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Lab. Geofisika, Jurusan Fisika, Sekip Utara BLS 21 Yogyakarta 55281

Rencana Kegiatan Pembelajaran Mingguan
Modul Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke IV
Semester 4/2 sks/Kode MFG 2915


Didanai dengan dana BOPTN P3-UGM

Tahun Anggaran 2013
Nopember 2013


LO: Diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan bagaimana cara-cara memotivasi seseorang untuk dapat
bekerja di dalam suatu akivitas.

1. Pendahuluan
A high level of motivation in ourselves and others is essential to support an
effective performance. Some important points need making up front:

You cannot motivate someone directly, only provide the conditions under which
they will be motivated

Motivation is just one element of performance management and needs to be

considered along with setting objectives, delegation, feedback and so on.

You cannot measure motivational level directly, only draw conclusions about it
from the individuals behaviour

What motivates one person will be different from what motivates another



2. Pengenalan Motivasi
Think about times when you were really motivated in your job. Then think about
someone else who seemed highly motivated. Think about the behaviors you and the other
person were displaying they probably included some of the following:

Showed enthusiasm for the work

Took initiative in solving problems

Worked extra time if required

Came to work even if not 100 % fit

Sought feedback on performance of self or the job

Put in high effort level

Did more than the minimum

Encouraged others

Expressed satisfaction with achievements


3. Apa yang Memotivasi Orang

Research carried out by Herzberg in the early 1970s distinguished factors which
are motivators and those which are potential demotivators (what Herzberg calls
Hygiene Factors). Motivators are such things as the work itself (i.e. whether a person
feels it is purposeful or not), recognition, possibilities for learning and growth,
responsibility and a sense of achievement. More recent theories on empowerment recognise
the importance of these motivators, advocating that employees should be given the
opportunity to take responsibility for their own projects, make decisions, allocate resources
and set priorities. In this way employees see what impact they are making in the
organisation and have opportunities for personal development. This is a much stronger
motivator than the carrot and stick method of giving or withholding such things as
bonuses or promotion. Hygiene factors on the other hand are such things as salary, job
security, working conditions, status, company policy and administration and interpersonal
Whilst these factors are not enough on their own to provide continuous motivation,
their absence would probably provoke serious demotivation. For example, high levels of
motivation cannot be attained merely by paying a high salary to an employee. The
employee may at best feel a sense of responsibility to fulfil the minimum expectations of
the job, but would not be motivated to exceed those expectations. On the other hand not
receiving the salary or the status (in terms of job title, office space, company car, etc.) that
is normally accorded to a certain position would demotivate the individual in question.
Whilst some classic theories, such as Herzbergs, are still very valuable guidelines on basic
human motivational needs, they do not explain everything. Such models are based on the
premise that all people are the same, taking no account of human differences.

The effective people manager has to realise that even two people doing the same job
may be motivated by different things and has to be able to adapt his/her management
style to suit individual preferences.


As a way of extending Herzbergs ideas to accommodate individual differences, we

would like to develop a model which incorporates the key elements affecting motivation.
The model is based around outcomes (what people expect to get out of working) and is
summarised in the accompanying diagram (Gambar 4.1).

Gambar 4.1. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi seseorang.

What the model summarizes is that someone will put in effort to deliver the performance
you (or the organisation) require if they value the outcomes they expect to receive. Looking
first at the effort performance link, three things need to be right for the effort to be turned
into effective performance:


1. The objectives must be clear and accepted by the individual or they will go off in the
wrong direction ! (you will recall that module 4 covered objective setting)
2. All necessary resources must be available not just the obvious things like people, plant,
materials but also approval/authority levels and access to you for advice
3. The individual must be able to do the job, and properly trained to do it If one (or more)
of these is not right, adequate performance is impossible. Often, appropriate attention to
these aspects can begin to improve motivation.

