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8 Novedades de la Biblioteca

Boletín no. 3 – Mayo 2004

This bulletin lists a selection of new book arrivals, recent subscriptions, and other information
related to the Arizona State University Libraries’ holdings in Latin American & Iberian Studies. It
will be distributed periodically via e-mail in PDF format. The bulletin aims to provide faculty and
students doing research in the interdisciplinary areas of Latin American & Iberian studies with
timely and informative updates of some of the newest resources available to them.

Unless otherwise noted, all items are located in ASU’s Hayden Library. Weekly shipments of
new monographs are also available for review in the Collection Development office (Room C-25)
Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM–4:30 PM.

Electronic Resources ° Books ° Videos/DVDs ° Web Sites

Image: Pan-American Highway from Landscape in the Fireplace: Paintings by

Pedro Alvárez on display at the ASU Art Museum through June 19.

 Electronic Resources
Colección Clásicos Tavera

(1470-1900) Begun in 1996, this virtual library projects carried out by Fundación Historica Tavera aims
to include all classic and key works of the history of Spain and Iberoamérica in every field of learning.
The full collection includes more than 5,000 full-text works originally printed between the 16th and 19th
centuries in Spain, Portugal, Latin America, and the Philippines. ASU Libraries currently owns four
volumes which include approximately 96 textual facsimiles. Available via ASU main campus library
workstations only.

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)

Provides data and forecasts about political, economic, and business climates of various regions and up to
200 countries as well as related news, analysis, and risk factor assessments. Includes the online version
of the Country Report series, the Country Profile series, Country Commerce, Country Finance, the
Business Briefings series, the Economist, Global Outlook, and selected Country Forecast series.

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Boletín no. 3 – Mayo 2004
Global Market Information Database (GMID)

This database contains information on key business intelligence on countries, companies, markets and
consumers. It is an integrated on-line information system covering over 350 markets and 207 countries.

Latin American Newsletters (LAN) will offer 40 Years of Archives

On June 1, Latin American Newsletters will provide electronic access to its past publications, previously
only available in print:
* Latin American Weekly Report - from 1967
* Latin American Regional Reports - from 1979
* Latin American Economy & Business - from 1987
* Latin American Special Reports - from 1993
* Latinnews Daily Briefing - from 1997
* Latin American Security & Strategic Review - from 2003

The titles and thematic/subject groupings which follow are a random selection of what has arrived since
the last bulletin and they do not reflect a collecting emphasis in any one subject area, but only what has
been noted by the subject specialist. Thematic groupings for this bulletin are: 1) Reference Titles, 2)
Andean Studies, 3) Anthroplogy & Archaeology, 4) Art & Architecture, 5) Border Studies, 6) Brazilian
Studies, 7) Indigenous Peoples, 8) Literature & Literary Criticism, and 9) Political Science, History, and

1) Reference Titles

Coelho, Nelly Novaes. Dicionário crítico de escritoras brasileiras: 1711-2001. São Paulo: Escrituras,

Coutinho, Afrânio and J. Galante de Sousa, eds. Enciclopédia de literatura brasileira. São Paulo: Global
Editora; [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: Fundação Biblioteca Nacional/DNL: Academia Brasileira de Letras, 2001.

Cuevas-Morales, Silvia. De la "A" a la "Z": diccionario universal bio-bibliográfico de autoras que escriben
en castellano, siglo XX. Madrid: Aconcagua Publishing: Kira Edit., 2003. HAYDEN REFERENCE

González Ochoa, José María. Quién es quién en la América del descubrimiento 1492-1600. Madrid:
Acento Editorial, c2003. HAYDEN REFERENCE

Gutiérrez, Franklin, ed. Diccionario de la literatura dominicana: biobibliografico y terminologico. Santo

Domingo: Editora Buho, 2004. HAYDEN REFERENCE

Hall, Carolyn et al. Historical Atlas of Central America. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, c2003.

Lockhart, Darrell B., ed. Latin American Mystery Writers: An A-to-Z Guide. Westport, CT; London:
Greenwood Press, 2004. HAYDEN REFERENCE

Orovia, Helio. Cuban Music from A to Z. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004. MUSIC REFERENCE

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Boletín no. 3 – Mayo 2004

Pereira, Paulo Roberto, ed. Brasiliana da Biblioteca Nacional: guia das fontes sobre o Brasil.
Rio de Janeiro: Editora Nova Fronteira: Ministério da Cultura, Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, 2001.

