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These notes provide guidance on installing Mathcad PLUS 6.0,
troubleshooting tips on installing and running Mathcad PLUS 6.0,
and last-minute corrections to the Mathcad User's Guide.
CONTENTS------------------------------------------------------0: System Requirements
1: Preparing to Install
2: Preparing to Upgrade
3: About Win32s and Video for Windows
4: About the Windows Swap File
5: Installation Difficulties
6: Difficulties Starting Mathcad
7: Difficulties Printing from Mathcad
8: Difficulties Using Animation, Lotus Notes Interface,
E-Mail, and Internet Features in Mathcad
9: Other Difficulties Using Mathcad
10: Compatibility with Older Versions of Mathcad
11: Deleting Unnecessary Files
12: Regional Variations in Spelling
13: Corrections/Additions to the User's Guide
14: Reaching MathSoft Technical Support
15: Addresses for MathSoft and Authorized Distributors
0: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS----------------------------------------The following are hardware and software requirements for
installing and running Mathcad PLUS 6.0:
1. Minimum Hardware Requirements
* 80386 or higher based IBM or compatible (80486 or better
* 8 MB of RAM configured as extended memory
* 17 MB of free disk space for Mathcad files
* 12 MB of virtual memory (see Section 4:
About the Windows Swap File)
* A monitor and graphics card compatible with your
operating system
* A mouse supported by your operating system
* Any printer supported by your operating system
* A coprocessor is not required but is recommended

* [Optional] Modem or other hardware to facilitate

Internet connection
2. Software Requirements
You must have one of the following:
* MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.3 or later and Microsoft
Windows version 3.1 or later
* Microsoft Windows NT version 3.5 or later
* Microsoft Windows 95
Windows 3.1x users must have Microsoft's Win32s libraries,
v. 1.25.141 or later, to use Mathcad. You have an option
to install the Win32s libraries during the setup program.
Windows 3.1x users must have Microsoft's Video for
Windows runtime files, v. 1.1e or later, to use Mathcad's
animation feature and to view animations in the Mathcad
Tutorial. You have an option to install Video for
Windows runtime files during the setup program.
(Windows NT and Windows 95 users do not require the
Win32s libraries or Video for Windows runtime files.)
Use of the Lotus Notes database template installed with
Mathcad 6.0 for version control of Mathcad worksheet
requires you to have a copy of Lotus Notes 3.x installed.
To use the worksheet mailing feature, you must be
connected to one of the following mailing applications:
Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Mail, cc:Mail,
Lotus Notes Mail, or a compatible VIM or MAPI system.
To open Mathcad worksheets on the Internet, you must
have a Winsock 1.1-compliant TCP/IP stack installed and you
must have an Internet connection through a service
provider. Consult your service provider or operating system
documentation if you have questions about your TCP/IP stack.
To use the C/C++ programming interface in Mathcad PLUS,
you must have one of the following supported 32-bit
compilers: Microsoft Visual C++ (32-bit version) or Microsoft
Visual C++ version 2.1 for Windows 95, Symantec C++
Professional version 6.0 or 7.0, Borland C++ version
4.0 or 4.5, or Watcom C++32 version 9.5 or 10.0.
Later versions of these compilers may not be supported.
1: PREPARING TO INSTALL-----------------------------------------Be sure that your hardware and software meet Mathcad's system
requirements. In addition:

The setup program gives you the option of

installing the Microsoft Win32s libraries (v. 1.25.141)
and Microsoft Video for Windows (v. 1.1e) runtime files.
Install these Windows extensions if necessary (see Section
3: About Win32s and Video for Windows). Win32s and Video

for Windows each require an additional 2 MB of disk space.

2. Disable any virus-checking software.

Make sure your system is set up to run Windows 3.1x in

386 enhanced mode, or Windows NT 3.5 or higher, or Windows
95. The setup program will not run otherwise. For
best results, use Program Manager as your Windows shell
rather than a proprietary shell program, and use a default
Windows video display driver instead of proprietary
driver software.


If your system is configured to use Lotus Notes and you

wish to use the Lotus Notes database template installed
with Mathcad PLUS 6.0 for version control of Mathcad
worksheets, note the location of the executable NOTES.EXE
on your system. You will need to supply a path to this
executable during the setup program.


Make sure you have closed all other applications.

6. Make back-up copies of your installation disks.


Insert Disk 1 into the floppy drive, choose Run from the
File menu of Program Manger or File Manager, and type
A:\SETUP.EXE or B:\SETUP.EXE as appropriate.

2: PREPARING TO UPGRADE-----------------------------------------Be sure that your hardware and software meet Mathcad's system
requirements. When upgrading you are encouraged to install
Mathcad 6.0 directly over your earlier version of Mathcad; the
hard disk space required for installation will be reduced
substantially. Also note:


The setup program gives you the option of

installing the Microsoft Win32s libraries (v. 1.25.141)
and Microsoft Video for Windows (v. 1.1e) runtime files.
Install these Windows extensions if necessary (see Section
3: About Win32s and Video for Windows). Be sure to update
your Win32s software even if you have installed Win32s
libraries with earlier versions of Mathcad. Win32s and
Video for Windows each require an additional 2 MB of
disk space.
Disable any virus-checking software.


Make sure your system is set up to run Windows 3.1x in

386 enhanced mode, or Windows NT 3.5 or higher, or
Windows 95. The setup program will not run
otherwise. For best results, use Program Manager as your
Windows shell rather than a proprietary shell program,
and use a default Windows video display driver instead
of proprietary driver software.


In most cases the setup program will recommend

installing Mathcad PLUS 6.0 in the same directory as
your current version of Mathcad. Specify the directory
containing your current version of Mathcad if this is

not the case. The setup program will automatically

overwrite the existing version of Mathcad with
Mathcad PLUS 6.0. Any Mathcad worksheet files you have
in that location will not be removed or damaged by
the setup program. There may be files remaining
from your earlier version of Mathcad that Mathcad PLUS
6.0 no longer requires. To remove these, see Section 11:
Deleting Unnecessary Files.