An individual will put in the effort if they value what they expect to receive as a
result. Outcomes in the diagram are listed in two categories: extrinsic (given by the
organisation) and intrinsic (arising from the work itself). These categories correspond
approximately with Herzbergs motivators and hygiene factors mentioned above. Take
a moment to identify the outcomes that you value in your work right now. Its likely that
your list will contain some extrinsic and some intrinsic items. It will also almost certainly
be different from someone elses list. Surveys of motivation within Schlumberger have
found that a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic items are commonly mentioned.
(leisure on the extrinsic list, by the way, does not refer to opportunities to rest up on the
job but enjoying the leisure after the job!). Recognising the outcomes individuals and, as
far as possible, matching them is an important way of lifting motivation.
Having matched someones outcome expectations it is then necessary to deliver
rewards. An important issue is the subjective idea of fairness as compared with the
performance level achieved and the treatment of others. You will have noticed that very
small differences in treatment of people will have a disproportionately big impact on
performance. If all these elements are well handled, the individual will experience a feeling
of job satisfaction which will itself reinforce the effort level put in.

4. Mengidentifikasi Motivasi
This framework can be used to review someones motivation and to identify likely
problem areas and actions.
This checklist of questions can be generated from the model:

5. Motivasi dan Jenisnya

Let us now look at how you can also use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator to build
on any previous motivation theories you may have come across to develop new, unique
approaches to motivating each of your subordinates. Research has shown that the
dimension that most influences the type of work that people choose is the SN dimension.
There will therefore be occupations where you find clusters of types (e.g. there are a very
large number of S secretaries and administrators, a designer or scientist involved in blue
sky research is more likely to have a preference for N). Being aware of people's S/N
preference can help you give individuals the kinds of tasks that will motivate them.


The second most important dimension in terms of understanding people's choice of

work is the T-F dimension as this is the one which determines how they make judgements.
A 'T' person will be comfortable working in an environment where he/she has to make
decisions on a rational, logical basis. Engineering, construction, manufacturing are well
suited to Ts who like to deal with machinery, principles or theory. Those people with an F
preference would often be drawn to occupations where they could be of service to others or
where decisions could be made on the merits of individual cases. In business, research has
shown that a high number of customer relations and sales people are SF. STs are found
frequently amongst accountants and bankers. Whatever industry you are in you will
probably come across both Ts and Fs who you have to motivate.


When we combine the two functions we get an even clearer picture of how to
motivate individuals. Someone with an ST profile would focus on detail and logical
thinking. They would probably place a high value on responsibility and would work
happily in a clearly structured unit or organisation where hierarchy and roles are defined
and respected. They feel secure when they know who is accountable for what and are able
to control the results of their work. An SF would take the same care with details but would
look at the impact of those details on people. They like to work in a fairly structured
organisation but with friendly, warm interpersonal contacts. They like to feel a sense of
belonging and require support from their manager to remain motivated. An NF does not
pay close attention to details. They are more motivated by possibilities and long-term goals
rather than actualities. They like to make a difference in people's lives. They work best in a
decentralised structure with no clear lines of authority or fixed rules. To be motivated they
need a leader who can provide inspiration and human goals. NTs are also interested in
long-term goals, but are more concerned by their logical implications. They value
competence. They are motivated by having to find innovative solutions and by dealing with
broad, impersonal concepts and theories. The other two scales (E/I and J/P) describe the
way people like to work as opposed to the kinds of work that will motivate them.

When we combine the E/I preference with the S/N function, we get another
perspective on how to motivate individuals. For example, an EN would be motivated by an

open-ended project, particularly one which required them to gather information or opinions
from many other different people. An ES on the other hand, would probably prefer a more
structured project working in a team with others. An IN likes to draw on his or her
creativity and inspiration. He or she would be motivated by difficult problems and would
often like to be the one pioneering a new area of work. The IS employee on the other hand
likes to have clearly defined tasks that they can get on with on their own. Their attention
tends to be very selective and is determined by their own internal interests. It therefore can
sometimes be difficult to predict what outside stimuli the IS will react to. In order to
complete the picture, let us now look at the J-P scale which determines how individuals
like to organize their work or the working environment.