Shipp, Steve. Latin American and Caribbean Artists of the Modern Era: a Biographical Dictionary of More
than 12,700 Persons. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2003. HAYDEN REFERENCE

Tovar de Teresa, Guillermo et al., eds. Repertorio de artistas en México: artes plásticas y decorativas.
México: Grupo Financiero Bancomer, 1995-1997. 3 vol. HAYDEN REFERENCE

2) Andean Studies

Burt, Jo-Marie and Philip Mauceri. Politics in the Andes: Identity, Conflict, Reform. Pittsburgh, PA:
University of Pittsburgh Press, c2004.

Carrión Cevallos, Giovanni. El Ecuador del mañana: desde una visión crítica al neoliberalismo. [Loja,
Ecuador]: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carrión, Núcleo de Loja, 2003.

Gallardo Lozada, Jorge. Ecuador: lecciones de otra década perdida y la dolarización. Guayaquil:
Poligráfica, 2003.

Gamboa, Jeremías. Yuyanapaq = Para recordar: relato visual del conflicto armado interno en el Perú,
1980-2000. Lima, Perú: Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación: Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú, 2003.

Ledezma Rivera, Jhonny Limbert. Economía andina: estrategias no monetarias en las comunidades
andinas quechuas de Raqaypampa (Bolivia). Quito, Ecuador: Abya-Yala; Cochabamba, Bolivia:
Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Facultad de Medicina, Escuela de Graduados y Educación Continua,
Centro para el Desarrollo de la Gerencia Social (CEDEGES), 2003.

Lorandi, Ana María, et al., comps. Los Andes, cincuenta años después (1953-2003): homenaje a John
Murra. Lima, Perú: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2003.

Ordóñez Bustamante, Dwight. El capital ausente. Lima, Perú: TETIS GRAF, 2003.

Influencia y legado español en las culturas tradicionales de los Andes americanos / III Encuentro para la
Promoción y Difusión del Patrimonio Folclórico de los Países Andinos. [Bogotá: s.n.], 2003.

Raimondi, Antonio and Luis Felipe Villacorta, comps. Informes y polémicas sobre el guano y el salitre
(Perú, 1854-1877). Lima: Fondo Editorial Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; COFIDE, 2003.

Tanaka, Martín. La situación de la democracia en Bolivia, Chile y Ecuador a inicios de siglo. Lima, Perú:
Comisión Andina de Juristas, 2003.

Torres Fernández de Córdova, Glauco. Lexicon etnolectológico del quichua andino. Cuenca: Tumipanpa,

Whitten, Jr., Norman E. Millennial Ecuador: Critical Essays on Cultural Transformations and Social
Dynamics. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c2003.

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Boletín no. 3 – Mayo 2004
3) Anthropology/Archaeology

This spring, Anthropology bibliographer Mimmo Bonnani and Professor Ben Nelson purchased more than
100 back-issues from the University of Pittsburgh’s Latin American Archaeology Publications series of
primary reports dealing with Mesoamerica. The best way to find out what ASU owns is to first go to the
University of Pittsburgh’s web site at, and then search ASU’s catalog for
individual titles. The first title below, published by INAH, is an example of one of these reports:

Anzures, Carlos Viramontes. De chichimicas, pames y jonaces: los recolectores-cazadores del

semidesierto de Querétano. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2000.

Arthur A. Demarest et al. The Terminal Classic in the Maya Lowlands: Collapse, Transition, and
Transformation. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2004.

Garber, James F., ed. The Ancient Maya of the Belize Valley: Half a Century of Archaeological Research.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2004.

Olivier, Guilhem. Mockeries and Metamorphoses of An Aztec God: Tezcatlipoca, "Lord of the Smoking
Mirror.” Translated from the French by Michel Besson. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2003.

4) Art & Architecture

Aliaga, Juan Vicente et al. Micropolíticas: arte y cotidianidad (2001-1968) = art and everyday life (2001-
1968). Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana, c2002.

Botero, Fernando. Botero – Women. New York: Rizzoli; St. Marin's Press, 2003.

Borja de Riquer et al. Modernismo: Architecture and Design in Catalonia. New York: Monacelli Press,

Duverger, Christian. Agua y fuego: arte sacro indígena de México en el siglo XVI. México: Santander
Serfin, c2003.

