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of similar results of -convergence in CAT() spaces with the only dierence that
the bound of the diameter of a CAT() space is imposed.
As will be seen in the next section, an equivalence condition for a metric space to
be a CAT(0) space is the CN inequality of Bruhat and Tits. Using this inequality,
Dhompongsa and Panyanak [4, Theorem 3.3] proved -convergence of Ishikawa
iteration in a CAT(0) space; also cf. [8]. Let us denote by F(T ) the xed point set
of a mapping T : X X.
Theorem 1.1 ([4, Theorem 3.3]). Let C be a nonempty bounded closed convex
subset of a CAT(0) space X, T : C C a nonexpansive mapping
with F(T ) = ,
and {s
n=1 tn (1tn ) =



define a sequence
n=1 n
{xn } in C by
yn = (1 sn )xn + sn T xn ,
xn+1 = (1 tn )xn + tn T yn .
Then {xn } -converges to a point of F(T ).
The main purpose of this article is to consider -convergence of Picard iteration,
Mann iteration and Ishikawa iteration for nonexpansive mappings in a complete
CAT() space X with > 0. It suces to pay our attention to the case of = 1.
Nevertheless, it is not in general true that a CAT(1) space must satisfy the CN
inequality; see Example 2.5. Therefore, to accomplish our study, a full exploration
of the new techniques and dierent approaches from those involving this inequality
is requisite. It is signicant to know whether we can extend our investigations
in a metric space setting without being of hyperbolic type or possessing the CN
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we recall the denition of geodesic metric spaces and summarize some useful lemmas and the main properties of
CAT() spaces. In section 3 we present some technical results about -convergence
of a sequence in a complete CAT(1) space. In section 4 we carry out our discussion
in three iterations and conclude that Theorem 1.1 can be generalized to CAT(1)
spaces under the same conditions for the coecients {sn } and {tn }. Besides, as an
application of our main results, -convergence and strong convergence of Picard iteration, Mann iteration and Ishikawa iteration are also veried. We remark that all
our results, including the proofs as well, on CAT(1) spaces can be extended to any
CAT() space with > 0 by rescaling without major changes. In particular, when
we deal with a CAT() space, the hypothesis d(x1 , F(T )) < /4 for each theorem in
Section 4 is replaced by d(x1 , F(T )) < D /4 and so can be dropped if = 0 (since
D0 = ; refer to Section 2 for the denition). This work, in some aspects, can be
regarded as an extension of recent studies in -convergence, e.g., [4, 7].
2. Preliminaries
Let (X, d) be a metric space. For any subset E of X and x X, the diameter of
E and the distance from x to E are dened respectively by
diam E = sup{d(x, y) : x, y E},



d(x, E) = inf{d(x, y) : y E}.

