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When administering magnesium sulfate to a

client with preeclampsia, the nurse understands
that this drug is given to:
a.Prevent seizures***
b.Reduce blood pressure
c.Slow the process of labor
d.Increase dieresis

64.Which of the following potential problems should the nurse be alert for in a client
with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)
a. abruptio placenta
b. post term delivery
c. uterine inversion
d. placenta previa
44.Which of the following findings would lead the prenatal clinic nurse to suspect
that the client has mild pre-eclampsia? Select all that apply
a. Hypertension
b. Seizures
c. Hypotension
d. Edema
e. Proteinuria
f. blurry vision

1. Which of the following is/are risk factor(s) for pre-eclampsia?

a) Smoking in early pregnancy.
b) Smoking in late pregnancy.
c) A previous pregnancy loss.
d) Prolonged pre-pregnaricy co-habitation.
e) Residence at high altitude.
2. Evidence supporting the hypothesis that pre-eclampsia consists of several
different disease
subtypes include(s):
a) A higher risk of recurrence after a twin pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia compared
with a singleton pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsa.
b) Increased placental lesions in cases of early onset pre-eclampsia compared
with late onset.
c) An increased risk of mortality among women with early onset pre-eclampsia.
d) An increased risk of intrauterine growth restriction among offspring of
women with
pre-eclampsia apparent only when disease onset occurs before 34 weeks.
e) An increased risk of intrauterine growth restriction among offspring of
women with
pre-eclampsia apparent only when disease onset occurs after 34 weeks.

3. The fetuses-at-risk hypothesis explains the survival advantage observed
among preterm infants
from pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia (compared with preterm infants
from pregnan
cies not complicated by pre-eclampsia) through the following mechanism(s):
a) At-risk fetuses of women with pre-eclampsia induce an increase in maternal
blood pressure

resulting in increased nutrient and oxygen supply to the placenta.

b) Faster lung maturation in fetuses at risk of being born preterm due to preeclampsia.
c) The use of an incorrect denominator in the calculation of neonatal
mortality rates.
d) Fetuses in pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia receive increased
antenatal surveillance
as a result of their atrisk status, leading to increased survival.
e) Screening for pre-eclampsia enables effective strategies for amelioration
of pre-eclampsia.
4. Factors contributing to regional and international variations in reported
incidence of
pre-eclampsia include:
a) Different maternal ages among pregnant women in different countries.
b) Differences in data sources used to generate national statistics.
c) Inconsistent use of the International Classification of Diseases (lCD)
coding systems by different

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