Figarella, Mariana. Edward Weston y Tina Modotti en México: su inserción dentro de las estrategias
estéticas del arte posrevolucionario. México, D.F.: UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2002.

Hughes, Robert. Goya. New York: Knopf; Random House, 2003.

Imágenes y colores de Oaxaca. Prólogo de Andrés Henestrosa; introducción de Alberto Blanco.

[Oaxaca]: Fundación Ingeniero Alejo Peralta y Díaz Ceballos, 2003.

Noceda, José Manuel, ed. Wifredo Lam: la cosecha de un brujo: antología de José Manuel Noceda. La
Habana, Cuba: Letras Cubanas, c2002.

Roca, Miguel Angel. Miguel Angel Roca: University Works, 1993-2002. Milano: L'Arca, 2002.

Solà-Morales Rubió, Ignasi. Antoni Gaudí. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2003.

Tamayo, Rufino et al. Tamayo ilustrador. México: Fundación Olga y Rufino Tamayo: Editorial RM, 2002.

Tajonar, Héctor. El alma de México. Prólogo de Carlos Fuentes. Ciudad de México: Consejo Nacional para
la Cultura y las Artes, 2002.

Zurián, Carla. Fermín Revueltas: constructor de espacios. México: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes;
Museo Mural Diego Rivera; Editorial RM, c2002.

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5) Border Studies: U.S.-Mexico Relations

Cappello, Hector M. Nuevos paradigmas sobre la frontera Estados Unidos-Mexico: problemas asociados a
una larga transicion. Cuernavaca, Morelos: UNAM, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias,

Casey, Maureen with photographs by Marie Triller. Border Witness: Youth Confront Nafta: a Photographic
Essay. Albany, NY: New York State Labor-Religion Coalition, c2001.

Fernández de Castro, Rafael, ed. En la frontera del imperio. México, D.F.: Ariel; ITAM, 2003.

Fregoso, Rosa Linda. MeXicana Encounters: the Making of Social Identities on the Borderlands.
Berkeley, CA; London: University of California Press, c2003.

Durand, Jorge and Douglas S. Massey. Clandestinos: migración México-Estados Unidos en los albores del
siglo XXI. México, D. F.: Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas: Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2003.

Gill, Jerry H. Borderland Theology. Washington, D.C.: EPICA, c2003.

Guzmán Molina, Ana Amalia. The Power of Love: My Experience in a U.S. Immigration Jail. Translation to
English by Marilu MacCarthy. Washington, D.C.: Ecumenical Program on Central America and the
Caribbean (EPICA), c2003.

Johnson, Benjamin Heber. Revolution in Texas: How a Forgotten Rebellion and Its Bloody Suprpression
Turned Mexicans into Americans. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.

King, Rosemary A. Border Confluences: Borderland Narratives from the Mexican War to the Present.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2004.

Magaña, Lisa. Straddling the Order: Immigration Policy and the INS. Austin: University of Texas Press,

Martin, Patricia Preciado, ed. Beloved Land: an Oral History of Mexican Americans in Southern Arizona.
Photographs by José Galvez. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2004.

Torres, Edén E. Chicana Without Apology = Chicana sin vergüenza: The New Chicana Cultural Studies.
New York; London: Routledge, 2003.

6) Brazilian Studies

Abreu, Alzira Alves de, et al. Mídia e política no Brasil: jornalismo e ficção. Rio de Janeiro: FGV Editora,

D'Alva Kinzo, Maria and James Dunkerley, ed. Brazil Since 1985: Politics, Economy and Society. London:
Institute of Latin American Studies, 2003.

Braga, Robério. Euclides da Cunha no Amazônas. Manaus: Editora Valer: Fundação Lourenço Braga,

Chaves Pandolfi, Dulce and Mario Grynszpan, ed. A favela fala: depoimentos ao CPDOC. Rio de Janeiro,
RJ, Brasil: FGV Editora, 2003.

Freyre, Gilberto. Americanidade e latinidade da América Latina e outros textos afins. Brasília, DF: Editora
Universidade de Brasília; São Paulo, SP: Imprensa Oficial SP, c2003.

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Freyre, Gilberto. China tropical: e outros escritos sobre a influencia do Oriente na cultura luso-brasileira.
Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília; São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial do Estado, 2003.

