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Personal Pronouns and the Verb To Be

The verb 'to be' Name

Pe aceast pagin, vom nva s conjugm verbul to be - a f la persoanele
I-a, a II-a i a II-a, singular i plural, afirmativ, interogativ i negativ.
ncepem cu afirmativul.




1st person

I am Jeremy.

We are Jeremy and Clara.

2nd person

You are Ruby.

You are Ruby and Brian.

3rd person

He is Freddie.
She is Mary.
It is Jinxy.

They are Freddie, Mary and Jinxy.

Continum cu interogativul.

Interrogative Singular


1st person

Am I Jeremy?

Are we Jeremy and Clara?

2nd person

Are you Ruby?

Are you Ruby and Brian?

3rd person

Is he Freddie?
Is she Mary?
Is it Jinxy?

Are they Freddie, Mary and Jinxy?

i ncheiem cu negativul.




1st person

I am not Jeremy.

We are not Jeremy and Clara.

2nd person

You are not Ruby.

You are not Ruby and Brian.

3rd person

He is not Freddie.
She is not Mary.
It is not Jinxy.

They are not Freddie, Mary and Jinxy.

The verb 'to be' Nationality

Acum vom afirma, solicita i nega naionalitatea.




1st person

I am Romanian.

Am I Romanian?

I am not Romanian.

2nd person

You are Austrian.

Are you Austrian?

You are not Austrian.

3rd person

He is French.
She is German.
It is Spanish.

Is he French?
Is she German?
Is it Spanish?

He is not French.
She is not German.
It is not Spanish.

1st person Plural We are English.

Are we English?

We are not English.

2nd person Plural You are American.

Are you American?

You are not American.

3rd person Plural They are Japanese.

Are they Japanese?

They are not Japanese.

Observm c:
La afirmativ, ordinea elementelor n propoziie este:
Subiect (I) + Verb Copulativ (am) + Nume Predicativ (Jeremy / Romanian).
La interogativ,Subiectul i Verbul se inverseaz.
Am I Jeremy? / Am I Romanian?
La negativ, dup Subiect i Verb, apare not.
I am not Jeremy. / I am not Romanian.
Afirmativ: Subiect + Verb + (...)
Interogativ: Verb + Subiect + (...) + ?
Negativ: Subiect + Verb + not + (...)
Atenie! n limba englez, propoziiile nu sunt niciodat eliptice de subiect. Cu alte cuvinte, nu
putem omite subiectul, aa cum facem n limba romn. Vom spune ntotdeauna I am Romanian,
chiar dac n limba romn putem spune doar Sunt romn (fr Eu).

2.Ruby and Brian are dancers

Articles and Plurals

n limba englez, pluralul substantivelor se formeaz de obicei prin adugarea terminaiei -s la
sfritul formei de singular.
(1) one boy - (2) two boys
(1) one girl - (2) two girls
(1) one dog - (2) two dogs
Uneori, vom avea nevoie de -es n loc de -s. Ascult tutorialul audio din aceast lecie.
one watch - two watches
Atunci cnd substantivul se termin n y i penultima liter este o consoan, la plural y-ul va
deveni i i vom aduga terminaia -es.
one secretary - two secretaries
Marea majoritate a substantivelor sunt regulate, adic respect regulile de mai sus pentru
formarea pluralului.
Exist, totui, excepii. Iat cteva exemple de substantive cu plural neregulat:
one man - two men
one woman - two women
one child - two children
Substantivul people nu are forma de singular.

Indefinite articles

Articolul nehotrt pentru substantivele la numrul singular este a.
e.g.: Freddie is a doctor. Freddie este (un) doctor.
e.g.: Ruby is a dancer. Ruby este (o) dansatoare.
Atenie! Folosim an n loc de a atunci cnd substantivul precedat de articol ncepe cu o vocal.
e.g.: Jeremy is an engineer. Jeremy este (un) inginer.
Pentru forma de plural, nu avem un articol nehotrt. Vom spune simpludoctors, dancers,
e.g.: Brian and Ruby are dancers. Brian i Ruby sunt dansatori.
e.g.: Jeremy and Clara are engineers. Jeremy i Clara sunt ingineri.
n urmtoarele trei tabele, vom folosi articolul nehotrt pentru a afirma, solicita i nega ocupaia
celor trei persoane, la singular i plural.




1st person

I am a teacher.

We are writers.

2nd person

You are a lawyer.

You are editors.

3rd person

He is an architect.
She is an actress.
It is a dog.

They are drivers.

Interrogative Singular


1st person

Am I a teacher?

Are we writers?

2nd person

Are you a lawyer?

Are you editors?

3rd person

Is he an architect?
Is she an actress?
Is it a dog?

Are they drivers?




1st person

I am not a teacher.

We are not writers.

2nd person

You are not a lawyer.

You are not editors.

3rd person

He is not an architect.
She is not an actress.
It is not a dog.

They are not drivers.

Definite articles
Articolul hotrt are aceeai form pentru singular i plural: the.
the doctor - medicul
the doctors - medicii
the engineer - inginerul
the engineers - inginerii
Atenie! De obicei, atunci cnd articolul hotrt the preced un substantiv care ncepe cu o vocal,
l vom pronuna [di], n loc de [d] (e.g.: the engineer).
Parcurge urmtoarele trei tabele i citete apoi surpriza de la sfritul leciei.




1st person

I am the teacher.

We are the writers.

2nd person

You are the lawyer.

You are the editors.

3rd person

He is the architect.
She is the actress.
It is the dog.

They are the drivers.

Interrogative Singular


1st person

Am I the teacher?

Are we the writers?

2nd person

Are you the lawyer?

Are you the editors?

3rd person

Is he the architect?
Is she the actress?
Is it the dog?

Are they the drivers?




1st person

I am not the teacher.

We are not the writers.

2nd person

You are not the lawyer.

You are not the editors.

3rd person

He is not the architect.

