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Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

6.1 The Various Forms and Source of Energy
1. Things have energy if they can do work. Energy is the a..
to do work.
2. The unit for energy is j. (J).
3. Energy can exist in many different forms: working energy and stored
a) Working energy: the form of energy that can involves work being done.
The effects of energy c.. can be seen.
b) Stored energy: the form of energy is stored and can be released by
c. process.

Heat energy
Sound energy

Light energy

Forms of
Kinetic energy

Electrical energy

Nuclear energy

Chemical energy

Potential energy

A) Kinetic Energy (Tenaga Kinetik)


Any object which is moving possesses k.. e..

The faster an object move, the g. its kinetic energy.
All stationary (not moving) objects have z. kinetic energy.
Kinetic energy is useful in daily life. Examples:
a) Kinetic energy of a r. is used to turn turbines and dynamos
for generating electricity.

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

b) Kinetic energy in w is used for sailing ship, turning windmills

and dynamos for generating electricity.
c) Kinetic energy in an a. enables it to transport

B) Potential Energy (Tenaga Keupayaan)

1. Potential energy is the energy s by an object due to its
p.. and its c
2. All objects above the ground have g. potential energy
because of their raised position.

Coconut hanging on the tree

stops at the tip of hill

The kid sitting on top of a slide

A car

3. The gravitational potential energy of an object depends on

The m of the object
The h. or p of the object above the ground

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

The s of the gravitational pull on the object
4. The bigger the mass, the g.. the potential energy.
5. The higher the position of an object from the ground, the m.
potential energy it has.
6. Potential energy is also stored in objects that can be c,
s or bent which called e. potential energy
because of their stretched or compressed conditions.

C) Mechanical Energy (Tenaga Mekanik)

1. Mechanical energy is the t.. of potential energy and k..

energy possessed by an object.
2. Mechanical energy is sometimes referred as d.. energy.
3. A falling object has mechanical energy. Half way through its fall, it has
both p.. energy and k energy.

Maximum potential energy at

its greatest height (No kinetic

Maximum kinetic energy at its

greatest speed

D) Chemical Energy (Tenaga Kimia)

1. Chemical energy is the energy stored in substances such as f.. and
2. The stored chemical energy is r and c to other
forms of energy when the substances undergo chemical reactions.

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy


E) Sound Energy (Tenaga Bunyi)

1. Sound object is produced by v objects.
2. Sound energy can be t. from one place to another in the form
of waves through a m.. such as air, water or solid.
3. Sound energy travels the fastest in s. and slowest in g. or
a.. This is because in solids, molecules are very closely packed and sound
energy can be transferred very fast from one molecule to another
neighbouring molecule.
4. Sound energy cannot pass through a v.. as there are no molecules
in a vacuum to transfer the energy.

F) Heat Energy (Tenaga Haba)


Heat energy is the energy found in h.. objects.

The hotter the object, the m. energy it can give out.
Heat energy can increase the t. of an object.
Heat energy is also known as t energy. The heat energy that
is stored in a hot body depends on its temperature and volume. The higher
the temperature, the higher the amount of heat energy that can be stored
in the body.

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

5. The S.. is our main source of heat energy.

6. Heat energy is s. when a material burns.
7. Heat energy flows from a place or material of h.. temperature to a
place or material of l.. temperature.

G) Light Energy (Tenaga Cahaya)

1. Light energy is the energy radiated (spread out) by l objects
(objects that give out light).
2. Light
e radiation.
3. Light energy travels in waves and can be transmitted through
4. Light energy from the Sun is known as s energy.
5. Light energy enables us to see things around.

H) Electrical Energy (Tenaga Elektrik)

1. Electrical energy consists of e c., which travel
through electrical c or w
2. Electrical energy is supplied in the form of electrical power by generators,
batteries, dry cells and solar cells.

I) Nuclear Energy (Tenaga Nuklear)

1. Nuclear energy is the energy stored in the n. of an atom.

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

2. All r materials stored nuclear energy. When radioactive

materials decay, energy is r because of the changes in the
nuclei of the atom.
3. Nuclear energy is also released when a particle penetrates a large nucleus
and causes it to s. into many smaller nuclei. This process is called
n r
4. A nuclear reactor is used to c.. the nuclear reaction and the
energy is released. The nuclear energy is then converted into h
energy and the steam produced is used to generate electricity in a power
5. The nuclear energy generated from a nuclear reactor provides direct
mechanical power to operate a s or a s..
6. The nuclear energy is released in two ways:
a) Nuclear fission (pembelahan nukleus)
A process in which a particle (neutron) penetrates a heavy nucleus
and causes it to s. into two or more nuclei with energy
b) Nuclear fusion (pelakuran nukleus)
A process in which light nuclei c (fuse) together to form
a heavier one with energy released.

Nucleus fission
Nucleus fusion

Various sources of energy

Form 1 Science


Chapter 6 Source of Energy

Type of energy








.. energy
energy inside
the Earth

Energy source for daily use

Solar cells convert solar energy into electrical

Solar panels of a solar furnace absorb solar
energy as heat for heating purposes.
Windmills use wind power to pump water and
generate electricity.

Fast flowing water can be used to generate

electric energy for electrical equipment.
Movement of sea waves run generators and
provide electricity.

Tidal barrage generates electricity.

Local heating.
Steam is used to turn turbines and generate
Food, plants, fuels for local heating.
Operate machines and engines.

Fossil fuels or



Thermal power station to generate electricity.

Petroleum is used as the main fuel for vehicles
and machines.
Nuclear power station to produce electricity.