If your system is configured to use Lotus Notes and you

wish to use the Lotus Notes database template installed
with Mathcad PLUS 6.0 for version control of Mathcad
worksheets, note the location of the executable
NOTES.EXE on your system. You will need to supply a path
to this executable during the setup program.


Make sure you have closed all other applications.

7. Make back-up copies of your installation disks.


Insert Disk 1 into the floppy drive, choose Run from

the File menu of Program Manger or File Manager, and
type A:\SETUP.EXE or B:\SETUP.EXE as appropriate.

3: ABOUT WIN32S AND VIDEO FOR WINDOWS----------------------------1. Win32s

Microsoft's Win32s libraries are a group of files used by
Windows 3.1x which allow applications such as Mathcad to
run in 32-bit mode. Applications which run in 32-bit mode
using these libraries are called Win32s applications.
Mathcad PLUS 6.0 requires v. 1.25.141 or later of the Win32s
libraries if you are using Windows 3.1x. If you are using
Mathcad under Windows NT 3.5 or later or under Windows 95,
you do not need to install the Win32s libraries.
If you've previously installed a 32-bit application under
Windows 3.1x (e.g., some versions of Mosaic, Mathcad 4.0
and later) but are unsure of the Win32s version you have
on your system, check the version number listed in
the file WIN32S.INI, typically located in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory. Open the file WIN32S.INI in a text editor
(e.g., Windows Notepad) and look for the line "Version=". If
your version number is less than the number required by Mathcad,
you must install the newer libraries that ship with the Mathcad
setup program.
You may choose to install the Win32s libraries when you
install Mathcad PLUS 6.0 or later on. If you install them
later, simply run Mathcad's setup program again and select
only the Win32s libraries in the startup screen.
When you install the Win32s libraries via the Mathcad
setup program, you'll find most of the Win32s
libraries in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S directory. You'll
also have the following library files in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory: W32SYS.DLL, WIN32S.INI, WIN32S16.DLL, and
WINM16.DLL. The following line is also added to your

SYSTEM.INI file in the [386Enh] section:

or whatever the appropriate path is for your system.
2. Video for Windows
Microsoft's Video for Windows runtime files enable Windows
3.1x users to play Windows animation (.AVI) files.
Mathcad 6.0 includes an animation feature that lets you
animate all or part of a Mathcad worksheet and save and
play the results as a Windows .AVI file. The Mathcad Tutorial
included with Mathcad 6.0 also contains .AVI files.
To use these animation features, you must have v. 1.1e or
later of Video for Windows if you are using Windows 3.1x.
If you are using Mathcad under Windows NT 3.5 or later or
under Windows 95, you do not need to install the Video
for Windows runtime files.
You may install Video for Windows files when
install Mathcad PLUS 6.0 or later on. If you
later on, simply run Mathcad's setup program
select only Video for Windows in the startup

install them
again and

When you install Video for Windows files via the Mathcad
setup program, you'll usually find them installed
in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
4: ABOUT THE WINDOWS SWAP FILE--------------------------------When you set a portion of your hard drive aside as a "swap
file," Windows uses it to create virtual memory. The
Win32s libraries (see above) require that a portion of
your hard disk be set aside for this "swap file."
You must set up either a permanent or temporary swap file
that is at least 12 MB in order for Mathcad PLUS 6.0 to
run properly.
Since virtual memory makes use of the hard disk, it is
slower than actual RAM. You can improve its performance by
creating a permanent swap file. Such a file makes use of
contiguous blocks on your hard disk.
The size of a permanent swap file is constrained by the
smallest of the following three limits.


The amount of contiguous hard-disk space. You can

increase this by defragmenting your hard disk using
any of a number of commercially available utilities.
50% of your free disk space.
Four times the amount of RAM on your system plus 4 MB.
Thus, 3 MB RAM allows no more than 3 MB*4 + 4 MB or 16 MB
of swap file space.

To make changes to virtual memory (permanent swap file)

* Open the Windows Control Panel
* Open the "386 Enhanced Mode" applet
* Click on the Virtual Memory button. Windows will then
display your current settings
* Click on the Change button to make changes to the size,
type or location of the swap file. You may need to free
up hard disk space to create a sufficiently large
swap file.
If you're using a disk compressor such as Stacker, we
recommend you create a permanent swap file on your host
drive. This will significantly improve performance. Note that a
permanent swap file, unlike a temporary one, can exist only
on your host drive; it cannot be created on your compressed
If you're using DBLSPACE, DOS 6.0's compression utility,
Windows will be able to create a permanent swap file only
on your host drive. If you don't have the space to create a
permanent swap file there, you can still run Mathcad by
creating a temporary swap file on your compressed drive.
For more information on virtual memory and swap files,
consult your Windows documentation.
5: INSTALLATION DIFFICULTIES-----------------------------------1. Installation Appears to Ignore Disk 1 and/or Disk 2
If during the setup program the contents
of Disk 1 and/or Disk 2 appear to be copied very rapidly
or not at all, do not be alarmed.
If you are not installing the Win32s libraries, only a
few files on Disk 1 will be copied during the installation
program. The setup program will switch rapidly
to Disk 2.
If you are not installing Video for Windows runtime files,
none of the file on Disk 2 will be copied during the
setup program. The setup program will switch rapidly
to Disk 3.
2. Installation Does Not Recognize Mail Application
The setup program searches your disk for mail applications
compatible with Mathcad's e-mail interface. The following
mail applications are searched for: Microsoft Exchange,
Microsoft Mail, cc:Mail, and Lotus Notes Mail. If you have
more than one of these applications installed, you will be
asked to choose which one you wish to use with Mathcad.
To use a mail application other than cc:Mail, Lotus Notes Mail,
Microsoft Exchange, or Microsoft Mail with Mathcad's mail interface,
first verify that it is compatible with either VIM (Lotus) or MAPI
(Microsoft) mail applications. If so, do the following:

