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Education Essay 3 (200 words)

Education is very important tool for the people all over the world to make balance in life and its
existence on the earth. It is the tool which stimulates everyone to go ahead and succeed in life as well
as provides ability to overcome challenges in life. It is the one and only way to acquire knowledge and
improve our skills in any particular field according to the need. It makes us able to create fine balance
of our body, mind and spirit.
It trains us whole life and brings lots of opportunities to our way to get better prospects required for the
career growth. Each and every individual need proper education to enhance their own life standards as
well as become a part of the social and economic growth of their own country. Future of the any
person or country depends on the education system strategy followed. Even after lots of awareness
programmes about proper education in our country, there are many villages still left which are not
having proper resources and awareness for education of people living there.
Though condition has improved than earlier and various steps have been taken by the government to
improve the education status in the country. Well being of the society depends on the well being of the
people living in that society. It brings economic and social prosperity all through the country by solving
issues and identifying solutions.

Cleanliness Essay 3 (200 words)

Cleanliness should be taken as the first and foremost responsibility by everyone. Everyone should
understand that cleanliness is as necessary as food and water. However, we should give cleanliness a
first priority instead of the food and water. As, we can be healthy only if we take everything within us in
very clean and hygienic way. Childhood is very good time of everyones life during which the habit of
cleanliness can be practiced just like walking, speaking, running, reading, eating, etc under the careful
and regular watch of the parents.
In the school and colleges, students are given lots of projects and home works on the topic of various
type of cleanliness. It is very important topic now a day, as, a huge population are dying daily just
because of diseases caused due to the lack of cleanliness. So it is very necessary to be aware about
the importance and necessity of the cleanliness in our life. We all together need to take a step towards
cleanliness to save thousands of lives and give them healthy life. Our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi
has started a campaign called Clean India. We all as an Indian citizen should show our active
participation in completing the aim and objectives of this campaign.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay 3 (200 words)

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the common proverb which promotes us to maintain cleanliness in
our daily lives to get the feeling of well being. It highlights the importance of cleanliness in our lives and
teaches us to follow the clean habits all through the life. Cleanliness is not only to keep ownself clean
physically but it means to keep both physically and mentally clean by maintaining personal hygiene

and bringing positive thoughts. Cleanliness is the way to godliness which means maintaining
cleanliness and thinking good bring a person more near to the god. Being clean is very important for
getting a good health and living moral life.
A clean and well dressed person indicates good personality and good character with impressive habits.
Good character of a person is assessed by the clean dress and good manners. Cleanliness of body
and mind improves the self-respect of any person. Cleanliness of the body, mind and soul lead
towards the godliness which ultimately bring feeling of physically, mentally and socially well being
person. A person needs to maintain cleanliness in daily life, need to follow a strict discipline and certain
principles in the life. People who become clean are generally religious and god-fearing in nature and
never feel hate or jealous to others.

Childrens Day Essay 3 (200 words)

14th of November is of great importance and celebrated as childrens day every year all over the India.
14th of November is the birthday of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru (first Indian Prime Minister). Children call
him as Chacha Nehru as they love and respect him a lot. Pt. Nehru was very fond of children and
always liked to be among them. People start getting together at the cremation place of Pt. Nehru to
pay homage to the great leader of India. Wreaths are placed at his Samadhi by the Prime Minister,
President, Cabinet Ministers and high officials. Later prayers and hymns are chanted by the students
in attractive manner. People celebrate this occasion by remembering his great sacrifices, contributions,
achievements in international politics and peace efforts for country.
Various cultural programmes are organized and performed by the students in their schools and
colleges to celebrate this with full joy and enthusiasm. Celebration takes its own form through the
chanting of national songs and performances of stage short dramas. Celebration including other
activities takes place at Teen Murti (where Pt. Nehru lived as Prime Minister) and at Parliament.
Children follow all the footsteps of Pandit Nehru to be like him.