Freyre, Gilberto. Palavras repatriadas. Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília; São Paulo: Imprensa
Oficial do Estado, c2003.

Martins Costa, Delaine, ed. Gênero e mercocidades brasileiras: violência contra a mulher.
Rio de Janeiro: IBAM: UNIFEM: ISER, c2003.

Moser, Claudio e Daniel Rech, comp. Direitos humanos no Brasil: diagnóstico e perspectivas: olhar dos
parceiros de Misereor. Rio de Janeiro: CERIS: Mauad: Misereor, 2003.

Nascimento, Elisa Larkin. O sortilégio da cor: identidade, raça e gênero no Brasil. São Paulo, SP: Selo
Negro, c2003.

Pochmann, Marcio et al, eds. Atlas da exclusão social no Brasil. São Paulo, SP: Cortez Editora, 2003.

Pires, Maria de Fátima Novaes. O crime na cor: escravos e forros no alto sertão da Bahia (1830-1898).
São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Annablume : FAPESP, 2003.

Pochmann, Marcio, ed. Outra cidade é possível: alternativas de inclusão social em São Paulo. São Paulo:
Cortez, 2003.

Sales, Teresa, Maria do Rosário R. Salles, comp. Políticas migratórias: América Latina, Brasil e brasileiros
no exterior. São Carlos : FAPESP: EdUFSCa : IDESP, Editora Sumaré, 2002.

Silva, César Múcio. Escravidão e violência em Botucatu: processos crimes 1850/1888. Curitiba: Aos
Quatro Ventos, 2002.

Vero, Judith. Alma estrangeira: pequenas histórias de húngaros no Brasil: processos identitários. São
Paulo: Editora Ágora, c2003.

Vianna, Luiz Werneck, comp. A democracia e os três poderes no Brasil. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG;
Rio de Janeiro: IUPERJ/FAPERJ, 2002.

7) Indigenous Peoples

Author Knab, T. J. Mad Jesus: The Final Testament of a Huichol Messiah from Northwest Mexico.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2004.

Bastos, Santiago and Manuela Camus. Entre el mecapal y el cielo: desarrollo del movimiento maya en
Guatemala. Guatemala: FLASCO, Sede Académica Guatemala: CHOLSAMAJ, 2003.

Guerra Curvelo, Weildler. La disputa y la palabra: la ley en la sociedad Wayuu. Bogotá: Ministerio de
Cultura, c2002.

Huertas Castillo, Beatriz, and Alfredo García Altamirano, eds. Los pueblos indígenas de Madre de Dios:
historia, etnografía y coyuntura. Lima: IWGIA; [Madre de Dios, Perú: Federación Nativa del Río Madre de
Dios y Afluentes], 2003.

Rabben, Linda. Brazil’s Indians and the Onslaught of Civilization: The Yanomami and the Kayapó.
Revised ed. Seattle; London: University of Washington Press, 2004.

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Boletín no. 3 – Mayo 2004
Rus, Jan; Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo; and Shannan L. Mattiace, eds. Mayan Lives, Mayan Utopias:
the Indigenous Peoples of Chiapas and the Zapatista. Lanham, MD; Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, c2003.

Warman, Arturo. Los indios mexicanos en el umbral del milenio. México, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura
Económica, c2003.

8) Literature & Literary Criticism

Alegre, Atanasio. Garzoneadores del Orinoco: novela. Caracas: Ediciones dEIA, c2003.

Ayllón, Ricardo, ed. Navegar en la lluvia: antología del cuento ancashino. Lima, Peru: Universidad Inca
Garcilaso de la Vega, Fondo Editorial, 2003.

Bernal, Fernando. Floriseo. Edición de Javier Guijarro Ceballos. Alcalá de Henares [Spain]: Centro de
Estudios Cervantinos, 2003.

Brito, Ronaldo Correia de. Faça: contos. São Paulo, SP: Cosac & Naify, c2003.

Caballé Masforroll, Anna. Francisco Umbral: el frío de una vida. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2004.

Campbell, Federico, ed. La ficción de la memoria: Juan Rulfo ante la crítica. México, D.F.: Ediciones Era,

Cardenal, Ernesto. Vida perdida: memorias I. México: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2003.

Castillón, Juan Carlos. Nieve sobre Miami. Madrid: Debate, 2003.