We always denote the open ball and the closed ball centered at x with radius r > 0
by B(x, r) and B(x, r) respectively. For x, y X, a geodesic path joining x to y
or a geodesic from x to y is an isometric mapping c : [0, ] R X such that
c(0) = x, c() = y, i.e., d(c(t), c(t )) = |t t |, for all t, t [0, ]. Therefore
d(x, y) = . The image of c is called a geodesic (segment) from x to y and we shall
denote a denite choice of this geodesic segment by [x, y]. A point z = c(t) will
be written as z = (1 )x + y, where = t/, and so d(z, x) = d(x, y) and
d(z, y) = (1 )d(x, y). We still use notation + without any ambiguity.
The space (X, d) is said to be a geodesic (metric) space if any two points in X
are joined by a geodesic, and X is uniquely geodesic if there is exactly one geodesic
joining x to y for all x, y X.
Given r > 0, the space (X, d) is said to be a r-geodesic space if any two points
x, y X with d(x, y) < r are joined by a geodesic, and X is r-uniquely geodesic if
there is a unique geodesic joining each such pair of points x and y.
A subset C of X is convex if every pair of points x, y C can be joined by a
geodesic in X and the image of every such geodesic is contained in C.
The n-dimensional sphere Sn is the set {x = (x1 , . . . , xn+1 ) Rn+1 : (x | x) = 1},
where ( | ) denote the Euclidean scalar product. It is endowed with the following
metric: Let dSn : Sn Sn R be the function that assigns to each pair (A, B)
Sn Sn the unique number d(A, B) [0, ] such that
cos dSn (A, B) = (A | B).
Then dSn is a metric and (Sn , dSn ) is a -uniquely geodesic space [1, I.2.1 and I.2.3].
If B = A and d(A, B) = < , there is a natural way to parameterize a unique
geodesic joining A to B: consider the path c(t) = (cos t)A + (sin t)u, t [0, ], where
the initial vector u Rn+1 is the unit vector in the direction of B (A | B)A. We
shall refer to the image of c as a minimal great arc joining A to B.
The spherical angle between two minimal great arcs issuing from a point of Sn ,
with the initial vectors u and v say, is the unique number [0, ] such that
cos = (u | v). A spherical triangle in Sn consists of a choice of three distinct
points (its vertices) A, B, C Sn , and three minimal great arcs (its sides), one
joining each other of vertices. The vertex angle at C is dened to be the spherical
angle between the sides of joining C to A and C to B.
Definition 2.1. Given a real number , we denote by Mn the following metric
(1) if = 0, then M0n is the Euclidean space Rn ;
(2) if > 0, then M
is obtained from the sphere S by multiplying the distance
function by 1/ ;
the sphere Hn by multiplying the distance
(3) if < 0, then M
is obtained from
function by 1/ , where H is the hyperbolic n-space.
It is well known that Mn is a geodesic
metric space. If 0, then M is uniquely
geodesic. If > 0, then Mis / -uniquelygeodesic, and any open ball (resp.
closed) ball of radius /(2 ) (resp. < /(2 )) in
X is convex [1, I.2.11]. The
diameter of Mn will be denoted D and thus D is / if > 0, and otherwise.



A geodesic triangle in X consists of three points p, q, r X, its vertices, and

a choice of three geodesic segments [p, q], [q, r], [r, p] joining them, its sides. Such a
geodesic triangle will be denoted ([p, q], [q, r], [r, p]) or (less accurately if X is not
uniquely geodesic) (p, q, r). If a point x X lies in the union of [p, q], [q, r] and
[r, p], then we write x .
A triangle = (
p, q, r) in M2 is called a comparison triangle for =
([p, q], [q, r], [r, p]) in X if dM2 (
p, q) = d(p, q), dM2 (
q , r) = d(q, r) and dM2 (
r, p) =
d(r, p). Such a triangle M2 is always exists if the perimeter d(p, q) + d(q, r) +
d(r, p) of is less than 2D ; it is unique up to an isometry of M2 [1, I.2.14]. A
point x
q , r] is called a comparison point for x [q, r] if dM2 (
q, x
) = d(q, x). If
p = q and p = r, the interior angle of (
p, q, r) at p is called the comparison angle
between q and r at p and is denoted p (q, r).
Let c : [0, a] X and let c : [0, a ] X be two geodesic paths with c(0) =

c (0). Given t (0, a] and t (0, a ], we consider the comparison triangle

(c(0), c(t), c (t )), and the comparison angle c(0) (c(t), c (t )). The (Alexandrov)
angle or the upper angle between the geodesic paths c and c is the number (c, c )
[0, ] dened by
(c, c ) = lim sup c(0) (c(t), c (t )) = lim sup c(0) (c(t), c (t )).
t,t 0

0 0<t,t <

If X is uniquely geodesic, p = q and p = r, the angle of (p, q, r) in X at p is the

(Alexandrov) angle between the geodesic segments [p, q] and [p, r] issuing from p
and is denoted p (q, r).
A geodesic triangle in X is said to satisfy the CAT() inequality if, given a
comparison triangle M2 for , for all x, y ,
d(x, y) dM2 (
x, y),
where x
, y are respective comparison points of x, y.
Definition 2.2. If 0, then X is called a CAT() space if X is a geodesic space
all of whose geodesic triangles satisfy the CAT() inequality.
If > 0, then X is called a CAT() space if X is D -geodesic and all geodesic
triangles in X of perimeter less than 2D satisfy the CAT() inequality.
A CAT() space is a D -uniquely geodesic space if > 0, and any open (resp.
closed) ball of radius D /2 (resp. < D /2) in X is convex [1, II.1.4].
Proposition 2.3. Let a geodesic triangle in Mn ( > 0) have sides a, b, c and
angles , , at the vertices opposite to the sides of length a, b, c respectively. The
Law of Cosines is given by

cos( c) = cos( a) cos( b) + sin( a) sin( b) cos .

