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Halley's Comet, 1835 and 1910, is the most historic comet.

Every appearance has been traced back to 240 B.C.

The head of Holmes's Comet had a diameter in excess of a million miles. It is one of the largest of record.

The great comet of 1843, which seems not to have been given a name, was apparently a Periodic Comet, with an orbit
of 400 years. A tail 200 million miles in length, the longest tail of any comet of record, made it a sight of grandeur. Its
perihelion distance, 300,000 miles, was extremely short, and carried it through the Sun's corona.

Non-Periodic Comets. Among the records of non-periodic comets are: Great comet of 1729. - The greatest of record,
yet details are lacking. Its perihelion distance, approximately 384 million miles, over four times distance of sun to earth,
brought it no closer to Sun than Jupiter's orbit, although it did go around the Sun. Had it come as close as the average
comet, its splendor would have transcended that of any other comet.

De Cheseaux's Comet, 1744 - an unusual comet, six tails - Great Comet of 1811. The largest comet in actual size ever
observed, except the 1729 comet of which little is known. The head was 1,125,000 miles in diameter - larger than the
Sun. The tail was 100,000,000 miles in length. It was a magnificent sight. Its aphelion-distance was 14 times the
distance of Neptune from the Sun. The wine in France was particularly good that season, and for years was famed as
"Comet Wine."

Great Comet of 1861. Earth passed through the tail which subtended over 100 of arc. At one time the comet was
brighter than any star or planet except Venus at its brightest, and a peculiar glow suffused the entire sky. One of the
finest, probably the brightest comet. Could be seen in broad daylight, even at noon.

Morehouse's Comet, 1908, showed the most rapid variations in appearance - the tail changing so much from day to day
that sometimes it could not be recognized as the same comet.

Comet 1925a. In perihelion distance it was one of the largest - nearly as far away as Jupiter.

Collision with Earth. On June 30, 1908, occurred in Siberia the greatest meteorite fall in historic times. It was probably
the head of a small comet. It had no connection with Morehouse's Comet. Another and larger collision caused Meteor
Crater in Arizona, but it was pre-historic-probably 40,000 years ago.

Commanding Signs. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, because they were deemed more powerful by virtue
of their nearness to the zenith. The assumption that these command while the other six obey is hardly warranted, even for
this reason - since the Earth is actually at the opposite end of each polarity. Actually they might with more reason be
termed the "demanding" signs, with Libra to Pisces termed "commanding" signs, with much the same meaning as that
contained in the aphorism that "One does not demand respect: he commands it." v. Northern Signs.
Common Signs. Those of the Mutable Quadruplicity: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; said to be flexible but

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