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My name is Isher Imtiaz Hasan. I have completed my

Ordinary levels in 2013 from Bangladesh International
Tutorial with eight subjects and I completed my Advanced
levels in 2015 in which I had three subjects. I did my
Advanced levels from Mastermind English Medium School.
I had developed an interest of pursuing a career in
engineering at a very young age. I was always fascinated
with learning about the things which we use in our day to
day lives, and most of these things are designed or
invented by engineers. So if I study this course in
engineering I will not only be learning about these things
which are very important in our lives, I will also be able to
make new types of things which might help us in the
future. And hence I decided to study this course.
The subjects I had in my O and A levels helped me build a
good foundation for the subjects I will be studying in this
course. Physics, for example, has topics like mechanics
and fluids which are the basic topics in mechanical
engineering. A large portion of engineering is about
solving mathematical problems and so the things I
learned in math from my A level will help me in this

After completion of the course I plan on coming back to

my country. There are high job prospects in my country
for engineers and a degree from a well reputed institute
will certainly make it easier for me to get a job. I can also
get employment in many international firms at other
developed countries like Japan or Germany. And a few
years after, when I get some experience in the job sector,
I will take a Masters degree, so as to progress in my
career even further.
I have selected the University of Wollongong to undertake
my studies. This university is one of the top ranked and
highly reputed universities in Australia and also in the
world. The facilities for my course in this university are
excellent and also suit my needs. I also applied to
Macquarie University and Victoria University. Macquarie
University is better ranked than University of Wollongong,
but I chose University of Wollongong over Macquarie
University because of its affordable tuition fee, the tuition
fee is higher for the Macquarie University, and also its
location. I did not choose Victoria University because it is
not as well ranked or reputed as University of
There are universities in my country which offers this
course but I decided to study from Australia because of
the very high quality of education in the Australian
universities. Australia also has a reputation for adopting
new technologies at a faster rate than in most other
countries. Australian qualifications are recognized by
employers in many countries around the world. And

Australia is a safe, multicultural, friendly and harmonious

I would also like to say that my father, who is sponsoring
me, has sufficient funds to support me for this course.

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