Está en la página 1de 37

' 41o1

-, L tM f .-
'' s"-+ t!- " - e{a- f r:

In many communicationssystenN, it is often We will analyzewirc systemswhich
necessary to: inierconnect points that are havepropcriicsth.ricanaffectsignalcharac-
lome .li'lrlltc apan from each olhcr. The {eristics.Thediscussion will beginwith fur-
',n ionnectionbetweena transmittcrand its an- damentals andgoonto studysuchpropcrties
renna is a lypicale\amfleol this. Iflhc tre- 'asthe chancteristit impeddnoeof transmis-
quencyis high enough.such a distancemay sior lines.The Smiti cfidrtand its applica-
\rell becomean appreciablefrallion of lhc iionswill bestudicdnextandexamples given
wavclcngLh bcing propagared.It rhen be- of the many problems that canbesolvedwiih
comes necessary ro considerthc Propertiesof its aid. Finally,ihechapterlooksat thevari
' the inierconnectilgwircs, sincc thcse no ous hAnsrnission-line components in com-
longeibehaveas short circuits. It will bocomc mon use, notabfystlrs, ilircctional cauplerc
elidenlthal the site, separationand general and balatrce-to-unfufurncetronsformers
layour of tfie sysremof rviresbecomessignifi- (baluns).
caniunder theseconditions.

{lpan Nory etitlgrht nuterial in Chatter 7, the studehtt,ill he uble to:
Underotondthc thcory of tranlnrissionlines in general.
Calculatethe charactedstic impedance of a transmission line.
Defin€the terhs rranrlirg wayer, standing-wawrntio (SWR),andnotnelizdtiohol

Determincthe requirctnenlsfor impedance matching.

Analyzelhe prope(iesof impedancematchingstubs.
Becomelhmillar with thc Smith charl and its use.

lines(in the conlextofthis book)irc considered
to be inrpedance-match-
designed to deliverpower(RF) frorn thc transnitterto the antenna,and
moiimumsignalfrort the antennaio the receivcr.From sucha broaddefinirion,any

coMt lllNICAltON StSTtn{S

n ,) co .qr lln b a :n .e r ic 1r ) fi ire rr l L3i nl ed, ,e

l ' XC tJ R Ii7 -l ' l ra n s mi s $i {,n l i n.s.

slstenroj lvirescan be consjdered as lornrnrgoneor lnore llar$issim hres. ti Lhe

pfoperties of theseirresmustbetaker intoaacornt.tlrelinesnighr aswcll b{:araDged
lll somcsirnple,constanrpar{crn.This llill nrakethe propLyrics mucheasiofto catcu:
lalc. andir will alsomakerhcn con(antlbr anytypeofrransmissi{nr tine.Alt pmcLical
transmission lincs arc arr ngcdin solncuniformpatLern.This sinrpljfiescalcularions,
ruduic,r(,.,LdndurJf.r.rr -r'n\cniuJr

7"1,l Fundanrentals of Troflsmission Lines

Thcrcarctwo typcsol coDrnronly uscdtransmisxion lincs. t hc pa rllel-wirc(ba,uuceql
line is slrownin Figurc7-lb, and thc coaxialfunbalanccd) line in Figurc7-td.
The p4rullel-wireline is employedwhcrcbalanoed propcflicsAlerequiredr for
jn$tance. io connecting a foldcd-dinlc antennn lo a TV rcccivcrof I rr]or?ri.ranrenna
to an IIF transmitter.The coaxialline is l|scdwhenunbalmccdprcpetiesarcneedcd,
as in tbe interconnectioD ol A broadcast h.ansmitter lo itri groundedantenn&. Ttis aho
emphyod.alUHF andmicrowavcl'rcquencies, to avoidtherisk ol radiatio0fromLhe
tran$mi$sion line it$clf.
A)ry systemof conductors is likell lo rldirle RF euergyil thoc(nrductor sepam.
tionappr(raches a half-vr'avelengthat theoperutingifequency.This is iar nro|cIiketyr0
occurin a parallel-wirclinethanin a coaxiallire, whoseoutcroonducn)r suuounds tho

or coaxiallincsore!sed. (lctcndiogon rhercquirenrcnts

CHz, cithof wavcguidcs r
whcrcaswavcguidcsarcnol nonnallyusodbcbw 1 GHz,rnd coa)dallircs
arenot nonnally sedabovelB CHz

DescriptioD Within eachbrcad grorpingor type o1 tr.$s:nissionlmc thcreis m

astonishingvariely of dillcrcrt kinds, dictatedby variousapflicatjons.A bro{se
drough a manulaclurcr'scal.Llogwill graphicallyillustratethis point. It irvatirb
shows,as docs T,thle 7l for a numberof hres. the differentlbrms of linesI
(ogcLh$with thcir chaructcristics,
conncctors. ralnrgsaudapplicrtions.f-irieirnii
rigid or ilc/-iblc, aif spa.od of filled wirh (li crcnLdiclcc{fics. with smo{)rhor co
galed conductorsas lhe .:ircunrsraoces r narrt. DjffercnL dinnrelersand pro|)crtl.sar
I|ril.:Jr{ ll5lCi, !i,l3S i87

i-:n4 lafliri !,.)tnrrrrs:

g4:L1'l !'"t!+ larlllli{'n
':l'll'"; ,. ',,,
ir:*;: 1;t:
l!"; l

trlnsrnissur linct. If the

.'. r]i'
R| .i]r n i]i!

might rs wcll bc xn lnged

'ties mLrchcxsrcr1o calcu- 16] I njil] <
r:, l ,,i ,rr
rmissnr Inre.All tractical
ris sill]plifies calcuLrl;ons, t,',1
" ..."1""'^ 1,r " " .,.t
]l !..r [ih fr"E
! 'r l

I ' " i "' " ,' " l\r {tr,!! fLN

;;l lillrirlr
l {r l i d l n i f! i , ,
' i rl rs
,rii,r.. ,, ]
r( 57AiL 15! , i"r,:-* I
reparallefwirc (balanced)
) lire in ligurc 7-la. -- i!!tl !r!r!l!l!'l ,,.llliil.r.,-,,rr,,.
:ivcr or a /lrn?ri( antennu
i ,ij
cedproporlicsarcnocdcd, ldnrf' onicrlryL,
oundedantenla.It is also
risl(ol radintimfrom the rMritrtrtri fu(|!fr:Y lr l51rMlli

gy jftho conductor scpAra'

,. This i$ frr m(nclil(clyt0 alsodvril blc lrlexil)lc linesnuy ho nx'l.C, u)nveirien(thllnrigidones,sincolhcymay
gufrcund$ bc bc|r ro li)liow nny h.r-oul and lrc much easicf () slowondlfl$sPorl.Rigjd
cr conductor thc
are neverusedfor micro- cublescrn gcnefrJly c:ur! rruch
'rhyrjcal hi.11hcr powcr!. d it is casiorto nr0l(cther air_
Jiolcclficfaiherthan lill(d wilh r solid ^
diclcclric Thi$ (nrsidcralion is inrportlt,
esrp to atleastlB (itlz. J(
rncy linitalions.lrromthe cflrccixllylin high powofs, sincc ll $olid diclcftrics
hnve sigrrilicr|lt]yhigluflosses
cDcy;below aboutI GHz, p
thADair, licultul) ru iequencies rrc inlrcasod
ly large.BeiweenI and1li Rigid codxinlr|iFdiclectficlinescorrsistol i.tnirner andouto coDdtrclor wilh
g on thc requircments and sp !cr$ ol'low-lossdiclcclric riopalllir)A thc 1wocvcry lcw centi elcrs Thele rnuy he
,! I CHz,andcorxixllincs r shcrrhannrodlhc Dulcf couducn)r'10 Pre\,ent cofrori(nl. bul lhis is not alwtlyslhc
carc.A Ilcxihlerir'diclccnic crblcgorrcrally haxcor rglrtio|ls in bolhthcin crrndthc
outefconduor,l1nniingrr ighl angLr to iG lcnglh.r0d l sfirll ol'didcctrifDrrlerid
$missi0nline thcrrcis an
s appljcations.A h,rowse 'ihe powcrh!ll(llitgrbilily ot I rfirrtsrui!rsi()nlinr is lirtitedb) the lla nNcr
e this ponl|. ll irvaridbly L|c uon(l!flors
dir{,rnccLje(\\,ccn due to 1r
high-\ollagc gfrdjcrrttxerrltngdowr in the
fereni lbr s of lines aDd (liele.rriic.
Ir dr:|o s .rn 1lr.lyl)c ol dicleclricrn lefirl u$d. rs wcll rt Lhcdillancc
pplicatnrns.Linesnay be betwecn Lhoconduclors lin lhchigh po*er.rblc$ enrplo)ed nxrogen
in tmlrslrriliois
cs, wilh smoolbor corru' I undcrp.csr!fc roaybc rsedio lill lhc c.LblcrDd rcducc llishover' sinceoitrl)gc!is less
i reicLive ihanLheoxygcnconrponent olnir. corrl)sn,n
is reduced xs well l)rva'rn der
;metersrDdpr()rcrtres arc " !

|IGURE 7-2 Gcternt e{iuit:rlen{circuit of transdission

powettrarNmitted is
nressure is rlv) use{las a mcansol keepingout ruoistureAs thc
dimensions of lho cable For exa ple' rigid
i'."t""t"a- .*, n",f''" crcss-seclional
- with an outerdimrete' of22 5 m.hasa peakpowe-r
oir"fJ*"t i.
"o*inl "oppercable
lhis n. reJ.c'ro 400 L$,cr :,noL'rcr'iurncte ol 8n mm rrd lo i
.ri'."., of l"
(\lt inDcr
rlre. d]l ti:'k
Irfu'tor n zr0-rrnrourerJiomLlcr'tr will bc 'hown ":':i
of All lne
ofongtitt ttt" outerdiametel,Loensureaconsta|tva]ue
(onJr'clorhas L cerlrin lengthmJ
Eouilalrnt circuil repres(nlstion 5inic cach
Jin"tlr,-ii*ill n*" andan i,ductanocsinc€thcrearctwo wirescloseto'
^.sistarcc wires are sepratedbye'
eachother. therc will be capacitalccbetwccnthcm' The
."afrt tlle diettictt'ic'l\'hich cannotbc perlectin its insulation;the cuftnt
i.lrf."r" t'tt usl i,."n t'. reFrc'ented b) J JrunLc!'ndu'lxnccThc fcsrhingcqLri\alml
7'2 Norclhdt lll lhe quanliLies jhcwn areProportronalm.
circuij is a' "hor n ln Figure
'ii,l*i'"iil"-ii"", '"
irl" measurer)
nrtuntess ani quatett pet unittensth' theJ |te
u"ou"n.ies,lheinduclive reactance largerthanthe
is n''uch
*"-.ip,""ce is alsomuchlarger
C-n*i u" ignn'.a.''."rhinsin a liDethatis con'idered ii
cjrcuitis simplifi€d
i"t fr *lcu;dons) Theequivalent
L, R, c ' (nd G' shownin Filllres
'"u'" 'nui ,, ,u nurru,hatthequuntities .7
7-3, arc al.lmeasut.dPar unil length'e 8 ' per metu, becautelhq' I
throuShout the langthof.theLine
tni in". fnaf ire nu: rlisiihuted
cir"ir"ton"u" be $sumed to be lufiped t an) one poinl'

7-1.2Characteristic musthavean mpu
nnfclt.uir' oi 'cricsanJshunt i nroedaDcts
i;J;:'iliffiil:iii;:,"'iil'ilii;;.il;;irr-o"iJ*,r'..,jp. o'ti
at thclar end.To simpljlydescdpijon

RF equiv'lent ciruuit'
FIGURtr 7'3 Transnrission"linc
rl'- '-1."1Lr.-L, N I lr.I-rSl{19


2 2'

_riIC !_ri{I

j|i .crlriD nmd.rif. sn)rplc d orisil! rrinrilu.ii)]. roirdiiionsi!

!rp:.i.rir.e Lrirdcr:
te poqri iiansinrue0$
rle. lror cxxlnplt. ngltl th. !ctetr)cerffl's callodtl)e,trdra,1.,i!ri nipr./dt,t(,ri ihri
5 mrn hxs I P':aliPowc'
,i.lilititri tlt. thttttl!tisti( inD.tltrlLt tl Lthdtinnit.\x)i litt -.,. i! 1tu'il ldtlttt
,rcf of lll ln', rnd to i in!tsttftd dl thr i)ryut/l thi\ litr'r'|t.i it! ltj!1!lt i! irt4"ir.. tirrdcrthosccoirlitionsthe
inner dianeter nlrst be ly|,e of lcf|niratil)nat the laf cndhasno cffcct,andcor$rxlucnll)i! noi nreolioed ir)
e o{ ,tll linePl)lerties the dcfiniti0n.

MielhDdso{ c?lautr.rtkrnli crlr now be slrwn thal the ctriacrerlsticiNpcdrDccof r

as a certrin lcnglha d li e will irr nrcasurcd at it\ inputwhenthe linc is tuminnod :rt thi. far eod jn arl
r€ ar.eiwo vircs chset{r (Zir
bl r irnpedaflce cqufllIo Z0 - Zodmirxpoweflrnslbr). no natler whallenlth tlr lrnc
'ires ire soPAraied has.This is rmporirnL. f,ecase$uola siturtionis frr easicrio rrilrodtr(clor nlorsure-
s irGullrtio]l;tirc cun€nt
cquilderl nronrpurposcrLh n a line of irlinitc length.
The lcsiulliD!. tf a linc hashfinitc longlh,all ihe powcfl0rl inlo il will br:-tr$(n$ccl.Ir should
how anj PrcPortional lo
theJ at! be hirly obviousthat or ono movesowry liom thc input. voltllgornd culnrnl will
cr ulit l(ni:th' (lecro"rsc ibnS the line. its a resultol thc volLagedrofisircrosstlre ifidu0lanfcarrd
cu,.|entkr l(l|gcthrcughthecapaciluncc. Fromthemeaningof infi it],,thepojntsL'-2'
lar!.orthantheresislancs of FigurcT-4 roiustaslarfronrihefarendofthislineaslhepointsl-2:fhusthe
conduclance BodlR and
imlcdAnccsccrrrt l'-2' (looliingrc the righ0 is also20, althoughthe culYentu d
lossle$s (As a {crY gooo
Dr voltrjgourc k)worLhrnrt l-2. Wc ca0tirussaythxl thc irpui tcnnioalsseea pieceol
ls simPliiicd slrown
linc uf to l'-2', litl{)wcdby a cirouitwhichhnsthoinpulin1!€dance eq al to 20. It
quitcobviou$h,.k)cs nol mattsrwhatthe circuitto thc rightol l'-2'consrstsol,
7'2 t)nd
sh,)ttt1in Ft\tn s pfolidod Lhatit hlis n input inpcdanceeqLrnlto rhc ch rdcrofis(icimpedance of the
lh,\' ,a.t 'tvtindrcrtt)
lr1c.Zr \fillh( ukn\urul I theitlputt)ld tfnt,.]|ai$ionlin! il th( atnt) t it llrminuted
^e UnLlotto
Bth 'l tfu litL ;n 20. Undcrlhc$cconditionsZ0 is considcred puxily rgsidivc
)nc poi It filllows from filier theorylhal thc characreristic imlcdanccof a ilerative
orfcnrloon$isting of sc cs .lnd $hrnl elenrenlsis givenby
2,,= \7 {7'l)
lil,lll"'li. whcrcZ = $critrsirDpednnce pcr snlion
= /l +Jd,l ((Iiflr herc)and i$ the lerie$ lnpedrnce
| .= shunlrdnri anccpcr scdi0n
C ."a'\n shunlrdr)itranccpef unrl

. 7.t\-\l!l!yL
\ (; + io(._
i9{} ELra'fROllIC aol'tltliLr:'iia,I.Ila)ll 51-STEI1S


al(:liitE 7S i ur*nissior]lin. {conr(t,-l.

s ro r l i n e nrxt b..ol rrpl .x. N ri Lli D dccdi t !.r\ oti ," Iri s esl { ci l l l r- | r l nr c com r n0nici-
rions. j.c . t.lctLro|J rt \oic. frcqncnci$. tudlo |equencics thL:.csisiivecornpG
n c l l tso fthe oqul !.tl entci fc j t be()me nrsi :rrri xnf the e).| ncssr(ji) r Z0r cduccL
^t l j crnr.