She is not the actress.
It is not the dog.

They are not the drivers.

Ne amintim c diferena dintre articolul hotrt i cel nehotrt este urmtoarea:
He is a doctor (articol nehotrt) nseamn El este (un) medic. Ne referim aici la faptul c profesia
sa este cea de medic.
He is the doctor (articol hotrt) nsemn El este medicul. Aadar, atunci cnd folosim articolul
hotrt, propoziia se situeaz ntr-un context definit anterior sau urmeaz s fac o precizare
despre substantiv: El este medicul care.. (He is the doctor that..)
S vedem un alt exemplu.
Jinxy is a cat nseamn Jinxy este (o) pisic.
Jinxy is the cat nsemn Jinxy este pisica i urmeaz, probabil, s fac o precizare despre ea.

3. My dress is red
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives
Denumirea complet a acestei structuri morfologice este adjectiv pronominal posesiv. Vom utiliza
denumirea adjectiv posesiv pentru a pstra lucrurile ct mai simple.
Structura morfologic poart denumirea de adjectiv posesiv deoarece st ntotdeauna lng un
substantiv (caracteristic proprie adjectivelor) i desemneaz posesia.
Adjectivele posesive:
au form identic, indiferent de numrul substantivului pe care l determin(my dress, my dresses);
preced substantivul.



1st person

I my shirt

we our shirts

2nd person

you your shirt

you your shirts

3rd person

he his shirt
she her shirt
it its collar

they their shirts

Remarcm c adjectivul posesiv your este identic pentru persoana a II-a singular (your shirt cmaa ta) i persoana a II-a plural (your shirts - cmilevoastre). Dup cum vom vedea n leciile
urmtoare (i dup cum ai aflat deja n prima lecie), la persoana a II-a vom regsi multe elemente
identice pentru singular i plural.
De asemenea, notm c genurile substantivului n limba englez nu se aseamn cu cele din limba
romn. Ele sunt mult mai simple i nu influeneaz structurile care determin substantivul.

Aadar, adjectivul posesiv rmne neschimbat, indiferent de substantiv. (Citete, ca fapt divers,

clasificarea genurilor din limba englez la finalul Surprizei din aceast lecie.)


Culorile au form identic, indiferent de cuvintele pe care le determin. Cu alte cuvinte, sunt
invariabile, la fel ca adjectivele posesive.

suit is blue. Costumul meu este albastru.

dress is blue. Rochia mea este albastr.
shoes are blue. Pantofii mei sunt albatri.
gloves are blue. Mnuile mele sunt albastre.

n tabelul de mai jos, vom afirma, solicita i nega culoarea unor obiecte de mbrcminte
aparinnd celor trei persoane, singular i plural.




1st person

My dress is red.

Is my dress red?

My dress is not red.

2nd person

Your jacket is blue.

Is your jacket blue?

Your jacket is not blue.

3rd person

His suit is black.

Her dress is white.
Its collar is yellow.

Is his suit black?

Is her dress white?
Is its collar yellow?

His suit is not black.

Her dress is not white.
Its collar is not yellow.

1st person

Our coats are brown.

Are our coats brown?

Our coats are not brown.

2nd person

Your T-shirts are pink.

Are your T-shirts pink?

Your T-shirts are not pink.

3rd person

Their caps are purple.

Are their caps purple?

Their caps are not purple.

Dup cum ai nvat deja n Lecia 1 i n Lecia 2, topica propoziiei este cea de mai jos. (Gramatical

vorbind, n urmtoarele trei exemple, dress este subiect, iarmy este atribut. Consider, totui, my
dress ca fiind subiectul propoziiei.)
Afirmativ: S + V + (...) My dress is red.
Interogativ: V + S + (...) + ? Is my dress red?
Negativ: S + V + not + (...) My dress is not red.
Observm c, n fiecare caz, adjectivul posesiv st imediat naintea substantivului pe care l

Amintete-i formarea pluralului din lecia precedent. Substantivele care desemneaz obiecte de
mbrcminte se formeaz, desigur, respectnd aceleai reguli: one coat - two coats, one dress - two
dresses etc.
Vom puncta n continuare trei aspecte particulare legate de substantivele din aceast lecie.
1. Cteva dintre substantive sunt defective de numrul singular. Asta nseamn c ele nu au o
form de singular i se folosesc ntotdeauna la plural. De altfel, aceste substantive sunt defective
de singular i n limba romn.
Este vorba despre: trousers, pants, jeans, blue jeans, shorts, underwear. Vom spune:
my pants pantalonii mei (ne referim la o singur pereche)
our pants pantalonii notri (ne referim la mai multe perechi).
i substantivul clothes este defectiv de singular.
2. Substantivele din urmtoarea list au att form de plural, ct i form de singular. Totui, le
folosim mereu la plural, deoarece desemneaz obiecte de mbrcminte pe care le purtm n
perechi. i acest aspect se regsete n limba romn.
one shoe - two shoes
one sock - two socks

one boot - two boots

one glove - two gloves
one slipper - two
one mitten - two
one sandal - two
My shoes are brown. Pantofii mei sunt maro.
Where is my shoe? Unde mi-e pantoful?
3. Toate substantivele din aceast lecie sunt regulate, adic adugam -s / -esla forma de singular
pentru a forma pluralul.
one T-shirt - two T-shirts
one dress - two dresses
Avem un singur substantiv neregulat: scarf.
one scarf - two scarves
Vom ntlni aceast form de plural i la alte substantive: one wife (soie) - two wives, one knife
(cuit) - two knives, one leaf (frunz) - two leaves.
Mai notm c este necesar s facem acordul ntre subiect i predicat. Astfel:
My dress is red. Rochia mea este roie. (is - singular)
My dresses are red. Rochiile mele sunt roii. (are - plural)

Genurile substantivului n limba englez:

