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Mind Motivations &

The Australian Academy of Hypnosis Newsletter


October 2009
Greetings to one and all.
I am happy to advise that this is the twelfth
newsletter that I have produced so I have been
doing this, and thoroughly enjoying it, for a full
year now. It is interesting to scan back over the
newsletters since the first one in November 2008
and see how the newsletter has developed.
Thank you to everyone who has provided
feedback and suggestions for newsletter content.
It is particularly pleasing to review the emails and
comments that have been received about the
newsletter, to know that the time and effort is
appreciated and the information is valuable to the
readership. No opportunity to rest on our laurels
though please keep the suggestions and
inclusions coming!
This month Rick and I have once again
ventured east and conducted an Advance Mind
Dynamics course in Melbourne in the first half of
the month. The course was particularly well
received and thank you to all those who
attended. Toward the end of the month, Rick will
be doing a Power Hypnosis Course (4 Day) in
Sydney. This will be the first course that the
Academy has conducted in Sydney and we wish
Rick all the best for this one.
Other than the two trainings mentioned above,
things continue to be busy. John has another
Certificate course coming up in Perth followed by
a Power Hypnosis course. I will be doing a
Certificate course in Melbourne in November and

In Brief:

then Rick and I will do another Power

Hypnosis Course in December. Special
thanks go to Jai Waugh, the Victorian
Training Coordinator for all of her efforts
in arranging these courses. It makes
things much easier to have someone in
the city!

Next Monthly Training is

happening on 14 November
Subject is: Hypnosis for
Addiction and Substance
Two Day Traditional
Hypnosis course PERTH
7 & 8 November 2009

Interestingly, Ive recently read the

new Dan Brown novel The Lost
Symbol. This is his follow-up to the
Davinci Code (and not a bad read
either). What particularly grasped my
attention in this novel is a theme
concentrating on the scientific study of
the energy fields (and even mentioning
remote viewing).
In other words
magnetism! It is interesting that, for the
last 12 months, Rick and the Academy
have been focussing attention on this
and now a very popular novel is raising

Eight Day Certificate of

Hypnosis Course MELBOURNE.
22, 27, 28, 29 November
For further information
please contact Jai Waugh
contact details on lost page
of the newsletter.
Next Perth Power
Hypnosis Course PERTH
21, 22, 28, 29 Nov 09.
Next Four Day Power
Hypnosis Course
4, 5, 6, 7 December 2009.

Please enjoy this edition of the

newsletter and all take very good care!

PHWA meetings are held

at 10.00am on the 3rd
Sunday of every month at
The Stirling Regional
Business Centre, 45
Delawney Street Balcatta.
Each meeting is followed
by approximately a one to
two hour training session
on a variety of topics.

Thank you all and please stay well.

Michael Werts
Editor MM_Newsletter


Some Quotable Quotes:

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing
on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson
Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself.

Theodore T. Hunger
There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way.

Christopher Morley

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Newsletter October 2009


Meanwhile, a British surgeon in India, James Esdaile (1808 - 1859),

recognised the enormous benefits of hypnotism for pain relief and
performed hundreds of major operations using hypnosis as his
only anaesthetic.

The Truth About Hypnotherapy

Have you ever considered consulting with a

In more recent times, the recognised leading authority on clinical

hypnosis was Milton H Erickson, MD (1901 - 1980), a remarkable
man, and a highly effective psychotherapist.

I've written this short article to allay the fears and to dispel the
myths of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and for those of you who
could really benefit from a visit to a qualified hypnotherapist but
until now have held back because you don't know what it

...Over the years hypnosis has gained ground and respectability

within the medical profession. Although hypnosis and medicine
are not the same, they are now acknowledged as being related,
and it is only a matter of time before hypnosis becomes a
mainstream practice, as acceptable to the general public as a
visit to the dentist.

My name is David Masters, I'm from Rossendale, and I have been

in private practice as a Hypnotherapist and Personal
Development Trainer since 1994. That's nearly sixteen years seeing
clients from all walks of life, people who have consulted with me
about practically every conceivable symptom involving the
mysteries of the mind.

If you have ever considered consulting a hypnotherapist, then

hesitate no longer, you have nothing to fear and everything to
Frequent Questions and Answers

Phobia and irrational anxiety, Fear of Flying, Panic attack,

Confidence and Self-esteem, Pre-Exam Nerves, Motivation for
Slimming and Diet Control, and of course the age old request to
quit the habit of Smoking and not forgetting the host of sports
and athletic folk looking to enhance their sports performance.

How will I respond to being hypnotised, I'm not sure I could be

put under'?
Anyone of reasonable intelligence can be hypnotised and
contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as actually being
put under'.

But you know for every one of those people who have consulted
me or any other hypnotherapist for that matter, there are a
hundred more who could enjoy the benefits of hypnotherapy but
don't come because think that hypnosis is some sort of mind
trickery or stage act, they think that the therapist would soon
have them in his/her power and they would be made to do
something against their will.

At no time are you out of control or under the therapists power,

you are not asleep and you will be fully aware of the procedure
at all times. People who resist the procedure under the heading
of "my mind is too strong" are basically interfering with their own
therapy and usually have a misguided understanding of this kind
of assistance.

A history of Hypnotherapy

How does it feel to be hypnotised?

You wouldn't think that records of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

techniques had been around for hundreds of years, and that
some of the early pioneers of modern day medicine actually
used hypnosis to assist medical procedures of the day.

Good question and the short answer is, "different for everyone".
There is no such thing as a specific hypnotised feeling and the
way one experiences the state varies from person to person and
even from session to session. The depth of a person's hypnosis is
also dependent on a number of variables. Sometimes a very light
state is present and sometimes very deep, some people adapt
extremely well and quickly, others get better with practice.
Everyone who is willing to co-operate can experience good
quality hypnosis.

You wouldn't think that we can trace

references to trance inductions in
early writings as far back as 2600BC
the father
medicine, Wong Tai, wrote about
incantations and passes of the

At all times you are fully aware of the therapist's guidance

technique, no suggestion can be made that is not fully in your
best interest and within the parameters of the session.

And looking a little closer to home

and modern day records we find
that the ancient Egyptians used
another host of recorded information
shows that hypnotic procedures
crop up in ancient Greece. Indeed,
hupnos' is the Greek word for sleep,
although the actual state of hypnosis is very different from that of

You may feel somewhat detached and yet still remain in control;
consequently you could break the hypnotic state at any time.
(Not recommended if you want to succeed).
Quite often the client finds that the technique is so deeply
relaxing that sometimes they begin to enjoy natural sleep
patterns and a calmness that stays with them long after the end
of the session.
All in all most people would say that they didn't actually feel
hypnotised, they were fully aware of the therapists' presence,
voice and actions. Yet, all in all, they did know they felt much
more relaxed and have somehow become much more focused
on their goals.

The modern father of hypnosis was an

Austrian physician, Franz Mesmer (1734
- 1815), from whose name the word
'mesmerism' is derived.

Using hypnosis/hypnotherapy is far removed from the silly and
sometimes embarrassing types of suggestive techniques that are
used for stage/fun hypnosis and you will not be asked to do or
say anything that would cause you even the slightest
embarrassment. Make no mistake, your therapy sessions although
kept as light-hearted as possible are conducted in a professional
manner and a confidential relaxing environment..

Another forward thinker was John

Elliotson (1791 - 1868), a professor at
London University, who is famous for
introducing the stethoscope into
The next real pioneer of hypnosis in Britain appeared in the mid
nineteenth century with James Braid (1795 - 1860). Primarily a
Scottish eye doctor.

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Newsletter October 2009


Hypnosis: Beyond Mumbo-Jumbo

times you played tennis as perfectly as you ever had, or were

at that party and were in that wonderful charismatic state of
"being on". Everything came together. You were in the "zone",
a place of simultaneous relaxation and concentration -- a light
site of hypnosis.

Arianna Huffington, while speaking on Bill Maher's show last

week, made a wonderful point about the over-medication of
kids today and I couldn't agree more. In this pharma-crazed
culture we are overlooking some of the most effective means
of natural calming and focusing and the best of all may be
hypnosis. That's what I do as my life's work and it's great for
kids. Many people unfortunately are completely confused by
this amazing modality.

Hypnosis results from a process that relaxes the conscious,

analytical rational part of our thinking, and that allows the
subconscious or the "hard drive" of the bio-computer to absorb
positive suggestions that can alter our behavior and attitudes -if those suggestions are in agreement with our belief system.
The subconscious accepts all that it sees, hears, feels and
experiences without any critical filtering. In other words, it
simply records and never sorts through what it records to see if
those recordings make sense for our happiness or health.
Emotions often get intertwined with these "tapes" -- and voila!
Irrational behaviors that may be antithetical to our self-interest
show up. We then explain or "rationalize" them away with our
rational thinking part.

Whenever I speak before a large corporation I begin with the

same "gotcha" question. I start by asking the audience to raise
their hands if they've experienced hypnosis.
Invariably, a few hands go up. Some people explain that they
were hypnotized for smoking or weight loss. I then proceed to
point out that in fact, everyone in the audience has been
hypnotized many times in their lives, maybe tens of thousands
of times in actuality. We have all experienced hypnosis.

How Hypnosis Can Help Kids

Quizzical expressions follow, as the audience attempts to

understand. And that is my perfect opportunity to start the
dialogue about this most misunderstood of mental and physical
health subjects. Most people don't realize that hypnosis is a
naturally occurring state, and that all of us by necessity enter
into a level of what I call organic trance at different times of the
day. It is necessary for us because thinking tires our minds and
we need to take an occasional break and conserve energy.

