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Este captulo describe los detalles del diseo con acero estructural y verifica los
esfuerzos con algoritmos quese usa el SAP2000 cuando el usuario selecciona el deseal de AISC-LRFD93
el cdigo (AISC 1994). Varias anotaciones usadas en este captulo se describen en
La mesa IV-1.
Por referirse a las secciones pertinentes y ecuaciones del LRFD original codifique, un
el nico prefijo LRFD se asigna. Sin embargo, todas las referencias al las
para la Carga y Resistencia el Plan de Miembros del Solo-ngulo Factoriz lleve el
El plan es basado en las combinaciones cargantes usuario-especificadas. Pero el
programa en pro de-vides
un juego de combinaciones de carga predefinidas que deben satisfacer los requisitos
para el de-seal
de ms estructuras de tipo de edificio.
En la evaluacin de las force/biaxial momento capacidad proporciones axiales en una
estacin a lo largo de
la longitud del miembro, primero los componentes de force/moment de miembro
reales y
las capacidades correspondientes son calculadas para cada combinacin de carga.
Entonces el ca-pacity
se evalan las proporciones en cada estacin bajo la influencia de todo el combinations de carga
usando las ecuaciones correspondientes que se definen en este captulo. El hacer
trampas-pescar con cebo de cuchara
la proporcin de capacidad se obtiene entonces. Una proporcin de capacidad mayor
que 1.0 indican
excediendo un estado del lmite. Semejantemente, una proporcin de capacidad de
esquila tambin es el sepa-rately calculado.

A = rea de la seccin transversal, in2
A e = rea Efectiva de la seccin transversal para secciones esbeltas, in2
A g = rea bruta de la seccin transversal, in2
Av2, Av 3 , = Areas de cortante mayor y menor, in2
A w = Area de cortante del alma, igual dtw , in2
B 1 = Moment magnification factor for moments not causing sidesway
B 2 = Moment magnification factor for moments causing sidesway
C b = Bending coefficient
C m = Moment coefficient
C w = Warping constant, in6
D = Outside diameter of pipes, in
E = Modulus of elasticity, ksi
F cr = Critical compressive stress, ksi
F r = Compressive residual stress in flange assumed 10.0 for rolled
sections and 16.5 for welded sections, ksi
F y = Yield stress of material, ksi
G = Shear modulus, ksi
I 22 = Minor moment of inertia, in

I 33 = Major moment of inertia, in


J = Torsional constant for the section, in


K = Effective length factor

K K 33 22 , = Effective length K-factors in the major and minor directions
L b = Laterally unbraced length of member, in
L p = Limiting laterally unbraced length for full plastic capacity, in
L r = Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional
buckling, in
M cr = Elastic buckling moment, kip-in
M lt = Factored moments causing sidesway, kip-in
M nt = Factored moments not causing sidesway, kip-in
M M n n 33 22 , = Nominal bending strength in major and minor directions, kip-in
M ob = Elastic lateral-torsional buckling moment for angle sections, kip-in
M M r r 33 22 , = Major and minor limiting buckling moments, kip-in
M u = Factored moment in member, kip-in
M M u u 33 22 , = Factored major and minor moments in member, kip-in
P e = Euler buckling load, kips
P n = Nominal axial load strength, kip
P u = Factored axial force in member, kips
P y = A F g y , kips
Q = Reduction factor for slender section, = Q Q a s

Table IV-1
AISC-LRFD Notations

Q a = Reduction factor for stiffened slender elements
Q s = Reduction factor for unstiffened slender elements
S = Section modulus, in

S S 33 22 , = Major and minor section moduli, in


S S eff eff ,, , 33 22 = Effective major and minor section moduli for slender sections, in

S c = Section modulus for compression in an angle section, in


V V n n 2 3 , = Nominal major and minor shear strengths, kips

V V u u 2 3 , = Factored major and minor shear loads, kips
Z = Plastic modulus, in

Z Z 33 22 , = Major and minor plastic moduli, in


b = Nominal dimension of plate in a section, in

longer leg of angle sections,
b t f w 2for welded and b t f w 3for rolled box sections, etc.
b e = Effective width of flange, in
b f = Flange width, in
d = Overall depth of member, in
d e = Effective depth of web, in
h c = Clear distance between flanges less fillets, in
assumed d k 2for rolled sections, and d t f 2for welded sections
k = Distance from outer face of flange to web toe of fillet, in
k c = Parameter used for section classification,
4 h t w, k c
l l 33 22 , = Major and minor direction unbraced member lengths, in
r = Radius of gyration, in
r r 33 22 , = Radii of gyration in the major and minor directions, in
t = Thickness, in
t f = Flange thickness, in
t w = Thickness of web, in
w = Special section property for angles, in
= Slenderness parameter
c e , = Column slenderness parameters
p = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact element
r = Limiting slenderness parameter for non-compact element
s = Limiting slenderness parameter for seismic element
slender = Limiting slenderness parameter for slender element
b = Resistance factor for bending, 0.9
c = Resistance factor for compression, 0.85
t = Resistance factor for tension, 0.9
v = Resistance factor for shear, 0.9

Table IV-1
AISC-LRFD Notations (cont.)

Combinaciones de Carga de Diseo

Las Combinaciones de Carga de Diseo son varias combinaciones de los casos de carga con
los cuales la estructura necesariamente debe verificarse. Por el cdigo AISC-LRFD93, si una
estructura esta sujeta a carga muerta (DL), carga viva (LL), carga de viento (WL), y carga
inducida por el terremoto (EL), y considerando que las fuerzas de viento y ssmica son
reversibles, entonces las combinaciones de carga siguientes tienen que ser definidas (LRFD
1.4 DL
1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
0.9 DL 1.3 WL
1.2 DL 1.3 WL
1.2 DL + 0.5 LL 1.3 WL
0.9 DL 1.0 EL
1.2 DL 1.0 EL
1.2 DL + 0.5 LL 1.0 EL

(LRFD A4-1)
(LRFD A4-2)
(LRFD A4-6)
(LRFD A4-4)
(LRFD A4-4)
(LRFD A4-6)
(LRFD A4-4)
(LRFD A4-4)

These are also the default design load combinations in SAP2000 whenever the
AISC-LRFD93 code is used. The user should use other appropriate loading combi-nations
if roof live load is separately treated, if other types of loads are present, or if
pattern live loads are to be considered.
Live load reduction factors can be applied to the member forces of the live load case
on an element-by-element basis to reduce the contribution of the live load to the
factored loading.

When using the AISC-LRFD93 code, SAP2000 design assumes that a P- analysis
has been performed so that moment magnification factors for moments causing
sidesway can be taken as unity. It is recommended that the P- analysis be done at
the factored load level of 1.2 DL plus 0.5 LL (White and Hajjar 1991).
Cuando usando el AISC-LRFD93 codifican, el plan de SAP2000 asume que un P - el anlisis
se ha realizado para que la amplificacin del momento factorice por el momentos causar
pueden tomarse los sidesway como la unidad. Se recomienda que el P - el anlisis se haga a
el nivel de carga factorizado de 1.2 DL ms 0.5 LL (Blanco y Hajjar 1991).
La clasificacin de Secciones
Las fuerzas nominales para la condensacin axial y flexure son dependientes en el classification
de la seccin como Apriete, Noncompact, Delgado o Demasiado Delgado.
48 plan las Combinaciones Cargantes

Classification of Sections
The nominal strengths for axial compression and flexure are dependent on the clas-sification
of the section as Compact, Noncompact, Slender or Too Slender.
48 Design Loading Combinations

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