurgue [salurca], salurmi [],
scum of salt fat.
Sana [sanar], to cure.
Sanc [sancer], whole, entire, pure.
Sanctuari [], sanctuary.
Sang [], blood.
Sang (feyt de) [hit de sang], deed
of violence.
Sangla [sanglar], wild boar.
Sanrr [], saenrr, former, late,
Sant [], sent [], saint.
Santetat [], sentetat [], sanctity.
Sap [], sape [sapa], sap.
Sapa [sapar], to rise (of sap).
Sape [saper], sabe [saber], to taste,
have flavour.
Sapou [sapo], toad.
Saptat [], had flavoured.
Sapte [], bad taste.
Sarpoulet [sarpolet], serpoulet,
wild thyme.
Sarra [sarrar], to close, lock.
Sarralh [], enclosure.
Sarralhe [sarralha], lock.
Sarrampic [], measles.
Sarre-lardit [sarra-lardit], money-grubber, miser.
Sarri [], isard.
Sarri [sarrir], piece of coarse
cloth, strainer.
Sarrire (pne) [pna sarrira],
Isard mountain (Eaux-Bonnes).
Sarrot [sarrt], a great quantity,


Sartou [srtou], sastre, tailor.

Sasi [], satiated.
Sasou [sason], sesou, season.
Sau [], salt.
Saub [sauv], except.
Sauba [sauvar], to save, keep,
Saubadjumi [sauvadjumi], anything wild.
Saubadou [sauvador], saviour.
Saubant [sauvant], excepting.
Saubetat [sauvetat], safe conduct.
Saubrou [saubror], flavour.
Saum [], soum [som], sleep.
Saumade [saumada], load of a
pack horse.
Saumat [saumatr], pack-man.
Saume [sauma], she ass.
Saum [saumr], pack animal.
Saumet [], saumete [saumeta],
little ass.
Sauneya [saunejar], to dream.
Saurie [sauria], cousin (f.).
Sauta [sautar], to jump.
Saute-la-brouste [sauta-la-brosta], an unsteady man.
Say or sahi de porc [san de prc],
Saye [sage], wise.
Secous [secors], help.
Sedades [sedadas], horse hair snares.
Sedas [seda], sieve.
Sede [seda], silk.
Sede [sda], seat, throne.
Sde-s [sdes], assde-s [assdes], to sit down.
See [sen], breast.
Sega [segar], to saw, reap.
Segad [segader], ready for reaping.
Segadous [segadors], reapers.
Segassaa [segassan], brake,
Segassade [segassada], scratch of
Sgle [], century, world.
Segoun [segonr], sego [segor],
Segouti [segotir], to shake.
Segrament [], oath.
Segrari [], room over the sacristy

at Bielle where the archives of the

valley of Ossau were kept.
Segrastanie [segrastania], sacristy.
Segrat [], sacred.
Segrestaa [segrestan], sacristan.
Segret [], secret.
Segretes [segretas], latrines.
Segu [segur], safe, secure.
Segu (de) [de-segur], certainly.
Sgue [sga], thorn, hedge.
Segui [seguir], to follow, pursue.
Seguici [], a young creature
following its dam, an importunate person.
Semense [semena], seed.
Semia [semiar], samia [samiar], to
Semau [], vat, tub.
Semmane [semmana], week.
Send [sendr], path.
Sengles [], one by one.
Senglumi [], spindlewood.
Senha-s [senhs], to cross oneself.
Senhau [], signal, sign.
Senhou [senhor], Sir, Signor.
Senhoureya [senhorejar], to rule,
lord it over.
Senhoureyadou [senhorejador],
lord, master.
Senhs [], bells.
Sens [sentz], chens [xentz], chetz
[xtz], without.
Sentour [sentorr], pilgrim.
Sentouratye [sentoradge], pilgrimage.
Septeme, seteme [], September.
Sepeli [sepelir], sopeli [sopelir], to
Sepulture [sepultura], sopulture
[sopultura], burial.
Sequre [sequra], dryness.
Serclad [serclader], sarclad
[sarclader], field that is being
Ser [], evening.
Serbiciau [serviciau], serviceable.
Sre [sra], saddle.
Sre-birat [sra-virat], a crazy
Serment [], cherment [xerment], vine-branch, shoot.
Serou [seror], sister.

Serp [srp], serpent, snake.