Hypnosis works wonderfully for kids. Because children have

less subconscious clutter on their "hard drives" by virtue of
being younger, they can derive major benefits that can be
long-lasting. Kids are frequently in a hypnosis-like state of free
association as they pretend play and have stream-ofconsciousness fun. They all love the experience. Here are
some examples of kid subjects I've worked with recently:

Every time you daydream or immerse yourself in the storyline

of a good book or movie to the exclusion of everything around
you, you are in light hypnosis. Or, perhaps you're driving and
get to your regular exit -- but have no idea how you got there.
There you were, flawlessly operating a heavy piece of
machinery but unaware of your time in that vehicle. Familiar?

A couple who read of my work with kids came to me with

their six-year-old son, Ryan (all names have been changed),
who was having serious difficulties at school. Ryan was
fighting and biting other kids in his kindergarten class. The
teachers at his private school were so frustrated with his
behavior, they were close to removing him from school.
Medication was being considered.


Upon meeting Ryan, I saw a delightful child who needed

some strong and positive self-imagery to alter this pattern.
Ted, Ryan's dad, described the change. Simply put, Ryan's
behavior turned around almost immediately. A year of other
therapy didn't put a dent in his aggression. Hypnosis worked
amazingly well.

Hypnosis. The very word conjures up misconceptions; the

average person may believe that hypnosis lies somewhere
between Vegas and Voodoo.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
First recognized by the American Medical Association in the
1950s, hypnosis is the most under-appreciated and
misunderstood mental and physical health modality, yet it
offers amazing hope for extremely powerful physical and
emotional transformations for adults and kids alike. It's not just
for weight loss and smoking. It can help your kids concentrate,
remove fears, be better athletes, and improve social skills, to
name a few.

How did I do it? After finding out that his favorite superheroes
were the Power Rangers, I easily placed Ryan in hypnosis,
and within a few minutes I had him in the fantasy of a Power
Rangers conference in which they were discussing the addition
of a new team member. The Rangers, I told him, wanted a new
member who had to be well behaved and play nicely with all.
This obviously lit Ryan up, and I had him hypnotically repeat
that he would play nicely with everybody. The fantasy worked.
Ryan's teachers (unaware of the hypnosis) immediately
reported a dramatic change in his attitude, and he's been great
ever since. He's cooperating because he knew the Rangers
want him in the group.

The definition of hypnosis I use most often is "a state of deep

relaxation coupled with intense focus and concentration."
Sounds oxymoronic, right? How can one be relaxed and
focused at the same time? It seems as if one must display
deep concentration to do certain things well. But think of the

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Newsletter October 2009


Then there's Richard who, though bright, was flunking out of

his senior year in high school. His mother said he was at the
lowest emotional point that she had ever seen him. He had
been diagnosed with ADD and was on Concerta. After a few
empowering sessions that helped him see himself as a
powerful individual, he immediately went on to finish his
schoolwork. On his own he asked to stop taking Concerta, and
now he feels focused, in charge and relaxed. According to his
mom, Maria, "He's not the same kid I saw before hypnosis.
Now he's happier, more self-confident and much less
argumentative. He's working with himself, not against himself."

them and their physical health. I do not believe that all ADD
diagnoses are wrong, but many may be.
It's tempting to think that serious problems, especially those
that affect the happiness of the children we love, must by
necessity have complicated solutions. Contrary to that idea,
however, my work in the field of hypnosis has convinced me
that many of these challenges can be overcome easily and in a
long lasting way by this very simple approach, tapping into a
natural power that resides in each one of us -- even the
youngest boys and girls. On a personal level, and as a proud
father myself, I find it enormously fulfilling to be able to help
these wonderful children overcome daunting problems and to
achieve the happiness they deserve in life without chemistry
and its side effects.

This case and others give rise to the question of whether

certain kids may experience improvements in focus and
concentration by seeking alternative means. The great thing
about hypnosis is that it can help a kid improve without a drop
of medicine. I often wonder if a young Leonardo da Vinci were
alive today, would he be labeled with ADD and put on Ritalin?
Bright multi-level thinkers are often confused with those who
cannot think "properly" and we may be doing a disservice to

ROBERT PARGAMENT is a Certified Hypnotist and a

Faculty member of The National Guild of Hypnotists and
lectures on stress reduction and motivation with Hypnosis. He
has appeared on WABC TV's Eyewitness News on radio and
in many major publications including Parenting magazines.

ACA hypnosis
12:00p.m. 21st August 2009

TV show A Current Affair has landed itself in hot water with the broadcasting regulator for trying to hypnotise viewers.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority has found that ACA breached the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice
by "broadcasting a program that was likely, in all the circumstances, to be designed to induce a hypnotic state in viewers".
The segment, titled Think Slim, was broadcast on Channel Nine in October 2008.
The program's host, the reporter and the man who conducted the hypnotherapy all told viewers the segment would contain hypnotherapy
which ended up lasting about a minute.
ACMA said through a press release that Nine had breached the code.
"The remarks made throughout the segment, in addition to the actual short hypnotherapy session that concluded the segment, clearly
indicate that the segment was intended to induce a hypnotic state in viewers and help them lose weight," the statement read.
Nine also breached the code by not responding to a written complaint by a viewer.
Nine has told ACMA has circulated the findings to all relevant staff and will reference in training sessions scheduled for September.
ACMA is satisfied with the response and will continue to monitor Nine.

Experience is a jewel, and it had need be so, for it is often purchased at an infinite rate.
William Shakespeare
Pick up a grain a day and add to your heap. You will soon learn, by happy experience, the power of littles
as applied to intellectual processes and gains.
John S. Hart

That learning which thou gettest by thy own observation and experience, is far beyond
that which thou gettest by precept; as the knowledge of a traveler exceeds that which is
got by reading.
Thomas Kempis

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Newsletter October 2009


Theme park offers hypnotherapy for parents

August 25, 2009 1:17 PM

Parents who are too scared to go on a roller coaster with their children are being offered a
session with a hypnotherapist by a UK theme park.
Bosses at Chessington World of Adventures say they have seen an increase in the number of
parents who are too scared to go on rides, and who offer to hold the bags as they watch their family
with sweaty palms and a knot in their stomach.
Now the attraction is offering scaredy cat parents who suffer roller coaster phobia, a session with a
hypnotherapist to beat their fears and get on the rides.
While they are in there the hypnotherapist may also try to convince them it is perfectly acceptable to
pay 6 for a hot dog if at a theme park cafe.
David Smith of Chessington World of Adventures said: "We understand that guests can find roller coasters frightening, however we pride ourselves on
being a family attraction, so its just as important for adults to enjoy themselves as much as children.
"We hope that we can help parents overcome their coaster phobia and let their hair down on some our of family friendly coasters."
Stephen Rigby, a registered hypnotherapist who will be running the session for scaredy cat parents added: "Often parents force themselves to go on a
ride so that they dont disappoint their children, and they will try many things to overcome their fear, such as screaming or even closing their eyes for the
whole ride.
"Whilst these methods may help them get through the ride, we want to help them sit back and enjoy it!"


Hypnosis Going Mainstream: Doctors Urged to Use Hypnosis to Alleviate

Patient Pain During Some Procedures
Sunday, August 23, 2009 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
pain relief. Since it does not interfere with the workings of the body, the
patient recovers faster, too," he said. "It is also extremely powerful as a
means of pain relief. Hypnosis has been accepted and rejected
because people are nervous of it. They think it's either too powerful or
not powerful enough, but, although the public are skeptical, the hardest
part of the procedure is getting other doctors to accept it."

(NaturalNews) A psychiatric researcher has called upon the United

Kingdom's medical regulatory body to add hypnotherapy to its list of
approved treatments for a much wider variety of conditions, in a
presentation at a joint conference of the joint conference of the Royal
Society of Medicine, the British Society of Clinical and Academic
Hypnosis and the British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis

Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville of Liege University Hospital in Belgium

said that she has carried out more than 6,000 operations using a
combination of hypnosis and local anesthesia.

"It is time for hypnosis to work its way into the mainstream of British
medicine," said David Spiegel of Stanford University. "There is solid
science behind what sounds like mysticism and we need to get that
message across to the bodies that influence this area. Hypnosis has no
negative side-effects."

"The local anesthetic is used only to deaden the surface of the skin
while a scalpel slices through it. It has no effect inside the body," she
said. "The patient is conscious throughout the operation and this helps
the doctor and patient work together. The patient may have to move
during an operation and it's simple to get them to do so if they remain
conscious. We've even done a hysterectomy using the procedure."

Spiegel said that hypnosis is an effective treatment for a wide

spectrum of conditions including allergies, high blood pressure and
pain. He also urged that the procedure be used in lieu of anesthesia
during some surgeries.

Sources for this story include:

"It makes operations quicker, as the patient is able to talk to the

surgeon as the operation proceeds, and it is cheaper than conventional

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Newsletter October 2009


Learn Traditional Somnambulism

Certificate of Traditional Hypnosis

Due to the academies expansion into the Eastern States and various overseas commitments, after this
workshop and the November 4 Day Power Hypnosis training, apart from guest assistance with John
Vernes, these will be my last WA trainings.
Announcing a special Two Day Practical Training to be conducted in the training rooms at
Technology Park Bentley on Saturday and Sunday the 7th and 8th of November from 9.30am
until 4.30pm. Lunch Included both days Only $385 inc GST for two days.
These are two distinctly new methods that I have not taught before; they are not Magnetism or
Hypnotic Fascination and can be used to ensure that your inductions are deep and effective. This
special training is only available to the first 30 students who have already completed their Advanced
Certificate of Hypnosis and want to take their induction skills to a whole new level.
This training focuses on inducing deep trance fast with or without speaking by energetic and physical
manipulations. The two day workshop has its own training manual, but the in class component is
completely practical; comprising of tuition, demonstrations, and supervised practice of the following

Mesmers Ethereal Fluid Wasnt a Liquid: - Enhance your hypnosis skills to a whole new level;
learn exactly what Anton Mesmers Universal Fluid is and how to transmit it into other people
knowingly or covertly.

