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This refers to the article 'Eat now, or wait for the cease-fire?' (ET, Sept 13). As pointed out by Swaminathan S
Anklesaria Aiyar the world has learnt to live with terrorism, treating it like any other accident. As evil cannot be
completely eradicated, terrorism too may not be completely eliminated. But it could be contained and many
preventive and protective actions could be taken. Having mere power is not enough. We should be able to use it to
attack poverty and destroy it. A Jacob Sahayam ...

Understanding the poverty line

October 15, 2011 | Amitabh Kundu

The popular outrage over the official definition of poverty at abysmally low levels of daily income, of Rs 26 in rural
areas and Rs 32 in urban areas, assumes the state will deny basic services to a household whose income is above
the figure. This is totally erroneous. There is no mechanism in the hands of the government to ascertain income or
expenditure to identify the 'poor' on the ground. The poverty data generated at aggregative level is only useful for
intergovernmental transfers or...

Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to
see a doctor. Poverty is not being able to go to school, not knowing how to read, not
being able to speak properly. Poverty is not having a job, fear for the future and living
one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water.
Poverty Is powerlessness, lack of freedom
Poverty has many faces, changing from place to place and across time, and has been
described in many ways. Most often poverty is a situation people want to escape. So
poverty is a call to action - for the poor and the wealthy alike - a call to change the world
so that many more may have enough to eat, adequate shelter, access to education and
protection from violence.
Unfortunately, poverty is often an invisible problem. The voices of the poor are seldom
heard. And what makes me feel like writing about poverty is the unwillingness of our
society to deal with this preventable problem and how politicians who rule the country
pretend that poverty is simply a given human existence - a force of nature - unstoppable
and eternal.

In fact what makes a good life? Material and physical well-being, security, freedom of
choice and action - the very things that bring joy to human existence, all make a good
life. It is living healthy and peaceful lives in love with no hunger; no worrying about the
future of children that brings the principal pleasures of everyday life.
Physical health, strength and appearance are of great importance to the poor. The body
is poor people's main asset, but one with no insurance. If it deteriorates, hunger and
destitution hover at the doorstep. Shortage of food and sickness not only cause pain,
they weaken and devalue the asset, make a person highly vulnerable. Illness can
plunge a household into destitution. Anguish and grief over watching loved ones die
because of lack of money for health care is a silent cry.

Terrorism is the process unfair and violent activities performed by the group of trained people called
terrorists. There is only one boss who gives strict orders to the group to perform particular activity in
any ways. They want money, power and publicity for the fulfilment of their unfair ideas. In such
conditions, it is media which really helps to spread the news about terrorism in the society of any
nation. Group of terrorist also take support of the media by especially contacting them to let them
know about their plan, ideas and goals.
Various groups of the terrorists are named according to their aims and objectives. Acts of terrorism
affects the human mind to a great extent and makes people so fear that they fear to go outside from
their own home. They think that there is terror everywhere outside the home in the crowd like railway
station, temple, social event, national event and so many. Terrorists want to spread terror within
specific area of high population in order to publicize for their act as well as rule on peoples mind.

Some recent act of terrorism are 9/11 attacks on the U.S. and 26/11 attack in India. It has affected
the financial status and humanity to a great extent.
In order to reduce the terror and effect of terrorism from the nation, a tight security arrangement is
done on the order of government. All the places which are crowded because of any reasons like
social programmes, national events like Republic day, Independence Day, temple and etc. Each and
every person has to follow the rules of security arrangement and has to pass from the automatic
machine of full body scanner. Using such machines, security get help in detecting the presence of
terrorists. Even after arrangement of such tight security, we are still unable to make it effective
against the terrorism.
Our country is spending lots of money every year to fight against the terrorism as well as remove the
terrorist group. However, it is still growing like a disease as new terrorists are getting trained on daily
basis. They are very common people like us but they are trained to complete some unfair act and
forced to fight against their one society, family and country. They are so trained that they never
compromise their life, they are always ready to finish their life while fighting. As an Indian citizen, we
all are highly responsible to stop the terrorism and it can be stopped only when we never come into
the greedy talk of some bad and frustrated people.

By the word corruption we mean that any act done by unfair means. Corruption may also be
defined as illegal bribe which is received for doing some work for some body. In the society of
man, where everything or any action is done in an unfair manner, corruption becomes a curse. It
is such a practice that it eats up the fabric of the society.
Corruption in its wider sense has always been there at all times. There has only been a difference
of degree. In monarchies the kings favour is necessary to get things done. Now-a-days, it has
been observed that if the head of the department is not fair the whole department is involved in
corrupt practices. It is said power corrupts man. Whenever a man has power to do something

which the other men need, the doer takes some benefit out of it. As long as this benefit is
sanctioned by social laws and moral codes, it is all right. Beyond that it becomes corruption.
Corruption also flourishes through flattery.
In Pakistan today, the position is very bad. The devil of corruption is reigning every field of
national activity. The unfair practice is so rampant that a common man feels frustrated. In his
disgust he exclaims that corruption is a Curse. It has stolen our peace of mind.
The condition of government offices is very deplorable. Police, railways and transport are the
departments, which are supposed to be the servants of the people. But you can not expect a slight
action in any of these departments without spending illegal money. An honest man cannot even
get a seat in a railway train without having to offer a bribe. It is said that the paper moves only
when some silver weight is put on it. There are many such departments where corruption has
become a norm of their life. It has gone deep down in their flesh. They cannot think without
unfair money. It is no more unfair. It has become their right.
It is clear that unless the trend is checked, the country cannot make any progress. It cannot
achieve the goal of prosperity and self-reliance.
It is high time that the Government should rise to the occasion and take a bold step to discard and
uproot its forces, before it becomes too late for us. This is a great challenge to all members of a
good society. The long-term solution of this problem lies in the building of a sound national
character. For this purpose we should change the entire system of education. We should make our
education ethical, moral and patriotic. Besides this we shall have to make use of all means of
propaganda viz., the press, publications, the radio and the television to achieve this goal. We
shall have to create an atmosphere where honesty is appreciated and rewarded. These are some
of the steps which can effectively root out this evil.

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