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Iraq under Saddam

The Iraqi opposition Hussein

This page was compiled before the 2003 Iraq war and is Iran-Iraq war
retained here for historical interest. It provides a guide to the Desert Storm
main opposition groups and personalities who were active at UN sanctions
the time. Some of the links may no longer be working. Weapons inspections
Desert Fox
Opposition groups

Iraqi opposition groups The fall of Saddam

Amal Islamic Organisation: Website:
Build-up to war Assyrian Democratic Movement: Website:
The war;
An open door to Assyrian National Congress: An umbrella group based in Media and the war
the Arab world California. It includes the Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party, and
Assyrian American Leadership Council and others. Signed a In the Iraq section
confederation agreement with the Free Officers' Movement on 15
June 2002. Website:
The blog Iraq: main page
About al-bab Assyrian Patriotic Party (APP): Website:
Site map
BetNahrain Democratic Party: An Assyrian organisation Articles
belonging to the Assyrian National Congress. It seeks an Books
Autonomous state for Assyrians in Bet-Nahrain (Iraq). Website: Documents
Articles by Economy
Brian Whitaker History
Chaldean Federation of America: Website:
Constitutional Monarchy Movement: Favours a constitutional News
Google search monarchy within a democratic political system. Affiliated to the Politics
INC. Based in London, its leader is Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein.
Website: Iraq under Saddam
Democratic Centrist Tendency: An American-backed rival to the The fall of Saddam
j Internet
INC. Secretary-general is Adnan Pachachi; official spokesman is
Ghasan al-Atiyah. Related pages
Country briefing Faili Kurds: Website:
Free Iraqi Council (FIC): An offshoot of the Iraqi National Accord
Algeria Morocco Kurds
which claims to have been involved in several failed coup attempts
Bahrain Oman (including one which was allegedly sabotaged by the CIA). Based Turkomans
Comoros Palestine in London and led by Sa'ad Jabr.
Djibouti Qatar
Egypt S Arabia Free Officers Movement: Led by Brigadier-General Najib al-Salihi.
Its name is deliberately reminiscent of the officers' movement
Iraq Somalia After Saddam?
behind the Nasser revolution in Egypt. Signed a confederation
Jordan Sudan
agreement with the Assyrian National Congress on 15 June 2002. Establishing a
Kuwait Syria
Lebanon Tunisia Group of Four: Not an organisation as such, but a group democratic system in
Libya UAE consisting of the PUK, KDP, INA and SCIRI which began meeting Iraq after the overthrow
informally, outside the framework of the INC, in 2001. of Saddam Hussein
Mauritania Yemen
would be far from easy
Iraqi Communist Party (ICP): Established in 1934, it is well because of the
News organised and is thought to have support inside Iraq. Based in Iraqi country's religious and
Kurdistan and London. Leader is Aziz Muhammad. Secretary of ethnic mix.
Central Committee is Hamid Majid Mousa. Website:
Blogs Ethnically, Iraq is about
News - latest 75% Arab and 20%
Newspapers Iraqi Democratic Union: Website: Kurdish, with other
Useful news sources minorities accounting
Iraqi National Accord (al-Wifaq/INA): Made up mainly of defectors
for 5% (see special
from the Iraqi armed forces and intelligence services. Created by
Reference pages on the Assyrians
Saudi intelligence in 1990, it was reorganised in 1996 by the CIA,
and the Turkomans).
which saw it as the ideal vehicle for fomenting a coup. Infiltrated by

