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Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York Bop.The year is 1977 and the streets of New York are filled with
pimps and hoes. The subway is a crime filled haven and unemployment forces young
New Yorkers into a life of debauchery and violence.
From Brooklyn to The Bronx, New York is a crumbling cesspit and the streets are ruled
by Gangs who fight each other for glory, money, territory and, most of all, reputation.
Gang-bangers wear their colours to show pride and spray paint their tags to mark their
turf. No one is safe when the local gang is on the move and the only way to prevent
them harming you is to pay them or join them.
Will you join the armies of the night? As leader of your Gang you will have to recruit
soldiers and carve out a little piece of New York for you and your boys. You will have to
battle rival gangs to gain the reputation that you crave and the money you need to
grow your army.
Grab your Gang logo-adorned Cuts and weapons of choice as your battle starts now.
Lets fight our way across the once great City of New York to become the Kings of the

What do i need?

When playing New York Bop you will need 0 (0 = 10), sometimes you will be asked to
the following:
roll a d5. For a d5 just use the standard d10
and divide the number in half and round

New York Bop Miniatures

New York Bop Profile Cards

Tape measure or ruler
Tokens and Templates

Numerous d10 dice
We have a fantastic set of New York Bop

Templates and Tokens
acrylic tokens available to buy on the

Playing surface
Ghetto Miniatures website. Accompanying

Note pad
the rule book there is a set of simple printed

Funky Tunes
Game tokens that you can cut out and use
for the games. The simple tokens can also
be printed from the website for free.
Throughout the rule book we feature some
of our own Ghetto Miniatures figures. The Templates are used to represent the blast
Ghetto Miniatures range provides you with radius from explosions There is a blast temall that you need to get started providing plate included within the rules that can be
you with a standard size gang. All the min- photocopied or you can get a PDF version
iatures are single based 28mm figures and from the Ghetto Miniatures website.
come supplied with 30mm lipped bases.
The figures fit in with our concept of New Playing surface
York gangs in the era of Disco.
The idea of the game is for close street
gang actions. You can use anything that is
The range will have new additions and up- a plain surface and spruce it up by placing
dated profiles for the gangs which you can various pieces of terrain like buildings, trees,
check out at cars and other street furniture. The playing
surface should ideally be 3 x 3.
Profile Cards
Profile cards are used to record the stats Think of the things you would see in the
and information for your gang members. streets of New York City with the flat roof
There are a number of blank profile cards Tenements all lined up on the simple
supplied with the rules. You can also visit crossed streets .Having battles in a Park, a
the website to download more blank pro- Carnival or Graveyard are also great ideas
file cards as printable pdfs.
for games.
Note pad
You will need a measuring tape or ruler Note pads are always useful for taking
marked with inches.
notes throughout the game.
The rules use a d10 dice pool system; you
will need a number of these to play the
game. The dice are usually numbered 1 to

Funky Tunes
Some Funky Beats from the 70s are not
essential but very good to get you in the
mood for a game.

the rules
The models represent gangs that have
members of varied levels of toughness
and skills. Some are braver than others,
making it easier for them to carry out the
vital tasks when out looking for a rumble.
Battle hardened members will be tougher
than most, as they have gained their reputation as Street Fighters.
To represent the variation between each
of the Ranks we have defined a list of
characteristics that will help them in their
This is what determines a gang members
bottle for carrying out actions and how
they perform in battle. You will use this
value when rolling for a GUTS test to pass
some of the actions. GUTS tests will be detailed later on.
Command Points are used to issue commands to other gang members in your
own Gang. You can use Commands to
have your whole gang perform a Group
Action or you can give out individual
commands from the actions list. These
actions do not affect a gang members
Action points and only Warlords and
Lieutenants have command points. Commands cannot be used as extra actions
for the gang member who is issuing the
command unless used in group action.
You must clearly declare that you are using a Command point before any action,
along with marking it on your Gang Roster.

Actions (AP)
Actions are the number of actions a gang
member can take in one turn. Actions are
used to make your gang member perform
tasks like moving, fighting and causing
acts of vandalism.
Combat is the number of dice that a bopper has in his dice pool when attacking
their enemy.
FUNK is used to determine the skill level
of your Bopper. This is what will help them
dodge the punches.
A gang members Block value is how good
they are at blocking hits from enemy attackers.
HITS determine the total amount of damage that your gang member can take.
The higher ranked gang members can
take more HITS as these guys did not get
to where they are by falling down at the
first punch.
When a Bopper has as many hits as their
allowance, they must carry out a Damage
roll. Check the roll result against the damage table to determine if the Boppers can
continue for the rest of the game. Please
refer to the Damage section of the rules.