1-is ensur.din honrystol nrelerxrd a in f.udr l)!r rretef;rt lbllowstlrii

Equati(rr (7-3) sirows thc chllrtulcristjc imp.dal)ceof Lrie in olrnls,nd ls .li cnsiolr-
cor]ect. lr als,, shows thal tiris (,drrkk:ri.\tit it)rt1r'hnL( t(siniv'.tt tftlio ltN- :
Physic,rlll,ch ftLcteristic ir)\xrdanceis detefrnincdby the AeoDrelry,sircand
splcing ol dre conducLors, lnLl hy llle dielcclricconstmtol lho insulatortcparati
thefir. lr |nlJ be cllcuh(cd lRnr thc li)llowing lbrrnllas, thc vrrioustcrns lraving
nL\.i.lIr!s.,\ \l''1$rr In Fi"rre - 5
lin thc p.r'lrllel-wirclire, wc hrvc

zt,- 216k'g+ t1 (:1-4)

f-orthecoaxirlline, Lhisis
l:18 t) (7.s)
Zt= \l
wheleI = diclcclricconsLnl of lhc insuhii0n.
No|cthatlhefigurc138is cqurllo l20rrr. $lrercl20?r= 37?0 isthcimped-
rrre oI lrcc st :e, md ? is the brsc ol the nrtural log{rithnrsyslem:276 is 2 x 138
gqurlion(7:l) rpperrs$ takero accoLrrl ol lLrcdiclectric const.rnr01$c
nrsula{in8 mrLc rl. Ihis is becauseihe Nrrefi l is vcfy olicn dir fbf frm llcl-wirclines;
rnd its ilicleclficconsrrnris rnity The lbilirlr tbr iheZo oi Lrh,tllLlced linc rvithsolld
diclectticis rlnnsr iclcnLic.rl.cj(ccptthit tlc 1ircttefm bccomos176/Vt.
nngc o1 chrt,rcrsfi stiicnrl )!daD coil br bal rnccdl i ncsis 150t o 600
T lrc rLsnat
0 , rn L l,{0 1o 150O l of corx l l i ncs. bol b bci ng l i l D i l fd by rhci f gcorr elr y''f his, ?s
well rs lhc mo(h(Jdol Lrsln!rbe charlrclcfisticiurpodancclinnrulns. will be sho$nrnlr!
next thrlc cxrmples. r ii i

[R nN S I\,l i S S 10NI iNES n91

F r !M . l tr ' -l \ { h' i, , '

' 'r r
..l . . ,r.l o, .
ihc diiN.tcr oi thc ,nn.r i,nduckn i\ 1)JS'1nnn rnd rhe diclcdri. .on(ldl of t
nrsulallo.n I 23, rvhrt is rhc .uler en d.L{trdirnr.rer?

zt:' la
I o .. |,l .l
: impcdlirce 0l .r lmrsurs.
)cidll in line conlmunin 133. 1)
21,- roe ,
rcie! llrc rc!'rtrvs cornpo. ti
i exPr.ssrlr lor 70 red ccr 1) 1-= ll: Lrsr
-. ll\ \ I i8 \ 2.21
( i . 1 5 7: 3 . 1 7 N r
Dr D : l r L i l o g 0 . 8 l - l ) . 5 1 t 4) i

js lhe Di.iiium ulue lhal Lle.hrrrctcfisiic inrPodrtrccoirr

ilXAMPLIl T"2 Whrl
(7.3) aifrlielcctric t.rallcl-{i''e lifle drld have?

per moGr;jl lbllowsthd sor,uTl{lN

in ohnr$andis dnnension. Mirrimu i p(lr]cr: silloccorwhcn 2si./ is alsonrnrnnu,n.rnd Ihis is rcrchc(lwhei
:t it ti.istir? dt tadio fte. 6c LBo$jfcs ol Figrnj 7'5d i0s1urh [t ii lher seeothrt r - /. so thaLw0 htrlc
z i .i i i = t76 l oa: r I * 216 x 0.3010' 83 rl
by the reometry,size
of rhc insula(orsepamtiDg
the v fi(ms tern$ havjrg EXAN{I'LD 7'3 A corxialcublc,hrving aniL!rerdiaLrercr of0 025 rn]Drrd usiug1'1
iisula(tr with a diclcctricconstunL
oi 2.56, is to hrve ! clmmctcrisLicimPdnroc of
2000l). Wh0t rnrsr bc the oulercondLrdor dianreLc

D Zt j ,(:' n t .(
' t-t l 1h\t t-,8v:50 - l ]^
= 23.1884
x l 0:rrx I 543= t.86 x l 0: nnn
/) = r/x rnri tog23.t8tj 4= 0.025
= 3.86x 10,i km
Ln6 . t0' _^-
9.44 l ft '
z0rr= 377O is thcimped-
m syslcmr 276is 2 x 138 A lighl-yc|r, rs Lhc fle !u8!esls,is thc disLmcccolcrcd by lighl irr I ycu dl a
lclocil] o1300,01)0 kd pcrsccord Tllc figurcoi 409 lighrlcurs is Alnoslexrcily L0t)
dieledric constantoi tlrc liDrcsrhc distDcc 1)frlr nc^rcslsl! (Pfoxina CcntNri) frcn Llresolar.qysrcnr, rnll
r air tbf parallcl-wirc l h i sc x rDfl c r csto showeoncl rsi l clthrl
y dr iinpcd
vfl ueol dA aotcri st jc
ir b.rlancodlinc wilh solid rncc js irn not tossilrlel ^hi gh
romec 276l\4
llancodlinesis 150to 600
y thcn geo etry.Thrs,4s L l a hi gh vrl uc ol ch.l |acreri stiicrntedal cei s nccdc(l i,t i s i een l l rrl t hc r onduc'
mulns,will be slrowrin ihe, to rs u s l b e verys| nal l L(' gi ,l rgei drcl anceperuni tl crgth.Thedj sl nr r cchclwcc
ihem rrrsl be vefy lafgc Lo yickl as stnall a dNnt catrtrihnce Per unrl lcngLhts
llf Er-E(-TRL,i\llc aali4l"iLiNlllr\lirili sYsTEi\is

iro$sihlc Onc .v.rnurll) ruirs oLIt.'fdislllnce. lLtilhc orir.f crd ol ilre sc.r.. the enacr
oppoliLc rpplics Thr( is. b. reeD.ondlrciors beconrc con\eirtcntlysn{ll
i o r.o rx i al i mes f| .i bccomcnntos\i bl ci oi trrxl l ef $i re l i nes,si nccof . r laDingof
c o n d u cl .rsr\r rl doccuri 1 aZrl cssl l i an!3 l ) $ere al l ei Lpl e{ i .

7 -i .f L o l s e s i o ' fra n sE xi ssi oDI-,; es

Trpesoflols.s Thefel]lcthree$ rls in Nh ch .ncrgI.rptliccllo a lrl]nsrnission

rlry bocornedissipatedbeiiJreferchingthe load: nttidtn,t, ( h{alin! ont

Rrdi.ilionlosscso('curI'c(auscr lransNissrmLnenn) actasrn {nteruuifthe

scparrriorr)l llre conducl{)rsis rir rfprcciablclilcrion of a NrleleDgth.Thrsrptlies
nn)rcro tamllcl u'ire lirrs thirorc co^xi l ines l{ ilti(lr k)ssesaredjiTiculL to esti-
nrate.bejngnornrallynrci$uredBthcr thrn calculatcd. Thcy illcrcase\!itlr treqLrcncy
for lny riven tl1nsririssionline. everturll) endurgthrl Inrc's at somehigh
aon.luctorhcalins.or /rR loss. is propor'lional to cuncnt .lnd llrcrcforeiu-
veNell tfopoltiollll 1ocharlrctcris{ic irnped.tnce. It alsoincrcaseswith liqLLcncy,this
linre bcoruscof the .!/.tn.7r( r. DiclcclrichcaLnrg is proportional
io the\ ollrgeacrcss
thc dielectficrnd henceinver$elypr1)por'lional t{) thc charrctcisticimpedance 1bfany
porler !r|nsnittcd. 11ngai|]increaseN with ffeq0ercy(for sdid diclcctdclines)bocause
ol gracluallywoscning |)folerlieswith increasing ffequercylot m] givDndiclectic
modiuln.For r . howrvrx. diclcclrichertiDgrcmainsDegligible.Sjlcc thc hst two
lossesffe f,roporti r0l tl) lcrglh. thoyarl.usurllylumpcdtogctherandgivenby manu-
iirctureNin chnrts,exllrc$sed iu decjbelspel 100metcrs.For praclicnlco,rxiallinesat
I CH/-, thesebsscsvofy flom s nll|chns20C) dB/]00 m for a solid-dicleclric,flcjiible
6-mm line, rc l]s little ns 0.94 clB/100m lbr a rigid, air-dicledric127-mmline.

Veloaity{ilcior The vclocitl of ligbt andall oLherclcclrunngnetic
thcLredium (hrough x
whichthcylrrvcl.l1 isvefyncarlyi lOsntsinov0cuumand
slowerir ll othermcdia.Thc vck)cilyofligfi1in a modiurris givenby

'= \a 11"6J

whcll,r'= vclocityin lhe Dredium

v,.- velocry ol light in a lrcuuln
ol thcnlidiunr(1 llr a vaclllrlnandveryncsrlyI for nir)
,t - dielectricc()Dstanl
Tl\e :lo(ii lAdu ol.t,Jiolect|ic andlbusofa crblc,is thelelocity
rcdlrcli(trrrntio and is lheretinegive by
,1= .li (.7"1)

The diele(ldc .o st rLsol nr.uori.rlscoDrmorly rsed m l|ansmissionlrncsrange

l ohci ty l artorsl l orn 0.9 to 0. 6. Noledlso
l i o ri l rb o rL l .2 Io 2.8. gi vrrg corrcspondi ng
'...' thal sincc v ' /I rnd/is constant.lhc wrvllLrDglhI i'i :rlsorcducedby a mtio cqull t9
E r!:"t'-'
i ;!rl l :i .i rtl r I ! i. . . j13 t ! l: ,

Lncc.Al i i r..rr ilr er eiid o1' r lr i:.;{ ' ,rl e .1 l : !:,' i r.!:i [r!]i ,1.,,.,:-.' .,, i ,. , ! . 'i( , n1) L'
L i r.r.l (J i i i r .rr, f..(r
ncf0n. rii.lJn'enre i. 1 ,, r" .L1i -i Il rr,tn rj l i rl i Lr. i tl rrr ' L' rf,rrsl'ii'1i ir lf
iii , i]
r fof pxfLJi.l \rir liitr. j;rr.t o','erLqi "' ' .,,,.
r,.L r.n {s l fr j r
L ill !) s.i . L r t [ r t t . d. I

tt" e '
i l tI s rrl ,rti n g ,l l ti ,,:rr.t:rl i r ,| .i i ::i tL,) ,rri * i rr,L.., :.:r i ri: , ir . . , . r , , . i.

11rcl .tL d :,l ll1in/ n, ' . ( |, ||k n ,h e r| ..;i ,..' ' ...l J | l | l |
r, l r ' i , l " Li ri !' r | r' ' i l hr !' r' rl )tir 1. 1 lllr ol
.i -. i rrr,i | i ,' rL i .,.:rr,rt,rr' r.i ,rrr r : nlL lr L
i u slr i i o n run nr lr r a. Lr s ir l ru n 1 c ( u f' " ,
i n ble l ]rrri o r L, l r \ r . , oir n! lh . T h i i 't1
,: ,i t(tttl
I lirrs l'.!dirlior l(,rs.s rri diilicLrLr;
n . r lc u l rtd .'i h . )

i rtr" rr,r u l ' u iousi n.l fj ei ol cJ .l l sl s. l hegri i N refi hc,.l l l l i rcn..l \\,.$r l h. |) i! l inr pcd
is |foirortbrll to cu enl rnd thcfd

o nalto rh cch ar ac lc r is t [ inr p c rl 0 n c ;[o U 1 i ts Ie n g th ]L 1 h cIi | !i :i | ()!sl 0l s.0rxr1cduc.cL| 1P 0nenti l | i | \

crc:rsin! J'rcqusicy

n r lilr a | i g i d .1il' - dic |ec t r ic l2 ? .n rd th e Po w e | i !l r.u s | a :| 1 0dbac| {0Il 1b| l hbei w oo| | l ]e
i to l ,j g u ru7 ' 3) l l ri rel ord i ri i )cdnncchrs r vtl ue b.i $,| eD0 u| (l i z,i of I' cl v'. ( : lrZ0 Ur ( l
allot h e | e 1 c lunagnet ic wlvc s d q d ' ' o s c i | | | t]o n s s ti | l ttl l i o p| l C e.Thi sti l nethe.l n,i l U dgd(:c| cl l | t]l
i s vcf ! l ca y 3 x l( ir nt s in a v a c L (j s h trQl ] l h o l i rhrt ol Ll rcl ord i rrl )odnn(cnpprorrch$l Zr'
f lighl i n a n ledir r n is gi\ , enbt i

iI i:'illff,1ffi,.il;il"ll];l,J:;fi:i'1,];"ri.'iliiil::lli
thc rp|lled powcf. lLrc lolllLlrc , d currcirLwtv(s trrvel ro the bril t n spec(lslight t
I lessthanr, dencrLCin! l)n LhcvckJoilyl:t1ctot.ll Z! .'Zr. thc lond lbsotusnll rlre
I rroreis fcfldclcd.Tho(nrlywrlcs thcnprriscfit!ftr lhe !i)lln$) Lndrrrrcnr
ll ./"- is nor cqLr l 1(l2:Lj.rornc powof is rbsofbcd, rnd thc ri\r is rclloclitl. \\t
rnij (husol d crblc,isfh0n$
l | a v c l i n Al rl |l rl i (, rhe l er.ftt.r. l hese l w o sotsoi rrrl cl i n{ w rvcs, l oi fg In of |os't c
tl j fc c l i o n (sl t i 0" (,rI ol phr!L:).rel Lrpr1ri rxcfl efencctl Lrsrrrl rr(N r s rzrrl i/ r ! r Lr t r r
i .e ,l )c rts , r l on! rhr.l i | l e l hi sl s!l ro$' n i n t,i gur: l ' () l u rt \h(nl ci rcri (e dlinc lr is
s e e nl h i rtv a l i .rrdl r vl ,l txA cnfi d.trrcnl rri i rnx(rodcrt :rndn xi D )rr!!ti uddlr s)hr r vc
i connroul) uscdin (r rsmlssidrll

('e rl ,a, l.' J ' r . < ( lb) I l r0 d l ' f \" 1 :" rr' i r" l .'
,t- r i ,.u t r "\i,rl ll r' ! i i sTr-t i

-Jl- I * i- i

i.ii{illl{E 7-i' l,osslcsslii,.lcrnrilatt{i in r sho.(.n(nit

Corsider only the nnrvr (i Lralclingloltagc dnd cLrrert wtrcs lbr Lhc$omenr
Al 1heload. lhe lolt.ige rvill bc zoro rnd the cuNnt I n.rxi unr bccauscLhcl{)adiia
slnrl cinaril. Note thrt {lre.nrelt hrt r llnitc vrlLresjnc.:thc line hls an lnr|cdanceAr
Lhxtinsilnl o1 lirnc. rhe sanreconditn)|s dso applv rl I loinl exrcUy onc w vclength
on the gcncnl sdc of lhe lord, and so on. The crrront at the lo it tdwaysa
nraxirnLtnl, rlthough Llrcsize of ihit m|rirnurrr varies pcriodioallywilh limc. sirrcethe
:,l i p l r .l u r\c r' i r..r- i ' 1.' 1.
The rcflcctioo lhll trkcs phcc rl thc sln)rl cirtuit rtfccls hoth vollagea0d
current. "fhrr cur'rcnl now shrts lrLt\cling bflck ro thc gcner0br. uDchangedin phNc
(scrie$ circuil thcory), b 1 t/r( roltttt( i! r(llqttrl r'r, o lu0" lfta.r. r{,'(,'vl. At i ,
poinr exaotly a quatcf-\ralelength f|.()n thc load lhe curcnL is /rlrolrdt4 zero(as
sho\\,n iD lrigurt ? 6). This is becdlsc tho linward rurd rcllocted cuLrent waves i{e
ex ctly 180' out ol phdsc, as lhc reflectcd $avc hlN hLrd!o truvel a distance of,\/4 +
,\/4 = i/2 fafihcr thrn rlrc lbrwrl(| wavc.'Lhc lwo oirncel. and a cunenl nodc is estab_
Iished. Thc volt^gc $'avc hn$ alv) hncl to travel {n cxtra distanccol ,\/2, but sinceit: I
ondcrwcnl r lljo! pha$c rovcri"rl (n rclleclion. ils ntal Phasechrngc is 360" Rein'
Io i c e n rc nw t i l l trkc tLl ce. fesul l i ngi n a vol ! ge arti nodcrt P rcci scl yLl rosam epoint r s '

