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Kotnana 1

Aneesh Kotnana
Mr. Waters
World History and Geography 2

An Analysis of Religion in When Asia was the World

An analysis of Stewart Gordon's When Asia was the World reveals a common pattern of
religion being a key factor in alliances between countries, kingdoms, and empires. Events in
history show that Buddhism and Islam have contributed in creating alliances between countries.
When Almish made requests to the caliph of Baghdad to help convert him to Islam, he indirectly
asked to enter into a formal subordinate alliance. This is shown by the following passage from
the book, Thus, Almish asked to become not only a Muslim but to enter into formal subordinate
alliance to the caliph The reading of the caliphs name in Friday prayers would publicly
acknowledge this relationship (Gordon, 2007, p. 21). In this manner, a temporary alliance was
created between Almish and the caliph of Bagdad.
Similarly, when Xuanzang traveled from kingdom to kingdom as he proceeded to India,
he found many Buddhist kings. The kings found that Buddhisms beliefs appealed to a universal
humanity and bridged kinship or ethnic differences (Gordon, 2007, p. 14). This is further
revealed in the following passage, There were good reasons that Xuanzang found Buddhist
kings from China to India. At this time, a king's most vexing problem was building loyalty
beyond ethnic or language ties. Buddhism could help (Gordon, 2007, p. 14). By using
Buddhism as a common ground to unite their people, the kings were able to bring stability to
their kingdoms and also extend alliances to neighboring kingdoms. Furthermore, Xuanzangs

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pilgrimage from China to India increased interest in diplomacy between China and India as
demonstrated by this passage, Xuanzangs pilgrimage set off a flurry of diplomatic missions
between China and India, more than fifty in the next century. Many were couched in Buddhist
terms (Gordon, 2007, p. 19). Buddhism allowed the Chinese and Indians to follow the same
customs when receiving ambassadors or donating precious objects of intrinsic value.
Although many alliances have been created as a result of religion, conflicts have also
occurred because of religion, contradicting this common pattern. The Crusades were military
movements with an aim to reestablish Christian access to the Holy Land. The battles led by the
crusaders created Anti-Semitism attitudes, making it hard for Jews to live and work in Europe.
This passage from the book provides more insight, " crusaders established kingdoms over
much of the coast of what is today Israel and Lebanon. The holy wars hardened attitudes towards
non-Christians in Europe and made it difficult for Jews to work there. Anti-Semitism was
rampant (Gordon, 2007, p. 80) Different beliefs from different religions caused this conflict and
thus, contradicted the common pattern of religion being a key factor in the creation of alliances.
Alliances were a key part in shaping the ancient world. Most of the trade routes and
trading stations were established as a result of alliances between different countries. Diplomatic
missions from China to India spurred trading of silk and spices as shown by this passage, the
power of Buddhism to promote universal ideas and institutions that altered local cultures and
promoted trade was proven (Gordon, 2007, p. 20). Additionally, Babur wouldnt have been able
to expand his army, gain control of neighboring kingdoms, and conquer Delhi without the help of
numerous alliances as demonstrated by this passage from the book, Baburs life, his composite
army, and his donations of loot well demonstrate the far-flung military networks of the great
Asian world networks of blood and salt (Gordon, 2007, p. 156). Using the military networks

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and networks of blood and salt, Babur was able to get soldiers with strong loyalties in times of
need. However, these alliances between countries, kingdoms, and empires couldnt be created
without the help of a common ground, religion, a pattern repeated throughout the ancient Asian

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