Are you ready to rumble?

Each game of New York Bop represents a
conflict between rival gangs on the mean
streets of the Big Apple. A fight can be
anything from small scuffles to full scale
battles, between varies gangs. Once you
have agreed on the size of the game you
want to play, you will need to build your
gang, chose your weapons and defend
your turf.

Turn sequence

Each game is broken down into a number

of turns. The turn sequence is shown below
in the order each one must be carried out.

Recovery Phase
End of Turn



Initiative Phase

In some cases the decision of who gets to

go first is determined by the scenario, but
most of the time this will be decided by
an initiative roll. Each player will roll 1d10
and the highest roll is the winner and will
be called Player 1. Player 1 will draw 2
cards from the Events pile, which they will
keep in their possession until they decide
when they wish to play them at any point
during the game. Player 2 then draws 2
event cards and holds them until they wish
to play them. The winning player gets to
start the action phase first carrying out the
action of 1 of their Boppers.
At the start of each turn all players must
roll again to see who has initiative and
pick up one more event card each. When
the initiative roll results in a draw, then the
player who was 2nd the last game shall
have the initiative this turn. If it is the first Initiative roll, then a draw will require a re-roll
until there is a clear winner.


Action Phase

During the action phase, Player 1 gets

to nominate 1 of their gang members to
carry out the number of actions as stated
in their Actions (AP) characteristic. Once
Player 1 has performed all of their actions,
Player 2 then nominates one of their gang
members they wish to activate. The turn
will then continue like this in a I go, you
go manner, until all of the Boppers on the
table have been activated.

End of Turn Phase

In the end of turn phase we try to regroup

and reflect on what has happened during
the on-going battle. There are more details on this phase further on in the End of
Turn section.

Actions can be spent on any of the following:

Movement: your gang member may perform standard walking or running actions
or may need to jump from a building.
Actions: your gang member might need
to pick up a brick to hit someone with or
they may want to spray their gang tag on
an enemys turf.
Close Combat: this is where you will go
toe to toe with your foe and see who will
rule this street.
Missile Attack: your gang member has a
brick and you see an enemy gang member that is just asking to be introduced to
Please refer to each of these sections to
see what actions your gang member can
carry out.

Recovery Phase

The Recovery Phase is where you can try

to recover your character if they have suffered some damage during the previous
turn. The types of recovery you can perform are detailed in the Recovery section
of the rules.




Fighting is the key factor of New York bop
and all gangs love nothing more than
having a rumble with a rival gang. Winning
your battles is critical and will sort out the
men from the boys. Who will be the Kings
of the Rubble?

Close Combat Attack (1AP)

When two models come into base to base
contact, they are considered to be engaged in Combat. Once in contact you
can chose to carry out a close combat
attack on your enemy.
As the attacker, roll the number of dice as
stated in the Combat value of your characteristics. Compare the results against
the defending characters FUNK value.
All roll results with modifiers applied that
are higher than or equal to the defenders
FUNK are classed as a successful HIT. The
defender must now deduct the number of
Blocks from the number of HITS they have
taken. When the attacker rolls a 10 this is
classed as an automatic hit and cannot
be blocked. All hits that have not been
blocked should be marked on the defending gang members Roster sheet.

of +2 for the switch blade that he is carrying giving him final results of 6, 7, 8 & 10.
The Black Cobra has a FUNK Value of 6 so
the Braves soldier has successfully HIT the
Cobra 4 times but the Cobra defends 2
of them with his Block Value. The Braves
Lieutenant has successfully scored 2 HIT
markers against his opponent.


If during close combat any gang member is outnumbered by enemies in base

to base contact, then the Outnumbering
gang member will gain 1 extra die to their
Combat dice pool.

Resolving Combat

Should there be no outcome from the

Close Combat that results in the either
side rolling against the Damage table and
you have enough Actions Points. You can
chose to attack again or disengage from
the combat. If you have no AP left, you
are required to wait until the next turn and
remain in base to base contact.
If new turns begins and you are still in close
combat then the player with initiative can
chose to attack or disengage.

Once you have gained, as many HIT

markers as your total allowance, then your
attacker will roll against the Damage table
to see what damage they have dealt you.
Every extra successful hit will result in a +1
modifier to the Damage Roll.
A Lieutenant of the Coney Island Braves
goes up against a soldier from the Black
Cobras. The Braves soldier rolls his 4 Combat dice, rolling 4, 5, 6 &8 with a modifier

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What are you waiting for??

Lets get Bopping!!!

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