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Those with Moon-Pluto aspects in the chart, Moon in Scorpio or Moon in the 8th house, have great

intensity of feeling, survival instincts and a need to merge emotionally with others. The relationship
with the mother will be filled with emotional depth and powerful feelings surrounding this parent.
A Scorpionic mother may have been emotionally demanding, over possessive, obsessive and powerhungry. Through nurturing, bonding, comfort and protection, the feeling life (Moon) is coloured by
intrusive, and threatening forces. The parent may love to stir up trouble in the family and felt like she
had to hold control over everyone.

The overly pre-occupied mother-the type who cannot relinquish her own
fusion with the child - may be portrayed in the childs birth chart by difficult
configurations of the Moon with Neptune or Pluto, or with the Moon, Neptune,
or Pluto located at the Midheaven and/or in the 10th house. This may
sometimes reflect a mother whose own personality is unformed, and who
finds meaning through merging with, and living through, her offspring. By Liz
A Plutonian child may have faced the realities of death, abuse, jealousy and even violence. In turn,
these early feelings have a profound impact on feelings about intimacy and family. Moon-Pluto
aspects sometimes signify the death of mother or loss of someone in the environment, and a parent
needing to deal with grief and mourning. The Moon relates to the body and feminine problems to do
with the organs, womb, breasts, menstruation, pregnancy, hysterectomy, etc. Hidden problems in the
body may have been diagnosed at some stage.
The Moon in Scorpio, Moon in 8th house and Moon-Pluto aspects are watery combinations and so
the issues of boundaries are important. The mother may invade the childs space, and so privacy
issues may arise. The individual may have been subjected and exposed to emotional-blackmail,
intimidation, smothering and threatening behaviour. Powerful Scorpio emotions are prone to threats
of suicide and other self-destructive, manipulative and underhanded strategies.
The child was never allowed to feel-safe and they learned how to guard their feelings. Sometimes
there are skeletons in the family closet and a deep dark secret - alcoholism, violence, sexual abuse,
disablement, criminal activity, or something less dramatic - that was kept hidden. Sometimes the
mother was going through some sort of crisis when the child was born.

Moon-Pluto mother-love may be devouring and manipulative although often

it is subtle and covert. However, in extreme cases if the combination is strong,
the devouring quality of the mother can indeed make her something of a
wicked witch or vampire, a mother that sucks the life out of the child and thus
is obsessively protective. Sometimes the parental figure is the grandparent,
usually a grandmother and where it isnt, this suffocating history still often
has its roots in the patriarchal line. By Sue Tompkins, Aspects in Astrology
More positively, there may be a close emotional bond between mother and child which is built on
loyalty and unwavering commitment. The mother is good dealing with resources, and she is deeply
passionate about loved ones. Pluto is also attracted to what is the hidden, the occult, psychology,
healing, and anything to do with growth-promoting areas.

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