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Arab A to Z Saddam Hussein's agents, its networks inside Iraq were smashed In religious terms, Shi'a
Books in 1996. It is also said to have links to British intelligence. Based in Muslims are the
Jordan and led by Ayad Alawi. See the INA's charter. Website: majority (about 65%),
Chronology followed by Sunni
Muslims (32%) and
Maps Iraqi National Coalition: Seeks to replace Saddam Hussein with
Christians (3%).
a democratic, pluralist and federal system of government. See
Special topics statement of principles. Its military arm is the Military Alliance. THE SHI'A
The simplest kind of
Arabic language Iraqi National Congress (INC): An umbrella organisation, electoral system would
Collecting nominally embracing all major opposition groups - though it is give the Shi'a a
Computers plagued by internal divisions and many view it as a vehicle for the permanent majority in
ambitions of its leader, Dr Ahmad Chalabi. Founded in 1992, it is government. This would
based in London. One attempt by the INC to remove Saddam worry the Sunnis, who
Hussein (with CIA support) failed in 1995. In 1996, Saddam’s troops would probably demand
and their Kurdish allies attacked INC bases in northern Iraq, killing some form of power-
Food 200 supporters and forcing thousands to flee. The 1998 Iraq sharing to protect their
Hajj Liberation Act in the US institutionalised the INC as the main interests.
History vehicle for American duning of political change in Iraq. See: INC
Human rights website, press releases, al-Mu'tamar (the INC's weekly newspaper). Under Saddam, Iraq has
Media Further notes on the INC: Medea. been ruled by the Sunni
Oil minority, with the Shi'a
Science Iraqi National Forces: An alliance of opposition groups whose marginalised and
formation was reported by al-Zaman newspaper on 25 June 2002. sometimes brutally
Its aim is to overthrow Saddam Hussein without foreign suppressed. Religious
interventions. It reportedly includes: the Iraqi Communist Party, the differences have been
Arts and culture Islamic Dawa party, the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party ( Iraq played down in the Iraqi
Command), the Group of Mujahedin Ulema in Iraq, the Islamic media, though a change
Architecture Action Party, the Iraqi Democratic Grouping, the Kurdistan of regime could easily
Communist Party, the Socialist Party in Iraq, the Turkomen bring them to the fore.
Democratic Party, the Arab Socialist Movement, the Islamic Union
Calligraphy The US regards the Iraqi
for Iraq's Turkomen, and the Assyrian Ethnic Organisation, plus
Cinema Shi'a with suspicion
unnamed independent political and military figures.
Dance because of their
Literature Iraqi National Front: Websites:; religious affinity with
Music Iran and would probably
Poetry not allow them to take
Iraqi National Movement: Formed through a merger of two other
Television control in Iraq. The links
groups, it claims to include prominent Sunni and Shia Arabs with a
Theatre with Iran may be
particular emphasis on the central provinces. Leaders include
exaggerated, however,
Mudhar Shawkat and Hatem Mukhlis. Said to receive several
and it would be wrong to
Diversity hundred thousand dollars from the US State Department every
assume that all Iraqi
three months (Washington Post, 13 May 2002).
Shi'a are religious
Assyrians Iraqi National Party: Website: militants or supporters
Berbers of Iran (see doument:
Iraqi Turkman Front: Website: Declaration of the Shia
Jews of Iraq).
Islamic Dawa Party (IDP): An old Shi'a Islamist organisation.Its
Kurds official website is A rival website, THE KURDS
Turkmen, belongs to a small breakaway group.
Women The Kurdish population,
Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP): One of the two main Kurdish which is mainly in
parties, dating back to 1946, with a military presence in northern northern Iraq, stretches
Iraq. In 1996 it collaborated with the Iraqi army in an attempt to over borders into Turkey
destroy its Kurdish rival, the PUK, but the two groups are at and Iran, with smaller
present cohabiting. Its leader is Mas'ud Barzani. See main KDP numbers in Syria and
website, also sites for KDP in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. Further former Soviet republics.
notes on the KDP: Medea.
Altogether, the Kurds
Kurdistan Islamic Union: Website: number about 25 million
and form the world's
Kurdistan Toiler's Party: Website:
most important ethnic
Military Alliance (MAINC): Established in March 1999 as the group without a state.
military wing of the Iraqi National Coalition. Led by Tawfiq al-Yasiri, Many seek to establish
it seeks to work with officers in exile as well as noncommissioned an independent state
officers and soldiers in Iraq. Its general outlook is that the military known as Kurdistan.
should stay out of Iraqi politics after Saddam Hussein has been
Since 1991, because of
removed. In July 2002 it held a three-day meeting in London (see
sanctions and the no-fly
media reports) which resulted in the election of an unnamed 15-
zone over their lands,
man committee and agreement on a Military Covenant of Honour.
they have acquired a lot
Movement of Sacred National Defence: Website: of autonomy in northern Generated by Iraq.atThe
3/17/2010 5:10:01
overthrow of PM
Saddam would
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK): The other main Kurdish jeopardise this
party, which broke away from the KDP in 1975. The two rivals achievement because a
fought a war in 1996, when the KDP invited in Iraqi forces in an new regime in Baghdad
attempt to eliminate the PUK. The PUK and KDP are currently might attempt to re-
cohabiting, though whether they will continue to do so remains to assert control over the
be seen. Like the KDP, the PUK is established on the ground in whole country.
northern Iraq and claims some 4,000 men under arms. Its leader is
Jalal Talabani. See main PUK website, also PUK sites in: For this reason, the
Australia, France, Germany, Russia. Further notes on the PUK: main Kurdish opposition
Medea. parties are luke-warm
about supporting
Socialist Party of Kurdistan: Website: American efforts to remove Saddam.
Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI): The If the Kurds succeeded
main vehicle for Shi'a opposition to Saddam Hussein, with cells in breaking away from
