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Volume 12 Homeward Bound Number 03

“For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (I Corinthians 3:11)

The Recent Papal Visit

John Payne

Pope Benedict’s trip to the United States has come and gone. I urge caution on getting caught
up in the ecumenical good feelings toward the Roman Catholic Church. This has happened in the past
due to the visit of previous Popes and it is used by our common enemy, Satan, to cause us to overlook
the truth that this Church and this Pope in particular is full of error and dangerous to the faith of true
believers. There are some that may be saved within the confines of this error filled church but most
that I know, once they come to full knowledge of salvation, run and do not walk to the nearest exit.
“Oh brother John,” I hear some mumble, “Pope Benedict is such a kindly old man.” You are so
wrong my dear friend. If you were to take a
few moments and do some research you would
find that this Pope has written and spoken
much regarding Roman Catholic doctrine that
is taking it giant steps backwards towards the
Dark Ages.
In July of 2007 Benedict reasserted
long standing doctrine stating the only true
church is the Roman Catholic Church, that
salvation, the way to Christ, is to be found only
through her and that all other “churches” are
defective and salvation is not to be found in
them. He reiterated the Church’s centuries
long held position that it alone has the
tradition of apostolic succession, which he says
no other church can rightly claim, and therefore is the only “true” church of Jesus Christ.
This Pope, while a Cardinal, has long been a watchdog over Roman Catholic dogma and
doctrine and is firming up his stance, consolidating his position, making known to all liberal Catholics
worldwide, especially in the United States, that there will be no changes forthcoming. This has
stunned many liberal Protestant denominations that have been involved in ecumenical dialog with the
Catholic Church especially since Vatican II over forty years ago. On November 25, 1981, Pope John
Paul II named Benedict, the former Cardinal Ratzinger, to the post of prefect of the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith, which was formerly known as the Holy Office of the Inquisition, so now you
know where this man is coming from!
Although the Catholic Church as been in talks with the
“separated” brethren for decades, they have not budged an inch on
doctrine or dogma. It has been others who have compromised
their beliefs and their faith to come into fellowship with her. The
Catholic Church never will change. It is her position and has
been for centuries to draw all churches back into communion
with her. Beware. This church is full of error and has been the
downfall of many that have deserted the faith in search of
ecumenism to rejoin with her. The Bible speaks of this as apostasy.

Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460

(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

The Decline of Apocalyptic Expectation

A. W. Tozer
A short generation ago, or about the time of the first World War,
there was a feeling among gospel Christians that the end of the age was
near, and many were breathless with anticipation of a new world order
about to emerge.
This new order was to be preceded by a silent return of Christ to
earth, not to remain, but to raise the righteous dead to immortality and
to glorify the living saints in the twinkling of an eye. These He would
catch away to the marriage supper of the Lamb, while the earth
meanwhile plunged into its baptism of fire and blood in the Great
Tribulation. This would be relatively brief, ending dramatically with the
battle of Armageddon and the triumphant return of Christ with His
Bride to reign a thousand years.
Thus the hopes and dreams of Christians were directed toward an event to be followed by a
new order in which they would have a leading part. This expectation for many was so real that it quite
literally determined their world outlook and way of life. One well-known and highly respected
Christian leader, when handed a sum of money to pay off the mortgage on the church building,
refused to use it for that purpose. Instead he used it to help send missionaries to the heathen to
hasten the Lord's return. This is probably an extreme example, but it does reveal the acute apocalyptic
expectation that prevailed among Christians around the time of World War I and immediately
Before we condemn this as extravagant we should back off a bit and try to see the whole thing
in perspective. We may be wiser now (though that is open to serious question), but those Christians
had something very wonderful which we today lack. They had a unifying hope; we have none. Their
activities were concentrated; ours are scattered, overlapping and often self-defeating. They fully
expected to win; we are not even sure we know what "win" means. Our Christian hope has been
subjected to so much examination, analysis and revision that we are embarrassed to admit that we
have such a hope at all.
And those expectant believers were not wholly wrong. They were only wrong about the time.
They saw Christ's triumph as being nearer than it was, and for that reason their timing was off; but
their hope itself was valid. Many of us have had the experience of misjudging the distance of a
mountain toward which we were traveling. The huge bulk that loomed against the sky seemed very
near, and it was hard to persuade ourselves that it was not receding as we approached. So the City of
God appears so large to the minds of the world-weary pilgrim that he is sometimes the innocent
victim of an optical illusion; and he may be more than a little disappointed when the glory seems to
move farther away as he approaches.
But the mountain is there; the traveler need only press on to reach it. And the Christian's hope
is there too; his judgment is not always too sharp, but he is not mistaken in the long view; he will see
the glory in God's own time.
We evangelicals have become sophisticated, blasé. We have lost what someone called the
"millennial component" from our Christian faith. To escape what we believe to be the slough of a
mistaken hope we have detoured far out into the wilderness of complete hopelessness.
Christians now chatter learnedly about things simple believers have always taken for granted.
They are on the defensive, trying to prove things that a previous generation never doubted. We have
allowed unbelievers to get us in a corner and have given them the advantage by (continued on page three)
Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 2
(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