Somnambulism: - Somnambulism resulted from Puysegur adapting the Animal Magnetism

techniques he learned from Mesmer. The trance depths that Puysegur could induce are legendary,
and named by him Somnambulism. Somnambulistic trance is tantamount to sleep. Puysegurs original
method induces fast trance depth down to Coma States. Heres your chance to learn how.

Silent Hypnosis: - These techniques allow trance induction to begin before your client even knows
that you have begun.
The above training awards a Certificate of Traditional Hypnosis and is only available to students
who have completed the Power Hypnosis Training and the Advanced Certificate of Hypnosis training.

4 Day Power Hypnosis Training

(First Advanced Hypnosis Certificate Component)
The next 4 Day Power Hypnosis training will be conducted on Sat, Sun 21st, & 22nd, and Sat, Sun
28th & 29th of November. This will also be the final Advanced Certificate of Hypnosis training that I will
conduct in WA before John takes the reins 100%. This training awards a Certificate of Power
Hypnosis and a Certificate of Hypnotic Fascination. It is a requirement for the Certificate of
Advanced Hypnosis but can be attended as a stand-alone training by any student who has completed
their Certificate of Hypnosis training.

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Newsletter October 2009


How to Register
To secure your place for either of these trainings; please complete the relevant application forms and
send them with your cheque or money order made payable to Mind Motivations, to The Australian
Academy of Hypnosis; PO Box 1169. Joondalup DC. WA 6919. Upon receipt of your application form
and payment a receipt and acceptance letter will be posted to you.
The fee for the Traditional Hypnosis Two Day training is $440 inc GST.
Couples (married or co habituating) Traditional Hypnosis only; $350 each inc GST = $700 inc GST.
The fee for the 4 Day Power Hypnosis training 1st component of the Certificate of Advanced Hypnosis
is $1320 for the 4 Day component. If you are intending to complete the entire Advanced Certificate of
Hypnosis you will also need to complete the 12 on-going monthly trainings. The fees for on-going
training must be paid separately to John Vernes either $990 if pre paid in full (saves $450) or $120
payable on the day.
Payment scan be made via bank transfer into the following account; Mind Motivations;
Commonwealth Bank; BSB, 064 012; A/C No 10131014
Credit Card payments can be made but do attract a $10 surcharge. Credit Card Payments will appear
on your statement as Direct Hypnosis. To pay by credit card please complete the details below and
return this form with your application form.
I (write name as it appears on the card)
authorise Direct Hypnosis to charge my credit card as the details appear below the sum of
$..................................... (please fill in amount) for (delete non applicable workshop)
November: Power Hypnosis Training
November: Certificate of Traditional Hypnosis
Credit Card Type.



American Express (please circle)

Name on Card. ..........................................................................................................................

Expiry Date .............../...................
CCV No: The last 3 digits of the number on the back of the card


Signed .................................................................................... Date .............................................

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Newsletter October 2009


Certificate of Traditional Hypnosis

Registration Form
Please find enclosed my application and payment, or credit card details, to enrol me for the Two Day
Certificate of Traditional Hypnosis Training to be conducted at Technology Park on Saturday and
Sunday the 7th and 8th of November 2009.

Name ........................................................................................................................................................
Address .....................................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................... Post Code .....................................
If you have paid by Direct Bank Deposit, please sign here .......................................................................
If you want to pay with your credit card please complete and return the details on page 2
Upon processing your application, an acceptance letter and receipt will be mailed to you.

We look forward to seeing you there

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Newsletter October 2009


Hypnosis Plays Role in Improving Self-Confidence

Confidence is an
important aspect of a person's life.
Confidence provides a foundation for
motivated, and feeling good about
yourself. Confidence is something
everyone should work on improving
because it can dramatically change a
person's life for the better. Believing in
yourself and your abilities will help you
friendships, and feel better about yourself.
Hypnosis has shown to help people boost
their confidence. Using hypnotherapy to
increase self-confidence is quick, easy,
and has lasting results.

Recently, self-hypnosis has become a

popular form of building self-confidence
(Elliott). It is highly effective, safe, and
simple to incorporate into ones everyday
life. Lack of confidence is similar to
uncertainty; hypnosis helps people
overcome fears so that they remove
uncertainty and become more confident.
Hypnosis is used to target negative
subconscious feelings and it works by
replacing them and enforcing positive
thoughts and emotions. In relation to
confidence, hypnosis reprograms any
anxiety or doubt you may feel and helps
you think in a more positive and confident

Self-confidence is defined as belief in

oneself and one's powers and abilities.
Confidence is the quality or state of being
certain (Merriam-Webster). For some
people, confidence seems to be an innate
quality, something they are born with.
However, studies have shown that people
can work on their confidence and improve
it with certain exercises. Improving one's
confidence can improve communication
and self-control, which can greatly impact
a person's life.

A study was performed to test the

effects of hypnosis on the self-confidence
of 22 university faculty (Stanton, 1995).
All participants were evaluated based on
confidence before the use of hypnosis.
Treatment consisted of hypnosis involving
visualizations of confidence, both feeling
confident and visualizing themselves as
being confident. Relaxation training was
also used to reduce any fears or anxiety.
Confidence levels were evaluated
immediately following the program and
during a six-month follow-up. Evaluations
showed that all 22 participants had

improved and sustained levels of

confidence following the study and during
the follow-up evaluation.
This study shows that hypnosis is an
effective tool to use in increasing
confidence. Hypnosis is easy to learn and
administer. Simple positive suggestions
used during hypnosis can have a
profound effect on one's confidence.
Confidence is helpful in so many areas of
life. This study and information on
hypnosis shows that many people can
benefit from hypnosis in relation to
confidence. Hypnosis not only gives a
person a boost in confidence, but it has
lasting results and helps improve
confidence long into the future.


Sleepless in Minnesota: Beating insomnia with hypnosis

3. Hypnoidal

Insomnia. For those who have suffered, even the thought

creates waves of uncomfortable thoughts and emotions. Sleep
is vital to health, for both the body and the mind. Many health
issues have been linked to lack of adequate sleep, including
obesity, anxiety, depression, heart problems, and high blood

4. Unconscious sleep
In stage 1, you are still using your conscious mind actively,
thinking about your day, perhaps what you will be doing
tomorrow, etc. Stage 1 allows your conscious mind to wind

There are two common types of insomnia: the inability to fall

asleep when desired, and the inability to stay asleep throughout
the night. Either pattern of insomnia creates sleep deprivation.
When these conditions happen over a long term, our ability to
function well during the day is considerably compromised,
leading to disruption of basic life functions. In this article, we
will explore the stages of a normal sleep cycle, and how to use
hypnosis to resolve the first type of insomnia, difficulty falling

In stage 2, whether you are aware of it or not, your mind starts

to associate your thoughts with images of relaxation. You may
find yourself getting "lost" in your thoughts in this stage,
repeating the same thought over and over. This happens when
your processes begin to shift from the conscious to the
In stage 3, you enter the hypnoidal state. This is that "I'm not
quite awake and not quite asleep" phase. It is a form of
hypnosis (which is one reason why hypnosis can be so helpful
in overcoming insomnia). In this stage you disassociate from
your body, muscles relax, you lose perception of time, and you
experience amnesia. This is why you're never quite sure
exactly when you fall asleep.

In the follow up article, we will explore what happens in the

second type of insomnia (difficulty remaining asleep), and how
to use hypnosis to help resolve that.
What is sleep, and what happens during a normal sleep
cycle? There are four stages to sleep:

In stage 4, you enter true, unconscious sleep, and begin to

experience the 90 minute sleep cycles that heal, restore and

1. Thinking
2. Fantasy

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remember from the last article that as you are falling asleep,
you pass through a stage that is essentially hypnosis, and
therefore just before you fall asleep is a great time to give
yourself suggestion. You are actually giving yourself
suggestions all the time--all that self talk you do, aloud or in
your head, is all suggestion. And because we trust ourselves
implicitly, suggestions that we give to ourselves are more likely
to be accepted and acted upon than any other. So, the first
strategy for eliminating this type of insomnia is to give yourself a
suggestion, just prior to falling asleep, that you will sleep
deeply, soundly and restfully throughout the night, straight
through until your desired waking time in the morning. Suggest
to yourself that, if there are any unresolved issues that need
your attention, the mind will hold those until your alarm goes off
in the morning, because at that time you will actually be able to
do something about those issues.

replenish the mind and body. In this stage, you are unaware of
your surroundings.
Now let's examine the first type of insomnia, inability to fall
asleep, and how hypnosis can help. First, for the person who
has difficulty falling asleep, what often happens is the transition
from thinking to fantasy doesn't occur easily, or they get stuck in
the thinking stage. Therefore the mind cannot continue down
into the hypnoidal stage and finally to unconscious sleep.
Hypnosis is effective in taking the mind directly from full waking
alertness directly to the hypnoidal stage, by-passing the
thinking phase and possibly the fantasy stage completely.
Since the intention is set to fall asleep, and the mind and body
associate the hypnoidal stage with continuing into unconscious
sleep, this is an effective strategy.
The technique would involve inducing self-hypnosis once
you have set your intention is to fall asleep, and then to
continue to deepen the self-hypnotic state until the mind shifts
from conscious to unconscious processes, as described in
Stage 2, above. Purposely relax your body to progressively
deeper states. Include images of relaxation in your selfhypnosis state, imagining a vacation or something or
someplace very relaxing to you, to create the feelings
associated with the fantasy stage. Once you have hypnotized
yourself deeply enough, your mind will follow its pattern from
hypnoidal into unconscious sleep. This is in fact very simple to
do in practice and you can condition yourself to self hypnosis
very quickly.