In particular, fixing a, b and , c is a strictly increasing function of , varying from
|a b| to a + b as varies from 0 to .
If X is a CAT() space and x p X, then the mapping f : B(p, D /2)
[0, D /2) dened by f (x) = d(x, p) is convex [1, II.2. Exercise 2.3(1)]. In particular,
if X is a CAT(1) space, whenever x, y B(p, /2), we have

d((1 )x + y, p) (1 )d(x, p) + d(y, p),

for all [0, 1].



For x, y B(p, /2) and [0, 1], let m = (1 )x + y [x, y] so that d(m, p) <
/2. Consider a comparison triangle (
x, y, p) S2 for (x, y, p). One side [
x, y]
of (
x, y, p) is in fact an arc which is the intersection of S2 with the positive cone
in R3 spanned by x
and y. For this reason, we can write a comparison point for m
as m
x +
y (addition of vectors) for some numbers , so that

cos dS2 (m,

p) = (
x | p) + (
y | p) = cos dS2 (
x, p) + cos dS2 (
y , p).

If x = y, then + = 1; if x = y, then

sin[(1 )dS2 (
x, y)]
sin dS2 (
x, y)

sin[dS2 (
x, y)]
sin dS2 (
x, y)

Notice that + 1; one can also observe this by the following lemma.
Lemma 2.4. Given [0, 1] we have
sin[(1 )x] + sin x sin x (1 ) sin3 x,
for all x [0, /2]. In particular, if x = 0, then
sin[(1 )x] sin x
1 (1 ) sin2 x.
sin x
sin x
Proof. The sum formula of the sine yields
sin x = sin[(1 )x + x]

= sin[(1 )x] cos x + sin x cos[(1 )x].

Apply the inequality sin x sin x for all x [0, /2], together with (2.3) and
the half angle formula, to obtain
sin[(1 )x] + sin x sin x = (1 cos x) sin[(1 )x] + {1 cos[(1 )x]} sin x
(1 )x
sin[(1 )x] + 2 sin2
sin x
1[ 2

(1 ) + (1 )2 sin3 x
= (1 ) sin3 x.
= 2 sin2

It is well known that an equivalence relation for a metric space (X, d) to be a
CAT(0) space is the CN inequality of Bruhat and Tits, i.e., for all x, y, z X and
m = (1/2)x + (1/2)y, we have
d(m, z)2 d(x, z)2 + d(y, z)2 d(x, y)2 .
In general, the CN inequality is not necessarily true in a CAT(1) space as illustrated
in the following example.
Example 2.5. Consider the -uniquely geodesic space (Sn , dSn ). Choose three
points x, y, z Sn such that dSn (x, y) = dSn (y, z) = dSn d(x, z) = /3. Let m =



(1/2)x + (1/2)y. If is the vertex angle at x, then it follows from Proposition 2.3
cos(/3) cos(/3) cos(/3)
cos =
= .
sin(/3) sin(/3)
cos dSn (m, z) = cos

cos + sin sin cos = <
< 0.6.

On the other hand,

3 ( )2
dSn (x, z)2 + dSn (y, z)2 dSn (x, y)2 =
4 3

We calculate
[ ( ) ]1/2
3 2

= cos > cos
> cos 52.95 > 0.6 > cos dSn (m, z);
4 3
2 3

dSn (m, z)2 > dSn (x, z)2 + dSn (y, z)2 dSn (x, y)2 .
The following fact will be used in the sequel.

Lemma 2.6. [16] Let {an }, {n } and {n } be nonnegative sequences such that

an+1 (1 + n )an + n .

If n=1 n < and n=1 n < , then limn an exists. In particular, if {an }
has a subsequence converging to 0, then limn an = 0.
3. -convergence and basic properties
This section contains a number of similar results to these in [4, 6] without assuming the boundedness on the diameter of a CAT(1) space.
The following proposition states very useful properties of the metric projection
in a complete CAT(1) space.
Proposition 3.1 ([6, Proposition 3.5]). Let X be a complete CAT(1) space and let
C X be nonempty closed and -convex. Suppose that x X such that d(x, C) <
/2. Then the following are satisfied:
(i) There exists a unique point PC x C such that d(x, PC x) = d(x, C).
(ii) If diam(X) , then for any y C,
d(PC x, PC y) = d(PC x, y) d(x, y).
The mapping PC of X onto C in Proposition 3.1 is called the metric projection.
The next result shows the existence property of xed points for a nonexpansive
Proposition 3.2 ([6, Theorem 3.9]). Let X be a complete CAT(1) space such that
diam X < /2. Then every nonexpansive mapping T : X X has at least one
fixed point.