Substantivele de gen masculin sunt cele care desemneaz reprezentani de sex masculin
ai unei specii. e.g.: man - brbat
Substantivele de gen feminin sunt cele care desemneaz reprezentani de sex feminin ai
unei specii. e.g.: woman - femeie
Substantivele de gen comun sunt cele care desemneaz reprezentani ai unei specii care
pot fi att de sex masculin, ct i de sex feminin. e.g.: child - copil
Substantivele de gen neutru sunt cele care desemneaz orice alte concepte (obiecte,
fenomene, stri etc.). Marea majoritate a substantivelor sunt, deci, neutre. e.g.: watch ceas de mn

4. This is my father
Structura morfologic la care ne referim n aceast lecie este pronumele demonstrativ.
This is my father. Acesta este tatl meu.
Atunci cnd elementul demonstrativ determin un substantiv, el devine adjectiv pronominal
This man is my father. Acest brbat este tatl meu.
n limba englez, pronumele demonstrative i adjectivele pronominale demonstrative au aceeai
form. Le vom numi, simplu, demonstratives.
inem minte c demonstrativele nu depind de genul substantivului. Vom spuneThis is my father
(Acesta este tatl meu), respectiv This is my mother (Aceasta este mama mea).
Demonstrativele variaz n funcie de dou criterii:
apropiere / deprtare:
This is my father. Acesta este tatl meu.
That is my father. Acela este tatl meu.
This is my brother. Acesta este fratele meu.
These are my brothers. Acetia sunt fraii mei.
Privete tabelul de mai jos. Dup cum ai vzut n seciunea Vocabular a acestei
lecii, here nseamn aici, iar there nseamn acolo.
Dac ne referim la cineva care este here, vom folosi un demonstrativ de apropiere (this singular, these - plural).
Dac ne referim la cineva care este there, vom folosi un demonstrativ de deprtare (that singular, those - plural).









n tabelul de mai jos, vom folosi cele patru demonstrative n propoziii afirmative, interogative i





This is my father.

Is this my father?

This is not my father.


That is my mother.

Is that my mother?

That is not my mother.


These are my parents.

Are these my parents?

These are not my parents.


Those are my grandparents.

Are those my grandparents?

Those are not my grandparents.

Bineneles, vom face acordul ntre subiect i predicat.

This i that sunt la numrul singular, deci vom spune This is, respectiv That is.
These i those sunt la numrul plural, deci vom spune These are, respectivThose are.

n lecia Personal Pronouns and the Verb 'To Be', vedeam c putem prescurta rspunsul scurt negativ,
pentru o exprimare mai natural. S continum acum cu alte posibiliti de prescurtare.
Urmtoarele prescurtri nu se refer la structurile demonstrative, dar este un moment bun s te
familiarizezi cu ele.
I am Jeremy. I'm Jeremy.
You are Clara. You're Clara.
He is Brian. He's Brian.
She is Ruby. She's Ruby.
It is Jinxy. It's Jinxy.
We are Jeremy and Clara. We're Jeremy and Clara.
You are Brian and Ruby. You're Brian and Ruby.
They are George and Freddie. They're George and Freddie
Prescurtm n acelai mod i la forma negativ, unde vom avea un not n plus i nc o variant de
I am not Jeremy. I'm not Jeremy.
You are not Clara. You're not Clara. sau You aren't Clara.
He is not Brian. He's not Brian. sau He isn't Brian.
She is not Ruby. She's not Ruby. sau She isn't Ruby.
It is not Jinxy. It's not Jinxy. sau It isn't Jinxy.
We are not Jeremy and Clara.
We're not Jeremy and Clara. sau We aren't Jeremy and Clara.
You are not Brian and Ruby.
You're not Brian and Ruby. sau You aren't Brian and Ruby.
They are not George and Freddie.
They're not George and Freddie. sau They aren't George and Freddie.
n ceea ce privete demonstrativele, putem prescurta structurile care conin demonstrativul
singular de deprtare - that.

That is my uncle. That's my uncle.

That is not my father. That's not my father. sau That isn't my father.

5. Clara's number is
0123 456 789
The Genitive
The genitive
Cazul genitiv desemneaz relaii de posesiune / apartenen. n limba englez, genitivul se poate
construi n dou moduri:
Adugm 's dup substantiv, fie el propriu sau comun. (Nu uita s citetisurpriza de la finalul leciei.)
e.g.: Mary's dog cinele lui Mary; the boy's cat pisica biatului; my father's uncle unchiul
tatlui meu
Folosim prepoziia of, pe care ai ntlnit-o n lecia precedent.
e.g.: the door of the house ua casei; the member of the family membrul familiei; the name of
the country numele rii
Cele dou modaliti pot fi interschimbabile, dup cum vei vedea n seciuneaExerciii a acestei
lecii. Totui, utilizarea primeia sau celei de a doua variante depinde de natura entitilor care se
afl n relaie i de natura relaiei. Exist o serie extins de criterii de difereniere. Deocamdat,
inem minte doar c, atunci cnd posesorul este o persoan, folosim prima variant ('s). Cnd
relaia este impersonal, recurgem la prepoziia of.

Atunci cnd posesorul este o persoan (desemnat printr-un substantiv propriu sau comun),
folosim prima variant. e.g.: Mary's dog; the girl's dog
Atunci cnd elementele aflate n relaie sunt obiecte, folosim ndeosebi a doua variant. e.g.: the
door of the house
n situaiile de mijloc, putem folosi oricare dintre cele dou variante. e.g.: the dog's leash; the leash
of the dog
n aceast lecie, ne ocupm de cele dou structuri descrise mai sus. i adjectivele posesive pe
care le-ai nvat n lecia Possessive Adjectives sunt structuri genitivale.

Iat dou propoziii simple n care folosim substantive proprii n cazul genitiv:
Clara's phone number is 0123 456 789. Numrul de telefon al Clarei e 0123 456 789.
Brian's car number is TM23WRC. Numrul de main al lui Brian e TM23WRC.
i un exemplu mai complex, n care folosim i prepoziia of:
The number of Brian's car is TM23WRC. Numrul mainii lui Brian e TM23WRC.