You may give yourself suggestion verbally, either out loud or

in your head, or you may write them down. Written suggestions
can be even more effective than verbal, because handwriting is
what is called an ideomotor function--it is a more direct pipeline
to your subconscious mind. Also, if you both write and say your
suggestions, you are involving both the auditory (hearing) and
the kinesthetic (feeling) pathways in the mind.
If you wake in the night despite this, you then need a
strategy for falling back asleep, and that strategy will be most
effective if it preoccupies your conscious mind so that it cannot
move into the thinking stage. This is the purpose of the agesold "counting sheep" strategy--to occupy and bore your
conscious mind so that it allows your subconscious processes
to take over and pull you down into sleep. If you condition
yourself to a self-hypnosis induction, for example the words "54-3-2-1-0, deep sleep," your mind will already be trained to
enter the hypnosis state upon that command (or any other
induction phrase you choose.) Remember that hypnosis is part
of the falling asleep process. If you set your intention to return
to sleep, and not to stay in hypnosis, and have adequately
conditioned yourself to the self-hypnosis induction, repeating
that induction a few times will create the state of hypnosis. With
your intention properly set to return to sleep, then you will.
While this takes practice and the learning of a new skill, once
you have created this conditioning, you will be amazed at how
quick and effective it can be at inducing sleep.

If you need help with learning self-hypnosis, or you have a

stubborn case of insomnia, seek the help of a qualified
hypnotherapist. Insomnia responds very well to hypnosis, and
once you learn how to use this tool, you will have a bedtime
friend for life.
Another common type of insomnia is waking during the night,
either repeatedly, or waking once and not being able to return
to sleep. Can hypnosis work for that type of insomnia as well?
It helps to understand what would cause a person to wake up
once they have fallen asleep (before their desired waking time).
The number one culprit is worry. Worry about something you
are aware of, or even something that you are unaware of--the
concern may exist only at a subconscious level. In either case,
Sweet dreams!


Definition of Hypnosis
Hypnosis: A part of healing from ancient times. The induction of trance states and the use of therapeutic suggestion were a central feature of the
early Greek healing temples, and variations of these techniques were practiced throughout the ancient world.
Modern hypnosis began in the eighteenth century with Franz Anton Mesmer, who used what he called "magnetic healing" to treat a variety of
psychological and psychophysiological disorders, such as hysterical blindness, paralysis, headaches, and joint pains. Since then, the fortunes of
hypnosis have ebbed and flowed. Freud, at first, found it extremely effective in treating hysteria and then, troubled by the sudden emergence of
powerful emotions in his patients and his own difficulty with its use, abandoned it.
In the past 50 years, however, hypnosis has experienced a resurgence, first with physicians and dentists and more recently with psychologists and
other mental health professionals. Today, it is widely used for addictions, such as smoking and drug use, for pain controls, and for phobias, such
as the fear of flying.
Hypnosis is frequently used either independently or in concert with other treatment, including the management of pain, reduction of bleeding in
hemophiliacs, stabilization of blood sugar in diabetics, reduction in severity of attacks of hay fever and asthma, increased breast size, the cure of
warts, the production of skin blisters and bruises, and control of reaction to allergies such as poison ivy and certain foods.
The term hypnosis comes from the name of Hypnos, the ancient god of dreams
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Using Unique Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Techniques to Address Issues

with Eating

There are an ever-increasing number of people who have

issues with eating, drinking and weight control in our culture.
The World Health Organization predicts there will be 2.3 billion
overweight adults in the world by 2015 and more than 700
million of them will be obese.

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are more effective interventions for

weight loss, and eating and drinking issues, as they aim to address
and minimise unhelpful beliefs and issues.
Hypnosis, combined with suggestion therapy will enable you to
move on from unhelpful thought patterns within just one session. It
will provide you with a greater sense of self; it will boost selfconfidence, willpower and self-esteem; it will help you build on your

In response to what some describe as the obesity epidemic, there

are now an overwhelming number
of diets and magic cures and
quick fixes advertised in the
media and on the internet, but
unfortunately many of them simply
do not work. This is because they
fail to address the very reasons
why you have issues with food and

Serious Issues with Eating or Drinking or Eating Disorders

If your eating or drinking problem is more serious, then you are not
alone: Recent reports in the UK stated that at least 1.1 million
people in the UK alone are affected by an eating disorder, with
young people in the age-group 14-25 being at the highest risk of
developing this type of illness.

How Phoenix Hypnosis and

Hypnotherapy Can Help you wherever you live in the Costas

Beat currently believes the number of people receiving treatment

for anorexia or bulimia to be near to 90,000, while many more
people have eating disorders undiagnosed, in particular those with
bulimia nervosa.

The majority of people who have these problems with their eating
and drinking also have a variety of other issues which impact upon
themselves, some of these may be the following:

If you have a more serious long term problem with your eating or
drinking, or perhaps you have an eating disorder such as bulimia or
anorexia, then it is likely that you would benefit most from a course
of analytical hypnotherapy (pure-hypnoanalysis). This type of
therapy would provide you with all the benefits of hypnosis with
suggestion therapy, whilst also helping you to fully resolve your
issues with eating and self-image, leaving you free to enjoy a more
stable and relaxed approach to eating and drinking.

Poor self- confidence

Lack of exercise
Low self-esteem
High stress levels
Lack of, or weak willpower
Poor, and/or factually inaccurate self and body image
'Portion distortion' the name being applied to our lack of
awareness of correct portion sizes in our 'super-size' culture
. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0

Using hypnosis for health
August 21, 9:26 AM

Jacksonville Alternative Medicine Examiner

Hypnosis is attentive, intense, focused

concentration. Hypnosis can be used to
accentuate the positive, lower blood
pressure, achieve pain relief, reduce stress,
relieve anxiety, promote relaxation, promote
ease in learning, help weight loss, and stop
Self-hypnosis strategies are easy to learn.
One of the simplest techniques for induction
into hypnosis is the Spiegel Eye Roll. It is
as simple as looking up and while looking up
to close your eyes and then, perhaps
imagining a beautiful place out in nature.

Robert Weimar

Don't use hypnosis if you
are driving a car, operating machinery or
have to maintain full alertness--like watching
the kids.
The induction can be as simple as one, two,
three with an eye roll--that is looking up and
while looking up to close your eyes-- and
three , two, one with an eye roll to come out
of hypnosis--feeling good today and better
tomorrow! The Spiegel eye roll technique
can also be used to determine if you are a
good subject for hypnosis. The more white
of the eye you see when a person is asked

to look up and to slowly close their eyes, the

more likely you have a good subject in
What goes in between the eye rolls has to
be simple and positive--simple statements
that are positively worded. A good script
book to utilize is The Self-talk Solution , by
Shad Helmstetter. This book is not a book
about hypnosis, but rather, a book based on
Rational Emotive Psychotherapy, and yet
each example of self-talk is simply stated
and positively worded.

o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oMind Motivations
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Some Women Giving

HypnoBirthing a Try

"When you're looking at natural childbirth, it's just so much better

for mom and baby, and if you have a calm and relaxed mother
throughout the entire pregnancy, you are actually growing a calm
and relaxed baby," said hypnotherapist Pauline Rzepecki.
Rzepecki teaches moms to be to follow the natural instinct that
comes with childbirth. Using deep relaxation, visualization and self
hypnosis, she says she takes the fear out of labor.

FOX 2 News

Juanelle Degiulio tried fertility treatments for years, but believes it's
hypnotherapy that helped her get pregnant.

"I went through, I think it was four, four accelerated sessions with
Pauline, and then here we are with twins and we're very excited,"
Degiulio said.

For many women, pregnancy and

childbirth can be a struggle. While
conventional medicine can offer hope
through infertility treatments, some
women are using alternative methods
to get pregnant and deliver their
babies .

"But switching the affirmations that they may be saying to

themselves, 'I'll never get pregnant', to 'I do have a fertile body',"
Rzepecki said.
There's no scientific proof that hypnotherapy treats infertility, but
Beaumont fertility specialist Dr. William Keye says it can't hurt.

Some local mothers are saying forget

the drugs. Instead, take the pain and
fear out of giving birth with hypnosis.
This is what Tasha Schurgin believes
helped her through 36 hours of labor.
It's called HypnoBirthing, a type of hypnosis that teaches pregnant
women how to get past the pain.

"Hypnosis can change body chemistry, body's hormones, the

body's immune response, so it wouldn't be surprising that in some
situations that hypnosis could be of some value," Keye said.
Schurgin says she looks at her baby girl and needs no other proof
to know that HypnoBirthing does work. "It was definitely a long
process, but it was well worth it," she said.

"It just gave me the confidence to go through the process without

using any drugs or anything. I just wanted a natural, healthy
pregnancy and delivery," said Schurgin.

To learn more about HypnoBirthing, visit

Quick Snippet.

Quick Snippet 2.

Early Hypno-history

What's in a Name?

People have been entering hypnotic-type trances for thousands and

thousands of years; various forms of meditation play an important role
in many cultures' religions. But the scientific conception of hypnotism
wasn't born until the late 1700s.

James Braid, a 19th-century Scottish surgeon, originated the terms

"hypnotism" and "hypnosis" based on the word hypnos, which is
Greek for "to sleep." Braid and other scientists of the era, such as
Ambroise-Auguste Liebeault, Hippolyte Bernheim and J.M.
Charcot, theorized that hypnosis is not a force inflicted by the
hypnotist, but a combination of psychologically mediated responses
to suggestions.