Sumber : Bahan Training Schlumbereger

6. Pengembangan Kepercayaan Diri
untuk menghadapi dunia masa mendatang yang penuh keterbatasan, persaingan, dan
pergolakan, hanya ada satu jawaban bagi generasi mendatang agar dapat survive yaitu
mempertebal kepercayaan diri
a. Tugas dan Kepercayaan Diri
Kepercayaan diri atau selfconfidence merupakan suatu paduan sikap dan keyakinan
seorang dalam menghadapi suatu tugas atau pekerjaan yang berasal dari dalam diri.
Kepercayaan diri hanya dapat dirasakan oleh yang bersangkutan dalam bentuk kemantapan
hati dan optimisme menghadapi tugas yang harus dilakukan.
Kepercayaan diri adalah sifat internal pribadi seseorang dan bersifat sangat relative,
baik antara seorang dengan orang lai ataupun antara seorang tetapi dengan tugas yang


Seseorang mungkin akan mempunyai kepercayaan diri yang besar untuk

melakkukan suatu tugas tertentu tetapi kepercayaan dirinya akan hilang jika harus
mengerjakan pekerjaan yang lain.
Kepercayaan diri juga bersifat dinamis. Seseorang mungkin akan mempunyai
kepercayaan diri yang tinggi untuk melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan tetapi akan berkurang
kepercayaan dirinya seiring bertambahnya usia atau telah terjadi sesuatu pada dirinya
missal kecelakaan. Secara umum orang yang semakin tua, terutama yang telah melewati
setengah umur akan berkurang rasa percaya dirinya untuk melakukan kegiatan yang
bersifat ketrampilan fisik.

Namun sebaliknya usia yang makin lanjut makin member

kepercayaan diri untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah nonfisik walaupun relative

kompleks. Hal ini dikarenakan karena jiwanya yang telah matang dan pengalaman yang
b. Sukses dan Kegagalan
Salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi peningkatan dan pengurangan
kepercayaan diri adalah kegagalan atau kesuksesan dala menyelesaikan tugas. Kegagalan
yang berulang atau beruntun dapat mengurangi kepercayaan diri yang bersangkutan
sebaliknya kepercayaan diri seseorang akan semakin meningkat apabila dia sering berhasil
dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Dalam setiap keberhasilan akan terselip rasa puas dan
bangga yang dapat menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri, sebaliknya setiap kegagalan akan
menyisakan kekecewaan dan perasaan kecil hati atau bahkan frustasi yang mengarah
kepada pengurangan kepercayaan diri.
Tingkat kemungkinan seseorang gagal atau sukses dalam melaksanakan tugas
banyak ditentukan oleh tingkat kemudahan atau kesulitan pekerjaan yang dihadapi dan
tingkat kemampuan seseorang. Makin sulit pekerjaan makin besar kemungkinan gagal,
tetapi jika pekerjaan yang sulit dapat dilalui dengan baik tentu akan mempertebal rasa
kepercayaan diri. Makin sulit suatu pekerjaan, makin dierlukan kepercayaan diri yang


Untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri seseorang harus berusaha sebanyak mungkin