The Decline of Apocalyptic Expectation (continued)

permitting them to choose the time and place of encounter. We smart under the attack of the quasi-
Christian unbeliever, and the nervous, self-conscious defense we make is called "the religious
Under the scornful attack of the religious critic real Christians who ought to know better are
now "rethinking" their faith. Scarcely anything has escaped the analysts. With a Freudian microscope
they examine everything: foreign missions, the Book of Genesis. the inspiration of the Scriptures,
morals, all tried and proven methods, polygamy, liquor, sex, prayer-all have come in for inquisition by
those who engage in the contemporary dialogue. Adoration has given way to celebration in the holy
place, if indeed any holy place remains to this generation of confused Christians. The causes of
the decline of apocalyptic expectation are many, not the least being the affluent society
in which we live. If the rich man with difficulty enters the kingdom
of God, then it would be logical to conclude that a society having the
highest percentage of well-to-do persons in it would have the lowest
percentage of Christians, all things else being equal. If the "deceitfulness of
riches" chokes the Word and makes it unfruitful, then this would be the
day of near-fruitless preaching, at least in the opulent West. And if
surfeiting and drunkenness and worldly cares tend to unfit the
Christian for the coming of Christ, then this generation of
Christians should be the least prepared for that event.
On the North American continent
Christianity has become the religion of the prosperous
middle and upper classes almost entirely, the very
rich or the very poor rarely become practicing Christians. The
touching picture of the poorly dressed, hungry saint, clutching his Bible under his arm and
with the light of God shining in his face hobbling painfully toward the church, is chiefly imaginary.
One of the biggest problems of even the most ardent Christian these days is to find a parking place for
the shiny chariot that transports him effortlessly to the house of God where he hopes to prepare his
soul for the world to come.
In the United States and Canada the middle class today possesses more earthly goods and lives
in greater luxury than emperors and maharajas did a short century ago. And since the bulk of
Christians comes from this class it is not difficult to see why the apocalyptic hope has all but
disappeared from among us. It is hard to focus attention upon a better world to come when a more
comfortable one than this can hardly be imagined. The best we can do is to look for heaven after we
have revelled for a lifetime in the luxuries of a
fabulously generous earth. As long as science can
make us so cozy in this present world it is hard to
work up much pleasurable anticipation of a new
world order.
But affluence is only one cause of the decline
of the apocalyptic hope. There are other and more
important ones.
The whole problem is a big one, a theological
one, a moral one. An inadequate view of Christ may
be the chief trouble. Christ has been explained,
humanized, demoted. Many professed Christians no
longer expect Him to usher in a (continued on page four)
Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 3
(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