The father of modern hypnotism is Franz Mesmer, an Austrian

physician. Mesmer believed hypnosis to be a mystical force flowing
from the hypnotist into the subject (he called it "animal magnetism").
Although critics quickly dismissed the magical element of his theory,
Mesmer's assumption, that the power behind hypnosis came from the
hypnotist and was in some way inflicted upon the subject, took hold for
some time. Hypnosis was originally known as mesmerism, after
Mesmer, and we still use its derivative, "mesmerize," today.

In the proper nomenclature, hypnosis refers to the trance state itself,

and hypnotism refers to the act of inducing this state and to the
study of this state. A hypnotist is someone who induces the state of
hypnosis, and a hypnotherapist is a person who induces hypnosis
to treat physical or mental illnesses.

Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: DEFINITION: hypnosis

State that resembles sleep but is induced by a person (the hypnotist) whose suggestions are readily accepted by
the subject. The hypnotized individual seems to respond in an uncritical, automatic fashion, ignoring aspects of
the environment (e.g., sights, sounds) not pointed out by the hypnotist. Even the subject's memory and awareness
of self may be altered by suggestion, and the effects of the suggestions may be extended (posthypnotically) into
the subject's subsequent waking activity. The history of hypnotism is as old as that of sorcery and magic. It was
popularized in the 18th century by Franz Anton Mesmer (as "mesmerism") and was studied in the 19th century by
the Scottish surgeon James Braid (1795 1860). Sigmund Freud relied on it in exploring the unconscious, and it
eventually came to be recognized in medicine and psychology as useful in helping to calm or anesthetize patients,
modify unwanted behaviours, and uncover repressed memories. There remains no generally acceptable
explanation for hypnosis, though one prominent theory focuses on the possibility of discrete dissociative states
affecting portions of consciousness.
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St. John abuzz over teammates' hypnosis
After the St. John High School boys
team had won the state basketball
championship two years ago and was
runner-up last year, the team went just
7-6 through last week.
So the coach tried
different: hypnotism.


Most team members underwent two

45-minute sessions last week to
increase their concentration and focus.
It's not clear what happened during the
sessions; the therapist who led them
wouldn't say, and the coach did not
return phone calls.
Monday night, the school board voted
to stop the sessions.
"It won't be going on any more at
school," said superintendent James
Kenworthy. "If parents want their child
to do that, they can contact the
licensed therapist on their own."
Hypnotizing students perhaps sends
the wrong message to students and
surrounding schools, said Kenworthy,
who has requested a transcript of the
"At the high school level, it's not
appropriate. We are trying to get kids to
understand who they are and what they
are. It may give kids a mixed message
if you can't do it on your own."
Winning basketball teams are a
tradition in St. John, a town of 1,200
about 90 miles northwest of Wichita.
Kenworthy said the hypnotism of the
Class 1A team has been the talk of the
Coach Clint Kinnamon had sought
the help of Carl Feril, a Church of
Christ minister who is also a clinical
family and marriage therapist.

He did say he has worked for 20

years with people suffering from
anxiety disorders and depression.

the clause of anabolic steroids . . .

issues with drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
I guess we have not encountered the
question. It's just never come up," said
Gary Musselman, executive director of
the Kansas State High School Activities
Association Musselman.

Players' parents received letters last

week asking them to sign permission
slips for their sons to participate in the

Scott Ward, a sports psychologist

with the University of Kansas, said
hypnosis is not believed to be that
effective in sports.

School board member and parent

Mitch Minnis gave his permission.

"When I think of hypnotism I think of

someone going into a comedy club and
being hypnotized to cluck like a
chicken," Ward said. "It's not used in
sports with the leading athletes."

parental consent," Feril said. "I cannot

confirm or deny I work with those

"My son says, 'Dad, it's pretty cool.

It's hypnotism!' We saw it as more of
helping the kids with focus and
concentration," he said. "Ninety-nine
percent of the boys bought into it."
Minnis said the letter said that the
hypnosis wasn't mandatory, so he
wasn't concerned.
"If they were blindfolding kids and
making them walk off the south pier of
town, I might be concerned," Minnis
said. "But I think this is a novel
approach and it might even help them
do good in school work if they know
what buttons to push to concentrate."
At least one parent had concerns.
"We just asked our son not to
participate and we didn't sign the
paper," said Merlin Spare, a school
board member and St. John's track and
cross country coach.
"I am a coach myself and I try to
teach kids to be visionary and believe
in what they are doing," Spare said. "I
think a person who is solid on their feet
doesn't have to do this. I think it is
something a person could rely on and
become hooked to."

Feril would not discuss what

happened during the team's sessions,
therapist/client relationship.

The Kansas State High School

Activities Association has strict rules
about what players can and cannot do.
But hypnosis isn't mentioned in the

"Any client I work with, particularly a

minor, would always have a written

"We have rules . . . about

performance-enhancing substances -

On the other hand, visualization and

imagery techniques frequently are
"The premise of sports psychology is
to give power to the athlete and have
them getting more confident and
motivated using the tools they have
within themselves," Ward said. "But
really, when was the last time you saw
Kobe Bryant or Peyton Manning stick
their finger to the palm of their hand to
get ready for the next play? I do not
believe or encourage anybody to use
hypnotis m."
Tuesday night, the St. John Tigers
played the Western Plains Bobcats in
Ransom. They won 53-43.
Before the game, Bobcats assistant
coach Jerod Horchem was a bit
incredul ous when he heard about the
"Personally, I'm not concerned,"
Horchem said. "If we did something like
that - we'd probably hypnotize our
guys, they'd fall asleep and never wake
up. But if that would make them shoot
better and I could do that in the next 10
minutes, then get me a watch on a
"What it all comes down to is playing
hard. You look for things that will bond
the team. It doesn't matter what it is, if it
helps, that's good."

Id be interested to know what the readership thought of this using hypnosis for school aged team based
sport performance improvement. Is it ok? Is it going too far? Is it fair?
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Derren Brown Aims to Control The Nation

The next Event is almost upon us. This time, having completely
confused everyone with his lottery prediction stunt, Derren Brown will
attempt to make viewers become stuck to their sofa.

Presumably this will be an exercise in mild, mass hypnosis, with

evening TV-watchers being probably the most suggestible quarry
Brown could encounter. Theyre already wilfully absorbing subliminal
alongside blatant advertising and being spoon-fed garbled nonsense as
they recline in complete abandon. No doubt a short film containing
subliminal, split-second suggestions to compel you to stay where you
are will do the job without hindrance.

Several Twitter-wags have already made the amusing point that its
not actually too much of a feat, this one. After all, most people who
spend Friday night watching the box on a Friday night are either halfasleep from working too hard during the day or are semi-comatose on a
substance of their choice, be it hyperskunk, Lambrini or jellies. Even if
theyre fresh and attentive, if youre watching TV, youre already in a
situation whereby staying on your bottom is far easier than actively
using a complex system comprised of limbs, muscles, bone and
tendons to get up on your feet. So all Brown really needs to do is
remind us that were probably in the best place we possibly could be
and that theres really no point in moving.

The success of the experiment will ultimately depend entirely on

whether or not people are generally sceptical or genuinely interested to
see how it goes. If theyre in the latter camp ie, willing to sit and watch
without cynically questioning whats going on hes likely to have his
way and cement his status as the UKs premier warlock.
Worth a watch, whether youre into it or think its all piffl


Mass Mind Control is Upon Us - It's Time to Awaken Your Consciousness

Many people may not realize that when they turn

on the television in their home, what they see as a
constant flow of images is actually flickering.
Although we do not see this consciously, the
repetitive pattern of flickering images creates a
state that is similar to hypnosis in the television
viewer. Studies by researcher Herbert Krugman
have shown that within 30 seconds of television
viewing, brain waves switch from predominantly
beta waves, indicating alert and conscious
attention, to predominantly alpha waves, indicating
an unfocused, receptive lack of attention. The brain's left hemisphere,
which processes information logically and analytically, tunes out while the
person is watching TV, while the right hemisphere of the brain, which
processes information emotionally and non-critically, is allowed to function
without hindrance. Due to this phenomenon, television transmits
information, which is not actively thought about at the time of exposure,
much like hypnosis. When viewing television, we do not consciously
rationalize the information resonating within our unconscious depths at
the time of transmission and the viewer becomes more open and
Because of the passive, hypnosis-like viewing of television as well as its
predominance in the homes of nearly all Americans, the television is one
of the most powerful tools used today. As of 2009, six companies
controlled all of the major media outlets in the United States. That is a
very small number of people controlling all of the information that streams
into millions of homes across America each day through their television
sets. In recent years, a number of investigations and exposes have
revealed that these giants' silence independent voices and investigations,
discourage journalism that interferes with the agendas of special
interests, and eliminate diversity in the information they provide. Because
of the control that these companies have over the information that most
Americans receive on a daily basis, these criticisms and revelations are
never known by most of the American public.
These media giants work hand and glove with the federal government
as well as many multinational corporations to disseminate carefully
planned messages. Through the television and other forms of media, they
tell you what to think about, what to worry about, what to smile about, and
what to be scared of. They have sold the public on the idea of the
newscaster being an extension of the family, a trusted figure who
encourages the acceptance of the information being presented as true
and accurate. In 2008, the pentagon spent more than $2 billion
compensating major media outlets for disseminating public relations
messages. These messages are delivered to the television viewer as
news produced by the television station, not as paid and produced by the
pentagon. In the same year, pharmaceutical companies paid television
outlets more than $4 billion for advertising, which included Video News