Cum folosim genitivul format prin 's?

n general, foarte simplu, aa cum ai vzut mai sus. S punctm n continuare cteva cazuri
La formele regulate de plural (care se termin n s) adugm doar ' (apostrof), fr s mai punem
nc un s. Nu se schimb nimic n pronunie genitivul pluralului se pronun la fel ca pluralul.
My parents' house is in Bucharest.
Totui, n cazul substantivelor neregulate care nu se termin n s, adugm 's:
The children's uncle is Tom.
Atunci cnd posesorul este multiplu (doi sau mai muli posesori), adugm 's la sfritul ultimului
Clara and Jeremy's phone number. Brian and Ruby's car number.
Nu uita s citeti surpriza de la sfritul leciei!

S vedem acum cteva propoziii afirmative, interogative i negative n care apar substantive n
cazul genitiv.




Clara's phone number is 0123 456


Is Clara's phone number 0123 456


Clara's phone number is not 0123

456 789.

He is Brian's friend.

Is he Brian's friend?

He is not Brian's friend.

The dog's leash is brown.

Is the dog's leash brown?

The dog's leash is not brown.

The leash of the dog is brown.

Is the leash of the dog brown?

The leash of the dog is not brown.

Dup ce ai citit vocabularul referitor la numere, consult indicaiile de mai jos:
nva pe de rost numerele de la 1 la 12.
ntre 13 i 19, numerele se termin n teen: thirteen (13), fourteen (14),ffteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (
Numerele care exprim zeci se termin n ty: twenty (20), thrity (30), forty(40), ffty (50), sixty (60), seventy (70), eighty (80), ninety (90).
Toate numerele ntre 21 i 99 (care nu sunt zeci fixe) se formeaz adugnd cifra unitilor (one,
two, three etc.) dup exprimarea zecilor (twenty, thirty etc.). Zecile i unitile se leag, n scris,
prin cratim.
e.g.: twenty-one (21), thirty-two (32), forty-three (43), ffty-four (54), sixty-fve(65), seventy-six (76),
eighty-seven (87), ninety-eight (98)
Dup cum precizam i n seciunea Vocabular, pentru exprimarea sutelor i a miilor, nu avem plural.
Nu spunem two hundreds sau two thousands, ci two hundred i two thousand.
e.g.: one hundred / one thousand (100 / 1,000), two hundred / two thousand(200 / 2,000), three
hundred / three thousand (300 / 3,000) (...) nine hundred / nine thousand (900 / 9,000), ten
hundred / ten thousand (1,000 / 10,000)
Folosim conjuncia and (i) atunci cnd exprimm: un numr de ordinul sutelor (four
hundred and ffty); numerele ntre 1001 i 1099 (de ordinul miilor i cu cifra sutelor 0: one
thousand and eighty-seven); pentru anii peste 2000, n special n engleza britanic (two
thousand and nine).


1. Genitivul format prin 's poart denumirea de Saxon genitive (genitiv saxon). l mai putem numi
i genitiv sintetic. Genitivul format cu prepoziia of estegenitivul analitic.
2. Atunci cnd ntlnim un substantiv propriu care se termin cu litera s (e.g.:Bangles), putem
forma genitivul fie aa: Bangles's leash, fie aa: Bangles' leash (lesa lui Bangles). Aspectul este
teoretizat n mod diferit n surse diferite. Pronunia este, de obicei, Bangles's
[benglsiz] (ascult tutorialul audio din aceast lecie). Aceleai indicaii se aplic i n cazul
substantivelor comune (e.g.: boss's wife / boss' wife - soia efului). Mai multe detalii..
3. Dup cum menionam i n seciunea Vocabular a acestei lecii, cnd avem un an de tipul 1997,
putem spune one thousand nine hundred ninety-seven, ns varianta mai scurt i mai des ntlnit
este nineteen ninety-seven. Cu alte cuvinte, grupm cele patru cifre dou cte dou, obinem 19
97 i citim19 (nineteen) 97 (ninety-seven). Aceast tehnic se aplic la anii din 4 cifre mai mici de
2000. Mai multe detalii..
4. tim c it este pronume personal neutru. El este adesea folosit pentru a nlocui structuri mai
complexe. Spre exemplu:
Is Clara's phone number 0123 456 788? No, it is not.
Clara's phone number = it
Cum putem prescurta mai departe No, it is not?
No, it is not. = No, it's not. = No, it isn't.

Iat dou exemple simple de perechi ntrebare / rspuns n care folosim it ca substitut al
structurii Clara's phone number:
Question: What is Clara's phone number?
Answer: It's 0123 456 789
Question: Is Clara's phone number 0123 456 788?
Answer: No, it's not. It's 0123 456 789.
Atunci cnd folosim it-ul n acest mod, propoziiile sunt mai concise i mai naturale.

6. The kitchen is next to the living room

Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place
Imaginile de mai jos te vor ajuta s reii mai uor prepoziiile de loc din limba englez.


Mai jos, gseti un set de propoziii n care folosim fiecare prepoziie de loc nvate n aceast
The car is in the garage.
The lamp is on the desk.
The cat is under the bed.
The bookshelf is behind the couch.
The TV is in front of the couch.
The attic is above the second floor.
The kitchen is below the bedroom.
The shelves are between the armchair and the couch.
The kitchen is next to the living room.
The house is near the school.
The fence is around the house.

Negative & Interrogative

Formm interogativul i negativul aa cum am nvat deja s o facem.
La negativ, adugm adverbul not imediat dup verb.

e.g.: The car is not in the garage. / The car isn't in the garage.
e.g.: The lamp is not on the desk. / The lamp isn't on the desk.
La interogativ, verbul apare pe prima poziie n propoziie.
e.g.: Is the car in the garage?
e.g.: Is the lamp on the desk?