Serre [srra], hill.
Sescaa [sescar], tuft of iris lilies.
Sesque [sesca], marsh iris.
Set [], thirst.
Seti [sti], seat, foundations.
Seu [], tallow.
Seube [suva], forest.
Siaa [sian], aunt.
Silenci [], silence.
Simplesse [simplessa], simplicity.
Simpleya [simplejar], to bend.
Sinestre [], senestre [], left.
Singraulhete [singraulheta], little
grey lizard.
Sinne [signe], sign.
Sinnet [signet], signature.
Siula [siular], chiula [xiular], to
Siulot [siult], chiulot [xiult], a
So [], this.
Sobe [sber], to pay, redeem.
Soenh [], care.
Sor [], Sore [sora], father and
Soo [s], halfpenny.
Soos y patracous [ss i patracons], half pence and pence.
Sor [sr], sister.
Sou [sou], sourelh [sorelh], sun.
So [su], soil.
Soubac (au) [au sobac], sheltered.
Soubendet [sovendet], often.
Soubiraa [sobiran], sovereign,
superior, southwards.
Soubra [sobrar], to remain.
Soubralhes [sobralhas], soubres
[sobras], remains.
Souc [soc], rut, furrow.
Sou-couc [sou-coc], sunset.
Soul [sol], soulet [solet], alone.
Soulas [sola], solace, consolation.
Soul [soler], to be accustomed.
Soul [solr], floor, stage.
Soum [som], summit, top.
Soumre [somra], roof-tree.
Souna [sonar], soa [soar], to ring.
Sounadou [sonador], soadou [soador], ringer.
Sounque [sonque], nothing but.
Soupa [sopar], to sup, to eat soup
at any time.
Soupte [sobte], supte, sudden.


Souque [soca], tree stump.

Souquete [soqueta], small root.
Sourd [sord], chourd [xord], deaf.
Sourdat [sordat], soldier.
Sourdeix [sordeix], worse.
Sourine [sorina], little sister.
Sourroulha [sorrolhar], to build up
the inside of a wall with loose
Sourroulhe [sorrolha], broken stones, brickbats.
Sousmac (a) [a sosmac], secretly.
Sousmaqu [sosmaqur], deceiver.
Sousmes (lous) [los sosms], dependants.
Souspieytous [sospieits, osa],
Sousterra [sosterrar], to inter, bury.
Soustra [sostrar], to litter down.
Soustratye [sostradge], litter.
Soustre [sostre], bracken.
Soutade [sotada], servants wages.
Sout [sot], pigsty.
Soutz [sot], freed, liberated.
Souye [soja], soot.
Spirituau, espirituau [], spiritual.
Suau, soau, choau [xoau], gentle,
Subercu [], bed head.
Subercoulande (hount) [hont subercolanda], over-flowing spring.
Suberhos [suberhs], grave, ditch.
Subermentou [subermenton], double chin.
Subtilesse [subtilessa], subtilty.
Subyct [subjct], sutyt, subject.
Successou [successor], successor.
Sus [], suus [], on.
Susmabe [susmver], to raise.
Susmaute [susmauta], rising,
Susoo [suson], susaa [susan], superior, above.

Tabaa [tavan], tauque, gad-fly.
Tabalhe [tavalha], towel.
Tabard [], drum.
Tacat [], attack, illness.
Tala [talar], to devastate.
Tale [tala], devastation.


Talh [], edge of a blade.

Talh [], right of felling in a public forest.
Talha [talhar], to cut, fell.
Talhuc [], a piece, chip.
Talhuca [talhucar], to cut to pieces.
Talhuquet [], a scrap.
Talent [], will, disposition, appetite.
Talos [tals], earth worm.
Talousss [talossrs], nickname of
the people of Aren who do not go
to market for fear of rain when they
see the worms come up.
Tanal [tanalr], leather fit for
Tangue [tanga], water root.
Tanhe [tnher], to touch, concern,
be related.
Tanoque [tanca], green shell of
Tantarilhe [tantarilha], cantharides, strong desire (fig.)
Tantican [tantiquant], immediately.
Tanti-tant (esta a) [estar a
tanti-tantr], to be quits, understand each other well.
Tant per tant [], very little,
hardly at all.
Tapie [tapia], mud hut.
Tarabre [taravra], autrer.
Taralaque [taralaca], cobweb.
Tarda [tardar], to delay.
Tardiu [], tardive, behindhand.
Tars [tarrs], pollard shoots.
Taret [], taraut [], large auger.
Targue [targa], targe, shield.
Tarras [tarrs], pitcher, jug.
Tarrass [tarrassr], sink, char
Tarrisse [tarrissa], earthen pot.
Tarroc [tarrc], clod of earth.
Tarroc de sucre [tarrc de sucre],
lump of sugar.
Tartalh [], infants smile.
Tarye [tarja], a halfpenny in the
neighbourhood of Bigorre.
Tasca [tascar], to lay with sods.
Tasque [tasca], tusque [tusca],
turf, sod.
Tastoures [tastoras], a game of
ball with hockey sticks.

