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Your child has been referred for Balance tests.

These tests are carried out on children when:
There is a history of dizziness
There is some difficulty with balance
The child has a hearing loss - particularly when:
There has been delay in learning to sit or walk
The hearing loss is one-sided or asymmetric
The hearing loss is changing
A Cochlear implant is being considered
The cause of the hearing loss is being examined in detail.
The tests:
Help to determine the cause of balance problems and dizziness
Give more information about the function of the inner ear
May help us find the cause of your childs hearing loss.
The inner ear consists of the organ of hearing (cochlea) and the organ of balance
(vestibular organ). These two organs share the same fluids. Sometimes the organs of
hearing and balance are affected by the same problem and so hearing difficulties and
balance difficulties can occur together. However, this is not always the case and many
children with hearing problems have excellent balance while dizzy children can have
normal hearing.
My child is deaf but his balance is good.
It can still be useful to look more closely at balance. Children are clever at
compensating for weaknesses in the balance system and it may not be obvious until
full testing is done. Identification of balance problems can help us understand more
about your child and can sometimes help us to understand the cause of the hearing

The Appointment
You will be invited up to Dr Harrop-Griffiths Balance clinic. The appointment will
last at least two hours.
Before the appointment
If your child is on tablets for dizziness or travel sickness please stop these for at least
48 hours before the tests. Patients should also refrain from alcoholic drinks for 24
hours before the test. Please contact the department on 020 7915 1641 if in doubt
about medication.

If you are unable to come to your appointment please let us know as soon as you can
so that another patient can be given the appointment.

On the day
Please be on time for your appointment.
Your child will:
1. Have a hearing test unless one has been done recently
2. Have a tympanogram a test to measure the pressure in the ears
3. Be seen with you by the doctor.
4. Have a variety of balance tests see below.
The doctor will ask questions and examine your child to determine the most
appropriate tests for your child.

Balance Tests
Most children find these tests fun!
The tests we do are modified according to your childs age and ability to cooperate.
Ideally we would like to perform Electronystagmography (ENG) - this involves
sticking some metal discs (electrodes) on your childs head in order to record eye
movements. Fine movements of the eyes reflect the function of the balance organs.
With the discs in place your child will sit in a large, specially adapted chair. The tests
involve looking at a series of small red lights, and then a striped curtain followed by
gentle rotation of the chair. Most of these initial tests are carried out in complete
darkness. You will be able to sit with your child throughout the tests and a technician
or doctor will be available at all times.
The above tests look at the balance function of both ears together. For the majority of
children undergoing balance tests it is very important that we measure the function of
the ears separately and this entails pouring water into the ear canals: initially cool
water and then warm water. This test usually makes your child feel a little dizzy for a
short time. Most children cope very well with this test, some even enjoy it and ask for
We are very used to testing children of all ages, including children with dizziness,
hearing loss and fear of the dark tests are modified accordingly.
How can I prepare my child?
You can help by reassuring your child that the tests are fun. While adults tend to fear
dizziness most children enjoy the sensation, which is why theme parks make such a
profit! We liken the tests to astronaut tests, theme park rides or fairy flights if
this helps. Children who fear dizziness or the dark need reassurance that we will only
do tests with which they are comfortable they can ask us to stop and we will!

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