7. Brian can draw, but he can't paint

Modal verb Can

Can este un verb modal care exprim abilitatea/capacitatea.
Verbele modale stau lng verbele principale din propoziie i le modific sensul.
Dup verbul modal - n cazul nostru, can - verbul de conjugat (adic verbul principal din propoziie)
apare ntotdeauna la forma de infinitiv.
Verbele modale - n cazul nostru, can - nu i schimb forma n funcie de persoan sau de numr.
La toate persoanele i numerele, structura can + verb de conjugateste identic.
Afirmativ: Subiect + Can + Verb de conjugat (+ continuarea propoziiei)
I can run fast. Eu pot s alerg repede.
You can jump high. Tu poi s sari sus.
He can swim well. El poate s noate bine.

Can't este forma negativ a modalului can.
De fapt, can't este prescurtarea lui can not.
Negativ: Subiect + Can't (Can not) + Verbul de conjugat (+ continuarea propoziiei)
I can't eat peanuts. Eu nu pot s mnnc alune.
She can't drink alcohol. Ea nu poate s bea alcool.
We can't draw. Noi nu putem s desenm.

Can you.. ?
Atunci cnd solicitm informaii cu privire la abilitatea cuiva de a face ceva, ncepem cu
modalul can, continum cu subiectul i apoi cu verbul de conjugat.
Interogativ: Can + Subiect + Verbul de conjugat (+ continuarea propoziiei) ?
Can you paint? Poi s pictezi?
Can he sing? Poate (el) s cnte?
Can they dance? Pot (ei) s danseze?

Other examples
1st person Singular I can play football.



Can I play football?

I can't play football.

2nd person Singular You can cook an omelette. Can you cook an omelette? You can't cook an omelette.
3rd person Singular He/She can drive the car. Can he/she drive the car?

He/She can't drive the car.

1st person Plural

We can read English texts. Can we read English texts? We can't read English texts.

2nd person Plural

You can write in English.

Can you write in English?

You can't write in English.

3rd person Plural

They can speak English.

Can they speak English?

They can't speak English.

8. I love chocolate!

Likes & Dislikes

n aceast lecie, vei nva s conjugi un prim verb n limba englez to like. Pn acum, am
nvat verbul to be, care este un verb atipic. n general, n limba englez, verbele respect reguli de
conjugare mult mai simple, ca n cazul verbului to like.
Vom conjuga verbul to like la toate persoanele, afirmativ/interogativ/negativ. Ne intereseaz doar
prima form a verbului. Vei nva, la nivelul Intermediate, celelalte forme ale verbului.
To este, dup cum i-ai dat deja seama, marca de infinitiv a verbului.

To like Affirmative
S ncepem prin a conjuga verbului to like la afirmativ:




1st person

I like chocolate.

We like chocolate.

2nd person

You like chocolate.

You like chocolate.

3rd person

He likes chocolate.
She likes chocolate.
It likes chocolate.

They like chocolate.

Spre marea noastr bucurie, singura modificare apare la persoana a III-a singular, unde adugam
un s la sfritul verbului.
Vom continua cu interogativul i negativul. Formarea interogativului i a negativului vor fi
prezentate n detaliu n prima lecie de la nivelul Intermediate,Present Simple. Pentru moment, este
important doar s te familiarizezi cu aceste structuri.

To like Interrogative
Interrogative Singular


1st person

Do I like chocolate?

Do we like chocolate?

2nd person

Do you like chocolate?

Do you like chocolate?

3rd person

Does he like chocolate?

Does she like chocolate?
Does it like chocolate?

Do they like chocolate?

Propoziia interogativ ncepe cu do sau does (persoana a III-a singular).

Verbul de conjugat (like) are aceeai form (cea de infinitiv) la toate persoanele, inclusiv la a III-a

To like Negative



1st person

I do not like chocolate.

We do not like chocolate.

2nd person

You do not like chocolate.

You do not like chocolate.

3rd person

He does not like chocolate.

She does not like chocolate.
It does not like chocolate.

They do not like chocolate.

Exprimm negaia prin do not sau does not (persoana a III-a singular).
Verbul de conjugat (like) are aceeai form (cea de infinitiv) la toate persoanele, inclusiv la a III-a
Do not se poate prescurta ca don't, iar does not ca doesn't.
e.g.: I do not like chocolate. = I don't like chocolate.
e.g.: She does not like chocolate. = She doesn't like chocolate.

9. Many eggs and much

Countable & Uncountable Nouns
n limba englez, substantivele pot fi numrabile sau nenumrabile. Dup cum ai aflat n
seciunea Vocabulary, substantivele numrabile se pot numra n felul urmtor: one egg - two eggs.
Pentru substantivele nenumrabile nu putem face acelai lucru.

Countable Nouns

Examples: one egg - two eggs, one plate - two plates, one spoon - two spoons
For this recipe, I need only one egg.
For the other recipe, I need five eggs.

Uncountable Nouns
Examples: sugar, flour, butter
For this recipe, I need sugar, flour and butter.
Majoritatea substantivelor nenumrabile din limba englez sunt defective de plural i n limba

Vom nva n continuare cuantificatorii folosii pentru cele dou tipuri de substantive.

Countable nouns

Uncountable nouns


many (eggs)

much (sugar)

mult / mult / muli / multe

(a) few (eggs)

(a) little (sugar)

puin / puin / puini / puine

some (eggs)

some (sugar)


several (eggs)

ctva / ctva / civa / cteva

a couple of (eggs)

vreo doi / vreo dou

a bit of (sugar)

un pic de

enough (eggs)

enough (sugar)

suficient / suficient / suficieni /


plenty of (eggs)

plenty of (sugar)

destul / destul / destui / destule

a lot of / lots of (eggs)

a lot of / lots of (sugar)

o grmad de

all of the (eggs)

all of the (sugar)

tot / toat / toi / toate

any (eggs)

(vezi exemplele de mai jos)

any (sugar)

Pe any l folosim (deocamdat) atunci cnd ntrebm:

Are there any eggs? Sunt (ceva) ou?
Is there any sugar? Este (ceva) zahr?