operating secretly in southern Iraq. Receives funding from Iran - Iraq, one effect would be
which makes the US wary of it. Led by Mohammed Baqr Hakim. to tilt the religious
Also known as the Supreme Assembly for the Islamic Revolution in balance even more
Iraq (SAIRI). See website; and strongly in favour of the
Turkmen People Party: See founding statement. Website: Shi'a, since the vast majority of Kurds in Iraq
are Sunnis.
Worker Communist Party of Iraq: Website:
A new government in
Baghdad would
therefore have to handle
Iraqi opposition personalities the Kurdish issue with
great sensitivity.
ALAWI Dr Ayad: Leader of the INA. Supported by the CIA. See Arab Gateway's
special page on the
BARZANI Mas'ud: Leader of the KDP. Born on 16 August, 1946, in Kurds.
Mahabad (Iran), where his father, the late General Mustafa Barzani,
was military chief of a self-declared Kurdish republic. When the
republic fell, his father fled to the Soviet Union, while Mas’ud and
the rest of his family returned to Iraq, and eventually to their home There are numerous
village, Barzan. In 1961 Mustafa Barzani and the KDP launched an opposition groups
armed struggle against the Iraqi government, which Mas’ud joined outside Iraq, many of
at the age of 16. In 1970 Mas’ud was in a delegation which signed them based in London.
an autonomy agreement with Baghdad, but this later collapsed and Some are almost as
the armed struggle resumed. In 1979, following the death of his hostile towards each
father, Mas’ud became president of the KDP - a post which he has other as they are
held ever since. He is married with eight children and is the author towards Saddam
of a book, "Barzani and the Kurdish Liberation Movement", Hussein.
published in Arabic and in three volumes. See KDP presidential
website, also the life of Mustafa Barzani. Many have little or no
support inside Iraq and
are widely regarded as
Massoud Barzani tools of American
foreign policy. Most of
their leaders have not
lived in Iraq for many
years and some have
been disparagingly
described as "Rolex
There are also about
CHALABI Dr Ahmad: Leader of the INC. A Shi'a Muslim, born 1,500 former Iraqi
1944/1945. Has not lived in Iraq since 1956, apart from a period military officers in exile
organising resistance in the Kurdish north in the mid-1990s. who could contribute to
Studied mathematics at Chicago University and MIT. His main the overthrow of
political support comes from the US Congress, the Pentagon and Saddam, but it is
parts of the CIA. He is opposed by the State Department and other debatable how many of
parts of the CIA. He was chairman of the Petra Bank in Jordan them left Iraq for
which collapsed, ruining many of its depositors, and was eventually political reasons.
convicted (in his absence) of fraud by a Jordanian court. He
maintains he is innocent and says the accusations were trumped Many, if not all, of these
up by the Iraqi government. The US State Department has also defecting officers are
raised questions about the INC's accounting practices. In 1995 he likely to have been
organised an uprising in northern Iraq, which wasGenerated
the involved at some
at 3/17/2010 time in
5:10:01 PM
CIA that a critical moment. A highlyURL:
controversial figure, he is carrying out atrocities
certainly charismatic and determined, though many also regard him on behalf of the regime.
as domineering. Profiles: The Guardian (22 February, 2002); For more on the Iraqi
Washington Post (21 April, 1999). opposition groups see
article by Fred Aprim.
HAKIM Mohammed Baqr al-: Leader of SCIRI. Unlikely to
become president of Iraq after Saddam because of American
wariness about his links with Iran, but a powerful figure who is Whatever views the US
difficult to ignore. See his website (in Arabic). may have on the shape
of a post-Saddam
government, four of
Mohammed Baqr al-Hakim Iraq's neighbours -
Syria, Turkey, Saudi
Arabia and Iran - regard
the outcome as a
matter of national
concern and would like
to exercise some
HUSSEIN Sharif Ali bin al-: Leader of the CMM and heir to the THE IRAQ
Iraqi throne. Born in Baghdad in 1956, he is a cousin of the late LIBERATION ACT
King Faisal II, who was deposed and assassinated in 1958.
Educated in Lebanon and Britain (MA in economics). Wealthy, In the early 1990s the
immaculately dressed, and generally pleasant but his regal manner US spent more than
puts some people off. He promises to "remain above factional $100 million trying -
disputes and political manoeuvering" if he becomes king. See unsuccessfully - to
website. undermine the Iraqi
regime. In 1998,
President Bill Clinton
Sharif Ali signed the Iraq
Liberation Act which
allocated up to $97
million for training and
equipping opposition
Seven groups were
chosen to receive
JA’AFARI Dr Ibrahim al-: Represents the Islamic Dawa Party. American support under
the Act: the INC, INA,
JABR Sa'ad: Leader of the FIC. A Shi'a Muslim and son of a
KDP and the Islamic
former Iraqi prime minister. Left Iraq in 1968. Now has American
Movement of Kurdistan.
citizenship but lives in London.
Only three of these -
KHAZRAJI General Nizar al-: Born 1937/1938, he is the highest- have a significant
ranking military defector from Iraq. He served as Saddam's chief of following inside Iraq.
staff from 1980 until 1991, leading the army through the Iran-Iraq
war and the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 (though he now says he did More information on the
not really agree with that). He fled to the west in 1996 and was Iraq Liberation Act:
granted political asylum in Denmark. Although the main Kurdish Medea, Time Magazine
parties appear to support him, but a smaller Kurdish group has (30 November, 1998).
sought to have him prosecuted for war crimes. This relates to his
alleged role in the use of chemical weapons against the Kurdish
town of Halabja in 1988. Khazraji says the allegations have been
invented by Iraqi intelligence services. There are claims that he was
reluctant to leave Iraq, but that the CIA induced him to do so with
promises of a major political role. In a newspaper interview he
appeared eager to take over from Saddam, describing it as an
honour and "a sacred duty". This may have damaged his leadership
prospects because some in the Iraqi opposition now suspect his
motives. He believes the Iraqi military will rise up against Saddam if
they are supported by a lot of carefully targeted American firepower.

