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In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Galvez, Charlotte Benand

Apolinario, Carren
Vianzon, Reynaldo Jr., M

First and foremost, we, the researchers would like to bring back all the glory to the
ever loving God Almighty for the provision, wisdom, strength and guidance we needed to
make this study successful. Theres nothing too difficult for Him to do as we put our trust
on Him.
We extend our sincerest gratitude to Mrs. Teresa Dela Torre, our thesis adviser,
for her tireless commitment to us. She not only encouraged us with words but her
dedication and commitment in helping us complete this thesis in a timely and efficient
manner. The project provided us with an opportunity to understand the fundamentals of
research methods in a better manner and apply them in everyday life. The insistence on
taking up a socially relevant topic like the use of technology helped us to understand the
psychology and education of the people using these sites better and correlate the
research to human behavioral and mental aspects.
We also would like to thank our respondents for giving us their valuable time and
providing us with the information needed to carry out the research successfully.
We also would like to thank our classmates and friends for being willing to serve
on our commission and extending their advice for improvement.
Finally, we would like to thank our families for their constant support, guidance
and motivation, who helped us immensely in completing this project and for instilling in
us a strong work ethic and belief that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to.



Title Page
Table of Contents

The Problem and Its Setting

Introduction 1
Background of the Study...4
Theoretical Framework..5
Statement of the Problem.6
Scope and Delimitation of the Study...7
Importance/Significance of the Study.............8
Definition of Terms.............9

Review of Related literature

Related readings....10
Related literatures......12
Related studies...14
Review of Foreign Studies15
Review of Local literature....................................................................................17
Justification of the Study19


Research design.20
Population and sampling...20
Research instrument..21


The rapid development of technology that has been observed over the last years
is pinpointing of its entry into mainstream culture and its integration into the daily lives of
many people. Corresponding with this, there has also been substantial media coverage
of the growth of social networking, its potential positive outcomes and concerns about
the way that some people are engaging with it.
Technology offers people new and varied ways to communicate via internet,
whether through their PC or their mobile phone. They allow people to easily and simply
create their own online page or profile and to construct and display an online network of
contacts, often called friends. Users of these sites can communicate via their profile
both with their friends and with people outside their list of contacts. This can be on a
one-to one basis (much like an email), or in a more public way such as a comment
posted for all to see.
Due to the continuous change in cultural and social aspect and with the
accordance of technological revolution, the social networkings essence in the face of the
Internet and Web is still in question.
For the purpose of this research paper we have purposely focused on the
perceived effects of technology on the study habits of the BSBA students of Tomas Del
Rosario College.


Technology is one of the latest phenomenons that make the whole wide world
cling to it. It has brought about changes in terms of communication. It also creates
positive and negative impact in the lifestyle of billions of people most particularly to the
younger generation. Technology helps develop both intrapersonal and interpersonal
aspect of an individual. It unlocks the curiosity of an individual on what is life and what is
it all about.
It may aid people in their academic life just like how it supports a firm and a
country in its economical, political, societal and spiritual aspects. On the other hand, it
still inculcates negative effects that have been wide-spreading throughout the world.
Considering the awaiting destruction in the diverse facets of life of an individual, in his
community and even his country.
This study will be conducted Tomas Del Rosario College Department where we
selected students from all levels of BSBA to pre-determine the perceive effects of the
impact of technology on the academic performance of students.
Theoretical Framework
This study further concerned on cognitive ability of the students and their
performance in the actual classroom interaction.
Social learning theory proposed by Albert Bandura has become perhaps the most
influential theory of learning and developmen t. In Albert Banduras Social Learning
Theory added an element arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors
by watching other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of
learning can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors.
It is because people are very perceptual, we love doing the most popular thing or being
in. Through observation, we see and feel that using technology could probably make us
feel fit in and those who do the same thing accept us. Lets say computers and social
networking sites together fits the definition of a symbolic model, which involves real or
fictional characters displaying behaviors in books, films, television programs, or online
media. Most people's hobbies are intrinsically motivated. Notice the passion with which
people collect books. Few people carry that amount of passion into their workplace.