Importance of Education Essay 3 (200 words)

Education is very important tool for everyone to succeed in life and get something different. It helps a
lot in lessening the challenges of life difficult life. Knowledge gained throughout the education period
enables each and every individual confident about their life. It opens various doors to the opportunities
of achieving better prospects in life so promotes career growth. Many awareness programmes has
been run by the government in enhance the value of education in rural areas. It brings feeling of
equality among all people in the society and promotes growth and development of the country.
Education plays a paramount role in the modern technological world. Now-a-days, there are many
ways to enhance the education level. The whole criteria of education have been changed now. We can
study through the distance learning programmes after the 12 th standard together with the job.
Education is not so costly, anyone one with less money may study continuously. We can get admission
in the big and popular universities with fewer fees through the distance learning. Other small training
institutes are providing education to enhance the skill level in particular field.

Discipline Essay 3 (200 words)

Discipline is the right way of doing things in well behaved manner. It needs a control over the mind and
body. Somebody has natural property of self-discipline however somebody has to develop it inside
them. Discipline is the ability to control on the feeling and do right thing at right time as well as
overcome the weaknesses. Life without discipline is incomplete and unsuccessful. We need to follow
some rules by respecting our elders and seniors.
It is very necessary tool for everyone in every walk of life whether at home, office, playground or other
place. Our daily lives would become unorganized if we do not follow the discipline. Everything in this
world has discipline and organized by the discipline. Air, water and land give us the way to live life. The
whole world, country, society, community, etc would become disorganized without discipline as
everything needs discipline. Discipline is the nature which exists in everything made by the nature.

Necessity is the mother of Invention

Meaning: The meaning of the proverb Necessity is the mother of invention is that when we stand
in dire need of a thing, we can never rest satisfied until we get it. We strain every nerve to have it, as if
some inward force were compelling us to act. Most of the great and good things of the world are the
products of divine discontent in the mind of man.
When a man feels the pinch of hunger, it cannot be said that his want is trifling; it is then a pressing
want, for unless it is satisfied, he will die or starvation.
When human wants becomes necessity, it impel a man to action. It is to remove
want that he works. This want may be of various degrees. It may be trivial or it may be pressing.
All the articles we use in our daily life are the products of mans endeavor to get what becomes a
necessity for him. Human need makes an article a necessity. Even luxuries have been invented to
remove some sort of want, want of ease and comfort. Without the want of money no one would strive
to be rich and without feeling the bitterness of cold, no one would exert himself to make clothes for
covering the body.
Necessity makes us bold, hardy and adventurous. The present greatness of Great Britain
is primarily due to this fact. Britain, being an island cut off from the rest of Europe, has to depend even
for foodstuff on other countries. So, the Britishers are compelled to go abroad. They would have
remained confined within their own land, had they found their country self-sufficient. It is Britains wants
that had sent her sons all over the world, and the result was that they had established supremacy over
a large portion of the globe.
Necessity compels us to get into activity: Instances showing how people have, out of dire
necessity, invented things are not rare. Greenland is covered with perpetual snow, and at no time of
the year does the snow melt away or disappear completely. No wood or other material is available
there for the construction of a house; but still the people there have built houses with solid masses of
snow and live comfortably in them. It is the dire necessity of protecting themselves against the intense
cold outside that has led them to build houses with ice.

Childhood is the happiest time in a persons life.

It is a common saying that childhood is the most marvelous period in our lives. The
more we become a mature person the more we reminisce about the life we had
when we were a child. Only after many years people can truly appreciate their

I personally agree with this statement. Firstly, a child is more open to the world.
He/she has a clear mind and perceives surrounding environment in a better way.
He/she does not need any special reasons for being happy, even the view of a flower
or a tasty candy can put smile on his face. Therefore, he enjoys every single
moment of life. Moreover, he/she doesnt depend on any stereotypes and hasnt got
acquainted with lies yet, thus he/she sincerely expresses his/her feelings and
Secondly, this is the time of explorations and discoveries and every day is full of
something unknown. That is why at this stage children ask millions of questions.
They havent lost the interest for life and taken away adventures and experiments
yet. Likewise children dont have many worries and responsibilities as a result
stress is just a word which they hear quite often from adults but still have no clue
what it means.
In summary, childhood is something we will never get back because we cant turn
back time. It must be obvious that it is the only period when we can make friends
right after playing together and this friendship will never be cheated. It is the time
when a person can be who he/she is without any pretending. Hence, isnt that

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