Tatay [tatai], gipsey.

Tau [taur], taure, bull.
Taulade [taulada], collection of
guests round a table.
Taule [taula], table.
Tauleya [taulejar], to stay long at
Taupat [], mole.
Taxore [taixora], badger earth.
Taxou [taixon], badger.
Teberne, taberne [tavrna], tavern.
Teca [tecar], to develop pods.
Tele [tela], cloth.
Tel [telr], loom.
Temble [], selvage.
Tembou [tmbou], sieve.
Teme [tmer], to fear.
Tempourade [temporada], space
of time.
Tempourau [temporau], temporal.
Tempoures [temporas], trempes
[trempas], Ember week.
Temps [], time.
Tempsot [tempst], short time.
Tendre [], tender.
Tene [tner], to stretch.
Tened [tenedr], drying ground.
Tentament [], temptation.
Teque [teca], husk.
Tr [trn], (book) worm.
Termia [termiar], to limit, bound.
Termi [trmi], bound, delay, term.
Termire [termira], tremire,
frontier, boundary, limit.
Ternitz [ternits], maggot.
Ternire [ternira], blow fly.
Terradou [terrador], land, territory.
Terratori [terratri], territori [territri], territory.
Terre-trem [trra-trem], terretremble [trra-tremble], earthquake.
Ters [tr], terce [tra], third.
Tersut [], worm-eaten.
Tesic [], ennui, trouble.
Tste [tsta], head.
Teule [], tile.
Teulre [teulra], tileworks.
Texe [tixer], to weave.
Teyt [teit], tet [], roof.
Thalam [talamr], groomsman,
best man.

Thesau [tesaur], treasure.

Tie [tier], tiene [tiner], to hold.
Tiflat [], blow, smack.
Tilh [], lime tree.
Tilhab [tilhabr], lime grove.
Tilhous [tilhs, osa], flexible,
Tine [tina], fixed idea.
Tingla [tinglar], to tingle.
Tinglat [], smack, slap.
Tinous [tins, osa], one who has
a fixed idea.
Tint [], the complexion.
Tinta [tintar], to dye.
Tinte [tinta], dye, ink.
Tintur [tinturr], dyer.
Tira [tirar], to draw, go, direct
oneself towards.
Tirete [tireta], drawer.
Tise [tisa], waste charcoal.
Tisn [tisnr], tixn, weaver.
Tiste [tista], tistre [tistra], open
Tisterade [tisterada], basketful.
Tister [tisterr], tisterayre [tisteraire], basket-maker.
Tist [tistr], basket with handle,
whisket .
Tita [titar], to peep.
Tittz [titths], tets [], movement of peeping.
Toc [tc], touch.
Toc [tc], stroke of the dock.
Toc-a-toc [tc a tc], side by side.
Toc de [tc de], close to.
Toque (la) [la tca], cattle being
driven to the mountains.
Tore [trer], to carry off, remove.
Torse [trcer], to twist, screw.
Tort [trt], lame.
Tort (de) [de trt], crooked, athwartships.
Touca [tocar], to touch.
Toucadou [tocador], cattle driver.
Toucasseya [tocassejar], to meddle, touch everything.
Toumbaro [tombaru], cart, tumbril.
Toumbaroul [tombarolr], carter.
Toupi [topin], earthen pot.
Toupie [topia], large pot for preserving fat.
Tourd [tord], thrush.
Toure [tora], buzzard.


Tourna [tornar], to turn round,

Tourn [tornr], end of furrow.
Tourne-cors [torna-crs], prayer
after a funeral.
Tourne-dot [torna-dt], return of
dowery when there is no family.
Tournes [tornas], anything given
in return.
Tourneya [tornejar], to turn over
and over.
Tour neyament [tornejament],
Tourounat [toronat], round moulding.
Tourra [torrar], to freeze.
Tourrade [torrada], frost.
Tourroum-bour roum [torromborrom], noise, hurly-burly, trouble.
Tourtt [tortth], tartlet.
Tourteya [tortejar], to limp.
Tousta [tostar], to toast, roast.
Touyaa [tojar], heath, heathland.
Touyagu [tojagur], heath people, nickname of the people of Balansun.
Touye [toja], heath.
Traba [travar], to clog, fetter.
Trabats [travatrs], overtlow.
Trachamand [traixamand], tease, gossip.
Tractis [], agreements, treaties.
Tradi [tradir], to betray.
Trafiqus [trafiqurs], wool-dealers.
Tralh [], track, trail.
Tranguet [], trangot [trangt],
kind of dance.
Trau [], beam.
Trauc [], hole.
Trauca [traucar], to bore, pearce.
Trauguen [trauguent], gudgeon.
Traydorici [tradorici], traytiou
[tracion], treason.
Traydou [trador], traydoure [tradora], traitor.
Trebuc [], trap, piece of meat out
of garbure .
Trebuca [trebucar], to entrap, trip
Trebucade [trebucada], slip.
Trechagues [treixagas], adversities.


