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From: JMP []

Sent: 04/08/2010 11:00 PM
Cc: Falcon, Matt;

Hi Sal--

People who follow your efforts know that you are anti-party, but in our our battle against MOB20/20 you were
party of Ax The Tax effort. I didn't mean to associate you with the new party. I look for- ward to introducing
you to Peg Dunmire, and others who may run on the new ticket. I only ask you evaluate their qualifications,
personality and passion for conservatism with a little Libertarianism sprinkled in. I ask that you look past other
individuals involved who I know you have profound differences with. i hope the other tea partiers will come
around and do the same as well before election day.

Loyally, JP wrote:

Just for clarification...........

I am a "No Party Affiliation" conservative voter. I am a TEA Party Patriot (aka TEA Partier). I am NOT a
registered voter or supporter of the Florida Tea Party political party. I personally have no use for any of
the organized and corrupt political parties. The best thing we could do to save our country is shutdown
the political parties as they operate today. The corruption of the GOP and a bunch of elected RINOs are to
blame for the mess we are in today (locally and nationwide).

With all of that being said, I have known Matt Falconer for several years. I am supporting Matt Falconer
for the Orange County Mayor. I don't know all of the details of what happened here (per Matt's email).
I have not received the mailer yet. However, I can tell you one thing for sure..........I WILL NEVER EVER
VOTE FOR MILDRED FERNANDEZ. She is my commissioner and I voted for her the first time, but never
ever again. FERNANDEZ IS A RINO TO THE MAX!! She PROMISED to support her constituents on the
"Venues"and "ScamRail". But the fact is she sold her vote to the Orlando Magic for the venues. I would
guess she sold her ScamRail vote to CSX - just a guess.. As you know, her constituents adamantly
opposed the venues and ScamRail/ScumRail/ObamaRail. The fact is Mildred Fernandez does not care
about the will of the people. She has demonstrated that time and time again. Orange County cannot
afford or trust Mildred Fernandez. I openly share my opinion of her performance (or lack of) on the OCC
every chance I get. I have no doubt that it would be disastrous for Orange County if Fernandez (or
anyone of the "gang of four" that has been on the OCC board) would be elected as the next OC Mayor.

I read your note and since you included my name, I felt obligated to respond and let it be known, that
I am NOT involved with the official FL Tea Party - political party. I am a grassroot conservative activist
that participates in true grassroots TEA Parties. I personally have many concerns about this newly formed
political party and the real intent of it. I will gladly support ethical, conservative third party candidates.
I vote for the person - not the party, but I personally have serious concerns about the true intent of the
newly formed FL Tea Party and I have no intentions of becoming involved with it. If I like the Tea Party
candidate, I will do what I can to support them and vote for them. I will not support this questionable
political party that has been the subject of lawsuits and other ill will in the community. As I see it, this
new political party is bad news. It is basically a political scam that uses the growing popularity of the TEA
Party grassroots movement to make money. That is the only logical reason why some of those involved

are playing both sides of the political parties. They create a new party, but do not register to vote under
that party. I cannot be associated with this type of organization.

Sally Baptiste
No Party Affiliation - TEA Partier - American Voter
Orlando, FL 32822

2010 - We Will Remember

2010 - Re-Elect No One
Vote for Matt Falconer - Orange County Mayor

-----Original Message-----
From: JMP <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 8, 2010 10:54 am

Hi Matt--

Two quick points: 1) All of the people associated with the new political Florida Tea Party have participated in the
Tea Party movement from its beginning, especially Peg Dunmire. Doug, myself, Fred O'Neal, Charlie Klein, Sally
Baptist, Tom Pastore and others have been working hard and achieving successes on the grassroots level for
twenty-plus years; our biggest victory being the defeat of Mobility 20/20 which included tolling I-4. (The New
Urbanists like Buddy Dyer still want these "special use" or "Lexus" lanes.) We were Tea Partiers before there
was a Tea Party movement!

2) You yourself glommed onto the Tea Party movement when you did that 2009 Orlando city hall rally, and many
inside the movement were appalled by it and now distrust you as much as they distrust Guetzloe!

If you and the mandarins of the Tea Party movement want to blame anybody you and they should hold Lew
Oliver and Jim Greer responsible, for kicking us out of OCREC. You can also aim your displeasure at RINO's,
who have infested the once-great Republican Party.

Who knows, maybe the Republicans will someday go the way of the Federalists and Whigs, for it's our new party
that promotes true conservatism.


Johnny Perez wrote:
This email is NOT spam. I am a candidate for Orange County Mayor who will end the reckless spending that is mortgaging
our children's future. Please send to your friends.

You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.

As a true fiscal conservative I have been active in the grass roots "Tea Party" movement. The movement 
is a tri‐partisan group of taxpayers who want to end the reckless spending that is mortgaging our 
children's future. I make no apology for associating with American taxpayers voicing concern over our 
The "Florida Tea Party Party" is a separate political party not affiliated with the grassroots tea party 
movement. I do not believe a third party will achieve anything expect for dividing the conservative vote 
and helping progressives remain in office. I suggest and invite followers of the Florida Tea Party Party to 
join me in the Republican Party and support true conservatives to lead our nation out of our spending 
induced economic problems.  
This week the Florida Tea Party Party sent a fundraising letter to Republicans in Orange County using my 
name to promote donations to the "Florida Tea Party Party." I did not provide authorization to use my 
name in the letter nor do I endorse or support the Florida Tea Party Party. The letter came as a 
complete surprise to me. 
Because I know these blind requests for donations cost more to mail than they bring in donations there 
is a hidden agenda behind the Tea Party Party fundraising letter. The letter may have cost $8000 to mail 
and if they are lucky bring in $1000 in donations. Someone other than the Florida Tea Party Party leaders 
paid for the mailing.  
The brains behind the Florida Tea Party Party is political operative Doug Guetzloe. Doug's current political 
customers on his radio show advertisements include Congressmen Alan Grayson and my opponent 
Mildred Fernandez. I suspect Mildred Fernandez has employed Doug Guetzloe to do what he does best; 
to throw mud on opposition candidates. I now view the Florida Tea Party Party as a political consulting 
firm not a political party.  
It is clear to most political observers the use of my name with the Florida Tea Party Party is a deliberate 
attempt to alienate me with conservative Republicans. Maybe some other year these tactics might work 
but in this year policy is what matters. My opposition candidates cannot hide the fact they gave a $600 
million taxpayer funded arena to a billionaire. My opposition candidates cannot hide the fact they voted 
for a $1.5 billion rail project with no dedicated funding sources. My opposition candidates cannot hide 
the fact they gave $300 million to one company to create 150 jobs.  
So to all of the people trying to prevent a true fiscal conservative from leading Orange County out of this 
tax induced recession I suggest they save their money. If we have learned anything from New Jersey, 
Virginia and Massachutes, it is that the taxpayers are fed up with politics as usual. I am running against 
four incumbents who spent billions on corporate welfare programs.  
No matter what mailers are sent and what the liberal media says people want a new direction in 
government. I represent the new direction to a fiscally responsible government and I look forward to 
your support on August 24th.  
Please email me at to become part of our grassroots army. 
We can win. With your help we WILL win.  
Matthew Falconer

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