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Report of the seminar on Revamping Teacher education for Digital Age- Learners- Challenges

and Prospects on second day. Dated 18 sep 2015.

The second day of the seminar commenced with a a prayer song by the college choir followed by
reacap of the previous days session by Ms. Jaya P.J. , Assistant Professor of Mount Carmel
College. Dr. Lissy Koshi, Assistant Professor of Mount Carmel College invited the most
esteemed delegates of the second day seminar, Dr. S. Senthilnathan , Assistant Professor and
Deputy co- ordinator, UGC- SAP department of Educational Technology Bharathidasan
University Thiruchirapalli to give, a talk on the theme at hand. He is an imminent personality
who was involved inEnglish language Teaching for more than 15 years, a consultant and
research person for various orientation programs and seminar, a research guide and a member of
the council of various universities. He also had published around 85 research papers in different
National and International journals.
The first session of the second day began with the technical session on. Digital Larning
implications and imperatives for Indian Teacher Education. He started by expressing his great
pleasure to be a part of the seminar and spent some time with the most respected Dr. D. N.
Sansanwal who is an inspiring teacher. He started by starting that, the theme of the seminar is
very. Vital and relevant in the current age. So he raised a question regarding how to make
education more innovative and interactive answering the question, he pointed out an article
published once in the New York Times that Learning was one an oral thing, then a print thing
and now a digital thing and started on with his topic by explaining the etymology of the word
digital which has a Greek origin from the word digitus meaning finger touch. Then he
mentioned about the three Es of digital education: Enabled, Engaged and Empowered and gave
a small elaboration of these terms. Then he moved on to few famous quotations by George
Siemen, Marc Prensky etc on Technology Enhanced Education to make the aspiring teachers
aware of the importance of technology in the field of education later, he made differentiation
between the three ages of human development: Agricultural Age, Industrial Age and the present
Knowledge age. He expressed his contempt on the present Educational system of India which
beholds 19th C educational system to teach and 21st C curriculum and asked to justify the use of
blackboard , an instrument introduced two centuries ago, to teach in in the digital age. He
differentiated teachers and learners of the pld and present generation to point out the areas that
need to be altered in the educational system. The students of digital age are multitaskers, they
have vast access to knowledge. Through pictures, sound, video, animation etc from digital media
which is often interactive. So the new generation is shaped by the world wide web and thus they
are the natives of ICT is whereas the teachers are single or limited task oriented, have access to
knowledge only through text or printed materials. So they are innigrants to the digital world.
Thus the new generation learners can have several questions in their minda that why do I need a
teacher when I have google and what more can a teacher do more than google. Hence he
reminded that the teaching profession today in much challenging and advised the aspiring
teachers to be or chastrators of knowledge Technology cannot be kept apart, in this age. Thus

teachers should guide learners to use technology properly to acquire knowledge and should
manage all the means of knowledge acquiring equipment.
Dr. S. Senthinathan, then elaborated on the implication of technology in the realm of teaching
and had a talk on the three gradients of teaching. Augmented classrooms, blended learning and
online learning which can as complementary, supplementary or even alternative means. He then
gave a brief differentiation of web 1.0 and 2.0 along with the characteristics and benefits of web
2.0 to web 1.0 and the various facilities provided by it such as podcast, wikkies, webquests, hot
potatoes, dictionaries of web 2.0 and so on. Towards the concluding part, he advised the teacer
traines to master ICT, and raised a question whether we are producing the breed of teachers who
can goes with the present age. Making them aware about the vitality of technology in Education
is pivotal. The session by Dr.S.Senthilnathan was indud an effective platform for all the
concerned stake holders to introspect about numerous advances as well as challenges and
dilemmas faced by the current teacher education system of India. At the end of this season
Ms.Jaya P.J.,Assistannt Professor, Mount Carmel College of Teacher Education for Women
proposed the vote of t Hanks. After this, by 11.45 am the assembladge parted for a short break
for refreshments.
Session 4 of the seminar was pursued by Dr. D.N. Sansanwal on the topic Information and
Communication technology related innovations in teacher education. He pointed outed the
various innovations in Teacher education such as taxingof resources, professional development ,
sharing of resources, professional development of teaches, increasing accessibility, virtual
universities HRD Distance Education Total quality Management, bridging the gap betwwn haves
and have not , web based instruction etc. Later he moved on to describe the gross cultural
research using ICTs such as pupils evaluation which can be done using computer Based
Diagnostic Test, Computer Based achievement test, Remedial teaching etc. In the field of
Curriculum development ICT has enabled. Digitilised instructional material and in the realm pf
selection of teacher trainees, online tests can be utilized. Then he elaborated his talk on different
models of teaching such as concept attainment mode(CAM), Inquiry training Model (ITM)
advanced organizer model (AOM, Twiss prediction inquiry model (JIM) and stress reduction
model he elucidated ona technology developed by Dr. D.N. sansanwal himself known as JERK
technology under which he explained mirror image writing (MIW), Disproportionate word
writing (DWW) Small Writing(SW), Double negative sentences (DNS) unusual sentences

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