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Green school is a school comfortable to use in the learning process. Green

school is also a school with environment clean and healthy. People who are in the
school environment such as teachers and students should to keep the school as
obeying the rules.
The green schools is starting with the scheme some things like the school
environment. If the school environment clean and healthy then there are
ornamental plants and medicinal plants and a small garden. We can also plant
trees, dont litter, separating the organic and inorganic waste, maintain the
cleanliness classes, has program hygienes every week, put the slogan of
hygienes in the classroom. Have extracurricular of reduce rubbish, teachers and
students do not bring vehicles to reduce air pollution, increase used of air
conditioning and plastic. The main thing to realize is that we love the
environment because the earth belongs to all people does not belong to yourself.
Love earth likes yourself. Besides the environmental aspects that are inside other
important roles. Such as teachers who teach discipline to students. In the
learning process, teachers should be more clearly the material.
Green school is great to be implemented in every school, to become a green
school gradually takes time because not everyone is aware of surrounding
environment. So as for green schools being with recognize children to care about
the environment. The example is applying the lessons of Environmental
Education in life, because the action is more important than the theory in the

My Green School
The green school is something must held in every school. Now, the global
warming are happen, so we need a strategy for stop it. If a school has many plants, such
as trees, flowers, or another plants, its mean the school we can say as the healthy
school. But, it must be complete with clean and discipline student for safe it.
For make the green school we can do so many things. Example, we can plant
many trees on beside the yard or front of classroom, we dont rubbish anywhere we
stand, recycle the rubbish become a good product, etc. Oxygen is the best thing what
the trees producing for us. Because without oxygen is impossible for us to life.
The green school which one of school ideal in Indonesia. Because we've done
aware that we need the green school and the green environment. The green plants can
protect us from sun lightness, because is not good for our skin. We can learn many

things from environment. It will make us loving the school and know how to good
strategy for safe the earth.
In our school, we have held a good program; the title is Thousand Flowers of
School. The program can make the school was colorful with any species of flowers and
made the beautiful looking. With the program, we can refresh our mind with look the
flowers in our garden. In addition, we not scare for lost oxygen. The trees will be helping
us for experiment. We can do photosynthesis experiment, see the trees breathe, and
another thing we did.
We also need environment of education at school. It has made a good mindset
for peoples and will be able to do something is good. Come on safe our earth! Start to
the green school. It can be our life more health.

Nowaday, school program like Green School has been discussed so much. Every
school is trying to create beautiful environment in their schools, so do with my school. Now,
my school is in the process to get the title School of thousand flower. That is a good
business in the global warming issue. Now, my school is full of colorful flowers. In every
corner of the school, we will see scattered flowers beautifully. With what was done by my
school, it means my school has participated in preserving the earth thats getting old.
The beauty of the school isnt only seen from the many flowers that adorn the garden,
but also must be supported by the clean an neat school environment.
With the green school program, school thousand
flowers andother
programs, has
helped in preserving the environment. In addition,that programs can also be used as teaching
material for their students.Schools can teach about how to care for plants, keeping
the schoolclean by
removing garbage
place and teach the
of asustainable environment for the benefit of humankind.
And with the green school or school of thousand flowers program is
expected increase
the convenience
of the
students in
learning. Make them more concentration to absorb the lessons.
Caring, togetherness and hard work is the key to running aprogram and also to preserve
the environment. Lets start from now to preserve our environment.

Go green at school is the good idea. That will can makes the students and the teachers feel
fresh everytime. So many oxygen in the air, that will makes the students never feel sleepy and
more concentrate. And flowers in the school is useful because everybody will be happy if
looked the flowers in the school garden.
Firstly, I agree if all school in Indonesia is planed to be go green, not only make the
good view but make the air fresh too. Of course all of you will be happy if in the school. And
go green will help to lowering effect of global warming in the world.
Secondly, go green will help us to love our world, because were dont live just for
now but for the future too. Keep our environment clean.

Lastly, dont ever exploitation our forest. Because forest is the heart of the world.
And maybe someday if all of school is do the go green that will be the heart of the world too.
So, if you want to help our world dont forget to keep our environment clean and
fresh. Keep the environment at your school, your home and wherever you are. Dont let the
global warming destroyed our beloved world.
Lets Go Green

Today, Global Warming is not an issue anymore. We always feels too hot in
the afternoon and very cold after the rain. We can not predict the weather
that today gonna be suny or rainy. The weather can change so fast and
extremly, in the morning can be suny and bright but in the afternoon or
evening suddenly can be rainy. Of course this condition is not really good
for health especialy for stamina and imune system. And the environment
can not be ballance too. Many disaster happened because global warming
in the world. For example, the snows in the north and south pole is now
getting melt. For a long time, every side in the world is gonna be flood.