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy


Energy Changes
1. Energy can be changed from one form to another but it cannot be
c or d.. This is known as the law of
c.. of energy.
2. When we use energy, we often convert it from one form to another.

Rubbing two palms
Lighting a lamp
Releasing a stretched
Heating the joints of a
copper and a zinc wire
Lighted candle
Alarm clock
Bicycle dynamo
Moving car

Energy changes
k.. energy h energy + s
k. energy s energy
c.. energy e energy
l energy + h energy
p.. energy k. energy
c.. energy h.. energy e..
energy k.. energy
c.. energy h energy + l.
p energy k energy s.
k energy e. energy h
energy + l energy
e. energy l energy + s
c. energy k.. energy

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Sources

Sources of Energy
energy sources

Renewable energy

Fossil fuel
Radioactive substances
Tidal / wave energy
(nuclear energy)
Geothermal energy
Solar energy
1. Energy resources can be divided into two main groups: r and
2. Renewable energy sources are the energy sources that can be
r.. after being used. (eg. solar energy)
3. Non-renewable energy resources are energy sources that c.. be
replaced after being used. They will run out eventually. (eg. petrol).

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

Renewable energy sources

1. Wind energy
a) Wind power is used to turn the blades of large windmills or generators
to p electricity or to p.. water out of the ground. A
high wind speed is needed to power wind generators effectively.
b) Wind generated electricity does not cause air pollution. However, it
costs more to produce than the electricity generated from coal.

2. Tidal / wave energy

a) A dam or barrage is built across a river mouth or estuary. Electricity is
generated by the flow of water through turbines in dam as the tides
rise and fall.
b) Waves are caused by wind and partly by the tides. The rapid
u. movement of waves on the surface of the sea can
also drive turbines to produce electricity.

3. Biomass energy
a) Biomass is plant and animal waste materials that can be used for
generating electricity. This includes using fuel made from sugar cane,
biogas of rotting waste and manure of livestock.
b) M.. gas from biomass is used to generate electricity.
c) Converting biomass energy into usable energy has many
environmental benefits.
- Fuels such as alcohol that made from biomass is used as alternative
to p.. to power motor cars.
- Solve the problem of waste disposal and at the same time
c energy for use at homes, farms and factories.

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy



hydroelectric energy

4. Water power hydroelectric energy

a) Hydroelectricity is produced from the k.. energy of water. The
movement of the water spins turbines which generate electricity.
b) Locations with high rainfall and steep mountains are ideal for
hydroelectricity. The largest hydroelectric power plant in Malaysia is in
Kenyir Lake.
c) Most electricity projects require the building of large d across the
d) The use of hydroelectricity energy does not cause pollution but the
building of large dams effects the ecosystems of the surrounding area.
5. Geothermal energy
a) Geothermal energy uses the h energy from beneath the surface
of the earth. Hot spring, geysers and volcanic eruptions shows that the
earth is very hot deep inside it.
b) The steam is used to heat houses and factories, and drive turbines and
dynamos to produce electrical energy.
c) Geothermal energy is a good source of energy because it is clean and
can be extracted without burning fossil fuels.

6. Solar energy
a) Solar energy is energy from the S..
b) Solar energy is used for heating water, cooking and producing
electrical energy.
c) Solar cookers and heaters convert solar energy to h.. energy.
d) Solar cells convert solar energy to e. energy.
e) Green plants use solar energy to make food then store it in the food as
c. energy.
Non-renewable energy sources
1. Fossil fuels
a) Three
b) They are called fossil fuels because they are formed over millions of
years from the fossils and remains of dead animals and plants. The
fossils are buried under dirt and rock. Heat and pressure from the earth
cook them into oils, natural gas.
c) Coal
- Most abundant fossil fuel resource. It is hard, black, rock-like

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

Mainly burned in power stations to generate electricity and as a

source of heat for industry.
d) Petroleum
- A very important source in modern times.
- It contains many types of fuel such as aviation fuel, petrol, kerosene
and diesel.
e) Natural gas
- Used as cooking fuel.
- It can be liquefied and stored in cylinders. It is also piped to houses
and factories for use.
2. Nuclear energy
a) Nuclear energy is obtained by s the atoms of
u. and p..
b) The splitting of the atoms is done by a controlled way in a reactor.
c) The heat energy released is used to produce steam under high power.
The steam is used to drive turbines and dynamos to produce electrical


The Importance of Conserving Energy Resources

The need to conserve energy

1. Energy sources contribute towards the development of a country.
2. Energy sources from fossil fuels and nuclear energy are l and
one day will be used up.
3. Hence, we must conserve these energy sources as that they can last as
long as possible.
4. There are two main ways of conserving energy sources.
a) Not to waste energy obtained from fossil fuels and nuclear energy
because they are non-renewable.
b) Look for alternative sources of energy such as to replace the renewable
- Solar energy
- Wind
- Energy from waves and tides
- Energy form biomass
The use and management of energy resources
1. S..
a) Gas stove must be turned off after used.
b) Lights and fans must be switched off after used.
2. I e
a) The efficiency of electrical appliances should be improved. (Eg. the
filament bulb is not efficient because it wastes a lot of electrical energy
in the form of heat).
3. R.. e. p
a) Prevent poor combustion from the vehicles
b) Fossil fuels such as coal must be used in great care because they can
produce pollutants such as acidic gases, soot and dust.

Form 1 Science

Chapter 6 Source of Energy

c) Uranium and plutonium can pollute the environment with unseen

dangerous radiations which can be fatal.
4. Use a. energy resources such as biomass, wind, solar,
tides and hydro energy.


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