Dubatti, Jorge, comp. Nuevo teatro argentino. Buenos Aires: Interzona, c2003.

Falcão, Adriana. O doido da garrafa. São Paulo: Planeta, 2003.

Faris, Wendy B. Ordinary Enchantments: Magical Realism and the Remystification of Narrative.
Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2004.

Figueiredo, Vera Follain de. Os crimes do texto: Rubem Fonseca e a ficção contemporânea. Belo
Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2003.

Frenk, Margit. Nuevo corpus de la antigua lírica popular hispánica, siglos XV a XVII. México, D.F.:
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM: Colegio de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2003.

O'Hara Gonzales, Edgar. Por el agua oscura: (Seattle, 2002). Buenos Aires: Tsé-Tsé, 2003.

Mancini, Adriana. Silvina Ocampo: escalas de pasión. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2003.

Paz Soldán, Edmundo. El delirio de Turing. La Paz, Bolivia: Alfaguara, c2003.

Skármeta, Antonio. El baile de la victoria. Barcelona: Planeta, 2003.

Giménez Bartlett, Alicia. Secreta Penélope. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 2003.

Mandriotti, Julián. La última muerte de Anastasio Somoza: novela periodística. Buenos Aires: Alexis
Editores, 2003.

Pradelli, Angela. Turdera. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emecé Editores, c2003.

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Rallo Gruss, Asunción. Erasmo y la prosa renacentista española. Madrid: Laberinto, Ediciones del, 2003.

Sampietro, Franco. Diario de isleñ: (incursiones en el caos). La Paz, Bolivia: Plural Editores, c2003.

Sánchez Zamorano, José Antonio. Aguirre, la cólera de la historia: proximación a la "nueva novela
histórica latinoamericana" a través de la narrativa de Abel Posse. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, c2002.

Soler, Antonio. El camino de los ingleses. Barcelona: Destino, 2004.

Tinajero, Araceli. Orientalismo en el modernismo hispanoamericano. West Lafayette, ID: Purdue

University Press, c2004.

Trapiello, Andrés. El fanal hialino. Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2002.

Urbina Orantes, Julio César et al. Púshale un cuento al piano: (la ficción en México). México:
CONACULTA: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes Instituto Tlaxcalteca de la Cultura, 2003.

Villena Alvarado, Marcelo. Las tentaciones de San Ricardo: siete ensayos para la interpretación de la
narrativa boliviana del siglo XX. La Paz, Bolivia: Instituto de Estudios Bolivianos, 2003.

Waldman, Berta. Entre passos e rastros: presença judaica na literatura brasileira contemporânea. São
Paulo: Editora Perspectiva: Fapesp: Associação Universitária de Cultura Judaica, 2002.

Zambrano, Gregory. Mariano Picón-Salas y el arte de narrar. Mérida, Venezuela: Universidad de los
Andes, Vicerrectorado Académico, 2003.

9) Political Science, History, and Economics

Arteaga, Nelson et al. Pobreza urbana: perspectivas globales, nacionales y locales. México, D.F.:
Gobierno del Estado de México: M. A. Porrúa: CEMAPEM, 2003.

Belton, Benjamin Keith. Orinoco Flow: Culture, Narrative, and the Political Economy of Information.
Lanham, MD; Oxford: Scarecrow Press, 2003.

Castro Domingo, Pablo. Chayotes, burros y machetes. Zinacantepec, Estado de México: El Colegio
Mexiquense, 2003.

Chomsky, Aviva. Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.

Domínguez, Jorge I. and Chappell H. Lawson, eds. Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election: Candidates,
Voters, and the Presidential Campaign of 2000. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004.

Dubois, Laurent. Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution. Cambridge, MA;
London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2004.

Ellner, Steve and Daniel Hellinger, eds. La política venezolana en la época de Chávez: clases,
polarización y conflicto. Caracas, Venezuela: Nueva Sociedad: Consejo de Investigación de la
Universidad de Oriente, 2003.

Estrada Álvarez, Jairo, ed. El Plan Colombia y la intensificación de la guerra: aspectos globales y locales.
Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y
Sociales, Departamento de Ciencia Política, Observatorio Político, 2002.

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Feinberg, Benjamin. The Devil's Book of Culture: History, Mushrooms, and Caves in Southern Mexico.
Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2003.