* View the file MCAD.INI, located in the directory where

you installed Mathcad, in a text editor such as Windows
* Find the section labeled "[McadMail]".
* The line "MailType=" should read either
MailType=MAPI [for Microsoft Mail compatible programs]
[for cc:Mail and Notes Mail compatible programs]
Change the MailType as necessary.
* The line "MailProvider=" should contain a path to
the directory containing your mail program, e.g.,
Change the path to your mail program if necessary.
* Save the file MCAD.INI and restart Mathcad.
3. SHELL.DLL Error During Installation
If you see a SHELL.DLL error or General Protection
Fault during installation, do the following:
* Locate the TEMP directory on your system, which
is the directory that the TEMP environmental variable
points to. Typically this directory is C:\TEMP or C:\DOS\TEMP.
* In your TEMP directory, delete files with the extensions
.TMP and .~MP.
* Restart Windows and run the Mathcad setup program
4. System Hangs When Running SETUP.EXE
If your system seems to lock up or hang while you are
running SETUP.EXE, there may be a conflict with your
Windows display driver.
Try changing your display driver to a standard one that
comes with Windows such as VGA or Super VGA
(800x600, 16 colors). To do so:
* Open Windows Setup located in the Main group of
Program Manager.
* Choose Change System Settings from the Options menu.
* Make a note of your current display driver so that
you can switch back to it later.
* Select the appropriate display driver and click OK.
* Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
After the installation is complete, you may use Windows
Setup to change back to your original display driver.
5. Disk Tag File Is Not on the Disk

You may see the following message appear as you are

trying to change disks during the installation:
"The disk tag file is not on the disk. Check to make
sure this is the required disk."
To avoid this message, you may install Mathcad from
the hard drive. To do so:
* Create a new directory on your hard drive (for
example, "INSTALL").
* Copy the contents of all of the installation disks to
that directory.
* Run SETUP.EXE from this directory.
* After installation is complete, you may delete the
temporary installation directory (e.g. "INSTALL").
6. Insufficient Memory to Run SETUP.EXE
If you see a message indicating there is not enough
memory to run SETUP.EXE, close any other applications
that are running and try to run SETUP.EXE again.
7. Error 703 - Internal Error Reading SETUP.INS
If you see this error message when attempting to run
SETUP.EXE, you may be running an antivirus program.
Before installing Mathcad you must first disable all
antivirus software.
One antivirus program you may be running is Norton's
Anti Virus, NAVTSRW.EXE. This is loaded through the
following line in the [Windows] section of the
WIN.INI file, typically in the WINDOWS directory:
This command may be temporarily disabled if you place
a semicolon at the beginning of the line. (You may open
WIN.INI directly in a text editor or access it via
the Windows SYSEDIT utility.) Save the file and
restart Windows for this change to take effect. After
Mathcad is installed, you may remove the semicolon
to enable the antivirus program again.
8. Error 424 - The Installation Has Encountered an Infinite
Mathcad requires Windows 3.1 or higher or Windows NT
3.5 or Windows 95. If you see this error message,
you may be running Windows 3.0. To verify this, choose
About Program Manager from the Help menu of Program
Manager. The Windows version should be indicated near
the top of the screen.
9. Cannot Write File During the Installation

If you see a message during the installation indicating

that a file could not be written, make sure you have
enough disk space available for Mathcad, the Win32s
libraries (if you are installing them), and the Video
for Windows files (if you are installing them).
Mathcad requires at least 17 MB of hard disk space.
The Win32s libraries require approximately 2.01 MB of
disk space on the drive where Windows is installed.
The Video for Windows files require approximately 2.19
MB of disk space on the drive where Windows is installed.
10. Bind Time Error
Mathcad requires Windows 3.1 or higher running in Enhanced
mode. If you see this error message, you may not be
running Windows 3.1 or higher in Enhanced mode. To
verify this, choose About Program Manager from the Help
menu of Program Manager. Look for the version of Windows
indicated near the top of the screen, and the mode in
which it is running, appearing near the bottom.
You may be using an earlier version of Windows or are
running in Standard mode.
To start Windows in Enhanced mode, run WIN /3 from the
DOS prompt.
If your system cannot run in Enhanced mode for any
reason, contact Windows Technical Support for assistance.
11. Installation with Program Manager Substitutes
a. Norton Desktop
If you see an error message saying "Can't open group" you
* Open File Manager and locate "MATHSOF0.GRP." This
is usually in your \WINDOWS subdirectory.
* Drag this file from the File Manager to your desktop.
b. PC Tools
You may find that icons for the tutorial and for the
Electronic Books are missing from the MathSoft Apps
group. To add these icons manually:
* Choose "New File" from the "File" menu.
* In the text box next to "Command Line" type the
appropriate filename from the list below:
HANDBOOK\DESKREF.HBK for the Desktop Reference
HANDBOOK\SAMPLER.HBK for the Book Sampler
These will generally be in the \WINMCAD directory.