A hrll-wavclcngtlr {|rnn ihc loal is I Point 0t u hich thcrc will bc a voltaSezclo l

rnd d currcnLnnxinrunr. fhis lrriscsbcctluscthc Ioflirllld rnd revefsecuncn( wovesars
now ir phrso (currcnt brs had lo rrlvcl t(nal distrrrceof onc wrvelengih to relurn10
th i s p o i n r ). S i mol hrcol Lsl )tho vol trge w rrvesw i l l cdncel ,bcc' tuscl be 1110"
rtvofsri on rclloction nrusr be a.lded 1()lhc oxtl1t disrance rhc rcllected wave hasto
(r'ltvcl.Ail lhcsc condiliolrswill rcl)citl at hrlf-wavclcngth shownh Fjg-
ufc l 6 tjvery Lir e l poinl is.(ltsklered t}rf is )/2 lnrLherfrom the lord Lhansonre'
pfevkrusly considcrcdpoinl. lhc rcflL,cLcd wnvc l\lts hrd io lravcl one wholc wavelengtn
fnrlhef. Thgrclbre il the strnre reluti(nr lo Lhc lbl'w d wave:!s it hfd rt the iiNl

l1 frus( bc e rphrsizedthr{ lhis silurtlion;s |)orrrnent for rny given bad andrs
dorcrnrir)edby iLi such wr!cs nt truly \/r,z/irs wave\. r''ll the noilcs are p.nn,rnenLly
i i \,, . ., .l c t" " Ir, ,. 1 .,1r." ,' l e ,re (un:u i \4.,1\ .,1 ,1. i r, c onJ r ioo'
' .ttl y ' l l cl o:.1r.,r l ' i rr:r ,\" pr r| | Jr l r r rr ' r , ur r ' r r r rrn r' r' r ' n anJ \ u l"gr
Tlr-r,-l'.]sl1ll3sl3r.I n9s

i i 't r r i i o f r t L r r : r - '| l e i : 1 r I 'i e r r : I i r t $ r l 'l 'l r i t _ i /'i i ' //r '

r ilr . iir L! f ! ) is I l L , l r '! i l l 1 . l {: . \ r
t!t. iits! . r ; , . 1 1 t ! , ', t t t i l t i . 't '. r l i . ! ! : r n ' ht: tkttl l ttti
1, , : ' , 11, , , ". i' , , , t t i , , t . , ''; t ; t ') . i
lt lt . \ \ l . t i ! t t l i i l i i ! i \ t i i t t 'l
. lit ) : ) t t i

i:li{} (.ql1t'iil llk itliiti )i )Nl.,rnux tt:tt"t ir !)tiiirN' tut'nt!.i:tle
n o o t tti l i \ttJttn t
, r i' it ir / r dnt , ii. r x i , , i r i n ! r i r i l l . r r t r 'r / l " L 1 " , . q r r r r i ( t 'i t t '. t 1 5 t \ t t k
r '1 l t . t ) t t t . r / ', r t D ihc:l[/Risr n . r su ' o f( h c
; , , r , t r ; u* , n, , , : t , , 'y . t h i . h i . t t t l t l
ill!: l,r.!.1 l|i,l ihc lin.. !td is II}e llist xrrd ll*( ilrlll)ii'tnt qilrnlit}
nri:rnr.n.L bc{*i:
. ir ic r Li. r l{ i loi r p r f i l c u l r r o . r 'l i h o S v , l l t i s c q n r l l t u 0 i r v ( r d e s i m b l e c o r d l r i o n ) $ h cn
U h e n t h c l i n f i s r c n l r i r r l l e l i D t p u f 'r l y r e s i s l i \ e l o r t l th c
1' x lol( l is pe f f . d l y m . r i c h . d
s t r dr t ! \ t r ! t i t t 'o r ! g r t . D t r )

:i\itil . zl)i1.1/. c\rrii - /ir /!i, lwhiclrilcr i\ luryc t? ll)

wlrcn t. is iho Lordfes;s(xrrcc (hal

rcnt waveslbr the nromert Iaiscuikn ary to pot tl)elargcrquanliLrin theDumcrrlorol tlrefiaction $o
is hulf
imun bec usethe loarlis a rherriio uill aiwrrsb. grertofthanl Rcgardoll ol whclhcrtte loadr€sitt'rnce
c lnn his an irnlredrrnce.
Ar a! lrlge or twic,i as larg(,trsth* lire chrrirc(efistlc nnpe(LNncc, lhc rntrool I \'ollagc
)inl cr.rctiyone{ veLengLh n,axin,r,r,,ro a is 2: I . {nd thc dc8r:(rof nrisrrratch is lle s'L e jtr both
,nt al thc load k alwals a "tnrage'r.ininrurrr
dicallywith lime, sincethc lf the k)adis purclyro cljle, SWR \f ill bc inllritv Tht strtrccondition will
r',r'rrn:'ri"r'Si.r'. n.'l rhf'\ ' * n
1p1. r. ., 'l'.'.'r'rr.r
i1 alTectshoth vollagca d o.v.r. !:. r'1,. i s:'\.1,., rlr" r' '.( l' r'{$r'
jrator. Lr)changcd ir pluss "f'..'..r clrr)tcll:rtiorlwill oc(:ur'. giring volta!c/dro, andlre cc
ifl)ererlonf lhc linc cortrflcle
180'/)tur? r.r,r,rr.r/.Ai il SWR m st bc irfiDirc. Whm the lotrtlis corrylcx. SWR c n slill bo coln|utcd'hut h
ent tr f(m1nnc t1l zeto\ N L nrLchJ:*rcr r" i
ti.r.r.rrir'. frorr' J trrn n r' l;rrr o n Irrc'riLrrJ i
"'rr "l:u:'r''r'
cflectcdcurrslt wavesarc 'ihc higbcrthe S$/lt, ths grcltlcrtire Drismatch bclwccnline aDdk)adof' lof
) travela dislllncool'i/4 + that nlltlcr. betwocngcncruknrnd linc ln pro0licr]liDcs.Powcfk)sslncrlrase$
ancla cuflrnt nodcis estab' v0luc of si ndiDg-wave rulio i$ illwalt so!rgh(, exccpl wllen thc
Sq/ a low
lista ce of i/2, but $iDceit fioosmissiolr line is uscd
beifl-e $ lr pufc rcac(anoc or us :Ltuncd circuit l'his will bc
hascchangeis:160".Ilein- drou'nrr) (xilion 7-l :i
Prljciscly$e sa$ePoirlas
l,lorm$iirdtionol imFerlafiat I( is cns{orturytt)/rt)r'l.rl];rrdn imPcdancc wrtlrfc$fcct
thercwill be a \,oltagczeto i.c , lo dividc tl)isirn|odan'e by tllc charactcnstrc
lo theliIlo to whiohit iri courxjcLed.
d rcvcLtie cllrrenlwilvcsaLe lit)e. rs
ir fcdancc of lhc
)ne wirvelengtll to lclurn t0
t. bec.rur,c tho ltl0" ph$c 4. (7-9J
i thc rcilccrcd',ravehasto -. zr
listances..rsshow in Fig'
:r fmm drc k,adthansonle rhur oblrinin! lhr rtornraliT-Lxl inrl)edrnoc. (Note that Lhe nol'ln'llizcdilnpod'iucc rs it
'avclonewholewavclcngth dimsnrionloss rtl| Dlit-v' . nol n) bc ner$uftd or givdr ir ohnrs') Thii i! vcry Lrsclrl
wavc as it had a1thc lint bccausc llf l)rjhr,\,iofol thc linc dcperrdr rx,l on rlc rhsolut0 mrgnitu'le oi lhe
Ihi s l :rclran b{ :secnl i onr E qrrr ( Jr ( 7- t i) :
n n D e (ln c e . t rri o' ri l svrl uri r.l rri l cl oZr)
nr Ior rn] gilen lord rd is rl ; s w R o n r l i rr. w i l l l )s I reg ftl l cssof ' \' hcrh' rZo - 75 l ) a d /i 7-- 150 l)
fie nodc$arcperm.tnerllY Z. - :100{} ll](l n/ = 600 0 Thc nornrxlizingof inrl)c'lrnccopensu) Irossitrilniesfi)l
Lnyof thc sanEconditiolls lfansllission lllrc clrafts. ll is similar 10 thc ptucess uscd to oblain thc rrnrvefsrl
rert mini um (andvoltagc I su,rse curycs for l ued cifcLrils a d Ra'.ouplcd rnrflilient
1 ,... 1.. "."i '
': . '\ ' "' -','.
.., !

lrltr:rl,lt'l r-:r l,$it:rr lia. icruin:ri.C ir : ,r. t r.:r:'1, :r. irririr.r r : i, Z{ i&rc thll
' : ! ; ! r t : i 1 i 1 , I i .ir{i . r l ! : : i r l r i i ! 1 1

- r irrl1 !.iiinrnrf L o }. c t . a r ( i i , 1 f r n s | : r i , , r L l : i r c , i r .ti r ,,\tR t.l Z\l

'- , , i l i l | . i
S i n .p the l ol trse rd cU rl urt!| r) rl ors i hc l i nc. rs sl row Lr rn l ri gu r c'77, so wit Lt he
re s rs tancr,)f unpcdxu Fl ow e\er.(,kl i i i ol s do r.l )| ar .r y hrjr 'r r lt lcnglh. r \
ri tu r dv,trl l rnc(l i ' i t i dt,e ri rL. r{ l ' l l j l l i ,r' fql rl l | !l N r (' i l t , , i. , : Ld.jt p r s n
l ri rl l r \arci IgLI x\yrt, l ' on) tIe i (i rclxn(ti Li r ti :( i r i r* 1.!r.

7 - r :' . ' t.: - r: : C I l :.j f-- :1 . i j nfi ... !

ri frtr (rri { ,' l l 1rni Iri l ,i i ,Di rl e! l hi rt l ri fri ]fLi r ! !i ri l n.r- . r t lr lt , wr ! e-
lcnAlh lo0! |r\r inrtrrJt; iu rlat|ce-rr{nslin.nrug Prl)Pcrlios. ' r' ,,(,tf| r r ilL
rnd 0,f riren usedfor
this furtxjse lt dir IicqucLroles.ljuch lires w11l,)1,,,,\, bc JisrLrssed

lfirpe{lllrllac inv$r$h,-r i)}, (nuortora{rivellengtthlinxt$ (brsiCur FilrLr|lj?-ti. wlrrch

irowri rLload of i!nfedlir0e Z/ co|neclcd 10I licce oi rlltnsnrisr!ilnlinL oi leug(hI und
hf rir{ l0 as ils cI fNclcri ic in{Lxbuce. Whcir ihc lengdr ! jr cj{aclh,l (t!afier,wa!c-
l c n !l h Ji nc(of 0| ] orkl nrl rnbo.olqua| .ter-w a!ctl gtl rs).Lndthc l i nc i e t . ssicss,
t hcnlh0
inrpcL|uruoZl,. sccn ,'/her)lo')kirg to\,{rrd rhc Jo d. is !ivcn by

.- 7i

lhi$ |chtil)nrlriJ' is vn ctjnrus ct\llcti i,ll"dfi( lr,/ra.ta,r(.4r.| rhr qLrutcr-

w n v el orsrhrcl l c($ l hc oppf,ri i l of r i tl Ll oadi rrtr(hroe E .l rmi on(7 i( ) ) r cpf escntas
vef) inrl)()l1anfrn(l llLrrdonr(Nnal rclrtion. whidr i! sfilowh t to(i ooJrpt,rxro derive
lrerr 1)Urwlrosc rflrrh |lny 1,. irdiclrred $ ,i,llo\',,s.Ltnh$s a lord is fclis(i!e nni.tequlll
1 ()th c (hrftcl efrri c i drprxl ^D cc ofti re l i nc ro $' hi ch i t j s 11)nrcc1cd. s l: r r dingwNlcsof
v o l l rgi i rf(l f011dnl;rr i r( L' f rl ol g thc l i ne.$nh r rl c ($rl nrj nod( jtr ! , Jl1, lilnnle

I [G[kE 7-8 l-o.,dcd linf-

'il l,"I.i.!kllss !l-1i{ L,llits l!i7

.- ;- l

iflPcdlnc' i''iersi{'i'
!;{$rtlirtstlei !1osg I mitdlat'lied i':rmsilissk'n ii'r'i
s g.cit$ tltaft zo (note lh.r

iirririi,'.-:'.ili ":Iji'
ronlinc,suchthat/i/ *2i n,,r;li:i"i;iilti
* i':'"'
" ';r;;"::
/n in l;igure7-7,rlovill$o l,i:,i,l i.l;'1",1ii"i"-,.',n.,
i,ll, ;;i',
;;l;i;,;'1,: "-',",-"0
: €very h 1:\t.!clength,
thrr 0f Lhckud, if P hr : ;r
"'"'"'; i:":r:"ir:l;;i:r
*+" i
wavelongthor r balf-we,/s
)(ics, ,nd ire oltcn lsedior
,,,'rit,,'.. ii\[*,lir+l#t
l-**i*f*li+ru*tt*ffii*li" **i*
jonsjdcrFigure 7-8, whiclr
$nrissjon line ol lengtht and il;it:lt':lnlru:'H,ffi
I r is cxucllyo Lllrartor-uavc
I theliic iT lossjcss.thenlhe
,',,,,'m*ils::l: il'"'iti)":
(r.r0) (?-11)
7-o Zt
,ip?ddn(ri i.c., the quulel-
lquati()r (7-10) rePrcsenLs1l
whal t(x) conlPlox k) 4civc
a load is resistiveand equd z"
onnectod.slandingwav$ of Zo
'and antin)cle)rclt non rrlc


',tr (8-1r)givcs
-t"""".1i.?ii,'Ji.- intoEqu'rrion
(i l r' ;' /rLri l l ' ' Ll l i l i i i " ' i i r:ri l i ;
i l fl j .a :i l l i .i ' l \J ti .l

1 lll

i;, ,r.,,!. ,,i,!i : ,r,,r\'.c'

" '" ' '' ' ' ' "rj'll',:','il:,1':iiil-:l,i':l
i l n i r ri i i ' ! r i . r l l i r 'i r r n ': t {! ! 1 1 l l l i i ir r 'i !l l l i L t
i. ' . , t t ir i, , r r . , r r , , r 'r 'l i r l , . . l ' 'r i l r " ! i : l ] r r t

lnj:;;:: i ! 'l ! i r ' i r r J ! l ) 'r d ^ - r l n l t l r : r i rr i i !L i r i sl 't
, i, , , , . , , 1, ' , ' r ' , ., , i l ( i t . r i \ r L ; r r r i l r i r f L , r l i t
1 1 . r l i r . 1 r i ', : : r . , i ! t h r l i ! r e ! 1 L r r r 'i r r ir . l J ! t ! L r ( \ l
; , , . , ", i, , , , , ",

in fLrrly xli rnLri!i'irrirr(r-

iri;i,1lti riiier t:n'j iiLrp{{nnLrrjriiu irliiig
l ::::,: : . , 1: ;l.;;' ltlir; ,: , ; , ., i , i '. j il i : :' :':1..
"' ' , ' ,
: .i
r 'l i r '"
r " 'r '. l r ''e ' 'r 'I i r ''

lli:j];",llilll,"'ii,,,'lll;,ii Lo
,1 ,.,,,..,1 ',.,.,I.l ' l ,,l :'r j ;:,l;t.'j
i t:l ;:l :;,, * ..
.',,..,, . '
,;i,]l;il, ;.|.ll;:,;,,;il
i,l : :::,.1,,;,".:l
.,.'r, ( :nru,n., 'I0','
:;'il,:;i,l:;i 'il'.',,i,..i'l;,:ii"ll,' '

il il is crnrrlocrc( r(ithcrortrl
li,,'t"i' i"l"" *i",r,"1;' liJI I'rr'r)o!c'
50L[n [0N
ii''(chNdi io,:,w'i.,'-.1:lrli,ili:"llr:illlT;1,:ij,llrJjrllit
tl l$ ll:'l',ill:,llll;ff?ii,
ir. -.2,,
{7 .l .l l
! l-l5l)
( L ') i Q d l i ) r l h i s e x d l i i . ' r l r l i \ u i r i ! c f ! r t i I r | l n i 'x r n n ' u
nt , lllnn , ( 7 - l l ) ! r \
:)r i*rn rs.,)u.nbau
.rqBr.rLL,o. ,::iiil:illJill lii: ll ot t".'"nln''r rr'i'
.q slnr..J|r iluo
uii pasfutsno.ixni"npr fu.'\ s' s'qJ siiurr.rrs.r.^rl'r'rdt.
.(r r^rtr'rpulrunqs() s.r.rissu prsrl rq u.soq.
x pssr eq,{NlU^!Iu
suII uorssrursuP.rr .r.r'd .lqrrrns ! su lsnr (tl"rl
"rr lo
giti!'l rlollJ!!$rrnllr.rfJo so$Jodo.i.i e?uBlr{rou 9 l.l

-..lcrf.qr.rolnr3qr pll?
i l-l uortiis ur |.ssnisrp $p onitllsrrlrqt Jo ltnnsmr ir.'l ,{rlroli^ iqr.u!!u.rrr.p'(nLu.,'\l psNln.pi aq ulri)iurl
.qt B|loiri^l,a .rlt -ro,{tr.olor rqt 'qtBurl:r,turpuu{ oif.l,{ou)i rql (u)lC
',(lctunoor{ri^ pornsuau!q trrrrurJUIIslqt tuoN qliuelr^!.{a'.1ll?q r put ,{ruor\ba!