Trege [trger], treye, to draw, tear

Tremete [tremter], to send, transmit.
Tremouge [tremoja], hopper.
Tremoula [tremolar], to tremble.
Tremoulre [tremolra], a trembling.
Trenca [trencar], to suce, knock
down, break, tear.
Trene [trena], tress.
Trengue [trenga], trenque [trenca], coopers knife.
Trens, trentz [], a parcel of
Trepa [trepar], to stamp.
Tressuda [tressudar], to sweat.
Tryt [trit], trait, characteristic.
Treyture [treitura], clearing.
Tri [trin], train, rate.
Tribalh [tribalh], work, trouble.
Tribalha [tribalhar], to work, suffer.
Tribulossi [tribulci], tribulation.
Tride [trida], kind of thrush.
Triga [trigar], to be behindhand.
Tringlet [], quadrille.
Tripe [tripa], tripet [], tripou
[tripon], intestine.
Troeyte [troeita], trout.
Troos [trons], lightning.
Tros [tr], piece.
Tros darr [tr darr], bit of nothing, term of supreme contempt.
Trounhoc [tronhc], short thickset man.
Trouix [troix], cabbage stalk.
Troulha [trolhar], to hasten on the
Troulh [trolh], wine press.
Troupt [tropth], flock.
Trouye [troja], sow.
Trubs (de) [de truvrs], crosswise, athwartships.
Truc [], blow, stroke.
Truca [trucar], to beat, strike.
Truche [truixa], a shrew.
Trufand [trufandr], trufc [],
Trufa-s [trufs], to make game of.
Trufes [trufas], mockeries.
Truque-youlhs [truca-jolhs],

Tuco [tucu], bank.

Tuma [tumar], to charge with the
Tumarrou [tumarro], a turbulent
Tumass [tumassr], tumayre
[tumaire], a rusty bullock.
Tume [tuma], a blow with the
Turmenta [turmentar], turmenda [turmendar], to torment.
Tourment [torment], torture.
Turou [turon], mound in a plain.
Tusta [tustar], to tap lightly.
Tuta [tutar], to toot a horn, blow
a horn.
Tutaa [tutan], toad.
Tute [tuta], cave.
Tutereya [tuterejar], a fowler who
uses a bird call.
Tutou [tutor], spout of a jug.

U [un], ue [ua], one.
Ubert [ubrt], open.
Uca [ucar], to call.
Uch [uixr], hutch.
Uch [uixr], bailiff.
Uchet [uixet], door.
Ugla [uglar], to cry, bark.
Ulhet [], daisy.
Ungle [ungla], finger nail.
Unglous [ungls, osa], hooked,
firmly attached.
Unhetz [unhets], unhous [unhons],
finger joints.
Unibersau [universau], universal.
Unibersitat [universitat], community.
Unta [untar], to anoint.
Untami [], anointing oil.
Uraa [uran], wild oats.
Urdelhes [urdelhas], tools.

Urpa [urpar], to claw.

Urpes [urpas], claws, talons.
Urpat [], urpade [urpada], blow
with the claws.
Urzo [urzu], stye.
Usa [usar], to use.
Usatye [usadge], usage, custom.
Uscla [usclar], to singe.
Usclat (senti l) [sentir lusclat],
to smell of fire.
Utile [], useful.
Utis [uts], tool.
quin utis ! term of contempt.

Ya [ja], really, in truth.
Yan [Jann], John.
Yaques [Jaques], James.
Yas [ja], yasse [jaa], sleeping
place, shelter.
Yaune [jaune], yellow.
Yela [gelar], to freeze.
Yelous [gels, osa], yalous, jealous.
Yendre [gendre], son-in-law.
Yens [gen], yense [gence], beautiful (m. & f.).
Yent [gent], folks
las yentz [las gents], the people.
Yeta [getar], to throw.
Yexe [gixer], to come out.
Yote [jta], heffer.
Yuete [jueta], little yoke.
Yumus [jumus], twins.
Yumpa [jumpar], to dandle, nurse.
Yumpadere [jumpadera], swing.
Yuransou (bii de) [vin de Juranson], the most famous wine in
Yutya [judjar], to judge.
Yutyament [judjament], judgment.
Yutye [judge], judge.



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