Gmelch, George. Behind the Smile: the Working Lives of Caribbean Tourism. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, c2003.

Grosfoguel, Ramón. Colonial Subjects: Puerto Ricans in a Global Perspective. Berkeley, CA; London:
University of California Press, c2003.

Lindenboim, Javier y Claudia Danani, coords. Entre el trabajo y la política: las reformas de las políticas
sociales argentinas en perspectiva comparada. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos, 2003.

Markell, David L. and John H. Knox. Greening NAFTA: the North American Commission for Environmental
Cooperation. Stanford, CA: Stanford Law and Politics, 2003.

Mora, Frank O. and Jeanne A.K. Hey, eds. Latin American and Caribbean Foreign Policy.
Lanham, MD; Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2003.

Neilson, Brett. Free Trade in the Bermuda Triangle: and Other Tales of Counterglobalization.
Minneapolis; London: University of Minnesota Press, c2004.

Olascoaga, Daniel R. Democracia en Guatemala: un modelo para armar: participación de mujeres,

jóvenes e indígenas. Guatemala: FLACSO, Sede Académica Guatemala, 2003.

Preston, Julia and Samule Dillon. Opening Mexico: The Making of a Democracy. New York: Farrar, Straus
and Giroux, 2004.

Rojas Aravena, Francisco. La seguridad en América Latina pos 11 de septiembre.

Caracas, Venezuela: Nueva Sociedad: Flacso-Chile: Woodrow International Wilson Center: Paz y
Seguridad en las Américas, 2003.

Salas Izaguirre, Félix Efraín. Las fuerzas armadas de Venezuela, desde el capitán de fragata Lino de
Clemente hasta el teniente coronel Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías. Caracas, Venezuela: Editorial Oneonta,

Savenije, Wim. Conviviendo en la orilla: exclusión social y violencia en el area metropolitana de San
Salvador. San Salvador: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Programa El Salvador, 2003.

Schoonover, Thomas David. Uncle Sam's War of 1898 and the Origins of Globalization. Lexington, KY:
University Press of Kentucky, c2003.

Schwartzberg, Steven. Democracy and U.S. Policy in Latin America During the Truman Years.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2003.

Sobrino, Jon. Terremoto, terrorismo, barbarie y utopía: El Salvador, Nueva York, Afganistán. San
Salvador, El Salvador: UCA Editores, 2003.

Thillet de Solórzano, Braulia et al. Tierras municipales en Guatemala: un desafio para el desarrollo local
sostenible. Guatemala: FLACSO: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2003.

Vega, Carlos B. Conquistadoras: mujeres heroicas de la conquista de América. Jefferson, NC; London:
McFarland & Co., c2003.

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Boletín no. 3 – Mayo 2004
Villacorta, Azahara. Historias putas: los relatos de doce mujeres: trabajadoras y ex trabajadoras del
sexo del centro de San Salvador. San Salvador, El Salvador: Asociación de Mujeres "Flor de Piedra",

Wood, Elisabeth Jean. Insurgent Collective Action and Civil War in El Salvador. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2003.

Zaldívar Diéguez, Andrés. Bloqueo: el asedio económico más prolongado de la historia. La Habana:
Editorial Capitan San Luis, 2003.

š Videos/DVDs
• Mixed Feelings: San Diego/Tijuana. [Alexandria, VA: PBS], c2003. DVD.

A documentary about the San Diego/Tijuana region and its inevitable transnational future.
Conversations with scholars, planners and architects from both cities open a window into an
unprecedented dialogue now occurring on the U.S./Mexican border. The film reaches into issues
including architecture, urbanism and rapid globalization. Set to Nortec music. Directed by Philip

• 1932: Cicatriz de la memoria [1932: Scars of Memory]. A Film by Jeffrey Gould & Carlos
Henriquez Consalvi, distributed by Icarus/First Run Films (Brooklyn, NY), 2002. VHS.

An unprecedented peasant uprising erupts in western El Salvador. Over a period of three days, a
ragtag group of Ladino and indigenous peasants take control over several towns, cut supply
lines, and attack a military garrison. Retribution is swift. After three days, the army and "citizen
militias" move in. In some villages, they slaughter all males over age 12. Elsewhere, they
summarily execute anyone suspected of having any link whatsoever to Communists. Over the
next few weeks, 10,000 people are massacred - most of them indigenous.

