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1. What is personality?

Answer: From the point of view of psychologist, personality is a dynamic concept

describing the growth and development of a persons whole psychological system. It is
and enduring characteristics that describes and individual behavior. It could be also
define as the sum total of beliefs, behavior, attitudes and values that distinguishes an
2. What were the personality types identified by Holland?
Answer: The personality types identified by Holland were the following:
a. Realistic They are individuals that are active and stable and enjoy hands-on
or manual activities, such as building, mechanics, machinery, operation and
b. Investigative- As realistic individuals enjoys hands-on activities; investigative
individuals are analytical, intellectual observant and enjoy research,
mathematical scientific activities.
c. Artistic- These individuals seeks opportunities through artistic creation.
d. Social- Individual who falls in this type of personality is humanistic, idealistic,
responsible and concerned with the welfare of other.
e. Enterprising- Enterprising individual are sociable and self-confident. Activities
that requires them to persuade others and activities that seeks leadership
roles are some activities that they enjoy and comfortable.
f. Conventional- Conventional individuals are efficient, careful, conforming,
organized and conscientious.

3. Do people from the same country have a common personality types? Explain.
Answer: It depends. There are people living in the same country but do not have
common personality types of some factors that shape their personality. Some of these
major factors that affect their personality are heredity, cultures, experiences in life and
the people around us.
4. What is emotional labor? Why is it important to understand Organizational Behavior?

Answer: Emotional labor is a situation in which an employee expresses organizational

desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work. Examples of emotional
labor are those flight attendants working in airline companies. Flight attendants are
trained to be happy, approachable and cheerful person.
Emotional labor is important to understand organizational behavior simply
because we are talking here about emotions. Emotions affect employees behavior and
may influence their job performance and satisfaction.
5. What is emotional intelligence?
Answer: Emotional intelligence is the ability to detect and to manage emotional cues
and information.
6. Hereditary determines personality.
a. Build an argument to support this statement.
Support: Heredity determines a persons personality. Those DNA that we get
from our parents contains all those characters and personality traits that our parents
have. Parents height, skin color, hair color, hobbies, favorite sports, their intellectual
capacity, and the way they behave are passed on to their children. Since these traits are
inherited by their children, then it will subsequently lead to a conclusion that how your
parents do, think and behave will be reflected to their children. For that reason,
Hereditary determines personality.
b. Build an argument against this statement.
Against: They say that heredity determines personality but is not as accurate
because hereditary is more related to physical features. Our personality is shape by
learning. In everyday life we encounter many experiences and through these
experiences we learn many things. As more experiences are learned, the more it molds
and influences our personality. For that reason, Heredity does not determines

7. One day your boss comes in and he is nervous, edgy and argumentative. The next
day he is calm and relax. Does this behavior suggest that personality traits are not
consistent from day to day?
Answer: From the case above, it suggest that personality are not consistent from day
today. This is may be because boss is facing circumstances like stress that makes
boss nervous, edgy and argumentative. Or maybe the boss have problems internally
or externally.
8. What is perception?
Answer: Perception is a process by which individual organize and interpret their
sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.
9. What is stereotyping? Give an example of how stereotyping create a perceptual
Answer: Stereotyping is judging someone on the basis of ones perception of the
group of which that person belongs. An example of how stereotyping create a
perceptual distortion is the case problem of the Bonne Bell. In that case, the seniors
are prejudged as Older cant learn to use high technology machines. As we can see,
they generalized the seniors inaccurately as they only consider the age as the factor in
making judgments.

10. Give some positive results from using shortcuts when judging others.
Answer: Using shortcuts when judging others allow us to make accurate perceptions
rapidly and provide valid data for making predictions. Some of these positive results are
the following:

Employee selection/interview

Employee/production evaluation
Performance expectation

11. An employee does an unsatisfactory job on an assigned project. Explain the

attribution process that this persons manager will use for judgments about this people
Answer: Internal Attribution

Have other employee also does an unsatisfactory jobs on their

assigned project? Or how often do other employee act in this

situation?- Low Consensus

Is this employee does an unsatisfactory job on his assigned project
just this once? Or how often does he acts this way?- Low

Is this employee did an unsatisfactory job on his past assigned
project? Or how often did this employee act this way for the past
assigned project?- High Consistency

External Attribution

This employee is usually making a satisfactory job on his assigned

project and also doing good on his past projects.(Low consistency)
Many employees are also doing good at their respective projects.
(High consensus) This employee did an unsatisfactory job but he
didnt act this way in other situations.(High Distinctiveness)

12. What role does intuition plays in effective decision making? When does it likely be
more effective?
Answer: Intuition is likely be more effective when decision making requires a rapid

13. An unethical decisions more a function of the individual make or that decision makes
work environment? Explain.
Answer: This answer will vary according to the situation. Ethical criterion is essential in
decision-making. The ethical criteria discussed are utilitarianism providing the greatest
good for the greatest number, ethical criterion based on rights, which are fundamental
liberties and privileges, and justice, which imposes rules fairly and impartially. The
ultimate decision is always an individual one although work environments can influence
decisions both positively and negatively.

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