Intrinsic motivation is when a person is motivated by internal factors, as opposed to the

external drivers of extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation drives a person to do things
just for the fun of it, or because I believe it is a good or right thing to do.
Social evaluation theory suggests that we form our own attitudes and behaviors
by comparing ourselves with other people and their opinions. Mostly we compare
ourselves against people whom we believe we're reasonably similar to.
For example, a popular social networking site nowadays- Facebook capitalizes on
people's drive for social comparison by offering an excess of applications like the visual
bookshelf that lets you see what books your peers are reading and the 'Compare me'
application that allows you to find out where you stand relative to your friends for various
categories like cutest, sexiest and smartest. This is very similar to the surveys often
found in women's magazines - 'How emotionally intelligent are you? Take our quiz to find
out!' It's compelling to benchmark ourselves against others to see where we fit in.
Social learning is the key to creating higher-order thinking and with continual
enhancement of technology learning is inevitable.
Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. Perception of BSBA students at Tomas Del
Rosario College on their academic performance in relation to the impact of technology.
Variable while the Students Study habits is the Dependent Variable. Spending more time
using technology rather than studying.
Theoretical Framework

Figure 1: Relationship of the Variables

Perception of Tomas Del


Rosario College stuedents on


Their Academic Performance In


Relation To Technology

Year Level
No. of Hours watching Korean
tele series
(Independent Variable)

(Dependent Variable)

Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. Technology is the Independent

Variable while the Students Study Habits is the Dependent Variable. Spending more time
using social networking site rather than studying.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this research paper is giving information about the perception of BSBA
students at Tomas Del Rosario College on their academic performance in relation to
technology to all levels of BSBA students at Tomas Del Rosario College.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
A. Age
B. Gender
C. Year Level
D. Course
E. Time allotted for using technology
F. Time allotted for studying
2. What are the perceived effects of technology in relation to the study habits of BSBA
students at Tomas Del Rosario College?
3. What is the significant relationship on the perceived effects of technology to the profile
of the students in terms of age, gender, year level, and course?

Hypotheses of the Study

There is no significant difference between study habits in relation to technology to
all levels of BSBA students at Tomas Del Rosario College.
1. As perceived by the students to their profile according to:
A. Age
B. Gender
C. Year Level
D. Course
E. Time allotted for using social networking site
F. Time allotted for studying
2. There is no significant difference between the perceptions of all levels of BSBA
students at Tomas Del Rosario College on their study habits in relation to technology.
Scope and Delimitation
The scope and delimitation of the study includes the setting, the time frame, and
the number of the respondents.
Tomas Del Rosario College was the setting in which the study was conducted.
The time frame for the research was thirty to forty-five minutes (30-45 mins.) -----------------------The Respondents or Subjects for the study were selected from TOMAS DEL
ROSARIO COLLEGE. In total, 100 students were surveyed, 25 questionnaires were
distributed and collected from the first year to fourth year level. .
The main focus of the study is to know the effects of technology in relation to the
academic performance.
In assessing the students, the data were obtained through a questionnaire and

Significance of the Study

The result of this study is beneficial to the following:
To the Students of BSBA at Tomas Del Rosario College
This study gives information to the students on how they can able to use
technology in proper manner and to be aware on the how technology can affect their
academic performance.
To the Faculty of the Teachers.
This study gives information to the teachers on the advantages and
disadvantages of technology. How this new technology affects our youth nowadays.
To the Community.
This study makes the community be aware on the effects of technology to its
constituents. To give information how a community could limit the use of technology and
create ways to make it useful to the whole community.
To the Future Researchers.
The researchers can have a comparative analysis and basis for future study
regarding the effects of technology on the academic performance of the students.
To the Parents.
Parents must know about technology and how this can affect their children. And
for them to be able to guide and mentor their children in the academic and social facets.
To the User.
This study would help the user of technology to limit their usage and to improve
their study habits and academic performance.

Definition of Terms
The following terms were used and define operation within the context of this study:
Koreanobela are social network services that focus on building online communities of
people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the
interests and activities of others.
(SNS) Social Networking Sites are web-based services that allow individuals to
construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other
users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections
and those made by others within the system.
Facebook is a SNS that was originally designed for the use of

age students, and

operated under restriction to keep it so. Rosen (2007) explains that the name originates
from the small photo albums that s once gave to incoming freshmen and faculty to help
them cope with meeting so many new people.
Academic Performance is the practice or regular tendency in devotion of time and
attention to acquiring on an academic subject especially by means of books.