Click on the Browse button if necessary to help you

find them.
* To add the appropriate icons, click the Icon button
and open the file MEB32.ICO.
For more information, contact Central Point Software
directly at 503-645-6111.
12. Setup Fails to Install Win32s Libraries
If the Mathcad setup program fails to install the Microsoft
Win32s libraries even though you indicated that you wish
to install the Win32s libraries, you have either a
current or more recent version of the Win32s libraries already
installed on your system. You can force the Mathcad setup
program to install the Win32s libraries that come with the setup
program by doing the following:
* Open the file WIN32S.INI, typically located in the
WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, in a text editor such as
Windows Notepad.
* Find the line "Setup=". Edit it to read "Setup=0".
* Run the Mathcad setup program again, and put a check in the
box referring to Win32s installation.
13. Temporary Files Left Behind by Installation
In some cases the Mathcad setup program on exit leaves
temporary files in the TEMP directory on your system, which
is the directory that the TEMP environmental variable
points to. Typically this directory is C:\TEMP or C:\DOS\TEMP.
After you exit the Mathcad setup program, you may safely
delete any files of the form
~INS*.TMP or ~INS*.~MP
from your TEMP directory. Although the temporary files are
usually benign, occasionally they may interfere with any attempts
to reinstall Mathcad on your system (see Section 5.3 above).
14. Other Installation Errors or Difficulties
If you see any other error messages during the
setup program, make sure you are following the
installation instructions provided in the Mathcad User's
Guide. Also make sure your system satisfies Mathcad's
system requirements. Here are some other tips:
* If you use a shell other than the Program Manager,
change to Program Manager.
* Make sure you have all virus protection software
turned off.
* Use a standard Microsoft display driver, such as VGA.
* Close any other applications that are running.

* If you are connected to a network, log off if

6: DIFFICULTIES STARTING MATHCAD-------------------------------The following are rare problems you may encounter when you
double-click on the Mathcad PLUS 6.0 program item that is
installed in the MathSoft Apps Group.
1. Win32s Error - Improper Installation...
The following error message can appear if you are
missing a line in your SYSTEM.INI file that is necessary
for Mathcad to run under Windows 3.1x:
"Win32s Error. Improper Installation. Win32s requires
w32s.386 in order to run. Reinstall Win32s."
This is sometimes followed by another message indicating
that one of the library files is damaged or missing.
If you see one or both of these messages, do the
* Open your SYSTEM.INI file (in a text editor such as
Windows Notepad or via the Windows SYSEDIT utility)
and see if you have the following lines in the
[386 Enh] section:
* If either or both of these lines are missing, add them
to the [386 Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI.
* Save the file and restart Windows.
2. DOS Error 21
DOS Error 21 usually indicates that the Win32s files
necessary for Mathcad to run under Windows 3.1x
have not been properly installed.
If you see this error, do the following:
* Delete the following files from your WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory, if they are present: W32SYS.DLL, WIN32S.INI,
WIN32S16.DLL, and WINMM16.DLL.
* Delete the entire WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S subdirectory.
* Run the setup program and install the
Win32s libraries.
If you are running Mathcad from a network, you may have
metering software running which is incompatible with
Win32s applications such as Mathcad. Disable any
metering software and contact the manufacturer for a
version that supports Win32s applications.

3. Mathcad Cannot Write to the Registration Database

If when you start Mathcad you see the error message
"Mathcad is unable to write to the registration
database", it means that your \WINDOWS\REG.DAT file
either cannot be found, is read only, or is corrupted.
You can often fix this problem by:
* Making sure the file REG.DAT is not read-only. To
do so, open File Manager, select REG.DAT, and choose
Properties from the File menu. If the "Read Only"
box is checked, uncheck it, restart Windows, and
try running Mathcad again.
* Making sure you've specified the complete path to
Windows (e.g., C:\WINDOWS rather than just \WINDOWS)
in the PATH statement of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
If these steps do not resolve the problem, you can
rename the file REG.DAT and have Windows recreate it.
To do so:
* Exit Windows and change to the WINDOWS directory
in DOS.
* Use the RENAME command to rename REG.DAT to REG.OLD.
* Start Windows and try running Mathcad again.
4. Insufficient Memory to Run This Application
Mathcad PLUS 6.0 requires at least 8 MB of RAM and 12 MB of
virtual memory. Make sure your system meets these
requirements. You should also try restarting Windows
or reboot your machine if you haven't done so recently.
If you see an error message indicating that GROWSTUB has
caused a General Protection Fault, you need to update
your mouse software called POINTER. There is a bug in
POINTER.EXE which causes this error to appear when
you start any Win32s application such as Mathcad. The
error is benign. To avoid this error, you may obtain an
updated version of POINTER.EXE (version 9.01b) from
Microsoft by contacting Microsoft Customer Service:
Phone: 206-635-7040 or 800-360-7561. Request a
fulfillment disk for 9.01, also known as
part number 135-099-305 (5.25" disks) or
135-099-535 (3.5" disks)
Go to MSL, search for HD1061.EXE, and
download H1061.EXE
206-936-6735. Connect to MSDL and
download HD1061.EXE

If you choose not to get the update to the POINTER

software, simply ignore the GROWSTUB error which
appears the first time you attempt to run Mathcad
after starting Windows. Alternatively, you may disable
the mouse software by modifying the following line
in your WIN.INI file (found in your WINDOWS directory):
If there is any other text to the right of the equals sign
in this statement, simply remove "pointer.exe" from the
statement; otherwise, simply place a semicolon (;)
in front of the line to comment it out.
It is necessary to restart Windows after you make changes
to the WIN.INI file. Disabling the pointer software will
not disable your mouse, but it will disable some
additional features such as having a trailing cursor
or choosing different pointer shapes.
6. Not for Sale Outside the US or Canada
This message may appear when you double-click on the
Mathcad icon. The domestic version of Mathcad sold within
the US and Canada is for use within that area only.
If you are outside of the US or Canada, you need to
contact International Technical Support for a
version of Mathcad appropriate for use within your area.
If you are inside the US or Canada, you may be using
International settings. Open the International icon in
the Windows Control Panel to see whether any settings
are other than US or Canadian (such as US-International,
French, etc.). If you need to use International
settings, please contact MathSoft Technical Support
for assistance.
7: DIFFICULTIES PRINTING FROM MATHCAD--------------------------1. Print Dialog Box Does Not Appear
If you are printing to an HP DeskJet printer and
Print dialog box does not appear when you choose
from the File menu, you may be using version 5.0
the HP DeskJet printer driver. There is a bug in
of the driver that prevents the Print dialog
box from appearing in any Win32s application.

v. 5.0

Hewlett-Packard has resolved this issue with an updated

version of the printer driver, v. 6.1 or higher. Contact
Hewlett-Packard to obtain the updated driver in the
following ways:
Phone: 303-339-7009 (there may be a charge)
208-344-1691; download file DJ100EN.EXE
and the file is named DJ100en.exe.