rrqs patm
irlt oJpalr.uuoJaq fuft .srr lor9sJur
Fuiis r.p trruonbru.r Jr '{tlrrur.{ ratir do}s'p0eq
riJn)qf iqj '{Jtrcnbe'll orll
lr,rlrur (ro{
surx] f!lrncllrJn)qs I u'\\ou)isl
u.tL|().!qsnqrrjl)qt rl i^r.l -.rltrr.t
ftA\v -r {l.rtl{r!l
Jr ,{lprc.dsr'llr,$ l)
$.l:)r rnq N|filrrql $sl,!lrou lll^\ trru.nbnrlNrl.L t0Fuotr^ta-JlIlLl
v sr ou'I lfirlls eq] qilq,r rr {rLrcnbo.!oqr rt {1uo Inq 'lu()Ll lrxU tu pr'rrn.rr.r.()Lls
0q llrr'A30rluft?(laql rurl urxtlr?rlt ssolrr pitisuuoi sl o(l]l uorsgrusunrl i^r^\-.llr?tl
pitln l. oqli g ir 'unr"artitr pr?otlrqt !L().rr,{ ,rr (.lr) qtfu$ti^urA-JltqD p.irrtd
st ttn ti trortsoqtJl poumtrlo.(l ltr^\ srlnsrr:'rur?s oru, itqlss.i ? ,{llclrrs{tidrui $! t:t':i:l'iliiiJ":'l,l'
F trrlod lc r,' iqll uorssrusurxt r lnrrrLi-tJorls0t ,{fi9soaau silurt.ulossl tl'rllurQVpl]ol
iqr tt().'t(s{'lu.t.^r^\-Jl'rqlo riqttnnriloq^\ u.Io)t0.'0cl.^u,rJItLIr?$ q)r\^\ ..unJsIp
u ru Frol oqt or pl)riiuuo. lrJrt 0orssrurrurilI) tuoF l,.rrsr,3[r oq {tm ..wFdtul
.qt 'isu. oqr 8ur.q srru ilt.o.lf pl,ot r io i.rurrp.Llrur ll nsre(ool lrtqt.riprd
rlnru.r o ,{.rrr sr lr 'i.urlsLl| n'C furur Jlx At.|lrdo.d liqt to si;ult|r^pr: rq,l I irl;iii:'[]lJ
'nr3predap-,{.uinl))4 sI rr uur,'ilrrLr() q rurl
snlt to !.uplll)dllll:)nslr.trr ]qr eqr to roijro.ii.t)0r$ ,(i.ridrjrdlltl.t i{r] .^')^{-Jtrjq
lql Jo pu. rEt irlt tx p.intd tLr)t .ql Jo .rutp.dur .{ ot tcnbr iq ts|nu i]urpid
'ur nrduJ.r|trxtl
)ql :rjqiiur()tsrrr.rl
s)rr)ri0rr.rrl r|]iiual;r^r,{-ltrrq.qr rtsri{).rd
.^s .i|rt V itr.)irrp:.u|ptdrruf'1)l
i'uulrrirLr!,rqr to rrrs!.rJr.rr)q.rnrr)r.'odtul
:lil :1"i.":ill :
ur sr.ruljp.dur p.t..tJs.r.ql Ilsnor^ird F ouuflr' s'j.lrsV n.!ll ttliiuota,tE.{1"JlBFn

'!.trLl.)4tras I s1l
rr":$ri,;i''.iurt ii)rs\trusuf!r to tnr :,({r
r!rN l,Jirot)(r,( ! uorr|r{)d irs,,q'tf'x)l
irLlror rLr(,drrrtsrsi.rrs.!rir ir| lr Fr..!uo. ,t lr.rruril s rt '!irr)t .Ltr uiorl i)Ilrrsrp )rLrJrril
Irr r.!rrolnulrrr r r r r |u) '
tirrlnrtftr..d )!ol)s rt !ir:r.uu.r .q i(ou rsn(r rr rirll rq ltrt:^ rr\,rr r r, q' : r ll I
.\r{ r.trrnh.q.Lt)rri,prrlro.r rut o, rxri^r)srs.r{t.'fd urrlr!.rti'rJr:1..'1t,.) st ILrol.rqr ! iFir llr
),, \i i rrl r ii i ' l'r r l
l:," 'li,':lll::,'ll
tr pr^t.\!! f,()u nrqr\}u(is s-ruo)rqr$Lr.i)"1ittJrtrltf.'!)rrurllr.xr rl
rltpr,\1fu.ql!rsLr.rrrr,iqrriqrt Lrrrr.,!1ol ol rrr\.).urtsr.r qilrqto f.rrnrrs ,:':
-u.. :q rs|n!r rrtr!)r\urrrrLr] fr.rjllbr!\i iLrtlJr"lrr !.)lL)ii)Ll'rrr
fur:qJIr).i! j] r ' ,. r L r h I r 'i I\J|
'r-.1 'arrIU'l -r\.,,
ur rrruo pfLJt:rt;uqri.i trn)r.l ,;rrrr:i)iri,rj:l$rrxJfuL rrr:,\irdor L i: ir
lr s.)rru,r:Li'rorsuLIr.\1rr rir.rDrb iqr r(, irri!|).rd!L,lj lr,.1Ltrpr "r rrlrirq:11 1e:p:trrd
li r-1,1
II]lNrsr'.-rCs.isrtt .rr()'\Lrrc
5|rlls' rt itru.m)
{r Ji}-rrr'rLl:rp|IrC:f-irurni).!,!1q;rf
tNiiy jc srir..l ir ir:ii i:!,1:i,rslrirt
..,r \ r.rrnb. riatiir1).,!r!!irLr
ixt isrrLi11

i16{ ,!i:lill'l i.:Ci:-lirll{

loc nL |-aTRoNii aL:l'ilitri]iic^ alcli sYiiTlll',ls

Op $ r:l $ C ahcrt" .i r.ui l cd i i fl i i s:$ l ul l .edci reri fs ' th.i rfui Lrri n.dx.eolI qudlt cr -
s r. piec. oi karsmissror lilre. Jro.l circui{edrl th. t1. cnd is inilni(r, and the line
h x sl rrn stbi Jn.da shortci r.ui t i nto m oter ci r.ui L.Thi s rl l l i i s oti ) xi t hc lr equenc]
!1 w l rl c hthc ti .c. oI l ;nc i \ .rri cl l v ).1ri n l eJrgl h.A t sorrei equerrcyne r ' llls. t helir e
s ill be just .r liliie lorger or sll(,lcr thrn ,\/'!, so thrl rt this iiequ.D.J the tinpedancc
$ j l l l l o l be nl i mr) The i nnhel $e frol c, i n l i cqrercv ,w r! frum th c or lgiot l, t he
low.,r siil b. rhc imp.drncc ol this piccc ri lirc. dreidfofc s!'.rDio halc r pafallel
rLrre.l.i'nrxit. or al least somclhirr.sihal trehrrvesas (ne Sllcb a hrre is oflcn llsedfor
lhrs pu.posc rl Ui{F. rs ln o\iiJl!(r r.lnii circLrit(sec Figure LL -r) o. in cther .Pplica-

if thc qrafier wave lrre is opcn circuilcd al tlre far cnd, thcn, b! a slmilar
procrss 1]1fersoning. a \cri$ lunfd.iicuil is obhnrcd Sinrlllrlv. I sho|l-cl.cuited
half wa\c Ii e will behave rs N scrics rulrcd circuir. in the manncr descfilredin the
at high fie"
/ecednlg section. Such shof of opcn circrited lines may he enrployed
quercics in placc ol lal circLrils In Faclice. shi,ft tilcLlircctlines .irt prelered, since
open-cjrcuiLedlincs lcnd to radiate.

Prop€rticsofli esoflariolls lengths Jtestating thc Nsitior, wc krx)wthata pieceoi

tr:usmissiorr linc i/l lorg dndsho 'rrfcuitedrt the frr cnd (or I/2 long andopcn-
circuitodal *re fur cnd)lookslij{e an olxrncircuitandb€hrlcslra./b'likc a Ir mllef
tu cdcicrLit.IIthe licquccl ofoperution is low(1cd, theshun|irduclil'crcactanceof
thjs tunedcircuitis lowcr':|ndtbe shunLcapacitjrercrcLnceis highct.IndLrctirc cul_
rcntprcdo rinatos,andthcrefotcthc iNpodance ofthe circuitis purelyindlrctiveNow,
this pieceat thc ncw fleqlrencyis lcssthan,i/4 lo g. sinccthe wrvclengthis no\l
greflterarrdthe lengthol line is aturallyunch ngcd We thushave thc iDportrnt
propeftylhata shorl-circuited line lessthanI14 knrgbeharesat a porejDductance An
Opcn-oircuilod line lcss than I/4 long appea$as pure c0pircitance. Tlle larious
pssihilitjes aro $lrownin Figurc7-10,which is rcrlly a tableoi variouslire lengths
ltnd lcfininati(rrsand thcir cqriv lont l,C clrcuits.

Sl bs Ifa loadis conDcctcd to a transmission lire andma(chin8isrcquired,aquadct"'

wave lf:rnsfornd may bc uiicd il 4. is purely rcsislivc lf the load imPcdance is
conr cx, oneof thc ways ofnratching it!) thc line is to ttrrrc
out tbc rcaclance wrtnan
io.lucr(Jror a catacilor,xnd lhcDto lnalchwi(h I qualtcr_wve tfanslbrrner' Shod_
circuiLodtransnission lineslIIe more olton uscd lhdn lumped conrPonents high
(see I ^1vcry
iiequencicsia tflrnsmissionline so uscd is callod .t rr/, FiSurL 7-l ).
durc dopted is as follows:

l. Calculdteload rdnriltance.
2. alalculrtestub sL'sccptmce.
3. 6'
Conneclslub to lond. thc rcsultingadmilrancebcing the lor.l conduchnoe
4. TrarNformconductrlcc1{)rcsisLrtrce, ZL
rnd calculatc ol the q der wavclnrs;l
foffrer a$ bclbre.
i ,l q .l i -l l i l -l ;! r! l - llliS f , Lll

puj tnlredarce ota qrllll.r- li ,-

no_r s
ar d llelr e
'n n n n y.
rplLesonty at Lhefrequenr!
rrcquenc!learthrs, rhelin;
rs lreqLren.yrhe inledaiQ
tway Lr(nnrnc o'rginal,$i
ore s.crn ro rave a panllet. I
uch a jrne rs olier usedfor
.c 1l 3l or m oiheraptlici. {

lar cnd, thcn, by I sinih

Similrrly. r sho(-dcuiled
hc imnncr described in tls
ry be empLoyed rt highift.
ed hrcs rrc preftlred,dna...

II{;I-IRE ?-iti ?&!nnxitsi$F!im. i,\'int .dri rLh.irt( tqrivaien(9.

tion.wo](nowthatapiece ol Itxl,Ml,ll,ft 7'5 A 1200 i75)-() lodd is to be rtrdlchcdto.i l(Xlll lirc 10 grvc
* .
SIVR 1 {lalcul re thc rcncl noco f th!:stubrnd tlE chflnclcrislichledancc ol rh')
endlof .tr/zlongandope|l.
(lurreFwrle Lrmsll) ILr, LrolhconnccldLdneclly 1oihc lond
halcs c;r,r.-/b'lke a parallsl.
shunti,rductive reactanoeol sOl.u{1(]N
nce is highcr. Induclive our' r _ _ r-. _ _ 2 0 0 -1 7 5
l. ft. =
uil is puielyinductive. No\,/i zt 20r t'j'15 40,000's62s
wavelength is no{
x l0 "
1.38x rc-r - 11.64
iinceihe -l
Wc thus havc the nPonurl 2. l l s ,= + t.64x l 0 rS X ,,,r,= --= -610l l
tvesa9itpurcinduclance Al
re oApacilanoc. The vaious l L = c ;/.= 4.38xl 0j S
lableof variouslinelcngll$ .- - L- = 228r )
4.llJx t0

zi)= \/i'7; = '"50i", ntj = 2(,2tr

lmpodancovarifltloDalong a trdsmatrhodninc When c()lnflcr loildis conLrccted

to a tmnsDrissi(lilro, standjng$'a!csresLLlt cvcni, the tnrrAnirudc o1thelo d inrwd
unceis cqualro tho chruaclcri(icimpodance of thc linc ll,1 is lhc noanrlizcdlord
inueclarcc.thcn rBrtedancc is inlcriiga{(xlalongrhc lirre,:. wjll l)c n)errtrrcd.{i2
^, .trd then I !.rcrcssive.{/2 tntcfv k }heo thc iino is lossless
Ltwnyliorn 1beload,
A normalizeC inpedalrceeq rl ro will be mersursdIi4 rway lionr (helord
(andal succ"-ssivei/2 intorvrlsliom thcn (r). Il :f , I Lr, thc nomrali/.\li rped'
ancemcrsLrred,tr/4 h{hl'x on lvill be gircn b}

?iii:,,i1*ll!,1,:#,'r,lk tr


.l :i l : a .!r fl tl ..i a i :' Lri ,:l ti l l.,.-i fi -i :\ ' r;-!' i i rl

(l) Slrb
flculiE7'llI Slub (,irit* lal rdll fd iiiloli uridg o[ l rartsilltN !i nts (l' nrd
Z0 is lhc th{ftri.iisiil itilled{ntt 4lihc line; Zn rcf'reicot 1lt
hu :g ibr i,ox:;iil litd.
iDtcdrrt rri$il d,ir..:rr!c..

The nri nalizeil Lordirirl'tdxlco sas in'luctivli. rr!(l !cl ftom lxl a(ion 14).
it is ('hvious thaL'
lhc noinr.rlizodirnl).(idnccsconl/4 aN!! liDrr lhc i!'r ii crrli'cirjvc '11i5pointis
sorllowhcrcbrl$ciif Llresel o Poirrts. il .rrlrsi hl|lc lre t pufely rctinn'e
r r xf or l ncc
n o 1n c o l l rsari l l .n/8honr (trei oa({ .l )ot' .1 l i (r l bat i l cri sl s at al l i s oi l rttr i
'fhc posifloDol'tlic |rrfol! rusistj\c point is vcry diilicrrlt 10 c'tlculrte witho t ch t
rirch as Lhr", Snitl clrrrr prcdorll) t c i'rrred Mlr)] ira snis$id lir)c caloulationsfte
lincs wilh
1 .rdc ea$icr by tlre sq ()1'cl'ra|1s.nd rrorrori]orc so thtn t|osc iDvolvirrg

v-7 Ti'lE sMl'l'l'l cl'lARl' AND IT5 APPt,iCAIIONIS

'lh. vtrfiorLs lirrcsnrnyhc nirfcsonledgmthir:nl)von.anyol
lropc,tict ol tiurrlrrrlission
givo the
,r la,ge nr.rrlli,eiolch rLs ]he m(x! Lr$cMrcProlonhri(Dsrto iho$clh t
ltild toLrditiont
uscclcrlcuhlo. ol thir llpe is thc linith charl'

? 2.1 f'$ndafln0Dtal$ oi tLr( lli$jtrh fltNiirt

fh$eriFlhlN] thc |nn LllrlJ,idrn.orlirgr nr, or Srriih ehl''r rLsilis nn)l'( 'o'nmoDu
l l 2 l l cr:rrsi stl ,(rtxrotrLsol oi t!l c$or: r Li' of ci|clcs'
L n u ' n , l, i ttu.rrul " ,ti nl ' i gi rl .e
\i h i c } l .ue si ,:rrrt' rrge(l Ll rrl qu.rnl i l i orr
i rr\xrft.l l L( corrnecto(l w iih r r r isnr t ched
' -rfj oLrs ci si l v' l l c co m plct 'icir cles'
tra n s rn i sti on l i nes nri y hc tl ul Le{ li tnd c\rhr tcd l l i rl }
rv h o s cc . l efs l i c (rn Lherul y si r!i sht l i nr orrthe nnl r3pol d 1o\n r iou! ! d es( ) 1
= ' l i ' t11, ol ci rl es' to eit hof sidcoL
ro | n l a l i zcdf$i rl rn.o 1/ /i /Z(i ) rl on! rh. Ii oe Th! i rrr' rs
01 ornrxliTed int rertcLance
lhe struighl linli. snnilrrly corrrspon.l io varioLlsvrlres
circlcs irrte$ccl shi)ss lheln lo he
lr - i.X;o A tllr1'ful look 0l thc wry in which ihc
o'i A)[,1lrlAl!ca losiiDil]ATEs

iom Equation(7-14),
ive. lt is obvious
€sistivc.Thii pointi{
s of 8rcl|1imponance,
rulatewitliouta chalt
nlinb calculations an
i involvinglineswith

graphicallyon anYof
r thosethal givethe

it is morecomnrolly
les,ol atcsofcircles,
ted with flismatcbed FIC{J]RE7-12 Smi{h ah t.
fhe completecrcles'
d to variousvalueso1
cles,lo cilhersideof .
ralizedline 20?
:i,:! llI ,:i'irioi'ria a { rlillvr. l'lialr^.fli,1i{ SYSTil'\1