In 1932: Scars of Memory, survivors of the uprising share their harrowing memories - many for
the first time. The brutal way in which the uprising was crushed left many too scared to ever
participate in politics again. The trauma resonated through six decades of military rule, until the
1992 peace accords ended a brutal, 12-year civil war.

• On the Fringes. Directed and produced by Paul N. Avakian. Northborough, MA: PNA Productions
Ltd., 2003. DVD.

Documentary on the lives of immigrants from Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, and Guatemala who
live and work in Westchester County, New York. The nannies, the day laborers, landscapers,
housekeepers — legal and illegal — all servicing the wealth in New York suburbia. Whey they
are here, what they hope for in this country, how they live, what their lives are like in Anglo
society, are the issues this film deals with.

• El pueblo mexicano que camina [Long Journey To Guadalupe]. Directed by Juan Francisco
Urrusti. Shot in 16mm and produced between July 1987 and February 1996. Distributed by
Documentary Educational Resources (Watertown, MA), 1996. VHS.

Urrusti, filmmaker and instructor at CCC in Mexico City, describes film as “a testimony about the
Mexican cult of the Virgin of Guadalupe, where the pilgrims signify the Mexican of all times and
the pilgrimages, our history. For me this film literally means a nine year long journey to the
unfathomable heart of Mexico and a better world with more peace and social justice."

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8 Novedades de la Biblioteca
Boletín no. 3 – Mayo 2004

Web Sites
Canto do Brasil

Spectatular photo-essay of Brazil by Geoffrey Hiller with music.

Colecciones Mexicanas

Colleciones Mexicanas, a collaborative project between UNAM, the Institute Mora, Biblioteca Nacional de
México and Santander Serafín, provides digital access to archival resources on Mexican history.

Dumbarton Oaks Research Center’s Electronic Texts in Pre-Columbian Studies

Selected Dumbarton Oaks publications are being presented on the Web in an effort to increase access to
the material. The full text and illustrations are available using Acrobat Reader. Single copies may be
printed for individual use. Reprentative Pre-Columbian Studies titles include: Archaeology of Formative
Ecuador, Gender in Pre-Hispanic America, The Burial Theme in Moche Iconography, etc.

Latina/o Art Community

A world-wide website for Latina/o art! Place and sell your work, purchase art, learn about the work of
others, announce or read about events and exhibitions. Join the directory, enter the chat room, or link to
museums and galleries. Hosted by ASU’s Hispanic Research Center with partial funding through a grant
from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Más de Cien Años de Cine Mexicano

Well designed and scholarly web site which pays tribute to the proud history of Mexican cinema with
chronologies, bibliographies, filmographies, encyclopedic entries (by película, director, and estrella), web
links, and more. Text by Maximiliano Maza and co-author/designer Tania Soto.

Noticias Bolivianas

The site offers the “news of the day” in Bolivia by providing hundreds of articles from 12 Bolivian
newspapers on a daily basis, arranged either by newspaper or section.

Online Resources for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies from the Cuban Heritage Collection

With funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (and from the Digital Library Initiatives
project at the University of Miami), this site is an ongoing project designed to provide online access to
research materials held by the Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC). Begun in 1999, the project has
currently preserved over 3500 items and created almost 14000 digital images. While not all of these
materials are currently available, the project has posted a number of very helpful library bibliographies
and finding guides to their own internal collection.

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8 Novedades de la Biblioteca
Boletín no. 3 – Mayo 2004
United States and Brazil: Expanding Frontiers, Comparing Cultures

Collaborative web-based project between the Library of Congress and the National Library of Brazil
explores the history of Brazil, interactions between Brazil and the United States from the eighteenth
century to the present, and the parallels and contrasts between Brazilian and American culture and
history. Through the presentation in digital form of books, maps, prints and photographs, manuscripts
and other documents from the collections of the partner libraries, this project illuminates five main
themes related to the history of Brazil and the interactions between the United States and Brazil:
Historical Foundations, Ethnic Diversity, Culture and Literature, Mutual Impressions, and Biodiversity.

 Novedades de la biblioteca is compiled by Claude Potts, Latin American & Iberian

Studies Librarian in ASU’s Hayden Library. For further information, special requests, or
to arrange bibliographic instruction sessions for courses in these areas, please contact him
at or (480)965-4905.

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