The rest of this section is devoted primarily to presenting several closely related
characterizations of -convergence. For this purpose, we start with some basic
denitions of an asymptotic radius and an asymptotic center. Let {xn } be a bounded
sequence in a complete CAT(1) space X. For x X and C X, let r(x, {xn }) =
lim supn d(x, xn ). The asymptotic radius r({xn }) of {xn } is given by
r({xn }) = inf{r(x, {xn }) : x X};
the asymptotic radius rC ({xn }) with respective to C of {xn } is given by
rC ({xn }) = inf{r(x, {xn }) : x C};
the asymptotic center A({xn }) of {xn } is given by the set
A({xn }) = {x X : r(x, {xn }) = r({xn })};
the asymptotic center AC ({xn }) with respective to C of {xn } is given by the set
AC ({xn }) = {x C : r(x, {xn }) = rC ({xn })}.
Proposition 3.3 ([6, Proposition 4.1]). Let X be a complete CAT(1) space and
C X nonempty closed and -convex. If {xn } be a sequence in X such that
rC ({xn }) < /2, then AC ({xn }) consists of exactly one point.
Definition 3.4. A sequence {xn } in X is said to -converge to x X if x is
the unique asymptotic center of every subsequence of {xn }. In this case, we write
limn xn = x and x is called the -limit of {xn }.
The next proposition is a very important property of asymptotic centers; cf. [6,
Proposition 4.5] and [7, Proposition 2.3].
Proposition 3.5. Let X be a complete CAT(1) space and {xn } a sequence in X
such that r({xn }) < /2. If A({xn }) = {x}, then

co{xk , xk+1 , . . .},


where co A = {B : B A and B is closed and convex}.

Proof. Proposition 3.3 assures that A({xn }) consists of exactly one point. Choose
a number with r({xn }) < < /2. Then there exists a positive integer n0 such
that xn B(x, ) for all n n0 . Let Ck = co{xk , xk+1 , . . .}, k N. Then for all
k n0 , Ck B(x, ) and so d(x, Ck ) . Using Proposition 3.1, we have
d(PCk x, PCk xn ) = d(PCk x, xn ) d(x, xn ),

for all n k n0 ;

r(PCk x, {xn }) r(x, {xn }) = r({xn }),

for all k n0 .

This implies that

x for all k n0 by uniqueness of asymptotic centers.
PCk x =

Therefore x
k=1 Ck .
k=n0 k
The following result for the case when X is a complete CAT(0) space was established in [14, Proposition 3.7].



Proposition 3.6. Let C be a closed and -convex subset of a complete CAT(1)

space X and T : C X a nonexpansive mapping. Suppose that {xn } is a sequence
in C such that r({xn }) < /2 and limn d(xn , T xn ) = 0. If A({xn }) = {x}, then
x C and T x = x.
Proof. It follows immediately from Proposition 3.5 that x C. Since
r(T x, {xn }) = lim sup d(T x, xn ) lim sup[d(T x, T xn ) + d(T xn , xn )] r(x, {xn }),

we have T x = x by uniqueness of asymptotic centers.

Lemma 3.7. Let {xn } be a sequence of a complete CAT(1) space X such that
A({xn }) = {x} consists of exactly one point. If {un } is a subsequence of {xn } so
that A({un }) = {u} and {d(xn , u)} converges, then x = u.
Proof. Assume that x = u. Since {d(xn , u)} converges, we have
lim sup d(u, un ) < lim sup d(x, un )

= lim sup d(x, xn )


< lim sup d(u, xn )


= lim sup d(u, un ),


a contradiction. Therefore x = u.

