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RU Teacher Education Lesson Plan Format

Candidate Name:

Taylor Franklin


10/18/2015 Grade Level:

Lesson Title/Topic: Counting

Standards: Numbers and Number Sense
B). Count a group of five to ten objects by touching each object as it is
counted and saying the correct number (one-to-one correspondence).
Specific Observable Objective(s): If students can count and touch each object
without skipping a number or object.
Essential Vocabulary: Counting- to touch each object and say the correct number
Assessment: Teacher will watch and listen to the students touch each object and
count out loud, when students are done the teacher will understand who
understands the objective.
Student Considerations: Students who are having trouble counting can start with
a smaller number of beads and work their way up when they are ready.
Instructional Resources, Materials, and Technology: pipe cleaners, foam
beads, paper, markers, glue
The Beginning (a.k.a. Anticipatory Set): (1 min) Teacher will explain
to the student how to use the pipe cleaners, each pipe cleaner has a
number at the top of it, and the student is to read the number then
place the same amount of beads onto that pipe cleaner.
The Middle: (10 min) students will place beads on each of the pipe
cleaners according to the number at the top, the student will then lay
the pipe cleaner down and count by placing their finger on each bead
and moving to the next one counting out loud (1,2,3)
The End (a.k.a. Closing): (2 min)The student will then tell the teacher
how many beads are on each of the pipe cleans and demonstrate how
to count one of the amount of beads on the cleaners.

Teacher Reflection on Practice (following the lesson):

1. What evidence did you collect to show your students attained todays
objective(s)? Please explain how you know which students did and did not
master your objectives. Use formative assessment data to support your claims
regarding the portion of students who did and did not master the learning
objective(s). Some students had trouble with skipping an object or skipping a
number while counting, however a few students could count each of the
beads without a problem.
2. Based on the result of your assessment, what will you do tomorrow? Can you
go ahead as planned or will you need to reteach concepts from todays
lesson? (Explain how you will reteach and/or connect and feed forward.) I will
have just the beads on the table and ask them to try and sort them into
groups based on the shape, then I will ask the students to try and count them,
this will form larger groups of numbers for them to count, for students that
had trouble I will have them do smaller groups.
3. If you have to teach this lesson again, what might you do the same and what
might you do differently? I would use different beads because the ones I used
were hard for the students to put on the pipe cleaner.

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