. r r jr r : ur !1 . T i i L ! l : r . i r n s i i r : ! 1l n t r g e l l l sd t r ! 'n l o i i r . . i r r l . \ . t i h ' | n i n l o l i r l b l si r i o ,
\!oLrld h. rt|nunll tdl.rir(!;drhi . TLe |rtf ioLls.n clr\ $J M"" s.*
!.i r s o i lrl ti ,.nri i l rrtl s nr r l i rL.\' i ti r rr !:i ter l nxd 1i . fonstl nl :l $' I{l cor espon(
rt .i rfi c r l i ru n r. i he .hr.i \ri th i l ! ccrl rr al l i re..rri ei ol thr ' hxfi l hr\ . Lpplies o
i i ,1 \1 .\sl l n.s trthe Lrrfrc i xi !' l sc 01/,' i $ R f I n.i . xn i n\' !rrl :rU ' ., * iJ, , li
i n :i rc rd ol i l i ..rl fi ri rrhc[dofl h.\cr;csl htrnnFi !r:' i | ]h.l l r\Ll he0han
li r jorf i! ir!rulr ifsisri\. llzf ror oDIl fettu'iitt ils no'nr:rlizedresir
h l r ,rl { ) r1,r' f.\ro,rds i (i i hr nl ndi ng w !!e frLi t) rs i fnrrr 11" " i ,,,' 11 61 iii'i
(h!!,' n " , S W l l conesponduLp
rh e f I t ,rrtrLri r .i rcl c h.rsbei l oi .r S nnthchrri l . L0
i L r)x t bc rcrr ol l tho chrrLrl the l .rnl 11w i ri c' i l hc .l rrN n cncLcrl tr jr sectllr s e0 y
s i ri g h i li nc ol l l 1r.rj rtrL.{ !L tLf fi gh(ol thecha .cnLc' r' l hi sS i \R i sl h uscqr r lr 0lr c
!rh L c o L I r: i (i nr l h.rlpoi nl rthc i nl ersccl i (l(o r the l cl i 011h!' cha ccrr t r cor |est ) lnit r
ro l r. i t \\,(nrI l l e i l useot l i l i ( hrd l )ccf {l oci dcdl l s' rys Io trscl al ucsof SWRlc\ i

'i hc gfeillcn |dvxnlrgc of thc Snrith ch:ut rs lhat tf.rlel rkng a losslcssLjne
ro rc s to nds 1or)x)rcrrl enl tkng a co ccl l y dnrvn corshnt :i W R ci rcl c CloseexRi.
| l l i o n oI Li Lcc| ri n l\how s Lhe.hrrt ha bcen di run l or uso w 't h lr om alized
imfcclru(es rllf N(|nillances Tltis avo(ls lhc rted li) hrvr SnrLlhchrt(s lol eveLy
i rrri g i n a bl e\l l ue of l j e chrr ctcfi si i ci nrpedrncc(l f I pl rti cul f vrl uc ol Z0 is t m -
ploycd wklcly or cxclusilely. il bccornesworthwhile to (mstmol I ohtrt for lhal
Rrdio O)rrlPiLn)rrd(es I 50-1)ch{1
t,,r irulxr vrlLrcol Z0 Fof c)ianlFlc.lhc Ccneral
equi pnrrt l l 1mr rl s(' bo uscd i or :rn) ot llcr50- 0
l i n n s r w i rh i l s Lr rj nri sri i orr
s i l u x ti or)sr)d rvoi .l s thc nccd l oi no ]rrl l i ati (nr' )A l s(\ rr(neLhrl Lhcchar l cov0rus
distrnce of ('oly rt hrllwrl\]clcnglh, liince crnnliti( s repcrt cxlclly cvcry half"w !c'
l e n g tho n k)ssl cs!l i re. th0 i npedanoe t 17.716,\ 0w rl ] l i or[ tl l 0 d on I lin0is
oircily tbc silnrc as thc inrpechrcc0:1f,,\ iro.r thrl loid rrrd oan be fcnd lioro the

Bca inS tlrete two poinl$ in mir)d, $'e sec lhLr(irrpeaarr(jcseocountcrcdul suc'
-fhc] lic at
ue$sivcpoinrs rlong A k)srlessliic nrry olLsilybe li)und loln t[c chrrt
cofieslxrrdi A *ro{essivc Points llong Lho .orerl l,'fl]f, (this $ut i$ rcPcrtcdto
o rr r;$ izo tl refl retthA lsrrcha ci fcl c mustbcdrnw n h). l LrcLrri er ol Lhe chr f oreich
prcblcnr. ts oFlloscdk) tLrcrruLrret)us circlcs nludf Prcscnl0n lho Snrith oharl)con'
srnut S\\/R cifckr on thc ch$1. Dislnnoc l(ntg a llno is rtprtscntod by 0mgula0dis-
rirnce rrornd lhc chrn ar)d rray bc fcad fnnn thc cifcunlc$ncc ol lhc cha$ as a
Jiactior ol $avclongrh Cl)nsider poinl somc dislrrcc lrway frurn s(nr)e10' lIh
dorcnuinc thc iine impedllrceaL0.(171) ,\ 0wry lion lhis nclv l('rnl, il quicldy bccofles
c l i l l c rt thrt thcrul fc tw o P oi ntsat l hi s di strnce,onc cl osef1oLhcl oad d oneJadhet
,i w ty h i J t\ti t.fh?i ttttt\tttr& utth(t\ttrrrP ai nt!tfi l /to7r(71.!arr.' l hi si sevident ii
ooe ol thesl: Nnrrs just hrlf'eos to bc volrrge nodc The olhor foin!. beirg 2x
0 .0 7 S: 0.15! l xw y l R ' ri the { i | sl , .rnn{n possi bl ybc .mothcfl ohr ge nodc Thc
srrre Jeri\(nrilg lpplies in dl olher silrLlli( s. The dircclion ol nr(^'orDenlarotrrd
'lhe Snlith ch n hr\ been shrrdrldizcd s0
consL.rntSWR circlc is rlso ol iLrporLtrnce
rhur nrole'nonl r$rry lrunr the l,)lil. i c . towrd lhc gorerakn, correspor'lsn) clolk
wise or)tion of ihc ch.]|l. Movcmelt l(Nv.Lfdlhc lord cotrcspondslo co ntcrclock$rse
nrolionr this is alw:rys nr,lrkcdon lbc rinr of corrrrtercialSrni(h cna s NItdrs slrorvn
fi ,-( ' '.
i l !" f rt,,,t:i trLlI i : liit s ?{5

L irii rr(ir i.(n rrtr[etlj0l

, (r! x'Ii .. n v e Nee|r hr J rqi i t. l o r ' rLri i i j :ri .r' I i ri tri rr;r:ri ,r, n,. rrr:.i l.Lri ti i i r di l i :rrr :r.u:t: r : 1: r r ir gt L
r hi!
ri.rni :l!,;1) .orerFft LLI .r, l i rl : ri r!rr i ' rl r ri :i r. , r -r , \:i iI r.s..,r I ! i r r,ri ri :rr i :L i: j. r i. l l-
r;rrl ..c i rt€ ,-,r
.h!ii i hi\ rpllies oflr l" = 1: i ..!J i i .],ri ri i :t,ri t,r!:r.i rrl .f.l hi rl ;r
i z e d rr:p rl" ,.,' .. f ir e. : j it r !
,4.: .. i i ,i i .l i ri r.i l r.r:.,.:i sri .-i rrr i. ! , r , . r . r
f: n'( i\n j i u :ru s tbedr ir \ i I ..,,j sri I t , ;r rr,i ,..r' r| r,i : i . tf l l t\Jr-: t i: iii
rrc t ,l bcio! tirt chLrL
i ii: riolririized nsillfi& .o .1 !.L l l i f l ,1r' : I i r. i .i rr' :.,1 i ]l j .rr;.i i ,ra,l ,c:.i l 1i r.ti rr::1ri tl | .i rtfi, ! i: r i! t : r f
; 5,t!rn o n ( l l) f lr ls . I 6 T l r. r|rttr1-Li r,r i . r,i !! ,,1l rer ti rri ] ,,i i ri ,. ! 13 i rl t [f i i ,!]ni ir: d,:rr!i! , t r i t h.
le :'ri'{ .onestrl]nililrr to :,' ,.i .:' .' r' .i l
L cli. [ i rt. s. ( ls t he0nlr ,. i 1 .. . ,, i " . . :
L rSlir i l i r rh | s r qur t t o r
tc r illlrL..n rcf c or r es Dr dr
() ris: \r!!:r\ 0l SWltitJl t-i r.r,i l (,r\i n!i tJori l r.t)rr1tr.Jxi Ifi nrtrLi rtrtuartti .11roilr L)
A.p p tri .:l 1i rft$ i; ,ii jnr t ih

l':lrcl I'l(nrg r losriess liDc

SWlt i i r.l c. Clos euir ui " 1. A d n ri ri rncecrl (!l l i i (ns. Tl | i s i rnrti { r;.r i s b,r.d rn l he ti cr rhrt l trcir r t . r t x. . r :
I n)r L'srr$l1h omulifd rrd a s u:i rial t rf .{ j ui l l r(}thr rxl mi rl | l f. r( l , j i I xf-dg r.! .i 1-t.rpr lllxr dt ; f oi
\,e Srlri{h .hrL|tsllr o\'e|! rh c s l nre:j W R .i i cl e Thi ! i x;hovrl j l f,i !(rfc 7 t: l hc rrrtr. an . . - r r ! is
j -j l , rnrl I i r.' ! si rD pl cc,rtctrhtton nl o\i l ' l trrt i t l trc j N fl xj nncci s 0 5 +J0 5.
Lr t ic l l rr vrh rc ol Z or som
constftct I ohl loLdd :rs it wls r P. 1t'dr tire roucsoordir!r rdmift$rc. is jn.teid I /1. r| reril {,1{
mpanr'rrLfer a 50-ll obrLri ar ?.
i u s e4 l (n ru y o( her5 l i r.e rhf 1(ri i ri \rr. ci rft. ,t t| ,. j j ]l ri t\ .Lri r j ri )r_sf| Il 'n hrtf h i, , . i. jn! , r l
Lotetlriri lLlc cha covellin abng tt( i"rc. r qlaricr !q!c errg{|,rorcrDtxrds kr a $cmjoirclO t1 is j,.t necf$
.rt er:rctl) r\erY boli{llvc. slry to lnc $rru ,1/4 lrcurd tllo cide fro|r ,.', hul norcll, i0 p(3iixrt i[e ljn.
rv fr('rn r k) d on { lift it thrc gh l,! d tire 0 rief 01 r|c chLrrtrntil it irrterscdr tbe drrwr cjrelc ,i
{? on tl)e
d rnd crr) bc rerrdftonrtht other side (,/\iihoLrirl:surh an;rtpticxrkn) ir nor vcry ir fo{ant i ir$otf,it d r f,een
found ol-gre vLriuci Jr ilirrizijrg srullrrtNwilh the ch rt lllld wjth rhe ril|)lhodoj.
id nros c ((nlntorc(nLs{0' convc(inlr il lt)r,rslr lr an r{lnrirrl1nt|cc)r.rit.ihlri trej g cr;$eti l fo, 0tul rllculr-
fflnn LLrechrrt. Thc) lis o
r (lhis !,rrd is Le])Laled ro ClJcul,rlioI ol Lhoirihdlrnxj or trnillrnoe ( anl poinl, oD r|n) Lrarirnrisriiolirc,
re usci of tll( cha( Lofercll w i th J n y kri rd rn(l srtrl | l l r eo$scrk' trl al i orjoi tl )oS W k on (l rcl i 0e.,l . hisf i
) bc
d o n e l i )r l orsl cs!or l ossy l i nes,l )ut i s In!.h orsi l )rti )I i oj rsl c$ti nor.
3nl on tho snrith oharl)coll'
1p|csflrlccltrY (nnguld)dit C,rlcuLrtio,i(,l lhr l,)|Ath oi n dxnlj irc ii,:j(l
fie.. r)f lralsmissioIr lirc io iri\,c l
-J .,rri .J r.rn.,fi ri v. i i ' i .t,' .r' rc i e{ ! .,r,.(. Ir
rillrcnco ol llc charlus'r ,l .,.re5) n:| l i rf ,.r d, c t . r 1l
londllLo 0 ./0 o n rlcl cl l -]l ,xrLl si (h;i l l i oi thechrft,rtl r.i rr,rvoJj ngrow !ftti l rcgor er r 11) u[ t i]
o u[ Y l ]o n s( nr r o
thc conlrd yalueor rorciiutco js relr(hcd. |le.nAit!elv. it I s scupti,,"",,t
iw poinl. i( quicklYbocomcs tuun"n
v .rl u ei s R xtuj rcd.rxn ,rrl hc ri ghl ' tl anddIn ol i j r(.fh d 1 thepoi n(r.l ,
)r to lhc lord ur)dorc fllfl]t' $r d wcf t
l his is evidonl l torvitld ttre tIL:rcirt(i rL!air. 'lhis crlcn]rtim is riw,r]s ped.finrc(l
/ 1/r('vrl. in N(,i,Ir.c1i(Jn
'lhe flhcf Point, bcLng " I w i th s h ( ' ,1{ i !ri ri r,al!l utrs.
r Nnrnlrcfvoliage ode
arcum r'
tr()n ol rn.\'e lcfl
L l hr\ b!,enslNdddirodso . \ . ' . r, , , . . r . . . . . .-, . l. n , | . 1 . , , . . . , , , r 1 ^ , r r .(
cloci l l l l tl ,'- : .
'|abr. (incsPnds t0 r
t,1.,1,. (., ..r,..i,.,. r I,i,r I n,,i.. I u.dn:.,.1 ...
- ..
sr rr ' |_.I 1 . , t i{ . t . i . , , . , , , , , , , ', . 1 . . . r r i . r a n ,n ,
cspurtl\ lo $urlcftlock{
.,.'' **''"
:, r nr u. 1 " . . . . r . ,,r.., t ... )
\. 1,r itu.1,,.tt..,,Mjt.

inli' i h 'i ( 'd

s iit , ! . ir lr r l I , i,r\.r'
? ..,. i,l,:rtrisru\

r:,,. r 11, 1,
'i: i tr " ' "
' t'
L' rLL L
' I ir
. "t t " L u ' l r 'J i L

_ /r
' l o ( l I l o 'i ' ir!
l', -in).. l0'
= h] 'l
_ ll l ll / ')-00 '"i
U tt't '\

' t i' '

, : . i l :l"ti : :l ,,:,,;,1 ,"',': ';f,::.ri l
l';' i":'ii':i i'i''' ' '
:,1 ';:; l rL rr!r "
" ' tt
"'1"""t' t'n r:i[('riitf:f
|'liti {!rinfr'i: !T11i"r
(rqiiiigriri/r Xiirr

$ill'lrr$:i:l";, : ": "]:::':"":::::'

r;l:' :'' l l')"
1. ,,
i ir
i i

;;"';"' ,'' ' ' "" " ''' "''

' r l 'r i \ i l tl
s t ! l {J l l ( }) r ''-
:l ll 'i l l ) r l t=
I ;.' :;
, , , .,,., ,,. : ];.t .l ,l..;
.i 't.,,1 l :i l
l ''u u ' r' : " .;; " ,,i r:;1':;l
"' 1 ,'
'l t t 't '' l ' '
' ' :
:,rr:. .,:': " '. l,.'.",.,; :; :,i':l ,j ,' ;l
, j,,,. "- .,,
ir .:,:.,,i,.'

n with tlc SmithcnarL
I othct case\' Procedu€
loblen Both methods


io a
j50) O is cornected
noYbe ilr-
: traD$lormcr

slormor ofExnmple?'7' mntchirgvith a q srter'w{w trans'

FICURE7"T3 Smithchirt solution

lrl 39.8() is the rcsisrance whlchthe Ii4li,Ansibnmrwill h:rvcto rnatchto tle 75-O
iire. nid frcm this l)oinL procedure
thc is a$in ExunPl€l-4. Thereiorc

zi = \/Z,A = \f1'lx3t1 = sA.str

:l;Tl"ll;'"'1.'il l'jilf;l':",titlH:
mswds =
rt drsiJ;cc 0.080,1ind Zi = 6s6 O.
,?$8 EIECTRCNIC COifil,ll]N icATiril"i SYSTEI\4s

