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J Abdul Kalam View on Creative Education


It is more about motivation, than money. Its not only about 100% education,it is about the right kind of education. If we release the locked
potential in every child, there is nothing that India cannot achieve. BY A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM
"Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking provides knowledge knowledge makes you great"
INDIA is heralded as the land of opportunity and considered among the emergent economies of the 21st century. The greatest strength of the
nation is its youth force of 600 million. If they were to stand alone, they would form the 3rd largest nation in the world. How they are shaped
by education will determine the next chapter of the India story.
Of this huge youth army, I have met as many as 13 million youth in a decade's time. I have learnt, "Every young person wants to be unique.
But the world all around is doing its best, day and night, to make each of them just like everybody else". At home, they are asked by their
parents to be like the neighbours' children in scoring good marks. When they go to school, the teacher says "Why don't you become like the
first five rankers in the cass?" Wherever they go, the refrain is the same. "You have to be somebody else or like everybody else."
This is because education per se is not enough. If we aim at 100% Shiksha, it has to be the right kind of shiksha, good schools that nurture a
child's uniqueness. Only then can each child realize its own potential.
These are high ideals, but they are not beyond our grasp. The key, as we keep repeating, is 100% shikha will be just an empty numbers
What would the right schooling enable? In creating individuals capable of rising to their full potential, it is important for the education system,
both in school and at home, to grar itself towards nutuning creativity and confidence in youth. The confidence that "I Can do it".
Let me now discuse the composition of the creative cassroom which is the foundation for evolving great learning.
I have always liked to sit in a class. Always when I visit schools and colleges in India and abroad, I like to see, how the teacher teachers and
how students interact. Recently, I was in Andhra Pradesh, in a one-teacher school which went only up to Class V. I was with the students in
the evening at 7 pm in an outdoor class with the full moon shining above them. Later I realized that the outdoor call had a purpose as
visualized by the teacher. The teacher was teaching how children can be always happy? He asked, "Dear children do you see the full moon,
the beautiful scene in the sky which brings smiles and cheers all round? Remember, When you smile the whole family also smiles. How many
of you will want to keep your parents happy?" The whole class lifted their hands; they said they would do it. I also raised my hand along
wwith the Class V students. Then the surprise came. The teacher said, "The moon is the natural satellite of planet earth,"
She continued, "Dear childere, can anyone of you tell me what is the name of the artificial satellite which our ISRO has launched around the
earth?" Only one boy responded that ISRO had launched the Rohini satellite. Then the teacher converted the class into a moon laboratory.
She drew the first day of the moon. Then the second day, third day etc. She said, "Today is the 15th day, which is why you are seeing the full
moon radiating beautiful light."
When she asked the next question; "From where does the moon get its light?" there was no reply at all. the teacher herself answered that the
moon gets the light from the sun.
It was a noe-teacher class, but i enjoyed it immensely. I was particularty astonished by the foresight of the teacher in organizing the class on
full moon day and then converting the moon into a practical teaching tool. This is the right kind of shiksha that we talk about.
Here's another experience. During my visit to UAE, I inaugurated an Indian school named JSS International School, Dubai. When the
preparation was going on for ther naugural function, I was moving from place to place in the school, particularly visiting class rooms where a

