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Lic. Guadalupe Patricia Armas Len

Trabajo Final

Traduccin y Resumen de un Ariculo


Erick Ivn Tllez Velzquez

2do Semestre

01 de Julio de 2015

Traduccin del resumen del artculo Laminar natural convection in a square
cavity: Low Prandtl numbers and large density differences al espaol.

Conveccin natural estable con nmeros pequeos de Prandtl causados por

grandes diferencias de densidad en una cavidad cuadrada calentada a travs
de las paredes laterales, se investiga numrica y tericamente.
Una dimensin adecuada de bajo parmetro caracteriza las diferencias de
densidad del fluido de trabajo que es identifica por el nmero de Gay Lussac.
La aproximacin de Boussinesq es alcanzada cuando el nmero Gay -Lussac
tiende a cero. El nmero Nusselt se deriva para los rangos de nmero de
Rayleigh 10<Ra< 108, en el nmero de Prandtl 0.0071< Pr< 7.1 y en el nmero
de Gay- Lussac 0< Ga < 2. Los efectos de los nmeros de Rayleigh, Prandtl y
Gay - Lussac en el nmero de Nusselt se discuten por razones fsicas por medio
de un anlisis de escala. Finalmente, basados en los argumentos fsicos, se
propone una correlacin de transferencia de calor, vlidos para todos los
rangos de nmeros de Prandtl y Gay Lussac propuestos en este trabajo.

Resumen de la Introduccin
Se presenta el resumen en ingls de la introduccin del artculo antes
Natural convection in cavities has been studied extensively in the literature
because of its relevance to many fields of science and technology, such as
geophysics, nuclear reactor systems, energy storage and smelting processes.
Natural convection in cavities only due to the temperature difference in the
absence of both, heat generation and concentration gradients, three main
configurations have been considered in the literature:
1. Natural convection in horizontal layers through heating of the upper and
lower walls.
2. Heating a lateral initially stratified fluid layer.
3. Natural convection in enclosures heated side walls.
The square cavity has been considered in the literature as the best option for
most cases of convection and to do the validation of the numerical codes of
thermal analysis and physical understanding of natural convection in
The working fluids analyzed in literature are mainly air and water. It can be
concluded from a review of the literature there is a lack of information on the
influence of low and very low numbers Prandtl and large density differences
due to the large temperature differences in heat transfer due to natural
This paper deals with these latter aspects. The analysis was conducted for the
case of laminar heated in a square cavity flow laterally. The dimensionless
parameter that characterizes the differences in density of the working fluid has
been identified as the number of Gay-Lussac. His influence on the Nusselt
number is derived through its entire physical realm where borderline cases
lead to the Boussinesq approximation and extreme variation respectively
In addition, the influence of Prandtl number on the Nusselt number has been
examined by 0.0071 <Pr <7.1. The number of Rayleigh studied here range from 10108.

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