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1. The Indian constitution is
a. Based on conventions
b. A Brief document
c. An evolved constitution c. Written and bulky document
2. The Constituent assembly adopted the Indian Constitution on
a. August 15, 1947
b. November 26, 1949
c. January 26, 1950
d. January 26, 1948
3. The constituent assembly of India started its work in 1946 and completed
Its work in
a. Nov 1949 b. Jan 1949 c. Dec 1948 d. Jan 1950
4. In the Year 1946
a. Lord Mount Batten became the viceroy of India
b. Cabinet Delegation came to India
c. Cripps Mission came to India
d. Drafting committee headed by Dr. Ambedkar started drafting
constitution for India
5. The constitution of India derives its authority
a. By the democratic government formed in India
b. From the Parliament of India
c. From the Constituent Assembly
d. None of the above
6. In which year Cripps Mission visited India?
a. 1935
b. 1945
c. 1949

d. 1942

7. Who was the chairman of Drafting Committee of Constitution of India?

a. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
b. Jawaharalal Nehru
c. Dr.B R Ambedkar
d. SaradarVallabhabaipatel
8. Who was the constitutional advisor to the Constituent Assembly?
a. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
d. B.N. Rau
9. The government of India Act 1935 provided for
a. Dyarchy at the center
b. Establishment of federal court
c. Provincial autonomy
d. All of the above

10.The constitution of India is

a. Unitary in form but federal in spirit
b. Unitary with strong federal bias
c. Is full of strong unitary features
d. Federal in form but unitary in spirit
11.How many times the preamble of the Constitution amended?
a. Three times
b. Two times c. One time d. Not amended
12.Preamble of the Indian Constitution
a. it is a part of the constitution
b. Is not a part of the constitution
c. Was considered to be part of the constitution
d. it is additional part of the constitution
13.Interpret means
a. Interrupting in the exercise of legal right
b. Passing a law by absolute majority
c. Ascertaining the meaning of a word
d. Amending a law to make it more effective
14. India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, republic,
this expression occurs in
a. Fundamental rights
b. Citizenship
c. Preamble
d. Directive principles
15.The Preamble of the constitution
a. Contained on the constitution, which came into force in 1950
b. Was added to the constitution after the decision of
case by the Supreme Court
c. Was added to the constitution by making 42nd amendment in
d. Was added to the constitution by making 24th Amendment
16.The words We the people in the preamble of Indian Constitution
indicate that
a. India is a republican polity
b. The constitution was framed by the people who were elected by
the Indian people
c. All the people of India took active part in framing the
constitution for India

d. None of the above

17.Illegal telephone taping is violation of
a. Right to freedom of profession, trade and business
b. Right to freedom of speech and expression
c. Right to equal protection of laws
d. None of the above
18.The procedure prescribed to deprive the life or personal liberty must be
a. In the interest of general public
b. To protect security of the state
c. Reasonable, fair and just
d. To maintain the unity and integrity of the nation

19.Traffic in human beings is violation of

a. Right to life and personal liberty
b. Right against exploitation
c. Right to social justice
d. Right to equal protection of laws

20.when an inferior court acts contrary to the rules of natural justice, the
Superior Court issues a
a. Writ of Mandamus b. Writ of Prohibition
c. Writ f Quo Warranto d. None of the above
21.To file public Interest Litigation
a. Locus stand is not necessary
b. The person filing the P.I.L. must have direct interest in the
c. The person filing the litigation should have substantial interest
in the litigation
d. The person filing the litigation must have suffered some
monetary loss
22.The following restriction cannot be put on the right of freedom of press
a. Security of the state
b. Public order
c. Law and order
d. Incitement to an offence

23.The right to equality before the law conferred by Art. 14

a. Permits class legislation
b. Prohibits class legislation
c. Permits class legislation only in he case of scheduled castes
and scheduled tribes
d. Permits class legislation only in the case of socially and
educationally backward class people and SC and ST.
24.A rule which prohibits a government servant from taking part to any matter
Pertaining to his conditions of service
a. Violates the right to freedom of speech and expression
b. Violates the right to practice any professions and carry on any
trade or business
c. Does not violate any provision of the constitution
d. None of the above
25.The protection against self incrimination is available to a
a. Who has violated any provision of the constitution
b. Who is a Member of Parliament or Legislative assembly
c. Who has been accused of an offence
d. Who is President of India or Governor of a State

Module 2:

Directive Principles of State Policy


By whom the Directive Principles of State Policy be amended?

a. Parliament, supported by more than fifty percent of states
b. Members of Raj Sabha
c. Members of both Lok Sabha and Raj Sabha
d.. Members of Lok Sabha