The Decline of Apocalyptic Expectation (continued)

new order; they are not at all sure that He is able to do so; or if He does, it will be with the help of art,
education, science and technology; that is, with the help of man. This revised expectation amounts to
disillusionment for many. And of course no one can become too radiantly happy over a King of kings
who has been stripped of His crown or a Lord of lords who has lost His
Another cause of the decline of expectation is hope deferred which,
according to the proverb, "maketh the heart sick." The modern civilized man is
impatient; he takes the short-range view of things. He is surrounded by gadgets
that get things done in a hurry. He was brought up on quick oats; he likes his
instant coffee; he wears drip-dry shirts and takes one-minute Polaroid snapshots of
his children. His wife shops for her spring hat before the leaves are down in the fall.
His new car, if he buys it after June 1, is already an old model when he brings it home.
He is almost always in a hurry and can't bear to wait for anything.
This breathless way of living naturally makes for a mentality impatient of delay,
and when this man enters the kingdom of God he brings his short-range psychology
with him. He finds prophecy too slow for him. His first radiant expectations soon lose their luster. He
is likely to inquire, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" and when there
is no immediate response he may conclude, "My lord delayeth his coming." The faith of Christ offers
no buttons to push for quick service. The new order must wait the Lord's own time, and that is too
much for the man in a hurry. He just gives up and becomes interested in something else.
Another cause is eschatological confusion. The vitalizing hope of the emergence of a new world
wherein dwelleth righteousness became an early casualty in the war of conflicting prophetic
interpretations. Teachers of prophecy, who knew more than the prophets they claimed to teach,
debated the fine points of Scripture ad infinitum while a discouraged and disillusioned Christian
public shook their heads and wondered. A leader of one evangelical group told me that his
denomination had recently been, in his words, "split down the middle" over a certain small point of
prophetic teaching, one incidentally which had never been heard of among the children of God until
about one hundred years ago.
Certain popular views of prophecy have been discredited by events within the lifetime of some
of us; a new generation of Christians cannot be blamed if their Messianic expectations are somewhat
confused. When the teachers are divided, what can the pupils do?
It should be noted that there is a vast difference between the doctrine of Christ's coming and
the hope of His coming. The first we may hold without feeling a trace of the second. Indeed there are
multitudes of Christians today who hold the doctrine of the second coming. What I have talked about
here is that overwhelming sense of anticipation that lifts the life onto a new plane and fills the heart
with rapturous optimism. This is what we today lack.
Frankly, I do not know whether or not it is possible to recapture the spirit of anticipation that
animated the Early Church and cheered the hearts of gospel Christians only a few decades ago.
Certainly scolding will not bring it back, nor arguing over prophecy, nor condemning those who do
not agree with us. We may do all or any of these things without arousing the desired spirit of joyous
expectation. That unifying, healing, purifying hope is for the childlike, the innocent-hearted, the
Possibly nothing short of a world catastrophe that will destroy every false trust and turn our
eyes once more upon the Man Christ Jesus will bring back the glorious hope to a generation that has
lost it.
Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 4
(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

Who I Am In Christ
By Phil Taylor
Editor’s Note: Every once in a while it is nice to have laid out before us a brief compendium of who we are in
Christ. This little list, all scripturally based, gives us a snap shot of who we are, and only in part since the Bible
has so much more to say about us. It is refreshing, enlivening and exciting all at once. I am glad this was sent
to me to share with you!

• I am no longer a slave.
• I have been bought with a price. The ransom has been paid by my kinsman redeemer,
Jesus Christ.
• I am a child of God, an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.
• I am redeemed from the hand of the enemy, forgiven, saved by grace through faith in
• I am justified, sanctified and cleansed by His blood.
• I am a brand new creature in Christ and a partaker of His divine nature.
• I have been redeemed from the curse of the law and delivered from the powers of
darkness and oppression.
• I am no longer led around by the lust of my flesh, instead, I am led by the Spirit of God
and if I am led by the Spirit of God then I am a child of God.
• I am having all of my needs supplied according to His riches in glory.
• I abide under the shadow of the Almighty and I am casting all of my cares upon Him
because He cares for me.
• He has prepared a banqueting table for me in front of my enemies and has anointed my
head with oil. My cup is running over!
• I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
• I am doing all things through Christ who strengthens me.
• I am an heir to the blessing of Abraham.
• As I observe the Lord's commands and obey Him, I am blessed coming in and going
• I am an inheritor of eternal life and I have been chosen, predestined and made
conformable to the image of Christ.
• I have been blessed beyond measure with every spiritual blessing and healed by His
• I am more than a conqueror through Christ.
• I am marching in a triumphant procession and overcoming the devil by the blood of the
Lamb and the word of my testimony.
• I am not moved by what I see for I am walking by faith and not by sight.
• I am casting down vain imaginations and bringing every thought into captivity to
• I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind. (continued on page six)
Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 5
(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