Releases (VNR), specially tailored pieces that appear within the nightly
news disguised as researched and reported by the local stations. No
other industrialized nation in the world allows drug ads on television let
alone these cleverly disguised VNRs hidden within the news.
And yet while all this has been happening behind the scenes, the
American public has been duped into staking all their trust in select major
media outlets as they express brand loyalty in television stations,
newspapers, and magazines. Many people have been tricked into
believing that the mainstream media reports only objective news while
any information delivered from outside the mainstream is to always be
questioned. Somehow the public has bought into the idea that the TV
wouldn't lie to them. Many people will not pay any regard to information
that is not covered by the major media; if they did not hear about it on the
nightly news then they simply don't care. This is the mindset that the
major media moguls want us to have, as we are willfully ignorant and
obedient to their every direction. Our unanalytical and loyal viewership is
in their best interest.
Major media news networks continually bombard us with the possibility
of an endless amount of scenarios, which produce fear and then shape
our reactions to real situations. This is predictive programming; it gets us
familiar with an idea so that when it happens we expect it and do not react
and question. Although most people refer to television programming as
the shows that are aired on television, it can also refer to the
programming of the people that occurs on a daily basis. Most people
believe they are just simply being entertained, but they never realize that
their way of life is being shaped for them and their thoughts are actually
being given to them. They are being familiarized with ideas, concepts,
and fear so they won't question certain interventions in the future. TV
gives us what messages must be imprinted in our minds, gives us what
button to push in what sequence, and if it's done the right way with the
right production and the right propaganda then the public will react and do
exactly as they've been programmed to do.
When one continually controls the information, one controls the people
absorbing the information. The manufactured and controlled information
on TV can be referred to as the signal and that constant signal is what
shapes and guides the masses to their conclusions. In order to take back
our minds, we must first learn to "Unplug the Signal." By turning off your
TV you will realize the world that you're living in is suddenly very
unfamiliar to you. You will see that news of no importance is constantly
debated and analyzed, and as you listen to the conversations of people
around you, you realize they're talking robots just repeating what they've
heard on the news. This is exactly what Zbigniew Brzezinski talked about
in his book "Between Two Ages". He said, "Shortly, the public will be
unable to reason or think for themselves. They'll only be able to parrot the
information they've been given on the previous night's news."

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Script of the Month:

You are now deeply relaxed and the suggestions that you hear will have a permanent and immediate
effect on your subconscious mind - you will hear every word that I speak - even though you may find
your mind wandering away at times - because right now - nothing else matters - nothing - except for
this wonderful feeling of relaxation that you're experiencing.
At this moment is as though you haven't a care in the world - nobody wants anything - nobody needs
anything - there is absolutely nothing at all for you to do except relax and let go - and just enjoy the
feelings that are being generated within you.
You're beginning to realize that all that worrying that you've been doing over the past few years hasn't
done any good at all. Life is a series of ups and downs and we have to experience the lows to really
appreciate the highs and the middle ground - but when things went wrong in the past you worried until
you made yourself ill - and did it do any good?
Ask yourself - does worrying change or improve anything for you? Worry creates stress - worry
creates lines on the brow - nobody really likes a worrier because it can make them worry as well because just like laughter - worry is contagious.
So you decide right now, here in hypnosis - that you're going to react more positively in future - instead
of worrying your life away you'll takes life's ups and downs in your stride and remain calm, collected
and confident. Just remember the three C's - calm, collected and confident - that's you.
There may have been times when you tried to sleep and all life's problems went round and round in
your head - that happens a lot to worriers - because their mind is still trying to sort things out - and
niggles at the back of the mind tend to come forward when we're close to sleep.
If that's happened to you - don't worry - simply remember the three C's and remain calm, collected and
confident. You remain calm because there's no point in worrying - that won't resolve a thing - your
thoughts are collected - there in your mind - and you're confident that your subconscious mind will find
a solution if there's one to be found.
And because you trust yourself - you find that it's easy to drift off somewhere nice before going to
sleep. Because you know that any problems in your mind - can be resolved at night in your sleep.
So drift away now - to a special place - and leave all those worries and cares behind - you can put
them in a drawer or a cupboard - ready to be dealt with at a more appropriate time - or you can send
them away on a big black cloud - that cloud that's been hovering over you - send your worries up there
- and bring a gust of wind to blow them away - just blow them away.
Because right now you're just enjoying these wonderful feelings of calm tranquillity - and I wonder if
you can see or sense a beautiful stairway in your mind? A stairway with hundreds of steps - going
down and down to a beautiful place - and you can begin to descend - gently downwards - going
deeper and deeper into hypnotic rest - deeper and deeper - down and down - and as you go down you
may notice - beautiful colours - rich, warm hues - or it may just be comfortably dark and reassuring you may see paintings on the walls - or chandeliers hanging from the ceiling - or the ceiling may be a
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velvety sky with millions of stars twinkling like diamonds high above.
You may notice a beautiful fragrance - that could remind you of something from your past - notice it
now - perhaps a special person's perfume or a childhood smell that you loved - can you notice it now?
And as you go deeper down - you decide once and for all that worrying doesn't do any good. From
now on you always remember the three Cs - calm, collected and confident - and that makes you feel
good - you're in complete control of your mind - your body and your health.
Remain in hypnosis for another few minutes whilst you enjoy these wonderful feelings - as you reach
the bottom of the stairway and looking around - see the beautiful scene that meets your eyes. Just
enjoy being here - in your special place - and notice how this place becomes now - a part of you - a
wonderful place where you can visit again whenever you wish - all with the power of your mind.
(Pause for two minutes)
Good - now when you're ready - I'm going to count from one to five and at the count of five you'll be
wide awake.
One, two, three, four, five.

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As you become more and more at ease, it doesnt matter if, at times, you find your mind just wandering
away to some pleasant thought, because your inner mind continues to listen and enjoys the growing
sense of peace, harmony and tranquility that is growing and developing within you now.
And you know those wonderful feelings that you have when sleeping soundly, how you sometimes
wish that you could just be left to doze and slumber. You remember how you felt, lazily laying on a
lawn, or a beach in the sun, perhaps, drifting in and out of a dozing sleep, yawning, and just wanting to
stay where you were.
In a moment Im going to count slowly back from ten to zero and as I do, you find that you relax more
and more with each number I count, until just as youve felt on those lazy occasions in the past, you
feel just as deeply relaxed once again. Ten, feel yourself going down, nine, lazily drifting, eight,
relaxing more and more, seven, going deeper down, six, deeper and deeper, five, halfway to
relaxation, four, and that wonderful, comfortable feeling, three, two, almost there now, one and zero.
And as you relax even deeper now, you can imagine that it's time for you to demonstrate your skill and
ability as the competent driver that you now are. - for you have a certainty deep within you that you are
going to succeed.
And it is the day of your driving exam and you feel so calm and so relaxed. Visualize yourself arriving
at the test centre, just a few minutes early, to find that your instructor and examiner are already there,
waiting for you. You greet with a warm smile and after completing the formalities you take your seat in
the car, next to your examiner.
You notice that the examiner is just an ordinary person. Nothing special, nothing extraordinary - just a
person, doing a job. You fasten your seat belt and adjust your mirror, making any necessary checks
and adjustments before switching the engine on.
You put the car into first gear - you signal and take off the hand-break, making sure there are no other
cars coming along. And now you're pulling out and overtaking the parked car in front of you. Your
hands are resting lightly on the steering wheel as you pull onto the road with the ongoing traffic. You
change gear again and drive smoothly and confidently away from the test centre, onto the busy road.
And al this time you feel very calm and very relaxed. You feel calm, relaxed and confident, as you
move along, effortlessly, easily. Driving comes naturally to you. You are a very skilled and competent
driver, and you are certain of your abilities. Your actions and reactions are very click and very alert
and you automatically know what to do, in a calm and confident manner. Your concentration is totally
focused on the road ahead, and the signs, the traffic, the environment are all registered in your
You're asked to do a three point turn - see yourself doing this calmly and competently, feel the car
moving - gliding just as you want it to go, like putty in your hands, so pliable, so easy to move, so
Next you do an emergency stop. And it's so easy for you because you're a calm and competent driver,
you're very focused and alert, your actions and reactions are fast and accurate, you know exactly what
to do.

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You continue driving, always keeping the correct distance from the cars in front, always remained
focused and fully alert, responding quickly to any requests made of you from your examiner, feeling
very calm and very relaxed.
And as the exam comes to an end, you park the car back at the test centre. Remove your seat belt
and your examiner is handing you a piece of paper. And you don't even need to read it to know what it
says, because your driving was spot on - perfect - you showed your skills and competence as a first
class driver.
Now, knowing you've passed your test, see your reaction - you're elated - you feel wonderful - you feel
like jumping for joy - you feel marvelous. Really enjoy this wonderful feeling, this positive, confident
feeling, hold that feeling deep within you, as a positive expectation - knowing without a doubt that you
will pass your driving test.

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'Hypnotic' bank robbers arrested

By MANDEEP SINGH, Posted on Wednesday, August 19, 2009

They first told police they are Iranians then said they are from
Turkey and later said they are from Syria.

'A FAMILY of bank robbers', who allegedly hypnotise cashiers into

giving them money, have been arrested, police said yesterday.
The couple, along with their infant son, operated as a family and
are accused of robbing banks and finance company cashiers in
Manama for the last few months.

"Public Prosecution permission is

now being obtained to search their
apartment and other places as
well as look for their accomplices,"
said the source.

Their latest robbery was reported by a bank cashier on Sunday,

who claimed to have been "hypnotised" into parting with BD900
when given a $100 banknote to exchange.

It is believed they have been

operating in such a way for the
last few months and are perhaps illegal residents in the country.

"The incident was reported to the police close to midnight when

they set up a team to try and track down the culprits," said an
Interior Ministry source.

"They reportedly approach cashiers and claim they are visitors who
want to exchange currency," said the source.