PACHACHI Adnan: A former Iraqi foreign minister and ambassador

to the UN who is now secretary general of the opposition DCT.
Potentially a key player in post-Saddam Iraq, but has said he
wants only a facilitating role. A Sunni Muslim.

SALIHI Brigadier-General Najib al-: Born 1951/1952. A Sunni

Muslim who appears to have support among the Shi'a (he comes
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from a large tribe - the Beni Salih - which embraces Sunni and Shia
Muslims and some Turkmen). Has run an group called the Free
Officers Movement since 1996, claims he can raise 30,000 fighters.
Favours a three-pronged infantry assault on Baghdad from Kurdish
Iraq, Kuwait and, if possible, Jordan, without the use of US ground
troops. He has avoided giving the impression of power-hungriness,
and at conferences in the US has argued that the military should
not be directly engaged in politics. He emerged as front-runner in
an internet poll conducted by to find who Iraqis would most
like to lead a transitional government. The poll was abandoned after
a few days, allegedly because of suspicious voting activity, but
possibly because it showed little popular support for other
prominent figures.

SAMARA'I Maj. Gen. Wafiq al-: Former head of an Iraqi military

intelligence unit, he left Iraq in the mid-1990s and now lives in
London. He is sceptical about using exiles to start a revolt,
preferring a "quick covert operation," run by the CIA, to eliminate

SHAMARI General Fawzi al-: Born 1945/1946. Commanded nine

divisions in the Iran-Iraq war and admits to firing chemical weapons
against the Iranians. He defected in 1986 and now runs a
restaurant in Virginia, USA. Favours a guerrilla war to remove

TALABANI Jalal: President of the PUK since it was established in

1975. Born in Kelkan in 1933, he became active in the Kurdish
opposition during his teens and eventually joined the central
committee of the KDP. Worked for a time as a journalist and after
the 1958 revolution commanded an Iraqi army tank unit. Joined the
Kurdish rebellion which began 1961. In 1975 he split with the KDP
and founded the PUK. Talabani is critical of exiled anti-Saddam
groups, and distinguishes between the "opposition of the trenches
and the opposition of the hotels". Interviews: Middle East Quarterly
(Winter 2002); Frontline.

Jalal Talabani

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Last revised on 21 June, 2009

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