large number of students from class V and Class VI where being taught by a teacher. As soon as the teacher saw me, she asked me to take
the class.
I went to the black board and started interacting with the students instead of loading them with lessons. I asked the children, how many
planets does our sun (star) have? Many hands went up. One girl said, there are nine planets and some students said, there are eight planets.
I said the right answer is eight planets, since the ninth planet Pluto has been removed from the list of planets because it does not meet the
criteria of a planet, in size weight and orbital motion.
I asked one student, "Tell me which is our planet?" There was a chorus of answers, "Earth". I then called for a volunteer to talk about the
earth. One Class VI student got up and said, "Our earth rotates on its own axis." Others added that it takes 24 hours for one orbit and that's
how we get day and night. I was very plessed with the knowledge of the young on the solar system.
Then I asked the class, "What does the earth do?" There was pin drop silence. Again a Class V student said, "The earth orbits around the
sun." My next question was, "How much time does it take to complete one orbit?" Many hands went up. But when I asked to which galaxy the
sun belonged; Only one boy responded, "Milky Way". How much time does our sun take for one orbit of our Galaxy?" No response of course,
it is difficult. I gave the answer "200 million years" The children gasped in surprise.
I went on to explain the unique features of our galaxy. And then I greeted them and left. I am giving you these examples to illustrate how
students can be encouraged to be creative. It doesn't take a fancy school; it takes an innovative and motivated teacher. Worthy efforts at
creating the right scholastic atmosphere will find and adopt several methods to make the class dynamic and creative.
In conclusion I would like to emphasize. Nuture Imagination and Creativity What is the unique nature of the minds of discoverers and
inventors? Their contributions have emanated from creative minds that have been constantly effort, all the forcess of the universe work for
that inspired mind, thereby leading to inventions or discoveries. Teachers have to love teaching and have the capacity to nurture creative
minds and imagining minds. Similarly, parents need to think of a child's capability to be reflected beyond just marks and objectively defined
criteria. These are the kind of creative schools that all our efforts towards achieving universal education must aim at 100% shiksha must also
be the right kind of shiksha. And that's no rocket Science.
"Every young person wants to be unique. But the world all around is doing its best, day and night, to make each of them just like everybody

Make Education System More Skill-Oriented, Says

Former President APJ Abdul Kalam
NEW DELHI: Former President APJ Abdul Kalam today called for a review of syllabi in universities and senior secondary schools to
make the education system more skill-oriented.
"I believe that the syllabus in our universities and schools should be changed and 25 per cent of it be dedicated for skill
"When the students pass out of senior secondary schools, they should have two certificates - of passing 10+2 examination and of a
specific skill acquired by him during schooling," Dr Kalam said while interacting with a gathering of principals and teachers at Delhi
During the session which was also attended by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, Dr Kalam
"We have approximately 9,000 schools in Delhi but all of them don't have the same resources. Therefore, I suggest that mobile skill
"The mobile vans will be ICT enabled and will have the mechanical and chemical engineering set up. There will be a pre-defined
Dr Kalam, said if each of the MLAs decides to introduce one such van in his or her constituency, around 12-14 schools will benefit
"But for making all these efforts successful the educationists need to review the study material. The management of knowledge
should be kept in mind while deciding on the amount of information being fed to students," he said.









He also administered a 12-point oath to the teachers and principals for dedicating themselves to providing education for "righteous

The teachers and principals who participated in the interaction were from the schools who have volunteered to be develop as
Allocating a budget of Rs. 9,836 crore for education sector in the financial year 2015-16, the Delhi Government had announced a
Dr Kalam also suggested that the schools should tie up with Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) or polytechnics in their vicinity to
utilise their resources for developing skills of students.

Former president APJ Abdul Kalam Monday said there was a need for creating an educational system that highlighted the importance of

"In the present context, the education system has to be designed in a way that produces large number of employment generators and not just employment seekers,"
Kalam said while addressing students on the 54th foundation day of the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT Bombay).

To achieve this, he said, there was the need for a strategy that could make education more attractive, skill oriented and employment generating.

Kalam said the country's education system should prepare students to get oriented towards setting up enterprises which can give them creativity, freedom and ability
to generate wealth.

He also called for the banking system to provide venture capital to those graduates who have the aptitude and keenness to create their own new enterprises.

"Entrepreneurs have to produce competitive products to become successful in their missions," Kalam said.

Kalam said IIT-Bombay should utilize services of its placement cell to take a lead in compiling success stories through venture capital funding and employment
generation opportunities across India and the world.

He added the IIT curriculum should provide market research support to students for selection of right products and guide young entrepreneurs through the incubation
period till they stand on their own.

He also highlighted the role of technology and its impact on society, saying that technology can affect fundamental changes in the ground rules of economic

"Science is linked to technology through applications. Technology is linked to economy and environment through manufacture of knowledge products. Economy and
environment are linked to technology, which promotes prosperity to the society. We have to use innovation to generate high value added products for becoming a global
player," he said.

Kalam inaugurated the new building of Bio-Sciences and Bio-Engineering Department at IIT- Bombay and also presented to winners the Distinguished Alumnus award,
Young Achiever award and Faculty award.

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