"Acting on specific information and on the basis of some eyewitnesses' accounts, they were tracked down in about 12 hours."

"They reportedly get the cashier under the influence of hypnosis

who then parts with more money than he or she is supposed to

The couple are being interrogated, but it was still not clear what
nationality they belong to, according to the source.

The source would not reveal the name of the bank where the
incident took place, saying further investigation was in progress.

"They are constantly trying to mislead the police by saying different

things," he said.


Use Hypnosis to Research Conversion Disorder

deafness, or paralysis. All had been diagnosed with

conversion disorder without any apparent cause of the
symptom. Researchers believe that there are similarities
between conversion disorder symptoms and hypnotic
phenomena (Oakley, 2006). Other studies were then
conducted to research the link between
hypnosis and conversion disorder.

(NaturalNews) Research has been conducted to learn

more about the benefits of hypnosis. Hypnosis has also
been used to research neurological and psychological
disorders such as conversion disorder. Hypnosis is a natural
method that can be used with no side effects. Hypnosis can
be used as a tool to help research areas of the brain that are
not understood.

In one of the studies, half of the

participants consisted of people with leg
paralysis who had been diagnosed with
individuals who were made to believe
they had leg paralysis under hypnosis.
Participants then received a PET scan of
their brain. The results showed that those who had
hypnotically-induced paralyses showed different patterns of
brain activity compared to those who were deliberately
feigning (Halligan, Athwal, Oakley, & Frackowiak, 2000).

According to the Mayo Clinic, conversion disorder is

diagnosed when people show psychological signs of
distress in physical ways. The disorder often occurs after a
traumatic or stressful experience. An example of conversion
disorder would include becoming paralyzed after a fall,
without actually experiencing an injury. Conversion disorder
usually affects one's senses or movement such as sight,
hearing, and ability to walk. For most people, the disorder
lasts a few weeks after a traumatic event, but for others it
can be more severe.
Conversion disorder often occurs along with other
underlying psychological problems. The disorder is more
common among women, children, and young adults. Along
with counseling and physical therapy, the Mayo Clinic lists
hypnotherapy as a form of treatment for conversion disorder.
Hypnosis helps people with conversion disorder resolve
psychological problems.

This series of studies show that hypnosis can serve as a

research tool. The studies were able to determine who
actually had conversion disorder and who was faking the
disorder, all with the help of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy can be
used as a treatment in helping people who suffer from
conversion disorder and it can also help diagnose the
disorder. Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool with no side
effects. Its ease of use can help aid researchers in learning
more about physical and psychological disorders.

A series of studies have been conducted that used

hypnosis to learn more about conversion disorder.
Participants in the studies reported experiencing blindness,

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Newsletter October 2009


Just a Thought: This Weekends Hypnosis

Great success this weekend for a TV show using subliminal

imagery, emotional manipulation, audience-flattery and deliberatelypaced editing to lull the viewer into a sticky situation, whereby they
cluelessly watch the box against their own intellectual will.

I think the problem really lies in the fact that the most effective
hypnosis comes about through a collaborative process. If youre
blindly trying to relax a nation that is dismissive of your intentions,
where you have no control over the fact theyre probably talking
amongst themselves and where youre unable to react to their body
language, then the task isnt just uphill its vertical. But its
impressive that Brown even tried, if you ask me, and I enjoyed the
show for the oddity that it was.

Full credit to Simon Cowell for hoodwinking the nation and making
the auditions-phase crap that he created pass for entertainment in the
minds of UK audiences. And commiserations to Derren Brown, who
tried an experiment, flagged that it was just an experiment, told the
viewer it may well not work, then found himself derided by a
viewership with cynicism-radars that might be described as confused
or, at least, pointed in utterly the wrong direction.

Far more worrying is the trance brought about by The X Factor as

the show reached the end of the auditions phase on Sunday with some
of the weirdest emotion-prodding footage theyve ever put out. The
stuff with the autistic guy was bizarre
and tasteless not because its wrong
to allow someone with the condition to
take the stage, but because its wrong
to milk audience sympathy by
exploiting the mans predicament. I
honestly have no idea why The X
Factor believes we should offer a
standing ovation for a man who cant
sing, simply because his brother died
recently, but implies we should all howl with laughter at an
overweight girl with crossed eyes who also cant sing. The simple fact
is neither of them can sing. Why discriminate based on anything
other than their voices?

Casting an eye over Twitter on Friday

night after the Derren Brown hypnosis
experiment, you couldve been forgiven
for thinking the mentalist had earlier
announced he was going to take over
the entire world and every human mind
in it. Control The Nation was
obviously a playful title, but peoples
reactions were strangely vituperative.
Obviously checking Twitter for public reaction is like checking into
Curmudgeonly Sarcasm Central and asking how people are finding
this wonderful life, but still I expected a few people to say it was a
brave but doomed attempt.

But check Twitter during The X Factor, and there are reams and
reams of sardonic, 140-character jibes. And the problem is, theyre not
aimed at Cowell, Cole, Walsh or Minogue. Theyre aimed at those
auditioning. Theyre aimed at the factory-workers, shop assistants and
catering staff who thought theyd give it a go but hadnt realised their

And doomed it was, because people are automatically defensive

when hypnosis is mentioned. Despite the fact it aids people in quitting
smoking and can, in some cases, heal the scars of trauma, the stage
element of it tends to worry people. There are a few stories bouncing
about regarding mental illness onset by the process and nobody really
wants to be made to cluck like a chicken before their peers, so its no
surprise viewers resisted the light trance the show set out to instill. I
watched and was completely open to it, but still I was able to stand
come the end, though I did feel far more relaxed than I had been
before the show.

People have fallen for The X Factor hook, line and sinker stuck to
their sofas, ignorant toward their own higher intelligence and joining
in the prole-kicking because theyre being dictated to by a master
hypnotist. Sometimes its hard not to feel the worlds upside down.

Some Helpful Links:

Mind Motivations Hypnosis Scripts:
(300 + Hypnosis scripts, inductionis, deepeners etc. New members will need to register (free))
Mind Motivations Newsletters
(a copy of the present and all past Mind MotivationsTM and Australian Academy of HypnosisTM newsletters)
(Free membership discussion forums. Join for membership. In excess of 4,600 members, 1,180 videos, 3,600
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A Word from Rick Collingwood:

Dear Student.
Welcome to October already. I hope you are happy, well and busy if you want to be. Michael and I have just returned from a
great 3 day training in Melbourne, with many more to come. The most exciting news this month is that we now have enough
students on our list to form a new national hypnosis association, which is what we fully intend to do by January 2010. We
envisage that the new association will be open to all hypnotists, hypnotherapists as long as they have completed their training at a
recognised training institution. I will be a patron to this association and not be personally involved at the committee level.
The goal of the association will be to enhance knowledge and conduct research purely within the realms of hypnosis and no
other modalities; the reason for this is to maintain purity within hypnosis instead of seeing it continue to be watered down into
other allied health modalities. It is also intended to fully support PHWA and its members not to oppose anybody or anything within
the profession. More will come to light as the time comes closer.
There are a few trainings happening this month and in November in WA including the 4 day Power Training (Part 1 of the Adv
Cert) and also a 2 day traditional hypnosis training. The is a Power Hypnosis Training in Melbourne in December and in Sydney
at the end of Oct, all of the new 2010 dates for monthly ongoing training and various courses in Perth, Melbourne, and Sydney
are now up on the Next Training Dates page at
Application forms were posted out last week for a new Traditional hypnosis training to be conducted in WA in November, and
also for the 4 Day WA Power Hypnosis Training. There is a little confusion as to who can attend the Traditional Training. It is a
requirement to have completed The 4 Day Power training (1st Component of the Advanced Cert only). If you want to attend, you
DO NOT have to have completed the 12 monthly ongoing trainings. The Traditional training has limited places and it is filling fast
so if you want to attend please dont wait too long.
Sadly last month there was some fraudulent email monitoring happening regarding mine, Michaels, and a CCH link in Victoria,
by a person who called himself hypnosismikey. The back end of also came under attack and hacking for a
few days. The most unfortunate part was the financial cost to rectify the situation and make the back end of the site more secure.
Personally I think its a shame that there is an individual with such a low moralistic approach as to do this. The fantastic thing is,
that its great to know that a good enough job has been done within the profession to inspire an insecure coward to do these
things through petty jealousy. Regardless of what you may hear on the rumour and gossip mill; the academy is still here with a
strong WA presence and will continue to be for a long time yet. Have a fantastic month and thank you Michael for another great
newsletter. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Rick Collingwood



As the year flashes by, we laugh we cry, grow and evolve. We
can call it crap or you can call it fertile ground.
After my couple of weeks sanity break, I am feeling much more
rejuvenated. Back into the fray! Ive been having some good
successes lately with my clients, I hope you have too. Please
feel free to contribute to the newsletter with any success stories
that you have. Or the interesting ones! Ive been helping
clients with knee reconstructions, nightmares, fertility, breast
enhancement, binge drinking, and menopause, just to name a
Apologies for any computer or email failures by me over the last
few months. My entire computer systems have been replaced
and upgraded. Apple Mac is good.

World Hypnotism Day is coming up again in January. I am

looking for able and happy bodies to help with some big
promotions we have planned, PLEASE let me know if you are
available to donate a couple of hours. Its important to our
professional future that we all contribute. We do our job, at
least partially, to put back into the community. So lets do our
job better by getting to more people.
Get people talking about Hypnosis.
Support YOUR profession.
Demystify the process of Hypnotherapy.
Laugh at work while you play.

Kind Regards,
John H. Vernes
The Australian Academy of HypnosisTM.


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Fidelity Hypnosis

About Fidelity Hypnosis

effects, risks, and hazards of smoking behind after only one

hypnotherapy session.