Why the environment still there for us? that is because our ancestors
could keep the environment so well, they did it. So, why we can not? This
time is a modern period, we can do everything with easy ways. The
producens can make what market wants without thinking about the
ballance of the environment. They can throw away the waste to every
important places for the nature like river, sea, air, etc. The waste which
they throw away is very bad for existance of the environment living. There
are polution in everywhere and averytime. Because of it, people can not
do their activities so well. For a long time, the earth gonna be disolved.
We never too late to do something for our earth. We can do
anything to save the earth. Lets we do a little thing with ourselves each
other first. We can palan any trees, flowers, etc in around of our house,
around of our environment, and of course around our school.
In the school, we learn a subject about Education of
Environment, dont we? so we can know many things about the nature
and how important it is. We can also know many things how to save the
earth and keep it green especialy in our school first. The teachers can
make and plan about some programs to realize it. For example 1000
flowers program, its sound just a simple plan but you have to know that
is very useful. Apart of that, we well feels so comfort when we in the

school, we can see the beautiful views in the every side of our school.

We can prevent the global warming right now. Of course do not

want alway stay in this bad condition for long times. Just start from our
school. Lets we make our green school! dont we throw away the rubbish
just like we want, if we see it we have to move it to the trash. And also we
can plant some trees, flowers, or grass in the every empty area in our
school. So we can feels so fresh and comfort when we studying and we
will get wonderul views.
If we have finished that programs, we have to promise that we
will never disolve our environment again. It is for our living, and a little
give for our earth J

I want to tell story about my green school Trees are essential to life, the many
benefits we get from trees. example: the treesabsorb carbon
dioxide and produce oxygen that is useful for our life. Trees are the lungs is also the
world should we care and we keep our world is becomingconvenient and green.
Recently I held a program at school is one thousand (1000) plants. all citizens ofthe
school (teachers and students) are very enthusiastic in welcoming the event, weall work
together to grow the plants in all areas of the school. The Government is also helping our
school program by providing a variety of plants. School has become cooler
and more green. And The headmaster has appealed to residents to realize schools create
school program icon "School Thousand Flowers" because if only a garden in front of the
school but in front of the classroom there is no garden flower marks the school who are
not beautiful.The school principal judge, planting flowers, and trees of life pharmacies,
needs to be cultivated because in addition to beautify the yard and the environment, is
also beneficial for humans. "Trees absorb pollution, prevent flooding, as well as can be to
maintain a stable source of water." He explained."We will change the face of this school
to be beautiful, beautiful, good in view. For that, I hope the support of all members of the
school to realize this program, "said principal Dra. Nursari Siregar.SMAN 1 Cileungsi
launched the "School of Thousand Flowers" as a new icon for the Cileungsi area schools
starting this year.As an effort to combat global warming, the school launched a greening
program "School Thousand Flowers" for the council to move the student teacher /
student to plant flowers and trees. Participating principals by assigning all the teachers
and students / students planting flowers and trees in the 1000 planting program. The
intent and purpose of planting flowers and trees are in addition to planting also helps the
absorption of water to avoid flooding and reduce air pollution in addition to adding
beauty in our school environment.Some flowers are flowers planted Cambodia, Elephant
Ear Flowers and Flower pendant.According to the teachers, the arrangement of the
flower garden in front of the classroom well and presentable face will form a school that
had been well organized to be more beautiful, and beautiful. "If the existence of flower
gardens along the school yard or in front of the classroom can be realized SMAN 1
Cileungsi will then dubbed as the School of Thousand Flowers that will bring pride to the
citizens. the school said it will spearhead the creation gardens, and planting flowers

around the school. "No later than the flowers that we planted in around the school
started this semester," she said. The school will also encourage the school to invite all
citizens of the school ranging from Masters to the Administrative Staff to set examples
for Students / teacher. to plant flowers in the schoolyard. "When teachers and staff are
keen to plant flowers, I am sure will spread obedienceda student / student, "she said.
therefore we should keep the school environment in order to remain green and maintain
the existing environment in order gradually to reduce global warming and the
greenhouse effect. So we must care for and maintain the plants in order not to die. and
will be even better if we increase the population ofthe
green plants in our school environment.

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