I.ICURU ?'[.4 Slunrtonueded to lt'{ited irassmi{llon Iirt i

Mfttchingoflond [c line with a sho -ciru:Niiferl stub A is a pieceofh"nsmis'rl';
is nonnally shorGcircuited xLthe far encl "l'may verv occasronauy
lt h .i
sion line wbich
open'circuitcd at ihe cnd,
distanl bul either wny ils inrpcdaDce is a ptlreLeactonce To i'
b;quitc pl€ciso,sucha stubhr anirput adr rttancewhjchis a p rcsusceptance,andit ;ri
is sedLotuncout the suscePtancc componentol the lire admitt0ncc at somedclmd I
point. Notc thal shon-circuited stubsl]rc prcferrcdbecauseopen-circuitcd pieccs 0f I
traosmission line lcnd to rrdiatefion tile opcnend.
As shownjn Figurc7_14,a slub is mrde of tlc samelansnissioniineasthe 'ii
one 10 which it is oonnectedlt thus has an udlantageovcr tbe quarter_wave tr0ns'ii: ll
lbrmer, which must bc constructedto suit the occrsion FurLhefirorc, the stubmai be /i !
maderigid andadjustablc Thisis ofptidioularuseat thchigherliequencie$ and ow! :l
tbe stub io be usod for a v$icty of loads.flnd/orover a flrngcof tiequcncics
M t!:king Proce urc ilil
l" Normalizcthe load wilh resPect10 the lire. and Pl(x the Pointon thecllJrt l
2, Dmw I chcle lhroughthis point, ond travelarourd it tluougha disttnceol l/4 |
(i.e., strnighlthrough)to find lhc load adnriltanceSincelhc stub is placedIn I
potuif"t*lif, tt fi,te,it is dlwtyli ?cesslryto trork wilh adnittan(eswhen'i"
'""in ,
naking slub&lcttlati,h.
pai (ttow the chfft as dn ltlmhtanclrthart,)' 'rl
3. Stqftin| ltatn thit |lc'.' t usi,,8 Smith
b I i: lr '
lind $; loint ncarestto the load al which thc nonndizcdadmittancc
'l'hitipoitirttui,ttztstctiono!thcdr,\1'n&(lt\a'i,lr,c''=I'if tlt,wlchrsthe'I
only circlc thlough the cent;f of ihc irhafi 'fhit is the Poi t at which.a$ub
designcdto tLrneouLthc:l:J, colnporjl)ltwill bc placeclRc'id oll lhc distancc
travctcOarounOthe,-ircurricrcnceof the chrrti dris is the diskncc1()thc slub
4. To fird Lhejengthof the shorFcircuited stub' stlrt f(nn dre poinl dJ @on $e
ghGhanddln ol |he chari, sinoctla! is lhe adnrjllanccof a shol1circuiL
5. Tiavclingcl.rckwiscarorndthe circumturcnce ()1'thcchart,fi[d thepoinl'tl lvlrlcn
tbesusc+hDceluncsourlhe !, susccptm.eof thc line at thepoint:rlwhich
is I +j0 43' the
slxtr is lo bc cornectcd.Fol e;rmde il thc liue admitiancc
l riANSrrililSftli.l LIl.ItrS 2{}!

iry occasinnllybc


irmissionlinc as fie

lre! $e stubmay be
,f frequencics.

point on the ch$t L*lj!"-;:

qh a dictanccof i/4
hc stub is Pldcedin
th udntlllancetwhen
l.lOt]RIt 7J5 Smith chluflolution ofEx*mplc ?-E.matchirl8rith ! $tuort"ciraoitod

n a(lmi a cc chort),
dmittanceis I IJD
I, whichis fie roquircclsusceptrncors -/0.43. l:nlurc thal lhe roaljet polltrity ol suscefl{ncch.ts
)int ,rt which ! stub bccll obtained:this ir alv!.ryr Dllrkcd on thc ch r on thc lcll.hrnd rinr.
llradoff the distance 6- Read off the dishrce in wnvelcngthslion lhc slarling poinr .{,J o lo (he new
llistance10tlrc stub poini, (o.9.. b = 0.41 as abo!e). This is Lbereqrired lengfi ol the stuh.
: point 6i F on txe
havi g i pcd-
flXAMPn:ni7-{i (Referro liigure7-15) A series4a- conrbi"atio|r,
M thepoinlal which 'r
lncc ZL = (450-j600) O Nr l0 MHz. is .ornecbd to u 300-l) lirc. Crluulate the
he point at whichthe.. posiiioD,rndle'rgthof a shorcclnuitcdstlb dcsigncdto nnich lhis Joadlo drc line.
:ce is 1 +i0 43, the-
: : il

!r i i rr 1!i i !\(i l I !)i LLl l rrL. ncl ! r* |LD !q.. r\

l. :r-:r.i j ! = l5
./6' l l l rrl l r(l ll
alrtl. Pn)Ll.drrrd hs S\irl = 'i li l-")lirl I oLr!'1 1' 'i
:, , , = , 1 . : , I / {l l l , l l o i n t i t e . i ^ r r
' : h i . . r ! s h o t r n i , , l r i l r r c I i 1 i s , \ r ': l $ r l i t 'l iLL.r (r
1 . r i , l 's
I ! ! r : t s r |,,idi 0 1 ' - I i s , l 'i l
- i.
1i,n i r n N n t l 1 i . . , ( h c c i l , r i r r l i ! r ! i t ( i / ? l h c d i s l r r L r .n l L h J r o l f l l o d u l r l ( [d 0
L. - {. l r l o u N l x l o t ! l l r . i i r n . f l | c r n r r l r n r l . l f r r ! i - ') l

- r i\L r n . e 1 r ,s r u b {r l l ! l i l ! f l = i ) I i {r , \
'fh.uii)re lnc {rb wili l{ llrr.d 0 L-1.{ foi)i llr'1.{i rttl vili [x!' lo lute orl
,: I I 7: thus lii. slub DNsl htr!. i $tr.cP r.0.1 l._/
,{, 5, ini!a. Srf.rirg no! x n d r l c l i r l f l o d 's 'i r . r r u t r d t h o l i u i o i t hcch xr ( '
'. / '',
on.,.crcl,es (hc lr.iot il. I ! ?: ii ls lr.rl'crl t .n LIF cl[rL ol Fitun:] 15 ii'tf' lhc
chxrr. tlc dishn.e of 11$ foin( lionr lhc sho I cn.uil rddnLrrcc Ponit rs
\ b.r.L ... r.' (. 0r' \

Efllrclr oXlrcqua 1{'} l'or:$rli{'n A slub \\'ill rDltclrI lond 10x rrrLn! risibn linc onlv at
the freq!.:ncy at uhich 11w s dcsign!:dlo do st) .irrd this aPlllicseqruliv ro r qnarler-
\,\'nvcfirnslo n(x lllhc lorrl in)podrnc( vnrics tr'ilir iictlLrerrcv,lltis is r'ln'ious How-
tr$ r. i l rrry l )e rorLdi l v\l x)N n l hrl i L nt(' - i r no l on!cr r N rct nrllclr r llr e nc\ r
lftiqrfDfr e\,,rn ii' lhtr lord irrrf rnrc rs urchlri.I0d
Conrti(icrihc ro$ulLoi Iix.rn!J)lc]-lj. in dhich it wrrs {jrlcLrlIlod lilal rlrc loxd
s tu i )s e Fr ti oushoukl bc0. 3 ,\' A l l ho str[d ]i (xl trency ol l 0 Mi l zti lc ilnvelenlt llis
30 nr. so thrl thc RIb slrould bc 3.9 nr n1i'N)' ifonr llte lortl l alrequorcl ol ll j\4Hzjs
n o w (x)rsi dcrod.l l sw avel engthi $25l n.C l earLy." ri qrrsl l rbrsnot0 13/ r wayliom
llre loril 11 lhi! ncw licqLrerlcy rror is itr )eLrFLlL 0.0115ol thc trcw wavclcn!fi Obvi-
o0rly lhc stuh hns noitl$t lhe ixnrccl posilion 0Ln thc )rrcct loDi:t)rrt Lrnyfiequcncy
o rh o f rhdn l ho onc Ior w hi ch i L w a$dc$i l l rcd A D ri s rl i chw i l l cxi ri Ll t Lr ough il ust
b e s ,ri dl hxl i l thcfl ruqucncy chn ge l s rot rrei l hcf i ( l he ori s r ir at ch
-qrci (.
Ir oi l en rri cl r$ l hal I i otrdi s nl xl rhcdl t) a i i ue r)tonc l i equon r y,Lr utlhc set Lr P
ll]l|lri r so fu rula(ivcly los$lcsr und cllicinrl ()\'cr a ccfi in brrdwidll fhus' sonrc
pr1)c,:dufenusl bo deviscd ior ualcrrlrliD! lhc S\rrR oD a Lmlrslnis$ionlirrc ltLa fr€_
qucn(y /" il llrc i){d hts bccn nlrlchod corecil} L(i dre linc t I li0qrencv / A
proceriulc will iow bc givcn lor lirt |nd k'ad nrllchd iJ\ nro.Ln!of ! !lir(-circLrited
!ull thc qur[cr-wr!c {r.rnslinrr)crsilurlion is rrl lt)i]oLLs

I refiWR al I2 Mllz ftt lhc lrcb_

SIXA[{pr-ni 7-9 l]ictcr l! FiI,n: 7 l(.) CxlculaLc
ldn ol Extrll. 7 il

l;ox llTlLrN
lriJ. rbc purPo\. ol rhc ploe.(hrc. rl is rs{rricd lhrl l!e c^l(rLlrLiorir!('lving ih'
ndslrii rnd lc glb ol a,rde rt r li.qrrcnur/', rnd ir is no$ riererfury
io cdorlarcthc S\VRot rhcn n,Int rl/" l,{.il.r elcning sPcjl-ici]lvlo rlic crrn
tl. will bc slri,wn
'il:rl,llL1i::.1!:ll rti i-ri.'jji ?ll


; poin rl s

runsrni$si(n! hoc only flI -i'

es equxll) to i qultret
. this is obvl{)us fto$'_
dirct ralci it thc ncw

:alculatodthai lhe lolLC'

MI}7 tho vrrvdongtn rs
frcquoncYol l2 MHz i$
is not 0 13i owoYtroN
new w v.le !ih. obvi
leDgthrt l|nY flcqLrencY t".
i1e)iist. illilir'lrgb i( musl

frcqrrencY,but lho $ctLrP


bandwidth Thu$. sorrrc
fiusnli$sionlinc al a,fre-
ruc r! , ftcquency./ A
nein$ c'1r r;ln)rl-circuLpo FI(;UIqIJ7-!6 Sffith clulilsohr0ioriofllxamplc 7-9, cliedr ol lncq clrrl fh{xrc "r!.r stuh

ll drk! are givei rs ro how ti,c ]o.d hpe.drDccvdie! with frequoDcy, calcul!ft
I 12Mllz n LhcProb- lold inrFdlncc ibr lho rcw lrcqucrc). lA scics ]?Ccombnulionhtving & =
4 5 a l_j 600 nr l 0 Ml Iz w i l l hrvc Zt.- 450-.i 600x ' % r= :150 _j 5 00 ut
l 2 t !4l l /.1 N o nal i zcrhi s nnpcd.oce{hcrezr-(450 1500)/300 - 1. 5-
ll.6? Nolelimr il tlrcloadirnlcdrrcc k knowDto bc.(tr,srMt.this ilcp n,rl! Lrc
lcDhlionirtolvirg tlF onrirred,sir.. il wouklhavcbccDpcdbnlcd in thc inilirl sLut,calculali,r'.
ald ir is nos'rrecessirv 2. I'lol Lhisl)oinlP' on thc cbful,dmw ihc usualcirclethnx,ghii, and1i l O', rhc
pecilicdlll1othcexrrt i
,:N. nonn.rlizedload ftlnrjtrlncc lbcrc e' is 0.]0+10.331 ftonr the Smith chrtt.


2!2 Er lariioNla t-ril\4r,iiilll,-lAllotJ sYs l iil.'1:;

l. Crlculxlc lhr dinrncc 10 llrt stub.t the nc$ iequcncy iIr tcms ofLhc ne\! wa!e-
. r 'i . . ll,, ..rh
rl i.r,dr 11 r: 1i..11,' ;. i ' r c J r r 'n . ! rl r h b ..
'oxr . r./,,-0.1:6
0.t30 I'.1
4. tinn thc loadldniilLrn.epoint q'. krvel doc\wise aouid ihe constantS\lR
.i rcl cl h,otrghthcdi nanccj usrcrl cul atddl h.rc0.56,{' ]rn( lr er dot Tdr eno. nr
i red.(rni tr.nccrtthi sP oi nl R ' l h.h' r1" " ' 2.t+ JL 7l Tl i s i s th c at
rhc rc* fiequenct,scenby lhc inrh liic whcn ldninrg ro$tunthe loadat 4',
r|i.b is Lhepoint aLwhidr thc slrh wts plxccdrl llr. onpnrLlrcqucu.v
5. CllcuuLe tlrc lcngrhof Lhc sldb ii leldrs ol rhe ncw $rvelcDglh[]engtlr=
0.085x Lno- 0.102I l
_r./ e N nsual,this tim. linl lhc $rscellrnccof tlrolLccc of sh)n-
circuilcdiinc wl,oscLerrgl|wasctric(lilc.liD tl( neccdirq sleP lllcrc thelcnglh
is 0 L0: .\'. ar{l rliB rlrc srscctrr,)c!liorn d,c cbrrt 01 fi8orc 7'16 k (atSJ

The siLrxdo.rt Lhcnew ilqdctrcl is thNtwe hnlc lwo adnrittrnces placedin

r:. 1..: r" l ' ..,.' ., rr' c \' 1,, {rrrl ' l r,,l ,rc.) l l ' i \.h._ i( J lil
i r r.r" r. :r' h.Jrv,l .. L,' .,1' .rr. hL..w n.qrc,Lj ' r' l Jm r lcl, i'nr
oL,. Ld l l " I;l rrnac. r' ' ,I' :l ' r' c " .r" ^ or " d | | cr' : JJr r r iLt . ur ic- l
thi i toi D ib] rddi tun.ul .rc rL,,= \ L" b+ r,,,' -.i 1 34 + 2 l I t 1 2 l +

lloL rle tolx LdNiLtrncc or the clli[1 (|oiDl T oir |iglrc 7 16),drawlhc constdl
SWR c;clc thRrrglr it, rud rerd ofi thc swR'l his is thc stnn(l g-wrvetutioon
rhc mairrline ar./i' ibr h line lodd-slrrtr sysle tlrt wrs natcbcd,11l' lHerethe
SWli is 2.2. Ir DriBhLb0 Doted that lltis is loworlhrn thc unnrrlcbed
SWRot3 9
AllhoughlrinisnrLchundolhtedlyoxists I l2 MHz. $olncimprovcNenL hasbcs'1
c,tctcd thnLgh nl{chhg rl 10 Mttz. Th s is I rulc, rulhs t[0n $ crccptjoi'if
rhf ru' l ,c:.r.rcrc...rcr' ., {,' l ' l ).l u.

Anothcfcx plc is now givcn. cx)vcrif this tyl)eof ffoccdurefromthevbry

beginningibr r situiltionin whicb the k)xd inrpedrncorenMinsconslanl

IJXAMI'LE 7-10 (Rctb 1o figurc 7-l?) tD Culc0lnlcLheposiLion and longthoi a

$nxt-chluited sllb dcsj$redrc n)rLuhr 20U0 toad (o a hrrsmj$rionline wborc
i$pcd{ce is 300 O (r) Cdcul e rlrcSwll on thc nrin ljne Nhenthe
frcqucncyis inuicrsedhy l0 pcllctt. xssu ring rhar dre lo d Andlbc imped0nces

..4: - " r,-. l ' l utl j l gP .rl Lci hnLgi \c rr' i w q- l :i rr f lc 0 ! hr _
ri n... or 1.,' .1' fl " .r!.1.
I,oirt of irtcrricclil)nwith r - I circld, 4- is fknls.l Dist cc iofl l, d adllnl'
tdncc.O .j r,i s i i i urdcqualto 0 l l ,l i l hi s i s dr. di sl ttrrcc 1ol i rcst ub
AI n, r\,," = I l0 4li hetr.c,s,,b-.l0.4l PhtLiD!S and mtasuLing thedts_
l -| c. orJ tr.{ .. ..r B i \c. ruh c1-t1....' ) 1l l ..
(1,)/" = l l 0 perl o;rol -l ' , i o l h .\' = i /l l . Thus.thedi strncc to st ubh 0 ll x
t.t = 0.121.\' ,.D d rh l engLh of sttrl Ji s 0.:i l l x l .l = 0 342I' ,.
Sld.tingliolr Ornd soirigdtoundlhcdftwn circlclhurSl a dis[ncc (f 0 l2l'\'
yicllls thc ]rointn', rlreilislr;cc to lirc sub rttrchmerl Lroinlat lhc ncw liq'rcncy
'fliAil illlsii l(li.l Lii:.Ijis 2l:!