Substantivele nenumrabile pot fi cuantificate i prin alte structuri ajuttoare (care sunt, de fapt,
substantive numrabile).

a cup of tea
a glass of wine
a spoon of sugar
a tea spoon of honey
a bottle of water
a carton of milk
a pack of butter
a bowl of rice
a slice of bread
a loaf of bread

10. Live & Work & Study

~ Focus on Verbs ~
Obiectivul acestei lecii este cel de a ne obinui s conjugm verbul n limba englez, la forma
nti, afirmativ, interogativ i negativ.
n lecia I love chocolate! - Likes and Dislikes, am nvat s conjugm verbulto like. Continum acum
cu to live, to work i to study.
Parcurge urmtoarele tabele, iar apoi mergi la seciunea Exercises pentru a fixa prin exerciii
structurile nvate.

To live



1st person

I live in a town.

Do I live in a town?

I do not (don't) live in a town.

2nd person

You live in a city.

Do you live in a city?

You do not (don't) live in a city.

3rd person

He lives in a village.

Does he live in a village?

He does not (doesn't) live in a


1st person

We live in Timioara.

Do we live in Timioara?

We do not (don't) live in Timioara.

2nd person

You live in Cluj.

Do you live in Cluj?

You do not (don't) live in Cluj.

3rd person

They live in Bucharest.

Do they live in Bucharest?

They do not (don't) live in


To work



1st person

I work at the post-office.

Do I work at the post-office?

I do not (don't) work at the postoffice.

2nd person

You work in a bank.

Do you work in a bank?

You do not (don't) work in a bank.

3rd person

He works in a shop.

Does he work in a shop?

He does not (doesn't) work in a


1st person

We work at the city hall.

Do we work at the city hall?

We do not (don't) work at the city


2nd person

You work in this school.

Do you work in this school?

You do not (don't) work in this


3rd person

They work in an office.

Do they work in an office?

They do not (don't) work in an


To study



1st person

I study Literature.

Do I study Literature?

I do not (don't) study Literature.

2nd person

You study English.

Do you study English?

You do not (don't) study English.

3rd person

He studies Maths.

Does he study Maths?

He does not (doesn't) study Maths.

1st person

We study Physics.

Do we study Physics?

We do not (don't) study Physics.

2nd person

You study Chemistry.

Do you study Chemistry?

You do not (don't) study Chemistry.

3rd person

They study Biology.

Do they study Biology?

They do not (don't) study Biology.

Dup cum putem observa mai sus, n unele cazuri, adugm es (nu doar s) la persoana a III-a
singular, afirmativ, ca n:
I study. He studies. (Aici, o alt modificare este schimbarea literei y n i.)
I watch. (Eu privesc.) He watches. (El privete.)
Vom discuta despre aceste aspecte la nivelul intermediar.

Imperativul se formeaz foarte uor n limba englez. Pur i simplu eliminm particula to din forma
de infinitiv a verbului i adugm un semn al exclamrii la sfrit.
e.g.: Work! Lucreaz!
e.g.: Study! nva!
Vom insista pe imperativ la nivelul intermediar

11. Ruby is a beautiful

1. Adjectivul poate fi de sine stttor, ca n exemplul urmtor:
e.g.: Ruby is beautiful. Ruby este frumoas.
2. n limba englez, atunci cnd adjectivul st lng un substantiv, el se
poziioneaz naintea substantivului.
e.g.: Ruby is a beautiful girl. Ruby este o fat frumoas.
3. Adjectivul n limba englez este invariabil. El nu se modific n funcie de numrul sau de genul
e.g.: Ruby is young. Ruby e tnr.
e.g.: Brian is young. Brian e tnr.
e.g.: Ruby and Clara are young. Ruby i Clara sunt tinere.
e.g.: Brian and Jeremy are young. Brian and Jeremy sunt tineri.
4. Dac vrem s spunem c ceva este foarte (adjectiv), punem adverbul veryn faa adjectivului.
e.g.: Ruby is very beautiful. Ruby e foarte frumoas.
e.g.: Ruby is a very beautiful girl. Ruby e o fat foarte frumoas.

Affirmative / Interrogative / Negative

Clara is smart. Is Clara smart? Clara is not (isn't) smart.
Clara is a smart girl. Is Clara smart girl? Clara is not (isn't) a smart girl.
Jeremy is rich. Is Jeremy rich? Jeremy is not (isn't) rich.
Jeremy is a rich man. Is Jeremy a rich man? Jeremy is not (isn't) a rich man.

12. Margarine is cheaper than butter

Comparatives & Superlatives

Adjectivul are trei grade de comparaie: pozitiv, comparativ i superlativ. n lecia precedent, Ruby
is a beautiful girl, ai nvat gradul pozitiv adjectivului. Acum vom nva gradele comparativ i
Este foarte important s tii c adjectivele sunt de dou tipuri: scurte (short adjectives) i lungi
(long adjectives). n funcie de acest criteriu, formm comparativul i superlativul adjectivului.

Short & long adjectives

Adjectivele scurte sunt cele formate din una sau dou silabe.
e.g.: cheap, young, smart
Adjectivele lungi sunt cele compuse din dou sau mai multe silabe.
e.g.: expensive, beautiful, intelligent

The comparative & the superlative

n tabelul de mai jos, vezi cum se formeaz comparativul i superlativul pentru adjectivele scurte i
pentru cele lungi. Dup tabel, gseti explicaii referitoare la formarea lor.







the cheapest
the youngest
the smartest



more expensive
more beautiful
more intelligent

the most expensive

the most beautiful
the most intelligent

The comparative
Short adjectives: Adugm terminaia er.
Bananas are cheap.
Apples are cheaper.
Long adjectives: Adugm adverbul more naintea adjectivului.
Margarine is expensive.
Butter is more expensive.
Cuvntul than nseamn dect i se folosete pentru a pune n relaie cele dou elemente.
Apples are cheaper than bananas.
Butter is more expensive than margarine.
The superlative
Short adjectives: Adugm terminaia est.
Pears are the cheapest. / Pears are the cheapest fruit.
Long adjectives: Adugm the most naintea adjectivului.
Cheese is the most expensive. / Cheese is the most expensive dairy product.