Who I Am In Christ (continued)

• I am a laborer together with God and an ambassador of Jesus Christ.
• I am part of God's household, the household of faith.
• I am a citizen of heaven.
• I am part of a chosen people, a royal priesthood and a holy nation.
• I am like a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.
• I am a lively stone and a living epistle being read by others.
• I am crucified with Christ, buried with Him in baptism and resurrected to walk with
Him in newness of life.
• My steps are ordered of the Lord.
• I know the plans He has for me are plans to prosper me and not harm me.
• He plans to give me hope and a glorious future.
• I am an alien and a stranger here in this world because I am seeking a better country, a
heavenly city whose builder and maker is God.
• I am on my way to that city and my heart is not troubled or afraid because Jesus has
gone before me to prepare a place for me and He is going to come again and take me
home to be with Him.
• When I get home, God Himself is going to wipe the tears from my eyes and I will never
experience pain or loss or the heartbreak of sin ever again.
• Because I have that hope in my heart I am making sure that my heart and life is pure
before Him.
• I am expecting His return any day so I am listening for a shout, the voice of
the archangel and the trumpet of God.
• And when I hear that trumpet sound, the dead in Christ will rise first and then we
which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet
the Lord in the air and then we will be with the Lord forever. This I know by His mercy
and His grace. I know it is true because no less of an authority than God's Word
declares it to be true.
• I know who I am and what I am in Christ.
• If you want to stay a slave in your thinking for the rest of your life, you can.
• If you want to spend the rest of your life grumbling about how unfair life has been arid
all the bad breaks you've had, go ahead.
• But Jesus has a brand new identity for you.
• Stop believing the lies of the devil and start believing what God says about you.
• Start giving thanks for what God has done for you and for all He has provided for you.

Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 6

(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

From Slave to Son

"Therefore, you are no longer a slave, but a son." (Galatians 4:7)
a Testimony by “Tom” - by way of International Refugee Teams Ministries, Athens, Greece

Before I trusted Jesus as my Savior, I didn't know God. I grew up under fanatical Islamic and
knew that He existed; but I saw Him dimly, hidden behind dark veils of mystery and wrath.
God both inspired and frightened me. I had been taught that He was just
and that on the Day of Reckoning my life would be judged. On that day, I'd
been warned, a book containing my deeds would be opened. The Koran
affirmed this: "Every man's actions have we hung around his neck, and on
the last day shall be laid out before him a wide-open book." (Sura 17:13)
Since childhood, I'd imagined invisible scribes recording my every action
into that book. I dreaded the day on which it would be opened.
I was afraid of the future and frustrated by the present. I had been
taught to work for my salvation, but I had also been taught that I might not be
saved. Likewise, though God was merciful and sometimes forgave my sins, one
couldn't be too presumptuous. My fate and my forgiveness depended upon His will.
"Allah sendeth whom He will astray, and guideth whom He will", says the Koran (Sura 14:4, 16:93,
74:31). I felt like a slave to a faraway Master. Indeed, slavery is the ideal of Islam according to the
Koran: "There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave." (Sura
Like a slave, I followed my Master out of fear, but I never knew if my efforts would change my
destiny. All of life's events -- whether big or small, good or bad -- were attributed to God's will. Thus, I
reasoned, obeying the Islamic laws seemed unimportant if my every move had already been ordained.
I grew fatalistic and further alienated from God. But Islam was all I had ever known, and so it was the
road on which I traveled for more than 30 years. Then, my route changed. First it changed
geographically, when I came to Athens; and then it changed altogether when I learned about the God
of the Bible.
My first lesson came in Omonia, at Helping Hands. There, I listened to a video about Jesus,
attended Bible classes and was introduced to an entirely different God than the
God I'd known before. I learned that some similarities exist between the God of
the Koran and the God of Christianity. For example, both Islam and
Christianity teach that God is the only God, and that He alone is powerful, wise
and just. And, like the God of the Koran, the God of the Bible desires that men
serve and obey only Him.
But the similarities end there. The Bible teacher said that while God
demands that my sins be punished, He sent His holy Son, Jesus Christ, to take
my punishment. I read the Injil [Editor’s Note: Injil = Good
News/Gospel], with its wonderful and almost unbelievable news of Jesus'
salvation. "But God demonstrates His love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died
for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we will be saved from the wrath of
God through Him." (Romans 5:8,9)
Saved from the God's wrath? The wrath that I'd feared all of my life? It was too good to be true,
and amazing in its implications. For if Jesus died for my sins, then I was a sinner who needed
salvation. If Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave, then He was the holy Son of God,
because only God could rise from the dead. And -- best of all -- if Jesus saved me, (continued on page eight)
Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 7
(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