Please contact HP Driver Support at (208) 323-2551 with

any questions or concerns about your DeskJet printer.
As a short-term workaround, you can set a different printer
as the default from the Control Panel in Windows and
then switch to the DeskJet from within Mathcad after
you have chosen Print and have the Print dialog box on
the screen. Unfortunately, this workaround allows you
to print only once from a given Mathcad session.
2. System Hangs When You Choose Print
If your machine seems to lock up when you choose Print
from the File menu, you may be using version 1.15 of
the Win32s libraries. To run Mathcad PLUS 6.0 under
Windows 3.1x, you need to have Win32s v. 1.25.141 or
later on your system. (See Section 3: About Win32s
and Video for Windows.) To install v. 1.25.141,
run SETUP.EXE from disk 1 of your Mathcad disks. Select
the option to install the Win32s Files (you may
de-select other options).
3. Print and Print Preview are Greyed Out
The options for Print and Print Preview on the File
menu are greyed out if you do not have a default printer
selected in Windows.
To set a default printer in Windows:
* Open the Control Panel located in the Main group of
Program Manager.
* Open Printers and select one of the installed printers.
* Click on the Set As Default button and choose Close.
When you go back to Mathcad, the Print and Print Preview
options will now be available.
4. Unable to Change to Landscape or Portrait Mode
Due to a conflict between the Win32s Libraries and
certain printer drivers, the printer does not recognize
changes to portrait or landscape from within Mathcad.
To change to landscape or portrait mode:
* Open the Windows Control Panel located in the Main
group of Program Manager.
* Open Printers.
* Select "Setup".
* Choose "Landscape" or "Portrait" in the Orientation
* Click OK.
It is also a good idea for you to obtain the latest
version of your printer driver by contacting the printer
manufacturer or Microsoft.
5. *e2pt or *e3pt Prints in Place of the Date on a Header
or Footer

If the date on your header or footer prints out with

*e2pt or *e3pt instead of the date, do the following:
* Open the Windows Control Panel located in the
Main group.
* Open International.
* Choose "Change" from the "Date Format" section.
* Verify that an option is selected and click OK.
Return to Mathcad and print again.
6. Graphics or Plots Do Not Print
If certain parts of your document do not print,
you may need to change your Windows display driver
to a standard Microsoft driver such as VGA or
Super VGA (800x600, 16 colors). To do so:
* Open Windows Setup located in the Main group of
Program Manager.
* Choose Change System settings from the Options menu.
* Select the appropriate display driver and click OK.
* Restart Windows for the change to take effect
If you are already using a standard Windows
display driver and are printing to a laser printer, make
sure that you are using at least 300 dpi.
7. Parentheses Do Not Print
If large parentheses do not appear on your printouts
to an HP LaserJet 4 printer, you need to obtain an
updated version of the printer driver (version 1.27
or higher) from either HP or Microsoft. Another solution
is to use an HP LaserJet III or II printer driver.
8. Text Colors Do Not Print on a Black and White Printer
Text in certain colors (maroon, olive, purple, silver, red,
yellow, and fuschia) may not appear on paper when printed
using an HP LaserJet driver. To correct this problem, choose
choose Print from the Mathcad File menu and click on "Print
Setup" in the dialog box. Click on "Options . . ." and deselect
the "Print TrueType as Graphics" option.
AND INTERNET FEATURES IN MATHCAD-----------------------------1. Animation
a. Cannot Record an Animation
If the Animate button appears greyed out after you have
chosen Animation -> Create from the Window menu,
you may not have selected a region properly. You must
drag-select a region to animate in your worksheet after

you choose Animation -> Create from the Window menu.

b. Changing the Appearance of an Animation File
After you record an animation, Mathcad will display
the file and be able to play it back. The appearance of
this file is affected by the compressor that you use
when you record the animation. By default on most systems,
the Microsoft Video 1 compressor is used for Mathcad
Some compression routines can cause images to look more
grainy and rough than others. Choose Options from the
Create Animation dialog box to choose another
compressor. Try Microsoft RLE, for example, and record
the animation file again. You may also record an animation
with no video compressor selected. Without a compressor,
the resulting animation file may be many times larger.
2. Lotus Notes Interface
* If you have difficulty using the Get from Notes or Save to Notes
commands on the Mathcad File menu, always consult your Lotus
Notes administrator first to make sure that your copy of Lotus Notes
is installed and configured properly and that a Notes database
for Mathcad has been properly set up. *
a. Setting Up a Notes Database
Setting up a Notes database requires access to the Notes
server. Therefore you may need to contact your Lotus Notes
administrator to set up a Notes database for Mathcad. Then:
* Copy the file MATHSOFT.NTF from the Mathcad directory
to the correct location on the Notes server.
* Start Notes and choose New Database from the Notes
File menu.
* Choose "Mathcad Notes Template" from the list in the
New Database dialog box.
* Fill in the remaining fields in this dialog box as you
normally would. See your Notes documentation for
details on this step.
b. Using a Notes Database
If you experience difficulties opening a Lotus Notes
database, make sure that you have Lotus Notes installed
properly and verify that you have *.DLL files located in
your Notes directory. Also make sure that the MCAD.INI
file (located in the Mathcad directory) specifies your
path to Notes in the "[Notes]" section.
If you continue to have difficulties, do the following:
* Open your MCAD.INI file in a text editor such as
Windows Notepad. Remove the [NotesServers] section.
Delete the line in the [Notes] section which reads:

