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The Well of Happiness

Written by :
Illustrated by:

Mudita Agarwal
Sugrib Kumar Juanga, Sanatan
Juanga, Ramani Ranjan Sarangi,
Sanatan Juanga, Pradip Kumar
Sahoo, Sugrib Kumar Juanga

In a small village near the mountains, lived a happy young couple.

While the husband was called Khapocha, his wife was called
Khapocha worked in the farm all day. When he came home in the
evening, he sat and peacefully talked to his wife, as he ate the
meal cooked by her.

The couple had a dog called Narayan.

Every morning, when Khapocha left for the fields, Narayan bade
him goodbye at the gate.
Narayan then wandered around the village, taking a walk along
the river and meeting his friends.
On the way back home, he always brought back something for
Khapochi to cook for the evening meal.

Sometimes he would bring back something big, like a tortoise.

The whole family and the neighbourhood animals would enjoy a
hearty meal on such days.
On days that he brought back something small to eat, the family
shared the meal amongst themselves and ate happily.

Every noon, Khapochi would wait for Narayan to bring back

something to be cooked for the meal.
She would then set her big black pot on a pile of sticks and begin
cooking dinner for the family. She gently stirred the contents of the
pot, singing to herself as she cooked.
The smells wafting from her pot attracted the neighbourhood
animals to her hut.
They looked forward to a few morsels of food, which Khapochi
always shared with them.

One day, a very strange thing happened to Narayan.

On his walk, he met an odd-looking creature who he had never
seen before in the village.
This creature had a huge round face and no hands or body. He had
two big bead-like eyes which were spell-binding. They locked
Narayan in a long steady unblinking stare.
And Narayan was not the same after that.
From then on he refused to go for his walks. He stayed at home,
timid and scared.

Khapochis big black pot sat empty under the tree. Nothing was
ever cooked in it now.
The neighbourhood animals sat sadly, waiting for the day when the
sweet smell of a delicious meal being cooked, would waft in the air
They waited and waited......

The spell cast by the strange creature worked on the whole family
and on their farm too.
Khapochas farm soon became dry. It no longer had food and
Khapocha and Khapochi became sad and unhappy.
Days passed into weeks and months.

Then one day, something magical happened.

Khapocha found a big blue bundle in the middle of his farm. The
villagers collected around him as he opened it to see its contents.
The bundle contained a small well of water.
Khapocha dug a deep hole and buried the well in the ground.
He was sure that this well would bring happiness in his life again.
He called it the Well of Happiness.

And sure enough, very soon, the little Well of Happiness was a
All animals came to it and drank happiness to their hearts

The farms grew green again.

And Narayan, he was back for his walks around the village. He met
friends and on his way back always carried something that Khapochi
could cook for dinner.
Every neighbourhood animal was happy. Delicious smells had begun
to waft from the big black pot now.
The Well of Happiness had indeed made their lives happy again.

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