From Slave to Son (continued)

then I did not have to try to save myself. As the Scriptures say: "For it is by grace that you have been
saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, and not of works, lest any man
should boast." (Ephesians 2:8,9)
I saw the Jesus film many times. I was amazed at His
miracles and moved to see Him suffer the most disgraceful
punishment on the cross for me. Here was the holy Son of God,
without sin yet dying to pay for my sins. Before becoming a
Christian, I believed in Jesus as a prophet. But once I began to
listen to the teachers, read the Bible, and ask God for
understanding, the truth became clear: Jesus is the only Savior.
I also learned that God doesn't want slaves -- He wants sons. Slaves are driven by fear and their
lives depend on the whim of their master. The best that a slave can hope for is survival. So it was with
my relationship to God before I learned more about Him in the Bible.
I learned that God loves like a Father. He loved us so much that He sent Jesus. When a man
believes in Jesus as his Savior, he has access to God as his Father and he is called a "son of God."
(Ephesians 1:5). I learned that God thinks about me constantly, as a father thinks about his son.
(Psalm 139:17,18) The Bible says, "I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:18) God grieves when his children grieve and rejoices when
they rejoice. When His children sin, God doesn't condemn them; He is compassionate and gracious,
and He always forgives them, when they ask (I John 1:9, Psalm 103:8, Psalm 103:10-13).
As God's son, I can tell Him all of my problems and concerns. He listens and cares. He knows
me and has engraved my name upon his hand (Isaiah 49:16). He even knows how many hairs are on
my head! (Luke 12:7) "Cast all your anxieties on him,' says the Injil, "Because He cares for you." (I
Peter 5:7). As a son asks his father for necessities and even blessings, I can ask my Father God to
supply my needs. "How much more will your Father who is in Heaven give good things to those who
ask Him." (Matt. 7:11)
I learned about the Holy Trinity, too - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit --
how each is holy and how they work together in a Christian's life. I learned that when a man believes
in Jesus as his Savior, God's Holy Spirit comes into his life, giving him faith, hope, love, joy and peace.
I also learned that if a man believes in Jesus as his Savior, he will live in Heaven with Him forever.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him will not
die, but will have eternal life." (John 3:16)
Soon, I believed in Jesus and asked him to save me. Since then, God has given me a new life.
Knowing that God loves me, that Jesus saved me from my sins, and that God's Holy Spirit lives within
me has replaced my old fear and pessimism with peace and optimism. He has given me mercy and
compassion for people, even for my enemies. I have joy for the present and hope for the future. I am
no longer a slave, but a son of the living God.
Now I am not afraid to face the Day of Reckoning. By believing that
Jesus saved me, my name is now written in another book: the Book of Life (Mal.
3:16-18, Daniel 12:1). The other book, the one I was so afraid of confronting on
the Day of Reckoning, no longer frightens me because my every wrong deed has
been pardoned by Jesus. My debt has been paid by His death and resurrection.
"Rejoice that your names are recorded in Heaven," says the Injil. (Luke 10:20).
I rejoice that my name is written there. Your name will appear in one of
those books, too. Which book will you choose?

Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 8

(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

Have You Been Converted?