* Locate the files THREED.VBX and VBNL2.VBX in your
WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you do not find them,
skip the next two steps.
* Rename the VBX files to THREED.OLD and VBNL2.OLD.
* Copy the files THREED.VBX AND VBNL2.VBX from your Mathcad
directory into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
* Restart Mathcad 6.0 and choose Get From Notes from
the File menu.
c. Problems Accessing Databases on Notes Servers
If you do not log in when accessing a Notes server, you
error message saying that databases on that server have
and you will be asked to refresh your database list. If
list and then select this server, you will see an error

will see an
been deleted,
you refresh the
message saying t

there are no databases on the server. To see these databases again,
click on the "Refresh DB List" button and enter your Notes password
at the prompt.
d. Problems Logging into Notes When Not Connected to a Network
If you are attempting to access a local database while not connected
to Notes, you may notice the server name "NotesLOCAL" appearing
in either the "Get from Notes" or "Save to Notes" dialog boxes.
If this happens, you will need to disable any network connections
in Notes. This can be done by opening Notes, going to the Tools
menu, and choosing Setup:Ports. Select the port(s) marked
with an asterisk, and remove the checkmark from the box labeled
"Enable Port".
e. Mathcad Does Not Find Documents Stored with the
Notes Database Template
If the Notes Interface Module fails to locate documents stored in a
Notes database based on the database template MATHCAD.NTF,
it may be expecting an updated name for the database template. The
name of the template recognized by the Notes Interface Module
has been changed from "MathCAD-Notes Template" to "Mathcad Notes
Template". To update the name for the database template in
Notes, do the following:
* In Notes, select the database, and choose Database->Information
from the File menu.
* In the dialog box, click on the Design Template button.
* Under the Inherit Design from Template check box, edit the field
labeled "Based on Template:" to read "Mathcad Notes Template".
3. E-Mail
To e-mail Mathcad worksheets using the Mail command on
the File menu, you must have one of the following mail

programs: Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Mail, cc:Mail,

Lotus Notes Mail, or a compatible MAPI or VIM mail system.
If you are unable to mail a worksheet with a supported
mail program, verify that Mathcad is configured to use
your mail program:
* View the file MCAD.INI, located in the directory where
you installed Mathcad, in a text editor such as Windows
* Find the section labeled "[McadMail]".
* The line "MailType=" should read either
MailType=MAPI [for Microsoft Mail compatible programs]
[for cc:Mail and Notes Mail compatible programs]
Change the MailType as necessary.
* The line "MailProvider=" should contain a path to
the directory containing your mail program, e.g.,
Change the path to your mail program if necessary.
* Save the file MCAD.INI and restart Mathcad.
4. Internet Access
a. Cannot Find WINSOCK.DLL
To use the Open URL command on the Mathcad File menu to
open Mathcad worksheets on the World Wide Web, your
operating system must have a Winsock-compliant TCP/IP
stack, such as Microsoft TCP/IP, and you must have
Internet access through a service provider. Consult your service
provider or operating system documentation if you have
questions about your TCP/IP stack.
Your Winsock DLL must support version 1.1 of the Windows
sockets standard. You will see a message similar to
"Cannot find WINSOCK.DLL" if Mathcad is unable to find
a supported TCP/IP stack when you use the Open URL command.
The following is a partial listing of known supported
TCP/IP stacks:
* The "Wolverine" TCP/IP stack from Microsoft, available
for Windows for Workgroups and built directly into
Windows NT 3.5, or other Microsoft TCP/IP stacks.
* PC/TCP v. 3.0 for DOS and Windows from FTP Software.
* OnNet v. 1.1 from FTP Software.
* Spry's Internet in a Box TCP/IP Transport.
b. Protocol Support
Mathcad's Open URL command will allow you to open
only Mathcad (.MCD) worksheets on the World Wide Web, using the
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http). HTML, GIF, and other

file formats on the Web are not recognized by Mathcad. The

following is a valid URL you can type in the Open URL box:
If you do not have a direct Internet connection (e.g.,
through a phone line from your computer), you must
specify a proxy server to open files on the World
Wide Web. Contact your system administrator for details
about your proxy server, if you have one. Click on the
Advanced button in the Open URL dialog box to enter
the information. Mathcad saves information about proxy
servers in the file MCAD.INI.
If you wish to use the FTP or Gopher protocol to access
Mathcad worksheets on the Internet, you must specify
a proxy server. Click on the Advanced button in the
Open URL dialog box and enter a proxy server name and
port (socket) number for each protocol you wish to use.
Then type the URL in the dialog box.
9: OTHER DIFFICULTIES USING MATHCAD----------------------------1. System Hangs
If your system seems to freeze when you try to make
selections from a menu or the Mathcad screen is
not appearing fully, you may be using an S3 display
driver that is not compatible with Win32s applications.
To determine which display driver you are using, open
Windows Setup located in the Main group of Program
S3 has released updated drivers
the Win32s libraries. It is the
manufacturer of your video card
a version of the display driver
the Win32s libraries.

which are compatible with

responsibility of the
or computer to provide
which is compatible with

S3 cards and computers for which there are compatible

drivers include the following:
* Diamond video cards
Telephone: 408-736-2000 (voice) or 408-773-8000 (fax)
Latest display drivers:
Stealth Pro: v3.00
Stealth 24: v3.00
Download from:
408-730-1100 (2400 baud)
408-524-9301 (9600 baud)
* Orchid Fahrenheit cards
Telephone: 510-683-0323 (voice) or 510-683-0355 (fax)
Latest display drivers:
!F511.EXE (version 5.11)
Download from:
510-683-0327 (2400 baud)
510-683-0555 (9600 baud)
* Actix cards
Telephone: 408-986-1625