Irregular adjectives
Unele adjective nu respect regulile de mai sus pentru formarea gradelor de comparaie.
good better the best
bad worse the worst
many more the most (for countable nouns)
much more the most (for uncountable nouns)
little smaller the smallest (mrime)
little less the least (cantitate)
old elder the eldest
Old este adjectiv neregulat doar atunci cnd ne referim la membrii familiei.
e.g.: My brother is elder than my sister.
n rest, l folosim ca old older the oldest.
Alte adjective neregulate
far farther the farthest
far further the furthest

Spunem farther - the farthest doar atunci cnd ne referim la distan.

Folosim further - the furthest fie atunci cnd ne referim la distan, fie atunci cnd ne referim la
caracterul adiional a ceva, e.g.: further information mai multe informa ii.

1. Comparativul de inferioritate. Pe lng comparativul discutat mai sus (care este cel de
superioritate), exist i comparativul de inferioritate.
Att n cazul adjectivelor scurte, ct i n cel al adjectivelor lungi, formm comparativul de
inferioritate adugnd adverbul less naintea adjectivului.
cheap less cheap
expensive less expensive
Bananas are less cheap than apples.
Margarine is less expensive than butter.
2. Comparativul de egalitate. Exist i un comparativ de egalitate, care ne arat c cele dou
elemente sunt la fel de (adjectiv) ca. l exprimm folosind structura as (adjective) as.

Oranges are as cheap as bananas.

Milk is as expensive as cheese.
Mai multe surprize
3. Unele adjective de dou silabe se pot comporta i ca adjective scurte, i ca adjective lungi.
stupid stupider the stupidest
stupid more stupid the most stupid
4. Pentru unele adjective scurte, apar particulariti de scriere: dublarea consoanei de final,
schimbarea literei y n i.
hot hotter the hottest
happy happier the happiest

13. The 1st of March

Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers
Numeralele ordinale indic poziia unui element ntr-un ir. Spre exemplu:
1st prize (First prize) Premiul nti
2nd prize (Second prize) Premiul al doilea
3rd prize (Third prize) Premiul al treilea
Formm numeralele ordinale adugnd una dintre cele patru terminaii posibile (st, nd, rd sau th)
numeralelor cardinale. Atunci cnd folosim scrierea numeric, ele apar imediat dup ultima cifr,
pe o poziie grafic superioar, ca n exemplele de mai sus.
Datele calendaristice se exprim prin numerale ordinale.
e.g.: 1 martie the 1st of March the first of March
e.g.: 2 iulie the 2nd of July the second of July
e.g.: 3 decembrie the 3rd of December the third of December
Tabelul din seciunea Vocabulary a acestei lecii i-a artat cum se formeaznumeralele ordinale de la 1
la 100 n limba englez.
n tutorialul audio, te vei familiariza cu pronunia numeralelor ordinale.
Reguli pentru formarea numeralelor ordinale:
Numerele care se termin n cifra 1 primesc terminaia st:
1 (one) 1st (first), 21 (twenty-one) 21st (twenty-first)
Numerele care se termin n cifra 2 primesc terminaia nd:
2 (two) 2nd (second), 22 (twenty-two) 22nd (twenty-second)
Numerele care se termin n cifra 3 primesc terminaia rd:
3 (three) 3rd (third), 23 (twenty-three) 23rd (twenty-third)
Numerele care se termin n orice alt cifr primesc terminaia th:
4 (four) 4th (fourth), 24 (twenty-four) 24th (twenty-fourth)
Numerele 11, 12, 13 sunt singurele excepii. Chiar dac se termin n 1, 2 i 3, ele primesc
terminaia th:
11 (eleven) 11th (eleventh), 12 (twelve) 12th (twelfth), 13 (thirteen) 13th (thirteenth)

14. Clara is meeting Ruby tomorrow

Planned activities
Planned activities
Exprimm activitile i evenimentele planificate n felul urmtor:



1st person

I am meeting Clara tomorrow.

We are meeting Clara tomorrow.

2nd person

You are meeting Clara tomorrow.

You are meeting Clara tomorrow.

3rd person

He is meeting Clara tomorrow.

They are meeting Clara tomorrow.


Verbul de conjugat primete terminaia -ing i este precedat de verbul auxiliarto be, la persoana

Subject + To Be + [Verb + ING] + (...)

Vom studia acest timp verbal la nivelul Intermediate (ca Present Continuous), unde vom afla i care
sunt celelalte utilizri ale sale.
Pentru moment, ine doar minte c folosim aceast structur verbal pentru activitile
programate, care urmeaz s se ntmple ntr-un viitor apropiat.
La interogativ, verbul auxiliar to be trece la nceputul propoziiei.

To Be + Subject + [Verb + ING] + (...) ?

Interrogative Singular


1st person

Am I meeting Clara tomorrow?

Are we meeting Clara tomorrow?

2nd person

Are you meeting Clara tomorrow?

Are you meeting Clara tomorrow?

3rd person

Is he meeting Clara tomorrow?

Are they meeting Clara tomorrow?

La negativ, adugm adverbul not imediat dup verbul auxiliar to be.

Subject + To Be + Not + [Verb + ING] + (...)




1st person

I am not meeting Clara tomorrow.

We are not meeting Clara tomorrow.

2nd person

You are not meeting Clara tomorrow.

You are not meeting Clara tomorrow.

3rd person

He is not meeting Clara tomorrow.

They are not meeting Clara tomorrow.

