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"Apologistas de Mamn"
"Cruz y Fierro", "Una doctrina que fue descartada sin ser probada"
Alex Vallega, "Algunas consideraciones sobre el proyecto 'Volver a la tierra'"
Allan C. Carlson, "Hacia una economa centrada en la familia"
Antoln Lpez Pelez, "La lucha contra la usura"
Carlos Llano Cifuentes, "Humanismo en la empresa"
Catholic Authors, "El Rev. Vincent McNabb, O. P."
Compendio moral salmaticense, "Del mutuo y de las usuras"
Dorothy Day, "El Distributismo no est muerto"
E. F. Schumacher, "La economa budista"
Eulogio Lpez, "Capitalismo o socialismo, convento o serrallo"
Evelyn Waugh, "Vida y obra del P. Ronald Knox"
Federico Mihura Seeber, "Prlogo a 'Volver a la tierra' de Alex Vallega"
Felipe S. Tami, "Francisco Valsecchi: Humanista, maestro y constructor institucional"
Francisco Valsecchi, "El sentido de la Escuela de Economa de la Universidad Catlica Argentina"
Francisco Valsecchi, "La reconstruccin de la ciencia econmica sobre el fundamento ticocristiano"
Frederick D. Wilhelmsen, "Qu tipo este Belloc!"
G. K. Chesterton, "El perfil de la cordura" (fragmento)
G. K. Chesterton, "Lo que est mal en el mundo" (fragmento)
Hernn Pablo Llosas, "Francisco Valsecchi: Un docente de ley"
Hilaire Belloc, "La restauracin de la propiedad"
Ian Boyd, Miguel A. Espeche Gil, Demort Quinn, Sheridan Gilley, Vctor A. Sequeiros, Danilo
Eterovic, et alt., "The Chesterton Review" (Edicin especial en espaol, Vol. I, N 1, 2007)
J. B. Morton, "Hilaire Belloc"
John Sharpe, "Introduccin a 'Perspectivas Distributistas'"
Juan A. Widow, "La tica econmica y la usura"
Juan Carlos de Pablo, "Tato Bores ensea cmo se fijan los precios: Valsecchi recuerda al humorista
para explicar que compradores y vendedores determinan el valor de bienes y servicios"
Juan Manuel de Prada, "El fin de una idolatra"
Len XIII, "Rerum Novarum"
Ludovico Videla, "E. F. Schumacher: Un profeta olvidado"
Manuel Fernndez Lpez, "Centenario de Francisco Valsecchi"
Marcos y Luisa Zwick, "G. K. Chesterton y Dorothy Day sobre la economa: Distributismo en lugar de
Paul Glover, "Creando la democracia econmica con la moneda local"
Pedro Jimnez de Len, "Sobre el Distributismo"
Peter Chojnowski, "Manual de Distributismo: Una economa paralela"
Pontificio Consejo Justicia y Paz, "Compendio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia"
Princesa de Beira, Vicente Garmendia, Juan Vzquez de Mella, Ramn Nocedal, Duque de Madrid,
Antonio Aparisi y Guijarro, Gins Martnez, Mara Rosa Urraca Pastor, Federico Wilhelmsen, et alt.,
"Seleccin de textos del pensamiento social tradicionalista espaol"
Po XI, "Quadragesimo Anno"
Ricardo Jordana, "Hilaire Belloc"
Robert Swann y Susan Witt, "Los dineros locales"
Rodrigo del Pozo Fernndez, Propuesta econmica de Chesterton y Dorothy Day: el Distributismo
Rubn Manso Olivar, "Algunas lneas de reforma econmica"
Timothy Varerek, "Ascetismo cristiano: Rompiendo el poder destructivo del consumismo"
Tom Bethell, "Los peligros espirituales de la riqueza"
Toms de Aquino, Vincent McNabb, Dorothy Day, Marcos y Luisa Zwick, Peter Chojnowski, Thomas
Fleming, "Cruz y Fierro", Pedro Jimnez de Len, "Compendio de artculos de Distributismo en espaol"
Toms de Mercado, "De arrendamientos, prstamos y usuras"
Wendell Berry, "Una economa local"

Zeferino Gonzlez, "La Economa Poltica y el Cristianismo"


Annamarie Adkins (Zenit), "Distributism and the economic crisis: Interview with John Medaille on
how to create a truly free market"

E. Michael Jones, "The Weber Thesis: Capitalism and its Myths of Origin"
Emerson Hynes, "Seven Keys to a Christian Home" [NEW]
Eric Gill 1882-1940
Fiona MacCarthy, "Written in stone" (The Guardian)
Gilbert Chesterton, "A Short History of England"
Gilbert Chesterton, "Charles Dickens"
Gilbert Chesterton, "Eugenics and Other Evils"
Gilbert Chesterton, "Utopia of usurers"
Gilbert Chesterton, "What's Wrong with the World"
Herbert Girardet, "John Seymour: An ecological pioneer championing the cause of simple living"
Hilaire Belloc & Cecil Chesterton, "The Party System"
Hilaire Belloc, "The Free Press"
Holly M. Brockman, "How can a family live at the center of its own attention? Wendell Berrys
thoughts on the good life"
John Mdaille, "Distributivism and Catholic Social Teaching"
John Price, "The Guild of St. Joseph and St. Dominic"
John Sharpe, "Capitalism and Catholic Economics"
Joshua P. Hochschild, "The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Agrarian Ideal"
Juan M. Santos & Andrs Hermosa Gacho, "The Social Doctrine in Vzquez de Mella"
Karl Jahn, "Distributism"
Mark and Louise Zwick, "Roots of the Catholic Worker Movement: Distributism" [NEW]
Peter Maurin, "Easy Essays"
Rose Marie Berger, "Wendell Berry interview"
Rupert Ederer, "Pope Benedict XVI and the Failure of 'Oinkonomics'"
Rupert Ederer, "Review of Thomas E. Woods Jr. 'The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of
the Free Economy'"
Telegraph, "Edgar Holloway" (Obituary)
The Constitution of the Guild of St. Joseph and St. Dominic
The Dominican Contribution to Social Ethics in 20th Century England
Thomas Storck, "Capitalism and Distributism: Definitions and Contrasts"
Thomas Storck, "Foundations of a Catholic Political Order", Chapters and Notes
Thomas Storck, "Foundations of a Catholic Political Order", Introduction
Thomas Storck, "Possessed by Our Possessions"
Thomas Storck, "The Social Order as Community"
Thomas Storck, "The Vocational Group: A Key to Understanding Papal Social Thought"
Thomas Storck, "Truth Embodied: A Sketch of Catholic Community"
Times, "Edgar Holloway: Painter-etcher" (Obituary)
Vincent McNabb, "Nazareth or Social Chaos"
Vincent McNabb, "Toward Social Thinking" [NEW]

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