* Dell computers
Telephone: 800-624-9896
Latest display drivers:
S3_V233.EXE version 2.33
Download from: 512-728-8528
* IBM Value Point computers
Telephone: 800-772-2227
Latest display drivers:
S3WIN24.DSK and LDF.COM version 2.4.
Download from: 919-517-0001
2. Running Out of Memory
You may occasionally see a message that says "not
enough memory", which indicates Mathcad does
not have enough memory to perform its calculations.
If you experience memory difficulties, make sure your
system meets Mathcad's memory requirements for RAM and
virtual memory. The following are other steps you can
take in order to maximize the memory available for
your calculations:
* Increase the amount of virtual memory you have running
(see Section 4: About the Windows Swap File).
* Restart Windows.
* Turn off any other applications that are running.
* Turn off Live Symbolics by choosing Live Symbolics
from the Math menu.
3. Shareware Memory Monitoring Software
Certain shareware memory monitoring software may be
incompatible with Mathcad. If you are running such
software and experience unexplained crashes, try
disabling any memory monitoring software.
4. Incompatible Math Coprocessors
If you get obviously inappropriate error messages when
running Mathcad, for example an "illegal range"
pointing to a simple range variable assignment, you
may have an incompatible coprocessor.
Some older 80387 coprocessors made by IIT have this
property. If you have an IIT coprocessor, call IIT
customer support at 800-832-0770 to inquire about
a replacement.
Some older computers are equipped with an 80287
coprocessor and an 80386 CPU. Although fundamentally
incompatible, this combination works for many software
packages. However, because of its extensive use of
the coprocessor, Mathcad tends to expose even minor
incompatibilities in this configuration.

5. Difficulty Using Greek Letters

Greek letters in Mathcad are controlled by the TrueType
Symbol font. If you experience difficulties creating or
printing Greek letters, make sure you have the
Symbol(TrueType) font installed properly. To do so:
* Open the Windows Control Panel.
* Open Fonts.
* Scroll through the list of Installed Fonts and look for
* Make sure you can click on it and it gives you a sample.
If you do not appear to have the Symbol(TrueType) font
installed correctly, click the Add button and install
this font either from your hard drive or from your Windows
setup disks. Consult your Windows documentation for more
information about adding fonts.
6. Text Is Not Visible
If you are typing text but none appears on the screen,
the color of the text may be set to a color that is not
visible. To change the color of your text:
* Choose Change Colors from the Window menu.
* Choose Text Color.
* Select a color that is much darker or lighter
than your background color.
* Click OK.
(Note that pastel colors are not usually dark enough
to show up on white backgrounds.)
7. Other Display Difficulties
If you experience other display-related difficulties,
there may be a conflict between Mathcad and your
display driver. To verify that you are using a custom
display driver, open Windows Setup located in the Main
group of Program Manager and look at "Display".
If you can, change your display driver to a standard
Microsoft driver that comes with Windows such as VGA
or Super VGA (800x600, 16 colors). To do so:
* Open Windows Setup located in the Main group of Program
* Choose Change System Settings from the Options menu.
* Note the display driver you are currently using for
future reference.

* Select the appropriate display driver and click OK.

* Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
If changing to a standard driver alleviates your
difficulties, you may need to contact the manufacturer of
your video driver for the most updated version of the

The Character "" Appears in Font Names and Tags

If you see the character "" (e.g., "TimesNewRoman") in font
names on the Mathcad font bar or in Mathcad font or font tag
dialog boxes, you may correct the problem by deleting the file
MCAD.MCC from the directory where you installed Mathcad.


Difficulty Viewing Attached Mathcad Files within cc:Mail

Viewing an attached Mathcad file within cc:Mail may cause problems
running Mathcad for the remainder of your Windows session. You can
alleviate this problem by choosing to run attached Mathcad files instead
of viewing them within the mail application. To do this, open cc:Mail an

select User Setup from the Tools menu. In the dialog box, choose the
"Message" listing, and then find the section listed "View/Run". Set it t
"Run Double-click".
Certain MathSoft add-on products contain extra built-in
functions delivered in DLL files installed in the
EFI subdirectory of the directory containing Mathcad.
The following describes the compatibility of these DLLs
with Mathcad PLUS 6.0.
a. Upgrading from Mathcad 5.0 or Mathcad PLUS 5.0
All add-on products containing DLLs that work with Mathcad
5.0 and Mathcad PLUS 5.0 will work with Mathcad PLUS 6.0
* THREED.DLL, in Picturing Mathematics: A Gallery of Live
Images, does not work. Accordingly, use of the Mathcad threed()
function as described in the Electronic Book is not
allowed. The DLL format of THREED.DLL is no longer
supported in Mathcad 6.0.
* IMPROC.DLL, from the Image Processing Function Pack,
does operate correctly with Mathcad PLUS 6.0. The About
Image Viewer pick on the Help menu of the Mathcad Image
Viewer no longer operates, however.
b. Upgrading from Mathcad 4.0
All add-on products containing DLLs that work with Mathcad

4.0 will work with Mathcad PLUS 6.0 EXCEPT:

* THREED.DLL, in Picturing Mathematics: A Gallery of Live
Images, does not work. Accordingly, use of the Mathcad threed()
function as described in the Electronic Book is not
allowed. The DLL format of THREED.DLL is no longer
supported in Mathcad 6.0.
c. Upgrading from Mathcad 3.1
If you own any of the following add-on products under
Mathcad 3.1 and wish to use them with Mathcad PLUS 6.0,
you will need to reinstall them from your original setup

Signal Processing Function Pack

Treasury of Statistics, Vol. 1: Hypothesis Testing
Treasury of Statistics, Vol. 2: Data Analysis
Applied Mathcad Quarterly Magazine

