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According to pedagogical principle, a lesson should be fun, interesting and motivating

for the students so that it would trigger pupils to actively participate in the lesson. As far as I
know, stories are the best teaching method to be implemented in an ESL classroom in order
to achieve this objective from time to time.
In my point of I think that stories are the suitable and appropriate technique which
would help to teach a specific language because it develop pupils imagination and pupils
can link the imaginative stories to the real world. For example if the story teaches about
certain good value they tend to see that values in people around and associate with them.
On top of that, listening to the stories also is a shared social experience where pupils able to
share their laughter, tears and excitement with their peers as well as with their teachers.
I had chosen the story of the A Boy Who Cried Wolf for my story telling because it is
a story that pupils are familiar with. This story focuses on a boy who is a shepherd boy who
tells lie about wolves attacking his lamb every day. He tells lie for his entertainment purpose
which made all the villagers nearby to be angry. One day, his lies turn up to be true
unfortunately no one believes him. From that day he learned that it is not good to tell lies
about certain situation which would make others to not trust us. I think these story would be
very suitable to teach in Malaysian primary school classroom because of it suitability for the
In my point of view, I think that this story is suitable because of its two aspects which
are the content and language. When we focus on this stories content, it has a very simple
and well develop plot. When I look through this story I felt that the story line is not confusing
and we can easily understand the story as the story develops. For example, in the expository
stage the main character which is the boy was introduce and followed by other characters in
rising action stage. The conflict was introduced in the climax and the story ends with a good
and meaningful ending which inculcate moral values among young learners. This well
develop plot could make the learners to understand the story without facing any difficulties or
distraction which can hinder them to listen or read the story.
In term of content, this story also focuses on the familiar genre which is a fable where these
stories are usually short and teaches lesson directly to the readers. This type of genre is
much more interesting, fun as well as motivating for the pupils to explore the story by
themselves and provides opportunity by expressing their thought through various activities.
The moral values that found in the story also can be identified easily and it usually can be
found in the end of story. For this story, I personally feel that the moral values could be

identified through the characteristic of the characters that found in this story. Besides that,
the language item which is repetition that found in the text will make the learners to follow
and involve actively in the lesson. For example, the repetition of Wolf! Wolf! will allow the
student to say it together and repeat it when they saw same situation occur in the story.
Therefore I think that the criteria that I mentioned above was really suitable for young
learners especially year 4 intermediate pupils which would help them to develop their
creative and critical thinking skill from time to time.
I as a teacher would use this story to teach language in the classroom. There are
several interesting creative activities to teach language which can be deliberated into 4 skills
which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. First activity that I would use to teach
language is Read My Part activity. In this activity teacher would divide the student into
several groups. Since this story is having only three characters, teacher would divide the
student into three groups where one becomes the Sheppard boy, one becomes the villagers
and one becomes the narrators. This activity would encourage everyone to be participating
in reading. Other than that they will understand they character of the story very well.
Moreover, this activity also will help them to improve their intonation and pronunciation which
could turn them into a good storyteller in future. I also think that this activity will make the
student understand the plot of the story from the beginning to the end rather than
memorizing it.
To develop writing skill through this story, I as a teacher will carry out Parallel Writing
activity. This activity focuses on students writing abilities and their comprehension towards
the story. According to Aliyah Mar (2000) the art of creativity lies on parallel writing and I
agree with her because parallel writing is the where student writes their own climax or
ending for that story. I as a teacher would carry out this activity in a group because each
student can contribute their own idea to come up with good writing. Students also will not be
burden or less confident to produce a good writing because the good one can help weaker
person to complete their own writing for the ending or climax of the story. For example, I as a
teacher will ask the students to create a new ending for the story which is different from the
original version. From this activity, we can see students critical and creative thinking to
produce authentic masterpiece which can amaze all of us. Moreover writing in groups also
provides opportunity for students to collaborate and come up with new and good vocabulary
to complement the story.
Besides that, Be a counsellor activity would help the students to enhance every
individuals writing skills. In this activity student are required to write a note for the characters
either to motivate or advise the characters that found in this story. In this story I would ask

the students to advise the Sheppard boy to not repeat his mistake anymore. Student will just
write three to five simple sentences to the character and here teacher can access students
writing abilities individually. Some phrases such as be a good boy, dont worry will be given
for the students as a guide for them to construct sentence. This will improve their writing
ability where they can express what they wanted to say in the written form. Moreover student
would be more motivated to write because it is a free writing and they can write whatever
they want in that note. Therefore this activity promotes to enhance writing skills from time to
time and able to make the student to have interest in writing.
As for listening and speaking skills teacher can conduct My Story Book activity where
this activity would provide students to talk about the story. Teacher provides a template of
booklet for the student to draw their favourite and less favourite scenes which can found in
the story. Then teacher will call out every student to describe the scenes and talk about why
they choose to draw certain picture. After that, teacher hangs the booklets in a string around
the class and students can look through it during leisure time. This would help to improve
students language by making the student to be more expressive and it would automatically
helps them to use certain vocabulary to describe the scenes. Although it is quite challenging
activity but it makes them to talk and explain bravely as well as justify their choice of the
scene clearly. This activity will be a starting point for them to talk in English where they know
speaking in English is not that difficult. Students also realise that they can speak by using
simple vocabulary as long as the message that they intended to say out will reach to the
audience. In addition this activity promotes communicative process in classroom where
students will not be afraid to speak in English.
Moreover I think the True and False activity also helps the student to enhance the
listening skills based on this story. For this activity all students were given green and red
board where they need to raise up the correct board for each statement that read by teacher.
Green board is for correct statement and red board for wrong statement. Here teacher can
see whether they are able to listen and understand the statement clearly before deciding
which the suitable boards. Although it is a simple activity but the listening skills can be
achieve when they understand the meaning of the statement. They need to decode the
message before giving correct answer. Therefore this listening activity helps reader to be
more alert and concentrate more on the story besides understanding the hidden and deep
meaning of the statement.
As a conclusion, using story to teach language skills is not an easy task. A teacher
should be well trained and understand students cognitive ability and potential before
conducting any activity through story. In my point of view I think this story can be teach in

Malaysian English primary school and the activities that I suggest can be implement
according to students interest and maturity level. In addition, I as a teacher would use this
story to teach all language skills for my students from time to time.

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