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IS, 193]0

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and heavy vote the proposal of a general

inhuman as to take the risks they
did and to present to the European
a solidfront,withtheprayer
~n support of the
take maliciously. Yet it is not a t all theworld
policy whlch 1s being
blow at Larkinimpossible fo r Just such hoax t o Cause whatever it may be, will be a successful Dublinworkers, as
ism, would be hasty. Thereby the
destruction of lifeand Property. SUP- one andrelieve us fromtheawfulburden
of such a war a s I have descrlbed.
meaning is conveyed that Larkinism is
pose that another- vessel hadactually
been on fire or in distress, and sending One can only contrast the manly tone of a species of blatant demagoguery, a
out wireless calls for help. Thesecalls this plea for calm and conscience in the campaign for personalaggrandizement,
might have falled to reach the vessels face of a great emergcncy wlth the par- without justiEcation in the facts of life
racing towards the Rio Grande, owing t o tisan outcry from Progresslve quarters and labor in the Irish capital. The truth
their gettmg out
of range of the mes. against President Wilsons do-nothing is that Larkins is a passionate and possages; o r they might have believed their policy: Repeatedly we have been asked slbly unrestrained voice, which neqerfirst duty t o be on behalf of the steamer t o consider how the Mexican question theless the conscience of the British navolce
first summoning their aid. Indeed, the would have been settled i n jiffy if af- tion at large has recognized as
calls sent out as a hoax would be likely fairs were in the hands of some one who crying out against the well-nigh intolert o which the working
t o picture an especially dangerous con shall here be nameless, but who is now ableconditions
the way fromParaguayintothe
class of Dublin is subjected. I n voting
. dition, such as to lead
vessel t o turn
its course in the direction of the ship Amazon forest. Justwhat would have down Larkin the man wrath, the Britthat did not require help rather than in been done t o settle theMexican difficulty ish trade-unionists have simply declared
off-hand,we arenot told. Apparently, that the spirit of wrath is not the state
the direction of the one that did.
least that the Government can do is t o Interest lies less in the pointthat some- of mind in which t o carry on a successmake the thorough investigation that is thing mould be done by this nameIess ful campaign of any kind, and especially
would be so formidable
movement as a general
promised; butsurely no one %perating statesmanthanthatthere
strike. British labor in recent years has
,the wireless for fun will Indulgein
had experience with
pranks of this sort, if
once realizes
t h e peril in which hemay be placing
of the rebels at Tam- more or less complete, and has discovwhole shiploads of human beings.
pic0 emphasizes the obstinacy of the ered, as laborall over the world has
present struggle- as compared with the discovered, that the general strike is a
weapon notlightly t o be broughtinto
Members of society
in two prevlous campaigns, since the outmoving-pictureslastnightandenjoyed
the break of clvil war in Mexico. It was in Play.
novelty immensely.
November, 1910, that the forces of FranRobert Burnss famous prayer has been cisco Madero began operations. By May
Viceroy Hardinges recent speech at
answered. The gift has been given us t o of the following year President Diaz had Madras defending the Hindus in South
see ourselves as others see us. If soci- abdicated and Madero
made his en- Africa contains
statements so
ety has enjoyed the revelation, it is t o be tranceintothe
capital. The counter- straightforwardthat
it is not strange
congratulated. It is not always that the revolutionheaded byOrozco came into
much of the English press characterized
sight of ones own unfamiliar profile or bemg inFebruary, 1912, and met disit Indiscretion.He spoke of
the sound of ones unfamiliar voice is comfiture i n about half a year, the Felix
the Hindus
conducive tosatisfaction.The
motion Diaz
a t Vera Cruz in October be- laws which they regarded as invidious
film, i n conymction withthe
ing in the nature of an isolated demon- and unjust. They havethe deep and
directed t o self-study, can stration. The present campaign against
burning sympathy of Thdia, and also of
be made of enormous educational value Huerta began i n March andhas now
those who, llke myself, without being
factor f o r the increase of human been nearly ten months under
way, al- Inaians, sympathize with the people of
happiness. Take the after-dinner speak. though it is only within the last three
the country. And the Viceroy went on
er. A cinematograph presentation of months that the rebel offensive has asto mentlon reports of repressive meahimself, erect above rows of heads bent sumed considerableproportions.
It is sures whlch would not be tolerated for
in submission,reinforcedby
phono. notable also thatthefate
of Porfirio amoment inanycountry
claiming to
graphic reproduction of himskf stagger, Diaz was decided in the northern States.
be civlhzed, adding that these reports
ing on through a Serbonian bog of plati, This was true of the revolutionheadhad been imperfectly denled by the Govtudesand imbecilities, would make an
ed by Orozco. whose downfall came
ernment of South Africa. Such a speech
extraordinary impression inthe
Torreon. Thepresent fighting is much was certainlynot
calculated toallay
light of the morning after. The swelling
n o doubt of the
tide of oratory will experience a remark. have pressed closer to the capital than
Viceroys sincerity.
he could display
able subsidence when a speaker begin2 in the two earller uprisings,and have
such heat, it is evident that native senwondering whethw he
felt themselves strong enough to under- timent 1s acute indeed. When news of
been so big an idiot. as he looks and take an assault on a sea-coast town. But
the speech was received in South Africa,
Huerta, though y o r e closely pressed Gen. Botha replied with much resentthan either of h i s predecessors in office, ment,
Said Mr. Taft the other night with re is fighting back valiantly.
bring any alleged cruelties under invesgard t o Mexico:
tigation. Thus the Empire has the spec,. All thatthose of us
a r e not in the
of the British tacle of not merely two & its peoples,
Government can do is t o support the hand:
but two of its Governments, a t odds.
:of the President and the Secretary of St&c Trade-Uniod Congress, in reJecting by

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