When you do so, install them as if you had Mathcad 4.0. If

the installation for the add-on doesn't provide such an
option, contact MathSoft Technical Support.
If you do not successfully reinstall you may encounter the
error message "Cannot find MCAD.DLL" or "Cannot find
EFIUTIL.DLL" or other error messages referring to loading
of DLLs. These messages are benign. They merely
indicate that you have an older 16-bit DLL on your system.
Error messages are most likely for the Signal Processing
Function Pack and the Treasury of Statistics, Vol. 1.
To update to a 32-bit DLL necessary for compatibility with
Mathcad PLUS 6.0, please call MathSoft Technical Support.
2. Titles on Graphics
When this version of Mathcad opens a worksheet created
by an older version, any graphics region in that
worksheet will have "Show titles" disabled. When adding
a title to one of these graphics regions, make sure
"Show titles" is enabled.
3. Displaying Matrices
If you load a worksheet created in Mathcad 4.0 or an
earlier version of Mathcad into Mathcad 6.0, any matrices
in that worksheet will be displayed as matrices rather
than as scrolling output tables. To display a matrix as
a scrolling output table, select the matrix and choose
Numerical Format from the Math menu. Click in the box
beside "Display as Matrix" to turn the option off.
Then click OK.
11: DELETING UNNECESSARY FILES--------------------------------If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Mathcad and
use the same directory for the upgrade as you used for your
earlier version, some outdated files may remain in the

\WINMCAD directory, or whichever directory you used to

install Mathcad. These files will not affect the operation
of Mathcad.
However, if you need to free up disk space for any reason,
you may delete the following directories from the
You can also delete the following files located in the
You may also delete the \WINMCAD\TUTORIAL directory, which
contains files for the Mathcad 5.0 Tutorial. The Mathcad 6.0
12: REGIONAL VARIATIONS IN SPELLING-----------------------To accommodate regional variations in English spelling, this
version of Mathcad provides the following dictionaries:
AMERICAN - Default for versions sold in the US and Canada.
Contains words like: "color", "organize"
BRITISH_ISE - Default for English versions sold everywhere else.
Contains words like: "colour", "organise"
BRITISH_IZE - Identical to BRITISH_ISE except words like
"organise" are spelled as "organize".
The following example shows how you would change your dictionary
* Open the MCAD.INI file with a text editor. You'll find
this file in the \WINMCAD directory, or whatever directory
you used to install your copy of Mathcad.
* In this file, locate the line
* Change this line to say:
* Save the file and restart Mathcad.
13: CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO THE USER'S GUIDE-----------------------1. Live Symbolics in Manual Mode
The Live Symbolics command on the Math menu is no longer
deactivated when you are running Mathcad in Manual Mode.

Therefore it is not necessary to change Mathcad to

Automatic Mode in order to perform live symbolic
To perform a live symbolic evaluation in Manual Mode,
click on a right-arrow operator and press [F9].
14: REACHING MATHSOFT TECHNICAL SUPPORT-----------------------------If you need to contact a Technical Support Engineer regarding
your problem and are a registered user, you are eligible to
receive 30 days of free technical support beginning the first
time you contact Technical Support.
MathSoft offers both International Technical Support and
Technical Support for users inside the USA and Canada.
1. International Technical Support
Please refer to
your product to
center. Support
at each center.

the technical support card enclosed with

find details for your local support
hours and terms and conditions may vary
Alternatively, you may send e-mail to
You may also contact our automated faxback service at
any time by calling +44 1276 47 53 50 or access our
Internet locations:
Anonymous ftp:
World Wide Web:
From within Mathcad 6.0, you may also open the URL
You may also send faxes to +44 1276 45 1224.
2. Technical Support - USA and Canada
If you would like to contact a MathSoft Technical
Support Engineer, you may reach someone by
Phone at 970-339-7119 or 303-339-7119
Fax at 970-339-7022 or 303-339-7022
E-mail at
Engineers are available daily 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
EST. Weekend and evening support is provided for
frequently asked questions only. You may also call
our automated phone service and faxback service at
any time at 617-621-1140 or access our Internet
Anonymous ftp:
World Wide Web:
From within Mathcad 6.0, you may also open the URL
MathSoft offers registered users 30 days of free technical
support beginning the first time Technical Support is
contacted. At the end of the free support period, you have
the option to enroll in a MathSoft Technical Support Plan
or purchase support on a per-incident basis.
Keep in mind that the automated phone service, fax-back
service, and Internet information are always available whether
or not you purchase a support plan. Also remember to provide
as much information as possible about your problem or
question, including your product serial number, when you
contact Technical Support. Your product serial number is
displayed on the Help/About Mathcad screen.
DISTRIBUTORS-----------------------------(Current as of July 1995)
United States and Canada
MathSoft, Inc.
101 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
Tel: (617) 577-1017
Fax: (617) 577-8829
Latin America
Anacom Express
Rua Conceicao 627,
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Tel: (55) 11 453 5588
Fax: (55) 11 441 5563
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Tel: (56) 2 232 1268
Fax: (56) 2 231 4355
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Tel: (57) 1 622 2310
Fax: (57) 1 622 2298

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Tel: (52) 5 286 32 90 / (52) 5 286 21 23
Fax: (52) 5 211 68 57
All other countries
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Fax: (44) 131 458 6986
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Tel: (45) 42 25 17 77
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Tel: (33) 1 477 87800
Fax: (33) 1 409 00411
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Tel: (49) 7802 92 4 222
Fax: (49) 7802 92 4 240
MP & Associates
33 Skofua Str
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Tel: (3) 01 363 3977
Fax: (3) 01 360 5741
Channel Srl
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Fax: (39) 2 900 917 87
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Tel: (972) 3 638 6363
Fax: (972) 3 537 2928
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Fax: (31) 83 406 3501
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Fax: (34) 3 415 7268
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Tel: (46) 18 21 00 35
Fax: (46) 18 21 00 39
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Fax: (41) 32 41 49 49
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Tel: (44) 1462 480055
Fax: (44) 1462 480213
WWW: Adept Scientific Home page
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Fax: (44) 131 458 6986

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Tel: (46) 62 430 168
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Fax: (44) 131 458 6986
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Fax: (44) 131 458 6986
Mathcad and Mathcad PLUS are registered trademarks of MathSoft, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks and
Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Lotus Notes is a registered trademark, and Notes is a trademark of the
Lotus Development Corporation.

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