This chapter presents different studies made by the other researchers including
articles and other reading materials. These may be similar or closely related with this
study. Furthermore the literature contributed additional information, ideas and data.
Related Readings
(Manila Bulletin.)The Department of Education (DepEd) is now prohibiting all
students of public and private elementary and secondary schools from going to computer
shops, malls, theaters, and other similar establishments during class hours.
Going to these establishments has adverse effects on students. We are aware of
the prevailing situation that there are students in the elementary and secondary levels
from public and private schools who go to computer shops, malls, theaters, and the likes
during their class hours while in their school uniforms, she said. Thus, the Department
issued DepEd Order No. 86, s. 2010 on June 18 which directed all school officials and
employees concerned to institute and implement the necessary mechanism on the
school discipline applicable under the situation. They should monitor closely those
students who are absent or cut class often, said Valisno.
(Philippine Daily Inquirer.) It has been reported that Filipinos rank 8 th overall in the
world when it comes to Facebook subscribers at over 16 million.Job de Leon is a 20year-old junior at the Ateneo de Manila University and is a familiar face as he was the
courtside reporter for Adamson University during previous UAAP seasons. He estimates
that he spends about four hours daily on Facebook, a conservative number considering
how many others his age seem to be on Facebook 24/7, thanks to the latest phone
models that make computer connectivity possible.De Leon says. Because everyone is
concentrated in one corner of the Internet, Facebook is where you go if you want
something heard, or conversely, if you hear about something.
Beyond that, Facebook can also help give structure to a persons life, something
that can be helpful to a young person. In a way, it organizes your life, De Leon

explains. It tells you which issues you should be paying attention to and what events
you might want to attend.
(Readers Digest Asia.) If it does seem that standards of grammar and spelling are
slipping, its probably because there are vast numbers of people writing now, who, in a
pre-internet age, probably wouldnt have bothered to write at all. Surely, its better that
people are writing and communicating their viewpoint, than not? Think back to the days
when we left home to go to university or work overseas. The most cost-effective means
to communicate was through letters. When we did get round to writing them, these often
arrived weeks after they were written, resulting in long stretches of silence. The issue
then becomes how we manage all this information and not get overburdened. You
guessed it there are services out there that even help with that. Weve all been there.
Youre pouring your heart out to someone when they get distracted by their beeping
Related Literatures
(Awake ,2011.)Social networking site can be addictive After just few days of
having an account , I couldnt stop looking .Students can just spent their hours through
pictures and post instead of studying .It consume your time, privacy , reputation,
friendship and time.
(Boyd, 2006.)In educational institutions, success is measured by study habits, or
how well a student meets standards set out by local government and the institution itself.
As career competition grows ever fiercer in the working world, the importance of students
doing well in school has caught the attention of parents, legislators and government
education departments alike. Therefore, when the term low is integrated with the term
study habits, it is the inability to acquire particular grades on examinations that
indicates the individuals mastery of the content, and skills in applying learned knowledge
to specific circumstances.
(Wiseman, 1961.)On the point of study habits or excellence, Tuckman (1975)
posited that, performance is used to label the observable manifestation of knowledge,
skills, concepts, and understanding and ideas. Thereby, performance is the application of
a learning product that at the end of the process provides mastery. It is the acquisition of

particular grades on examinations indicates candidates ability, mastery of the content,

skills in applying learned knowledge to particular situations. A students success is
generally judged on examination performance. Success on examinations is a crucial
indicator that a student has benefited from a course of study.

Related Studies
Review of Foreign Studies
(Kirschnera and Karpinskib , 2004) A new study says that students who are on
Facebook while studying or doing homework wind up getting 20 percent lower grades
than students who don't have the social networking site in visual range, or even running
in the background on their computers or mobile phones.
Kirschnera told the Daily Mail that his team studied 219 U.S. university students
between ages 19 and 54, and found that Facebook users had a typical grade point
average of 3.06, while "non-users" had an average GPA of 3.82.
When I was doing A levels, I would get information from a book rather than
Wikipedia. This instant-satisfaction-minimum-effort society has a lot to answer for." The
youth use social networking sites as a means of interaction, socializing, and for purely
entertainment purposes. Although many people dont think of it, social networking sites
harbor many unsafe elements and many people are concerned about some


