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Dreams can happen

Every great journey begins with one small step. Similarly, every great success begins
with a dream. A dream is what it takes to make things happen in our unique world.
Dreams make us reach for success and prosperity.

However, it is important to note that in order to transform our dreams into reality; we must
wake up and chase our dreams. We must not dream of acting when the circumstances are ripe or
perfect, instead, we must create those circumstances for ourselves because success will never be
served to us on a platter. We need to work hard daily and progressively in the direction of
achieving our dreams.
Dreams are what give meaning to human life. Each day when we wake up and pursue a positive
action plan, our life automatically becomes worth living. All great success stories in the world
have begun with simple dreams, executed by utmost care and dedication. For instance, had the
Wright brothers never dreamt of a flying machine, we would have never had the luxury of
covering great distances across the globe in a matter of hours.
Dreams are the stepping stones upon which the foundations of our lives are laid. More essential
than conceiving a dream is to pursue it whole-heartedly even in the face of dire adversity. Mere
dreaming has not led anyone anywhere. Implementation of a proper strategy will ensure
fulfillment of dreams and a fuller, vibrant life.

Food comes first, ethics later

Well Food & Ethics are 2 very different aspects of human life. Who says that by doing ethical things
you won't get food in life. Ethics are the principles of individuals it inherits inside the person. A wise &
ethical person will not go on wrong path like killing or stealing for the sake of food. So it all depends
on individual's personality and how he is brought up. If you consider the case of criminals & terrorists
they have adequate money to survive for entire life but they still continue on that unethical path as for
them ethics don't exist. In short I would like to sum it up that Food & ethics are both important of life
and which to choose between them all depends on an individual.
An empty stomach is a root cause of deviation from all morality. Why animal began to kill another
animal:not because of his safety but because of his food requirement. It is the food scarcity that gives
birth to major unfair elements of society like robbery, stealing and even killing. We do not witness
these things much in a rich country. When there is money in hand, there is a sound presence of
healthy mind. People can then work upon to improve their code of conduct, their behaviour etc. Ethics
are important to control the greed of man when he intends to adopt unfair means to interfere into
another man's daily bread and butter. Yaar, we should live and let others live more peacefully. Our

country is self sufficient in food and grain production. But important thing is that there is no proper
flow of grains from top level to bottom level. Make them to reach every home so that beggars can be
satisfied and feel healthier to do hard work and make their living by ethical means

You might have read in news papers how farmers who have drenched themselves in huge loans
ultimately kill themselves. Pity to their family members that their Man was ethical, that he
didnt sin to feed his family. Did the farmer do the right thing? What would happen to his
family now after his death? Will his family be rewarded for his morals and ethics? Will they lead
a happy life? No. They would rather be looked down upon. This man with all his ethics could
not make his family happy in his whole life and even after his death. Would his own family be
pleased with him that he was ethical and therefore he killed himself leaving them to fight the
harsh world all alone rather than getting money to feed them?

You have to break few eggs to make an

This prominent proverb means that in order to achieve something, we should necessarily destroy
something. So you cant relish an omellette, until you break the egg. This statement can be taken
positively or negatively based on an individuals perception.
- It is often believed that a successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks thrown
at him. This way, he need not destroy anything or make any compromises.
- Some people tend to take the word destroy way to literally. This leads them to involve in a lot of
unethical activities.
- When this strategy is adopted by a countrys president, it often leads to hurting the sentiments of a
number of communities and leads to violence.
- If were not sure of our vision, we not just land up not achieving our goals, but also land up destroying
what we have.
- Destruction for the most part, reflects a selfish attitude which cannot last long.
While achieving success is everyones vision and competition is inevitable, we should be careful that until

we are not affirmative of building something better, existing things must not be destroyed. For some
people in order to survive, destroying comes out of no choice.

Values - Do they change with time or they are eternal & universal?
We all have values. However a lot of times we dont know exactly what they are. They are the qualities
and ideas that help guide our behaviour and define who we are. Our values come from our beliefs, and
are formed by various means. Some examples of values are- achievement, bravery, carefulness,
challenge, compassion, generosity, honesty, humor, kindness, knowledge, open-mindedness,
perseverance, respect, self-control, etc.
Yes they change
1. Over the time, repeated positive engagement of values is likely to strengthen them. Our lives provide
continual opportunities for the growth of certain values. Our lives also sometimes put constraints on
certain values.
2. People's values tend to change over time as well. Values that suited you as a child change as you
become a young adult, which may further change as you become an old person.
3. They change because we want them to; or sometimes they change even if when we didnt mean them
to. We may have believed that something is wrong but now we might not be so sure that its true. We may
have believed that wed never do something; but then we do it and we decide that its okay to do it.
4. Over a period of time, new ethical issues have arisen and values have changed.
5. New knowledge about existing problems or techniques and completely new areas of work has also led
to change in values.
6. There are a series of core values around which most people would agree. However even those are
changing at least in the intensity. For e.g. say if we believe that that human life is sacred, but we do not
feel the same intensity of this value when judging a terrorist who has killed thousands of innocent people.
7. "The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind." - English
poet William Blake
8. We can often see resistance from parents and society as we are growing up. Our changing values
sometimes conflict with our parents values, or our cultures values and leads to this resistance. E.g.
women working on par with men, etc.
9. Large-scale, widespread changes in values have been observed across the world at different times and
have been attributed to different factors like - education, the rising use of new technologies, political
discourse that stresses universalism, benevolence values, social justice, equality, peace,
environmentalism, etc.
10. We can see examples in day to day life of how people change their moral values for their own benefit.
The conclusion is that values can and do change, though certain core values may be unaltered over a
long period of time. These core values can be called as primarily values and the changing ones

secondary values. The changes which occur in secondary values are due to changes in knowledge,
changes in social and cultural values and norms, and changes arising through an individuals personal
experience of life.

Should developing countries be

spending money on
development or defense?
What will that do? Spend more money on development like constructing a bridge and then allow Islamists
(or terrorists) to blow up that bridge. Even though India spends 26 b$ on defence but how sound our
defence system is was proved on 26/11 when the Bombay Police was facing the Islamists with rifles which
were like rifles of of WW2 era. And not only this, all surveillence systems failed, all coast gaurd failed, all
intelligence failed. So it proves how prepared we are despite having such a hostile neighbor and their 150
million sympathizers in India, the enemy within.

Women will never be equal to

men in the workplace.
Not true
'' Men and women are not equal because of the fact men cannot do the things
women can and by the same token, women cannot do the things men can do.''
I believe that women have the best gift that they can become mothers. A
mother , in my opinion, means a lot as and this makes a woman more tolerant
and patient. As for men, I believe men are less tolerant. As you have
mentioned, we cannot compare them phsically. From the legal point of view,
now in Turkey men and women are equal especially in big cities. It will take
time for the ones who live in the rural ares get used to the idea that women
can vote or talk about their opinions. So, my dear friend I do believe that
women should have the same rights as men. And sorry for having expressed
myself in a wrong way.

Yes Military Service should be Mandatory

Military service should absolutely be mandatory. Everyone enjoys the benefits of living in a
country where people are risking their lives to save them. If you and everyone you knew had
to serve in the military you would have a greater respect for what it means and more
understanding and concern for what the country involves itself in. It would increase love of
I think that military service should be mandatory.

Some countries like South Korea is now resting during the war.
They do not know when North Korea would invade them so many countries should prepare
for the wars they don't know when would happen. Also countries with less population should
make people come to the military compulsory since there would be a little number of people
asking for military service.

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