27.This is not a Directive Principle of state policy

a. Secure just and efficient judiciary
b. Provide free Legal Aid
c. Secure living wage
d. Organize village Panchayat
28.The main purpose of including directive principles of state policy
in the Constitution of India is
a. To establish a welfare state
b.To check the arbitrary action of the government
c. To establish a secular state
d. To provide opportunities for the development

29.The directive principles of the state policy direct the state to

secure all the citizens
a. Uniform civil code
c. Common civil code
b. Modern civil code
d. Practicable and workable
civil code
30.The directive principles of state policy direct the state to improve
a. Standard of public health
b. Standard of education
c. Modern civil code
d. Practicable and workable civil
31.The directive principles of state policy do not direct the state to
a.Cultural reforms
b. Economic reforms
c. Political reforms
d. Social reforms

Fundamental Duties
32.Fundamental duty demands
a. To abide by the constitution
b. To work sincerely
c. To avoid corruption
d. To abide by moral rules
33.This is not a fundamental duty
a. Not to indulge in corrupt practice
b. To protect and improve natural environment
c. To develop scientific temper
d. To abide by constitution
34.Fundamental duties were incorporated in the constitution by
a. 42nd Amendment Act, 1976
b. 44th Amendment Act,
c. 86th Amendment Act, 1982
d. 46th Amendment Act,
35.It is not one of the fundamental duties of every citizen
a. To respect the judiciary and abide by its direction
b. To develop scientific temper
c. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of life
d. To abjure violence
36.What is the remedy available for the breach of fundamental duties
under the
a. No remedy
b. Filing Criminal Complaint
c. Filing Civil Suit
d. Filing writ petition

Union Executives President, Prime Minister

37.What is the Minimum age to become the Vice-President of India?
a. 35
b. 45
c. 25
d. 30
38.What is the term of the President of India?
a. Five years
b. Three years
c. Four years

c. Six years

39.The president of India

a. cannot be prosecuted b. Can be prosecuted
c. Can be prosecuted only in the case of Criminal Conspiracy
d. Can be prosecuted only if the Parliament permits

40.President of India can be removed by

a. Impeachment
b. Passing a resolution by the union Cabinet
c. Passing a resolution in Lok Sabha by two-third majority
d. Chief Justice of India

41.The Prime Minister is the link between

a. The President and Council of Ministers
b. The President and both the Houses of Parliament
c. The Legislature and the Executive
d. India and Foreign States
42.The number of Ministers in the Central government is fixed by
a. The Parliament
b. The Prime Minister
c.The President
d. None of the above
43.The Lok Sabha may be dissolved by
a. The President
b. The Prime Minister
c. The Prime Minister. When the Union Cabinet takes a decision to
dissolve Lok Sabha
d. The Prime Minister, when the members of the Lok Sabha, pass
resolution by simple majority to dissolve it
44.The Chairman of Council of States is
a. Elected by the members of Lok Sabha
b. Elected by the members of council of states
c. Nominated by the President of India

d. None of the above

45.A bill presented in the parliament becomes an act after

a. The President has given his assent
b. The Prime Minister has signed it
c. The supreme Court has declared it to be within the competence of
union parliament
d. It is passed by both the houses

46.After having been passed by both the houses of parliament when a

money bill is presented to the President for his assent, he
a. Sign it
b. Return the bill for reconsideration
c. With hold it
d. All the above
47.Bicameral legislature means
a. Upper & lower house in the Parliament
b. Two party (ruling & opposition) government
c. The president & Prime minister leading the government
d. The central legislature & state legislature running the
48.According to the 97th amendment of 2003, the total strength of the
council of
ministers should not exceed ________ of the total strength of Lok
a. 15%
b. 10%
c. 20%
49.1/3rd of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire every
a. 2 years
b. 6 years
c. 3 years

d. 4 years

Supreme Court of India

50.A writ or Habeas Corpus cannot be issued where
a. The order of arrest is bonfide
b. A person has been detained by a private individual
c. The order of arrest is violation of law
d. A person is detained under a law which is unconstitutional
51.The right to move the supreme court when a fundamental right
has been violated
a. Is a fundamental right
b. Should be exercised only in important matters involving
question of law
c. Depends on the permission granted by the high court to approach
the Supreme
d. Available only when substantial loss is suffered

52.A retired judge of the Supreme Court

a. cannot practice as and advocate before any courts in india
b. Can practice any case relating to constitutional matters in the
Supreme Court
c. Can practice any case in the Supreme Court on the request of
President of


d. Can conduct both civil and criminal cases in any High Court
53.Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court relates to
a. Disputes between the Union & the States
b. Civil suits directly field in the Supreme Court
c. Criminal Complaints directly filed in the Supreme Court
d. cases directly filed in the Supreme Court
54.The Indian judiciary is a
a. Single and integrated judicial system
b. Highest law-making body
c. Dependent judicial system
d. biggest judiciary

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