John Payne

“ . . . Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter
into the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)

Jesus is very explicit here. Except you and I are converted we shall not enter into the kingdom
of Heaven. Converted. This comes to us from the Greek verb “strephō” which literally means “to turn
one's self from one's course of conduct, i.e. to
change one's mind.” In context here, it would
mean for us to become as little children, to
humble ourselves before God and accept His
will and His Word, forsaking our old nature
and our sin, being content to be as His child.
It is wonderful to watch little children
play. They live their lives without the obvious
cares of us older people as to where we will
live, where the money will come to pay the
bills, the worries and concerns about
retirement plans, what we will have for dinner,
what to wear to work tomorrow and so on.
They are content to sit and play with
clothespins and piles of sand, having dirty
hands and faces, eat peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches, wear the same clothes for two
days in a row and when they get tired take a
nap under the nearest shade tree. Ah, the joys
of childhood. This is what Jesus is speaking to
They exhibit the trust and acceptance of those that govern them, innately knowing that their
needs will be met and will be cared for. Selfish reasoning has not yet set in which will destroy this
seeming innocence.
Jesus tells us in this verse that unless we are “converted”, that is to change back to this truly
wonderful earlier state, and begin to live our lives in a manner which demonstrates to Him, to
ourselves and to others around us that we fully trust and accept Him and His plan for us that we will
surely not enter into Heaven at the end of our days. Plain and simple. What is not to understand
This word that Jesus uses here, convert, is akin to the word repent. Both hold the meaning to
turn around, to turn away from. More specifically, it implies a life changing, life-altering course
whereby we change from one set of beliefs and therefore actions to a completely different set. The
direction and course we now choose is the one which He has made plain to us, the one He has
directed us to through the Holy Spirit. The veil has been removed from our eyes and now we see a
whole new direction and way of living that the world cannot. He has made His will and manner of
living plain for us to know and at the same time given us the power, the Dunamis, his Holy Spirit
living within us, the enabling power to do it! This is something that those living in the world cannot
see or understand until they, too, become converted! (continued on page ten)

Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 9

(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

Have You Been Converted? (continued)

Go now and read the verse that follows this one. It is a real eye opener. It should be no
surprise to us though. Jesus says, “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the
same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Verse 4) You see, Jesus will not do this for us, it is
something we must do ourselves. We must humble ourselves before Him and it is truly an easy thing
to do. Once we truly recognize who we are when we come to Him as sinners in need of a Savior and
repent, that is to turn away from that life of sin, knowing that He only is the One Who can save us, we
will be humbled. In His sight, therefore, we will be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. It is that great
an accomplishment and there are few that will do it, there are that very few that will accomplish this
thing and please Him and make Heaven their home
for all eternity!
It is like standing on the deck of a huge, slowly
sinking ship. The boat is going down, surely but
slowly sinking. The waters around the ship are filled
with man-eating sharks so you cannot simply slip off
the ship into the water and swim away. There is one
man giving out tickets to a huge lifeboat standing just
alongside. The only way to get off the sinking ship is
to approach this man and surrender all you are and all
you have to him and then he will give you a spot in
this great lifeboat that will whisk you safely away from
this doomed ship. You can hem and haw all you like
but the only way off is through this guy with the
tickets. It’s either his way, giving up all you have and
all you are, and yield to him or go down with the ship.
Seemingly few have opted for this way out. There are
thousands of others milling around the deck
considering the same option, looking for other ways
off the ship. They think they have time and other
options but in reality the ship can go down at any
moment and who knows how long the guy with the
tickets will stay on board with the offer of free passage
to those who will accept? It is truly humbling but
reason tells you that the only way out is to go to this man and humble yourself and ask for a ticket.
You go to him, surrender yourself to him, all you are, all you have, all you ever hope to be and with a
loving smile he gives you a ticket and says to you, “Welcome home son, wise decision.” You join the
precious few on board the lifeboat and realize that you have escaped utter destruction and wonder
why the others have not chosen to do likewise.
On top of all of this, those who do humble themselves and become as little children are called
greatest in the kingdom of Heaven! That is a wonderful and comforting thought that the God of all
creation considers those who have humbled themselves and become as little children and trusted Him
for salvation greatest in the kingdom. That is truly a humbling thought indeed! It simply boils down
to you and I trusting God unconditionally and without question. Complete and absolute trust and
surrender to the God of all creation Who had our best interest at heart from the absolute beginning of
time. That, my dear friend, is what it is all about.
Now, have you been converted?
Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 10
(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