15. Whose pen is this?

Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Parcurge tabelul de mai jos i citete apoi explicaiile referitoare la pronumele posesive.

1st person

This is my book. This book is mine.

2nd person

This is your book. This book is yours.

3rd person

This is his book. This book is his.

This is her book. This book is hers.
This is its bowl. This bowl is its.

1st person

This is our book. This book is ours.

2nd person

This is your book. This book is yours.

3rd person

This is their book. This book is theirs.

Pronumele posesive din limba englez sunt (dup cum putem vedea mai
sus):mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs.
Spre deosebire de adjectivele posesive (care stau lng substantiv), pronumele posesive nlocuiesc
substantivul i, n acelai timp, exprim posesia.
Pronumele posesive sunt invariabile. Ele nu i modific forma n funcie de numrul sau de genul
This pen is mine.
These pens are mine.

n exemplele de mai sus, putem nlocui this pen cu it i these pens cu they:
It is mine. They are mine.

Interrogative & Negative





1st person Singular This book is mine.

Is this book mine?

This book is not mine.

2nd person Singular This book is yours.

Is this book yours?

This book is not yours.

3rd person Singular This book is his/hers.

Is this book his/hers?

This book is not his/hers.

1st person Plural

This book is ours.

Is this book ours?

This book is not ours.

2nd person Plural

This book is yours.

Is this book yours?

This book is not yours.

3rd person Plural

This book is theirs.

Is this book theirs?

This book is not theirs.

Whose este pronumele interogativ pe care l folosim pentru a ntreba: al cui / a cui / ai cui / ale cui.
Whose este invariabil.
Whose pen is this? Al cui este stiloul acesta?
Whose pens are these? Ale cui sunt stilourile acestea?
Whose is the suitcase? A cui este servieta?
Whose are the glasses? Ai cui sunt ochelarii?

Independent de pronumele posesive, nvm acum dou structuri foarte utile n limba
englez: there is i there are.
Ele nu au un echivalent precis n limba roman. Le folosim atunci cnd spunem c este / exist / se
There is se folosete la singular, iar there are - la plural.
There is a lighter on the table. (E o brichet pe mas.)
In my bag, there are: a wallet, a keychain and a ballpoint pen. (n geanta mea, se afl: un portofel,
un breloc i un pix.)

16. The sun shines

Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner
Adverbul de mod descrie o aciune. Spre deosebire de adjective (care determin substantive),
adverbele determin verbe (sau adjective).
Majoritatea adverbelor de mod din limba englez se formeaz prin adugarea terminaiei ly la
adjectivul din care este derivat adverbul.





The sun shines brightly.



The wind blows gently.



The sun rises gradually.



The monkey plays happily.



The rain falls heavily.



The lion roars loudly.



The tiger waits patiently for its prey.



The horse runs quickly.



The butterfly flies quietly.



The snail moves slowly.



The snow falls softly.

Exist i adverbe de mod neregulate:

good well
He is a good driver. He drives well.
fast fast
She drives a fast car. She drives fast.
hard hard
This is a hard job. I work hard.
high high
The mountain is high. I can jump very high.

Adverbul high are i forma highly, dar aceasta nseamn extrem de, foarte i se folosete
n structuri precum: I value him highly. (l preuiesc foarte mult.)

Lista adjectivelor care devin adverbe de mod prin adugarea terminaiei lyeste mult mai lung
dect lista exemplelor din aceast lecie.
Enumerm, n continuare, toate adjectivele din lecia Ruby is a beautiful girl Adjectives care devin cu
uurin adverbe de mod prin adugarea terminaieily.
bad - badly
loud - loudly
sad - sadly
beautiful - beautifully
new - newly
slow - slowly
bright - brightly
nice - nicely
smooth - smoothly

cheap - cheaply
easy - easily
happy - happily
heavy - heavily

poor - poorly
quick - quickly
quiet - quietly
rough - roughly

soft - softly
strong - strongly
weak - weakly









slab, subire

















kind (to)

drgu (aspectul fizic)
drgu (obiecte, aciuni, idei etc.)
binevoitor (cu


17. The present is for

Object pronouns
Object pronouns
Atunci cnd ndeplinesc funcia sintactic de complement (direct sau indirect), pronumele urmeaz
dup verbe, pe care le determin. n limba englez, echivalentul
termenului complement este object.
Denumim pronumele cu funcie de complement object pronouns. Ele au forme specifice, diferite de
cele ale pronumelor nvate pn acum (personale i posesive).
Object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.

Pronumele care ndeplinesc funcia de subiect (adic pronumele personale) suntsubject


Subject pronoun

Object pronoun

1st person

Send me an e-mail.

2nd person


I can cook you dinner.

3rd person


Clara likes him.

Jeremy doesn't like her.
Give it the bone.

1st person


Buy us some sweets.

2nd person


He is meeting you tomorrow.

3rd person


Invite them to the party.

Cnd pronumele apar dup una dintre prepoziiile for, from, to, with, tim c avem de a face
cu object pronouns.
This letter is for Ruby. This letter is for her.
This letter is from Brian. This letter is from him.
I am writing a letter to my grandparents this evening. I am writing a letter to them this evening.
I am playing video games with Jeremy and Clara on Friday. I am playing video games with them on Friday.

1. Scurtm propoziiile prin nlocuirea structurilor completive mai complexe cuobject
pronouns. (Desigur, facem asta atunci cnd avem suficiente informa ii contextuale pentru a ti despre

cine sau despre ce este vorba.)

I am meeting my best friend tomorrow. I am meeting him/her tomorrow.
2. n propoziia de mai jos, avem un complement direct (the present) i un complement indirect
(him). Complementul indirect este poziionat nainteacelui direct.
Give him the present. (D-i lui cadoul.)
Dac plasm complementul indirect dup cel direct, propoziia devine:
Give the present to him.
Un alt exemplu:
Jeremy brings her flowers every week. Jeremy brings flowers to her every week.

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