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14th Jan 2014

II Semester Gross Anatomy Lecture Objectives

10.30-12.30PM (2 hours)

What is the origin of rectus abdominis?

What is the insertion of rectus abdominis?
What are the action of rectus abdominis?
What happens if a person is hit when he is not aware of it?
What is the nerve supply of rectus abdominis?
From which side the nerves enter the rectus sheath?
In which direction rectus abdominis is retracted by the surgeon and why?
If it is necessary why surgeon does not hesitate to cut rectus abdominis
What are the two arteries present in the rectus sheath?
What are the two veins present in the rectus sheath?
What are the two muscles that lie within the rectus sheath?
What are the nerves that lie in the rectus sheath?
In which space the nerves and vessels of anterior abdominal lie?
What is thoracoepigastric vein and when does it appear?
Why the veins of anterior abdominal wall enlarge if there is an obstruction to
superior or inferior vena cava?
What is caput medussae? When does it occur?
What are the two deep arteries of the abdomen superior to the inguinal
ligament? From which artery they arise?
What are the two branches of internal thoracic artery that supply the anterior
abdominal wall?
Name all the superficial arteries of the anterior abdominal wall?
Should there be a skin tumour just below the costal margin, which lymph
nodes are enlarged and matted?
Should there be a skin tumour in the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall
below the level of umbilicus, which lymph nodes are enlarged and matted?
Name the aponeurotic layer that form the anterior wall of rectus sheath
superior to the level of the costal margin?
Name the two anterior and two posterior layers of rectus sheath at the level
of umbilicus?
What is arcuate line? Why does it appear?
What are the different aponeurotic layers that form the anterior wall of rectus
sheath just superior to the pubic symphysis?
What is the clinical importance of pyramidalis?
What is superficial inguinal ring?
What is deep inguinal ring?
Define inguinal canal

What is the length of inguinal canal?

What structure forms the medial part of the anterior wall?
What structure forms the lateral part of the anterior wall?
What structures form the roof of the inguinal canal?
What structure forms the medial part of the posterior wall?
What structures form the medial part of the posterior wall?
How a strong wall is opposite a weak wall, explain
What is flap valve mechanism of preventing inguinal hernia?
What is shutter mechanism of preventing inguinal hernia?
Name all the structures that are found in the spermatic cord
What gubernaculums?
What is processus vaginalis?
What is pampiniform plexus of veins?
Where do pampiniform plexus join to form testicular vein?

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