You Are the Temple of God

John Payne

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man
defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
(I Corinthians 3:16-17)
The Holy Spirit brought me here in my meditation this morning and although
I have read through the Bible cover to cover many times and have read this portion
of scripture many other times additionally, it never hit me like it did today. God
will destroy those who defile the temple within which He inhabits because they
have forsaken and disdained His holiness. Wow. I was ground to powder,
crushed to dust before Him this morning. All because there have been times
when in my sin I have taken all too lightly the fact that although I know I am a
temple of the Holy Spirit I have stepped outside His will and sinned . . .
willfully . . . premeditatedly . . . without care or concern for the
Such is the way of sin. Not all sin is accidental, incidental, casual, spur of
the moment or other such quickly spawned action on the part of a believer.
Truth be known and if we are all honest in our hearts there are times when we
have all acted upon thoughts that grew and became sin due to us acting upon those thoughts and not
in our soul’s best interests. A lie, anger expressed towards a friend, loved one, neighbor or even a
stranger. Road rage. Receiving more in change at the cash register than we are due and pocketing it.
Opportunistic thievery. Intentionally overeating although knowing better . . . known in the Bible as
gluttony. Getting even with someone for something they have done to us and gloating in our heart.
Sexual self-gratification. These are but only a few examples of things we do that are willful and
premeditated that are sin which if we continue in can cause a falling away, a stumbling into an
unrepentant sinful lifestyle.
Now, to get the heat off myself I can point to you all and say I am sure that you have done this
too. But I cannot do this, must not do this. I must look deep within and examine myself because until
I search deep enough inside to make sure there is no root of sin in my heart or soul; no thought of
preplanned or premeditated excursions outside of His will planned for my life I am not safe and this
scripture looms over my head like a guillotine. Because, if left unchecked, such a course of action will
eventually lead to a departing from the faith once delivered unto to the saints.
Do you really understand what He is saying through Paul here? God is saying that He shall
destroy those who defile the temple. Any man. Any man. You or me, either of us. God does not take
this lightly so neither should we. We should give grave heed to these Word since it was He that placed
them in the Bible for our edification and warning. God does
not mince words.
He sent His only begotten Son to suffer and die an
excruciatingly horrid death on a cross for you and me, taking
upon Himself the punishment for our sins in order that we
might be reconciled to Himself in order that the Holy Spirit
might indwell us and we might indeed be made the temple of
God, in actual fact His dwelling place, therefore a temple.
This Greek verb phtheirō here translated destroy
means to corrupt, to destroy, to deprave. If we take so very
lightly the new birth and the infilling, (continued on page twelve)

Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 11

(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

You Are the Temple of God (continued)

the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with Whom God has granted to us through this new sonship by
choosing to rather to return to a life of practicing sin, premeditated and unrepentant then we are to
know that in the end we will find we will be destroyed by the very God Who sought to save us, deliver
us and bring us unto Himself. This wonderful and merciful God Who desired to have us spend
eternity with Him in Heaven will have none of us, will have no part of our sinfulness, not allow that
corruptness to enter into eternity with Him and He will most certainly destroy us.
Once we know this Truth from His own heart we need not live in morbid fear but rather we
ought to live in bold confidence knowing that He has granted us the power to live holy and
consecrated live before Him. He has imparted to us His precious Spirit Who is the power of our very
own resurrection, Who gives us the
power over sin, Satan and even death
itself! Know this dear brethren, the
Bible says, “And they overcame him
by the blood of the Lamb, and by the
word of their testimony; and they
loved not their lives unto the death.”
(Revelation 12:11) You and I have this
power and we will have it until we
meet Him face to face if we remain
faithful unto the end. “But he that
shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13) These are not my words but
His! The apostle Paul tells us, “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost
which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye
are not your own? For ye are bought with a
price: therefore glorify God in your body, and
in your spirit, which are God's.” (I Corinthians
6:19-20) He also goes on to say, “For ye are the
temple of the living God; as God hath said, I
will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will
be their God, and they shall be my people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be
ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the
unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will
be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons
and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” (II
Corinthians 6:16-18) Without doubt brethren,
He abides within us and imparts His power to
live holy lives. He does this so that on that last day, that great day when we meet Him face to face
after life on earth is over we can hear those wonderful words, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit
the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world!” (Matthew 25:34)
Brethren, let us live wisely, knowing that we are indeed the temple of God and manifest His
presence everywhere we go in our daily living. We do this in the hope that somewhere along the way
we may always fulfill this scripture penned by Peter, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and
be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you
with meekness and fear.” (I Peter 3:15)

Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 12

(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

What is it?
Caffeine is a stimulant drug which makes the central nervous system speed up the messages to
and from the brain. It is a substance found in the leaves, seeds or fruit of a number of plants, such as
coffee and tea plants. A wide range of food and drinks contain caffeine, including. chocolate, soft
drinks, energy drinks, tea and coffee. It can also be taken in capsules, tablets, or powder form.
Caffeine content
The approximate amount of caffeine found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, energy drinks, and
caffeine tablets is shown in the table below.
Product Caffeine content
Typical tablet 100 mg
Cup of instant coffee* 60-80 mg
Cup of brewed coffee* 60-120 mg
Cup of black tea 10-50 mg
Cola drink 13 mg per 100 mL
Can of cola 375 mL 48 mg
Bottle of cola 600 mL 78 mg
Red Bull 250 mL 80 mg
'V' 250 mL 80 mg
Guarana tablet 1000 mg 40 mg
Cup of hot chocolate 10 mg
*amount of caffeine is depends on the type of coffee bean and size of cup
Effects of caffeine
The effects of caffeine differ from person to person, depending on your age, body size and
general health. If you regularly have caffeine you might have different reactions than if you have
caffeine only occasionally.
Short-term effects
Caffeine takes 5-30 minutes to circulate around the body. Physical effects of caffeine include
increased heartbeat, respiration, basal metabolic rate, and increased stomach acid and urine.
Small to medium amounts of caffeine, up to 300mg, can speed up the brain and the central
nervous system so that you feel more awake. It also increases your concentration and alertness.
However, caffeine isn't a substitute for sleep.
Long-term effects
Research has shown that moderate caffeine consumption (up to 300mg) does not cause
miscarriage, early delivery or low birth weight. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing, check
with your doctor.
Some research has shown links between heavy use (ie greater that about 350mg or three cups
per day) of caffeine and osteoporosis, high blood pressure and heart disease, heartburn, ulcers, severe
insomnia and infertility. Some studies have shown that women who consume high amounts of
caffeine have increased risk of miscarriage, difficult birth and delivery of low-weight babies.
Can you overdose on caffeine?
If you consume too much caffeine it is possible that you might have serious health
consequences, or even die in extreme circumstances, but this is extremely rare. A person would have
to consume 5-10 grams of caffeine (or 80 cups of strong coffee, one after the other) to have an
(continued on page 14)

Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 13

(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org
Homeward Bound Ministries – Volume 12 – Number 03.

Caffeine (continued)
Addiction and Withdrawal
Caffeine is addictive according to several definitions of 'addiction'. It causes withdrawal
symptoms after you stop after having it regularly (most commonly headaches) and you can develop
tolerance and experience cravings when you stop having it. Regular users can also become
emotionally and mentally dependent upon their daily caffeine (coffee, energy drinks, etc). Withdrawal
usually last for only a few days and is minimal if you reduce caffeine gradually.
Things to remember
Often caffeine pills or energy drinks such as No Doz or Red Bull are often taken by young
people during exam or study periods in an effort to stay awake and alert to study more. Caffeine isn't
is not a substitute for normal sleep patterns.
Caffeine is a drug and can affect any the effectiveness of drugs, so before taking any medication
make sure you tell your doctor or pharmacist how much caffeine you take.

Homeward Bound is published by Homeward Bound Ministries, Post Office Box 3351, Milford,
Connecticut, USA, 06460. Homeward Bound is a teaching ministry attempting to edify the body of
Christ, prepare men and women to serve in the Great Commission and furnish articles of timely
interest and content relevant to our day and the issues we face in our daily walk with Christ. We
invite you to write to us and ask questions regarding the Bible and matters of faith, and submit
articles, testimonies or other pieces for publication that glorify God. Thank you for taking the time to
read this issue of Homeward Bound!
 2008 Homeward Bound Ministries

Homeward Bound Ministries – P. O. Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 14

(203) 449-6190 – john@HomewardBoundMinistries.Org

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