. i..===
dd riarl o11Lhenomal-
'his rs l& adnnta& at
l(*rtud thc load $ li ,

r|r.length uenglh=

: ol tlr liccc of shon_

I (oP [1le&thelenglh
fllnrc I 16 is (aL.!')

x(hritlrrrces Pl&edjn I
.lL! Jl L c\ Jd J B l ur hal i
, n h x l rJ t ( lr isnLr i
, i { l xl rd m lunc al i
, f : llf l 1 7 =2 1+ i

1.ln). dra{ thc Nnrilanl

u nJ n g r\r\ur r lt r r un
, nrlr b clnl l ' lHc t ct lt
d dr.ri(hcd s\11(of l 9
ic i pnrlcrtcnl harincc'l
thcr draLr t0 cxcep'inntr

' oi Prccedure : . -' : i-. .
li,r--#- {i-.

r c D ( f lurt Ldrd lcn Slh'r
r irursrri.ror llnc wnusc
: or thenuir Llilcwl)c ue
lo{d ind liLtcimpsdtrnccs i[{;q]fif,1 7-17 Snritfi cfirrl {,luri{xr ot ilxdmlrlo 7-10, stul, mllchirig riith frcqut'cr

iW R; I 5 o rruic0i ( r dm L-

l)inrnre ion loirdrdnnl- | i rr l h e chrrt, (hf rLl ni l l rrfc l rro(nrfbw rrd thc l ord x( l hrr rui nl i r.c!d o ll r r
' ! ! ! 1 r tlrc t Lo r' ," = 0 .9 ! j 0.19. si rni I y, (rrl i i gar-,l Foi drri r of thcchl r. rnd ruv, r ling
rh c orr dnnd LLu,ughr di(ro.. ol 0.312,r' Sivcsrhc po ol !'. lJcrcLhcs(ubldDilt^icc lrt
! I J fd N tru LlL C
Lhcnelv fitqudr.y is iotrnd. liom lhc chra 01 |iguLc 7 17, 10 bc I'r !: r/a),0:
ll lL x 'thc loLxldtriiuh.c al drc stubrtt^.hmcnl poidl xr drc ncw licqucncyjs l:
rc distt ce r0 sllb is
= nrl]I r"L,,L l',,. : +10.65+ 0 9,1 j(l.l{) - {l q4 I j0 26. Plottingrhis on thc snnLrr
n{i {l i . t i' t ' rL r l!r'!-r ^ c h a n .r.... LhctD i D tT ol Fi gurtl -17, ri d sl i rgi ng m xr 01..i rcl c l hrn,l l i / lir r r
f ,L ;i L n rlt k w lrRl'trr'c) S w l t l . :1. l hi s i s rhcdcsi ' cdrstrl l .


A r,,,b Jr ' l ..,.r.o,... rcre.l \rrn r.ui -f.r ,rrr ,l rn... 1i r e. . , it o
,.n .,1 ,r.,.1., e.,..,,u.un F,1,, ,.,,.k ,,. i", o in.
omc.t. Onc rcrl obvioLrsrtquirrlnent is loi somc sort oJ .rdjustrblesrub, qhich
c o u l d coP . l vi th i! or l ord mpedrnce.hrng.s.i ndsLl l lgl !e r dequr c nar ch
ing. Anothef s;ruatlonolien cncounteredi: firc ir which iLls (l€sifedto sanryleont! tbe
u $ J r, Jr fer -t* rl ) ttu r.' ..,.nIn: . I v r r '. , . 1.r . t ,
r' .,' e e\i ' . A ).,n. I ol r.n | l :,| .| ,(,. h:.' . l .:l Jr' J ri -
,r r orc. , , r , r . .rn
Lrnbalanced one. Fnr,rlly.rt would be lcry hrdy indeedto havea trallsrrissionline. tor
measuremel purposes.on which thc vof!)us qLranrjries srch as irodcs, antinodes.or
SWlt could bc crsurcd at any point. Ali suc| €ventuatjticslrc colcfcd by stecirl
corntoncr{s, or "hardwxre, which will no\l be discLrsscd

7"3.1The DoubleSt tr
Ii r lransmission line]nrtchir|gdcviceis to bc rLsclulin { raDgeof diftercnrnraLobinS
silulrtions,iL nrurl hlvc as nrrny v.rfi ble paramcrofs. ot (lqrec! L,J.liudon,$ h;
\tJnJi ! kL etDllem :inc. rh. falrernl).,..$.,J.J.(e,rfliee,^rn'ttrJS$.Rrr.tthc
positjonof thef-irstmaximum).so mustrhe stubnutcher.A siDglcrrubof adiustablc
po"irionrn.l lcnr'r.r$.ll .1.'rhL1,,. \.-) $erl rr t('w r1,i,r.,.o,...!.
rarg.. Ghis i|equcncyr0ugei$ not rigjdly delincd,bur ir irj conlmoniyundcNlood to
occupythc $pectrunr f|('n 1 to 100GHz. lt is alsoci,\lledbrcadly tJ\eGttij ?tff n!e,
srnccihe two extremeffequcncies corrcslondrc wavelengths ol 30 and0.3 cm, respec-
ti\,ely.)Al suchhigh lrequctciesco xiAl linosarc er !loyed insrcrd'oipar0llel-wir€
lines,anddilliculticswith screencd slotsafesuchthntsrubsol rdjustubleposiiion0!e

To prcvkletheseconddegrceof licodonr,I secondsrubol,adjrsr.rblc position

is addedto thc lirsr one.Thir rcsultsin rlle doublc*ub of ligLrre7-18rnd is a
comDl(nrly usednutchcffbr 0oAXirlmicrowrvclines.Thetwo stLtbs Arcphccd0.375I
apart(i conespondin{to thc cDnterlieqlrcncyof the reqlriredrangc),sinccthatap,
pcr||sto betheoplimun seprution.Two variablesoreprovidcd,andvcrygoodmatch- .
ing is possible.Not all loadscou be lnltrchedrnder all conditions,sinoehaving,l
sccondvariablestub is nor quire n$ good s br,r'ingr stubol ad.lusr,lble posirio,r.
Such0 nratcher is no|lnallyconnectedbetwcenthc loadrnd thenuin transnis-
sionline to en$urothosln)ftestpossiblclengthol misrnarchcd
liue.Il nillurrll) hAslhe

l{GtJltO 7.18 Dotrble{itrb Dalrhd-

f itAalLi),1
lSSla)fl i-lfllis z!5

i.rnr..hr1.r"-riliicinrF,lrir.. r! theffrin lirc. i rd e,r.rh rnrbshdrldhl\c | ftng. 01

laririi,r {nre$bai i. ,:r..i,r ol half a The Jjrttlt.i.l(n rdjusiJrertt$
Ir.ilclrii! i\ bcsl describr,l rr' i.t.,trirlarCerfor',whi.ihnrriornat,
frn pf.reJ.C bt I rf'rinninarv.,rlculitiurl ':/hen rnd eror r\ is.d. the stuh
. on the spur ol the lerrisL!. ire ox,.r 15seiu ;! nrmb.rf|)f pt)in( ;llJnsiLsrlngc.aIIdile larLhef s bis
racliedhr.L rrd ibrdr.r!'! irs entiremnge irier,rh !-'tlinS loint ol Lh.llrsl !t!D) utLil
strble stub, which
rheben |rsiihie nraii} hili been.rclliev€ll Tli. S!'ii ir. of rotnsc. monircFd con
i!e adequalcmalch'
., 1rosmrp L e o nt ! Lhc \ldrih' $hilc udtuslneni i! irlintj placc.Ljnl.s.'Llic/old rs rircstuiui'ri. lof ex npi.,
,rirot]which sLa'rdug rlm{)sterrtirclti.xc{ne. i'.hiuld bc posiibl(t(, tlutc lht SV/il oi t|c mamlrncL{)
irc connecleclrc l|n bel)!, rtlrul 1.2s'llL il'is rrdfhcf
ir ns i s$ i o n! r nc ,lar I1 rlrroslfcrl(:.1rrrtchinsundefrll .or cciubl. (l,rdrLl()Ir:r of S
irnp.j(lancr is re(lLrif(1. t slublurershorldbeused Thi' is slrrrilrrto thc ('oub
, r odcs.a n ti n odc sot, 'iiplc ')
slubunerbLrtforrsislr lii ihf!cstrbs,adiLr{:rblerrrle gthlrrdphc.ai0Il5,lllprrfl(rh!
r covercd by spccial
optrnurnscilrrlio. ir thir' crs!:1.

7-3.2 lllil.e(fiDrl.t]l4-l,Jrirplere
)f diffcrcnl l! is ollflr r)ccessafy lli m(xsLrl.e lle power being delivcird to n load oi rr rrntc.rir
throughu Lrrflsilrirsion iin(. 'lhis is olten ddllc by lalnplingtcchriqLre,in v'hn:I I
's ol Jftedut\, 1\sthe
.rn (thcSWRandthe lillown lirclion ol lhe l)()wcris rrc surecl.rc i)at lhe tot0l may be calcuhl{rd.It ir
lle slubof adjustable inrpLxatjve. undcr lhes€con("Itorrll lho ibrward wave in the arlr line is
)0low the ,rrfrtlf4l4 rurersurcd. notthercllccied w vc(ifany).Anunrtlcro'conplingunitsrrcusedh)|ruch
xnonlYundcrs(x)dto purposes lrndale kro\trr ,tsditt(ria al c:ottPI(r,\l\e tw)h,)lc corrpler$hownin Figu.e
lhc tc nnteLe||a 'le. 7-19 beiig "lrl()rg the m(,!i poprrlnr.fhis parricularo r is discussed becruscil is a
i0 Ilnd0.3 cm,rlesPoc_ good illustruti{)nof trlnsmisrion-lirctechuklicrinnd hasa difljct wnveluidefl)ur]tcr'
steadof Parltllcl-wiIc p rL($eeSecriorlU5).
A$ indicrlcdin !igrrr) 7-19,ihc lwo-hL)lcdircctionalcouplerconeists of a f icc!
dj stablePositionarc
of xr?nrnrirision linc lo be con colcdin $sics wilh lhc miin line. togcthcrwilb I pie.u
of adjLLstable
Posrtron of ruxilifly line (orpl(xi lu dre nnin linc vio l\t) prlbcs tiltoLrghshls in lhe ioined
Figure7-18andis u oLrorwirl|j of thetwo .oax;rl lines.'fho frrctrc$Ju n(n rtd ally touchthoinnerconduc-
bsarephced0 375I tor ol lhc ,r xiliwy liln). 'Ihey coupiesufftkrut f)rcri{yirito jt sirnplyhy bcing0ea,ii.
mngc),sincethol ap' li'il)cy did louch, moslof ihe cnergy(insxclld'rl'rncrcl) .r liaction)ln the mxin lire
andverygoodna&n_ would bo coupledintc rhPluxiiiAfy linei .l ifreiiorr ir all lha( is necdod The probctrj
itions,srncehrvurgu ilvlLrcecncrgyllow in lh(ra xilituy line wbiclr ie lrostll in lhc satnedircclifi)ali in dre
)l adjuslablcPosition
L}ndthc nrointransmis'
e. lt naturallybasthe

l{CtlI{E 7"19 tllnlitt (vFholc directiotr.l .oupl.r.


216 Er-|atRcNrc aorrit!,luN1cATl(}N

l i ....,. l /' !' .i .,h | :),to. . \ r ^n_ d"-

' " ri r "i ' gr.:, '. : .
..,' . l f d r' | .r J r.. .' r' ., t. .) , t . t . , n,
' l .e fr,,l
q 1 r| ' | .(Jer.- r.. l .r .,\ r.r) ' i cr,rn. l , : . r - . r *i e; . :
i n r' .. ,. .." ' l e
rr-. - ,,,,,...;.
'lh. h .' J.. t. rtU \r' )(: \., r i
qr' .,.,' ,." Ji i !r' ' ^tc:r .r t , . , . . D, . . oeih
" .,r..,i ,,r1,.' .,'
r.l . " .,r h. . r-' .t q, . r.j .r( b. .. ..d tt no,,," , , , , , , . "; ,
,1 ,,)rr ' . t{' .. \ \e, n..1r. 1. r. . . J r, r' .. . . . ru ,| ,et ." ,1. ,, . , "r '. . , ; : '
'l he ouLgollrg\'rve en{c)in! rhe auriliul
trnc rt t, and procc.difg lowrrd thc rlebcro;
will ncet al B anothcf srmple ol rhc for Llrrd wrve. Bo(h hlvc iraversedtie srr;
drstmce Lhrt lhey .rd(lrnl lftvcl on to ttredolc.rrn lo be mcasrnerl.Thcle
will rlso be a snr:rll hrctioJrol the fevcrsc wrve f lcrin! thc rLriii:r) tiJl!,aDd
tra v e l i rgto thc ri ght i n i t FJow cl ersratl . rh sw avc i s rndesi bl eandis r nm oved her c
by carrccllatnnr.Ary of ir Lhalcflters al ,fj wi]l bc fu y cllncetcdb] r porrionofrhc
re l l e c ted$al c w hi ch ertersthc l uxi l i ary l i nerr,1 rftl l Jso procecd ro s iher ighl This
is so hccia sc rhc refleded w,rve wtrich frsscs /J in rhe rniin linc cilerc the auxitiar;,
i i n c a t,4xnd thcDgoesi o./r,hl vi ng l rl vel ertthl rmgh di srarrcc,l hi ch j$ 2 x. \ i. t =i;
grcrtcf lhan the rcflecredwlve ihar cnrefed!r /J. lteing rhur crrctly i8{)d(ntt ofphase,
thc ti o c ncel if both $l(xsand piobes arc rhc same size rnd lhape. and lre corecuy

Srnccvai('us mechnnical inaccu rcies]rrrvcrr idealopcraLiorl

of rhi! (or ry
othcr)dircctionNlcolrpler,sorneol rhc unrvrntcdrellecredwavc will be measuLerl in
thc auxiliaryliDe. Thc .r,"(/;yitt, of dirccrionalcoupJcris I st rdfid lnerhod oi
ureasuringthe ertclrl ol rhis unwanted\frve. Consldcrexoctlythc sanlepowerof
ffirafd nndlcvcric wrve entcringthe auxijilry linc. Ifthe mtio oi lbrw0rdto tevc|se
powermcNurcdhy (lrederocrcfis 30 dB, tltendredircctionalcouptcfis srid to hnvea l
dir!.xiritf ol 3A &1. This vrlue is conxnonin pfactice. I
The othef irnporl nt quanlityi0 connecrionwith I dir.ectional coLrpleris lts
.lir?(iotulca tlin\'Ifiisisdolincdl|.srhcrutiool-rhcli)rwadwaveinthcmainlinc
lhc lb|wud wavein tircauxilidry is lrre0surcd
in dcOibels.
cnd20 dB (t00| l) is
1 rynrrrJvrIrc.

A, balLt , .tt bt u,krrtuttrtbalffic? trun{otn.x.. is a circuir clcnrcntLrsed10connc0L a
balanccdlinc ro ltn unbahnccdline or i$t€nnr Or, rs is pcfilps n ljitie n
ir is uscd to conned an unbalrnc0d(corxint) ltne to a balancedlDrcnnr such as r
/ioi?. A1 liequencics k)w cnol|gh tor Lhi$ro be l]()rsibJe,a .dillll|y tuned l1.lrns-
l(nrDcf is ernployed. This h$ lrn unbntrnc&l pinrry llnd I cenlcrl,rpFd second!ry
winding, lo whi.h lho hrhnccd rrrennx js conncctod lt l]rusllls(r hilveln etccLrl)slaoc
shield, whioh is cafthcd rlJ minirnizc lhc eflccLsof sray crprcitanccs
F(n.hiSheriiequcncies.sevc!.rtr|anrjnissjor tinc f,atunsexisi to. difitdng pu]-
pr)scsand nafrowb nd o. f'ror brnd lpplicarioos. TIc nrostconnnonb tun, a nal'ow
band one. lvill be dcscribcdlrcrc. as sholvr in crcss scciion in Figurc 7 20. tr js known
{s the.rdtr, r1..r,?, of ld,,rid brhn.
lll.r: r;l:lii,ll:il|i i 'r l.i.:lE1 :1?