Proposition 3.8. Let C be a closed and -convex subset of a complete CAT(1)

space X and T : C X a nonexpansive mapping. Suppose that {xn } is a sequence
in C such that r({xn }) < /2, limn d(xn , T xn ) = 0 and {d(xn , p)} converges for
all p F (T ). Then {xn } -converges to a point of F (T ).
Proof. Let {un } be any subsequence of {xn } so that A({un }) consists of exactly
one point, say {u}, by Proposition 3.3. Since limn d(un , T un ) = 0, Proposition
3.6 guarantees that u F (T ). Let A({xn }) = {x}. Lemma 3.7 asserts that x = u
because {d(xn , u)} converges; hence {xn } -converges to x.

4. Main results
In this section we discuss -convergence and strong convergence of three iterations in our CAT(1) space setting with dierent approaches from those in CAT(0)
spaces in recent literature; see, e.g., [4, 7, 10]. The corresponding assumption
d(x1 , F(T )) < /4 in each of following theorems becomes d(x1 , F(T )) < D /4 in
a CAT() space, for any real number . Recall that D = when 0 and
hence this assumption can be removed in CAT(0) spaces. We rst establish a convergence theorem of Ishikawa iteration (4.1) in a CAT(1) space which is the
analog of Theorem 1.1 [4, Theorem 3.3] in a CAT(0) space.
Theorem 4.1. Let X be a complete CAT(1) space, T : X X a nonexpansive
mapping with F(T ) = ,
and two sequences {sn } [0, 1], {tn } (0, 1] such that

lim supn sn = < 1,

n=1 tn (1 tn ) = and
n=1 sn (1 tn ) < . Choose



arbitrarily a point x1 X such that d(x1 , F(T )) < /4. Define a sequence {xn } in
X by
yn = (1 sn )xn + sn T xn ,
xn+1 = (1 tn )xn + tn T yn .


Then {xn } -converges to a point of F(T ).

Proof. Notice that the xed point set F(T ) is -convex. For, if u, v F(T ) with
d(u, v) < , then for any [0, 1],
d(u, T (u + (1 )v) = d(T u, T (u + (1 )v)
d(u, u + (1 )v)
= (1 )d(u, v),
and similarly d(v, T (u + (1 )v) d(u, v). This shows that T (u + (1 )v) =
u + (1 )v by uniqueness of the geodesic [u, v]. On the other hand, F(T ) is closed
because T is nonexpansive.
We may assume that x1
/ F(T ). Let p = PF(T ) x1 so that T maps the closed ball
B(p, ) into itself, where = d(x1 , F(T )) > 0. According to the convexity of the
mapping x 7 d(p, x) in B(p, ), the sequence {yn } is contained in B(p, ) and so
are {xn }, {T xn } and {T yn }. Proposition 3.2 states that the set B(p, ) F(T ) is
nonempty. By (2.1), for any q B(p, ) F(T ), we have
d(yn , q) (1 sn )d(xn , q) + sn d(T xn , q)
d(xn , q),
and so
d(xn+1 , q) (1 tn )d(xn , q) + tn d(T yn , q)
(1 tn )d(xn , q) + tn d(yn , q)

d(xn , q).

This shows that {d(xn , q)} converges for all q B(p, ) F(T ) and

d(xn , q) d(x1 , q) d(x1 , p) + d(p, q) 2 < , for all n N,

which implies that

r({xn }) r(p, {xn }) d(x1 , p) < .
On the other hand, by (4.1),
d(xn+1 , T xn+1 ) (1 tn )d(xn , T xn+1 ) + tn d(T yn , T xn+1 )
(1 tn )[d(xn , xn+1 ) + d(xn+1 , T xn+1 )] + tn d(yn , xn+1 )
(1 tn )d(xn+1 , T xn+1 ) + (1 tn )d(xn , xn+1 )

+ tn [(1 tn )d(xn , yn ) + tn d(T yn , yn )]