problems that they contain, which includes education and poor study habits.
Here the researchers present facts that social networking sites do gravely affect
the study habits of users. According to Aryn Karpinskis study of about 219 students, 148
Facebook users had a full grade point lower than those who dont have Facebook.
People that didnt use Facebook reported that they study about 11-15 hours and those
who had a Facebook account only studied 1-5 hours per week. Our study shows people
who spend more time on Facebook spend less time on their academic aspect and
relationships. Many students have been blaming various social networking sites for their
steady decrease in grade point averages. This emergent phenomenon aroused us to
look into social networking sites and why they affect fellow students study habits.

(Fowler and Christakis, 2009) Our brains havent changed, our real world social
networks havent changed for the most part,
Why, just this week we learned that Facebook use can lower grades by 20 percent.
That's the latest on a list of studies that includes how Facebook can cause health
problems, destroy future job opportunities, and whip up jealousy and blah blah blah. And
now, here's another one that tells us Facebook users are either totally conceited or
serious self-haters.
(Monin, Dweck ,Gross and Jordan 2008) Facebook has a notorious reputation for

students procrastinate. But recent Stanford research suggests that social

networking sites are toxic to more than just the academic wellbeing of students.
Stanford professors Benoit Monin, Carol Dweck and James Gross and doctoral student
Alex Jordan found in their December paper that underestimating the unhappiness of
others correlates with loneliness.
Review of Local Literate
(Angat) according to her study it is natural for young Filipinos to fall in love with
Facebook. They also need to develop good study habits first. There is also the
possibility of children being exposed to dangerous individuals online. Children can be
very trusting and vulnerable.
It can distract students from their studies. There is also no censorship or filtering
on Facebook; it can easily become a venue for gossip, backbiting and cyber-bullying.
(Cruz)More and more Filipinos are going online and forming their social networks
and here are the numbers that show this reality. Filipinos are seventh among all Asians
in terms of internet usage. Internet World Stats says the Philippines has 24 million
internet users, as of June 2009. There are now 12,528,400 Filipinos using Facebook, or
nearly 14 percent of the countrys population. The numbers continue to go up. No
wonder, Facebook is the countrys most popular website, according to Alexa. comScore
reports the Philippines is the most engaged in social networking. Especially, the students
who much engage in internet rather than studying.
(Dr. Garcia)Filipino students in now days tend to be more reliant on gadgets and
search engines even when doing home works. On my research 48% loss of bonding

time on real face to face interaction with family and friends, while 27% loss of privacy
and security, 20% suffered from emotional disturbance are 5 %. Impact of the internet on
education caught both educators and practitioners attention. The fusion of study and
internet sites opened the doors for positive and negative results. The effect of social
networking on the students study habits results in different ranges. Many studies show
different findings about the students who use social networking sites.
Justification of the Study
The research of Garcia Social Networking and Its Impact on Filipino Youth,
stressed that the students in now a days tend to be more reliant on gadgets and search
engine even when doing home works. According to his findings social networking site
has a big impact on our education


This chapter deals on the research method and procedure use in this study. It
includes the research design, population and sampling, research instrument validity and
reliability of the instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment.
Research design
The researchers used the survey technique which is under descriptive research
design. Survey technique, requires gathering of facts that requires sufficient and
accurate interpretation. This technique is used to collect demographic data about
respondents behavior, beliefs, opinions, interests and the like and then the gathered
data are analyzed, organized, and interpreted.
Population and Sampling
Subjects for the study were selected from different courses at Tomas Del Rosario
College. In total, 100 students were surveyed. Participation from each student was
voluntary, without extra credit incentive or other rewards.
Research Instrument
The research instrument of the study is a self-made questionnaire. The
questionnaire was made subjectively to determine the effects of tecnology on the
academic performance of the BSBA students, as well as with their emotion decoding and
identity protection. The first part of the questionnaire contains primary data about the
current status of the respondents such as their name, age, status, gender, year and
Validity and reliability of the Instrument
Valid instrument is that it measure what is supposed to measure. The extent to
which the results from it permit the researchers to draw warranted conclusions about the
characteristics of the individuals studied. Reliable instrument is one that gives consistent

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