mencetak kesuksesan. Dengan cara pengembangan kemampuan menyelesaikan pekerjaan
dari yang paling sulit menuju pekerjaan yang relative sulit, kepercayaan diri dapat
dikembangakan pula.
c. Kemampuan dan Kepercayaan Diri
Untuk mencegah, menghindari, ataupun mengurangi kemungkinan terkikisnya rasa
kepercayaan diri maka seseorang harus pandai memilih pekerjaan cara menyelesaikan
pekejaan yang dihadapinya. Hal ini tentu saja jangan ditafsirkan sebagai sesuatu untuk
menakuti (discourage) ataupun membatasi seseorang yang sedang bergairah dan berambisi
untuk mencapai sukses yang besar.
Ambisi memang harus dimiliki tetapi ukuran kemampuan seseorang banyak
ditentukan oleh latihan dan pengembangan diri melalui pengalaman. Lompatan jauh hanya
dapat tercapai melalui latihan dan kerja keras yang sistematis.
Kepercayaan diri seseorang banyak ditentukan oleh kemampuannya untuk
memulai, melaksanakan, dan menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan dengan baik dalam arti baik
perencanaannya, sistematikanya, teknis pelaksanaan, efisiensi waktu, biaya, dan tenaga,
serta hasil akhir yang diperoleh.
Selain itu faktor ketenangan, ketekunan, dan kegairahan dalam mengerjakan tugas,
secara langsung maupun tidak dapat menunjukkan tingkat kepercayaan diri seseorang.
d. Sikap Mental dan Kepercayaan Diri
Optimisme dan keberanian mengambil resiko dalam menghadapi suatu tantangan
tidak luput dari penganruh kepercayaan diri yang ada. Optimisme dan keberanian yang
melampaui batas tentu akan memberikan hasil yang tidak memuaskan juga, untuk itu
sebaiknya keberanian mengambil resiko didasarkan pada perhitungan yang matang dan
disesuaikan dengan kemampuan dan tingkat kepercayaan diri yang ada.
Kemandirian atau kemampuan untuk berdiri sendiri erat hubungannya dengan
tingkat kepercayaan diri seseorang. Seorang yang memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi

relatif akan mampu menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan tanpa harus menunggu perintah atau
bantuan orang lain.
Kepercayaan dri merupakan landasan yang kuat untuk meningkatkan karsa dan
karya seseorang, sebaliknya setiap karya yang dihasilkan juga akan menumbuhkan dan
meningkatkan kepercayaan diri.
e. Unsur Keimanan
Unsur keimanan dapat menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri. Seseorang yang beriman
akan selalu berani melekukan suatu pekerjaan jika pekerjaan yang dihadapinya dianggap
baik dan benar, bahkan mungkin dianggap mulia disisi Tuhan.
Keyakinan bahwa Tuhan Maha Pengasih dan penyayang, Penolong, dan
Pengampun akan mempertebal rasa kepercayaan diri seseorang yang beriman karena akan
menghilangkan semua keraguan dan kebimbangan ataupun ketakutan untuk melakukan
sesuatu. Iman kepada Tuhan akan member rasa aman yang tenteram, ketenangan dan
kegairahan bekerja sehingga secara tidak langsung akan mempertebal kepercayaan diri.
Orang yang beriman kepada Tuhan tidak akan merasa rendah diri. Orang beriman
akan selalu bersyukur atas segala karunia yang diterimanya bukan malah menyesalinya.
ketentraman batin Iman, bersyukur, dan berdoa adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan,
bahkan merupakan landasan utama dari kepercayaan diri.

Doa banyak memberikan

ketentraman batin dan dorongan pada karsa, namun semua itu harus diikuti dengan
tindakan nyata jika memang ada suatu hasil nyata yang diinginkan.
f. Mawas Diri
Berdasar segala uraian diatas maka seyogyanya masing-masing mencoba untuk
mengevaluasi diri, menelaah kelemahan-kelemahan yang dirasakan dapat mennghambat
kemajuan. Jika ada kegagalan hendaknya kegagalan tersebut dijadikan guru dan jangan
sampai kegagalan menjerumuskan diri pada penyesalan tiada henti.
Biasakan diri hidup penuh dengan gairah positif, dan jangan biarkan diri kita larut
dalam lembah duka dan frustasi.

Seorang yang bersedih atau kecewa karena kegagalan adalah wajar, orang bersedih
karena kemalangan juga wajar, namun tidaklah wajar jika kesedihan dan kekecewaan
tersebut dibiarkan berlarut-larut.


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