Hypnosis will help you succeed when everything else fails!

Weight Loss

If you've been looking for ways to make changes in your life

that will make you feel healthier and happier, hypnotherapy
is the solution. If you have made the decision that now is
the time to conquer what's been holding you back from true
happiness, then you have now discovered a way to easily
and effortlessly make powerful, profound, and permanent
changes to improve the quality of your life.

Hypnosis combined with Personal Life Coaching are very

powerful and effective tools for weight control and weight
loss. At Fidelity Hypnosis we can help a person lose weight
quickly and healthy, and most importantly, keep it off. Why?
Hypnosis works at the subconscious level of our minds, the
source of our self sabotaging behaviors and habits. When
we can go to the source of the unwanted habits, emotions
and behavioral patterns, we can eliminate or neutralize
them and introduce new and positive ones so the pounds
melt away.

Hypnosis can help you stop smoking, lose weight, improve

self-confidence, get over the fear of public speaking,
improve health, manage pain and create a better life very
easily. Hypnosis also offers stress and anxiety relief, and
much more.

You can change your sub-conscious mind and actually "reprogram" it to help you release your weight. You can reprogram it to help you change your eating patterns, help
you want to exercise and to enjoy it, and to love the results.
You can re-program it to do all of this without transferring
your nonsupporting habits of excessive eating and too little
exercising to other "negative" habits.

Stop Smoking in One Hour

Hypnosis has proven to be the best, most effective,
easiest, safest and most natural method for people to stop
smoking. While drugs may work for awhile, they have
adverse effects on your body, finances and mind. So if you
want to quit smoking and have smoked heavily forever or
just started smoking, there is no better or easier way than
with hypnosis.

Hypnosis for Stress and Anxiety

What Is stress? Stress is any condition, conscious or
unconscious, that impairs the body's natural efficiency.
Good health is one's ability, inborn or learned, to adapt to
life's changes and challenges.

After being hypnotized to stop smoking, upon opening your

eyes you will feel like a non-smoker and smoking will feel
like a past distant memory, like something you once did a
long time ago. Will it work for you? The answer is, if you
believe it will and you want it to, then absolutely.

Stress is one of the things millions of people share around

the world today. There seems to be stress in everything we
do. Stress at work, stress in family, stress in a relationship,
stress in exams and a million other things.

You won't have the cravings, urges or desires to smoke,

instead you'll feel happy and healthy. The smell of smoke
will be unappealing and unappetizing as if you had been a
nonsmoker your entire life. You will not miss the tobacco or

How Well Does Hypnosis Work?

A Comparison Study by Dr. Alfred Barrios, Published by
American Health Magazine Reveals the Effectiveness of
- Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
- Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
- Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

As a former smoker myself, I have an understanding of the

smoking addiction and all the issues you will face when you
make the decision to quit. Hypnosis is a proven stop
smoking program that allows you to quit smoking quite
easily. Most clients stop smoking and leave the harmful

-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oFailures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.

Dennis Waitley
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of
knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
Vince Lombardi
I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is:
Try to please everybody.
Herbert Bayard Swope
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'Hypnosis' nurse faces axe for groping two female

patients at work
Aug 19 2009 Lachlan Mackinnon

A PERVERT nurse tried to hypnotise two women patients

before groping them, a disciplinary panel heard yesterday.

"He asked me i f I was sleeping and I said I was. He said I

would not remember anything that had happened."

Iain Balsillie, 40, used "inappropriate relaxation techniques"

on the women at his workplace, it is alleged.

Patient B said Balsillie then told her to "drop for him" and
she fell back into his arms.

The tribunal heard that he commanded one of the women

to "drop for me".

She said he held her by the belt loops of her jeans and
lowered her head so it was level with his private parts,
before picking her up in such a way that his hands were
touching the sides of her breasts.

Then, when she fell into his arms, he allegedly grabbed her
breasts and lowered her head towards his lap.

The woman said Balsillie was shaking and breathing

heavily and she could feel that he was physically aroused.

The woman told the hearing she felt like she had been

Patient B said she reported the incident to her boss. But

before anything had been done about it, Balsillie invited her
back to sign a form.

Balsillie, of Fife, was

sacked as a workplace
nurse at a Scots call
incidents involving the

She said a similar attack then took place, with Balsillie

giving the "drop for me" command, which she followed.
Patient B said that although she did not believe she had
been hypnotised, the command had been "powerful" and
difficult to resist.

The tribunal heard he

later carried out a sex
attack on a woman in
Manchester and was jailed for 12months.

She said Balsillie offered her a "present" and asked if he

had "the nicest voice in the world".

He was placed on the sex offenders' register for 10years.

Patient B added: "I'm not sure why I went along with the
techniques Mr Balsillie had used, as they made me feel

Balsillie is now up in front of the Nursing and Midwifery

Council and faces being struck-off.
And yesterday, one of his accusers from the call centre told
the tribunal how he assaulted herafter telling her to goto
her special place".

"You trust people. I went in there vulnerable and he abused

it in my eyes.
"I felt dirty, like he had raped me.

The 41-year-old, identified as Patient B, said she was

referred to Balsillie at the BSkyB call centre in Dunfermline,
Fife, in 2007 after suffering panic attacks and paranoia.

"When he offered me a present, I dread to think what the

present would have been."
Following the second incident, Patient B again went to her
boss. An incident involving Balsillie and another female
employee at the call centre then emerged.

She said he offered to show her "relaxation techniques" .

Patient B added: "He asked me to close my eyes and
imagine myself in a field with birds singing.

Bosses confronted Balsillie, who admitted he was not

trained in the "relaxation techniques" .

"He said this was my special place and he could be there

with me too if I wished.

He apologised for upsetting patients and offered to resign

but was sacked.

"Mr. Balsillie stroked my hair and fringe. I felt this was

strange and it made me uncomfortable."

The nursing council hearing continues. Balsillie was not at

the tribunal yesterday.

The witness said Balsillie began picking up her hand and

letting it fall "to see if I was in a trance or not".
She went on: "I was not in a trance. It seemed to me it
would be better to go along with it and let my hand drop.


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The Benefits of Using Hypnosis in a Pediatric


(NaturalNews) Hypnotherapy is a natural and safe form of relaxation. The person receiving hypnosis is always in
control whether the hypnosis is being administered by a licensed hypnotherapist or through self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is
particularly effective in children, because it often requires creative visualization. This imagery easily allows children to be
in a relaxed state. Being in a state of hypnosis allows children to work on a various number of things such as pain and
anxiety, in a productive and natural way.
O'Grady and Hoffmann (1986) evaluated the use of hypnosis in a pediatric
setting. Hypnosis was found to be highly successful when children have high
expectations from hypnotherapy, a good relationship with their hypnotherapist,
and the ability to be hypnotized. They also found that success was more
prominent when the children and parents had a positive relationship with the
These researchers looked at cases in which children used hypnosis.
Looking at one particular pediatric hospital, they found that 5% of the children
were using hypnosis to improve their symptoms. The study found three
particular areas that have shown to improve symptoms in children when using
hypnosis. One symptom includes pain. Hypnosis enables children to control
pain, reducing the severity and reducing the frequency of painful episodes.
Another symptom that hypnosis can improve is anxiety in children. Hypnosis
allows children to relax and cognitively reduce anxiety and stress. The third
area that hypnosis can help children with is undesirable habits. Hypnotherapy
allows children to replace negative behaviors and habits with positive ones
through the power of suggestibility.
Goldberg (1987) studied the benefits of psychoanalysis in changing behavior. He found that psychoanalysis was more
effective when combined with hypnosis in changing behaviors. Hypnosis works by reprogramming negative behaviors
using positive suggestions. These negative behaviors, in time become positive behaviors. This has many potential
benefits in helping children change their negative behavior patterns into positive behavior patterns.
Another method of hypnosis that has been found to have many potential benefits in children is the use of self-hypnosis
(Gardner, 1981). Self-hypnosis allows children to perform hypnosis on themselves at any time they choose. It allows
them to be in control of their symptoms when and where they want. Self-hypnosis works best when both children and
parents are open to the idea of learning and practicing hypnosis.
Hypnosis has many potential benefits when used with children. Whether a child is suffering from pain from cancer or
they are showing hyperactivity behavior with ADHD, hypnosis can help improve their symptoms in a natural and safe
way. Hypnotherapy uses the power of positive suggestions to help children reprogram their subconscious minds so that
they are in control of their symptoms.

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Up Coming Dates:
Monthly Ongoing Trainings
Lesson Eleven:
Hypnosis for Addiction and
Substance Abuse

Saturday, 14th of November, 2009

Eight Day Certificate of

Hypnosis Course

17, 18 & 28, 29, 30 October 2009

Eight Day Certificate of

Hypnosis Course

21, 22 & 27, 28, 29 November 2009

Four Day Power Hypnosis


21, 22, 28, 29 November 2009

Four Day Power Hypnosis


4, 5, 6, 7 December 2009


General Contact Details:

Rick Collingwood:
Mobile: 0420 322 763

Victorian Training Coordinator

Jai Waugh
Mobile 0412 879 850

Michael Werts:
Mobile: 0401 634 355

Newsletter Email:

John Vernes:
Mobile: 0403 839 641


Future Articles
The Mind MotivationsTM Newsletter would welcome any articles or stories. Please submit any inclusions via email
to the email address. The Editor reserves the right to amend any article to fit with
size limitation requirements and to correct spelling, grammar or factual content.

hypnosis definition
hypnosis (hip nsis)
noun pl. hypnoses -ses (-sz)

1. a trancelike condition usually induced by another person, in which the subject is in a state of
altered consciousness and responds, with certain limitations, to the suggestions of the hypnotist
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Newsletter October 2009

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