In particular, from d(xn , yn ) = sn d(xn , T xn ), we get

d(xn , T yn ) d(xn , T xn ) + d(T xn , T yn )
(1 + sn )d(xn , T xn )



which yields the following inequalities

d(xn , xn+1 ) = tn d(xn , T yn )
(1 + sn )tn d(xn , T xn )
d(T yn , yn ) (1 sn )d(xn , T yn ) + sn d(T xn , T yn )
(1 sn )(1 + sn )d(xn , T xn ) + s2n d(xn , T xn )
= d(xn , T xn ).
Therefore (4.4) implies that
d(xn+1 , T xn+1 ) (1 tn )d(xn+1 , T xn+1 ) + (1 + sn )tn (1 tn )d(xn , T xn )
+ sn tn (1 tn )d(xn , T xn ) + t2n d(xn , T xn )
= (1 tn )d(xn+1 , T xn+1 ) + tn [1 + 2sn (1 tn )]d(xn , T xn ).
Subtracting (1 tn )d(xn+1 , T xn+1 ) from both sides of this inequality and then
dividing by tn (recall that tn > 0) on both sides yields

d(xn+1 , T xn+1 ) [1 + 2sn (1 tn )]d(xn , T xn ).

Since n=1 sn (1 tn ) < , Lemma 2.6 asserts the convergence of {d(xn , T xn )}.
Next, claim that

lim inf d(xn , T yn ) = 0.


We assume on the contrary that d(xn , T yn ) > > 0, for all n N. Let
p, x
n , T yn ) be a comparison triangle of (p, xn , T yn ). According to (2.2) we can

cos dS2 (
xn+1 , p) = n cos dS2 (
xn , p) + n cos dS2 (T yn , p),

where n = dS2 (
xn , T yn ) = d(xn , T yn ) > and
n =

sin(1 tn )n
sin n

n =

sin tn n
sin n

Since T is nonexpansive, we have


dS2 (T yn , p) dS2 (
yn , p) = d(yn , p) d(xn , p) = dS2 (
xn , p).

Furthermore, Lemma 2.4 assures that

n + n 1 tn (1 tn ) sin2 n .
Using this inequality, together with (4.7) and (4.8), we obtain that


cos dS2 (
xn+1 , p) cos dS2 (
xn , p) [n + n 1] cos dS2 (
xn , p)
tn (1 tn ) sin2 n cos dS2 (
x1 , p)
> tn (1 tn ) sin2 cos .



xn , p) = limn d(xn , p) = L. It follows from (4.2) that

Set limn dS2 (

[cos d(xn+1 , p) cos d(xn , p)] = cos L cos d(x1 , p),


or equivalently,

[cos dS2 (
xn+1 , p) cos dS2 (
xn , p)] = cos L cos .


Consequently, by (4.9) this guarantees that

n=1 tn (1 tn ) < which is absurd.
Hence we conclude that lim inf n d(xn , T yn ) = 0, as claimed.
Now we will show that lim inf n d(xn , T xn ) = 0 and hence limn d(xn , T xn ) =
0. To see this, note that
d(xn , T xn ) d(xn , T yn ) + d(T yn , T xn )
d(xn , T yn ) + d(yn , xn )
= d(xn , T yn ) + sn d(xn , T xn )
which implies that
(1 )d(xn , T xn ) (1 sn )d(xn , T xn )
d(xn , T yn ).
So it follows from (4.6) that
lim inf d(xn , T xn ) = 0.

Finally, from (4.3) and Proposition 3.3, we see that the asymptotic center
A({xn }) = {x } of {xn } is singleton. Then Proposition 3.6 states that x must
be a point of B(p, ) F(T ). Since {d(xn , q)} converges for all q B(p, ) F(T ),
it follows from Proposition 3.8 that {xn } -converges to x which completes the

The iteration (4.1) is known as Mann iteration (4.10) when sn 0. The rst of
the following two corollaries is obtained by taking sn 0 in the preceding theorem,
and was also proved in [7, Theorem 3.1]. The second, which is an extension
of [4,

Theorem 3.2] as well, then follows



n n
n n

n=1 tn (1 tn ) = .
Corollary 4.2. Let X be a complete CAT(1) space, T : X
X a nonexpansive
mapping with F(T ) = , and {tn } (0, 1] a sequence such that
n=1 tn (1tn ) = .
Choose arbitrarily a point x1 X such that d(x1 , F(T )) < /4. Define a sequence
{xn } in X by

xn+1 = (1 tn )xn + tn T xn .

Then {xn } -converges to a point of F(T ).