icli $lll bc absorbed

., ren ns r0 cnstrre
, hr h th cru x it iar y t ine
-fli I'
rng to$ d d thedetcctor,
,.rvc iravcNedLhesatu
,r rr)be nc$uled. Thrc
an\iliuy linc and$en
t:lcl illl 7'llr
tre arlr rsrcmoledherN
-led Lr) a lortion ol ge
A s !n rrl r, r .l urncf w rr!cl ,rrl rh sl ocrc i ' l rhrcl r,1\rn(li hc oLr(t!con( l'r clor ol
i j .(!rrl rd.rl i i )i trl -! A tl l r l w rl r 'or r r 'f
i re c o rx i rl l i r crr(l | oi rrl r' .l hereti rr' i r' l
wlrichis2xn/4-i/2 l brnuT' 1 ilr r si( ! c
l h c i rn t)c rl ce ..rj ' re' l r.:i l (!)hoLr& )1\rri rrl r i hr I rn' i ri i " i ori l i l re
r^cily180'outolthlsc, r i h e o rL $ i )l .l tfrl i ol (l | e ,ro i l l l i nc i s rnJi rrl t(il .
h! cLr1fl ci )nrl u clofof lh!
irlpe, ondalecoLiectly c o u ru l l i n c r l ,i i (ngcr l i rs 7(l ,' Lnrl dance 1{ , l i oLrJ(i xL \. Oro ol nrc iics of r hc
b rl a n c e i1l i 0 crr,ry bc | ,,nn,j cni ro i l $i l horL l ;rr ol bubg shoftri rcui tcdtr ) g] 1'ur d
rperationof tils hr any ' j h c o th c rb rlrxfc.l ' i i 11 i :r conncul ed (J l h. i fn' I confrrcl cf thc (r)uj ti r l linc An!
r,l!c will be measurcdin b a l .rn c c lr{o a rl .srrr:h rs t| c si rrLpl l ri l )ol f arl ennl thow n i n Fi gufc' 720, l rrr J nou bo
is a stAndard nerhod oi
rctly lllc s me Power ot.
rtio of forlvardt0rcvolso
I coupleris saidk)hllvea 7-3,4TheSlottcdX,i,ie
th.r( piececl n-xnsnriirsion
It c n trc pprc{riated irrc,nI coustfuftcd rhcvolt goor
directidlalcouplefisils c u l .re nl ttl o n gi l I n bc fl i asuredrol l l i ri trousl y(,i ,j I i l s l crl $i r. w oLl l l bo {)f rcr l r r scr n
d wavcin lhemainlineto a lot oi nrci)srr|trrlrcrrt silulLiorrs. At r.latively lo\! liL{rL$roics, slr} uP lo al'orr( 100
)els.and20dB(100:l) i! M H z , r tri r o l ' tr.rral l d-w i rcl i ngi rrrr] bc used.hrvi rl g rr l rl vol i ng det0cl of') or r |ct cd
h c tw c c nl h c n r l hl f ri l .| cr(ni s cLrti i l !In(,!1' bl orri d hrs l tci l i l i cs 1brdcl i 11] ininl lh! )
d i s ta L rcoci ' th e p )ho l i onr ci rhorcl xl ol tho hnc. Il rr' l i (y' rd /l rrl 'i s the nn c give0 I o
l h i s p i e c eo fe qui frl kr,r. trl !,so hi gh-l fl r{ uono), rl i ui rl l enl i t l ho ///r' . lls r lx) wr l
' turr?/
i r L ri g !rc7 -21.
T h e $ loi rc(iI nc j r:Lpi ece,)lcorrxi rll i rrc' ,vi th Lng rrrfti u k)ngi l udi'r rslol l nr
! (urducl or. co f r csl1( ) nd
tlemert uscdto connecl th c o i e f c o l d ucl or.A l l rt thl e rs Inountod nn l ht orrl sr w rl h d
:aDsn lildc morec(nnnon' i rg s l o l i n i r ro l rnrii tbc dcl c.l (/ prcbecani rge. i ( hasl l rrki (' r l l rc \i (l c. w i l h I vef f iol
l;nccrl nntennrsuohas 1'o fricrowrv. iitqu.rcirs n) ir ioxl! lhc cnil(t pDsitiN ol thc pfobc. Thc probc
r o in Y lurcd lflrov c x l c n d si n i o tl t !i )i , f,Irn! ri ri r. l l orc (o l rr i rtr!)' cor(l rrLi n ol (hc l i | .i) hLr iuoi
Prd secondtrl
r ceLrteFt^f L t)u c h i nigt, L rssh)sn i r Fi gLU I21, e l nthi sl i r:i ri on. l .osc .l nrpl i n! l a' $,e u lt r r c! 'xi
* p fu b c i s o b l riD ((lw hi ch i ri rde.txar.:l or nrei l sl l | t:nrrts,bul snl | l l onrmgl t$ r s noLr o
"r'f'r,*" 'i',"l""o**ti' nrlerfcfe |lndulv 'j he slollcd line nurt hr\rc lhe rr.] rhaf!.niriit(i. inrpuJNncear lhc
rprcilrncc\. ..,._
o,a'tt"l"l+' D i n l rn c r,) whi .h i r i s c(,N rc.t,r(l;n kfi cs. Il D r sr rl s() hrvc r l engl hson'c'r lr r tr n
"'"t.''. b rl u n,r n Lnor
. ot urn ,,rr c x c c s so l r hri i 1!r!.l drgl h nr thc l ow csl i ol oFrrl i (nr.
I F i!'rrr 7 l 0 f t i\ k noqr ' - Th. sloltcd li0c sirnfly perrrirs convcnicxrLxnrl rccufrle nnstrfemcnt ol ilre
ll Ii ,, . .c.Il ' l r!. l l :.r r" r' r.,r " r.,Il l .' .,r.' ..r' rl .rr' Lh qr 'cr r"
:iE aLaatTRllNiccarMh{LihI{,\Tlofl lYsrELl'ls

. '-a
. "':i

FI{;UIft 7-21 (dl Conlmtrlnrl tsifowtr}c sNottod line (r,rr,st d/ r/IeA$o i Man Jd'tutts
d,/r'd"J)i (r) {rosr sc{fion of rt llot{ctl lina

signiflcdnllywith theq rntiliesl,

as Dlry be dcsircd.wjlhoutinLcrl'cring
The knowledgcof drcsequantiticspcnnitsc0lculutionol'
l. Lood irrpedancc
2. Sronding'wavcrltlio
3. Requencyof thc geDcrntor
The practicalnrcasurerncnx andcalculiilios mcthodstLe no|n]llly irdicatedin
lhe iDstructionsthrt conrewith a PArticuhrslotledlinc Measurcmcnt Dcthodsfor
thcse prriLnloters
thsl do nol involvethe slottcd Unerls() cj(ist

Eath oJ t/.d lollowing ,tttLtiPtuLhaic? quenn'Ni tonlists tl trl iftottryl?lc ak e l
tht linz that
Jblk]\|td bt ft\lt (hoic?s la, h, t, onLl l) Cirdc th. l.cttt lltctttlittg
u)rre(tll .otnPltt6 trlL h st'ttett(?
t. lDdicrte thc &h. statoDeni. Ihc S{rR on .t a. an oponcfcrrll
tr$sDrission line is inlinityr thc line is lol d. a purcrcrctance
minatcd in
1or co rirl
2. A (?5-i50) f) krxdis conDected
t.rnsrnission =
ltrreofzo 75I), rr l0 GHz
h. a tionplex rmpedrnce
lR.{l'J:i11l)ist{ll\i r.llLEs 2lLg

rte (l ](n ]o l Lr!1' l rN r!r' ' )rr' rIl r
T te /rfrr i . i i ri :. rtu| (n l l i r:(:rbi e D osir i( , r l
ti L ri
' ndt s r ul jJL I l !' orr 't. I ir. ;r:!i. ,lii!.I!l]]nrge tit lire 1*r di
-_ .,trt " t" i rt (i r' ' rl i )rLf.r
"" I h L l " rr
i l1"' " 's
. I!-l , .l l r,.cri l N rlroutl ur!
.' ;. lri\,r! ry
l ro n rth c tu ri o
r' ,r. hrgh:li,\Il.l
d o ' -' r'
fl o r, i L r. Icrtrr i. n:l|ror! irrLI)d.! i(lih
d i n rn c c
L I' r' ' T,,.! ttl . r ror!i !l i ' ,. { t 2 Pt Lr . r llir trtre
r l- l' "1
' ' r..,t. LI l i n,r. i l i s h$L to ui i ] 1r
i .r ' ;l ' l r'
n ra l c ri rL nsef
" f i_ i rr " l '
L .'
1 r!' u dtl r.tronl 1 !.r' P l { N '
fl i s s i o n
,. h \ rl \l i rr e' r' t , 1r aaef-D i l ver!N nsl ol rr.f
- " ' ^ .rn td lr nc
l n(l i crtc the threei ytcs ol tftLnsnr issiot
O. ," -,' t l i l ' l L' f Lrl r-rr' " '
' "'
4 . L p J ...rJ , i r' v Ii ' { r r' ) | ' ul rr' l i rrr
x . r s l x tl -c i | (1 rrl t' sd l trtr ii- /'/,'. /i.. rrrd lcrnpelllurro
i ). R di ati ur, /:ti . arrddi el o]l ricl) r . it ilr
b . rn o p c c l rc u i te ds l ub
c. a qrlxrtef_willc rn0 i:. Dl(rlcctfi!: scIirxtiou. insulrln)n t)rcxi(
d. r hrlt-wxlc I'nc d,,w n, nrd rodi ati (rr
smbs xrc Utllxre(l lo r)pi1r_ ,d. (i,id (tor lic.rti,rg. dicla)cLri(herling,
S, Sho11-citcuitcd
circLri(ed sLubs hcdru$crthe llLlcl irrc r'L'sishncc.
rn!l |.li{lirrrio|1
0, nort dilllc(rll lo nralic irr(l con ecl t{1. Indic Lc lhe ,i( stnlorrrnl L)olow.'trlri da
I th! AUd tt4rt|l.tdts
b, m lo ()1' tmnsrDirslon iire with .r dii"
IefcnLchamclcrislic inrpodrnrc r" ! dcl i cc usedto oonnc* l ta r inr it icrt , )
c. lii|hle to ladlrtc ll Cirecli(nrxl.rlrtennil
Lntiticsbeinginensured. h" a coupling dcvice iol nrrlchiug itnped'
d. inc.pablc of giving I ftrii range ol'rcac'

ord xttchj ngov(' r' r1

6 . F o r n rm s rn i s s i rn r-l ilue a llcvicc red t() rllcilslfe lrufismlssrcn
nrngcof is besl {o ll$e il
d. l D S W R rnrLrsrfj !8i n$tr nrenl
'c flom.rlly indicatcd b. brcrdbnrd diructifirLrlcollplel
usurcnrcntorcthods for

1 . A l o s s l c s stra n s m i sri l )rl i no Lrs r shunrorpa(i l .tncort 100 pl rrm ;rrd l efi cs i nd Lr cr
0n0col zl pFilrn. WhdL is its chLrrrctcristici'IPcda!.cl
ol 6 rrfl r l ri r, l 5111) cl ,afuctdi ri Lii cn]pcdi nce ll
2 . A c o rx i i l l i n c q ' i rhrfl oul l i rdLri nrcl cr
)1 i .omPLtl. :tki(ne t
thc dielectfic ronsL|nt ol lhc iosul.rlilnris I 6(). crhrrlrte the Inn':r u'ne1cr.
pr(\Ldirr thr li e tlul
3 . A l rl | rrs m i s :i i ol inn ow i thN chrr.rctefi $i ci rrl ed.rnccol 11001)i s ternri nrrl ' ti n a PLr Rt v
r'lsisLivctord. lt is tinud hy nrersurelrent (hll lhc mini|rru|rl !.LlLrcol volt{8e il it
5 l i v . rn d tl rc D L nnurn 7 5 pV W hd i s Lhc vnl u. ol i he l o d fcsi stxr)ocl
4, A qr.rrtcrwrvc lrltrrslb rcr is connccleddircrLly l() r 50 () lotrd, Io n lcl) thjs li)rd to
.t lrl|llsDis!ion line whxo Zo : '/5 l). Whrl n rsi ho ihr chrrrrcterislicinrpcdr|lceoi llrc
I connccledl0 r colxid
Z o : 7 5 (), x t lil G H7 'nal.hi!s

:.iIrrii rl ,.r . iir ,l ii,e ::ili li , I lrlr :: litr,: 'i i.i:ii:!ri! ii; i: 1.rrii:ltliiii !n x
-i. ,lr ; r; i,
i :1 : i 1 :;l !l r .r,1-l rr,.i r ..i ri .l ,i ' . ri ' rf,,,i .!!: r. th;r i o:ri :r1 rl i rri r i r tu: r 'i'r _t ! r '1.
r, !!.i1.i.t: r rl i,. !, r ll,:,,i..j 1,,r)lii,rl, Iir rr i,r,l :,r rl. i"h, lar .e:.iiil,Ii iir': 'i
l i .r l :.. , ,' .h i .h rhi .r!i sJ.rl rrc! rfl i i l . tr::r,l.l
j . i ri .,ri rti rrrer.rgrl !!i ..i rr..rcfaf:t" tr.r;:r.u11i 1l i r!.i i i :,' i rl i Lrin(l nr ir Lr l. rlt l.

j: i . ., i -i rr' / r iil {}
i i i , i l l i l ri rl i 11,-:l \.i l . l rrl I -i a, i ' r,e. ! .| i r l re" rri i rri e.i
:,/' ri i r... :r.l ' rg.r l i ' i r :l r i hrri . i rri i rni i i , Ll n ,trrrr, l oti drl Li ;i Lrxr 'r
l r.r I j r f,:!i l i l | ,,nrl .j rl hr: l ,rl di ri l rrrl i nr. rr:i l | cr 1r!,vt, r" -.r' r!.' ()i rnrr , ll. , r 1he
.;fr,q .. ;i Li i Lrj ri i " t rl i rhre rl ,. D ' i i i ,l l i rtrl rn x) Li rL: htxl . r1 !.hr,r iro'r : r r U
rl :,i r,i ri .t !,Lr,f: xt!r rf:.Iri l (,rrr1.! i ' ,i l drl rl r | 1..' 1!i : l -1i , l l l r--l i ri rri ri rr r r jJr
ri liitr l
,;. l -:,i r)qi r J rri li r .rl .!rl tI. rl nrfl r;i (i !!r ri rr. l ci :Ll r ol | !hrl r i i er r! d i ' rjr r t t r1 I
' i ri fL (l i i !
l l )1 ,1 , | r,i i { i l :i t)-i l i i i c rl r!-snri ri ,i i i i i nt,i ()i fi rl Lri rl i l i i rnl i r.i tu i s r . el
' rr '. . c( i
MIl r. \ri l l bi l i ri ori dre nrrLi nl ort ; r0 l ul j 2I I' l l tl erhri Ll l ' :l i )rL l iilr r e
' /h x l 'll 's 'r

!. rr' i l l ,rl ri i ,i rlol ri i r[i t]:.l l l ri ,c| l (ti hi !th,:y,rri l i ' ,nuol l erl l l hof uhor fi rcLr ir ulslub
mL rl {ri ]1 gi , lli0 i l l l .l l _i t I,)rJ 1,) I .ri l l )J)r1r' rrni i i sh)rrLi .(i .," ri l ntrni rgti l ui t hc k'! d
irrrpdrrce iinraurs |1 \taJ!1, {inl the iihrii ,n rlr,i m{l! lijrc wlcn lile ri'r|l|rencJ is (tll
;t(xc rxl by l{) lr(f(ii|ti 1l1)doub ed

1" V/brtdillerdrllyf$so I lransurission linc!areLhere?In vvhutwavs do tireilrpplicrrtrol!$
diflef'/ What i$ il tlr0l linril.rthe ln.rxirnrrm polvHrLheycrn lrxndicl
l. Dfr\,/ theiicne,trl 1xlriv|lcn1 !]rc'-riL
ol x ttrn$mis$i(nr lir!i'lln(lli sifipliliedciraril lirr
a rrdio-licqLorctlinlr. Wlnt l)()rnils tli5 s;J,rllifil:rrliorrl
J. Delinc llle chnnutclitlic i rpedrtc0or iLuantrnissionli'rc Wlierris tl)eiDPrrtlul0ed_
flrcc oi lt !r'0o]i iu$i(rnlino o!Lralio itl chrlrLci\xi$lic llnpfil ce?
1. Ilisr!sr thiilyt$ oilosscs that lay ocrrrt lvith Rf irollttr]issi(, ]inos.!i wbatLrnilsrre
tirljsr lossclrllornrllt, gi\,en?
5. With r skclch,c,rplAir)d1edil'fcrcnccbc 'vedllsi,]ndingwAvcsand uavclin8wnves
[{p]ain how sin diDgw vo$occ r in rn inTcdocily ma(li1)(lLrusmiss;on
{i. Defldcarll e{Plrin ([r ntc]ningof the l€rrnirdtklinl rtr\: tatio \\l1,ttis lhs lorrnrrltr
li)l i1 if lho krnd ir p{rciy r)tislive'l hy i$ "t hrghvrlre ol SWR olL0nLrtd€simL}lc!
? li)r,l1Lilli\rlly. w;rli su.I siien:hes ir,r,rr.,,rlit,licrbltr.ltu rdnceploI irlrped,rtr'c rrrvril'
s({r 5t r ql-rlc. wr'veirn,r.
il, Frx whirlpurposlj;crn ihofl lonirthrol ol,'eri(r drtl Tir rilod t{usnrissiLrrlire ilc
Lrlcd?whar is i st|01Wlryrf€ sl('1-circirited slrbsptrlofrednr oFer-circuitcd oneril
9" nntclrin! i lord i(] { line Lryrr€alrsol N slub uod iLqurder_lvlvcttnrilnl)'l
ilrJrl):iihlricd rtlhc ldodr. .c rir proijedurc ii ti)jkN!.dV/htrti]irhisl r(clhrielWh]
ar-ca.lo)iltanccs Lrred nr coDncoli(n wilh stub Nrtchnrgl Whrt doesn slub ltctuallydol
10. \u,Jr i.r\r,rlh l':'rr'l\\rr.rit ir'1il,lr.rron l

11. Why musl nrpedancesfor admiiiancetbe normalizedbefbrc b€isgploucdor t

d Sn',.hchJnl
26 of the tr2. Describethe doubtesirb .ralcher.the procedurcusedfor matchirgwilh ir. andlhe
applications of the device.
tr3. What is a direcrionalcoupler?Fof lvhatpuryosesnight
tr4, Llciine the rerns z1;fz.r;';ry and dtrcctional cauplins att usedwith directionalcor-
. + j50),o p1e.s,rnd explaintheir significancc.
15. Wh.rlis ! dl,,? Whai is .r tl-picrl applicationof strch

iner line).

rt thc load


d circuitfor



lrng waves
the formula

isionline be


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