Corollary 4.3. Let X be a complete CAT(1) space, T : X X a nonexpansive

mapping with F(T ) = , and {tn } (0, 1] a sequence. Choose arbitrarily a point
x1 X such that d(x1 , F(T )) < /4. Define a sequence {xn } in X as in (4.10).
Suppose that {tn } satisfies either one of the following conditions:

n=1 tn = and lim supn tn < 1;

n=1 (1 tn ) = and lim inf n tn > 0.
Then {xn } -converges to a point of F(T ).
A mapping T : X X is said to satisfy Condition A [17] if there exists a
nondecreasing function f : [0, ) [0, ) with f (0) = 0 and f (r) > 0 for all r > 0
such that d(x, T x) f (d(x, F(T )) for all x X. Notice that if T is nonexpansive,
Condition A is weaker than the compactness of X. We next establish a strong
convergence theorem of Ishikawa iteration in a complete CAT(1) space; see [4,
Theorem 3.4 and Theorem 3.5].
Theorem 4.4. Let X, T , {sn }, {tn } and {xn } be as in Theorem 4.1. If T satisfies
Condition A, then {xn } converges strongly to a point of F(T ).
Proof. Let F = B(p, ) F(T ) so that it is a complete subspace of X. As shown
in the proof of Theorem 4.1, we have d(xn+1 , q) d(xn , q) for all q F and
limn d(xn , T xn ) = 0. It follows that
d(xn+1 , F) d(xn , F);
hence limn d(xn , F) exists. By Condition A, we obtain that
f (d(xn , F)) d(xn , T xn ) 0

as n .

Since f is nondecreasing and f (0) = 0, this implies that limn d(xn , F) = 0.

Next we claim that {xn } is a Cauchy sequence. To see this, given > 0 there
exists a positive integer n0 such that
d(xn , F) < ,

for all n n0 .

Then we can choose a point q F such that

d(xn0 , q) < .
Therefore, for m, n n0 ,
d(xm , xn ) d(xm , q) + d(xn , q) 2d(xn0 , q) < 2,
which asserts that {xn } is Cauchy in a complete space F and so converges strongly
to a point of F.

The following result is the case of Theorem 4.4 when sn 0; see [7, Corollary
Corollary 4.5. Let X, T , {tn } and {xn } be as in Corollary 4.2. If T satisfies
Condition A, then {xn } converges strongly to a point of F(T ).
As described in the paragraph preceding Corollary 4.2, the next result is a just
a special case of Corollary 4.5.
Corollary 4.6. Let X, T , {tn } and {xn } be as in Corollary 4.3. If T satisfies
Condition A, then {xn } converges strongly to a point of F(T ).



The concept of asymptotic regularity is due to Browder and Petryshyn [2] and, as
a metric notion, it can be stated as follows: a mapping T : X X of a metric space
(X, d) into itself is said to be asymptotically regular at x X if d(T n+1 x, T n x) 0
as n ; it is said to be asymptotically regular on X if it is so at each x X.
This asymptotic regularity is closely related to the xed point problem of Picard
iteration as shown in the following result which is a consequence of Proposition 3.8.
Theorem 4.7. Let X be a complete CAT(1) space, and T : X X a nonexpansive
and asymptotically regular mapping with F(T ) = . Choose arbitrarily a point
x1 X such that d(x1 , F(T )) < /4. Then Picard iteration {T n x1 } -converges to
a point of F(T ).
Proof. Let xn+1 = T n x1 , for n N, and let p = PF(T ) x1 so that {xn } is a sequence
in the closed ball B(p, ), where = d(x1 , F(T )). Then the asymptotic regularity of
T implies that
d(T xn+1 , xn+1 ) = d(T n+1 x1 , T n x1 ) 0 as n .
Since T is nonexpansive, for any q B(p, ) F(T ),
d(xn+1 , q) = d(T T n1 x1 , T q) d(T n1 x1 , q) = d(xn , q).
This shows that {d(xn , q)} converges for all q B(p, ) F(T ) and

d(xn , q) d(x1 , q) d(x1 , p) + d(p, q) 2 < , for all n N;

hence, in particular,

r({xn }) r(p, {xn }) d(x1 , p) < .

We conclude from Proposition 3.8 that {T x1 } -converges to a point of F(T ). 
The author is extremely grateful to Professor Wataru Takahashi for important
comments and suggestions of this work.
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Manuscript received April 4, 2012
revised April 11, 2012

Shuechin Huang
Department of Applied Mathematics, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien 97401, Taiwan
E-mail address:

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